.A ! 4 '-'it 3 Wh -i I' fiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AJJt WJLJCO COCKTT. INDIANS AT A PHONOGRAPH. scBscKirnoN hates, et xi.:l, rosTAce rstr-Ain, ts advascb. Weeyv.irwr. .11 JO " 6 mouths. 0 .5 3 . 0 iO Diir,iyir .. 6) " 6 taosths. 3 CO rvr ...OS) Addrtss ali communication to "THE CHRON ICLE," The IhUl, Otvfton. Iot-Oflct. orncr hocs General tVUvcrv Wludow Stm Moncv Order ouudny j Ik to 7 p. m. S a. ri. to 4 p. a. a . m. tolO- ci. CLOSING Or KAIL trains zoin? Ejt .9 p. m. ad 11 :45 a. n. West t p. m. nd 5:J0 p. xa. StHjc lor Gnldendile ... . ...T:3J. m. Illncville o:; - m- '"Dnlaraiil w arm prinfts .5:30 a. m. fLesviny fur Lvle A Hartlmd .5:30 . m. " " jAntelope . 6:3a- ra. "Except Sundar. fTri-weeklv. TuwUt Thursday n Saturday. 1 " 'ilondar VedneslT and Friday. Llstenl to a Rr production of tfe Trtbe War Song. Wind-in-the-Facc, chief at a band ot Flathead Indians camped near Mis soula, wandered into a store recently and in his inspection of the stock came across a phonopraph. which stood in one corner of the room. He examined the machine very curiously, says the Anaconda Standard, and ly surns and grouts inquired its use. Af ter considerable persuasion he was in duced to sing into the receiver the war chant of his tribe, lie bctran with a ldw. monotonous "lli-ya-he-ya, ho," but warmed to his work as he pro ceeded, and got in some fancy move meats as he neared the end which threatened to dislocate the machine. After he had concluded the attach ments were changed and connections were made so that Wind-in-the-Faee "WEDNESDAY, - - - NOV. 15. 1S93 DON'T BE FOOLED by the dealer trhp brings out some thing else, that pays him better, and mm thrrt it i " llict no rrnnA " Yr and his attendant braves could hear ipfci. Golden Medicaf Discovery In L?t ,rj; tH guaranteed. If it don't benefit and somewhat suspiciousiv tnev in- , ' , , , serted the tubes in their ears and M CUM, yon havo your monev back, waited the result. As the sounds of '2o other medicine of its kind is the chant that for ages had incited :o certain and. effective that it can their forefathers to battle reached be Bold so. Is any other Hkelv to t their ears they were at first thorough onlv differ-1 J" alarmed, and muttered something ' V . itl 1 ..!! t . Fairchild I aDOUfc uau nicuiciut:, out as me em- that neither cani from the mtlc wax cylinder rang out Ambrose Bierce savs the ence he can see between Lee and the monkey i write ioetry. Ambrose seemingly aoes i tocsin they became enthused and not know that Lee is headed for Calitor-, kept time to the alleged music with nia, There has been an insurrection at j . there. Cooma wai await with profound iuterestsnch action as President Cleveland may take for the be " jnst as good " ? As a blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and strength -restorer, nothing can equal the "Discovery." It's not like tho sarsaparillas or ordinary " sprincr medicines." At all sea- , feet and bodies until it seemed as if a , BOnsJ and ",n a11 cases, it purifies, in- vigorates, ana ouuus up the wiiole svstem. For every blood-taint and disorder, from a common biotch or eruption, to the worst scrofula, it is a perfect, permanent, guaranteed remcdv. This Is the Season Of the Year ttthen Jadieious Advertising Pays. CPECIAL PRICES Baby Caps atfd ClodH 112 Second Misses' Trimmed Hats. 8u ANNA PETER & CO. war dance was to be executed then Hut they didn't leave the massie.and the King of Ashantee i maPhne the. Bhf,ff nded' , , . , " and then thev almost hugged each stoned to death m the streets. eother ,a thel; detieht. an,ieven at- tempted to his terror. embrace Mr Hartley, to Thev wanted more, and overthrow o: the usurper and the eleva-, a cylinder was inserted that gave them JieJr. "Drill, ie Terriers. This pleased tioa to the throne of the rightful Spokane Review. We are promised the new tariff bill, as the democrats wish it to be, in a very J short time. While ve are not breathless with anticipation, and have no terrible diead that it will ever go into effect, we I may as well register our howl now as later ! against wool being placed on the free list, and remind the democratic tariff ' them immensely, and they laughed as heartily as an Indian ever laughs, though they probably did not under stand a word of the sonc. Thev now regard Mr. Hartley as a cine man and want to adopt their tribe Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in the Head. i I 1"-T T..U I . I ... great medi- lrt. Liberul salary and cxino Paul him into etly- IVrmanent poiltlon. BKUWN UK. 1 CO-. Nursflrymcn, 1'ortlnnd, Or. wiw NOTICE FOK rUHLICATIOX. Uv.vp Orncu. The IalU-. 0:.,i Nov. a, l98. Notice t hervliy triven ttint tlic (iillowins namet! 'ettler lia tiled imticcnf Ills lutulitlon l iiiial prn( tti upxrt n( his claim mid tliut aid j"Hf rt!l ! mmle Ixjfore tho rt-clster and receiver at Tlic Duller,, Otion. on W'eilneetlny, IKttiBiiKr -IT, 1-BCS, viz Hewitt inns, IItmett.wl Am.lkTitiun Nn. iSC, (or tlic NV ol rr.- no t. m a rc iv, i )). - n. 1. . I i r.iw. He uamB :he lollouint wltn-se to lirove his ( MtillniKBn reMtileiicu ujwui am! cultivation ol am lana.vi.! i !!. W. WriU. of The Itiill..-t, Or.. Churle Ea-itou. Janie Kn.iluli mid I'aul Uincroth of NauMnie. Or. Joit.v V. I.i:wik, Uiistor. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. Healthfullne can lie I'rfitrved In malaria! districts by the powerful tonic and alterative effects of a dailv tinkers that Oregon is hopelessly lost to I dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the them if they do so. Even Tesas may I true malarial antidote. have to be watched pretty closely if they commit this blunder. WANTED ! ! NOTICE FOH PUr.I.ICATlO.V. Kootu to rent at Rev. A. Horn'e resi dence on Ninth street. &-23daw In talking with a Hawaiian relative President Cleveland asked if he did not think an eight months' study ol the Hawaiian question did not eminently qualify him for disposing of the question to the best advantage. This was meant to be a poser, but the relative, Mr. Pratt, 1 said he considered a thirty years' resi dence in Hawaii a greater qualification. But then, nothing can chance Grover's ' opinions on anything, and he will ia,k queen until the end of the play. ticntlemen! Two fine-lnoilusr Pen;!'-, ladies, excellent reputations, indmtn 'ii-. did bouiekuerarx. ace Is nnd wo-u. (.. 1 l."r ench. parents dead, uaut tojniuest tt.i f:..itn! a nee to ctirrespona ltn r.io.-. X 40. John Hansen, who murdered his wife, complains that none of his former friends come to see him, says the Astoria Her ald. Probably his former friends are not accustomed to associate with inur- aerers. jo one nas any use lor a man who will murder bis wife, and the sooner he goes to hell the better will his friend and the commnnitv lie. The cold blooded assassin should not be allowed to see anyone. Hanging is too good for him. He was a common drunken brute while alive. He abused himself and family and wuh a disgrace to the com munity. Let him did like a dog. KraS'"'7llCT.i.' i 3rjl133 catlemeti under 40. Object: haj.' teri fc-AtS ,;-yiiS! inclined, send 31 blllln cnmciou leiti- - in ' O-L; i- - v iswitn Box zzi. ukifu !!: z:cts., &j& ' -i li.v Orrtci:. The Dullt, Or.,i , Oct. U. 1.-J8. 1 fori KoUee i hrroby civen that the foUmritie- named .iter bu.-. Uled notice of hl lntentimi to make thial )irrrf in iiiM-rt of hix elalru, and that siildjinxif will U niHdc before the Reenter and rrcoiver nt The Pallet, Or., on Friday, Nurumlnir IT, 1J3, vtz.: Kilcur S. l'rntt. H. :Tii?stead AppUcntion No. for the ol ir tt i-z i r t ;W,ntf 1 SsK Of A. 11. Tj. IS.. It. 12 Two MatnmoDial Pennsylvania LiQigiji, fl)riowlllc,!ratIir,lvtlI1I. i coiitiiiHimtr tnldence upon, and cultlvHtlon of. 2,000 or S.000 Stock Sheep. which cash will be paid. En- quire at this office. Sox. c-ti ald laud, tit. I B Macllk. frank I)riur, 'mini-;.- W Ins. all of Waralc. Or III 'J JOHN w. i.ewi; U)H VliiK mid Keclhler. NOTICE FOR iTlnsber Ijtml, V. PUBLICATION. Act June3, Is'.K Crcto; - .;. i ; Wij... z: j-V Cnl A;i:iu ;. V r I.' nr r! r- r rit-iu: h--ev.Tt' t-. .- tt..1 r: f.d!'.!; -i,lT"i; Y ;- Jj, .vTt j;. t.ni". c b; ZiniFzi-ia tm h "'crnrr'i. f r I ae bs-.i ecutor's Notiee to Creditors. W as5g5a?s n u. rft e. u lla-t vui: au r ' ii.r :re-v ;: tua-ij. tcetl to cre rou. !ri5c me ijvtIv for ule liy -nlpi' A" Ivllifflv i Nosiee i hereby jriven that the ' the HIale of Oieson lor 'ar , , del1 Mj-iKiinted the uuderisnl tie the last will and thimeiit of Ce ,ry I dc-.i":d. All pcrsoim liavin; ci.i:.. j the estate of mid dce.-el nre trrrr . r- to preseiit them, with ihe pro ' , within ils roonthf from the date .; . .. , to aid executor nt hit place f reai'l":' 1 iJiiUej ity. In nld county, or a; sr.- , i I V, II. Wilton, in said Illef City ; hIL'HAEL liOVU:. tv Uated tail 1st day of Su veaber, 1". . I.am orncs, The Iinlica, r., .NOV. , l-KS. Xotiw t hereby cItuii that in ennnll.iicv with fie pnvllon o the act ol cougre of iu-17. entitled "An act for the HIe of tim ber la:.d in the ftaltx fit C'uliforniu, Orton, Ne. ttd.. nnd VahlU"ton Territory." Ncnl f. Stpvciiaon, OS KiiiRiIiST. ! unty of W,co, HUtte of Oregon, , im ::;!. uaj tiled In tliU omev hl awuru tte luev.l (or flit- purrhne of the NKV. of NVt K.rt n! Sectiiiu. N". AID Townitlnp No. 5 fi., rmifre bar N- E. . X., and will oner proof to show ." of : th: tne land ".tight In more vahmlilc for Its i 'r, tiiuiri-T or Ktmie than for nzrlcuituml puriacs, .' umt i and t" etabitli hli clidm to culd land before , .r..-d the H-Klnter and Kei'elver of thin olheentThe r hvtf. Dulle. Or.. ra the 1.1th day of January, l?'t. ice, He names a rltiiciev lieorae IcIk1. Jii j.eur !t Enolw. lon Uondeuu and Iifnyettc ImvIk, ,i ail nt Kintialey, Or. ,i:y and all ivrtntu cluitulnK ndvunuly the t t nbore-Wrtbd MndMue rctjiiutti.fi t tile their i claim ui tbtaflftleu on or befnro xnid I6th day of ; Januarv. 1HH. i'. John w. i.i:vi,s. i:eelter. fixtures of what was inronded for a first-class "shoe "factor? will sell the same at a bargain. Here is an enpneaml boiler of -10-odd iior.se tiower, and a largo amount oTsboe nmejiTnery, lasts, lino shafting, pulleysT bdtingaiuTfinu'. nigs almost a complete siioe laetory. Here is also one of the best sitos for successfullyoT ating :r factory of this kind to be found in this comrtry. Write for particulars at once, to fl-lU Tlio Dallos, 9 Or. Familiar Faces in a Nat) Place. C K K. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Ojjtcr. J. E. BARN ETT )e Ieal Estate, Ijoap, Ipsurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. VISOR of MEN NOTICE. I Estray Taken Up. Perhaps there 13 more truth than poetry iu the rumor that Hoke Smith has kicked over the traces as a member of the Cleveland cabinet. With all the antipathy of a southerner to a negro, it is not likely he would be hand in glove with the president, who wants to restore a thick-lipped, curly haired negro to the throne of a monarch, particularly Ltlio kulani, who was corrupt and profligate aud universally dispised. The provis ional government ia now composed of the leadingmen of brain in those islands, most of them of Anglo-Saxton origin, but who were nevertheless born in Hawaii. i Eajllr, Quickly. Perstar.enllj restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and ell the train at fills from tarty error or later ejuxtm. Uie result of orerwork, slefcceia. worrr.eic Fullitreag'.t, derelopment and toco siren to c ery crgsn tad portion of thu U'fly. Htmpl'.naturalmeUuhif. Jmmed la t I tnproYemeni wr. Failure tawwdMe. ZM referenen. UmZ, explanation and pnjU mailed (sealed; tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, U. V. It. 'he County Court of the fetat t! t.-z ! , Wasco County, In the JJutter of the KUte of I V,'lhl.in: lliimllton Wloii. IMaso: , 1 Notice i hwby elfun tc; tne uii'len.u'' ' by an order of the County LVurt of t'i- .-it. n j treson. fur Wu:o County, made and eut,rwj I septeml'jr T, lilW, a' uiinutnted ementor of the I lnt will and tetxiuelit of th- ld WliliKp. i i Hamilton Wilson, deceased, ail i-.t.-oih tim um . , clalmH nalm: ild ntatc are hoiebr no irteil to 1 ireent tee nn;e with the nroper v-metier i , therefor to meat theoUice ol Jly. llnn'inyioii L l it WIIon, The Dalle', Oreiron. ni;:i, .Ir. I month" from the rub-of till notice , Hated The J)ulle, Or., Sej.t T. ii. h. in :;r:.,T'. Kiecutor of Will of Wro- !I. w j.in., d- d 3-SMflt TJJE.Y PUBLIC. - Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, J louses to Eent, or Attract of Title furnished, will find it to their ad vantage to call on u. We shall make a Hrx-eialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contest Wore the Unitep States Jjind OiHce. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. 't:ie Uek pay. branded either 5 or S left . ;i ni. hjii jbw. i iwncr inn nine wiine ny frov yt'tjMny Hnn iuinx ior tnii noiire. UKt.l. C. WIUJEK, ' I'cwujmec, The Dulles, Or Taken Up. i r -rrel culdinc iilwut tKelve years old, nnd rai. J. .1 thiii p on left thoulder. The owner ! ii. --- the niiiniitl by "iyiK for this notice D. J. COOl'Kii. EC. O- JXTielsen, The anarchists of Chicago have so , little to be proud of that they may be ex-! cused for being proud of Altgt-ld. It is seldom that the executive of a creat! atate comes to the help of the lawless element as he has done, and the men and women who flaunt red banners in the face of an orderly community and make open war upon property are justi fied in toasting and feting him. Alt geld is distinctively their governor, elected by their votes and pledged to un do the work of the courts in visiting pen alty upon them. They would add the blackest ingratitude to the long list of their other peculiar characteristics if they were to fail in the praise of their champion on "Anurchists day." Ore gonian. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c. Clothier and Tailor. riuaruir ei t mum rth ElMtrcrMaKnetlo. SUSFEM30RV. ltlest 1'atcnt V lint iMBroreaienU I etrwUbDatmlltaealIMiuurf:ftiu!E.,vr. I . .. I)eidt;di the Finest Line of .. .Gents' Ku.rnisli.ing Goods, I Tiitnks and Valises, etc., etc. COii. SKCOXD A.NJ WASHINGTON", THE DALLES. OK. Htrsaitb and flcaltb. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and wear se Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on Iirer, gtomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you areafilicted with aick headache, yon will fiad speedy and permasmt relief by Uitiag Electric BitterE,4 Oae trkl will woviace you that tMf'li tlie remedy yon' need. Large kettles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drag sf nsw, wwwmj, ui s. a., nan CU.y.r.: 'itiUoh's CaUrrh if tM ant SMdidne I have ' lammd that wamLI b iu uv wl rstoaWeta. 'r BoMivr Saipat 4 Kinersly. (J t Orovst b seed rye for sale. cirrr-tinuou or Drain wn iDtmi cznaxaorliidu. gmrul 11 bUii. etc. ietnc Eit conuiu . ,ici:i""il?f ,ia alx)T diM or no tar. fbcii. tttar til Abr nrautl (ajloi. nd io LutlrtcU vt lKlmiQUI la I1ji nd mrrolkr iuu! rt-Z " Hicnic KvrnmoM. tin Ko. 17 lr4 MUreet. iOKTLiJIJ& OKJC John Pashek, I, Tile Merchant Mor 7 Caurt mt, Vext dear to Waseo Ian Ofioe. j0 FIRST CLHSS pi IVJiM Jut received the Intett tyie in Suitings for Gentlemen, ana faH Urge oMortmcnt af KorUirii and Aroer ieB CloUw. wblcb he can llnUb lo Older lor thoe that favor him. CJMBiDg and gipiipjofj a Specialty. CAN BE HAD AT THE all "Tllt CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Worn Tin Repairs ana Boom MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young AKutf Blacksmith Shop. TheDmlles Wasco County, - - - Oregon, The GaUi (Jity of the Inland Empire is Hituiitod nt tli' of navigation on the Middle Columbia, nnd is a thriving, J perouH city. ITS TERRITORY. Jt is the supply city for nn extensive and rich agriculture and grazing country, its tnulo reaching as far fcouth as Summ Lake, a diHtanco of over two hundred utiles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cu cadea furnishes piisturo for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point i America, about 6,000,000 pounds being shipped last year, ITS PRODUCTS. The sajmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in tho near future. The products of tho lxiautiful Klickitat valley find market hero, and tho country south nnd east ha this year filh'd ' warehouses, and all avuilablo storage places to ovorllowing their products, ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on the coast and .it ,ouc " scattered over and is being used to dovclop more fanning country, than is tributary to auy other .city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is uniurpassed. Its climate delightful. It Y sibilities incalculable. Its reaources unlimited. And on tbest' ;orner stones she stands. The California Winehoasc Ib now open, and itBproprietor will soil his home produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. i Thompson's Addition. c ECHT