el)c Dallco (nAflHH lK 4C?ml BV v3VP IRISPvIlU wF Ctpoiticte 1 -w- ITT V Jl 1 108 lUK wan j uuruiuui THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1893. NO. 130. rnbllbed Dully. Sunday Excepted. BV HE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO mtaat newnd and Waihlngtou Btrccta. The Tonus of Snbacrlptlou month, by carrier 60 jlO 1 wpt TIMS TAULKS. ItallruiirU. Ill cfli'Ct AllRDHt n, IS'J.1. EAST SOUND. lanw 10:65 Departs 11:00 r WMT BODMIl. (iLi.Aititta::t9 a. . Depart s:4i a. u mImi ! rule lit that carry naiwcneers lenv wttoli wont ut 8:00 A. K., and otic lor the tt II o a. . STAOKS. far Kmeville, via. Hake Ovci, leave dolly t ADtelotHi. Mitchell. Cauymi City, leave tel)uur, KliiKley, Wamlc, WaplniUa, Warm -...4 Trrrh Vt I tstt titVU Hllf I V. I(afkt piUgl Fill ...v- aw..T 'V f CHIT. HI U A. m. ItI UUWUluntvi ' V 4 - . - .).... ,1 .. .. "J . w eu except duhuuj hv tracts lur till llllt'H ai uiu uuiRUiin mwucw. H, FKOFK.H9IONAL. 11. UlDDEl.L-ATToniiKY-AT-U.w-Offiee Court Street, The l)allc, Oregon. 1. 1. dc run. rKAXK atcKirsc. nnrnti .., MITMIririf R ATrniKlTH . AT I) iiwlltoom. 42 and 43. over l'ost Uflw BulldliiR. Eutrancc on Washington Street RttlMll,Oret;on. A. ttee lu Schauno'a bulldlnc, up stairs. The talk, OrtKOti. 1. 1, MA YH. a.S.nBMTlNOTO. H.i.WllSOM. ifAVK. Ht'KTINnTON it WILBON ATTOB J! siiti. at-i.aw Offices, French's block over nrrtSstlimal Bank. ' 'i ' Wane, uregon. n. WILSON Attobkbt-at-law - Room . rr,.iidi .ti Cn bank bulldluc. Second wn, TCe Uallen. Oregon. w DE.IelIKL.MAN (HotJ;orATHlcj MlYlilCJAJJ cfl sukoeon. Calls anwered promptly. Irtorskht. nltv or country. Office So. HO and Xtspoia block. ntO. 1). 1)0 AN K rHYSICIAS AND SCB- U sio.v. Ofttoe; room 6 and 6 Chapman KeMdcncc. K. K. corner :ourt and teea atrtx!t, KCind door from the corner. Otcshoum 0 to 12 A. M.. - to 6 and 7 to K r . M. I jlI)UALL-lefTJ8T.-Ou Riven lor the U. iiulna extnictlon of teeth. AImj teoth Km ttowfi alumluum plate. lUiomi: HIbu oi a boldun Tooth Second Street. BOCIKTJK. UTARCO 1.0UGE, HO. 15. A. F. i A. Jl.-JleeU 11 Srt aud third Mouduy ol cuch month at 7 t.a. DiatS ROYAL. AHCII Oil A ITER KO. fl. Mu In Maimtilc Hall the third ednesduy ilKaaoulh ut" 1'. M. WOODMEN OK THE WOULD. 'l atHoxl CBropNo.i9.MeetTucdayeveu logo! in Fraternity Hall, nt7:i p. m. pOLUMBld U0DGK, NO. 6, I. O. O. F.-Meet 0 ete7 Frldiy evcnliiK at 7:30 o'clock, In K. 01 V Anil, (nmur Second and Court Btreet. jojnurmjif fcrotliera are welcome. Et'wcoH, liec'y H. A. HlLM.N. G. I?KIE.VDtillU LODCiE.NO. 9., K. ol K-Muet T erery Jlnnday eveiiliiR at 7:80 o'clock, In sclmano'. bulldliiR, corner ol Court aud Peeond tnt. BoJouruliiR lueinbera are cordially In "W. w. H. Cram, JJ. WVACnr., K. of K. and 8. C.C. B8EM1SLV NO. via, K, OF L.-Mect lu K. a of 1'. hail the aecond aud fourth Wednw. ti of each month at 7:30 p. m. tPOMF.N'B CUU18T1AN TEMl'EUENCE JJ UiNlON will meet every Friday afternoon o'clock at the reading room. All arc Invited. Hrmoii UAw No. 601, I. O. G. T.-UcRUlar r. mueiiiiKa rriuny in o r. TOrnlly Hail, All are Invited. ll.LllKlfiMiw O t II n Vl.rcic. Ku TIMPLE iDiutv Kn a a o. w Mit-m 'In Fraternity Hull, over Kcllera, n 6tcoud i uuniaay uvenlUK '" i8 Mykm, Financier. M. W A8. NF.H.MITH 1'OST, No. 3".', 0. A. K.-Mceta oniuruay ai v:ou r. m., iu uida. ui D OK 1.. E. Meet every Suuday aftemoou lu the K. of F, Hall. (1E8A.N0 VKKEtK Mouta every Suuday veuliiK tu the K. ol F. Hall. B. Ll y' MVIHION, No. 167-MeeU lu ttj .w" a me nr ana intra euue- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (IkVkRALJ)ANKING BDSINF.SS Letter of Credit issiiod availahlc in he Eastern States. Sight Exchnntjo and Telegraphic Transfers Bold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, owiuio T? ubu., uuu vunuus poinis in ur egon And Washington. Collections made at all points on fav. oruble terms. BSLIQUSNESS Who has not suffered this misery caused by bile in tho stomach v;hioh nn inaotivo or sluggish livor failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Vice-President, Casbier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. J, H. hCHKNCK, Frctldcnt. J M. lATTEr.i0S, Cashier. liquid or powder, which gives quick action to the liver and carries off tho bilo by a mild move ment of tho bowels." It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Simmons Liver Regulator. 'I have been a victim to milouKncss for years, nndnfttr tryini; various remedies iny only Miccfc&s was in tlio umj of Sim mons Liver Hegulntor, which never failed to relievo me. I speak not of mvKelf, tilone, but my whole family.' J. M; tiu, 5iA-, fielma, Ala. 4EVERT I'ACKAGE-5 Hha our 7. Stamp In reil on wrapper, 0. 11. 2E1L1- 4i CO., Philadelphia, Pa. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promjitly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on isew lork, ban xrancieco and Portland. DIREOTORS. D. I. Thompson. J.vo. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbe. II. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, BiaGKsmiin & wagon shop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbirfl Street, opp. LieliB's old Staud. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and nil kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures, lias the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles TU C Dully Evening Chronicle is recognized 111 ts cftH'iitinlly the home paj'cr for the dally for the n.ieiest local news. 1 succeeds In cleiinlrje the field, mid hence grows in popuinniy nna linjHjrinnee. i nte it awnne you who don't; try some of Its premium oiler. Dalles ity folks' U H M C Thi Is not u bnd rejiutntlon. Pome n UlVl L. 2.0(0 of our best altizens watch tho columns of this nn nm "Th Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. ech month, at 7:8u r, u TUB OHUKCHKH. fit. iKTEU8 C1IUUCU Hev. Father Dronb 'a. ii Ti.,'Htor' lMW M"" V8r' Hu,,dy at ;,". viiunuu union niruui, i 'in. Huv. VM ll U. .!.'!.. Itiw.l.r i , opposite Bervlcea C". . iiveuiuK I'rayer ou rnaay ai F'.T "A'-HST CHUUCU-Uev. O. D. Tay iMh .?.. ,w,tf Mornln aervloea every Hab SSoi i. 0 n.coray at 11 a. M. Kabluith KirtF J.m.'J,t',,B,ulJr after morning' aervloe. ".''i(f r riilur eveuliis at PaaUir'i rexl- I,u' union aervlcea lu tho court house at an. ii '. ' Servlcea every Sunday at 11 Nrtlce J ' M Sunday School after morning -JJtraiiuera cordially luvlted. Beat free. M. QUDUCU-Ker. J. Whiilkr. naator. fiii TOS? 6verJf Bunday morulugat 11 a. in. 1SK r i1 i o'clock r m. ICpworth nihil."' O.Jlu I, w. Priivnr miM,l!nir i.vi.rv , A oordlal lu !No?VTl!ln'.t7!80 o'clock. !flL u U)uded by both mt IMutor aud jKiople Uav. S. W. J(nkin. LllTHKHAV Ninth atrant. J. I FORD, Evanplist, Of Dea Moines, Iowa, wrltea under date ol March 23, 1&!)3: B. Mbd. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Orn(f?nn : , , , , On arriving home last week, I found all well und anxiously awaiting. Our llttlo girl, eight and one-half years old, ...i. ...uiu,l au-nv tn MR i.onnds. is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like u w... a ft rvmcrli r.nm lias cured i l . 1 Ulll i-J . J' v and kept away all JioarseneHs xrom mc So give it to every one, with greetinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, we arc Yours, Mk. & Mits. J. F. tonn. If you wish to feel freah aud cheerful, and ready for the Bprlng'a work, cleanse your nystem with tho Headache and Liver Cure, by taiciug tuuoi three doses each week. Bold under a oltivo guarantee. 60 cent per bottle by all druKglt. C. F. STEPHENS, DKALIiU IN DRY GOODS (LOTHING Uoota, blioea, lUta, etc. Fancy Ijood Jotiong, KUs., Ktc, Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. THROUGH Frelgitt anff Psssenoer Line Through daily service 1 Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and" Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locke with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalies City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 u. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I' VcSKNGKK KATKS. One way Round trip. if 2 .00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings mum lie delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or addrese, W. C. ALLAWAY, (Iviifral Agent, B. F. LAUGHLIN, nrul Manager. THE DALLES, T H E OREGON ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AND IOE 0REAM. Candies and Nuts at wlioleanlv quotation. TOI1ACOO, DIIIAItH ANI HtVKKT IHtlNK "'Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles SaSS3tr8oetJ.F0LC0H At Tight side ooiirr'i resUuriiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, und every room has boon repapered and repaint and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and Is supplied with every modern convenience, Rate reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOW1.ES. Prop. CONSIDERING TARIFF TUe New Bill will lie MmM in a Very Short Time, WOOL GOES OX THE FREE LIST So Does Coal, Iron Ore, Lumber and Salt, But No Manufactured Articles. Washington, Xov. 14. Tho demo cratic tariff bill will probably be pub lished much earlier than has been an ticipated. In order to avoid any chance of wrangling or delay, it has been de cided not to call any caucus to consider tho bill in advance of its presentation to congress. That this course will meet with criticism is evidenced by the fact that Bland of Missouri, Culberson of Texas, and others have openly an nounced their intention of opposing free wool. It is expected the final announce' ment will be made in 10 days or two weeks. It is generally accepted that wool, coal, iron ore, lumber and salt will be added to the free list, but tho com mittee jealously guard the list of manu factured articles to go on the same list. I'rorUlonal Officers are 'ot Aliens. Chicago, Nov. 14. A Daily News edi torial says: "Careful inquiry reveals the fact that not a single person identi fied with the provisional government of Hawaii is an alien. Every one is either a native or a naturalized citizen. Dole, the president is a native: so are Danen, minister of finance, and Smith, attorney General. Vice-President Hatch and Minister of Interior Kingare naturalized citizens. When Secretary Gresham calls these men and others connected with the revolutionary movement aliens, he blunders woefully. He might as well say that all except Indians are aliens in this country. If there ever was a justi fiable rebellion, that of the property owners in Hawaii was justifiable. The queen and her court were thoroughly corrupt. Misrule was the order of the day, revenues were squandered, and to replenish the coffers it was proposed to legalize gambling and make Honolulu the headquarters of the most gigantic lottery in the world. The deposition of Queen Liliuokalani was an act which the whole world applauded, yet Presi dent Cleveland and his secretary of state projioee to undo the good work and pave the way for another reign of vice and corruption. Their course in this matter is not merely impolitic and undemo cratic; it is diFgraceful." Fight Willi Koblx.rrt. FitESNo, Cal., Nov. 14. William Far row, late nominee for tax collector of this county on the populist ticket, was killed miles west of this city this morning. About S o'clock he had come lo town and got a warrant for the arrest of parties who stole somo of ifls fishing apparatus, and accompanied officer William Henry to make tho ar rest. When the parties were overtaken they commenced ehooting, killing Far row. The officers have returned with tho unknown man who killed Furrow. The prisoner is probably fatally wounded in the abdomen. Ho id about 70 years oM and a fisherman. After tlix Triiinroliburs. Decatou, III., Nov. 4. Tho robbers who tried to hold up tho Peoria, Decatur k EvanEville train near Mount Pulaski last night are not yet captured, though it is believed they will bo toon. After jumping from tho train they made for Lakeford timber. Three posses are in pursuit, all the country roads guarded, and farmers of tho section aro on tho alert. The robbers have been tracked to their rendezvous in tho woods. Look at the size of tho ordinary pill. Think of all tho trouble and disturbance that it causes you. W otildn't you woi como something easier to lawe. ana easier in its ways, if at tho same timo it did you more good? That is the case with Dr. Pliiri'ii'M Pleasant PclIetH. They're the smallest in nizu, tho mildest in action, but tho most thorough and lar reaching in results. They follow nature's methods, and they give help that lusts. Constipation, indigestion, bilious at tacks, sick and bilious headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels aro promptly relieved and permanently cured. "If wo can't cure your catarrh, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing, we'll pay you 50p in cash." That is what Is promised by thu pro nrletors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, boesn't it prove better than any words could, that this Is a remedy that cures catarrh? Costs only 00 cents. Bhiloh'a cure, the Great Cough aud Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold I ty fc'uipos & Kinersly. A Way tn Itlock Cleveland. Washington, Nov. 14. Kx-Lieutennnt Stanton, who is regarded as one of tho ablest admiralty lawyers In the country, makes tho following suggestion as the possible outcome of tho Hawaiian situ ation : "A naval oflicer lias a right to disobey an order which ho knows to be illegal, but ho assumes responsibility in so refusing. If on the trial tho order is shown to bo illegal he cannot be pun ished; but In tho first instance the oflicer is to obey the order and throw tho responsibility on his superior. Dole has a simple way of tying Minister Willis' hands if sharp enough. All ho has got to do is to hand him his passports and refuse to have any further dealings with him. Willis becomes immediately a private citizen and cannot legally give an order to a naval oflicer. It makes no difference if he has another set of cre dentials to Liliuokalani. The provi sional government received recognition as a de facto government from foreign nations, and any act by Willis as Amer ican minister to Hawaii after President Dole had sent him his passports would be illegal. It takes two nations to make a minister. Lord Sackville West ceased to be a British minister when the state department gave him notice." Will Be the Grossest Injustice. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 14. H. TJ. Castle, formerly editor of the Advertiser of Hawaii, who is visiting relatives here, says it was not true the queen was de posed by the American minister or American forces. The American forces were passive spectators of the conflict from beginning to end. Speaking of the proposal to reinstate the queen by this government, Castle says it cannot be done without the grossest injustice to hundreds of persons who have relied upon the good faith of the United States. The queen's government at best would be simply a paper government unless supported by American bayonets. Put ting it back means simply using the full force of the United States government to destroy the party of progress and ability. Story of a l'ardoned Anarchist. Cuicago, Nov. 14. Oscar Neobe, one of tho convicted Haymarket anarchists recently pardoned out of prison by Gov. Altgeld, says Louis Lingg, one of the men condemned to death, whoso head was blown off by dynamite shortly be fore tho day of tho execution, was the victim of ono of tho jail guards, and did not commit suicide, aswas always sup posed. Neebe claims Lingg was given a cigar loaded with dynamite by ono of the jail officials, and it was that, not a detonating cap, which killed him. Iturglara Cuuglit by Klectrlelty. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 14. The store of Foster, Stevens & Co. has suffer ered from numerous tappings by burg lars. A local electrician fixed up a plan to trap them. Tho electrical device was so arranged that the opening of the till would open tho slide of an instantaneous camera and fire a flashlight, taking photopraphs of the burglars. It worked perfectly, and as a result Lewis Stono burner, Charles and Henry Snyder aro in jail as confessed burglars. The Best Plaster. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on ovor the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on tho chest and another on tho back, between tho shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia, There is nothing so good for a lama back or u pain iu thn side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in ono night by applying a liaunel bandago dampened with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley it Houghton, druggists. I.n Orlppe. During tho prevalence of tho grippo tho past seasons it was it noticeahlo fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of tho malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power iu effecting rapid cures not only iu cases of la grippe, but iu all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, aud has cured uses of asthma and hay fover of long standlhg. Try It ami bo convinced. It won't disappoint. Freo trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. NEWS NOTES. A prominent Brazilian now in New York says that to his knowledge Admiral Mello has not tho least idea of restoring the monarchy, should his revolution provo successful. A report has been made to the queen on the disaster at Santander. Eighty persons aro still missing. Tho latest re ports put the number of killed at 250, the wounded at 400. Tho Herald's correspondent in Rio Janeiro sends word that of the torpedo boats President Peixoto has just pur chased, five wore bought In Germany and aro of the double-ram class. Judge Moore, in charge of tho grand jury, called attention to tho alleged elec tion frauds in Kings county, New York, and asked it to givo the charges the closest attention. Ho told the jury that it was its duty to indict every one who aided and abetted violation of tho elec tion laws. The steamer China brings news of two sovere calamities in Japan. One was a flood at Oita, in which 200 people were drowned and over 2,000 houses destroyed, and the other was tho foundering of 44 fishing boats off the western coast dur ing a typhoon and the loss of all their occupants, numbering 142 men. Bunting the Hank Robbers. Pendleton, Nov. 14. Men are scour ing the mountains in pursuit of the Mil ton bank robbers. There is little chance of their escaping. They are supposed to have camped at the mouth of Pino creek last night, seemingly en route for Wallula. They cannot cross the Col umbia, as all the ferries are guarded. Hopson, the banker who was shot, is attending to business today, being but little injured. Officers are in possession of an accurate description of the three men. STRANGE PEOPLE. A Tribe In India Which lias Sonic Pe culiar Hellers. Scattered over tho breezy downs of the Nilgherries, in tho little villages of wicker houses that look at a little distance like nothing in tho world so much as a colony of beehives, lives a commttnity of six or seven hundred people, who are variously believed to be tho descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel, the aborigines of southern India aud a community of Mamchasens. They believe in a strange trinity and a hell, a dismal stream full of leeches, and this they must cross by moans of a sirf-io thread. Tho soul, burdened with sin, Is too heavy for this slender support and the sinner falls into tho stream, but tho thread sustains easily the souls of the good. The funeral of u Toda, for tlmt is tho name of tho sin gular tribe, is as odd in its way as its religious belief. His body is wrapped iu a new cloth and his toes tied to gether with a red thread. Grain, sugar, tobacco and money are wrapped in his funeral toga to provide him for his journey across tho Styx and tho dark plain beyond. Two buffaloes aro slain beside the corpse and tho dead man's hands arc placed upon their horns. A piece of his skull, his hair and his finger nails aro removed to bo used later on at tho great celebration of tho death of ull those who during tho twelve months have "taken tho leap over tho precipice into the bottomless abyss." When thesu tokens are removed clarified but ter is smeared on tho fragrant wood of tho funeral pyro and tho body Is burned to ashes aud the ushes scattered to tho four winds. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in tho drug business at Klkton, Ky., for tho pnst twtrivo years, says: "Chain berhiinV Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine I have ovor sold." There is good reason for this. No other will euro a cold so quickly ; no other is wo curtain a preventive aud euro for croup ; no other ullimlB so much relief iu cases of whoop ing cough. For Bale by Blakoluy it Houghton, druggists, P ai,tii raiiu. Mooro's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any ono who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can secure reasonable terms upon application, 17tf Kail'H Clover Root, tho now blood purifier, gives freshness ami clearness to thu complexion ami cures constipation. J5e.,50i!, and ifl.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, RoYal Baking Powder ABSOLUTE1.Y PURB