The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DAIXE8 CITY. AND WASCO COBXTY. subscription rates. BY MAIL, rOSTAOB TRKrAID, XS ADVAKC. Weekly, lyenr 1 1 ' C mouths. 0 5 ' 3 " 0O Dally, 1 year to " 6 months. 3 00 per " 0 SO Address nit communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. rott-oflcc. orncK uoutu flcueral IK-llTCTT Window 8 a. m. to Money Order Saudiiy u 11. MARKET REPORT. Tcksiuy, Sov. 14 Business during the past few days has Improved. Mer chandise and groceries on the market continue on steady prices. The produce and poultry market is dull, owing to a free delivery and a limited demand. The egp supply is short and the deliverings are very limited, !2S to 30 cents cash is being paid by some dealers and even thnn a romnlaint is made that the nrice . . . i i will not bring m any greater number ol , 1 dozens. The butter market is off in j every sense of the word, and the tjuotn- l tions today cannot exceed 50 cents per P. m. I . i . :n .j fri. ..:. .8 a. m. to 4 p. m. 1 ru" ,ur J,uv cuK auk mm .9 a. m. toioa.ra. j market is unchanged and is folly stocked. ci-ostuo or MAIL." trains koIur East ..9p. m. and 11:45 a.m. ' " West... 6:30p.m. Stage lor Goldcudale 7:3) a. m. " l'ritievUlc . ,5:30 a.m. " 'nulur and Warm Spring ..5:30 a.m. " fLeiiviug lor l.y le A Hartland. .5:30 a. m. ' " J Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. iTri-weoVly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY, NOV. 14. 1S93 Free trade is doomed. The recent elections gave it ite death knell. Mr. Culberson, chairman of the committee of ways and means, and Mr. B land and and a host of democratic congressmen, have so declared it. The warning voice of the people from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and New Jersev has been heard. Pork is advancing and bids fair to( bring a good price. We are unable to get quotations but one thing is known that it is higher. The wheat market continues dull and sHHw FUZZ STOMACH ought to cause you no discomfort what ever. If it does, though if there's anv trouble after eating talec Dr. Fieroe's ricnsnnt PclletB. They're a perfect and con venient vest-pocket remedy. One of these tiny, sutrar coatod, anti - bilious granules at a dose regulates and cor rects the entire sys tem. Sick or Bil ious Headaches, Constipation, Indi gestion, Bilious At tacks, and all de raneoments of the weak. It is generally conceded that the iVcr, stomach, and bowels are pre- ! I . . 1 ...I 1 I .. 1 . . 1 t .3 A ' wheat market has reached bottom, and there is a looking forward to December, when there will be an advance of several cents per bushel. What it will be only a conjecture. The wool market is still dull and life less. It is expected that the market will stiffen in the near future. vented, relieved and cured. They're tho smallest, easiest to take, cheapest and best. They're is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money is returned. Mayor Harrison's assassin was sane enough to attend to business and earn his own living sane enough to hunt down his victim and kill him. It will take a mountain of evidence to convince an intelligent jury that such a man did not know the criminal nature of his act when he shot the mayor down on his own doorstep. A New llarlejr. A valuable new barley is the Egyptian varietv. It vields more to the acre, at j the same time being richer and making better feed. It is superior for soup and when ground and treated like corn meal, j President Cleveland has incurred the displeasure of a large number of Ore gonians by appointing George Harper, of Georgia, Indian agent at the Umatilla agency. Most Oregonians are of the opiuion that there are enough competent men in the state to fill the few federal offices in Oregon, and do not believe in filling them with men from the farthest corner of the nation. However the sen ate refused to confirm the appointment, and some Oregonian may yet get the place. Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judieioas Advertising Pays. gPECIAL PRICES N ON -rvo oti Misses' Trimmed Hats. 112 Seoond Btreet. ANNA PETER & CO. Which is the best to try,; if you have Catarrh a medi-j cine that claims to have cured j others, or a medicine that is i backed by money to cure you ? j The proprietors of Dr. Sage's makes bread impossible to distinguish . Catarrh Remedy agree to curem from corn bread. Call at The Chiionicle j Uf Catarrh, pcrfcdh and per- 0u'K""' '" office and see sample. A limited quan-. ',,,, r tWIl'mv VOU i H-witt nine. ....... ...-v, , j --is NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Land OrncK, The Dtxllcn. Or.,) Iv. y, 1S93. i Notice 1 nemos clvon thnt the iulliminc- nnmeil -ottlor liu- fllwl notice o( his Intention tit The Chicago atmosphere must be maritally demoralizing. Abdullah Ben Hammad, one of the performers in the Blidway, went there with a bride. The bride became a victim of the Chicago influence and ran away with a hand eouier man. Now Abdallah is seeking bis wife and vengeance and vows that he will have them if he has to sail the world around. Abdallah ought to take a Chicago view of it and allow the tickle one to go whither she listeth. For verily it is easier to snare a new bird than one which has had a breath of the cage and escaped again to freedom. tity of seed con be obtained for a dollar a bushel. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup ; no other affords so much relief in sases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. La Grippe. During the prevalence of the grippe i the past seasons it was a noticeable fact 1 that those who depended upon Dr. j King's New Discovery, not only had a i speedy recovery, but escaped nil of the I troublesome after effects of the malady This remedy seems to have a power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of asthma and hay fever of inri-r standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bonk" m Snijes & Kinersly's drng store. $500 in cash. WANTED Pushing Cnnvncr of cil ml Cress. Liberal salary anil csiciie tutil weeklv. Permanent voslUon. UKOWN 11UOS. CO-, Mirserymeu, Portland, Or. wlw Hnmettiiiti Application No. SsilS, (or the NW uf siK. and KU of riW4 Sic. l'J. T. - ri. It 1 1 Kt. lie nnnu-K the folliiwlnc wltm-we to prove liln rinititiitimK residence Um mid cultivation if muu inuti.viz. 11. U. Weill, of The Dalle. Or.. Clinrle Kiutnu. Junto Kiiatnn unit I'nul l.imcrutli of unene. Or. John W. I.Kvvit., Itecliter SHpE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. 1 WANTED ! ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Nov. 2,000 or 8,000 Stock 5ht)p, for which cash will be utid. En quire at this office, ctf Iunii OrncK, The Dnlle!,. (r.,( Oct. U. 1.VJ3. i Notice Ik hereby siveti that the fidlowlnc numed pettier h tiled notice of hl Intention to in ke titiitl pnHif In xupiKirt of lit clulm. mill that nld prmif will be tiinde liefnre tho i:;liter and receiver at The, llallex, Or., on Prlilay, Novemlwr 17, 1, viz. . Kileiir S. 1'rittt, Homestead Apiillciitlun No. 'JS1.1, for the K'A of siiWV, uud W, of of Sec. 11, T.. I ij., It. 12 lie names the followlnc wltuese."i to prove hit cimttnunus re'ilileiiee tioii, and cultivatliiu of, Mild land. viz.. J ll. Miurill, Fnitit Driver, Imi W'iiif; mid Two fme-lwkln? ivmisrivnla 1 " "1f,"'':' '&., e Two Matrimonial Penusylvauia Ladies. r'A..t....... , Indies. exitUcnt renutatfous. indium. .11. sutcti ! did houj-eketriHrrn, upoa 15 nnd 3'. wnrth &UO.l0 f eeh, liarents dead, want to jrn west thl- fall, and , 1 wniiifi tn pnrretmiil utth miv. iiotMhle . peculiar ' ceiitlemen under w. Object hapny western ' 1. . ) Ml ...... ....... 1. i 1 1 .. iiuiliun. JVUhli:uic:tl, ll juu nit.' uinu iijiwiijHtij i incllneil, send $1 bill in common U'ttt" for pho- ! tos, names and aildrese of the- ynutiff Uuifn. Pennsylvania Ad7. Oo., , lOlSwim lloxSi. Ij.clt Haven. Pa. Executor's Notice to Creditors. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Timber Iutd, Act June 3, lh'h. V.6. Omen, The Dulles, Ot.,i Nov. f, l.swi. Notice lf hereb) Riven that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of emigre of JuiK-a, l"7a, entitled "An ant fur the sale of tlm lr landi in the states of California, Oregon, Nuvuda and WiwhltiKton Territory," Nt'lil (.'. Strvrlimili, Of Kinttnley, county of Vnoo, Ktate of Orenn, ha thl day Htnl In this otllco hU nwiirn state tuetit (or the puroha-is of the Nil', of NW'i,, A s , ranee The undersiirnod. liavini? seen rod tlw mnr1n'nn f i n t 1 I t r r 'i'tl . iiALiinis m viiill was xiili!IHJihi inr :i n rsi-r nc chrm rM.i -'vw nit : 11 1 11 n .1 a it mii sun lhu oairn; u Liaiuaiii. jiuiu 1 UU Clltrmp on mpp almost a complete shoe iactory. n r is JLisn f liif ni i.iif" iin.m. mine mr c - "WUVMliJUU IIIIH W . VUU11L Write for particulars at oiiet, to TJtio Dalles, Or. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Social Agent General Land Ojjice. COLLECTION ACENCY. NOT UBLIC. Prtit;s lmving Property they wish to Sell or Tntde, Houses to Rent, Alxitmct of Titlu furuishetl, will find it to their ndviiutjigu to call on as. The state of Oregon is a large pur chaser of tobacco for the prisoners in the penitentiary and the inmates ot the asvlum. As to the latter, we do not undertake to venture an opinion, bnt the state of Oregon should not only not , buy any tobacco for the prisoners of the penitentiary but the prisoners themselves ehould not be allowed to buy or use tobacco. The taxpayers should be saved this expense, and the prisoners should be deprived of the use of tobacco for two reasons, at least, one for punishment and the other for the good it would do them, both morally and physically. mm A Cf.SC IT WILL NOT CURL fll Xi'Siev- is hereby Riven that the i nunty Court . uf .-i:tln. No. 1, in Townnhip No. I 11 tin Mute of Orecou for W (. ( ,aiut hu 1 Nn 13 K. W. Jt., and will otter nroof timlinw dnh uppoiuted the uiiderslcncd the executor of that the land Miucht more valiialilc for Its We shall nmko rso. ron the last will and testament of m- F dtceael. All iicrs-ons- havlti? c!mti. nKninat nnd to establish tnc estate of naiu deceantil are lifrotij reitiiil the ileRlster and Kecelver of thin olhce at The to present ttiem, wltn tile pmi-t vonchi. UniUn. Or., on the Iftth day of January, wi. within lis months from the date of thm milieu. lie name 11s ultneoaitK (.curve .McUhkI. Ann to said executor at hl place ol rwtdeiiee, ivtmr . pur Kiilcy, llondenu and Lafayette Davln, Dalles t ity, in ald county, or at the oihee of ail of Klm;sle, Or. vt , n. wiiion, in mm jiiiuea t ; Any anil all .IICHAEL JVYI.E. Kxrcuft. Dattl this 1st day of November. l".c Mw lienrs, i tinilwr or Ktonc man lor atrrteulttiral imnwis, 11 1 claim 10 nam uinu tieion Any and all pcruift clatmlm; adversely the NOTICE. ! abnvHliMrliKt landK arc reijuodteil to lllc their ' cUUtnii in thin ollic.e on or before said l.'itii day of Janimrv. lk,Ji. W10 JOHN W 1.KW IK, lleslter. An airreeablo Jjizatlve and NERVE TON IC. SoIdbyDruErpistsorsentbymail. 2Cc.. 40c., and S1.00 per packasc. Samples free BTffe tlfci The Fuvorito rCCtll PSTTS1S WLfJf JuLw for the Teeth and Breath, Sc. For aale by Snlp A' Kmemly. . for John Pashek, The Ochoco Review says : This mul tiplicity of proclamation two separate days rather confusing to and unenlightened region. We are thankful for the bounties bestowed upon us; we are desirous of showing our grat-: itude, and would willingly fall on our' knees and thank the Lord for His good ness 11 we only knew on which tiay to offer homage. Hut we are confused ; we are uncertain whether we are citizens of the United States or Oregon, hence are undecided whether to follow in the wake of Cleveland or l'ennoyer. Further, we ate unadvised whether the president or the governor is in closest touch with the Supreme Kuler and are liable to bpoiljthe "whole kettle of riHh" by obeying the dictates of one who is just now in dis favor with the powerB on high. These are precarious times, and we can't afford to make any mistake. EB The Merchant Tailor,! us in this isolated I 7 1 In he County C'nirt of the Mt- of i)ri? vaeo 1.011111) , In the Matter of th- Kitat.- rt , W'llllnu Hamilton W'ihon, Iiee-awd 1 Notice l hereby iriveli that the imdurMgiiel, by nn order of the County Court of tnu ntatcof Oregon, for W'acn County, mmle and entered September 7, 1SW, ivat iitiint'i! cxtciitor of the last will and teatxmeut of the ald William Hnmilton W'llon, dweawid. all ;ron havlni; claim (isr Kjid estate are hereby nn'llied to present the ame with the tiro" voiiehera therefor to me at theorhce ol Jlny, IliintlnKtuii i Wilton, The Ilallea, Oreeoii, within nix months from the cute of thin notice Dated The Dalle, Or., fcepf. 7, s II. h. IM'N r'N'OTON, Ksecutor of Will of W in. '. w Uit dee'd 9-h5t Estray Taken Up. One ttlauk jmuy, branded either 5 or S n left hip and left Jaw. Owner can have amu ly prov inK prnHi-ty and luiyiui; for UiIh notice IlKI.l C. Wfi.DKU, 10-1.1 ltn i'oatotllce. The DalleM, Or. Taken Up. One torrel xeldlui; iilxmt twelve years old, and branded thus P on toft Nhouldcr. The owner f in have the"uiiimal by pnylni; for thin notice 1). J. COOl'Ktt. AUKU.1t 1.1, 1N.-Wtf 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco 8un Of5oe. lnjforo the Unit'p StatvB Land Otlice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs anil eon MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Cll Tl.:.,l CS i ,1 7 Ir I'llW' UUUJJ WII J.111IU OlilUUb, 11CAU UUW1 WOBl UI IUU1I(J"- Blacksmith shop. The Beht 1'i.ahteu. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it- on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster, When the lungs are sore such un appli cation on the cheat and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in the side. A tore throat can nearly always be cured in one nigiit by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for ale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood porifier, gives freshness and clearness to theeowplexioB and cures constipation, ate., 50c. aad $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kiseraly, drasjrisis. BeesM to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi We oe Niath street. 0-23daw. Mtxieea Silver Stove Polish causes no AjSJT-IIaj. jiiit received the latent styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and has a laree assortment of Konlmi and A mpr. lenu Cloths, which he can finish To Order for iuwc mai mvor mm. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Clothier and Tailor. Gents' ' Ji Oiei ' TailorMade Overcoats, J 0 D Of Huperlor quality MM TailorMade TailorMadePantsJ n . . . Decidedly the Finem Line of . . . . Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLKS, Olt. FIRST CLHSS PR Hats. Furnishings, Boots and Shoes. All dlraet from tb JEmInb MBUHfuturer. H. HOMY WILL. CAN BE HAD AT THE A IT'11 "TIN, CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. ThpDhlle Wasco County, - - - Oregon, The Ciato City of tho Inland Empire in situated nt of luvvigutioii on tho Middle Columbia, und is a thrivis; f' perouB city. ITS TERRITORY. . . It is tho Bupply city for an oxUsnsivo and rich ngriwtnT" and grazing country, itH tnulo reaching us fur b6uth ns SunHBtf Lnke, a dis'tnnco of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich gruzing country along tlm euHturu Hlope of tbo cnd(!8 furnishes pusturo for thousands of Bheep, the wool W which finds market liure. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping P'nt ,n v America, alout 6,000,000 jKiunds lioing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. .. Tho Hulmou lisheries uro tho finest on tho Columbia yio"un6 this year a rovenuo of thousands of dollars, which will be mor than doubled in tho near future. , , Tho products of tho tauutiful Klickitat valley ''".'X here, and tho country south and east has tin's year hlleu w waruhouses, and ull uvuilablo storage places to overflowing w their products. ITS WEALTH. ,tfit It is tho richest city of its size on the coast and its i110"0' scattered over and is being used to develop moro farming coun j than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. ltfl V sibilities incalculable. Jts rosouroos unlimited. And on i ..ornor stones she stands. i i lis uaiuariniei m Ib now open, and its proprietor will Bell Ins bom produced Wine at prices in tjie reach of everyway. Also, best Peanuts to be fouid. Goods guarantee" to be Pure and First-Ulass ia 'every reaper. Thompson's Addition. ECH.i