The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 13, 1893, Image 2

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    Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly. 1 year 1W
6 months.
" 3 "
Dlly, 1 ywt
14 6 months..
" per "
0 75
0 to
6 CO
3 CO
0 60
IntereatUiR HtatUtlrs Showing the VMt
Amount of Work That Org-iui Vo.
The human heart is a hollow muscle i
of a conical form placed .between the I
two lunpK and inclosed in the pericar-
dium or heart sac, says Leisure Mo-
ments. The ordinary sixe of the heart
in the adult is about five inches in
length, three and one-half inches in
breadth at the broadest part and two
and one-half inches in thickness.
ddres all communication, to " THE CIIRON- j Its weight is from ten to twelve,
ICLK," The DallM, Oregon.
ofhck hours
Oeueral Delivery Window S a. m. to
Money Onlcr
Sunday ii 11
P. m.
S a. m. to 4 p. m.
.9a. m. to 10 a.m.
trains going Kast .....9 p. m. and 11:45a.m.
" " West and 5:S0p. m.
rftasc for Goldendale 7:Sua. m.
" " Priuevillo .6:S0a.m.
" 'UuluraiidWarmBprlnics ..5:30a.m.
" f Leaving for Lylcrt Hartland..6:S0a. m.
" " " J Antelope 5:S0a. m.
Except Sunday.
tTrl-vreeily. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday,
t ' Monday Wednesday and Friday.
- - NOV. 13, 1893
From Glapp fc Co.'s weekly market
letter the outlook for wheat ia good.
The Hatch bill a year ago was given
as the reason why prices of wheat then
were lower than previous records had
ehown for thirty years. Now speculat
ors claim Chicago (freights and other
charges considered) is the highest mar
ket in the world. Quotations now
range about 12 per cent, lower. The
-visible supply ranges about 12 per cent,
larger. Freights are no higher and
speculation is still at a low ebb. Chi-1
troubles the wo
man who is doli
cato, run-down, or
overworked. She's
hollow - chooked,
dull - eyed, thin,
and pale, und it
worries her.
Now, the way
to look well is to
be well. And the
way to be well, if
you're any such
faithfully mo Dr.
is to
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
ounces m men anil xrom eigni (
to ten ounces in women. Dr. ,
lleneeke, of Marburg, has made
known his observations on the growth
oi tne numan neart, me lact. appear- - . -.n::,w. tl,nt i
ing that the increase is greatest and That is the only medicine that 8
most rapid during the first and second guaranteed to build up woman s
years of life, its bulk at the end of the 1 strength and to cure woman s ail
second year being exactly double what I ments. In every "female com-,
it originally was. Hetween the second nhiint" irrccularitv. or weakness,
and seventh years it is again doubled an(j j 0Vcrv exhausted condition of
in Bize. A slower rate of growth then
sets in afad continues during the period
of maturit3 of other portions of the
body. After the fifteenth year up to
the fiftieth the annual growth of the
heart is about .UtU ot a cubic inch, the
increase ceasing at about the fiftieth
year. The heart, although so small, is
a wonderful piece of mechanism, and
of great power. With each stroke or
beat it projects something like two
and a half ounces of blood into the
conduits or channels of the body,
throwing it for a distance of nine feet.
This it does sixty-nine or seventy times
a minute. The number of its pulsa
tions varies in the sexes and according
to posture. In the male it heats 81
times a minute when standing. 71 when
sitting and tiC when lying. In the fe
male it is HI, S4, !0 in the similar posi
tions respectively.
I.a Grippe.
Tlnrint? the iire.vulonce of the erinne
cago and New York has now about 55 1 tJ t geasotls it was n noticeabio fact
percent, ui iuuuuiu.aiw8.uic. i- ; lhat those wj,0 tlep3nded Upon Dr.
lieve about half of the crop has been ; Kings Xow Disc0VerV( not oniv lmd a
marketed since Jnly I; that more than ( gpe(h. rccoverV) but escaped ail of the
half our apparent surplus has been ex-, troubie20me after effects of the maladv.
ported; that too much wheat is in the Th5a remetlv geemg t0 havp a peCiiIiiir
wrong place and owned by too many j pQWer m eifectm(I rapi(i cures not onlv
people who do not need it and will not, in cases of ,a prippe but in nU ,naenges
aid causes to rapidly enhance values. of thrQAt chestand hmps ttmn,as cured
The visible for ten years has increased . cages of asthuia aml ,,av ever of long
yearly until January. Averages and 8tandn,B. Trv it and convinced. It
comparisons for a score of years lead us wont dip!ou,t. Free trial bottles at
to believe this Eeason will be no excep- Snipes & Kinersly's drug store,
don to the rule. Speculation has tie- j
creeu uuu out iour inuiiius '.or uniet , in
the year shall constitute popular trading
months; custom has established the
habit of liquidation just preceding the
beginning of each of these four months,
December, May, July and September.
Many leading money-making short sell
ers claim they have found the "spout'
that adds the most dollars to their bank
accounts is by selling nearby futures
freely just before liquidation days occur.
Bulls alwavB consider wheat, speculat- Kcts
ivelv sneakintr. about larae deli-erv :.
days, is a good purchase for handsome j SLOT
gains, regardless ot all statistical condi- Curra couch, Jioarsii.-.(b.
the female "system if it ever fails
to benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
For overworked, " worn - out,"
" run-down," debilitated teachers,
milliners, dressmakore, (seamstresses,
"shop-girls," house-keepers, nursing
mothers, and feeble women gener
ally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is the greatest earthly boon,
being unequaled as an appetizing
cordial and restorative tonic.
Is thie
Of the Year
ttthen m
Baby Caps and Cloaks
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Second Strool. ANNA PETER & CO.
If vou'ro suffer
ing from Catarrli
I.vsii Omen, The Diillei. Or.,
..el Mv. u. 1N.
mo propneiure ui vo!i,.,. ls t,CtWj ulven ttmt tlm foll.mliii:
Tir Hnm'K Catarrh I nnnuil -ottler Iiuh tllil mitlcmX Ul Intention to
Zl , , . I ntiiVf tlmtl iin,)f lii.-tipixirt o( hi!, elitlm nnu that
KemedV ask VOU to watl proof will Iwnnule K-foro tlui nylBter iiml
trv tbo'ir mollit'iiie ! tveclvcr At ThB Dallci, Orvc"". '" W Inustliiy,
., -" l l)ccemlcr JT. l vu
Then, if vou can t ii.. ut itine.
be cured, they'll llonntiwl Aptillcutlou No. UMW, fur the S!a of
pay VOU $500 m caSU. IUminietlutfullowlnK wltneeutniwvehlii
roututtmus mtdosirt. ixm mm intiuviitioti 01
s.iiit Inml.vU
II. W. Wellt. of The Pullet, Or.. Olmrlew
Kiistii!). Jhiiii Kiiiton mill l'littl Mtneroth of
lilltfne. dr.
John . I.r.wis. UeKMtur.
TTrASTEl' I'ltshltiR Cnnvnsser of pxl ml
II ilres. Llbcnil wilnrv nnil jwilcl
weekly. Permanent position. HKuWN IlltOs.
CO1, Numvymen, rortlniul, Or. swlw
L',000 or S.000 Stock .Sheep, for
which cash will be paid. En
quire at this office.
Nov. c-tf
xotick Fon ruinjCATJOxV.
I'J ' !".'
per Bottlc. y-'tn
Two Matrimonial Peuiisylyaiiia Ladies.
(ientlecicti! Two tine-Inoklnt; Heiuiyiviinl
lmlle.1. excellent reputations, Industnuui, ."iilen-
cif fl houuk'.t;i;r,aKes IS mid JJ, w.rtth l.i.u)
liNt OrncK, The Dtille, ()r.,i
Oct. u. I'M. I
Notice l hereby Klven ttmt the following
nittnttl yettlur hn fllixl notice of ltl tutentton to
make lliml nrixif In itttppurt of )il
clulm, nnil ttmt ntil pnxit Kill U mnite liofore
tho ItevlMer nnil iewjvur U The Dttllim, Or., on
Friday, Novemlier 1", lots, viz.;
i Kdffiir H. I'rutt,
; Honieiteiid Aiitiileatloti No. 2113, for the K4 o!
SWJ.( nnil Wi-j ot HV.'4 of Hec. 11, T. I ri., It. 12
Hetunne'. the tullnwlnc witnuMU to prove lili
contlnnotK n'uldunce upot:, and cnttivntlou of.
Mild limit, vli. -
J. 11. MiikIII. Knitik Driver. Im UiiiR mid
Chnrley 1hk, all ot Wauuc, nr.
tll-17 JOHN W. LEWIS. KeaMer.
I eweh, threat deud, whiU to ro wet till-. fill.Miul
' wotMl HKo to correaiond tth ntrt. tc-ietiblt)
i Keutlemeit under 10. Obiw.t happy weitern
1 homes. Oentlemeu, 11 you nre matrimonially
1 incitned. cnu ti mil in common u-uer lor pni
tos, nnmes und addresses of there yiniuc Imilwi.
Pennylvania Adv. Oo.,
I0i:i-,vlin lloxSi". IjcI Uavm. ln.
r........ - .
... iujf,...c iui Mvrvi; ' . -1 uu jLH lit tit .
re i vesVti.or -nj; C.x.rfl-
r lo: i.i aij ti n it - n
iv,. nssnrprl tw nlwint Thnnlrs..irlnt. if ; : hcu-ca t!i"n- :uUr v.:: uU rl
".. . . . . " ruile-i; wiUcunc rirjirtiicn l.i t.xc.
U. lit U. U 2
will be a rood time to buv some wheat by Drueii.-;. nnnrv.rar.w, rrrLfliucliaw!
, , , c ,, , ,. . cruteat.ujc anil f.- scte.
iui uii uututiuc. ouiaii uciouucs wuic
made in many markets the first of this
month, and a depression existed. It is
lit! nntli ir, 1 (in flTkirA Set flun nn1 1 1 1
oct:ur before liquidation by the masses teed to ciro you. l'nc uictj. J ic-.uir trcA
and classes take place a month hence
Statistical conditions the world over ap
pear to be unchanged. Fall crop re
jwrts are about an average.
f . s UtNlJ OrncK, Tliu Dalles, ()r.,
Nov, MU3.
Notice 1- liuteby Klvun that In iNimtdimiee
I with the jiroilou of the act of coiiKrt of
Junu3, lHTn, untltted "An a!t fur the uleof tlm-
1 ber IiiiiiIk In the totra of i iilKnriila. Oregon,
.Nevi:n ana v,mutiiKton ieTriir-,
NpiiI C Stev I'li-on,
Of Kinaley, county oi Viic , wttiti; of OrcKon,
' lia thikdny tlleil in thin othce hlx nworn stute-
ineiil lor Hie pureiiiise l Ilir ;.r; ot
otic' I hereby Riven that th- ( .anity Omtt ! of .-ctioii. No. at, in Township No. s s , ranife
of the Slate of OreKOU for Wn-e., ( .ainty ha i .No IS K. W. M., und will oiler proof tiiNtiow
duly appointed the tiudeii(;rit.d tl.- exteutor of j that the land otiuht in more Viiluable for It
toe tun vim una testament oi n-ni- i . m.T-, i timner or mone umu lor iiRrieiiiiunu puri)n.
Exeeutor's Notice to Creditors.
Tlmljer Utml, Act June a, ISTs.)
Tor ale liy bnltin A; Knirly.
dece:id. All jiersotw havine cuiiin iiiriiinit
the estate of juld dteend are herph' reoultiil
to present them, with the pM--r' vuiieheri.
uiinin aix monina irom nie uaie m un- nonce,
to ald executor nt hl jdace of ronl.'iir.-. near
Dall" city, lntnid connt,or at tlf nthee oi
V, II. WIIjOU, In wild Pallet City
U(;iiAl.l. jioii.t.. l.xteutnr.
Pjted this 1st duy of Noveuilwr. l
and to establish i.iulni to said land before
thu Itt'ulatur and Itwofver of tlll ullice at The
Pallet, Or., on the l.'itli day of January, 1'H,
lie naniex hh wltneMi", liwirue ilel'ud, Ja
I:r Iiiiili;. ljn. Itoudeau mid Ijifayette Davit,
Mil f tCliitrIi- Or
I Any mid all i-T'im rlnlminc advefeiy the
, abof-du.erllKil laiid are miiimlnl to lite their
I ehilnm In thlot!iee i.u or Iefiire naid l.'itli day of
j January, 1-DI.
I wIU JOHN W. l.i:WIS. KeRister
For Sale at a Bargain
,,..,.,1 4lw. !
win nr. 1 1 lhu rum it.- ul u ijiii uuiii. j un is uii onmnn ...
boiler oi -lO-odd horso power, unci a lame amount, nfX
iiiiii. uiiiui , iiiflis, iiiiu onuiuuii;, wiiiiun, iniiijiiisr nun n,
ing. almost a complete shoe factory.
Jlere is also one of tne best sites lor succ.esswUv mrJ
.iiiii; ii uiiiiui t vj num iv ii in it i ui" JimilU 111 LIUS UOUuVTI
write tor particulars at once, 10
.Familiar Faces in a ArCii Place.
l.itte Special Atjent General Lnnd Office.
The Real Fstate, Loan, Insurance
Parties haviii' 1'nmertv thev w!k!i to Sell or Trade. Houses to Kent, or
Alwtract of I itlo furnished, will hud it to their advantage to call on ui
i Hlinll tuako a xnecialtv ot (.lie nrosi'cutioii ot UlaiiiiK nnu wntesu
lioforu the Uiutep .States J.anti Oihcc.
85 Washington St.
The Spokane Ileview says: Since
Tuesday's elections the "Injen" name of
the democracy has become Old-Man-Afraid-of-His-l'oHcv.
VI60R of MEN
A. C. llo'.h, engineer of the Bteamer
Ilwaco, at Astoria, cauglit with a h(X)k
and line the first man-eating shark that
has ever been captured in the Columbia
river. It is of the genuine reat shark
Hpecies, and is very young, being only
three feet in length. It will be pre
served and presented to the chamber of
rrr. zr-z' im
Eaillj, QuIcVI;,
Pernz-iently Rsjloreij.
and all tho train of .-!l4
Iromearly errort or Iz t'-r
excetttt, lLt rfiuiti of
overwork, tli-fciun,.
worri-.ctc. Fmntreutl,,
0.--Telopir.ent on'l t, t:
ivn to every rjr-an ood
portion of tl"
filmplr'. natural latthodn.
iwr- Failure unvtMlMc.
2,ii ref.ireuc. It,,
fTplaiaitloti and pr.Ij
malltd (Maltd) free.
In tbe County Court of tin- .-late of orncor, for
Wasco County,
In tho llattvr of tli; rotate of
Wlllliitn Hamilton WIL-on, Decuxd t
Notice ia hereby civen that the iiiideftiuiie'.
hyin order of the County Court f tti.- .-tau-of
UrvKOIl, for Wh-I'ii Colllltv. miid ai,d iiLt-iI
fcejiU.-mher 7, IsUl, wu iiiHilntnl eiwutor .if the uill and tratHineiil of the Hid Vllliinn
llHinllton Wilton, deeefd: nil j.-r.n f nviiiK
1 elninih iiKainit n.ild t-.itati; arf herel,; no'liiwl to
Jireent the nnu with the tirow- snin-her;.
th'.-refor toinent theollice r.l ila. IlunMiitun
A; Wloti, The Palle. Orfn i'iim fix
, month" from thof.aH' of IMn notn
Puttd The Pallus, Dr., :. i-
II It' M .'.
Kaieenlor of Will of Wi:.. H. Vu- :- d
Estray Taken Up.
Onublaak ixmy, lirauded elttiur 5 "r S ') lu"
hip ami lull jaw Owner can Imvo irnmeliy prnv
Iiik tinnirty and tmyluz fur tliix notlee.
li-1.1wlm r'lwtoitu-e, The Pnllw. Ur.
Taken Up.
One turret celdinjf almut twelve yenix old, and
tirnudtd thus P on left nhoiilder. Tlm owner
c-iii lur e th .itiliu.i! Iv ih-iiik (or thin notlee
I). J. t'fjol'KU.
Augiikt 1;;, Ikj.. ivtf
Lumbago,' Sciaiica,
Kidney Complaints?
?-ame Bacu, &c
Auy further fooiish talk on the part of
the administration of restoring the prof
ligate queen Liliokulan: to the Hawaiian
throne will bring a hornet's nest about
the ears of the president and his chain-,
eleon-like secretary of state. It is as
sumed, contrary to a great deal of evi
dence, that United Mates troops took an
active part in the deposition of the !
queen and the restoring of a provisional j
government in her place. This can be i
Kuccefesfully contradicted, no matter)
what the findings of "my commissioner'' ,
lias been, who has combined the silence I
of a clam with tho j.ugnricity of a bull j gAS&EH'S BE!J
.uB. hiu uuui.i HL-iuttiiicuuiH iiiuruiy, vltn RiCCtO-WiIISnOtlO SUBPEN0ORY
to protect American property interests
.in Honolulu, and by tho time of their)
Clothier and Tailor.
. . . Dtvidedly the 1'inent Lino of .
T-iitnl's and Valises, etc., etc.
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs aqi
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young iH'w
Blacksmith Shop.
OYrr-taxaUod at brxUl Urri t-jrer,
arrival on ;no scone, tne (pieen nnu at- Ui i. a-:Tamu.Ko; wuttm nil f cSi0p"',Dt .'
ready lost her throne and the provia
ional government Hubutituted
KMutral 111 U-afJi. etc. 'fJa letlr Itf. CKr.un.1
HwvS.lfil, cnr all cthtn. Current i
ilie 1 VfillcuiMallof tlio olwro iIihua or uo taj. ILou-
recommondatione of secretary Gresliam i'trftiiuhrrwMdiifaiiii.ond o Ki0 luluiuu
and tho announced jwlicy of President fur iwat j-pr.-i uxvtm stsi'rvoav, tim
Cleveland eupporting nim is the morit Ua.uhunsHmnfmtsuuvunwtt.uiatax
Quixotic action ever undertaken by any i
administrution. It cannot even appeal j
to a morbid sentiment, for Liliokulani
wan notoriously unfit to rule, abetting
and championing corruption and per
sonally profligate. Of course, before
any decisive action is taken, Jit will be
submitted to congress, which is a safe
guard against any such tomfoolery as is
indicated by the president.
Karl's Glover Boot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshnese and clearness to
th complexion and cures constipation.
c Wc. JWd 1.0Q, gold by Snipes &
KiawiV , ' dnHwKst.
Heome to rent at Jiev. A. Horn's real-
on Ninth street. 0-l'3daw.
Um lisatkan Kllver Stove I'olish
Wtfj. fc;id forlilue'il lApnlt,jail.l,ndiuJ,frco
feci, 3.72 J?U-t Hlrcut, J'OHTL.i.MJ OUK.
John Pashek,
Tbe Merciiant Tailor,! I ll'lf
76 Court Stt,
Next door to Waaoo Sun Office,
B-IIua Just received tho latent Ntyle in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
mid lixn largu assortment of Korlu and Amer
ican Clotlu, wlilcti )io can fliilnh 'i'o Onlcr (or
MiMu tliat luvor lilui,
CImbImj and Repairing a Specialty.
Ronbly Ruinous JRt.
Wasco Coimty, - - - Oregon,
Tho (iato City of tho Inland Umpire ia aitttated at ti
of navigation on the Middle Columbia, und is a thriving, T1'
peroiiK city.
It i'h the supply city for an extoimivo and rich ngri:iilturJ
and grazing country, its trade reaching an far houth uh iSumw'
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
'I,'ho rich grazing country along thu uuxtorn Hlopo of the
cadeH funuHheti ptiBluru for thou.sunda of iihuop, the wool from
which linds market here,
Thu Dullmi j'h thu largest original wool whipping point 10
Amtirica, nU)ut 5,000,000 potiudi, boing tihipped last year
The Hiihnou rmherioH uro tlm ItneHt on thu Columbia, yie"M'B
thin your a ruvunim of thoitHiiudu of dollars, which will h" i',r('
than doubled in the noar future. ,
Thu prodiiuU of tho beautiful Klickitat valley Iiml l".lirf, ,
hero, and thu country south ami oimt Iiuh this year liH"' V'!'
wuruhuuses, and all available storage places to overflowing NV'' 1
their productfi.
It is thu richest city of its iizo on tho coast und its ll10111.
scattun.'d over and is luting used to dovolop more farmiK cou" '
than is tributary to any other city in Eustorn Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its oliumto doliglitful.
sihilitiim inculculfthlo. Jta resources uiiUmit(l. A 0,1 11
sornor stones shu stands.
The California Winehouse.
11b now open, and
produced Wine at
p Also, boBt reanuts to ue ioun(
f to be Pure aud First-Class in
Thompson's Addition.
its proprietor will Bell his homo
prices in the reach of everybody'
every respect