The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 11, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle. That RwfiiT" uiinn bugaboo, tuc
t "witched tree of Calcutta," stands ou
the Stanley road, a few miles out from
! .Uiittn 1,i1tn Tf In n Iwifnntiml
freak of the 'cannibal" or "bloodsuck
ing" variety, neither is It a tree which
exhales poisonous vapors or other
deadly elements It is simply n species
of churail which the natives and not a
6 w few of the English residents believe to
o .so be bewitched. Away back in the six
teenth century Serega Dowlnn and
twenty-two of his men camped under
it about two o'clock one morning, and
at davlitrhtall but two were dead. One
of the survivors remained u chattering I
idiot all the rest of the days of his life, '
and the other died a terrible death
Weekly, 1 year 1 60
' 6 mouths 0 T5
3 " 0 SO
Dlty, 1 year
" 6 months.
" per "
Address all commuulcntion to "THE CHKON
ICLE," The Dalles, OreKOii.
orncK hours
General Delivery Window S a. in. to T n
sa. m. io-i p. m
Money Order
as a raodicine, is Dr. Pierce's Golden
mm- ,' A 1 t
Sunday U ix a a. m. tolOu. m. within the month of a terrible erup- I Jueaicai XMSCOVory. Ann, uecuise
closing or mails , tlon tnat sweueu nis immiv out oi an oi uwi, uwu-n miuummg ''"
Roln;: East 9 p. m. and ll:45a.m. proportions. In the seventeenth cen- in the way of selling it
to't'oMenJ tree claimuiln score or more every other medioino of
" rnneVlllo n:nun. ro. ' iu vmuius. mi; mm itimi u?tk oun-
" .,B!,,"laP,PKSJ,?:Sn'w'lont of Mr. Kemp, of the Hrltish de-
" l"auB or4 li.. .,!, ., 11ll, 1,
IAIuCIOih;. . . . . .u:50a. ZU. ! pw tmuufc. a- .wwiv '-
Eicent SuudAr,
tTri-weekly. Tiicsdnr Thursday and Saturday.
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
cursed tree to escape a storm. A sow
ar, or mounted policeman, tried to res
cue the servant, but the two men and
liitMn iinni fiHMll ftctnfl TlOt flnV
N0 . 11, 1893 j since 18fi0 five persons have been
struck by lightning within 100 feet of
During the extra session of congress, j tne witohed tree."
seventeen bills nnu seventeen joint reso
lutions became laws. The president did
not exercise his right of veto in a single
instance, having approved every meas
ure submitted to him by congress.
The twenty dollar gold piece has been
coined ever since ISoO and contains $20
worth of gold besides the alloy. The
total amount coined is $1,103,292,1)80 up
to July 1S91. The ten dollar piece has
been coined since 1795. The five dollar
piece since 1793. The three dollar piece
since 1S54. The two dollar and a half
piece since 179(5, and the one dollar piece
Bince 1S49.
its kind
onlv nromises. thm u auaranteeu.
If it ever fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
It's the only guaranteed remedy
'for overv disease caused bv a disor
dered liver or impure blood. Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, the most stub
born Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous
affections, oven Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula) in its earliest stages,
A peculiarity common to rain in the ' N "0 ourt-'d by il-
Bermudas, the "Windward islands, the
Hawaiian group, and the Alaskan wa
ters is that it isn't very wet. In none
of these regions do the natives fear
the rain, and even foreigners soon
come to know that they take no harm
It purifies and enriches the blood,
rouses every organ into healtntui
action, and restores strength and
vigor. In building up both flesh
and strength of pale, puny, Serofu-
Whenever the president signs an im
portant congressional enactment and
makes it the law of the land there is
usually considerable competition to
secure as a relic the pen with which the
essential word "Approved" was written.
There has seldom been a bill that has
excited more general interest than the
bill which ropealed the purchasing
clause of the Sherman silver law. The
president signed the bill with an ordin
ary steel stub pen. Xo one has as yet
shown the least desire for the possession
of this article, and the lack of interest in
the matter is a subject of general sur
prise. Although it is not known as a
fact, it is believed that tho president
will present the pen and holder to Sena
tor Voorhees as a slight token of appre
ciation of the prominent part he took in
accomplishing the result so much de
sired bv the administration.
If a man takes a ride of the average
length, which is almost 24 miles, in a
railroad train in this country, what is
bis chance of getting killed? asks the
Pittsburg Times. According to the in
teresting report of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, just out, it is one
chance in 1,401.910. If a young man of
20, jilted by his sweetheart, should de
termine to commit 6iiicide without sin
by getting accidentally killed in a rail
road accident he might do it. Certain
ly he might do it. If he were to get on
a train as a passenger and ride, at the
rate of 358 miles an hour, day and
night every hour of every day and every
day in the year, if he had average luck
he would eventually get a surcease from
the gnawing pain at his heart some
where in the course of passing over
y.5,542,482 miles, for according to these
official figures one passenger is killed for
every 35,542,282 miles that a pus-enger
ie carried.
from being caught out in a storm. lous cnuuron, or 10 invigorate nun
It was noted by men on the ships urace up tne system alter urippe,
lately patrolling Uehring sea that a 1 pneumonia, fevers, and other pros
portion of the deck slightly protected trating acuto diseases, nothing can
dried out white, even in the midst of a ' Cqlml the " Discovery."
shower, and that wet clothing hung v , e ...
under a slight shelter on deck dried in j YoQ Pay only for tuo 0od you
an atmosphere apparently saturated j e-
by a hard rain. ;
WANThD I'ushuiR Canvasser of cod ad
dress. Liberal ealnry and cxtieiiics paid
I. a Grippe.
During the prevalence of the grippe weekly. Permanent position, lmow.v ill
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact ! W, .Nurserymen, Portland, Or. wiw
that those who depended upon Dr. j
King's New Discovery, not only had a TT7" 4 "THn?T ! f
speedy recovery, but escaped all of thej JixXl L JliX-S . .
troublesome after effects of the maladv,
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
iu cases of la grippe, hut in all diseases !
of throat, chestand lungs, and has cured
oas0 of asthma and hay fever of long
standiliir. Try it and Ihj convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at :
Snipes A Kinersly's drug store.
Shiluh's Vitalizer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or '
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to i
give you satisfaction. Pri-e 74c Sold ,
by Snipes & Kinersly, drugirists.
2,000 or 8,000 Stock Sheep, for
which cash will be paid. En
quire at this office.
In discussing the silver bill Senator
Teller spoke with great bitterness of the
desertion of the cause of silver by the
republican senators. "To me this is the
most terriblo moment of my legislative
life," said Teller with much feeling.
"To me it brings more fear than any
other since I entered public life. I fear
we are entering on a financial svetem
from which there is absolutely noescap
I know there will be no favorable legis
lation for silver until the American
people are heard from at the ballot box
and heard from iu a way that will com
pel attention to their desires." Here
Teller's voice choked and tears cauio to
his eyes. He spoke moat impressively
and was accorded undivided attention by
every senator and the large audience in
the gallery. "I cannotcoutemplate this
condition of things without absolute
terror. It strikes to my very soul and I
want to enter this as a warning to the
American people that if they do not re
sist they will enter upon a system of in
dustrial slavery that will bo the worst
known to the human race."
Two Matriffloiiial Pennsylvania Ladies.
(ieutlemcnl Two tlne-lookliis- Vemuylvanla
ladle, excellent reputations, Indu'trimis. uilen
dld houekepers, ugea IS anil 20, worth M.UO.CO
eteh, p.-iroiit.H dead, want toxo wet thh fdll.aud
voud like to correspond utth nice, respectable
sentlemeu under -10. Object: happy Hcsteru
homey. Gentlemen, If you arc matrimonially
Inclined, fend 11 bill In common letter for pho
to;, nniues and addresfc of theio younc ladle.
Pennsylvania Adv. Oo.,
10 I3wlm Box Si'. I)ok Haven, l'a.
Is the
Of the Yea
Baby Caps and Cloaks
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Socoud Btroot. ANNA PETER SCO.
lND OrriCK, The Dalles, ()r.,f
Nov. 'J, lKKi. S
Notice I hereby Riven that the follonliu:
named cottier hai tlUtl noticoof hli Intention to
make dual p oof In tupixirt of Ills claim and that
;ald iiiihii will 1m' Hindu before tho remitter ami
receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Wcilnesilay,
Decemlier 27, 1M, viz.
Hewitt KIliK.
Homestead Application No. 2tcM, for the N'-j of
HK'4 and Kk of RW4 Sec. 10, Tp. 2 H. 11. 11 Kait.
He names the (oIlowliiK to pnve hln
coutluiiout residence upon and cultivation of
;ald land, viz:
II. . Wells, of The Dallei, Or., Charles
Kaston, Jiiiiict Kastou uud l'aul l.lincrotli of
Nuuenv, Or.
John W, Lewis, llvslster.
UvND OrncK, The Dalles, Or.,(
Oct. 9, isxi. I
Notice Is hereby plven that the foltowluu
named settler has tiled notice of his luteiitloii to
make tlual nroof In sunnort of lil-
clalm, and that said proof will foo made before
the ItcxHtcr and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
Friday, November IT, lsffl, viz.:
KilRiir K. I'riitt,
Homestead Atndicatiou No. Jsl.l. for the V.- of
HWlj and WJi of HiV. of Sec. 11, Tp. I .)., It. Vi
He names the folloniut: vitnee.s tonrove his
continuous residence upon, mid cultivation of,
Mini num. viz. :
J. II. Mas . ITaut Driver. 1-on W ne out
Charley Wins, all of Uamle, Or.
tll-17 JOHN W. I.KWI3, Iteulstvr.
Timber IjuiiI, Act June:;, ISTh.J
V. H.
For Sale at a Bargain.
The undoraignod , having scoured tho machinory and
x tares of wlmt was intended for a first-cIasTshirfnt
iLVtures ol what was intended tor a first-class shoo factorv
..".fn ' ..ii""". i. ' i '.. ' f.T. .TTTTTr -"Yi"T-"" r " .vi
-iLr siuiiu m u uiuguiii. xioro is an engine ani
hoiler (f -lOHjckMiorse J'owei'7 jind JarglTmomiroT
nuichinery, lusts 1I?llfi5diU,Jl?i'0.Y5" ""1K5iidn5
injis almost a complete siioe lactory.
Here is also one of the host. siles ior sucekssluliy
ating a laciory oi mis Kinu to do lountl in this
Write for particulars at once, to
liKSU Offick.TIic Dalles, Or,, (
Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of niiiKrK" of
June:!, l.tTfi, eutitlisl "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands In the states of California, Orcuoti,
Nevada mid WashliiKton Territory,"
Ncnl V. Htviitiui,
Of KltiRsley, county of Waeo, state of Orenn,
has lihst iu this otllce his sworn'state-
I ment for the purchase of the NK'., of NW'4,
.niiei' i nereoy Riven inni me louniy i.ouri oi section, o. va, in lownsnip ?. j , raiiRi
oi ir.o ftiaic oi urejron ior vtueo romil) liss
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Ttio Dalles,
Mr. W. 31. Terry, who lias been in
the drug business at Rlkton, Ky,, for
the past twelve years, eays: "Chum
berlain'e Cough Keinedy gives letter
wtisfaction than any other cough medl
cine I have ever sold." There is good
reason for this. No otiier will cure a
cold so quickly; no other issocerUin a
preventive and cure for croup ; no other
affords so much relief in cases of whoop
ing cough. For Bale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cl., says': "Shiloh's Catarrh
Xemedy is the first medicine I have
w found that would do me any good."
Price 60 cl. Bold by Bnipes&Klnersly.
Kooms to rent at iJtev. A, Horn's resi
4mm oaHintb street. 6-L'ttdaw.
UM ltexieaa Silver Stove Polish
An aureeaolo Laxntl vo nnd N KUV IJ Tti.S IC
Sold by r)nisirsts or sent liy mall 23c. 60c.,
nd gl.Ou jut pack:ie. Samples free
aTtf1?, ?TJ Tho Tavorito SMtn POTOK
XL W ISivrorthoTeothacdlircatli.Zjc,
For alc ly Hnipna A Kmcrsly.
Easily. Quickly.
Pcrsianenll Restored.
and all the train of rvlls
(rum tarly errors ur later
cxccses. tlie rr'ulia ot
overwork, slcUii:.
worrr.etc. FulUtrwiKib,
dovelupnieot anil tons
Blvcn to every organ ami
portion of tho IkjOjt,
en. f.illuroimposlole.
2.(11) reference, li-,!,-,
explanation ami prtofj
Mulled (ecaled) (rtc.
ilnl; apiinted the undersigned the eneutor of
the last will and testament of Gwrae K. livers,
deceii'tl. All ierson havluj; claims against
the estate of said decoisul arc hereby required
to present them, with thu proier vouchers,
within six mouths from tli.-dateot thi notice,
to tald executor at his place of roldi'iice. near
Dalles City, iu !(! county, or at tlx otiieo of
W, H. Wil.ou, in said Dalle.-, City.
.MIOIIAKl. DOVI.i:. Kxteutor.
Dated this 1st day of November, !'.; stw
In the County Court of tho Htate of Oregon, for
Watco County,
In the Matter of tho KstaU of
WlliUsi Hnmiltou Wilson, Deceased.)
Notice is hereby Klveu that thu uiiderMiriMM.
byauonlerof thu County Court of the statu of
Oregon, for Wasco County, muilo and entereil
neptenibor", iHft, wa iippolnted executor of the
lat will and testament of tho sud WIMImih
Hninilton WIDon, dec-eased: all is.tioiis hfivini;
claims against said eshitc are hereby no'ifUil to
jiresent ttio mine with the proi-.-r vmichers
therefor to moat thoollico r,l Mays, HuiitIui;ton
Hilton, mo uauei, wreuoiar wiuilii six
I li
No l:t K. W. M., and will oiler proof tunhow
that the laud nmlit Is more valualilu for Its
timls.-r or stone than for asrlcitltural
and to establish his claim to sjifd laud hclnrv
thf Iteuhter and Uceclvcr of tills olllce at The
Dalles, Or., ou the 10th day of January, IsOI.
Ho names as wltneiscs: (ieorh'o ildlA-isl. Jus
l;r Kusli-y, I.-oii Itoudeau and Uifayutte Davis
all of KIiiksIcy. Or.
Any and all persons cliiliulii adversely the amis are reotlestt d to II Ie Ihel
claims in this olllce ou or before said 1.1th day o
jiiuuaiv, itui.
wio JOHN W. M'.WIS, ltelster
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
i . t-w. n k f-v- ii i ic rvi w it
imIi' .;,t;i(i AtjnU ueneml l,aml VJIicr.
Bayard cfc DE
The Real Fstate. loan. Insurance.
I'ltrtica IniviiiL' Prtniorty they wish to Hull or Truth, IIouhub to Bent, or
Alwtmct of Titln funiisltufl, will lint! it to thtiir lulviintngo to call on us.
Wo slmll iiiahi'
ii HjMicMiilty of-tho jiroHtictition of OliiiniK and Contests
Imt'ore thu Unitup Stntt.-H Land Ollicc.
85 Washington St.
Estray Taken Up.
One black isniy, branded cither 5 or S on left
nip aim icit jaw. uwuer can nave same ny prov
liiK property and paying for this notlei-.
DKI.I. C. Wil.DKli,
IO-l:lwlm rostotlice, Tho Dalles, Or.
Taken Up.
nioulli from thoajiteof thU notf
I'll 1IIU 11IIIU. JI.. RLMIL I. in
li. K. HIJNfl.NliTON,
Kxwutor of Will of Win. H. Wilson, ik-c d
Olio torrol kcMIuk about twelve years old, and
branded thus p on left shoulder. Thu owner
can have thu animal by payliiK for this notice
I). J. COOI'IMt,
AUKiist 13, l.vj;!.-wtf
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
Clothier and Tailor.
Deoidwlly the Finest Line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Trunks and Valises etc., etc.
With Eloctro-Macnetlc BUVFENSORY.
mum i-simui iici imprarentRt I
v, in cure tritnout mnllcuio all Dulmi rt-sulllEir from
rormnt t
orvr-taulluiior lrln urTB forces i oxctMtsorlBiJu.
crtllun. as nrroa df blllty, ltpI-uc'M, Unifiior,
rhtumaliijn, lil.lney, lyr nU. LladJer cornpUlnlj
amt'l'.,f! I'irataBo. KUlir. all Unuln compulnt
in-iwral II Iwaiui. lo. Thi lertrM Ilt cinUIn
H.Wfrfal laminuu ortr JI olbr. Ournnt U
ImUnllyfelU 'wtinror we $4,000.00, ami
will cura ail of too ijto dlstxwa or tut ir. Tbou.
-.ult luve Un curd br ttaU rnarTtlotu Invention
after all ollvrrmiwttta fl I1. ad Klto LojuUmU
o( tculmonuin In thlsand tntry other ut. w
eOur I-Htrfal laynml UUtMli MlsrMSORT, tl
rKiUst boon rjr otrrd wt-alc mn, rKKK oith all
HU iUts tJead tor IliuaM PainpTilet, nuulol ,toil, free
Mo. l?SVra(rse(, JOKVfAJ OKE.
John Pashek,
tt Tailor,
7 Cout mtummt,
Vezt door to Whm fan Office,
Tie Merchai
ablins Just received the latent styles in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
una Iiii largo mtiortmcnt of Ponlmi ond Amer
kail f lpthtr. which ho cull finish To Older for
muau iuut lavor nun,
Ctaoing and Repairing a Specialty.
treasonably Ruinous Hafcas.
. Tig Repairs aofl
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young AKu
Blacksmith Shop.
Wasco County, - - - Oregon,
Tho (Jute City of tho Inland Knijiiro i Hituatod ut tlrt
of navigation on tliu ;Mi(l(llo Coluinliiit, unci w u thriving
porous city.
It i'h tho Htijijily city for itn oxtoiiHivy ftnd rich ngricultuf1
mid gniztii" country, its trudo reaching oh far south iik Summ"
Lake, ii dmtiuico of ovor two iiundrod inilt-H.
' The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rioh grazing country along thti diatom hIojio of tlio 0
cation furniahoa jmHturo for tliouHaiula of Hhoop, tho wool from
which lindH nmrkot hore.
Tho Dallea in tho largoHt original wool Hhipping point in
Ainorica, aliout 5,000,000 pounds being ahippod limt year.
Tlio aaliuon iiHhoriuK uro tho HnoHt on tho Columbia, yiW,u8
Chit) year a rovonuo of thouaands of dollars, which will bo more
than doublod in tho noar future.
Tho product of tlio ltoautiful Klickitat valley Und iimrkut
hore, and tho country south and oast Iiob this year fill"" V1"
warohousos, and ull available storage places to .overflowing w'tM
their products, i
It is tlio richest city of its size on tho coast and its money i
scattered over and is lioing used to develop ioro farming country
tlian is tributary to any other oity in JSastern urogon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful
sibilitios incalculable. Its rosourcos unlimited,
oornor stones she stands.
Its H-
And on the'
The California Winebouse,
Is now open, and its propriotor will soli Ins homo- t
produced Wine at prices in the reach of evoryboo) . w
Also, heat Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed i
to De ruro ana iJirst-uiaHB in over,y (wrw
Thompson's Addition.