The Dalles Daily Chronicle, ntered t the Pottofflec t The ltollen, Oregon, as second-class nutter. THK DAI.I.KS ' . OKKOON FOUND IN PRINT. Tin: Arkansas City Traveler con tained ten columns of business cards of men located at Willow Springs n week before the Cherokee strip, in which the town is located, was opened. A itHMAiiKAiiu: friendship exists be tween n bantam rooster and a eat in Washington county, Pa. A favorite trick of the bantam is to get on pussy's back and crow. The cat nppenrs not to mind it. Ax Indiana farmer saw an advertise ment which promised, on receipt of S1.-5, to pive informrYlion how to raise beets easily and profitably. lie sent the cash, and was told to "take hold of the tops, and pull." An advertisement iti one of the preat London dailies reads: "Daniel's De fiance The finest variety of cabbape in cultiitionwlt is early, short-lepped eAhipacribow and clotlyfS men ahyertise for "Lcft-oft" wcaTitip annarel.'' now." Many old Strength unit Health. Ifl you are not feeling strong and hctSfthy, try Electric Hitters, h "la grippe" has left you weak and wear?, use Electric Hitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perforin their functions. If you are afilicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. your children subject to croup? If so, you slmuld never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Iteuiedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as the croupr cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no .danger in giving this Keinedy in large ,and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale , by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Xioul: Over Vour County Warrants. All county warrants recistered prior to January 10th, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest cease? on and after this date. "Wit. Miciiem., Treasurer Wasco County. --'October l-'ltt, 1S93. tt JRooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth-street. 6-23daw. Us Mexican Silver Stove Polish Notice: All notes due and becoming due and all accounts owing us must be settled on or before November 1st, 1S93, either in wheat, oats, barley "or cash. Accounts and notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively have money. Kespectiuliy, dawlm The Dalles 3Ii:i:cantilk Co S. L. YOUNG, Watches Miit Juwelry repaired to order on short notice, and uitlsftictioii guaranteed AT THE Store il I. C. MckeUen, Jil HI. Thu liulle J Caveats.and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J cntbusinessconductedforMoociiATC Fees. Jour Orriccis Oppositc U. S. Patent Orncr' J and we can secure patent in lets time thaaUiose! rcmote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- J Jtion. Vic advise, if patenuble or not, free of! charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured. 0 a Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with' Jcott at same in the U.S. and foreign countries! sent free. Address, 0 ?C.A.SNOW&CO. 4 opp, patcht Orncc. Washington, d. C. J NOTICE YOU PUBLICATION. L. H. I.ANH Owck, The Dalles, Or.,( October 17, WJi. J rtotlce 1h hereby Klveil that the folIowiiiK numul feettler lius tiled notice of I1I.1 Intention to mule linnl jiroof in tupport of IiIk cliilin, mid thut mill proof will 1m made taforc tliu rewlister and receiver of the l H. Kind otlleo it t The Dalles, Or,, on Monday, Nov. 'SI, WJS, U .lumen M. 1'utUon. Homestead application No. 512 for SUM kcctlon 1, T11. 1 6 li V K W. 31. He names the following wHoosua to prove bin contlauouti residence ujkmi and cultivation ol tald land, viz.; Fen Hatty. liUKh Clirlnnian, V. K. Cordon and K."N. Chandler, all of The Dalles. Or. ltKilui JOHN V. I.KWIB, ItfKiiter. Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of. ..... , Gents' KtirnishLing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. fJeu; Qolumbia Jlotei. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and iiowly furnished throughout, and is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodious opposition Stagr to Dnfur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wapinitiu, Warm Springs and Prinovillo Is in tho Hotol and persons going to Prinoville am saw $4.00 by going on this Stag lino. All trains stop here. Twice a Week From NOW Ulitil December 31, 1894, For ONLY $i.?b. W1NHNS 'HE NEW TOWN hfls bectt platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and I falls of Hood.rlver, with larce, sfphtlvlots.broatl streets and alleys, pood toll and pure wator.witli simile in profusion, perfect dnilimKcdellKhtf nl mountain climate, the central attraction am mnuuUiln summer resort for till Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. lloixl. It is unparallclec as n nianufHCturitiR center, being the uatursl center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and fir timber, possoslnt: millions of horse-power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily barneyed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will llnd this the place to make a perfect home or n paying inventmen . gee me on grofuid, oi TITLE PEljpEGT -jj address me at Hood River i Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. 11 There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the CMiM-Ont Sale oi Foiim k Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK, - - UNION ST. FIRST CLHSS on joi PR PR TlN "TlNt WE DOfl'T WAJ1T YOUR LIFE! Just flow, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUH PflEY, CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The Dalles, Or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IAND Office, The Dalles, Orf Oct. si, WSJ. j Notice is hereby given that the followinjc named settler lis nutlcuof Ills intention to make llnal pruif in support of his elalm, mid that t-ald pro)f will bo niado U'foru tho Kcfrfitcr and llivelver at The Dulles, Or,, on December 11, 1KB, via; Itolnnilii O, jirwnka, devisee of John Uugties, deceased, ilIomesteud.Aiiilloutioii No. 838. for the B$ BKH Mild tiA HV.'Ji Of B'. Ji,'Vv, 1 N., it. la K. He imines the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of said land, viz: O. W.Coolt, W. A. Sillier, Frank OrelKton and tieth Jlorvuri, all of the DalUs. Or. , AflJ.. L. llttowN please take notice. JOHN W. 1.KWI8, Hegister. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprietor. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal fits., Tho Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastorn Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables largo feeding and wagou room. Comsercial Patrosase Solicited. OUR GEflT 0FFEt I FOR 1894. Tip are Dull Times' YOUR ATTENTI01 In oallnd to thu faot t!ftt f Hugh Glenn, Dnnlor in Glues. Unit), i'utl.r (, , mid HulMlnp Mntcrlnl of nil fciK"11 jHrrli Iih I'lniiKt 1,1m, f Pi ot u r c Mo u 1 d i ngs To Uu found In the City. 72 LUashington Street. - o From TERIMNHlt op INTERIOH Points THK nil Fa li RKILROHD h the Hut- id tnlii And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco Connty. Circulation mnst be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition; 'A&lllZ for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a ' j GEAT ! amount of the very best read-; i ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in-1 I 1'u'lniHii rtlwpvr toutvittiuin van t rcurnt formation on all subjects, and To iiiui Irom nil luihUnln AmcrlCn. ! pwclmtil Ht uj I TO ALL POINTS CAST AMI SOU. p. paul and Chicago (NO OHANtii: OK (Altti,) Coiupiutsl n( Dlnlinj Curs luinurpiinital rill mi DrmvlitK Kimiiii Blix'iHirn uf liitodtifittiBat TOURIST SLEEPING GARS Ilcit that ciin lo cdun trunittl, hikI in wttu iimimruiHliUlniiH mi: tjoth Krw mill KiirnlilJ lor holiluroaf Kirnt mill Sccnnil-cliiox Tlcki'li.ini ELEGANT BAY COACHES i mini I A cimtlnuoiift llni'. CdiiiiMitltiK with mII line I nllurilliiK illn-ct und uiiitilurriiptHl oorvlru r. h'nll liiiormntlon cmirvrnliiK rHtvn, time ol lOr I trulnx, ronti'A mill other ilutiill turnhriii) od iippllontlou to W. C. ALLAWAY, ARcnt 1). V. .v A. Nhv. Co.. Hi'iailHtor offlct, TtM A. I). CHAKLTON, Am' i. OcucrHl riw.Binii!r Attt.. 1'nrtlmxl, As- wasco warenouse h., Ronoiwoc PnncionmpntQ T?nv Solo rr nnmmiRRlfitt I Rates Feasonblc. Ma UK ooons T77. W . Oo. THK DALLES, OU especially for the stock-raiser,! THROUGH TIGKETS Kiicliiml mill Kuropu can t the farmer and the orchardist, tlcuo,,'meomt,,ul!ri and is the best medium exposing our resources to the world. If this v Is not enough, our plan to is- sue the Weekly in instalments Receives Goods on Stor- r. i . i u 1 1 i age, and Forwards same to of twice a week, should make j teh, d0stimtioil. your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach 3'ou Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this special rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coast. 2 WEltSTER'S INTERNA TIONAl A Grand hdutaHr. . HHCCtUOTVJ"" "Vnabridita" Ton eri 111 IDIUWII ,.J I nmru tlun GWWf oeiiiltil. fttiotiM o8?! DliitlDimry.ji: nwurniiiiy-r-o,.! C'imi.'riiliy"r.' tory, illkf iiiiii.l.'itliin. tnonnlllff OX tho often ilL-Hirnil liifnrniatlon CUDCtWS I (iniliiciit pcmoiiH; focw coiicernlWJ " couiitrieH. vltlefl, towim. mill iw,uLJJj notcil tlotltloim imrmMiH mill pwee! Itttlou of forolKii iiuotatloiw, woriU. w provorlm: (iIe.,iiti:.,ot(i. , , ThiH Work i Invaluable lioiiBoliolil.nnil to tlio tcai)lir, noliowr,i icMioimi iiinu, ami Mir-tiiiucaun. Sold by All Jloukicllori. -4'. TLI.trnml ..... S1 I'tihllnhrr. I iirnKTKKS Tn $i WiZ'X&Tt VDICWW i'lllllUIK. I EWHeiui (or freo proapect in. Twice a Week , From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A TAMIL? OF onnn prATiTlTtfl. 'lyiuy reml The Chronlolq to g tlio ltc, . inoHt mlliiblo nowit. And ttiuy UVV lM llmt In tho papor, That U vrh 1m. (Jhronlule mi liivHluntilo rnlvortl'lni. Tlio nownptipw thut UOi t of today iwtroulM whim MVlj, ifiinli tho iwoplo. When tlioy WHiit yn r tholr niiiiouneoinent will be ' ' I UHik ovorpuroolumiu nml obnorvc iw .i-.., ..1 .1... ...... tl,U iiKnortlilll. lUWH'" ltl 1' - ..I 11 Undo ol 11 family ol two m'" '" In worth unking lor through tn columun, DHfclully o t our vwy