The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1893, Image 3

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Saturday, Nov. n, 1893.
35c Dress Goods,
f 60c. 1
esc Dress Goods.
so c
25 per cent. Discount on all Linings and Trimmings.
Vi,j All goods marked I .
in plain figures.
B titter Decline Hharply--Wheat Low
nn It Can Get.
Frhjay, Nov. 10. Tho markets are
very dull in all lines, and the tamo can
be said of business and trade. The
merchants complain of a limited traffic,
which is con fined to a local or city de
mand for a home consumption. The
provision and produce traffic, owing to
the large supply, is very dull. Tho only
thing noticeable is a decline in fresh
butter and is quoted at 40 to 60 cents
per roll. Errs have declined a trifle, as
tho offerings are a little more free, and
the market is better supplied at 25 cents
per dozen cash, and '274 cents per dozen
in trade.
Poultry is steady at former quotations.
Our dealers in the city say turkeys are
quoted at 7 and 8 cents per pound un
dressed. The grain market is as near the bottom
as it is possible for it to get. The Port
land market quotation is 49 to 50 cents
per bushel, a price never known on the
coast since the discovery of gold in Cali
fornia. The European markets, from ad
vices received, indicate a dull and slug
gish condition. Russia is sending her
surplus wheat into English and French
markets, and the bears are using the in
fluence of it, to their advantage, which
controlled as it is, depresses American
markets. Our own market is dull and
lifeless in the cereal line. The mill is
paying 45 cents per bushel for Al grade
of wheat.
Chicken for Sunday dinner at Skibbe
County Commissioners.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
K.i i tend it thu I'oatolUuu lit Tiiu Dulles, Oregon,
iin siriitiit-cliiKK iiinttiir.
t.ncnl Ailrttrtlnlui;.
WCtiito kt Hue fur II rut limerlluu, mill r Ccuib
H.T Illll) fur I'lUltl HllbM.MUtlllt lltM.TtlDU.
3.clnl nitw for Iiiiir tlmo notices.
All lwn. tmttucx wulviil Inter tlimi S o'clock
will iipjiour thu fnllmvlliK 'In)'.
NOV. 10, 18911
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
U found on mle at J. ('. Xickehen' More..
Our Dully Ulnuti-iii l'mm In mill-About
tint City.
Urnvur, take uood euro
Of t tint pruMilimtiiil chair,
For Wlllliim .McKililvy
In to .sit rlclit tlierc.
Hpofctmu Huvlcw.
Tho Boston store, C. E. Roosevelt
proprietor, was burglarized Wednesday
night. Tlio thieves effected un entrance
through a glass door in the rear. Forty
suits of men's clothing and 12 overcoats
wore, taken, nil of the best quality. To
take away tho plunder, a wagon waB
brought up near the rear entrance. Not
thu slightest noise was made, aud the
! robbery was not discovered until the
Htore wiin opened Uub morning. The
robbery wns skillfully planned and exe
cuted, and no trace of the robbers bus
yet been secured. Oregonian.
A MiuiimTuI Act.
A carload of fruit trees arrived on the
Regulator yesterday, for Hhipuiunt to
The Mignonette maequorado dancing
party occurs tonight. The grand inarch
beisins at 8-.U0 sharp.
Tins ground is thoroughly saturated
wAiuiy coiiHiderable rainfall from now
onnuist raise the river.
Tlt district convention of the Kpworth
I-cati iiit'titH at Gnldundale on tho 120th
to tho 27th of the present month.
Work on the rock crusher was tempor
arily suspended today on account of a
misunderstanding as to who may use
tliu rock. Anybody is wulcome to it if
tlioy will dispose of some of this muck
on our principal streets.
Mr. II. Corson died last night about f
o'clock at Ida residence. Deceased is
about (55 years old, and has resided in
the county some twelve years. Ho was
recently stricken with paralysis, from
which he never rallied, though hopes
wore entertained that he might by some
good fortuno pull through.
T..., T . f .,.! 1- ...l.fl .1...
iin, iimruii ui DiuiocK, Willie on mu
bed with hur child, had her shoulder
bono broken. Tho child had learned
while playing with other children to use
its head us a weapon, and by hutting its
mother on the uppor part of the arm
broke her shoulder. )r. Gelsondorter
attended to tho patient and sot tho
broken bono. Arlington Hocord.
The marshal wns busy yesterday
notifying oxpressmun and hotel runners
10 pay their license. As a consequence
bo recorder recoived considerable
money. The council ovlnco u determi
nation to enforce tho ordinances. This is
commendable, nH it will purge us of tho
Dl'd, and direct mora respectful atten
tion to tho good ones.
A class In natural history was called
p for recitation. Tho teachor talked to
thorn about tho relations of friendship
between man and animals, and then
asked a girl : "Do animals really possess
tho sentiment of affection?" "Yes, al
most always," answered tho little girl.
And now," said the toaeher turning to
little boy, "tell tne what animals have
fj10 greatest natural fondness for man."
Woman," said tho boy.
t Is stated that Theodore Llobe's ro
Jjfjvery is only a matter of a few days.
lo Gorman residents of Portland, says
o Oregonian, are very much excited
vor tho tragedy, and publio opinion is
ujvlded us to where the blame lies.
Many nro inclined to sympathise with
ws,i who, they think, was persecuted,
"titers say that, although Mr. Llebe has
imputation of being a hard man, he
lwaye proved himself a just one.
Another sanguinary fight between
small boys occurred Wednesday near
tho school grounds. The youthful com
batants pounded each other up until
they could hardly see, and blood was
streaming from many wounds. They
would not have fought so long or so
hard, but they wore cheered and encour
aged by those who call themselves men,
but whoso only claim to the distinction
is their yearn. The little contestants
were thus taught a demoralizing lesson
that will help them on the road to the
penitentiary, and perhaps rob some
future law-abiding citizen of his lifo.
Then there were numbers of little boys
of nil ages watching the contest, nil of
whom left with thu idea that it is smart
and manly to light. It would have been
a. mercy to have arrested these boys and
taught that it is disgraceful to light,
rather than encourage them in lawless
ness. As the twig 1h bent the tree is in
clined. A boy who will fight at every
provocation makes a man who willkill
another in the heat of passion. And
since circumstances aud education makes
us all what we are, the crime really rests
upon these thoughtless men who made
the boys light in childhood. Shame
upon such conduct.
DcHcrlcd Her Family.
Mrs. li. 1). White, who lived in Klicki
tat, Wash., a few miles from Arlington,
loft her husband and family of five
children a few days ago aud went out
into the world. She is a woman of pre
possessing appearance and more than
ordinary intelligence, but seems to have
become infatuated with the idea that
she is worthy of a highor or more pleas
ant life than staying at homo with her
husband and attending to tho duties in
cumbent on a wifo and mother. All
good people will pity her, but not one will
say she did right. Her own conscience
will continually upbraid her. She can
not go down on her knees and ask God
to forgivo and smile on her. None but
the vicious will tolerate her, and they
even will dispiso and scorn her. Thore
is nothing possible for her to do
but to return to hor family, acknowledge
the wromr sho has done them, and by a
Ufa jlnvnfofl tn t.lintr liiiimtiiDMfi. nlncn
liorsolHn u position so that she can be
forgiven. Arlington Record.
What OMt Enlll. Rnmadv.
rrcmpuy ana pornuuisnur
cure au rornu or Arwui
traAnM,mM4on, fturw
atarrhta. ImooUtum and alt
tiffccituAbvM or xxu4.
noon proforiDou oror eo
vAmoln ilintUAndft of flMfiflt
sit medletn known. Alk
j, ... wA'm niiiunhodlnei l( bo often
wmowprtWoMWoUlolnolaplaooof thU, Iobyo bU
UUUonott tor, Inoloso prlop In letter, and
wowlllfond by return mall, l'rloo, ono paokago,
$li tlx, SB. One toil! please, ttoiodlowre. I'ttropti.
lot In plain waloU envelope, U ouuU poitago.
AudrcM Vh Wood Vlivuiloal Co.,
131 Woodward uvonuo. Botroit, Mlou.
Sold til Tho Diilloa by ttbikoloy & HoiiBton.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove; Polish.
ami Ait i
The Komi to lQ-MUe.
The Chuo.vici.I3 is a friend of good
roads knowing that Buch are the great
est blessing that can be bestowed upon
tho country and towns tributary to them.
Every dollar put in to remedy a bad
road yields ten, and the dollar is left to
start a second ten. A hill leveled or a
depression filled in is not for a season,
but forever. The present road to 15
Mile, which has been traveled so long
that it seems to some of tho farmers a
fixture by nature never to be remedied,
is a shame to Wasco county. A new
one has been surveyed and some pre
liminary work done upon it, dispensing
with the steep grades and shortening
the distance. Half aB much again can
1h) pulled every load over the new route,
which of itself is enough to double the
value of every aero of tillable land, and
make lasting prosperity. Not only this,
but many of the roads and highways o
the state are in such a wretched con
dition that the general prosperity of the
country is actually impeded thereby. In
the last half century improvements
have been going on in every other way
than the one to place the farmers on a
prosperous looting. It is scarcely to be
wondered at .that there isi an agricultural
depression, when a practical. embargo is
thus placed upon travel. The county
commissioners are now considering this
road to 15-Mile, and they should have
every encouragement. If they persevere
to the end and finish this road in tiie
allotted four years, there is none who
will not rise up and call them blessed,
however much dissatisfaction may exist
at present. The precedents of the old
brewery hill grade and tho grading up
of our principal streets should show this,
which at the time theso improvements
were going on, were loudly decried.
Mr. Frank Fulton of Biggs is in the
city today.
Mr. James Leary is dangerously ill
with typhoid pneumonia.
Kev. W. C. Curtis returned from an
extended visit in the east this morning.
Mrs. Ira Powers, jr., and Miss Male
Norton of Portland aro guests of the
Missos Michell aud tho Misses Williams.
Skibbe Hotel John Miller, Huv
Creek; Hasoburg, Bros,, Wasco; Ed.
Wilson, Okesdale, Wash.; F. M. War
ner, Nansene; B. II. Haynes, Nansene;
Miss Ulrich, Bolso City; Jos. Ber
rv, Kingslov; John J. Brookhouse,
Duftu ; W. N. Haynes, Nansene; Dan
Driscoll, N. Y.; J, 13. Morse, Denver;
Sam D. McCaz, Denver; A. O. Durbin,
N. Y. ; James J. Kelly, Chicago, 111.
In The Dallos, Nov. 10th, to the wife
of Geo. Koed, a son.
In tho Dalles, Nov. 10th, to the wifo of
J. L. McArthur, a eon.
A i'roHpcroiiB I'ooplo.
The richest peasants iu Europe are
found in a province in Sehloswlg-IIol-toln.
These Vierlandors raise early
vegetables for tho great cities of north
ern Europe. They supply flowers to
tho courts of St. Petersburg and Ber
lin. Their costumes are ono of tho su
cred traditions of the country and not
to bo modi tied, come what may. Tho
women wear little caps with stiitly
starched bows of silk, over this n straw
hut which looks as if it were upside
down. Their hklrts lire short, the
aprons full plaited. The bodice is
white with a sort of zouave juckot of
bright colors, Tho silver jewelry is
tho prldo of their lives. Tho men wear
small clothes, long waistcoats trimmed
with silver buttons, u long Jaeicet ana
a quite ordinary looking uap.
Mays & Crowe hns seed rye for sale.
Tho following business has been tran
sacted at the November term of county
commissioners, exclusive of bills
allowed :
Petition of Lee Evans and others for a
county road commencing at a point on
The DalleB and Sandy road 120 feet east
of the bridge acroES Mosier creek, run
ning thence in a southerly direction.
Read first time Nov. 8th.
Petition of B. Delore and others for a
county road commencing in the middle
of road from The Dalles to Warm SpringB
at the southeast corner of Wm. A Davis'
ranch, in section 20, township 5 south of
range 12 east; thence due east on said
line, read first time on Nov. 8th, and
rejected on account of irregularities.
Report of viewers and surveyors of a
proposed county road petitioned for by
A. S. Roberts and others and "beginning
at a certain rock about four rods eaBt of
the east side of the county bridge across
Fifteen-Mile creek, etc," read first time
Nov. 8th.
Report of viewers and surveyors of a
proposed county road petitioned for by
A. C. Drake and others and "beginning
at a point on the east boundary of Dalles
iiCity limits, five chains west and thirty
ii. -t .i... it f l,
feet north of the northwest corner of the
R. R. Thompson donation land claim,
thence easterly along the present
traveled road leading from Dalles City
to Canyon City, etc.," read first time
Nov. 8 th.
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doees, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
fcy Snipes & Kinersly.
Tiik religious statistics of the census
of 181)0 reveal tho fact that out of our
total population of 08.000,000 there are
20,043,000 members of Christian church
es. This is or is not a liopef ul outlook,
according to the point of view. If we
look at the 40,000,000 of non-Christian
people of tho United States we may
well feel appalled at tho frightful mo
mentum of paganism. Hartford Re
ligious Herald.
Mexican Silver Stove Polieh causes no
Best grades oak, fir, pine and slab
wood. Ollice 133 Second street. AH
orders promptly attended to.
tf Maikk & Bk.vto.v.
Cut flowers and winter blooming
plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips.
166 SecouEl Street.
Respectfully nnnounces hav
ing taken tho ulwvo promises
on lease, and will, on
Thursday next,
open with a stock of
Etc., Etc.,
unci hopes to bo favored
with a slum of tho pub
lio patronage.
toetiop postponed.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We will Close Out
Reparaiess of Cosi!
Store Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris.
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just nrrivefl Rii Y rK
At Remarkably Low Prices.
Ifl Winter Dry Goods,
As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits iliko
the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and had debts, cur prices will always b
found the verv lowest in the market. Wo invite our friends and customers to .
examine our uoods and prices before purchashiK.
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the hest Beer and f'ortei
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for ,tiie manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and -on. V tho first-class artieli will be paced on
he markt.
And the Most Complete and tin Latest Patterns and Designs in
WAIiL. X I 3E3 L .
Practical Painters and Paper Haulers. Nouu hut the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masuiy's Paint? used iu all ,nir work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Shoo comer Thirdaud Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
We are going to give away a series of enlarged pictures to our
customers commencing 'Saturday, Nov. 11th, and continuing
every Saturday until Christmas, Wo want to show you that it
pays to trade at home, and any one who has had photos, made by
us ut any time is entitled to a guess at each and every picturo
given ttwuy. If you have ever bought u picture of us, come and
register your guess at the Candy in the jar. If you aro not u cus
tomer, come and see the kind of work we are turning out' The
First Cravon will be awarded at 7 :30 o'clock Saturday evening,
Nov. 11th, at the Gallery. Come everybody, it will coat you
NOTMNo. Tho jar is on exhibition it) Garietson window.
4 1
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