The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1893, Image 2

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    ' ' J
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Wrttly,lyer $ 1 J
" 6 months. o .5
n s 0 W
Dally, 1 year 6 00
" 6 month 3 00
" per " " 50
Addrets U communication to "THE CHRON
(CLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
OeuerHl Delivery Window 8 a. m
Money Order
Bunday ii I).
to 7 p. m.
.Si. m. to 4 p. m.
.9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West S p. ei. and 5:80 p.m.
tSURo for GoUlcndale 7:S0a. m.
" lJrlnevlllo 5:80 a.m.
" "Dutur and Warm 8prlngs ..6:30a.m.
" f Leaving (or Lyle Hartlaud..5:S0a. m.
" J Antelope 5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
tTrt-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. 10, 1893
Here is a great stimulus from the
Arlington Kecord : If the Good Lord or
Grover Cleveland or the crazy governor
of Oregon can show us anything to be
thankful for as a nation or state, we
will send Him or them a copy of the
Kecord free with postage paid.
The British are killing the poor, de
fenseless Matateles by the thousands.
The savages cannot cope with them, but
die as cheerfully for their country as if
. they were civilized. Meanwhile trouble
is looked for in India. It is the general
opinion the natives are growing restive
under British rule, and it is believed it
will take only a small spark to kindle
the fire of a revolution that will be far
reaching in its consequences.
The continued rise in the price of sil
ver since the passage of the repeal bill is
something the quack financiers did not
anticipate. It the rise keeps up at the
present rate, within a year silver will be
worth more than gold. Telegram. Since
the silver advocates are the ones who
claimed they would lose so much with
the passage of the repeal bill, we suppose
the Telegram refers to them as the
quacks. Anyway, it is a pretty good
admission to make.
In regard to the recent offer of Em
peror William to furnish a country house
for Bismarck an exchange says: The
consideration and kindness which the
German Emperor shows for Bismarck
is not verv great, when it is taken into
consideration that Bismarck furnished
most of the grandeur which the emperor
enjoys. William would have been very
small potatoes had it not been for Bis
marck. Offering the faithful servant
the use of any of his palaces is, unde
the circumstances, somewhat equivalent
to kindness of the traveler, who findi
nmiselt anu uog in a wilu country an
out of provisions, cut off the dog's tail,
hroileu it tor supper, giving the poor
curtailed quadruped the bone.
is there anything unreasonable in
this matter ol government aid to coun
try roads, asks the Willapa Pilot. For
eign countries get their good roaus in
this way and the Pilot believes it is the
proper wav, Let the counties do what
they can and the states do what they
can and the general government do the
rest. There id not a river or harbor in
the united states that needs improving
one half as bad as the roads do. There
is nothing on earth that the people of
this country need as badly as thev need
good roads and the eooner they get
through wrangling over politics, religion
and other abstruse subjects and unite in
a long, strong pull tor good roads the
sooner they will have prosperity,
and no matter how the sil
ver question or the tariff question or
any other question is settled there is no
genuine and lasting prosperity until we
do have good roads.
Medical ethics are often beyond the
comprehension of the average person
An extraordinary incident is reported
from Olympia. The wife of a farmer
six miles from town was about to bo
confined. They had no close neighbors,
so the husband left the wife alono and
went to the city for the family physician.
The latter was out on another case, and
the husband sought other medical skill.
He scoured the town in search of a
physician to take the case. Five ethical
Kentlemen declined to respond, but No
0 yielded to he earneit solicitation of
the alarmed husband and went along
with him. Meanwhile hours had been
lost in delay, and when the physician
arrived at the farm the child had been
born and was nearly dead, and the
mother was unconscious. Commenting
on the above event the Spokane Review
says : But the five were true to their
ethics, and, as has been admirably stated
in comic opera, "No matter what you
do if your heart is only true." 'Their
hearts were true to the absent medical
brother, and if the child and mother
bad died that thouKht would have been
sufficient solace.
Loneliness of the Orent Kximnac Stretch
ing Out from the Oolden te.
I notice nu Item in the press stating
that the Cltv of Peklup in her recent
trip sailed twelve hundred and forty
miles without meothifr a single sail,
writes a correspondent of the Wash
ington Star, and this fact is cited as
showing the loneliness of the Pacific
ocean. In the summer of 1850 I loft
San Francisco on a sail vessel (former
ly from Baltimore) for Panama, dis
tance four thousand miles, and on the
entire route, which lasted forty-three
days, we never saw a sail! Loneliness
is no word for it, especially when we
lay becalmed in the tropics, with our
vessel lloatlng us helplessly about ns a
chip on a mill pond, the ground swell
keeping up the monotonous roll of the
vessel from side to side all day and
night, and day after day, each roll be
ing accompanied by a flap of the sails
and n creaking of the rigging that
might have passed for the Hap of the
wings and the wail of lost spirits.
When we read about Noah and Ids
ark we are apt to think thnt he must
have had rather a lonely time, but then
he was out only forty days, and be
sides, with all the animals, etc., on
board, he had plenty to occupy his
time and attention, and if he wanted
amusement to while away the time he
had only to start a sparring match be
tween his monkeys and parrots.
True, there is no report of any such
proceedings on his part, but that is
doubtless because there was no mod
ern newspaper reporter on board. I
tell you a man cannot realize what
loneliness or comfort is until he has
made some such trip, and if he wants
to complete his education in that line
he should preface it with a trump of
two thousand miles over the mountains
and across the deserts amid wolves and
wild Indians, as thousands of' forty
niners did.
Ls Urllipe.
During the prevalence of tho grippe
the past seasons it was a nottceablo fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, ciiestnnd lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standilig. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snies fc Kinersly's drug store.
that is tho best placo to keep the
huge, old-fashioned pill. Just as
soon as you get it inside, it begins
to trouble you. What's the use of
suffering with it, when you can
cot more help from Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets?
These tiny, sugar-coated cranulcj
do you permanent good. They act
mildly and naturally, and there's na
reaction afterward. Constipation.
Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements of the liver, stom
ach, and bowelB are prevented,
relieved, and permanently cured.
Thev'ro tho smallest, the easiest
to take, and the cheapest for
thev ro mtaranteed to cive satis
faction or your monov is re
turned. You pay onlv for the
aood vou cot. Nothimr else time
by the dealer, though they may bo
better for him to sell, can be " just
as good " for you to buy.
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Bacond Street.
Executors' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that tho undersigned
have been duly nppolntcd, by the Honorable thu
Codiity Court of aco county, Oregon, execu
tors ol uiu estate oi jonn wuxter, urceaeu. hii
persons having claims against said ctate are
hereby to present the same, amy vcrP
lied and with proper vouchers, to tit or either,
t Aiueiope, wnsco county, ureiran, hhuiu si
mounts irom mounted mis notice,
The Dalles, Or., Auk. 3, l'.i:i.
Executors of the estate of John Uaxtcr.deo'd.
Assignee's Hotlee to Creditors.
W. E. Uarrctson. of The Dalle. Oreiron. hav
lne aliened his uroiiertv for the benefit of till
his creditors, all persons havim: claims iisalmt
him itre hereby liouneu to present tnem tome
under oatb, ut Tho Dalle;, Oregon, within three
niontus irom uate.
A. K. THOMPSON, Assignee.
AttqustC, lM.-w6t
-I !S-f ZZy-Wt-'r fKr,..' V.' In the Cmaty Curt of the State of Orf-'on, for
r A. .;viP H . . u p- , Wasco County,
wc., sua OErit.r''.:;i . W the Matter of the Estate of
u , JteiJ:7:sJ&y.'riS Notice it hereby ulveil that the tm.ierslKiioi,
U -rrw "'" J-"ijrs- '";'"''' -siiroa.. by n or,t.r 0f the County Court of tne Statu ol
and Astiiuiu. I' r C.j;)mnirl!i.ji it li.isnn
rival: hucurei! ihiiiciiml-j vr irenll othori.
foiled; wlllcunc Ytrjif tilsen titirnc. Sold
by Druzx&s on niarantcc. Ti-i'I tine Tlacl:
cr Chest, use ainr,oH'.- i a, Arrets. j cu.
C i-i 5 i 1 i .
tecil to care vcu. Price )cu. Jr.lector imv
I'ir caleliy Nnlpi Kinernly.
VIGOR of men
(September 7. lbU-1, wa apiKiinteit executor of the
I lHkt will and testament of tlte vHlil William
' ir....l ti. unl ...1 .ill . , .........
claims analtui sum esiate are nerern uo'ltled ti
preer.t the mma with the nnr vouchers
therefor to meat theoihce r.i ;inj, IltmtliiKton
it WlUori, lite Dalles, Oreum., nnhin dlx
months from thocutoof this notice
Datcil The Dalle, Or., Kept. 7, s.M
II. is. miNI'IN(,ll)N.
Executor of Will of Win. II. W ihon, dei' d
Estray Taken Up.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
And all tho train of tII
from early errors or later
cxccMes, tie results of
overwork, slckuuss,
worrv.etc. Fullstrtiigtlj,
ilerelopuicut anil icqb
given to every organ aad
portion of tho body.
wn. Fatluro fmpov!L)e.
2M) references. Iijl-,
ezplauaUon and priOfa
mailed (sealed) free.
OneblMck tioiir. brandol either 3 or R on left
hip and left jmv. Owner can have hj pruv-
iiiB properly anu payiiiK tor mis iidi jf ..
IMCI.l. C, WIMlKli,
10-l;hvlm i'ostomce. The Dalici, or.
Two Matrimonial Peuusylyania Laiics,
Lumbago. Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
Two finedooking feiinivlvaiila
iltlstrloiik. ii1imi
did iJOiitcketpera.uKes 18 and ', ivottlt ?;t,to),uo
ladles, axceileut reputations, Indi
each, parentft dead, want too west tills (ill. and
gentlemen under 40,
wouid like to correspond utth nice, reiectable
neu uuuer w. uotect: a antiv western
homes, (ientleuien. if you mo matrimonially
Inclined, send fl bill In common letter for pho-
iiuuivn anu uijtjruA&vn 01 ineiu youii uaues.
10 lllwlrn
Jlox Sii. lxik Haven, Pa.
Notice. Timber Culture.
V. H. Ivani) Omen, Tim Imm.ks, On,
Aimust l'J. lH't:t.
Complaint huvliiK been enteti') at thlaOIIleo
oy jiarneiui .ii. Jiursuaii inraiust rrctton med
With Blftetro-Mtienatln flUmmnDV.
i.ult.t tatBUI Ilt lapravementa I
" 111 euro without inwltclno all WmImu resultlmr from
orer-Uxatlou of Lrain ntrm (ore
cnuwi. mm uerroui ueonr.y,
Wtmmdrru Im .......
iiiUntlyflthjr wm
luiotattTo, eclallr, all fcraale eoml
i in btaltli. etc. Tula fleet ria licit
U orr mil oiiimnt.
I lewMtoriiidw.
MU04JM, uniruor.
Currtut ii
lor i hi in re to comply witn law as to Timber.
I iiltiiro Entry No. 3110, datwl March 'M, lh'j,
iiixjn the NWfcf of Section iW, Townnlilp 2 North,
ltauuo 11 East. W. il.. In Wucco coniitv. OriwiTi.
with fi vlfur tit Itin r.tilir.f.llHttrui it ui.
contestant alleRliif? that defendant has vlioliy
failed and uexlectu to plow or break or culti
vate to cron or otherwlKC. or tilaut with tn-ev.
tree nec4x or cuttliiKs. during any of the time
lucu innKiiiK ins vain entry, any part of said
tract, tho mild nartles are hereby Huinmonnl Ij
aplKiar nt this Oftlce on tho 21t day of October,
iwi k ju u cjoen a. Mm Hi respoini and mrillMl
lesiiinouy couceriiuiK Mini anegeo iniiure.
J-lw5t JOJIN W. LEWIS, itelter,
wllleuiaallof the aJwro diuiM or uo utytbou.
mt been this marvelous Invention
tLTi """K remeaiee nneu, anil we give ttUDdrou
... wi ti m iwie mmt v.vrj outer ICate.
Vur feaerfsl lurml ILKlTlil! auavManitv
ir .. rYli 7z! onrrrn wean
DUeeis Ikadforliluii'd Peioililet, iuuluJ,KeiuJ.(ru
Nileet boon ever offrred weal
Mo. 17lrtHtr(, MUVXtJUtm OJK.
jFratb oyatera at 'A.
tiory ttore.
Keller's confeo
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
79 Couvt Ctifwct,
Hezt door to Wmoo Inn Offloe,
"Has jmt received the latent styles in
Suitings far Gentlemen,
2,000 or 8,000 Stock Sheep, for jind hai large iwiiortmcnt of FordKiinnd Auier
wHicb .OMh will be paid, UnAffixLluF m w wwt m
aulre ut this offlee, A,. j ..,, ....
Exesatofs Notlse to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the County Court
of the Htate of Oregon for Waco (Joint tr has
duly appointed tho undersigned the executor of
the last will and testament of (jeornu P, fleer,
deceased. All jeriion having claims agailut
tho estate of aalil deceased are hereby reiiiired
t Jreeat thein, tfJUi tho proper voucher,
within six months from the date of this notice,
to said executor nt hi placo of residence, near
Dalles City, in ald county, or at the oHlco of
W, If. Wilson, in said LMlle City. '
, iIOilAKL MOVI.E, Executor,
Dated this lit day of November, 1km. rtw
Executor's Notioe.
, notice u Hereby given tnit tho underilgned
ha been arinolnted bv tho Countv Court i7 tim
Htate of Oregon for Wasco County, executor of
thoejitatool Cutherine Wigle, iletwhed, and all
person h'tWug claim against Mid esbito are
hereby notified and reatilrut to iirunent iiu.
saiu. with tbo uroiK.-r vouchers, in im, utth..
otlice of My, lliiutfugton & Wliwii, Tlio Ihillw,
WHUifil'illlllw k...m .ulAI.I.. J. ....... t .
vmiiiii , uihw i njniiii pia iioiiiiu iruiu
the date ol tliU nutii-v. , W. If, TAVlxJK.
n . . 'Bxcctttorof saldettate.
aho Dalle, Or., July W,'iW.r.
For Sale at a Baro-ain.
Tho undersignod, hiiviii soourod tho liiachinory and
fixtures of what was intondodJ()r a f i rst-ulaas shoo factory,
will soil tho same at a bargain. Iloro is an oncino and
boiler of '10-odd horse power, and
.v.. . , .
a large amount of shoo
machinery, lasts, lino shafting, pulleys, bolting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Iloro is also one of the best sites for successfully opor
atmg a factory of this kind to bo found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
Tiro Dalles,
Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Laic tiptcinl Atjent tienernl J.mul OJjke.
Jfye Ieal Estate, tpap, Iiurapee,
Parties buviiig Property tluty wi'hIi to Hull or Trade, IIouKtis to Hunt,
AUitr.ict of 1 itlo funiiHlicd, will hud it to thoir ndvantagc. to call on uh.
Wo shall iimko
a specialty
Ixjforu tin
of tilt!
prosecution of Claims
States Land OHico.
and Contests
85 "Washington St.
'ipe Wott, Tin Bepeirs am Roofing
Shop on Third
Street, ne.vt, door
K I fl HL'u i i t 1 Jl
west of Young & Kuse
Is the
Of the Yean
I'aelt of
In tlm Circuit Court of tlio Htate olOrmmiiJ
the County of Vro. ,urcp)l"l
A. I) llnltnu,
Frank 1). (illhnple,
Uliialit (lllleittde. W.
K. Hunt mill W. II.
Jiutler, Defendants.
7h Fmnk Ih )lllrpte tmifjthmla OBImle.tiu
abore-naninf ((riiiKinti.' yK "
In tbu Haute of the dtntr of Ortmn ., ...J
mil nr.. ....... I ""H
t te c n, nl i'llhi '-'a. 2BX!M
itbovo eutltliil milt on or Ijcfoie tit tut dir wl
the n-Kulitr term of tin; Circuit McltffiJ
... .... i i.iiiiiu), ne mmmtiu
flitti. In.rfrir fi.-til, .... ... I........ ..rHv,llw
llltli liny of November, 1M1,
anil If you full to himivct. Im ..J
tltereilf the iilnlnllir will nmilv t, iv. i,J
fur tlm relief prayed for In IiIn foniilalnt,to-ul
fur a decree of loret'lonuro of tlint certain mceJ
khk uecii iniiiic nun executed ly youttl
runnu iiiiinvii iiaiuiiu on tiiciiiii unyoiMr
ler, IrtW, uiiou tlio liorlhiveat uiiarterof w
II In totvuiilili '.' kiiutli rmiKo 1 1 nut, W.SIJ
nnim couuiv. iireim u. nun mat mi it timet.
lie koIiI under fltteit fureuioiuri! decree lit)
luauncr iinivli'rit by Inn- and itrc itdltietil
liractlcitof nl i Court, that front tluiroetttil
lieu wmi inn )iniitiiu nav;u;tu r' teiveilioi
ol .live liuudivd (f.Ml)) iliillnm and intcreitJ
Mild mini diuce Nnvcnit)". fitlt, lsyO, nt the nil
10 ler rent, t or milium, alvu a further tnii
alsty () dollars an a rwinmablo mturney'i
lor liiniiniini; nim nun to lore?U!u mililmi
ifttire anil collect the note thereby K'cnrou
here ti Mini uiiou, loireiiier Willi nin tit iri
mill dUbtiri-eiiivutx miidu and 0x110111111 In t
milt, llicludlni.' accrtiliu; cmn unit wti'J
aalciiud Unit iilalntlll'hiivea lliilsiacntinlid
you, tbu Mild Frank II. (jilleailv, lorany 41
cieucy 111 inn iiriM.'iTiin im biu hi muniy luuru
alii Mima, that iiiti Mich InrwlnHircMlcit
tlio riKiu, line, nuereni 111111 cniim 01 you 1
vottr fO'tlefL'iulaiitH. eacil 11 tit 1 all r.f nu 1
iheui. mid nil other lierrniiK clnhaiu; or)
elaiiti by, titrotiuli or iitidvr you or Uim.ii
either, in null to nlit uiiirtiinKcil prralKanall
every lair; inereoi ihj inreoiiw jiiu rtweri
barreil Irom tlte eiiilty of redemption. That ttel
iilalntlll' Im iillouol to bid ntuM foiwosiircl
oiile null imti'liMo nld ittnrtK'HprtairtMtl
niNoniiotii miu mat uiiou i:iuH)t(iiitiQmori-i
Hatred tireinlc the iiurchancr be let into IWI
iresiioii niereoi, mm every pn mtoi,ira
inedlately, mid for audi other and torther relltfl
111 to tliu (Hurt imiiv teetn eniiltsU unl hst.l
TI1I1 Miutiiions U nerved uihjii yun.tbe 11UI
I'rmiK 11. i etti 11 nun 11 kx a t cih'.otpum
llt'iitliiti In TlU'lialtCH CiiKiiNlcLE.a newiirci
tmbliM'ie 1 iveekiy nt llulle City, Waico muji
UrcKim, for idx (ruiin'cntlve nevki.ty oraitMl
lion. N . l irai ihnw. linhci) 01 um iocn.1
wnii'ii oinur uii.h imiiv nniiie un rtmi'i
cliiiu'lierx on tliu-'iith day of Heideniefr.ra
hit 1. 1" ; i- mi x m
AttoinuvK fur i'Ublif '
Wasco County,
The Unto City of the Inland Empire in Bitunted tit'tlm hwid
of navigation on the Middle Colutiiliia, and i'h a thriving, jiros
perotis city.
It i tho supply city for an exteimivo and rich agricultural
and grazing country, itq trade reaching a far wntth a fjumniBr
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
The ricjt grazing country along tho eastern Hlopo of tho Oan
cudes furniflhuH pasture for tliousands of flhoep, the wool from
which finds market hero.
Tho Dalles is tho largest original ' wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries aro the finest on the Columbia, yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be morn
than doubled in tho near future.
The products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and the country south and oust has this year filled the
warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money is
scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country
thn is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate dolightful. Ite pos
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these
.sonter stones sho stands.
The California Winehoase,
4 Is now open, and its propr
d, produced Whig at pneos in
Ainu, uuhu reanuis to no tound.
1 to do r lire and J irst-Ulass in
iotor will soil his homo-
tho roach of everybody,
(ioods guaranteed
every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
In the Circuit Court of tlio Htnte of Iff '
for thu county of Naw,
W. A. Miller,
V, llcyiioldii, I
Defendant. I
TV,.' I' llriiimhlt II, r .iluivf.umilttl dftW
III tlio iimno of the Htatu of OW.??"? 1
liereby reiiilrtd toaiifear and mXZZm
jilalnt Hied acaliit you in tliulyfffiiwroi
wltlilu teuiliijh from thu date of fe'ffJTu
tlilH MimiiiiihM upon you, 11 wrwr:,' fti ,
ciiimiy ; or 11 ktvmi wiiittn iinj- uel
thja shite, then wltliln twenty !' ",.. 1
dtitoof theavrvlvu ol this Miminoiw "r" '.,,.
or 11 nvrveii noon you oy l"1llv"""' .1,1 fiin.
urn required to miieiir unit am "LJjT jiiill I
-.nil iiiu Minim, ... V,' ,M, htin-
' U l, illiormx weeiiH tiuimcauw, to:vlt 011 Monday, Ihe
...... ...... ms,
Minllfv.,,, (,.11 I,. ... n...r. tbC IW-.". I
mild. fom
tlifrtin - ,,ter,
the ob". ;ntler.
tliono!tlieantiiinrter of tho fytixtA
nun II yon J III 1 in Pll lllianvi, r-,,1 f0f 1
aiiply to tliu court lor tho relief HfjjLifrt
mid coinplallit, to-wlt for the WWJ lor I
thohiib of the nr
wit. the ttimtli hiilf of the wok
i....... ii..... ..1 i,,i aaalt
mitl tho Kouthweat uuartef ot ' votUi,
(iliarter, of Heollon 'JH. ToifWS
kiiiiko thirteen liiiat, wiuaincw r uvl
talnliiKouuliundnit and "Utjr fS'un ncrtli
iited in Wineo county, OreK'iii- M?J MrtbcMt
half of tlio norlheinit iiitrtcr, ;e.,i,,watli
iiirter of tlm northweat l"Mwr."'. tftioa
oiiKtnllnrtiirof tlie nortlicait aUrli.,n Kirti
33, Tuwimlilp one North, Kiiiiko '"""hunJiW
Wllliiinettu Merlillnll, coirt'''K& county
and nl.ty Huron, mid alttmud ' '!;,,, ,,jctlce o'
OreKou; neeorilliiK to ","1,.,un( lid oalo bo
thin court, ami that tho proeetdi 01 " 'nH, bj
npidledlii payment of tlio '"V,,?iit: tail
Hafd niortKiiKe.uiidtitlll unpiil'l- rto ol I
of iuii Inloreat tliercon ;M,
elRht percent jair niinuiii Ij; "T "mt liitef
i:. mill II111 Inrlbor Ntiltl (if lil.lW.W , K,t,u
cit thereon nt tho rntuof eldli.t J'.:, ittinwi'l
niimiiiiieojiiironvo. inhi 1,nd dlw?,l
fiHinf iijoo.w, iiiid for tftociwt; l0Aiidtl
nieiiiM inane 111111 .cxiiemiw iorJu""J
tho ,.li...tlirjvlll jo w SIW1
ineiit iiKiilnat you hir any W'i0ii o(
no leuiiilliiUK aimr in "i 1:
ceedaof mld aillo 11a iiforealil. . , ()ie M
iiioiia 111 iiiih niiiv m " ..V.r.itilu V.
,HIIIM"f -
k.ii. la tuiK-hv ulven that tlw, .'".uon&l
iianiwraettler hualllw) notice i V"7ol. g
ntako lllial . proof , in, ' L, niado
cmim, mid thnt iiru. ." -., ,,),, iw.,
tho jWuter oud reeefver tt l lie ",
Homcatead Appllcntloii Wtl
UWU mill WlJ 'of HVM of Hec. Hi
M. wltc.tpM!Sa
xmillliilnliu MtfllllllieO UIIOIIi ftl'u LU
Bill iHlllli iVl.! ., .... .,,. Hill
I II h rll MK lllllt
Olmrgr wWMl oJVf
r-Vl 11 L - 'l'ke'.ver.lK.'l3
iuea mou nru nioniio 1 Vwnilo In
U you wUh to mph 1, 'Vhiu tMlW 2J
ixiihnnri vou can't do Ultter t '''.Vv fiMS
throtmb U10 eolumiw SMF$m-