nr. . el)c Dalles VOL. VI. j ' ' ' r ' ,.' -ft X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1893. NO. 126. Dalles Daily Chroniclt. Cihll'lK"! pally, Sunday Kxcopted BV ...nm v iiinti latrTwn nn -ikI Washington HtrotlU. 'Hid -..I 5(1""" " ' - P1" ....II.. M-nftfit. IVrnix of Hulmorllitloii ixnn Jionth,byc.rrlr 60 t COJIJ I'IMK TAItl.KH. t ItttllritailM. Ill odcct AtlBllHt 0, 1MI.J. RANT IIOUNI). I. , Hnw H):M !' Poparts 11:00 r. M ' WKST IIOUNIJ. 1 Atiir;1;"J Depart l):ll a. k Twi ItclclitH tlmt curry pascnjrerH Icnvu .7 Vt iM wt t KMX) a, m.. iiiid one for the Si . STAHKH. friM'l"-'- v'"- ,,ttku Oven, lenve dally (A. l...ill riiivnti f'ltv. tlulvli fOf ,lfllCIU'V, for Jufur, Klmridoy, Wamlc, Waplnltln, Warm (JfiM I""1 iJH" Vllliuy, ijYU mill, uraH h'oMcnilale, Wash., leave cvury day of tho .,.,-ji,t Hllllilllf HI 7 A. Mi )tft fur nit linen at thu Umatilla House. I'UOKKNBIONAI.. I H. HII)1)K1.I ATT()IlNKY-AT-I.AW OHtCO 1, CourtHtreot.TlioiniiieN.urvKou, l i. ocruH. fKAHK MKNiraie. I nnmu Ai MKNKFKK - ATTUIUIKYH AT' J Liw-Hoom. nnil 43, over I'oiit OtohullJIiiK, Kutrane.e on Washington Btreet Qil)tllt,Urvxi)n. . . uvKKVW ITTOIlKKV.iT.UW. Of . icviu hclianuo's building, UP stairs. The M,tjitioii, I'f.MUYS. n.S.HUNTlNOTON. H. 1. WIMON. lYh KI'VTINOTON- A WILHON ATTOH N1Y1..AT.1.AW -Olllces. French's block over KntNiUonnl Hans,. ' ' mines, ureeon. Ill II WILHON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW IlOOjnS . Kreneh & Co.' bank: buluilUK, aecouu Iftwt, Ibf lialles, Oreou. Dh.EdlIKI.ll AN (JIOMJtOrATIIIOl l-IIYHICIAN ind SUkokon. Call answered iiroinptly, liiTOfniiht. citv or country. Otllec ro. ho ana . . ..... DH.O.l), DOANH PHYSICIAN AND AUK mi. OMca; room 6 and fl Chapman alock. fcwldcueo; K. K. corner Court and Kama meet, see ind door from the comer. OBciiliount to 12 A. M., '1 to 6 and 7 to 8 1'. M. DflDOXUs Dentist. (la kivcu for the . lullll.u ..rlr,.i.,lnil l,f tlHltll. A 1)1(1 tCUttl -loaJairiil alumlnnm plate. Kooiiin: Hlgnof it CoMcn Tmith, Hecoud Htreut. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANHACT A (1KNKKAMIANK1NO IifJHtNKHM Lettei-H of Credit Issued avftllable In he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic i nuiHiiirHHOKion ow York.UnlCRgo, St, liuuiB, nan rrancisco, Portland Oregon Seattle Wrwh., and various points in Or egon and Washinirton. Collections made at all points on ftiv- oraDie terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on fiivoruhle terniH at all accessible points. J, H. HCHKNCK, 'resident. J. M. Pattkuhon, CuKhlur. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Ueposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban rrancisco and Portland. DIREOTOKS. D. P. TlIOMl'HON. JNO. S. SCIIENCK. En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lieiiu. H. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, Bianiiii & waoon m CONSTIPATION bodied the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, ' BAD BREATH, Etc, To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and atonic to tho digestivo organs. By taking Simmons Liver Eegulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife wa sorely distressed with Constlpa ion and couching, followed with lilccdln Piles. After four months use cf Simmons Liver Regulator he is almost entirely relieved, raining strength ind flesh." W. B. LitarnK, Delaware, Ohio. 4ETEVERY PACKAGED Urns our Z Stamp in ri d on wrapper J. H. ZEIL.1N & CO., Philadelphia, Fa. TUT Dally Kvcnlittr Chronicle is recognized I rl Li, "H essentliilly thu home paper for the Dalles City folkH' I J r I This Is ncit ii hurt reputation. KomeFl UiYl C 2,000 of onr best iiuir.ciiH waicn mo eoitiimm nf t i n ri n r t- (hilly for the Bplcleit local neiVB. Jt 1M1 UK NiiceeedH in KluaniiiK the Held, mid henee grou-s In popularity und importance. Take it awlille, juu j,u uuii i; irj Komo 01 un jiremium onerB, "The Reffulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland anfl Astoria Navigation Co. HOUIKTIKB. VXiCO LODHK, NO. lfi, A. K. & A. J!.-Meet l Irat and third Monday of each month ut , ltd. II) m.u in MhjidiiIi! Hall the third VtcdnoMlay liltich month at 7 1'. M. IMODKUN WOODMICN OK T1IK WOULD. Al Mt.lliMl CampNo.fc'J.MeelHTiieidayuvcn. tngoitMlineek in I-rnternity nail, p. m. fAOUJUBIA I-ODaK, NO. 6, I.O. O. F.-Meel V. wl Vrlday evenlnB at 7::i0 o'clock, in K. 01 V. hiA. f.,ru..r Hw.iiul and Cimrt atrecta. dOiOll rnf liff Wlli.tru urn witlfrilnn. H. C'WCOH.Serf y, II. A. li!M.8,N. G. iPKIKNPSIUI' LODGE, NO. !)., K. of l'.-SIecU every Jondsy ovonlliB at 7:a0 o'clock, in Ximiuo'iibuilillnK, corner ol Court and Second itrceti. Hojouniliig ruenibem are cordially lu "tol. .. W. H. Cham, JU.AtiK,K.of R. amis. C. C 4 UdEMIILY NO. 4827, K. OK U-Mceta in K. IX of P. hull the kvuond and fourth Wcdnen Mts of each month at 7 :30 p. m. UrOMKN'H C1IKIHTIAN TKM I'KKENCK I II UNION' will m,.., ,.n,v Vrliliiv nftiirillinil llo'clock at the reading room. Allan) Invited. llirmon IxjiIru No. 501, I. O. O. T.KeBUlar Rurally Hall. Allaralnvlteil. V, (JllHlHAN. c. V. It. C. Kr.ncK. So ?.K 1X))0E NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Mcota In Fraternity Hall, over KellorH, m Second -, tuuriHiay evuillIIKH ttt 7:au. ,.,, 11. HANSEN, U. NKHMITH POST, No. 32, (1. A. K.-MwtH vi) omuruay at v;ao r. n., in inu jv. oi r. B0K L. K. Meeta every Kunday aftcruoou in the K. of p. Hall. MANd VEKKIN MecU every Wiling in tho K. of 1. Hall. Sunday B0? 'i F. DIVISION. No. 167-MootnJn Ha.. , U Hint nilV vtlltu ii VMiiv"- gwwii mouth, t 7:ao r. m. TUB UHllltUlIKH. t STrJKTKB8 011011011 -Bov. Father Hbonu Ii i. ""T. ''""tor. Low Mana uvery Hunday at ilMh Ht ,0:itu A" Vw,l,cr' Ht iTirfinU,'H OHUKOII -Villon Htrwrt, opponlto ..ii, ikuv.Kiiu.Hlltoillioneaior.' uurvieeB A. m. KveuliiK Prayer on KrJday at ItAI'TlUT nuniinif iinw n n Tiv. rttor. Morning norvlceH every Hnb- ILT m WIU llftillntnv u 11 k U . Ullhllllfll FtfW liiiiiuxilatclv alter momliiB orvlceB. tffir "w Iiik Krlrfay ovenliiR at I'antor'a rial-r- union norvicoa in Uio court liouo at Ci'L'A.l'IONAI. OHHKOH-llov. W. (!. i,7,r-r' 1 ,u,u,r BorviecHovory Hunday. Ht U rncT at r' uy Hotmol HfUr moruiuB lif- Htranuerii cordially Invited. Bent free. IM, hr """UOH-Uev. J. WiiUMSii, iiantor. fM '"voryBuiiday morning at 11 a. m. Wfi5??hJ?"' ' o'ofook r M. Kpwortli IS5.? . "nyor meeting every Jlura.ovntng at 7:80 o'olook. A cordial In teiir1 e"Jed by both puator and people CHly?'AN. ' CUUIIOH-HBV. J. W. JaHKINS. ck0rch ..aVs. Sro5UhiK lu tho Congregational Bntv A,n0AI lUTHK KAN Ninth trcot, y'ih'J0ru'J,,l,,to'' B'Vloei t ll:80a.m. tw l 8:110 p'm A wtAlrt waloomo eneral Dlncksmithing und Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable iigures. Has tho largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles J. !, I0RD, Of Pes MolneB, Iowa, writes under date ol March 83, 1893: S. B. Mkd. Mm. Co., Dufur, OroRon. Qentkmen : , , . . , On urriving homo lust week, I found nil well und anxiously invit'iting. Our little i?irl, oight und one-half years old, who hud wuHted away to !18 pounds, ie now well, stroni! und vigorous, und well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure bus done its work well. Uoth of tho children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure bus cured and kopt awuy ull hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, witli greeting for till. Wishing you prosperity, we nre Yours, Mu. & Mus. J. K ow. If you Winn to feel freh and olieorlul.and ready for the Spring' work, cleanse your nyHtem with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three douca eaoh week. Bold under n poxltlvo Ktiarauteo. 60 cent per bottle by nil drugglHta. C. F. STEPHENS, DlfALtCK IN DRY GOODS (LOTHING lttiti Nluiea, MiUh, Ktc. Fancfl Ijood, fsMnni, Ktc, Ktc, Ktc Second St., The Dalles. THROUGH ireigm ana psssongBr Line Through daily service iSuudaye ex cepted) nutweeii Tlio Dalles and I'ort huul. Stetuner liegulutor leuves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Ixicks with sleamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) ut 6 n. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Duller. JMh.SKNUElt It riKS. One way $2.00 Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. A FATAL REJOICING Visited His Sweetheart While lie Was Drat SHE GOT MAD-HE SHOT HIMSELF More Victims of the Rock Island Trainwreck Crimes and Casualties. Mount, N. J., Nov. 9. Ed ward Hubbs, of Medford, a Email village six miles from here, Tuesday night took part in the republican rejoicing over the result of the election, and during tho evening drank two much. Ho subse qucntly called on his fiancee, Miss Mary orcross, who was so shocked at seeing hijn under the influence of liquor that she refused him admission to the house and told him she would have nothing more to do with him. Hubbs went away without a word, and returning home got a revolver and shot himself in tho head. He died a few minutes after ward. Shinments for Portland received ut any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before o p. in. Live slock shipments sohcted. (Jul I on or nduress, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oeueral Agent. B, F. LAUGHLIN, Oeueral Manager, THE DALLES. OREGON ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts "S-'fflsri- Subspecialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2d Street J.FOLCO At right hide Mrs. Obiur'k restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable Iioubo luiB been entirely refurnished, und every room lias been repapored and repainte und newly carpeted throughout, llie house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Rate reasonable. A good restaurant attnehed to the house. Krer bus to und from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. Wreck an the Rock Inland. UincAGo, ov. y. .bour more names have been added to the list of dead as last night's wreck on the Rock Island Road near here, making eight killed and 34 wounded. The additional dead are: Edward J. Grady, Quincv. 111., died at the hospital today; Malcolm Latham, aged 12, died today ; Reuben Leghoner died today: an unidentified man died today. A dense fog prevailed over the city most of the forenoon, and notwithstand ing the utmost caution was observed by the railways several accidents occurred, though fortunately none were serious. A gas motor in the North Side street railway barns exploded today, causing 10 moters to blow up. Fire following de stroying the building and 40 Etreet-cars ; loss, UOO.OOO. Tlie Hantatiiler Dlsiister. Saktaxdeb, Nov. 9. Divers state that 600 cases of dynamite yet remain in the wreck of the steamer Cabo Michicaco. the explosion on board of which wrought such fearful destruction of life and prop erty on Friday last. People living near the waterfront, fearing another ex plosion, are abandoning their homes and seeking residences at a safe distance from the point of danger. Experts do not, however, believe such a quantity of dynamite could withstand the shock of the hist explosion. Deaths among the wounded of the last explosion are re ported daily. JOSIK MANSFIELD. She Is ISrouglit Into Notice Again by a Divorce C'ate. New Youk, Nov. 9. Robert L. Reade, a New York lawyer, who lias been living in Paris several years, has returned to this country andismakingarrangenients for a legal separation from his wife, who will remain abroad. She is Josio Mans field, who 20 years ago was the subject of much gossip in the shooting of James Fisk, jr., by Edward S. Stokes. MiE8 Mansfield went abroad soon after the tragedy, and has lived hi Paris ever since. Though somewhat mature, she is said to be still beautiful and fascinat ing. At that time she was know.n in Paris society as Mrs. Lawler, which was the name of her iirst husband, an actor of some nolo. It appears tho married life of the couple was not harmonious and they resolved to separate. It is un derstood Reade, who was quite wealthy, will make a handsome provision for his wife. Reade is a son of the late Robert Reade, once gne of the largest property owners in Minneapolis. Lord Falkland, a prominent English peer, married Reade's sister. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham borlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough modi- cine I nave ever sola." inero is goou reason for this. No other will euro a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain n preventive and cure for croup ; no other affords so much relief in suses of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeloy & Houghton; druggists. liueklen'H Aruicu Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, und posi tlvely cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, ami slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. I . Peters & Co. (Oillco Socond and Jeffer son streets.) MOKE FIGHTING AT UtO. the Mello I Again IluinlinrtlltiB City. Nkw Yonu, Nov. 9. Tho Herald's Montevideo dispatch says a dispatch from Rio Janiero says : "The Aquidaban, Melio's flagship, and Fort Villegagnon, which is occupied by forces who arc co-operating with the rebel admiral, began a vigorous bom bardment of the city on Tuesday even ing, which is still being continued. Con siderable damage has been done in var ious quarters of the city. Tho forts Santa Cruz and Lage are answering tho fire of tho ships and of Fort Villegagnon. Tho cannonading is very heavy and it is thought Mello, who received word of Peixoto's purchase of vessels of war in New York, is making a determined effort to strike a decisive blow before they can be brought down to the presi dent. Tlfe province of Santa Catharina, the capital of which is Desterro, where the rebels have set up a provisional gov ernment, has been invaded by federal troops from the province of Rio Grande do Sul. General Argollas, with a body insurgents, have gone to meet them, and a fight will probably take .place between the forces before long." Ferrla Wheel Was a Success. Chicago, Nov. 9. The Ferris wheel proved to bo a bonanza to its owners. Exactly 1,453,611 people paid to ride in it during the four months of its opera tions, so Secretary Vincent reported at the annual meeting of the stockholders yesterday. The receipts at 50 cents each amounted to $726,805.50. After paying $300,000 due on bonds, the company di vided $426,805.50 with the exposition. After paying its operating expenses, the company tiad over $100,000 left, the principal part of which was divided among the stockholders at today's meet ing. No action looking to the removal of the wheel has been taken. NEWS NOTES. A Young Polish Woman Goes Crazy. In the front cell of the city jail a piti ful sight presented itself to a reporter. On an improvised couch lay a beautiful young Polish woman, 21 years of age, the wife of Mr.Olijnicki, better known as Brown for convenience' sake, and the mother of two children, a raving maniac. She was taken in custody by Officer Benedict in a lodging-house on First and Mill, where sheconducted her- Felf in a very violent manner, and it was necessary to place her hands and fore arms in a leather muff to prevent her from hurting herself or doing injury to others. The Olijnicks were living at tho Cas cades up to a fortnight ago, where the husband was employed as a tooldresser. Tho wife was then taken sick and brought to St. Vincent's hospital, remaining there till tho early part of the week. She first gave signs of a disorder ed mind two days ago. The husband was with her in her place of confinement, and his grief and deep affection for the unfortunate woman was quite affecting. At about 10 o'clock City Physician C. H. Wheeler arrived and gave the patient an injec tion of morphine, after which she quieted down somewhat and became more docile. She will be sent to the asylum, where treatment will soon re store her to health. Telegram. ltoot aud Itrauch, The poison in your blood, however it may have come or whatever shape it may bo taking, is cleared away by Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It's a remedy that rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, and through it cleanses and invigorates the whole system. Salt rheum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas. Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and the worst Scrofulous Sores and Swell ings, are perfectly and permanently cured by it. Unlike tho ordinary Spring medicines or sarsaparillas, the "Discovery" works equally well at all seasons. All the year round and in all cases it is guaranteed, as no other blood medicine is. If it ever laiis to ueneni or cure, you nave vour monev back, lou pay only for tho ijootl you get. isn t it saier to say mat no omer blood-purifier can be "just as good?" If it were, wouldn't it be sold so? l'ttBturuge. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Ex-Secretary J. M. Rusk is alarmingly ill at his residence. A rumor has been in circulation that the instruction to Minister Willis re cently sent to Hawaii included nuthority to restore Queen Lilioukalani to the throne and Willis had already taken steps in that direction. Annie Pixley, tho well-known Ameri can actress, died Wednesday night at the home of her brother-in-law, Edward Fulford, in London, Eng. Miss Pixley has a Bister living in Portland, Or., the wifo of Mr. E. H. McCrncken. Annie Pixley'a real name is Mis. Robert Ful ford and was married in Portland in 1873. Two sons were born to them, but both died. Firing on Our Fine. La Liiiertau, Honduras, Nov. 9. The firing upon the American flag by the commander of the port of Ainaha on Monday Is deeply regretted by the whole population. It was all done by Presi dent Vasquez' direct orders, such waB his keenness to get hold of his old enemy, Policarpo Bonillo, who was on the Costa Rica, but he now' throws the entire blame on the communder of the port, Valllla. The steamer City of Panama, for whose safety fears were entertained because the fire was continued some time after the Costa Rica had left her in port, is reported to be safe. Twelve Krupp shells burst near her during the firing from the fort. Her captain baa made a protest to the authorities. United States Minister Baker, who was on board the Costa Rica at the time, has gone to Acajutia, in order that he may meet P. M. B. Young, United States minister to Guatemala and Honduras, who 13 on board the United States war ship Alliance. They will there discuss the affair. The Best Plaster. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in tho side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A Now Hurley. A valuable new barley is tho Egyptian variety. It yields more to the acre, nt the same time being richer and making better feed. It is superior for soup and when ground and treated like corn meal, makes bread impossible to distinguish from corn bread. Call atTnu Ciiuoxici.k office and see sample. A limited quan tity of seed can be obtained for a dollar a bushel. My Wife, For over three years waS afflicted with dyspepsia of long standing. She used three bottles of Simmons Liver Regu latorsher chills nre entirely cured and the dyspepsia almost vanquished. N. W. Eneuiiakt, Hampton, Va. Good Job 1'rlntlng. If you have your job printing done at The Cmtosici.K you will have the ad vantage of having It done with the most modern and npproved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Genixkmen, 1 never bold a medicine that gives fcuch universal siitUfuctlon to my custom ers as Kraii(u's lleaduche Capsules, I can speak alMi from experience, us they have nearly cured me of fidiueut attacks ol sick headaches. I could KCt you many testimonials In this vicin ity from those who have itbcd them. Yours trul), V, h. COTTl.NCl, Hed cloud, Neb. Hold by Snipes & Klhcrsly. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come lorward, us tlie roil will uo pub lished on the : list of this month. T. A. W.uu), Sheriff. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion und cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Hot clam broth ut J. O. Muck's every day ut 4 o'clock. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYal Baking Powder ABSOUUTEttr PURE