XX. O. Nielsen., Tin Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as iccond-clnss matter. THE OAI.I.KS OUKMON A Qup?r I.epnl Onruiuent. One of the most remarkable legal papers on ille in the archives of the world is one now in the national mu seum of Paris labeled "Sentenee on n hop, executed by justice, in the copy hold of Oarmont-Avin, and strangled upon a gibbet at that place."' It is sealed with red wax, kept under a ylass case, bears date June U. 1101, and reads as follows: " We. the jury, in detestation and horror of this crime, and in order to make an ex ample and so satisfy justice, have de clared, judged, sentenced, pronounced and appointed that the said hog, now detained in the abbey as a prisoner, shall by the executioner be hung and strangled on a gibbet, near the gallows which stands within the jurisdiction of the monks whose names are hereto appended, being near the copyhold of Avin. In witness of which we have sealed this present with our seals." Followiug the above are the signatures of the jurors and the prefect of the de partment de l'Ainsc. Strength uuil lleultli. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Hitters. U "h grippe" has left you weak and wea"", use Electric Hitlers. This remedy acts' directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you arealllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relW by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes fc Kincraly's drug store. Are your children subject to croup? If so, you should never Ik? without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as soon as. the croupy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of mothers who" have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in large and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale byUlakeley & Houghton, druggists. Look Over Your County Warrants. All county warrants registered prior to January lotn, icau, will be paid it presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ,cease3 on and after this date. Ym. Micheix, Tie.tsurei' Wasco County. October 21st, 1693. tf Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dns't. Xotlcel All notes due and becoming due and iall accounts owing us must bo settled on or before 2s overnber 1st, lSOU, either in sviiiyty ipjrt", barley or cash. Accounts Tiiid notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm The Dalles Mkiscantili: Co. S. L. YOUNG. : : JEWELER : : Walches ul Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satlffactlon guaranteed AT THK Store tit 1. C. MckeUeii, l Ht.Tlie Dalle i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J cnt business conducted for moderate Feet. ou orncc i owoarrtu. s. patent orncrj J and we can secure patent in less tunc than those J remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- J lion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, t i A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with J cost of sane in the V. S. and foreign countries 5 sent free. Address, t ?C.A.SNOW&CO.j S orp. patent orricE, Washington, O. C. tyVV'VVVVVVV M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., j October 17, 1KW. ) Notice 1m hereby xlvcn that the following uuniul tcttler has filed notice of his intention to junko Jlual proof In nupport of JiU claim, and that buld proof will bo made beoru the register mid receiver of the U. H. Laud ollleo at The Dulles, Or., on Monday, Nor. itf, 18W, vizi lames SI. l'atlnun, Ilouiestt'itd application No. for HE portion J, Tp. -1 K K h K W. M. Uu mimes the followiiiK wltni'Mca to jtrnvu hi continuous reldence ujkm and cultivation of eald land, viz.: Fen Hatty, fluiih ChrUman. W. K. Corson und lv. S. Chandler, all of The Jjalie, Or. 10-aitd JOHN W. LKWJS, IlejrUter. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Tue Dalle, Or.,) Oct, 21, iaa. j Notlco In hereby given that the followliitf. .named iettlerha lllul uotlcoof hU intention to make Haul proof in tupport of his claim, und that said proof will be mudo before the Hcxi'tcr aud Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on December 11.1MU, viz; ItuUnilo n, itrooks, lieriseoof John Hughe, deceased. Jiomectead Application No. 838. for the Wi BKJi ud H'A HW'Zol Bee. 3i,Tp. 1 N li. VI K. Ho name Iho following wHuewtw to prove bin continuous tetldimw upon and cultivation of tkl btud. viz; O. W.Cook, W. A. Miller. Frank C'reJgh ton aud iSeMi Moniau, all of the Dalle, Or. , ' .MF-L b. IUVH Umwo take notice. fm JOftN W. U5WW, lU-rlster. Clothier and Tailor. . . . Decidedly the Finest Lino of Gents' Kutrnistiing Goods, Trunks and Palises, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TUE DALLES, OR. feu Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated und nowly furnished throughout, and is now -bettor than over prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, und at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. OQlce of the fast and commodious opposition Stag? to Dufur, Klngeley, Tyjjli Valley, Waptnltia, Warm Springs and l'rlnovillo is in tho Hotel and persons going to Prinoville can save M.OO by going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. IaZI NHNS 5 HE NEW TOWN has beou platted on the old camp ground, at tho Forks and Falls of Hodl river, with large, Mjjhtlv lots, broml strcetfand alloys, good soil and pure watcr,vritli ahadein profimou, jcrfect ilriihiHKc,delii;lit,ltil mountain climate, tho central attraction ns u mountain summer resort for all OreKon, being the ucirct town to Mt. Hood. It Is unpnrallclec as n manitfscturiiiR center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and 11 r timber, possessing millions of horte-power In Its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there tho maim factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywbere for fruit and ngriculture, and with traniportatlon already assured you will And this the place to make a perfect home or a pnyinp lnvcstmen J See me on the ground, 01 address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITLE PERFECT ! - W. RossWinans. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the a Cii-Oiil Side oi p- Finiifi & Camets at CRANDALL & BURGEES, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIOHELBACH BRICK, - - UNION ST. FIRST CLMSS Or j0 PR Pi Ti" 'Til, CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. Second St. I.C. N I CK ELS EN, The Dalles, Or BURHAM & ROBERTSON FToprletorsi. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal fits., Tho Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either tfinglo or JDouble Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with frekrhi or driving teams, having sadded to their stablos large feeding and wagou room, Ceuercial Fatmaie Salicited. Twice a Week WE DOJIT WflHT YOUR . LIFE 1 Just Noui, BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR From NOW Until December 31, 1894 For ONLY $1.50. Tip are Doll Times1 And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco! County. i OUR Circulation must he doublod and to do this we propose to; furnish the Weekly for the "balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A year and a third 16 months makes a GREAT amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides; the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFER Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should make your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. FOR The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this speoial rate, which is the best offer ever made on this ooasc, YOUR ATTEflTIOH h onlled to the fnot that flag!) Glenn, Dmdor In 01rt"t, l.iinu, IMmuur, Cuiiiunt niiilMluiltllnu MiUcrliil of nil klmls. d; -,'itrrl' tint I'llii'Kt Mm i,f jtiircHoolJinis u To hu found in tho City. 72 tXlashington Street. From TERMINflli ov INTERIOR Points THK lira Pi n RHILROHD I the 1 1 no tf (iikt TO ALL POINTS BAST AND "PlrH tinn It J'Hc !"r Himto. It run Throntt .EJUAIUU.U 1 vi'llhiiUl Trnlim every ilny In Uu- ytwr to fk pauI and dhicajo (NO (JliANdi: OK (JAItH.) (:oui;njmM nf Dltiliisi o,tr iiiiur.nMil. I'ull ntnu Imiwlu;; Iloom Hlvcfcrw ot Mint iiiiliinnt. TOlllllST SLEEPING CARS llo.t Hint Mil ho roiiniruvutt, hiiiI In which uwummiliitlmiH iui Ixith Krcv nml KurnUliwl for lioliltrxof l'trat mul bcconil'ClussTlcki'lo.aud ELEGANT DAY COACHES A. i'outlnuouv Hue, rnnni'clliiit with all Hue nfi'orilliit; illrt-vt iititl miluternitnl tvrvlco 1H0NEY, l'ullimiu Hlccj-.-r nvivutiiti can Ij cch rwl tu lulviiucu tlirunuh imy nxvnt nl tin; riMil, THROUGH JIGKETS P ICiik li 1 1 '1 "nil lsnruH) enn le pi ticket iitlko 111 ttio CDtniMtny Tu itnit Itiiin hII iltitulti Anietlca. luirclmtiil itt naj l"u 11 lnlurniiittou cnncurnlnK rnttw, time el train, routes iitnl ntlier iletiilli lurnhlitil oa njipllcntlon to W. C. ALLAWAY, Aftcul l. 1. v A. Nnv, (,'o., UcKiilnKir otllcc, 1U I)dll(, Or., or A. 1). CIIAK1.TON, Ain't. (Jcttfral I'Mxfcrixcr At.. I'ortlntid, 'Hi. warehouse 1 on GHEflT OFFEH I 1894. Twice a Week : From NOW Until - December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. '1 Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Hates Reasonble. Maui: ooods W . W . Oo. THK DAI.I.KS. Oil WEBSTER'S INTERNA TJONAl DICTIONARY A Gratta U4uclr. Tim vi'.ir Itttt lii rovliiiB,fJ: llnm 1 lillllill , nlTl moru titan J3WW OXIU'IIUUII. Evorybo&y hotilil own tnl lllntlnnnrv. It . H Hwcrsftll 1'C"??.'. touceriiinir i"u""T tory, HiieiHHB, i"": iniiH'latloii. uoo ineaiilinr of worul. A Library in Itself. itniwRhrM tlld llfd'll ilunlrnil inrnrmntlrill tOllCtTlllllK tinliieiit iivrKoiM j factH coiicenilnjf tf coimtrlos, ultlen, town, untl natural ; tiinmortliOKloU); itarlieuluni couccrniui. notcil flctltlniis jiomohh nml places i traj latlon of foreign limitations, wonu, u lirovcrli.i : otc, uto., cto. TfiM Wriflr 1 Tnvnlnnblo inbo lioimlioli),uiiil to tlio toaolier, noliolar, Jiro- ivntiuuai man, una noir-ouuciuor Sold by All liookiellem. UTEWJTFH'S lMTERKATJONAt .. .-i w . rF m .llflum. C3rSehdf(irrropruiictui. G. & C. Met t lam Co, 1'ublhhern. fiprliiffleltli Afu$). The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF S anno headers. Thoy read Tho OhronlolO to k H'u I,l,""t moot rlawlu now. Ami tliey rem! uvery that In In tho iacr. Tlmt in what Mv 'u (Jhroiilclo an Invaluablo aavortltlnK nl , J,,,.! Tho iiowmwpor that -v gw to tlio I",n" llru.Mi Ih tho ono () that tho 'lyo'cr o today jmtronlzo wh thoy dulro reach tho jKionlo. Whon thoy want your t""'u their niiiioiiiicomenta will ho found In tho pa took over our column and obnorvo tho vcrim tlmiof tho truth of thla awortloil. llemW'tfi utrado ola family ol two thoiunu . 7 . . 1. ,1,11111 11 in worm imkiuk ior uirwuau -- column, eupcially o at our vvrj