QPECIHL SHLE, OU R - eciixT Saturday, Nov. n, 1893. Our . . f 30c. sec Dress Goods, 40c. FOR 2RC Our A 60c. 65c. 75c. Dress Goods, FOR 50C 25 per cent. Discount on all Linings and Trimmings. ,'Vl, ALL GOODS MARKED 71 1 . in Plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The flallesDaily Ghponiek Mitnail 11 tho I'oHtoIllt'c nt Tliu Ditllug, Oregon, UK nccDiul-clnsi mutter. I.nciil Ail viii'tllii;. 1U Cunts pur line (or lirst limertlmt, mill (i Cunts M.T IlllO fur l.'HCll l)lll)neiIIUIlt lllMTtldll. d i'ln 1 riitw (urloiu; time notlcei. All Iih-'iiI itcitlcos ruculvuil liitur thmi ;t n'ulork will iippcnr the (oIlowliiK iltiy. THTRSDAY, - - NOV. 11, ISO!! The Daily and Weekly Chronicle viihj b found on mle at I. C. Ntukclwn'H utore. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Our Hull' :ii!Uii-iii I'roiu In mill Altout tint City. .Mr. E. Sehnnno has mit a good exam ple liy wheeling tiwny tin; until in the Htri'ut at Harris' corner until is hard rock liuttmu 1h struck. A couple of pups wont into Hnyiml it llnruuttV olllco toiluy, inul tool; away it Itir of shoes belonging to .Mr. Baynrd, while tho owner wuh across thu street. Now is your chance to giiCBH at tho candy in GarrotHon's window, nil guess Iiik closed liy 7 :'M) Saturday uvouing tit HurrinV gallery. Candy free Come wry body. Tho young ladies of the Christian church Sunday school will givo a mite social hi tlio basement of tho church Satnnl.iy evening lit 7 o'clock. Couio curly nnd havo 11 good tiino. Tim matter of tho MiHpoiiHion of U. 11. Finn, an attorney of Lit Grande, from practicing Iwforu tho bur of Oregon, a trial will ho hold in Tlio Dalhw before Judge Bradshaw on Nov. 'JOth. Twenty-two people avallud themselves of tlio opportunity to gut crayoiiH of themselves for nothing at IIorrin'H (gal lery yestordav afternoon as pur adver tisement in Mondny'a Ghuoniom'.. Tho K. of 1'. propoao to orect a hand- eonio public building soon that will bo a credit to tho city. Tho lowur Htory will bo (ittod up to accommodate hIiowh, etc., a lequiromuiit Tlio Dalles Jh sadly in need of. Tho rivor lino risen rupJdly at tlif h city during tho puHt four or livo days and thin morning tho gunge registers ton foot above zero, YcHtorduy tho rise wan two foot two-tenths, nnd today the river is rlHing fast. A bin lot of fruit trees from tlio Jovvett nurseries, Wliito Salmon, arrived today for distribution among our fruit raisers. These uuraorlcH are quite popular, as Mr. Jewett sells nothing but Hrst-class trees and standard varieties. FarmorB near Tueoma havo nearly completed arrangements for tho impor tutlon of a largo number of hogs from tho east to fatten on dutnaged grain. The Great Northern and tho Northern Pacifln hogs over thoir lines froo, so that tho I whole cost In bringing tiio hogs would bo tlio coat of delivering thorn to tho nbovo roads. Mino host Sklbbo, just aftor pulling "In shoes off last night, preparatory to Koing to bed, noticed a lantern light in the vicinity of his chicken house, watching further he saw a man in the act of crawling through,! amall hole in tiio fence. Noisolessly ho made his way to within about eix foot of tho fellow's ear. nnd shouted "polico I police I" It t wits a corapluto surprise and tlio flnenjy became panic stricken, resulting 111 n completo rout. Ho stralgh toned P nnd ran away like a door Into the wkitegg, No fnrthor oirort was mdo Pursuit, Tho KiiHtiTii )r!:nii Afiyliim. In rt'gurd to the branch insane asylum to bo uoiiHtructtid In eastern Oregon, the trustees concluded to instruct the super intendent of the present insane asylum, Dr. L. L. Rowland, together with two or more assistants or consulting physicians, to uxuuiinu all the sites that have been oll'ored for tho brunch institution in the Kuatorn portion of the state, and re quire them to render to the board of public building commissioners as quiukly ii8 possible a report respecting the henlthfulness uud suitability of the localities for the new institution U'liuu this is done, jtlicu some decisive action will be taken toward the prelimi nary work of construction. CONSTRUED IT WRONG. MlKuiiilertHii(llnc an Ordlnnnco Cannes Trouble. Critokvil I'uih. Everybody who pretends to know any thing, knows Sain Klein but there are a great many tricks that as yet the boys are not on to. Sam is the owner of a second hand Htoro, sells everything in fact, and ho is also the owner of two very fine pups, which ho has been enducating for the past two months. Now, tho latest trick of Sam's is this, ilo will get up an argument relative to the late ro publican election in thu east and while ho ia busy with you the tin pa aro at work in your cilice or place of business, packing away your vulubles, of courso taking them to their master's place of business. Thu truth of all which I can vouch for. C. E. Bayaiid. Ollim Knoliil, :V plunsant time was had by those who attended the dime social at the Metho dist, church lust evening. A program of considerable morit was prepared, as fol lows : Stnging from Finest of tho Wheat, l'rayer. Opening address, ltev. Whisler. Organ solo, Mrs. JO. J. Collins. Recitation, Fanny Chcesmau. Baas solo, Mr. Magee. Uecitation, Lola Eulmnk. Vocal duet, Myrtle and ltutta Stono. Singing troiu finest of tho Wheat. Ituiiedictiou. Tlio program was followed by a delec tnblo lunch of sandwiches, cake and cof fee, and tho remainder of the evening was devoted to tu general social good time. llollnt'hH AlitotliiK' Fivk Miu: Gkkkk, Nov. , 18U3. A protracted mooting will coinmenco at tho Three Mile schoolhouso on Satur day evening, Nov. llth, at 7 o'clock sharp, and if there Ib no preventing Providence, a basket meeting will con vene at 11 o'clock a. m. unci 2 o'clock p. m, and also at 7 o'clock p. m. Every body is invited to come with your mind staid on God. Services free to all and no salary or collection of money is or shall bo taken up. No, never. Amen. .1. M. D. Waukikm), Evangelist. ooMtno COMPOUND. A recent dUopvery tf an old pliyilclan. Successfully vtid monthly by (Aoiuanift qr LailU't. U tho ouly porfootly afo nnd rollablo modlclno ilU- llawaro of uuwluolnled druenltn who .. infFinv mwllclnes lu lilaco of tliU Aik for Cook' Cotlou llool Compound, tab no tubal Me, or lucloio it and 0 conts in pontogo In Utter nnd wo w!lWoud,oalod, liyretiimmall. KuHnoalod parHiJulttrii In plain cuvclopo, to ladloa only, BUroi3. Addrow I'ond Uly Componv, No. a 1'Ulit-r Hiock. Dotolt, Jtlon. Sold lu Tlio DnllcH liy Hlukuloy & HouKton. covered. Aak your denier Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver The special mooting of the council last night developed a peculiar incident this morning. Ordinance No. 202 was read, section 1 of which provides : That no horse, mare gelding, mule, goat, chicken, turkey, goose or duck shall hereafter be allowed to run at large, or be herded, tied in or upon any of the streets, alleys.unenclosed places or public grounds within the limits of Dalles city, during nny of the hours of the day or night except when being driven through the city for shipment, or other lawful purposes, The marshal, claiming to act underthe instructions of the council, unhitched a pack horse and, impounded it while the owner was buying a bill of goods from Pease & Mays. Coming out of the store to placo the goods on the horse he noticed it was gone, and inquiry showed it was in the pound. Mr. Van Bibber's horse which was attached to the milk wagon, was also untied and put in the pound. Whoever of the council gave the marshal such instructions was wrong for the proviso in the last part of the section covers the ground, in that tho horse was tied in accordance with a law ful purpose The event caused some excitement this morning, but the town Boon re sunied its wonted calm, as the obnoxious order was revoked, the horses liberated, and the marshal instructed to molest tied teams no further. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. 13. Mowrv of Moro is in the city today. Mrs.Jowettof White Salmon returned home this morning. Mrs. T. W. Sparks and son left this morning lor rortianu. Mrs. Win. Strong and family went to Portland tins morning on tlio Kegulntor. Mossrs. JJrevmnn and Suuimerville. bankers of Portland, left for homo this morning. Mrs. Buchler and Mrs. Lnuretson took the steamer this morning for Oregon's metropolis. norm. .uuttvAi.H. Skibbe, Tuesday John JJrookhouse, J D Collier. Win M Ward, Dufur; William Trottor, Brush Prairie; C Fruerhuhn, Prineville; B Brown, Ice land, Idaho ; J B Williams, Moro j F M Dash, Walla Walla; G D Laird, Colfax; Henry Luttman, llnrtland j Peter Han ahau, J H Hamihan, Leo Kondeau, Kiugsloy ; Thomas Burgoss, Portland ; Sklbbo Hotel, Wednosday Chnrlos McFarland, Chinowoth; Mrs M E Miller, Kinlwick; N C Steavenson, Fred Smith, Mowry; A W Walker, W K Hays, B H Hays, Nansone ; Chns Payett, Conterville; Henry Lunman, Ilartlund. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Gal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Komedy is the first medicine I havo ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinorsly. Fresh oysters at A. Holler's confec tionery store. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, tlr, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. 1. Potora & Co. (Oflice Second and Jefl'or son streets,) WANTED ! ! 2,000 or 8,000 Stock Shoop, for which cash will bo paid. En quire nt this olllco. Nov. (Al A SPECIAL SESSION. The City Council' KlecU L. K. Crown Conncllmnn-Other IlimltieM. Mayor Paul Kreft presided at n special meeting of tho city council last niaht The rnp of the gavel occurred at 7 :45 and the full council was. present. Mr. Kreft stated the object of tho meeting was to elect a councilman from the Second ward and transact any other business that might properly come before the meeting. Nominations being in order, Aid. Lauer named L. E. Crowe. George W. Rowland was nominated by Aid. Jolea and Emllo Schanno by Aid. Hudson. The contest settled between Rowland and Crowe, several ballots being taken. which resulted Crowe 3, Rowland 2, and a deadlock was formed. All compro mises were barren of result, and finally Aid. Eshelman suggested that the minority yield to tho majority, and not postpone the election. One Rowland supporter yielded, which resulted in the election of Crowe. Mr. Lauer, from the committee on streets and public property, said he had been made an offer of tho use of the vacant lot on the corner of Fourth and Washington streets, owned by Snipes & Kinersly at a rental of $4 per month. Mr. Hudson moved that $3 bo offered, the lot to be used anly in the daytime. After considerable discussion the motion was carried. Mr. Hudson next moved that hitching posts be provided on said lot, which also carried. A motion for the city to fill up the old well on said lot lost and the marshal instructed to notify the owners to do so. Mr. Eahelman moved that the arc light by St. Mary's academy be moved to the middle of the street, saying it would please many taxpayers. Mr. Jolas, who knows the past history of everything and forgetteth nothing, said he believed that light was once moved from the middle of the street to its pres ent location for a purpose, and wanted to know what the purpose was before voting in favor of it. This refreshed Mr. Kreft's memory and he said it was to light up Second street, as well as Third, and the matter was referred to the committee on streets and public property. Aid. Joles Bpoke of an incompleted sidewalk on Eleventh street, which Mr. Hudson believed would be built before the next meeting, and no action was taken. The recorder was instructed to notify Mr. Richmond to remove an outhouse on Third and Laughlin streets. Aid. , Hudson moved that tho com mittee on fire and water he instructed to prepare an amendment to the fire or dinance, compelling those who have patent flues to remove them and put in brick and mortar. Passed. The acting-mayor asked what had been done in the matter of enforcing the collection of licenses. The recorder made a statement which was apparently satisfactory, and the recorder and mar shal were instructed to attend promptly to the collection of delinquent taxes. The following changes in committees were then announced : Streets and public property Lauer, Butts and Crowe. Fire and water Joles, Lauer and Crowe. Finance Joles, Butts and Crowe. All other committees stand. After a few desultory remarks by the mayor on the two inankegiving proclamations, announcing that "we would observe Cleveland's," the meet ing adjourned. Mays & Crowe has seed rye for sale. Cut flowers and winter blooming plants for sale by Mrs. Phillips. Rooms to rent nt Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 6-23daw. Uso Mexican Silver Stove Polish ANTKD rushing Cmivasn'r of good ad rlrpfcs. I.llnTiil Milnrv nnd exiienscs vwld weekly, l'erinimcnt position. liKOWN HKOS. CO; Nurserymen, I'ortlaiul, Or. xwiw The M Stat 166 Second Street. M, H0NYWILL Respectfully announces hav ing taken tho nlwvo premises on leasts and will, on Thursday next, open with u stock of PEP'S CLOTHING. Furnishings, Etc, Etc, and hopes to bo favored with a Klmro of tlio pub lic patroiuge. uel;iop po5tpoped The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out Reparaiess of cost ! xJGREAT BARGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, . FR0JH $3.50 UPWARDS Clotfpg & Fumisio Goods At Remarkably Low Prices. SptauiS Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, E00TS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As we are lorced to SELL FOR CA.-H in order to avoid lawsuits fliko the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in the market. Wo invito our friends and cufetoincrs to examine our uoods and prices before pureliasiiic. THE CELEBRATED v COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now tinning out thu best Beei and Porter east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances tor tho manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y th first-daw! artiele will be p aced on he markt. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete nnd the Latest Patterns and Perignx in W A-ILbIL paper. TPraclical Painters and Paper Hanger!'. None but the best brands of thu Sherwin-Williams and .1. W. Masury's Puiuts used in all ,nir work, and iiuiib but tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colon,, All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoti corner Thirdatid Washing011 Sts Tho DhIIob, Orafou 8 Crayons i Liie-Size Water Color FREE I Wo aro going to give away a series of enlarged pictures to our customers commencing Saturday, Nov. llth, and continuing every Saturday until Christmasi Wo want to show you that it pays to trade ut home, and any one who has had photos, made by us ut any time is entitled to a guess at each and every picture given away. If you havo ever bought a picture of us, come anil register your guess at the Candy in the jar. If you are not a cus tomer, couie and see the kind of work we aro turning out Tljo First Cravon will bo awarded at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening, Nov. llth, at tho Gallery, Come evorybody, it will cost you nothing. The jar is on exhibition In Ganetson window. THE DALLLES, OIL