The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 09, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Gimmick.
Wekly, 1 year 1
11 6 months 0 75
ii 3 ,i 0 60
Daily, lyeur 600
" 6 month 3 00
per " f. 0 50
Address nil communication to " THE CHKOK
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
orricK hours
Uenerm Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. in.
Money Order " 8 a. m. to i p. m.
Sunday O U " 9 a. ni. to 10 a. m.
trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m.
" West. .....9 p. m. and 5:30p.m.
Stage for Ooldendale 7:30a.m.
' " l'rliievlllc 5:30 a.m.
" "Dutur and Warm Springs. . .5:30 a. m.
" LealnK 'or Lyle Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" " jAutelope 5:30n. m.
Except Sunday.
tTrt-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
I " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. 9, 1893
General Harrison eays : MI am much
gratified with the result of the elections."
Quite natural.
The voters Tuesday throughout the
suites have said as plainly as words could
make it : Give us back the prosperity
of the days when republicans ruled the
The democrats could not have expect
ed other than defeat when they so
shamefully betrayed their incapacity to
legislate in the special session of congress
just closed. They couldn't agree on
anything, and but for the aid of the re
publican minority nothing would have
been done yet.
Wheat yesterday reached a lower
point than ever before in the history of
Oregon since the 40's, when in the
absence of gold and silver, it was a legal
tender in payment of all debts, and
the only circulating medium. The quo
tation for first grade valley in Portland
yesterday was 50 cents per bushel.
Now that the northern states have so
unanimously gone republican, it will be
a pleasure to note its steady rise.
Cleveland, with all his whipper-in
abilities, is but a single man. If his
party would have but acknowledged
him as their leader, their general defeat
at the polls might not have occurred.
But they were not on his side, and they
wrangled together like cats and dogs, de
feating every plan of work. When re
publicans fail to agree the minority will
give in to the majority, and boldly pur
sue some policy, but with democrats
there can be no compromise or agree
ment, and confusion becomes worse confounded.
A Portland democratic evening daily
heads its election dispatches "Got it in
the neck." The slang is very apropos.
The "chauge" having come, with values
down and thousands being fed by charity,
the voters of the country could not help
contrasting the situation with the boun
tiful days under republicanism, and
with the same strength a man tarnishing
for food is given at a fortunate moment,
they grasped the implement of guillo
tinic propensities the ballot and gavo
it to the democrats "where the chicken
got the ax."
Now that the country is safe, let us
have a little reconstruction, or as an
esteemed paternal relative would say,
let us organize. The senate, which so
long delayed legislation, was hindered
by a very small fraction of the people
though their representatives seemed to
magnify their number to a respectable
opposition. Oregon, with 310,707 people,
has two senators. Three other states,
with a combined population of only 100,
851 people, have six senators. A senator
from Nevada, casting 9,600 votes, has as
much to say as one from Oregon, casting
thirty times that number. Let us look
into the matter .a little further. Four
senators (New York and Pennsylvania
representing 11,000,000 people, contend
with forty-four senators from twenty-two
states, representing the same number of
people. Kloven million people who have
forty-four senators, are contrasted with
fifty million who have tho same repre
eentation. Twenty-nine million people
have sixty-eight senators from thirty
four smull states, nnd thirty-two million
have but twenty senators from ten other
states. This sort of representation is a
disgrace to intelligent people who pro
tend to rule by majorities. It is more
than that, a great wrong. The senate on
present lines, has no right so exist.
lluckWn'a Arnica rtalve.
The beat salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents
. per box. For sale by Snipes 4 Kin
rsly. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
the drug business at Elkton, Ky for
the past twelve years, says: "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy gives better
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine I bave ever told." There is good
reason for this. No other will euro a
old so quickly ; no other is so certain a
jweventlye and cure for eroup ; no other
fords so much relief in cases of whoop
ing sough. For sale by lilakoley fc
Mq hum, druggiets.
1'ecnlUr DtipotltfTof Sediment round on
tho Coast or Next Jersey.
Millions of years ago certain scdl
m ents, which had thoir orlglu in tho
washing away of conglomerate rock6
far to the northward, , were
brought by water and laid
down over 'this part of Now
Jersey. From ugo to ngo the character
of the material changed according to
the source from which it was fetched. digging into tho soil hereubout,
one fluds it arranged in layers like
cake. First, says tho Washington
Star, the spade will turn up a rod
brick clay. This deposit will extend
to a depth of three or four feet, per
haps, lleneuth this will be a stratum
or clay quite different in nppearanee,
and speckled with iron. Underneath
the latter is a layer technically termed
"fire clay No. I," and below this is
"fire clay No. 'J." Next comes a
"seamy" stratum, nnd finally layer of
what is called "extra sandy," which Ik
at the bottom of the formation. All of
these clays are useful, being npplied to
various purposes, according to char
acter and quality. They go through
processes of grinding and refining in
the factories by which they are freed
from impurities and made smooth and
perfectly plastic. Such is the raw
material, which is eventually turned
out in most beautiful shapes for deco
rating houses and for other purposes
of agricultural ornameutation. This
work at present employs artistic skill
of the very highest order. The de
signs are made by sculptors of the first
rank, who consider It not beneath their
dignity, any more than did Michael
Angelo, to expend their genius upon
the adornment of buildings. In fact,
many of the objects of art in terra
cotta which now grace private dwell
ing and public edifices seem almost too
admirable, inasmuch as they cannot be
seen closely enough to be admired as
they deserve.
I, a flrlppe.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy f-eems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in oiees of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, elie-:tand lungs, and lias cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standihir. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial Iwttles at
trnitS: Kitifily's drug store.
ghiluh's Vituluer is what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prife 4v. Sold
by Snipes & Kincrsly, druggists.
to tho denier who
is bent on bigeor
profits. I'lio
thing that ho
wauts you to
Imy, when you
ask for JJootor
Pierce's Fitvorlto
ianH "iust us
good." Proof of
this is easy. Tho
only guaranteed
remedy for tho
ailments of wo
manhood is tho " Favorite- Prescrip
tion." If it over fails to benefit or
cure, in making weak women strong
or suffering women well, you have
your money back.
Anything "just as good," or ns
euro to bring help, could be, and
would be, sold in Just that way.
This guaranteed medicine is an
invigorating, restorative tonic, es
pecially adapted to woman's needs
and porfectly harmless in any con
dition of her system.
It buildB up, strengthens, regu
lates, and cures.
For periodical pains, bearing-down
sensations, ulceration, inflammation
everything thnt's known as a
"female complaint," it's a remedy
that's safe, certain, and proved.
kvorything catarrhal in its nature,
Catarrh itself, and nil the troubles'
that come from Catarrh, are per
fectly and permanently cured by
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. No
matter how bad your case or of how
long standing, you can be cured.
Executors' Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that tho undesigned
huvo own duly appointed, by the Honorable tho
County Court of Wasco county, urexou, execu
tors of tho estate ol John Baxter, iliwmil; nil
persons having claims aRalnst .aM i'tnto are
hcrebv required to present tho umw, iluly veri
fied and with proper voucher, to ui or either,
t Antelope, Wnsco county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of tills notice,
Tho Dalles, Or., Aug. :!, ISM.
Executors of tho estnto of John ISaxter.ilcc'd.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. K. Gnrrctson, of The Dalles, Oregon, hav
ing asilsucd his projierty for the benefit of all
his creditors, all persons mivinif claims iiiralnst
him are hcrebv notified to tireient them to me
unilcroatb, at Tho Dulles, Oregon, within three
montlii) froni unto.
A. K. TIIOMI'sON, AiKiltc,
August C, 18J3.-wCt
1 W,fTO
Vjp'f'aO. Fan -c.'.sc IT wiuunot cups, ti
AnazroeabTcLax&ttvo and NEUVE 'IONIC.
sola by Druajrstaor eent by ssatl. 15c. 60c ,
nusl.(.jj.Trf.cKaije. Samrjled free
KfTfc "EJfft T130 Favorite I05TH
B JHi KJJ forthc Teeth iu:dUreati.S5c.
For anl? by Milpe. v !.inirly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
f r III
la Mi County Court of tho State of Orego'n, for
Wasco County,
I'l tii" Matter of tho Kstat.) of i
Wliil iio Hamilton Wilson, Decayed (
Notice t hereby alvcii that the uwlerilgite-l,
by an onier of the County Court of t:iu Stuixof
Oregon, for Wasco County, mwie and entered
September 7, ISiW, wa appolntol exteutorof the
last will and testmcm of the salil William
Hamilton Wilson, deceased, all person having
claims against suld estate lire hereby no' I lied to
present trio samo with the trotr voucher
therefor to moat theofllci! r.l Ma), Iluiititigto i
iV Wilton. The Dalles, Oreg i. within sis
mouths from thu cato of tlili notice
Dated Tho Dalles, Or., Sept. 7, 1J1.
It. S. IP'S i'lS'OTON",
Kxccutor of Will of Win. I!, '.vihon, deo'd
y-sw 5t
Estray Taken Up.
Oik: black tony, bramlcd either 5 or S on left
hip ami left Jaw. Owner can have tume by prov
ing property and paying for this ii'jtlec
DKI.I, i . WII.DKIt,
lO'Mwlm Fostotilce, The Djlles, Or.
With electro-Magnetic 81T5FENSORY.
l.ulcft I'nltnUI Jle.t ImprnvruenU I
Will ciirj without mMldno dl D.Udci, rttulling from
OTrr-tiiatlo.i of t'luln nrrro foicesi excuses or India,
cirilon. us' nerroiu di ttlllty, sitcplomncja, languor,
rjM-umittsjn. kidney, liver and bladder ccnpuinu,
limeiu-clc. iaittlk'u. s;Utli. til frrnnjn compUlnti
7-m;ral III hi-aUli. etc. Tl.ts lcctrlo licit coculnj
jlouiitrftl l r r.i.Dti over ell other". Curr'iJt Ih
imtantly folttiy v.crjvr or we forfeit JJ,C0O.oo,
villuuroullcf too coove dlsniui or no lay. Ifcou.
lids nav Uvn cored by UiU intrrcluus ItivinMon
eftrr all othrr rririinJIei faJM. and wo Klo L'JUdleJc
ct terumcnlablr. this end every other note.
Our rtn;I luproTM KUXTKIU hlbfl.VSOr.Y. tho
fn-4ttst Un orci- olfrred vrcals men, SUIK Khl)
U Hi. Ilea! lb mil Inroiu t Ireofth Ol'lUiSl ttil Inti'Ht
UOiU'S fccndforllluVd l'aa:pilct,laalled.i4jJ,frCo
&0. 173 Viral litreet, JUU'X'bU OliE.
Easily. Quickly,
Ptrmantntly Retlored.
and all tho train or evils
from early errors or later
excesses-, tie results of
overwork, sickness,
worr.eto. Fullstreugtli
development nnd toiio
given to tvtry organ oud
portion of tbo body.
Bunplr. natural rntthotfj.
ceo. Vallure impossible.
ifU references. Book,
explanation sail proofs
nulled (seated) free.
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies.!
(i'eutlemenl Two flne-looklisi; l'eiius"lviinla
ludlei), excellent reputations, linlnstrlous, splen
did housekeeper, urc-s 18 ami lv, vinrth W.UW.tO
ench, pntentH dead, want too west this fsll,iiud
woiiid llko to correspond lilt nice, resjcuble
gentlemen under 40. Object' happy western
homes. Gentlemen, if you ntu I'latrlmonlully
inclined, send II bill in common letter for pirn
ton, tinmen and addresses of these yoiiiic Iudlc.
Pennsylvania Adv. 0o,,
lOUwlm Hoxtf-V. Uk Haven, I'n,
Notice. Timber Culture.
U. S. Office, Tun D.iu.k, On., i
I AllKUSt I 'J, 18'JiJ. )
i Complaint havlutr been entered at this oirii-o
I by Marrletta M. Marshall ni;aiit i'restou It'.-d
.for fulluro to comply with law as to 'limber
Culture Entry No. .'1110, dated March 'JO, isvj,
utioii tho NWl of Section as, Towuslilp'j North,
Willi ii view to mi; euiiL-vii'iiiou oi Mini eiluyj
contestant nllcKlni; that defendant Iium wholly
failed and iicxlectu! to plow or break or cultf
vnto to crop or otherwise, or plant with trees,
trco seeds or cilttinxs, durliiK any of tho tlmo
since making Ills said entry, any pun of said
tract, tho Mid parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this OHIco on thu '.'1st day of October,
1HUX at 10 o'clock A. 31., to respond and furnish
testimony coiiccrnlnir mid iiIIckmI failure.
U-lwSt JOHN W. I.KWIU, Heslster.
Executor's Hotlee to Creditors.
John Pashek,
Tie Merchant Tailor,
7 Count Stvaat,
Next door to Www Bun Offioe. '
WtfHvi juit received the latest stylen In
Stiitines for Gentlemen,
and hsHii largo assortment of KoriJirn and Amer
ican cloth, which he can finish To Order or
...vnu i.aiitvui lllll.
CUaning and Repairing Specialty.
Notice is hereby liven that tho County C'ouit
of thu Htato of Oregon for Wiuco County Iinn
duly appointed tho uiiderslgnwl the executor of
the last will and testament of Ucoruu V. lieers,
deceased. All persons havliig claims MKalitit
tho estate ol naltf deceased aro hereby reuulred
to ireseat them, with tho proper vouchers,
within six months from tho dato of this notice,
to said executor at his place ol residence, near
Dalles City, in fM county, or at tho oflico of
W, If. Wilson, in said Dalloa City.
Dated thin 1st day ot November, IhM. .Hw
Exeoutor's Notice.
, Aotlcols hereby given that the tiuderslKned
hau been appolutod by tho County Court of f .
Htato of Oregon for Wasco County, executor of
tho estate of Catherine Willie, deceased. Hint all
erwms hnvltig claims against Mid vstalo aro
hereby notiiled and required to present tho
same, with tho ttrooer vouchers, to me at tho
oillco of Maya, Huntington A Wilson, Thu Dalles,
IViisjiA t tit titar lMkni urfftlilts silw ininilliu
thodatoof thla iiotlte. W. ii, TAyiXlU.
, Kxecutor of said estate;
Tho Dalles, Or,, July '', KW.-'M
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Sacoml Streot.
For Sale at a Bargain.
The undorsinod, havinp socured tho nmchinory and
fixtures of whuL wus intondod for a firKt-class hIioo factory,
will auTl tlio samo at. a bargain. Horo is an ongimPand
boilor of 40-odd horse nowor, and a largo amount l)THhoo
maohinory, lasts, lino shafting, pulleys bolting and find
ings almost a comploto shoo factory. . -
More is also one of tho host sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to bo found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dalloa, Or.
Familiar Faces in a Ncnu Place. .
Late Sptciitl Agent Utntrul Land Ojjke.
Bayard efts BaEtxrxxott,
Jtye ieal Estate, loai, Iiurapee,
Parties having' Proporty thoy wish to Sull or Trade, Houkos to llont, or
Abstract of 'Piths furnished, will iiittl it to their ndviiiltago to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
liet'ore the Unitep States Land Ollicc.
85 Washington St.
. Tin Repairs am
Shop on Third Streot, next door west of Young ct Kuhp
Hlacksmith rfhop.
Wasco County,
The Gate City of tho Inland Empire is situated at tho hwtd
of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros
perous city.
it is tho supply city for an oxtonsivo nnd rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south an Summer
Like, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rich grazing country along tho eastern slope of tho Oun
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, thu wool from
which finds market hero.
Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries are tho finest on tho Columbia, yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ho more
than doubled in tho near future.
The products of tho lxmutiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and tho country south and oast has this year filled tho
warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money is
scattered over and is being used to dovolop more farming country
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climato dolightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these
oornor ntones she stands.
The California Wine ho use,
& Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his jhome
produced Wine at prices in tlio roach of ovorybody.
Alao, boat Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
f to bo Pure and First-Glaus in evpry rospeot.
Thompson's Addition, Q. BECHT,
Is the
In tin- Circuit Court uf llio State el rw.
Iliu County nr Waico.
A. I) llolloti,
Krnnk It. (llllosplu,
Ittitxlii (llllrstilc, W.
i:. Hunt mid W. II.
miller, Duiuiiiiimt.
71) fVlUlt 1). f)l!l-rlli,"l.',(,.i... ,
uboir-miiiiftt ilfttmlanlt:
III till) IIMIIIDOf !!n tiil,i nl li. .
iwuli of ymi lire hereby n-milrri mJT. inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiii nun IfHtllroaln
IUM1VO L'llIlKUIl SIllLrill nr lM.r, I.L. .
.1... ... . ... " "' u.
...... ... ...w . ... ,m. .villi ill in.
linn, iii.rfini. rit.tvir .m i.iIm. u. "
... ..... .n.ivit w
tilth liny of Niivninlisr.lHi, tr v..,. r..ii u.. ...
...... .. j .... ...ii r.f in IIU1HC1.
tliontif tim pinlntlir will ntiplytott
.... .. a ..t .1 1"
Kiiri' uiiii tiiiiiiu mill'outiil by you In
iiiiovo nniiictt iniiiiitlM on llioii iiliwc
lier, 1MU, niMin llu iiorthwcHt uiinrtcrcl
II III tlltl'llulll,, ! k.lllfl, r...... I I ..,,. U
iii(:o I'uiiniy, wrvk'on, nun unit miiu
Iio sum unilor sui'li lorccloiiiri' iKxret
......w. ......,. ... ..... ,,, III1IU.
ill ill: licit ill null i.iiiitl. iiiiiL rum iiit.ur
....1. ...1.. .1... ..ti.. .1 I -
"i,Vl, i,,llt ill., llllll II.XVIlIUf
... , . ,-.. ,...,.111,1, 11. I, 1111. IIW1
sixty '")) dot larH na h ieiiimiiilo uttoruni
llllil iiiniiiiiviiii.iii iiiiiiiu nun vaimiuiu u
mile, nml that iilnintlir inivu ii Jiulmcnl
...... .Illl Kriltll 11 HMMn frt. .h.
I... .1 .III.. I. .,...... ...
Iliviil, nun mi imiur ;inmt ciaiiniujr
UVVI) lnilfc,l in, t ' ' , v , ' 'DW SiMl l
LNIllll lllllll IHU l!!ll.J ,,l l.,UljlWU. 4JI.I
nltt iiiiil liiircliiiv iiiilil tnortzuftl tnalta.
I HI lllllll. I Mill I III lllllll liltHKCIHlUniO
truuiil iituiii vn Iliu lmrclnim le let into
iiiftlliitnlv. nml inr ntifli iillnrand mnbtr re
1 lilt siiiiiiiiiniK li svrvt'il iiion lOSime
I'rmik II. tllllcsnluiiml ItlioiliUiIl!et',tiy
lit'llllllll 111 1 HU lllllt:n 'llliwnil.i.ft,n u."r
mi i aiin i uiduiv nt i n ii' i iir.niconm
I. t .1- ...t. l. ulM
iiiiii u 1 1 iiniti rfiiuvi. iitii'.i. hi .am L
t'luinilM:rH on tliu'.'iltli ilny nl K'tilOTiiitMK
liri'l'll .t ilBNEFII.
In tin- Circuit Court ot mo awtonv
inr inu i'(iiiiii) in ,i,i. in.
W. A. Jllllor. )
I'Uiintijr, '
i:. 1'. lU-yiiulils, I
ItfJimlixnU J
!.. I' f i,n,lMi IWluirMlfllilfl itlM&
III Illll (Llllllf, III 1111! nilllt! Ill Ullfe"". .
,.. :.x : . ...... ii... i ... i .noirmw
:.,i.i ..I...... r ii.. .ni., h b"1".
nitlllli iiiijo ii. -. ..ti.
tins minium m I hi i i , n
i.iu .' ii,.,.. .giiiiin montv ll!l I1"1
....... .1... .if . iiiii iitninuui r""
l.lll., .fl lltv rvi.ivu ,l .. . ii .- IllBD
VJ;," iiVi.l .niwtr llW P
plnl-i on tim rst Hay ol tin; " r this fin
..mi . ,.ll..rl ivolii' nil i IcstloB W ' e"
l,...ul.' .hi MiimliiV. ItlO
...... M. ' II9J.
inortitiiiKiiivx.'ti K'i ni wiin w'"rnjti.
iiiii mill ii tint im-iiiinrn i nniri
... . .n
... ' -:i. ..j.. imuii"i v.
. .....n " vis ........ .itfpH. Ill
....... ..n ILUIMV --
111141 111 1 ilUI'li rflsllilV. liriK'' ",L noTlQC
..... i . Tun livs- -
.r. ..... a nilLMV"--
jiiiiI NlxlyiiuwMMitl ltuiiti"l "Je practice
thlK court, unit Unit tho vwevt 4 w
ntihllnl In itavinonl of tho muuuur
wifd iniirtifML'tMiiul HtlU uupWr "lhfl r8ic
J.llfllt I.Jtl dtitlt t lull1 lltllllllll II"'" ",.l -.1,1 1L
tut stf I tlVIIHI mill Mir iliu ... irui
f-v "I wr;i,, s.... - ... a l,..rlll. ' i.
lliwiim l n nisia - .... nliri
I .. I ti 1 1 il' an 1 1 1 a.i. nit 111 HIV akn)
ih, ii.in7lnli,L' iiftor Iho ii!I!ciiiiv"
fW ill sum sum us Min";, nut tne
You wlll. lurtliur tiiUo ' 0,l "Zxbi
iiioiih In tliU Milt Ij t
ciitl by ikr of tlio ",0W( onlet
oi sum -i"ii"
l. . vu llllV'I'lNIi llii. . '1 i, I. lnD9
i.ANnOrricKi i"V'g t.
. . . in hi uiv "-UAH
IKimiKl tiny IIIL11 lllfliv III .
, . . , f IUII1 US. j - nt .
cwim, nun mai nam ;wi 0 paiidiw
tlio HtwIstcrHiiil rewfvMt i "
1'fliluy, November n, i ' 1
ii.....ut i..ii,.Mtlnii No. VMi'1! a.,f-
iViVi".7.rVT''.V ui7u of HW). Hi
K. W. M . .QU1UIV'-
no im.nfs tlio follow i w vi. (.v.
.li.isnsiu tfssylfllHU'n llDOlll iiU V
II lit lllllll TI" i
. . Tlll
tll'17 JWIl.'"'- r-
. n nilkOS U .'! !. 1 TWt
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