At , (tUllt to your husbands. Advicfe to Husbands! Don't blame your wife because she likes dress. Give her enough to onablo her to dross well and you will be proud of her. Wonder ful how much brighter and happier she'll bo in a new dross. Wo man's province is to look pretty, but she needs fine feathers to set her off". Perhaps if your wife doesn't look quite so attractive as she did when you were courting her it is because you have been stinting her about her clothes. Suppose now, for experiment, you give hor a Double Eagle and toll her to come to us and take her choico of those now SUITINGS that we have just received. We know that wo can please hor and that you will be proud of her when she appears in hor new costume. Sho may need a new cloak for herself or one of the children, and that want we can supply also. Give this a trial. The result will both please and astonish you All goods marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle futeh'u the I'ostolllcont Tho Dulles, Orotmi, mi M'nmil'UliUK imtttur. I. limit Ail vnrtlHliiB. I'Ki it iit llut for llMt lii'ortlou, uuil f (.Vtitn ir lit"' " inch MilMCijitout Insertion. Sltttn fjl' - (or Ioiik tlinu notices. All Iir-Mu iiiittt'i'f' received liitur tlmn :i o'clock 111 iinpvii' Sic following iliiy. WEDNESDAY, - NOV. 8, 18015 The lhihj and Weekly Chronicle viat k found on mtc al J, ('. Ntnkehen' store. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Our Dully )ltmu-iii I'roni In mill Almiit tlm CJIty. T)il Ik (lie of the tutki-v'hitlMCoiitunt; 1IN uiK'tciiiiliot ho tolit In rhyme. Hctivi-cn lViiiiovi-r mid tlm president TliectU'ciiiiil l)lrl will lime n rimkj- time. Wclcoinu, Four hundredths of iui inch of ruin fell yesterday. iV good program al the dime social this evening ul tin; M. K. church and a lunch, ImiIIi for u dime. U is announced that. Elder .(. W. Jenkins of The Dulles will commence u VwAractcd meeting at Dufur, Thursday Komrtxuly is lotjing lots of interest on county warnintH hy not calling on the comity Iri'.isitnir. it's tiino thoy woro looking into thu mutter, if they wihIi to rater to their own InturcHtH. Tho Fossil Journal tluiH IIihIh fault with a uili.on for not posting thuin: Dave Chichester und wife woro in town lust week with a Imby that upjieurcil to ho about two months old. Thoy novor told iiH itbout tho birth. Tho condition of Mr. II. Corson, who received a Bovoro stroke of paralysis eome tiuio since, contlnut'H about tho auio. His many friondH will bo jminud to learn that but small hopes are outer tained of his recovery. l'utouts were grunted to tho following wegon uion loot weok, reported hy 0 A.bnow & Co.. Washington. D. C. : E. lierriue, Portlund, coin holding and do- "verlngduvico; I. W. CablU, und L. A. Dickenson, Sulom, Or., hop-ourriugo j w.Uox, Gold Hill, tongs. According to u Sun Francisco disnatch. ! S. Puguo, prosont forecast ofllcial ut Portland, Or., Iiiih boon Boleotud to suc ked Forecast Otllciul Jonkina nt that Mint, and will roport for duty on tho 15th Inflt. Paguo is director of the state weathor bureau of Oregon, and is tut filing to cluiniro stations. His an Nntmont lias thorofore, boon mado for ix months only, after which if ho so "Wires, ho will be returned to Portland. Tlie inhabitants of 3-Mlle district are woll known as lovers of good oheor and "Wpltnlity. So when it was announced "iat tho Good Templar's lodgo of S-Mile would give a public entortaimmuit Sat unlay, it was surely expocted to be a Pleasant affair ; nor wore tho expecta tions in any way amiss. Tlio school House, near Setli Morgan's place, was Jjomied with friends as Invited guests , the ,odKei and a very pleasant even- int Was Bnont. Tlm nnndu.oWiiul wicers were installed, aftor which came - "wrary programino of much merit. fW'realunents and a social tlmo fol- IniirA.l m anu evory one present went ,7" pleasant memories of tho Wiing's onterUlnment. Mot clam broth at J, 0. Mack's every ""v t 4 o'ejook. D Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Tlirtiuehout tlm Country. Hungarian pruncH are good eating now at Polk Rutler'a. Tho country roads are pretty good now, but inuy not stay ho long. Mr. Ed. Griflin will have to hurry if ho gets a roof on nis large barn this fall We learn that there lire now over CO enrolled in the Wntnic Bchool, with more coming in. Trulv Wainic can have a school if she tries. Mr. Win. Homier of Dufur will com mence a protracted meeting at Liberty HchoolhotiHo next Suturdny evening. Other niiiuHtors will holpin the meeting. Those who think fruit will not grow on high bunehgrass hind, ought to have seen those handHomo Burtlett, Beurre d'Anjon and Winter Nollis pears: Grav enstem, lien Davis, Yellow Uellfleur, ISlne Pearniiun, Baldwin and Esopus Spitzonborg applcH that E. W. Trout raised this year on' his place fifteen miles southeast of The Pallos. Mr. K. Montgomery of Denny Hollow lost his house by lho last Wednesday evening. llo had just gathered his apple crop and Htored it in the house and hud considerable dry grain piled on the porch to dry. It is snid tho firo caught from the stovepipe in some unhusked corn that whs (Irvine upstairs. Mr. Montgomery is struggling against ad versity to muke a home, and can ill atlbrd such u serious loss. KiirmnrH Who l.oso Wheat. Mr. J. D. Hull, of lioyd bad his wheat so badly injured by tho rain that ho is selling it at HO cents per bushel. After over two months of threshing, tho Ilaynos Bros, of Dos Chutes ridgo, pulled their machine in Monday. Mr. Jumus Philip and Emory Mooro still have several bushels of unthroshed grain in tho stacks, which is too wot to thresh. Mr. I. J. Powell is threshing at tho old Allen place on IG-Mile Creek. Ho expected to liulsh about the middle of this week. AfUir running about 8 weeks, Mr. Geo. Nolln finished or rather quit, his last job of threshing for this season, at Jus. Moore's placo lust Saturday. l'lmtiioiiiiiK Nolioitl Till tlm Wheut Drliis. When out at Mr. Polk Butlor's place on Des Chutes rldgo lust Saturday, a Ciikoniom: reporter asked Mr. B. when school would commence at tho Butler echoolhouse. Mr. B. answered, "I don't know. Not till tho wheat gets dry." "Why I What's tho school to do with wheat?" "We aro drying it in tho schoolhouse." And sure onoutrli. wot wheat was sproad all over the school houso floor from threo to five feet deep. Thoro will bo n special mooting of tho common council of Dalles City Nov. 8th. 18i):i, at 7 :!10 o'clock p. in. All council men are requested to attend, as business of importance is to bo transacted. Vavl Khkft, Mavor. (Iknti.kmkn, 1 nuvur told a mcdloliio Unit gives such unlviTNiil mitUfiietlou to my oiiHtom orx iih KriiUBo'i llcmluolio CiinsulcH. 1 can Hiciik uUolrimi exHjrleeo, hk ttioy littvo nonrly cured mo of (retiuuut iittucks of nick licmliiolien. I could K"t you many tcattnionlnlN In tliln vicin ity from thoKu wlio luivo luwl tliom, Youth trulj, 0. Ji. COTTINU, Itcd Uloud, Hob, Hold liy HnlpoN A Klliertily. Ask your doulor for Moxican Silver Stovo Polish. Wooilinen'M Itoccptlon. mo wooonien ot ttic world gave a reception and entertainment at their hall last evening. Invited friends Jwero present to a large number and a most enjoyable time was had by thoBO who were fortunate in being entertained by such hosts. Besides the members of the lodge there were present many invited gueets. A pleasant programme was rendered after which refreshments were served. A quartette composed of Balfe Johnson, Ed Patterson, Malcom Jame son and G. D. Snowden rendered a selection which was heartily encored. Miss Myrtle Michell sang a Bweetsolo in a captivating manner. The mandolin club also delighted the audience with several selections. The Woodmen are rapidly achieving a reputation as hospi table entertainers. And their efforts last evening still more added to their renown. Comity Court in SimbIoii. County court is in session today and busily engaged on the tax roll. The members in attendance this afternoon were County Judge Geo. C. Blakeley, Commissioner J. Darneille and County Clerk Grossen. The court will have a huge amount of business this term as they will have to examine the tax roll of the assessor and act as a board of equal- ation. This is a uood year in which to practice economy and we are confident tho court will allow no claims that have not been rigidly examined. Tpachom' Kxniiilnatlon. School Superintendent Shelley is con ducting a teachers' examination this afternoon at the court house. Six young ludies and ono young gentleman aro going through tho ordeal. None of tho results will bo known for a day or two, but from the looks of tho company wo should judge they will all feet good certificates. Those taking the examina tion are: Misses M. G. Hollister, Lida Johnson, Lillian Emerson, Katie Daven port, Josie HauBberry, Mary Slmfer and Mr. R. A. Gaily. Kncoriler'8 Court. Tho attention of Recorder Dufur was occupied this afternoon in hearing an action in which Messrs. Thompson und Ward woro plaintiffs and Mr. Holland was defendant. Tho trouble was over tho ownership and possession of some hay claimed by both parties. Mr. J. L. Story appeared for tho plaintiffs and Justice Sehutz for tho defendant. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. John Osborne is stationed at Umatilla. Mr. C. J. Bright of Wasco was in the city yestorday. Mr. C. P. Heald, a prominent fruit grower of Hood River Is in the city. Mrs. T. W.SparkB of Portlaud is visit ing at tho residence of Mrs. Booth in this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wood have gono to Portland. They loft this morning by the Bteamer Regulator. Mr. Stanley and daughter who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Phlrman of this city for tho past week, departed this morning for their home In Califor nia. Mr. Dunno of'Kolly, Dunno A Co. of Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Dunno were passengers on tho Str. Regulator this morning to return to their home. Shlloh's curoTtho Groat Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snlpos & Kin ersly. Pookot slzo contains twenty-ttvo doses, only Sfto. Children love it. Sold ty Snlpos & Kinersly, MR. LIEBE IMPROVING. The Wood-Iln AMaln I.enve n Letter Expldlnlnr Hi Deed. A dispatch today to Mrs. George Llebe states that Theodore is restlngcasily and win recover. Hess, the would-be assassin of Theo dore Llebo, shot twico at him. At tho first shot Liebe fell on his face, but tho examination showed only one wound, that in his head, so that he must havo dropped from fright or feigned being struck. Hess was instantly killed. A letter found on his person, written in German, which was translated as fol lows: TO THE 1'CriMC. On account of the badness of my uncle, I and my wife are placed In a ter rible situation. It is, therefore, impos sible for mo to stand longer this man, Theodore II. Liebe by name, and I have come to the conclusion to takp revenge upon tho man who destroyed my family happiness and has made a happy life an impossibility to me. That the public may bo enabled to draw some conclusion as to the cause of the step I am about to take I will explain: About a year ago, Carl Liobe, son of Theodore H. Liebe, repeatedly asked me to lend him $70. This I finally did. He promised to pay me in a month, and, although I asked him repeatedly for it, he did not pay me. He begged me for God's sake not to tell his father. I after ward found out that he had borrowed various sums from other employes. He was under age, and his father refused to be responsible for his debts. I considered the matter as to how I could get my money, and I made the mistake of concluding to take the money myself, and this brought about my down fall. I had hardly got half the money when I was seen and caught. Liebe had me arrested, and spared me no mercy, although I had confessed everything. He told me that it would cost me $1,000, and I would have to go to the peniten tiary. My poor wife was told of the matter, and It nearly broke her heart. She begged of Liebe to let me go, as she and ber child would have to suffer. But that hard-hearted mnn would not listen to her. My wife had procured bonds men for me, but Liebe caused them to withdraw. I was then taken into cus- todv again. This was August 29th. I was taken before Justice Wood, and two other men were there to go on my bonds. Liebe was there and tried to prevent Justice Woods from accepting them. He stated he had also sworn out a warrant for Mrs. Hess. My wife was nearly pros trated, as she was perfectly innocent of the whole matter. She came nearly los ing her senses. But she recovered her self and went with the officer to the county jail, where I was. I will leave it to every thinking man of family to imagine the position I was in. A res pectable, good, innocent woman to be brought by the brother of her father to a jail. This robbed me of my senses and I am now a different man. I will not try to describe what more Liebe has done to bring ruin upon me and my family. lie has done everything possible to accomplish this. He took these steps to revenge himself upon his niece, because eouio time ago she had dared to speak of his injustice in family matters. This caused him to hate my wife when she only spoke the truth. Had Liebe not gone too far I would havo passed it by, but I will now take the matter into my nanus. L am a poor man, and without money, cannot get justice in the courts. I will punish the tyrant forhis injustice toward my family We havo been brought into a terrible situation by him, without means and no chance of getting money. In jail for eight weeks, looked upon as a thief, my wife nearly distracted, thinking only of me and destitute : what more could be asked to diive me mad. All this has been caused bv Liebe. I cannot stand to see my wife and friends ruined by my actions. I swear beforo my death that I never took a cent that did not belong to me. Tho money was due me from Carl Liebe. My wifo knew nothing about it and she is innocent. I hope tho publie will not blame her, No one knows what I intend to do. I do it all alone. But I will have tho sat isfactiod of believing that I have des troyed the life of tho man who has done all this. LAST THOUGHT OK JUS WIFE. In the same pocket there was another letter found addressed to Henry Liobe, Mrs. Hess' brother. It said : When you have received this I will be a corpse. Take good care oi my who and child. I could stand my prosecu tion no longer. ltoot mill llruiicli, The poison in your blood, however it may have come or whatever shape it may bo taking, ia cleared away by Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It's a remedy that rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies und enriches the blood, and through it cleanses und invigorates tho whole system. Salt rheura, Totter, Eczemu, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, und the worst Scrofulous Sores and Swell- mis, are nerfectly and permanently Hired by it. Unlike tho ordinary Snrlng medicines or eursaparlllas, the "Discoverv" works equally well at nil seasons. All the year round and in all casos it Ib guaranteed, as no other blood medicine is, If it over faiU to boneflt or cure, you have your moHov back. You pay only for the jfowfypiiBut. isn't H siuer to tmv unit nu uuiur blood-purl Her can bo "just as good?" If It were, wouldn't It bo sold so? toetiop pctpoped. The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out Regarfliess of dost! GREATJGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. jnmiiiiiiiiBiiiiiBiiHn a Just Arrived from New York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jaekets, FROlfl $3.50 UPWflHDS loitiino & Fiiroistt At Remarkably Low Prices. Spleniii Chincbilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF ' winrpr rv TnnnQ BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As wc are lorceil to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits Hike the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in the market. We invite our friends und ciiHtomerd to examine our foods and price? beforo purchasing THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Hrewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portui east of the Cascades. Thu lutett nppliances for tho munufucturo of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the rirst-clftsu article will lm ii'mled on he market. PAUL KREFT & CO DEALERS IN 3E?- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete und the Latest Patterns and DusigiiH in TTIT" A. X- Xj jC'Practical Painters und Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and .1. W. Musury's Paints used in all jur work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maenry Liquid Paints, No chemical combination or poap mixture. A first class article in all coloih. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo ooruer Tbirdaud Wasbingtou Sts The Dalles, Oreo-ot 8 Craps i LiiB-Sizewater Color S FREE I Wo aro going to give away a series of enlarged pictures to our customers commencing 'Saturday, Nov. 11th, and continuing every Saturday until Christmas." We want to show you that it pays to trade at home, und any one who has had photos, mado by us at any time is entitled to a guess at each and every picture given away. If you have over bought a picture of us, coine and register your guess ut tho Cundy in the jar. If you uro not u cus tomer, come and see the kind of work wo nre turning out Tho First Cravon will be awarded at 7 :30 o'clock Saturday evening, Nov. 11th, ut tho Gullury. Come everybody, it will cost you .NoiiiX(i. Tho jar Is on exhibition in Gurretson window. THE D.VLLLES, OR.