The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 08, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wkly,lycar $150
" 6 monthi 0 75
s " o 60
Dtlly, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
per " o 60
AddieM all communication to " THE CHKON
(CLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
orncK hours
tHacral Dell very Window s a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " S a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday ii I) 11 9 a. m. tolOn. m.
closing or MAILS
trains going East Dp. m. and 11:43a.m.
" " West 9 p.m. and 5:90 p. m.
Stage (or Goldendale 7:S0a. m.
" " Piinevlllo 5:30 a.m.
" "Duturand Warm Springs. ..5:30 a. m.
" f Leatlng for Lylo & Hartland. .5:30 a. m.
" ' " lAntelope 5:30a.m.
Except Sunday.
rTri-weekly. Tnesdnr Thursday and Saturday.
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
NOV. 8. 1893
Americans throughout the length and
breadth of the land have cause (or sin
cere rejoicing today over the result of
the contest in two great representative
states. Ohio is representative of the
distinctive American policy of protec
tion as perfected by Wm, McKinley, and
in Illinois is contained the heart of the
foreign riffraff who assume to dominate
'the native born in the lawmaking and
executive functions. Both have given
euch majorities as are unmistakbly in
dicative of the spirit and the ability to
yet govern their interests. The sweep
ing victory in Ohio gives assurance that
Mr. McKinley will be the republican
standard bearer in 1S96, while a major
ity of S,000 in Chicago shows that oven
in that hot-bed of .anarchism there are
still a majority of citizens who do not
favor dypamite as their arbiter and the
red flag as "their token. The election of
Altgeld, who got in with small major
ity by an overwhelming vote in Chicago,
has proven a salutary lesson, and here
after in Illinois the qualification of na
tive birth will be demanded to win the
greater number of suffrages for u guber
natorial candidate. It will stand as a
lesson for all time. A clear menace to
the December congress ia found in the
handsome majority rolled up by Ohio.
A rigid enforcement of the tariff rider
contained in President Cleveland's last
message would mean ruin to the demo
cratic party. Hence the fear of tariff
revision, which has closed manufactories
and depressed trade, will be ended and
the healing process will date from to
day. Of course values cannot be restor
ed in an instant. The panic was too
widespread and too long continued for
that, but we greatly mistake if staple
products do not feel the influence of a
rise at once.
Further cheering news comes from
the Empire state, which elected Bart
lett judge of the court of appeals and a
majority on joint ballot in the legisla
ture. Iowa returns an old-fashioned re
publican majority and our dispatches
tell the story of victory all along the
line. This should be a proud day for
goft Uolltwt Egg on the Rqnaiw nd Hard
Boiled on the Oval.
"In a country hotel whore 1 had
stopped for supper," said a traveler, "I
saw on the table somo boiled eggs.
As! reached for them the waitress said:
" 'Do you like them hard or soft
" 'Soft.' I sold.
" 'The soft boiled are in the other
dish,' said the waitress.
"Then, as I looked the other way on
the table, I saw another dish of eggs.
But they looked precisely like those in
the first dish, and I wondered how
anybody could tell them apart if thoy
should ever get mixed up. As long as
they were kept at the ends of the table
where thoy were first placed it would
be very simple; but suppose somo po
lite guest should say to his neighbor:
" 'Will you have the eggs?'
"And suppose the man should say:
'Yes, thunk vou,' and take them, and
suppose one dish should in this way
work along the table until it was
alongside the other; or, for that mat
ter, suppose the dishes should change
places, as they might easily do, who
could tell then which was hard and
which soft? I found myself rather
amused by this idea, and I asked the
waitress how they could tell which
was which.
"'Why, the' soft boiled are in the
square dish and the hard boiled arc in
the oval dish.'
"Then I stopped talking for quite a
spell, for it seemed clear to me that I
was in some things not an intellectual
Fresh oysters
tionery store.
at A. Keller's confec-
Uso Mexican Silver Stove Polish
mm hi m bm mm h -wc ih
-VW.-,Lif tr.'TST. i,T mwx
Cucw., and
Currvt CourIi-, Uoiu,oii-s.'',SC)ro Thiont,
Croup promptly: rC'iorcrv Wiiooplnp Cough
and AHt.imn. 1 r Con&unir.tlcn it hnno
rival; km cured, v.iil rJCTcnli ether,
failed; viUraur. -vonzf taken in time, fold
by DruesLstsoni'miianintco. For Iji no Hack
or Cheat. usasmr.oit'.s 1'X.ASTBa. Sicta.
Rave vou Catarrh? Thlat-f-medr Is o'linrnn.
teed to euro vou. Price Wets. Injector irt
For nle by Snipes & Kinersly.
Lumbago. Sciatica?
rtivuioy wuuipiciiiii&ty
Lame Baci;g
Dr. Picrco's Goldon
Medical Diacovory
purifies the blood.
By this means, it
reaches, builds up,
nd invicoratea ev
ery part of the sys
tem. For ovcry
blood-taint unci dis
order, and for ev
ery disease that
comes from nu in
active liver or im
pure blood, it is tho
only remedy ho sure
and effective that it
can bo guaranteed.
If the "Discov
ery" fails to bone
fit or cure, in every
case, you have your money back.
These diseases are many. They're
different in form, but they're like in
treatment. Rouse up the torpid
liver into healthful action, thor
oughly purify and enrich the blood,
and there's a positive cure. The
"Discovery" docs this, as nothing
else can. Dyspopsia, Indigestion,
Biliousness ; all Bronchial, Throat,
and Lung Affections ; every form
of Scrofula, oven Consumption (or
JLung-scrotuia ) m uh earlier stages ;
and the most stubborn Skin "ami
Scalp Diseases, are completely cured
by it.
Always oimsn the offer
by the proprietors of Dr. Saage s
Catarrh Remedy. It's a reward of
500 cash for an incurable case of
Catarrh. Tho only question is- are
you willing to try it, if the makers
are willing to take tho risk?
Baby Caps and Cloaks,
Misses' Trimmed Hats.
112 Buoond Street.
Executors' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that the atuh tslirued I Vj7
mi v much mil nui-uiuiA-Ut u uie lium'.'.u iv uiv
county court, or vuisco county, utcsmi. execu
tors of tho estate of John Ila.ttcr, d.-cv h'I. nil
persons having claims ncnlnst said i -utv are
hereby required to present the Mine, il Jv rii
rial nnil with proper vouchers-, to u r either,
t Antelope, nasco county. oreiron. wit:
months from tho (Into of this notice.
The Dalies, Or., Auk. , lt'J3.
hxecutors oi tho cstntc of John Muster. lee
For Sale at a Bargain.
'H io ii Vil'isHH ' JSiiiS-JlHH!:1 r n,a(JhioiT and
fixtures of what was mtondojlfor it fh-sl-clasH shotPfactory,
wiiaIitlamo at a bargain. Id ore Ts an ngiiKT aird
I ioi lor 40-odd Ji(rso jiowor, and a largo Tmoun tT"of ahoo
ni juihi nory , JostBliiio" sliafting, pulley " TidtIng"linTr7riid
inp -ainiost. a eomplofo shoe 1'aetoiy. '
J-lore is also one of the best sites for successfully onor-
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this coiin trv
Write for particulars at once, to
Is the
Of the Yew
In tho
Circuit Court of thcHtiitcoffw!
the rntintv in w... ,lntm lot
A, 11 lloltou,
Frank I), (Hllciulo.
UlllMllI (IIIIcmiIi;, W.
K. Hunt iiiul W. II.
llutler, liefcuiliints.
3l AVnilJl- J). (Minnie mi,fltl,.lnn,.-,. . .
ill Till, iiimif, r il... .
noil of vou iiru herein- r..,,i,l,.,i ?TI' M?
mmoviunm Mint f
Tlio Xetlloai,
.Familiar Faces in a ATcw Place.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
Late Sptcial Agent (leneral I.mitl Office.
W. K. Gnrrctson. of The U.illes. Orrir.m. lmv
Ins nhsiiruccl his nroncrtv for the lx.-ii-.tlt of nil
his creditors, nil persons h.tvliu; c!si:n-. axalrkt
him lire hereby notified to pre.-ent them tn me
under orttb, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, wlthli. thru,-
rronths from ante.
A. It. THOMI'.-m-, Aviamr
August C, lS93.-ivCt
...,f. r y,
"Mnrk Twain," when in New York,
lives at tho quiet Players' club. lie has
a room in the top of the house, and
there he works and smokes as free from
interruption as when at home in Hart
ford. Mr. Clemens' hair, which was
once as black as a crow's feathers, is
now silvery, but still abundant. At the
dinner given him by the Oxford
Club in Brooklyn last Tuesday evening
"Mark" was exceedingly facetious. He
told good stories, and laughed at other
people's stories immensely. He has
spent considerable time in Europe of
iate and fun there, as Americans under
stand it, is as thoroughly unknown as it
is in the inner recesses of the Egyptian
pyramids. m
Mr Van Allen, outside of his monocle,
his Prince of Wales beard, his marriage
into the Astor family, his taily-ho coach
and his $50,000 contribution of last fall,
lias not made any mark in the world,
ior the first time, a man absolutely
.n ! 4 1. . II' I .
wituuut iiuuiiucauong. in return lor ti
money consideration, has been named
as our minister to the foreign court,
which at least has the right to expect,
If we are going to be represented there
at all, that the representative should be
a man of some public reputation at
borne. If the Van Allen episode is to be
ia any way a precedent, it would be far
better for us to abolish our whole dinlo
matic service than to farm it out to men
1.. i
umy niio iu ixwBiuerauon is tiieir
money, and who are about as much at
homo as ambassadors at foreign courts
as a hanger-on at a atage door would be
If selected for the leading part on the
With Electro-Masnotlc SUSPENSORY.
Latnt I'ntcJU! lttt Imprcvrmentii t
.Will cure without mnlleine all Wetkocti rcstilUnir f rorn
'o I'r-tnxatiou of brain nerve fore J i tice.veaorir.dii
m-tlo'i, ao ncrroin debility, tleepieoacu, lanjruor,
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder conrplitlnts,
June lire!.-? lumbiso, Bcut!-si, til feial conuilsUit
Hieral III health, etc. Tills -lectrtc Belt coctalaj
Modilrrfol Irairotracnti over fill other". Current 19
L-utactly fcltlijr wetrep or wo forfeit 4S,00O.ou. an J
"A'lllcurotUlof tuo alMtu dlteatea or no par. Thou.
-.udj oa7e been cored by this marrelous fnrenil'in
erti-r all otlit-r mnrdlea failed, and we frlTo huadredJ
or tesUmoclali In tLU and every other etate.
Onr I'anerittI insrated KUtTBlC KI SPKIRnilV. th.i
frrnitcst boon STi-r oirered weal: men, I IWK with all
llelli. Ucaltli aui tljuromWretrtSCLlKiSTtruluCJ ta
uOtUrs fccndfoi-Iilus'd lJatoplilct,jndled,iijileiJ,fifu
A'o. 17i5Ir.t(itrcet, J-OKTiUiJi OltE.
In the County Court of the HUte of Ore
Wiuco County,
In tli Mutter of the Estate of i
V'I! Ifmuilton Wlleon, iK-ceJHd i
Notice i hereby Blven that the umli-r-lffue 1,
by nu order of the County Court of ft- .irtof
uicKOii, lor county, made .nni c ti-rtl
&eritemter 7,'lsUJ, wn npi-jlntel ex."i: r .,f the
lint will nud tospitiient of the WiUiiiin
Uxiniltoii Wilfou, ileceiMil: nil in-r-' i- . ivlnir
claims iiKnilint Niild eatnto nru hciel; nonta-d to I
present the snnie with the (r f i m-ln-is
wiereior to nient tnooiilco oi jiujk, iiiiK'li.ct.m
it Wlhon, The Imlle?, Oreiron. ..itfi-i
luolilli ironi tlio onto o: tint notl'-r
Uatel The IJalie., Or., Set-t. 7. Is .' ,
11. S. Ht'.MlviiloN,
Kiccutor of Will of Wm. li. v- Mvi, dn- il
Estray Taken Up.
yi?e leal Estate, Ijoai), Iurapee,
Parties haviiiL' Property thoy wish to Sell or Trade. Houses to Rent, or
Alistr.ict of Title furnished, will find it to thuir advantage to call on uh.
shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims ami Contests
a specialty
before tho
of tho
Suites Laud
of Claims
85 Washington St.
'ipe Won Tin Repairs and Roofing
John Pashek,
5 The Merchant Tailor
76 Couft Street,
Nnxt door to Wasco Sun Office.
&"llax just received the latent styles in
' Suitings for Gentlemen,
nnd hi n larco un-ortment of Kortifrn and Amer
lean ClothB. which he can iliilh To Order foi
thobo thut favor htm.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
I lie Milk Sk, I
La Grippe.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the put iwaons it w8 a noticeable fact
that thewe who depended upon Dr.
King'i New DUcovery, not onlv had a
jMedy recovery, bat eawiped all of the
trMbleaonie after effteta of the malady.
Thto remedy aeetna to have a peculiar
power in eHectinfc rapid cures not only
ui aata oi w grippe, but in all diseases
t Wire, clieit and Iuhbs. and has cured
of Mtbma and1 hay fever of Jong
MUQliig. Try It nd be convinced. It
I't disappoint. Fm trial bottles at
i Kinevtiy'a drng store,
166 Second Street,
Respectfully announces huv-
mg taken tho ulmvo premises
on lease, and will, on
Thursday next,
open with n stock of
Etc., Etc.,
and hopes to Ixi favored
with a shuro of tho puli
lie patronage,
Onoliluck iwny, braniicl either 5 r,r Q ( i, left
hiji and left jav. Owner can have m.hh- lis pnn
nil,' iiroiHrriy mm n)iUK lor una none. .
DKI.I. C. Ull.Di-i:,
10-Uwlm I'ostorticc, The lJula-, w
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies.
Gentlemen! Two line-looklni; I'dius'-ivaula
Imllt-s. excellent retiutatioin. liiiiiulrlnns. r,l..,i.
dlil houekeiers, uees 18 nnl 'JO. wirtli l.i.iiiiin
unch, nareiitN deurl. wimt to jro west this f,ill.!i,i
won d like to correniMjud with nice, lutjieeuhlu
Keiitlemc-ii under 40. 01J-ct: hiiiy uetem
homo. Gentlemen, if you arc iniiiilmojilully, nviiu f I Llll ,11 vi,lill)l,ril iviier lor JIIIO'
wp) iinjiivB unit iuiuit;n'-i;s ,,i imum: iiiiik iafjie.
Pennsylvania Adv, Oo.,
lOiawlm o-y.V. Uck Haven, I'ii,
Notice. Timber Culture.
17. B. I.aww OmcK, Tin: Dallks, Ou.
AllL'llSt I 'J. Ih'l.'l
Comiilulut hitvluc been entered at thin otlli-o
ov .tiarriciiiL m. Marmiuii airniiiML I'ri-htr.n itt.,.i
or falluro to comply with Jaw iih io 'limber
Culturo Kntry No. alio, dated Jlareh -J), ihwj,
iiioii tliu NW'A at Section 'a, Townclilpa North
ItaiiRO II Kiwi, W. M.i In Wanco county, OreKOJi,
with u view to tho cancellation of hulil i niri-'
contektant allegliiK tliut defendant Iiuh wliolly
lulluluud nexlectod to plow or break or culti
vate to crop or otherwise, or plant with trcei,
treo M-cdH or cuttlilK", during any of tlm tluiu
fclnco wakinir hlH nu)d entry, any part of khIi)
tract, tho nalil imrtleu are herebv Hiiniinomi i
apiKiar hi miK wnico ou mo nay of October.
lVl.t lit IO s.'Al, 1 11 . rn.,,..,,!'.....! , .. I
.. . vi.i. ... ... ..vni,ii (mil iiirjiisu
ivBiimoiiy concerning aii uiiiviii inn ire.
y-lw5t JOHN W. I,KWIS, ltelter.
Exeootor's Notlue to Creditors.
Notlco ia herebv slven that llm C.n
of tho HUte of Oriwou fur Wuco County Itaa
duly apolntcd tlio uudcrtlifiied tho executor of
tlio lant will and ti-tiiient of (iiiirm. v n....
ileccaMKl. All pewoim JmvliiK claims aiMlnit
Hi. n. .. ..i.. . .. . . : . i
uiv .uhuuihiii umami uru nereov reouinvi
to ; prewnt tliein, with tlio proir voucher,
within tlx woiitlu from tho dale of thin notice
to ald executor t hUpUco of renldeiice, near
j;ljcii City, In ald county, or at tho oilico of
" , it, iiiiMiii, ill mui 171 lien uiiy.
...... -IIUHACIi WUXI.K, I'.xcciitor.
IJitod tblK nt day of Noveujoer, lw.i. &tw
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kline
Wasco County, - - - Oregon,
The Onto City of the Inland Empire is situated at tho kwul
of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros
perous city,
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching as far fcouth as Summer
Lake, u distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
ho rich grazing country along tlio eastorn slope of tho Gail
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from
which finds market here.
Tho Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries nro tho finest on tho Columbia, yielding
this year a rovenuo of thousands of dollars, which will bo more
than doubled in the near future.
Tho products of the beautiful Klickitat valley iind market
here, and the country south and east has this year filled the
warehouses, and all available storugo places to overflowing with
their products.
It ia the richest city of its size on tho const and its iiinnnv in
scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country
than ia tributary to any other city in Eastorn Oregon.
It situation is unsurpassed. Its clinmto delightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Jta resources unlimited. And on these
corner stones sbo stands.
lit mi nr Imr.iw iC i '.'".'"'?
il,.. i, ...... ... ..... v..:r. "."..v."1?'. v m
imw ItHIMIII IMIII III LI l(? I . I TCI! 11 I fWtf Af IL.
I "h-koii or county, next loUwltiuit
dale, hereof, to-ult.ou or before xuT lm
tail) liny or Novnnilinr, Ml.
.....i it ...1,
.... ..... -..,.. ! . ; . . . .--i l-- r-.- vjh.
in liiiT ieiici lmiyeu lorili II a conin l
for n decree of lotecloMiroof that cctulmoon.
iriitri iliw-dl itiml.i .iti.l i i .i
r--r" mh.h- Mini l)V VU U) 1U
miiiou imiiivu luuiiuu on mourn inyui0Y:
her. law, upon tin iiorthu't quarter o( iccfc
II 111 tOWIISlllll J Mill Ml Mlllir.. 1 1 ...,. W V ;
m nun iiiiiiL'! nui'ii iiirti'if iii rii inuiriui in
manner provided by law anil aciMrdiiiirto
iitiini i,, it ..ti.i !-,.,,. I...... il -
kttf-ll hull, (In, ..hilnllO It...'.. .....I r..l!... 11
(II IIVU 111111111111 I.AJI1 llfllllirM mill ltirt.raitn
wm .... .itiii miiw ...MvuiiiMt niu, invii, iii inu rau
. iirn .i..ii...u ..u .. i .
-t.-l .,. mui.. n n-uiinaimi iiiiiiruey n
mr iiuiiiutiiK imi knit in r..r.,.,ir.M.k .ii.i
(fniri, ,1,1,1 1-fllllW.I III,, Imtii llinnln- ....... -...I ...
l..r.l., .111.1 liiiiii l..r.,11... ..ilal. ..I .. I ... I ,...
.'.. . , -' " " - vu.1.
nun. iiii'iiiuiiiK iiuriiiiuu eunin nun e.Tix-ni,nf
nine, aim mai inaiiiiiu uavoit liiimment an Ire
you, tlio mill Kriillk I), (llllmiile, for nuy iH
clency in the proecvdn of nalo to nullify fullr il
k.iIiI hiiniu lltiil IMtti Mliuli, ... ..I. .11 j
Ihl-lll. lit 1,1 lilt lllllltr lM-r.lflri l-trtllnllM, n. k
ciiiiiu ny, turoiiun or miner you or Uirm.i
Vlllli:i,lll ,11111 I,, nil, I iniri iviuKi.i lirnil.(ni ICI
ovcry t-art thereof bo torccloed and forever
barred from thoeiillly of redemption. Tiitttt
plailltltr lie iillmviil to hid nt a!d IokcIomk
ralo nnil pureliaao Mild iiiorti;iiulrtmio, it
hiioptloiiiiiuil Hint upon tiiutaltofMldiaorl-
KUKiil pri:inle.s the purchinter lie itt Iota the
)(Mi-ion uien-oi. nun every pari Wfiw-l.tin-uieilliitely,
mid for inch other nnil further relief
in to tin- Court may m-umi equitable (tul Jut.
Thii KiiminoiiH In m.-rved upon you, He nW
Kriir. I), (lilleiple ami liluxla (II1cIMtj.dIc
llentlou in Tho lhilie Devipiper
puoiiiic i u-eKiy in imiioi city, hmu coaur,
DrcKon.for iilx i'oiik-oiiUvo i-el,ty orieni
linn. V. I.. HhiiIhIhhv. Iniliri- nf td Cotm.
which older was duly miuTe mnl cnlcredil
ehiiiiMnrii mi tliii'.'iltli iltu nf Ki-nti-mlier.rcri
I)i;i'l'U i iiKMIKEt,
AttotticVH forl'ltliK
Ill tlio Circuit Court of tlio HUte of On,,
for the county of Vwmco,
W. .. illller. "I
v. V
i:. T. lteyno!d, I
Ptfewhint, J
7'o K. J'. HeinmUU, the atxwwmrtl ifrenmi
In tho iiainii of tho Ktntii of Oroccrn, VnfW
hereby required toapiiear and iiiiiHer
lilnlnt llleil iiKalnt you In tho above entt
wltiiln ten duya from tlio date of tb".?;
ttlln suiiiiiiona upon you. If kcrvol n"";,1",
county; or If ervcd within any otter c""''?'
tbla utate, then within twenty iliji W w
datoof thonjrvlco of thin iiiiimon ttja I'
orlfxerveil upon you by publlciitioD,
nro required lo npK-itr mid niiiwer iwj,
plnl 't on tilt) flrnt day of the utitt Wrm "
em , iillor alx weelin" tubllnitiwi cf CD
l... iik, to'ivlt ou MoikIiij , tlio
l.'ltlt iliiy November. ISM.
nnd If you fall lo ro umwer, tbe to tho court lor tho relief IM
mid complaint, lo-wlt for tlio few WW
morti(aKoilectlbeil in nld comrUwUy jj.
Iliu Kllr OI lilt! plenum- llierein "',.r
wlf Ihu ninth half of tho rouw'" m-
the uo:t beast
flllll III,, m 111. tail.
iiuiirtor, of Section as, TowDiUti
ii nun oi n o '""J.", omiiter,
Itiartcr of tlio '"SVii
tin -sti -iiiiviitow y; ,Coii.
i .!iil. W Ibilni-tU HtrWiw.' w
lnltiK kiim fniiKtrvit iind sixty f''lf. Mrvh
rtl In . Wiwcn county, OreKm- Al?' nonket
Haimo thirteen Unit, Wlllaiiie
lialf of tho northeiMit iiuirtor. Jtvioath'
quarter oi tno northwest qunrter,'"";, cation
cant quarter of tho northeimt q,,liitS-i Eiit,
S3, Towmhlp ono Noflh, llnnw KaW
willniuettu Jlerldlmi, contiiiniiiK, " -iitVi
mnl itlxty iicren, mid idtuiitcd In II
Oregon. aecorilliiK t Imw ffiiloW
UiIh court, mid that thu prixwl o lW
applied lit payment of tlio Jiruimi't "Yhe um
mild inortKiiKCiiud ntlll unpaldi tJ'Jl.'o rW o!
oi .-.J.tJ, unit intercut inereon XaUii11'
eight in-rceiit er milium '''' W .d inter
Ihiia. niitl tlio further unm of fAlW'-W' t pet in
cut thereon at tho niloof dull J'r 'f'Vtnejii'
nuni kineoSlarohvt), Ib'.W, ami . aiiburic
feo of fauiuio, mid for tlio cot ua "''jnnt
mentH iiniili! mnl oxpeiidwl herein. f"niu(
thoplalniiifwlll apply to t h r Xwi
meut iiKaliut you for any ,S,It tV'.Vof tuo pro-
lui ii-m.iliilnv .idi.r llin null Clltloll CI
tttiuu if u ii lit tin lit uht tfiriltallhl, ,i . 1J1111I.
Vou will furthur lako noueo i ,.y pubii
nioiiN In thlNHiilt la .erveil n)ii ).''. 7. HrnJ-
callon, hy order of tlio lloiiornnw n :ul0
mi....u i.,.i.... ... u.,i,i iv.nit. ai lit orur
n,,,,, I M ,(U t (.,. ,....,
daU-il HepUfinber'-'Tth, 1 ,. wiuiONi
il A Ytt, IMJNTINI TON VfiiitW.
Attornc)Hf"f """"
Executor's Notice.
Akouco la lierehv a-Ivaii rlml tun ini,l,..i....,w4
ban Uwii inpiioliitwlV tho Comity Court o" tho
HUtoof OroKon for Wiuco County, vxocutar of
tno utato of Catherine VVIule, deenawvl. and all
rnon ha v I iik clalun (alnt mid etato nro
ivkuj iiuiiiicu iiiiu rwiuimi m iir4utir i i ,
.. T ' IHV
naijit, wim iuo proiKir voucher, o mo at tho
pftlc of Ny, lluntfiistoii & WIIhoii, Tho Dalle,
Wiuco Coiuity, Ortwoii,Sltlili Mx mou tlm from
...v 'ww ui iiu nuiue. ii, ii, 'iwriAIM.
,n. .... . . fcxccitiornf ldcbitc.
Tho Dalle, Or Juy 'ii, im,w
The California Winehouse,
4 Is now open,
VU MM X lltU
and its pronriotor will soil his -homo-
Wine at pricew in tho roaoh of everybody.
romiuiB w ue iouna. UoodH guaranteed
mm ivubfumuB in every respeot.
Thompson's Addition.
Notloo 1 horchy, slven t , ; i,,' tionW
naniHl ynttlnr hiu ft Ml not CO of III' I'"' hll
mako final
cliilm. mid I
...T . . .. .m .u.l III,
rriunv. noveinoer ii, iwi
Kilirar M. 1'rntt
IfnlnimlAiiil A..r.ll,.ullnll NO. VHJi '." a 11.13
K. W.M. . . ....innrovaM,'
il proof. In, l'P '.'ai Mlort
tht ld proof; fft "or., o
;r Hint receiver at 1 WJ
for 11)0 WS!
Ho name (ho followlni. wlti'f Mfoou .
nitinuoiiH rculdeiico tipotii t,u,n .
ald laud, viz
J, . t
vrmik Drlveri i" ""p
Charley WliiK.iill of WmiilOi or.
' .. .... .nnn
It ill! ink.S l
InetH iirou Hro tho mot P'Vffiii h
If yon wl.h to nwoh nil the rwipw ". 0 tWf
iiriiooa you can t uo ubjmw : uii0,,r.7
through ihoeoluinim of Ihu ''Vre5lllonol'
It Iiuh moto than doutolo tit oo ir tuu'j Mgi
ill five Hifuif miiwi""" - -