I A " WnBI'ilniliif,'tfK) lUmles sg$ Cljromclc VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. NO. 121. Dalles Daily Chronicle. rubllnlifl P.illv. Huniliiy Kxeuptod. II v ,vm-m i.' imiMiyutwr: nr lHK IJMI",'U"" v, ........ Dti fin"'1 wX """"'K1011 otrwin, JIHUC, VHB riiij Term" orHiiliHorlittliiii hprnrrlcr . Ujlecopj .11.00 I'lME TAIU.KH. M. KullroHlla. Ill ell'cot AiiRiiftt 0, 18'j:i. KAKT 1IOUNI). to fcAttwo 10:66 r. . Heparin U:W) r WKHT HUUHIi. 10.1 MMl:3'J A- lo.iirtn 3:11 a. m. twninrufftlk'lilt tlmt curry imi-miiKorii leave i.n ....I .it H'lll a M..iinil mil' (nr tint mr law " -.. - HTAOKH. iu rriiMVlllu, via. Hake Own, leave daily I ... V I:1'. -.i...... f li. .Iwtll tf'.mrmi fHfv. Ii.ni't. 11 AUtCl'lV, l..w.n ... jw.. Buur', KliiKluyi WiiihIu, Wiiplultln, Warm I Ml III! lyKIl MUIU), leilVU illlll, UAtUJil iCr.ntO A. M. , , IteGoMoiulale, Wash., leave every tiny of the lumnt HlltlllllV lit . A. M. rjecwlor hII lines nt the Utiiatlltii Iloiihi;. 11. r-ltOKKHftlUNAl.. II. !IIU)1:i.I-Attokni:y-at-I,av Otlli-u Court Htrwt, Tliu iiniioK, urvtrnii. iLBuruh. rnxun mkhkvkk. IIWUK, A JlKtNKrRl-. ATTOKI.KYB - A.T V uw-Hooiiin U mill 13. over l'oat VnBuIMIuki Kntrauie on WmhliiKtoii Htreut ti Miles, orcKou. II i. JitN.Wri , ATlUKAt.) iVl'Uin. ui J, dlX'lll Plillllllllll'k tllllllllllK. IP HttllTH. TllL-Ww.orvKou. ,f,)UY. B.S.HUNTINOTON. 11.0. WILSON. ItlAVs, Hl.'NTlNUTtlN A' ViWJIur. ttuii I j1 KtYK AT LAW -Olllces, French's block ovor IhmNitloiisI Hank, ' n - iMlles. Ori'Kim. PV 11. iVIION ATTOKNK V,AT,rAVf HOOU1 ll . French i Co.'s bunk bulttlliiB, Kccinid ttwt,lhfl)rtlle. Oregon. rU-MiKl.y.AN (Humtoi-ATiiicj i'hyhician U KA WIUKON, Call 111 lit flf fill HI. rl v nr I'lllllltrv. I'hipnwblodk. wtf inihwuml promptly. Olllco Mi. auiiiiu n o. t. l O A N K rn vhician a sun- Mix. Otliin. room ft nun o oiiapman Jlwt, JiiMduniv n. K. comer Court anil twth itrvuts, eciiul iloor from tlio unriiur. Oaroiour u t 12 A. .M.t - ) ti ninl 7 to n 1'. il. for tliu II lootli blKii "I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAO'I A (1KKKKAI.J1ANKINO HUHINKHH Luttors of Credit iHUticjd sivnllnbln in he KrtHtorn Htntoa. Sight ICxcli.tiiL'i) uiid Telegraphic IruiiBforBHoldon Nuw York. Chicago, St. LouiH, Sun FranciHco, Portland Oregon, .Seattle WuhIi., and varlonn jiointa in Or egon and AViiHliington. CollectioiiH inaile at all lointe on fav oral ilo tenna. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-Preuidonl, Caaljiisr, - 55. F. Moonv Ciiaui.eh HnroN M. A. Moouy CONSTIPATION U called tho "Father of Discasea." It is canBcd by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully General Banking Business Transacted Sij,;ht ExchungeR Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. ColleetioiiH made on favoreble terms at all aceeKHible pointH. J. b. HCIIKNCK, rruslilclit. , SI. l'ATTKKMOK, first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON Guneral Banking liuplneaB traiiHacted UejiOHltB receiveu, m:l)jeet to bight Draft or Cheek. Collections made and proceedfi promptly remitted on uny of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Hold on ow York, ban urancisco ami Portland. DIRKCTOKS, D. P. TirOMl'HON. J NO. S. Sciiekce. Eii. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likue. II. M. Bkai.l. W. H. YOUNG, l afllll.t tlVKTIAT. OlIU L'lVCil Ii Mlnli-sii cxtriujtlnii 'f tw-'Hi. Alan tcotli tW. Cmveil illiinilninii pnitc, liooniB ae OdMuii Tnntti, hucoliil Htrti;t. W HJ1 HTIUfi. TAiiCO l.ODOi:, NO. 18, A. K. i A. M.-Mcutij Stll IIIIU tlllTll JKIllUHy Ul VIWIl IlUMlin m . U Mortiln lliuoiilu Hull thu tltltil Wuilnvsiluy Uch month nt7 1. M. 0V)1LWS WOODMKN OK T1IK WOKI.K. .11 Vlviiooi l.'niiip No. W. Minlh '1 ut'Mlny uvimi ttgoltMh1):t. tn Fraternity Hull. iitT'.SU p. in. nOLUMlllA UlllHK, NO.fi, I. O, 0. K.-Mcut J uverr Frliliv uTL'iilnvrnt7::xio'clocl:,ln K. it : hull, conirr ficcmui nml Court kIiccIh. wjoiiniliiif broUicm uru wulcomi'. 11. Clqvoii, Ste'y. 11. A. niLLN.N. (1. JHK.NWHIP U)l)(iK, NO. U., 1C. of I'.-MwjU L every Momisy oveuiiiR at 7::) o'clock, In scliwj.o'KbulIilliiB, corner of Court anil Ht-coml itrwti, Hojournlng mcinbcrN nro curUlnlly In- V. w'.Vauiic. Klt;:jtiilH. .L t SdKUIIIiY NO. 4S!7, K. OK L.-Jlectn 111 K. I A Oil'. Imll lliiiumul nml fnllrlll WtMlllUS- of tacli month nt7:) p. in. ' UrOMKN'H OlhtlHTIAN TKMl'KHKNOK II UNION will Vrlil.ii.' nlli-riiiimi ll o'clock Kt thu rumlliiK rmnn. AUwruluvltvcl. Umuioii UkIku No. 601, I. O. 0. T.-HcRiilnr U v!kly mwtliiKii Friday nt H r. m a RiUimltv Ifiill ah u... i....ii,.,i tUCllBIKMAN, C, T. 11. (3. Fl.KCK.Hu LWMl'I-K WIMIK NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-McoIh l 'LjnJtMtriiUy Hall, aver Kellurn, n Hit-onil i o HAN8KN, , !i8 Mykbh, Flnnncler. M. W. JaS. KKHM1TK 1()8T, No. !, (i. A. K.-Meeta Jjj Try Batunlay at 7:30 p. Miti thuK.nl J'. BOK I,. K. McotHovery bunility nlturiiuuu In tho K. of l'. Hall. rj.ES A NO VEHKIN McetN every Buuday MvenlnK In the K. of 1. Hall. R X h V' MV1H10N, No. 107-MoeUlli STim!c''!' I'. Hlt tho nnt and third Wwli " imiiuii. at 7iau p. M. WlllWi THK CUUKC3JIKH. C, , F.TE 8 OHUItOH -I 9w 'ator. Low Ma r'HM' t lo:; Rov. Fathur llKONS Ma.H every Hiiinliiy nt 10:30 A.M. Verier at Tif!iu,'H UHOHCJH -Union Hlruot, opposite riltll l... U.1II. L......II .I'.. II..A.... U..H..I..J.U ih,lf .',!'.lny k mid 7:ao p, . Kuniliiy ); A nveiung I'rayer on rriuay at IIIH.H Jj , "A1TI8T (IllUKOU-Uev. 0. U. Tay fith .P'..l "tor. MornliiK orvlcdn every Hub fchftni'V'10 "twJsmy at 11 a. m. Habbiith hieJ ..''"'"wllatoly after mornliiK norvlcuN. iffiS "iy Friday eveuliiK nt l'lwtor'H rosl- t.u. wrvieiM In thu court hmuo at C e KSi''PNAL OIUIUOH-Kov. W. (J. Tii .,??," ' "tor. Bervlwa every Sunday Ht 11 HrtieJ b! ohool after inomlUK ZlJHtraiigew cordially tuvltvd. HeaUfrce. K. (llllllmir .... i 1Ud uVi v"?uvry oiinuiiy iiiiiriiuiKNi li n. in. Bclnxil at 11:20 n'nfook P m. Knworth WriiwL"1'1? M' I'rayer meetliiK ovory 1ltl Fy. "VOIllnu at 7:80 o'olook. A unhl al in' loill. ' "sWudwt by both pantor ami jiooplo i.f""'. I'ronohlnir in tho CoairroKutloual WfUillviJfi'i. -frd Way at 8 p. M. All aro v?a,'.,.0aI' I'UTIIKUAN Ninth .treet, MC:uT.'.or"iJMutor. Brvioe- at 11:80a.m. iinu p.tn a cordial waioomo 0Q. siacksmitn & Wagon Stiop General IJlncksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. flonse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp, Liclic's old Stand. House Moving! It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho digestivo organs. By taking Simmons Liver Begulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wlfc wa sorely distressed with Constipa lion and coughing, followed with Bleeding Fife. After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator the is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength and flesh." W. JJ. Lx&mK, Delaware, Ohio. -EVERY PACKAGE'S U our Z Htamp In red on wra J. U. ZSIUN i CO., FhUudelphlo, per Dully Evcnlnc Chroiilele is rcnotmlzral 118 t'HKelltlllllv till, hnmn Tinnnr nr tlio llnlll.H :lfi TnllrH1 t t . Tkli. I. n, .. re.mtiitloii. KoinenUMrl'J00 of our best nuizuiiH which tnu coiunniB ol thu n fl n Tri dally for the mildest locnl news. It V V Kr.K Kucccudin gloanliiK the Held, und hence (rrows in iiiumriy iiiiu liiijinrmiicc. iuKc it mviillc, you who don't; try Home of im iiremlum otters. "Tk Reffulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has tho largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles J. I FORD, Evangelist, Of lie Moines, Iown, writes under date ol Match 'J3, 1803: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to U8 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tho children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarsoness from me. So give it to ovory one, with grootinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mm. & Mas. J. 1 . iouu. If you wish to feci frenh and checrful.and ready for tho BprliiK'a work, clcaniio your ayatem with tho Headache and Uver Cure, by taking two or three doteii each week. Bold under n poaltlvo Kunrantee. 60 conts per bottle by nil drugging Freigni ana PassenperLine Throuirh dn 'v service (F ndavs ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port- lanu. bteamer regulator leaveB me Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHBUNUKli KATKH. Ono way Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any timo day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 )). in. Live stock shipments solictod. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATEE AND IOE OEEAM. at wltoleaale quotation. C. F. STEPHENS, DBALBR IN DRY GOODS if Plothing Ituatl, Hlioea, Hati, JBto, Fancy (joou$, JotionjS, Kto. Ktc. Kto. SeoondSt.,The Dalles. Candies and Nuts Specialties TOHAUCO, : : i 1)1(1 A UH AND I t HWKKT 1IKINKH Finest Peanut Ronstor In The Dalles J.FOLCO -2 3 8 2d Strcaet At right vide Mrs. Obnrr't rcKtauriiut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. ThlB old, popular and reliable house has boon entirely refurnished, and every room has been repaporeu ami repnuuui and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and Is supplied with every modern convenience. Ratei rniiHnnabln. A irood rOfitlUtrtVlU llttttchOC to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. Americans Defend Their Riikts at tie Polls. ENDORSE GAltY'S COURSE He Carries Chicago by a Majority of Eight Thonsahu, THE ENTIEE TICKET 18 ELECTED Ohio Pronounces for MoKinley Protection. and New York Republican, but Tammany Conti oiled the City-Maynard Only Excepted-Kansas No Longer Populist-New Jersey in It-The Other States. Republicans Sweep Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 8. The entire republi can ticket is elected. Gary will have a majority of eight thousand. McKlnley the Next Governor. Columbus, 0., Nov. S. Latest returns indicate McKinley's plurality to be be tween seventy and eighty thousand. He carried Iseal's own town. The legisla ture will be two-thirds republican. Tlic Kmplre State. New Yoiik, Nov. 8. The republicans have swept everything. Maynard is de feated by a vote of 03,000. The rest of the democratic ticket i9 defeated by 20,000. The republicans have a majority of 13 on joint ballot in the legislature. Tammany carried New York city by GO,- 000 except May nurd, who ran 30,000 be hind the ticket. Gov. iloics Defeuteil. Dub Moinks, Iowa, Nov. 8. Jackson, republican, is elected governor by 30,000. The legislature will be republicans 82, democrats 42. Tho total populist vote was about 25,000. Kqual Siitt'ruce in Colorado. Dkkveu, Nov. 8. Equal suffrage car ries in the state, wmen lias oeen a prominent issue this year, hardly sec ondary to the silver question. The re publicans were successful in nearly all the county elections. Nebraska's Close Vote. Omaha, Nov. 8. Republicans claim the supremo judge by a small plurality. The returns come in meagrely, and nothing definite can bo promised for either ticket. Houth Uakotu l'robably Republican. Sr. Paul, Minn., Nov. S. There are a I . .. i meagre reports received, out. every thing tends to confirm a republican victory in South Dakota. 1'opullKtM Claim Kausas. Toi'eka, Kan., Nov. S. Tho populists still claim Kansas, notwithstanding ad- verso reports. New Jersey. Jkkhky City, Nov. 8. Legislature stands republicans 50; democrats 31. Massachusetts. Boston-. Nov. S. Greenholgo has a plurality of 30,000. Kiuisus. Toi'KKA, Nov. 8. Populists are badly defeated. Tho democratic and ropubli can vote is about evenly divided. A I'ow in Kentucky. Louisvilli:. Ky Nov. 8. Returns thus fur show the legislature stands democrats 111, republicans 7, doubtful 20 and probably one populist. Lindsay will bo elected United States senator. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington-, Nov. 3, 1S93. Ex Speaker Reed, replying to tho assertion made by Representative Bryan, of Neb ra8ka, that it was apparent that the democratic platform did not mean what tho people thought it did or that those who made it did not intend to carry in to effect its declarations, said ho told Mr. Bryon some timo ago that he would learn tho difference between promise and performance by the democrats when became to test the matter. Speak ing for himself Mr. Reed said he had no doubt the country was better off when ever the democratic party disappointed it. "The trouble with the country said Mr. Reed, "lies deeper than the money panic." It is due to doubt as to the policy of the democratic party upon the tariff, and I expect great manu facturing depression to continue during this winter, despite the passage of tho (Voorhees repeal) bill. A great many people who worked hard to secure the passage of the Voorhees bill aro now acknowledging that they do not expect such great benefits therefrom and that they wished the purchase of silver stopped to prevent things from growing worse rather than because they they thought it would make them grow very much better. The Voorhees bill was signed by Mr. Cleveland within an hour after it passed the house, falsifying the democratic predictjon made on the floor of the senate a few days ago, that tho president would. because of his dislike of the declaration in favor of the use of silver as money contained in the bill, not sign it but would allow it to become a law without his signature. Mr. Cleveland's dislike of silver is well known, but there are few who believed that he would be impolite enough to further advertise that dislike by declining to sign tho bill, a course that would have ftuther aggravated tho silver men,- without benefiting anybody. It is understood that it is principally because nearly all of the republicans be lieve with Senator Sherman that the re peal of the purchasing clause ot tho silver law should have been accompanied by authority for an issue of bonds that Mr. Cleveland has determined to put off asking congress to authorize a bond is sue as long as lie can. Another reason is that he knows the proposition will be opposed by a considerable number of democrats in both the house and senate uid that he will have to once more de pend ujon the patriotism of republicans to save him from his own party. Those whose opinions aro entitled to weight say that by the time the president gets ready to 6end his message to tho regular session of congress he will have been convinced that Secretary Carlisle's ex pectations as to the enormous increase in government receipls which is to en able the administration to get along without issuing bonds, belongs to tho list of things that ought to be but are not, and that the message will ask for authority to issue bonds. Another diplomatic position purchased by a democratic campaign contribution last year, was this week partially deliv ered by the nomination of another American who spends more than three- fourths of his time in Europe. The man is James Roosevelt; the place, secretary of the U. S. embassy to Great Britain, and tho price $10,000. Tho nomination has not yet been confirmed, but as the nominee is a brother-in-law of $50,000 Van Alen, who slipped through so easily the other day, there is no reason for doubting that it will be in duo time. The democratic idea of making things cheap apparently does not include places in . the diplomatic service. Perhaps if Mr. Hornblower could have shown a re ceipt for a big campaign contribution his nomination to tho supreme court would not have been hung up so long. rho administration has doveloped a bad case of crank scare eiuco the assass ination of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago. Ever since Mr. Cleveland was inaugur- rated his every move outside of his pri vate apartments has been watched by private detectives, and this week the force of detectives has been louhlcd. Somehow tho idea has got out that Mr. Clcvelands has a morbid fear of assass ination at tho hands of some crank. It begins to look as though the senate would soon make some radical changes in its rnles, which have remained prac tically unchanged for more than three quarters of a century. Several amend ments have already been offered and tho sentiment of the senators seems to be in favor of a change that will civo a major ity the right to decide wheu a measure has been sufficiently debated and to order a vote thereon. The administration is just nowoccupy inc a very ticklish position in its d"al ings with the revolution in Biazil and the relations of Eoveral European powers thereto. A false step may lead to war- NEWS NOTES. Dittmar's dynamite factory at Bay Chester, N. Y., blew up shaking the sur rounding country for miles around. The latest of the explosion disaster at Santander shows the number of dead, missing and wounded is fully 1,000. The jury in the case of Nellie Horton, charged with manslaughter in killing her lover, Charles R. Hagans, at San Francisco failed to agree, standing 10 for acquittal and 2 for conviction. The jury was discharged by Judge Wallace. The propellers Albany and Philadel phia collided in a fog offPortau Barquc3 in Lake Michigan. Both sank in 200 feet of water. Both crews, numbering 21, .took to two boats, only one of which has yet reached shore. Eleven bodies have been recovered. Secretary Gresham has received a dis patch from United States Minister Ba ker, -who was on board the steamer Costa Rica at Amapala when Grvd on by the Honduras authorities because the captain of the vessel refused to surren der a refugee from Honduras on board as a passenger. The dispatch fully con firms the press repons of firing on the United States flag. My AVIfe, For over three years was alllicted with dyspepsia of long standing. She used three bottles of Simmons Liver Regu lator. her chills aro entirely cured and the dyspepsia almost vanquished. X. W. E.vintiiAKT, Hampton, Vn. WOOD'S i'lIOSPIIODINJi Tho Great Knallili Itemed;'. Promptly and permanently cures all forms ot Xcrvoua Wcakness.Kmisstons, Sperm atorrhea, Impoteney and all effects of Abuse or Exccsia. Eccn prescribed over S5 preM-sin thousands of cosest Before and After. tH fcnoio)u Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodinej If bo otters tomt worthless mediclno la placo of this, loavo Us dishonest store, Inclose price la letter, and wo will send by return mail. Price, ono package. 81elx,$5. One tcCl please, etx will cure. Pampn lc' in plain sealed envelope, S cents postage. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, llioh. Sold III Tho Oalles by Miikeley A: Jtougton. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives I otter satisfiiction than any other cough medi cine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will euro a cold so quickly ; no other Is so certain a preventive and euro for croup ; no other affords so much roliof in snses of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. It uclilen's Ariiu.u halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly Karl's Cover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and 1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. 1 All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will bo pub lished on the 21st of this month. T. A, Ward, Sheriff. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ADSOLUTEiy PURE