The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 07, 1893, Image 3

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    Advice to Husbands!
Don't blamo your wife because she likes dress. Give her euough
to unable her to dress well and you will be proud of her. Wonder
ful bow much brighter and happier she'll be in a now dress. Wo
man's province is to look pretty, but she needs fine feathers to set
her off. Perhaps if your wife doesn't look quite so attractive as
she did when you were courting her it is because you have been
stinting her about her clothes. Suppose now, for experiment, you
give her a Double Eagle and toll her to come to us and take her
choice of those new SUITINGS that wo have just received. Wo
know that we can please her and that you will be proud of her when
she appears in her new costume. She may need a new cloak for
herself or one of the children, and that want we can supply also.
Give this a trial. The result will both please and astonish yon.
all goods marked ,r.
I in plain Figures. r
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Siltcr-c' h ttic I'li'.tolllco m! Till" Unlit1, Oiwm
UN kWutlll'llllDM IllM'.tl'l
I, (K ill Attvm tUlut:.
Vl cut .T line li.r !l!xt liui-rllon, ulitl ! (Vnti.
it line fur mi'h siiiiiiMiuunt inwMnn
ip.'Clii. rutin for long tlmo notices.
Al) Iik-h, iintlri'h wiil'ml Inter tlmn II u'uliick
III ijiffir tnc followlnt: ilny
The l)(tili ami HVcWy t'lirtmirlr may
k found on miW nt I. V. XicMhi'h' lnre.
"or llully !Iimii-ii I'l'iiiii in mill A limit
tint City.
1 wiMii'il it ulrl tin' otlnr i".
Klin Mild m litt In' mv Miter
With liri'iikliiK hi-iirt I tnrni'tl to leiivc,
Ami "hnitlicrly" I hur!
Hlif tl til nut shrk'k, slio hjih oliI my liaml
fTlnit kli-x liml mveil my llfo,
hhi' mill, "I like ymir ilrlt. Mini
I think Til Ik- oiii tvif-'
Tito November term of ciionit court
Uiiih Monthly ut Tho Diilli!H.
Latest advices reciiived by Judge Licbo
ttaU'" that 1 1 i h brother in out of danger.
Ten weekly!i.i of Out. '21st,
s4 ttmiiti insurance blank. with liiHt
tcj. Please it'titrii t tliin oHiro.
'l'lw I'miml mrvirii ropttrit 11 tic wea
ther throughout the cast Iniliiy, mill
from bulletins it iH learned Unit n vury
bi'.'ivy vote in lining polled.
Miller unit liiirnnlt nt the balloon com
pany in tin. city yiiHtiniliiy, on
ruiitu to I'ortliinil. Thoy made u huc
fosafnl j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ut Goldendulo during u high
I'liShiiiiKor trains now lituvo Portland
"t " p. in.. !I0 minutes latur tliati for
merly, and will urrivo there nt 7 : 15 a.
. 10 iniiuik'H latur than by this old
Inquiries (or Oregon upploH aru coining
in from all purtH of tlio mint, lint tlmio !h
" irohiihilit.y that tho iliiiiuuid will hu
lllli'd, iih tlmro am no more aiiliH in
Oregon than can ho consumed hero.
Tlieno aro tho ila.vH whim tho prudent
housewife Idj'H in hur wintur supplies,
iinil tho wise litutd of tho family oiidiih
IiIh purse liberally for tho purchase of
wood, coal, provisions and clothing.
Some Cherokee Indians aro in town
peddling some of thoir headed work
pooketbooks, pin cushions, etc., and aro
morn of a curiosity to hoiiio of our burly
shy-ashes than tho whito popttlatlon.
A littlo hod (if Mr. Conroy wan tossed
i tlio air by a vicious cow yesterday,
ami besides sustaining flesh injuries,
I'ud his clotheH nearly torn oil". Perhaps
tho cow didn't know it, hut Hhu had no
li)flino8H to bo on tho ritruut, iih there Jh
"h ordlnunco prohibiting U.
Messrs. 11. Gilpin and D. W. Richards
proK)se to feed their wheat to hogs,
wl'lcli they will secure at the llrat oppor
tunity, Other formers nmnlfeat a Him
Unr desire, wheat bolng so low. Thin
will solve the queation of low prices, for
'y will thus recolve $1 per bushel for
iulr wheat.
AH unemployed persons in tho city arc
"eiiueHted to hand in their names, with
choice of occupation unci place of real
uenco, (or publication every Tuesday and
Wimluy by TlIK CnilONIOI.K. IMuilHO
Mriiluli the names as early as possible
""it thoro bo no delay. Thore will bo
1,0 :liarKe for this sorvleo.
An oxolmnKo says; "Send in your
oiiih whim they mo fresh. Wo don't
w to publish u birth aftor tho child is
"ouui'd, a manjauo after the honoy
moon is over, a dcutti notice after the
widow Ih innrricd itKain, or a free notice
of an onturtainmcnt when the job work
lniH lieon dono ulsewhoru."
.Mr. H. 15. Adams informed a reporter
that hu Iuih mi incrcitfle in his family, of
tho feminlnu pcrsmiHion, und all parties
concerned arc doinp; well. Though he
Itaincd a daughter ho did not lo.uu a son
for Mr. M. I). Adams and Miss Lcoln
IlondriekFon were married at thej rest
dsnce of Mr. Adams by Elder G. II.
Harnett lust evening.
In conversation with Mr. S. 15. Adams,
a successful business man of Tho Dallee,
this week, that gentleman assured a
Wasco Nuwh reporter that if the farmers
of this and other sections would give
more attention to the raising of hogs
they woufd bo better off than they aro.
lty so doing, ho claims, they would be
utile to realize a dollar a bushel for their
wheat, instead of starvation prices as at
present prevailing, and they would avoid
paying extortionate freight rates to tho
railroad company. Ho says he has tried
it Huccet-sfnlly and knows whereof he
Kil. Ilciiili'i Him C.I vim Awuy by I'lilH anil
Kitvi'iiKO ItlniHi'ir.
The Watorville, (Wash.) court ad
journed laHt Wednesday after a nine
davH session.
In tho case of tho Htnto vs. Thomas
and .lames Pearson, on a charge of cattle
mealing, tho jury rendered a verdict of
not utility awl the tinsonors wore dis
charged, .loh n llrookhoiiBO, found guilty
of cattle stealing, was sentenced to two
years' imprisonment at Walla Walla.
Tho attorneys for llrookhotiBe aro ptepar-
I iug an appeal.
0. P. Donnell was given a sentence of
one year i'i tho penitentiary on the
charge of cattle stealing, to which ho
pleaded guilty.
Kdwnrd Henderson saved his bacon
by turning state's evidence. Ho was
permitted to plead guilty to petty lar
ceny and was sentenced to HO days in the
county jail awl a tine of $100. I lender
sou was the real leader of tho bawl of
cattle thieves, and came nearly being
captured a few months ago near The
Dalles by Deputy Sliorill' .Jackson. Ho
escaped by a clever ruso and was later
captured in British Columbia. His
whereabouts were nmdo known by his
accomplices, and in revenge for the
action ho turned state's evidence.
Tim .lury.
The following jurors have been chosen
for grand and petit jury duty:
Jos A Nicholson, G M Storling, A J
Linton, J H Cross, Win. Mcllaley, J
W Allon, J P Ostland, Michael Sleeker,
M M dualling, Latimer Booth, Sam
drolghton, W d Allaway, Dan Roberts,
Goo W Miller, The Dallos; Ohas David
son, JumoH Burlinganie, F C Sexton, Du
fur; Uub Miller. Chas. Wing, Winnie;
Stephon Kistner, Tygh ; K A Laughlin,
J 11 Manly, Waplnltla ; 15 C Dickens,
Antelope; Lorn Burgess, Hake Oven ; J
d Ward, lloyd ; Martin Doughty, Mosior ;
W T Wright, Nansene; Goo Udell, T K
Coon, lidgar Locke, Hood Hiver; D L
Cates, Cascade Locks.
I.ouk Over Vour County Warrant.
All county warrants registered prior
to January Kith, 1800, will bo paid lf
ontedtttmy otllce, corner oi mini
i u'liulilni'tnn streets.
ii, .u mi mill uftnr this date.
W.m. Miohkm.,'
Treasurer Wasco County.
Ontobor iilet, 181111. tf
Use Mexican Sllvur Stove Polish.
A. It. Wilcox of Hake Oven is in the
city today.
Mr. Geo. I&urlingnme left for Portland
this morning.
Mr. W. E. GarretBon is ofl'on a run to
the Cascade Locks today.
Mr. John Perry of Lylo was in the city
last night, and returned homo this
Dr. liotkin, who hns decided to locate
in the city, departed for Portland this
morning and will return in a few days.
Messrs. Wright and Douglass started
with their sawmill today for their timber
tract, which is between "Fifteen Mile and
Mr. .1. C. Campbell of Wapinitia,
father of the young man who was killed
by a threshing machine, called on The
CnitoNici.i: today.
Miss Luella McFarland, who haB been
visiting relatives and friends in the city
for the past few weeks, departed for
i'ortlauu tins morning.
Skibbo N U Stevenson, ii L Bovnton,
and wife, Kingsley ; C D Laird, Colfax ;
Chits McFarland, Chenoweth ; A Bren
ner, M Dochansky, Portland; James
Kaston, Dufur; A D Hill, Moro; Chas
1'nyett, Centerville; m unnnell, iiay
Horse, Idaho; F M Dash, Walla Walla;
B Kdluud Christianstat, Sweden.
In this city, on Tuesday, November
7th, 81t:i, by tho Kev. O. D. Taylor,
tmstor of the First Baptist church," The
Dalles, Or., at his residence, corner
Seventh and Washington streets, Mr. A.
Fields and Miss Lena M. Dow, both of
asco county.
lti'lll ICMlltc.
W. Ii. Tate and wife to Robert Hand,
lot H, block Winatu addition to Hood
River; $100.
C. A. Bell and R. E. Bell to Christian
Rand, se'.j section III, township 1 north
range ! cast ; JfoOO.
Peter Ncsson and wife to Robert
Rand, fractional lots 3 and 4 in frac
tional block 1, Hood River; $250.
Sears ml Porter to Robert Rand, 10
acres in section 7, township 2 south
range 1 1 cast ; $1 ,000.
Sears awl Porter to Robert Rand, 12,!C
acres in section 7, township 2 north,
range 1 1 east ; $000.
In Tho Dalles, Nov. 7th' to tho wife of
A. Kaufman, a daughter.
ltmtf l'ui'klni:.
A man is in tlio city who will put
$10,000 into a concern of this kind.
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
tlio drug business at Elkton, Ky., for
tho past twelve years, says: "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy gives hotter
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine 1 have ovor sold." There is good
roason for this. No other will cure a
cold so quickly; no other iseocortain a
preventive awl cure for croup ; no other
atlbrds so much relief In sasos of whoop
ing cough. For siilo by Blakoley &
Houghton, druggists.
A recent discovery by nu old
jiliystoliiii. SuccwfuUv wed
Mumthlu u fftoiiKiww f
T,tl,-t. U tho only nc;':eotl7
1 rnllnliln nicilK'lUO iU3-
coTored. Bowaro t ini;rlnct.lcl drraaUta who
offer luforlor nu'iiictucs m i
CooV Cullon Hoot Ooinpouinl. raid no Mt'
tulc, or Incloso 1 nmJ -')'t' " Wea U lotter
awl wo wllUmiU, simliM, ly wtttni nmtl. rutlioUod
purtloulura In plain unvoloiic, to laillea uaiy,
atouiia. AUariws Poml Ml v Oo m p a n y.
Hold III Tho DitllcB lty llliikcloy V ltnnfitn:i
By nn Employe Nnmed lie. Who Then
Kill Illmncir.
Judge Liobe of Tho Dalles received
the psinful news about 1 o'clock that
his brother Theodore had just been shot
by a man named Christian Hess, and
could live but a few minutes. He hast
ened to tho telegraph office and after
sending an answer received tho follow
ing, dated :11 p. m.
Brother Theodore f hot in tho neck bv
Hess. Not necessarily fatal. Hess sho't
himself dead. Come down.
Hess was an employe of Mr. Liebe,
who was suspected of holding out money
received for purchases. The store was
tho Portland German bakery, over
which Mr. Liebo presided and did
a thriving business, nine wagons being
busily employed. In pursuance of these
suspicions Mr. Liebe employed a detec
tive some months ago to watch Hess,
who found that up till 3 o'clock he had
not showed a cent in the register. He
was arrested and pending his trial was
out on bail. Today about 12 o'clock he
met Mr. Liebe in a butcher shop and
without any warning sent a bullet after
him, which took effect in his neck. Mr.
Liebe fell, and the would-be assassin
thinking he had killed him, turned the
weapon upon himself with fatal effect.
Theodore Liobe resided in The Dalles
for six years, moving to Portland in
1874. He is 47 years old, eleven years the
junior of George Liebe of The Dalles.
No line Knterlng Patented Landn.
s'D Office,
t. 31, 1893.)
General Las
Washington, D. C, Oct
Register and Receiver, The Dalle?, Or,
Sins With letters of the 16th inst,
you transmitted the applications of the
following-named persons to enter the
tracts described, respectively, together
with their appeals from yoir rejection
of said applications.
Tho records show said tracts to have
been patented to The Dalles 'Military
Road Company, under the grant of
February 25th, 18G7 U Stat., 409), and
it was on account thereof that you re
jected the said applications.
There is no dispute as to the facts,
but the applicants contend that the
tracts in question are government land.
Having been patented as aforesaid,
the title to these tracts has passed out
of the United States, and so long as
such title is outstanding, the lands in
question are not subject to entry or
disposal by the United States.
Your action in rejecting the said ap
plications was therefore proper and is
now affirmed, subject to appeal within
sixty days. Very respectfully,
S. W. Lamareac.v,
From the above it will be seen that it
not wise for anyone to enter any tract
of land, for which patent has been
Accident lit Helm.
Tho pretty 4-year-old daughter of W.
T. Shive of Keno met with a shocking
accident last Friday morning, the effects
of which the child may carry for the
rest of its days. The mother had built
a fire in the sitting-room and then pro
ceeded to the kitchen to prepare the
morning meal. The lire became low
and the little girl, who had been left
alone, picked up the powder-horn and
emptied its contents into the stove. A
heavy explosion occuned. Mrs. Shive
rushed into the room and found it lillod
with smoke. Groping about she found
her daughter lying senseless on the
floor, its face and hands painfully
burned. The little one was restored to
consciousness and soothing lotions ap
plied to tho burns. While not seri
ously injured the powder burns may
leave ugly scars. Klamath Express.
Best grades of oak, lir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters &, Co. .Oilice Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
I The Millei Store, I
166 Second street.
Respectfully announces hav
ing taken tho above promises
on lease, and will, on
Wednesday next,
open with a stock of
Furnishings, 1
Etc., Etc.,
and hopes to ho favored
with a slun" ' bo pnl-
lic lutroii'igc.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We will Close Out
Regardless of Cost!
Store Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just Rrrivea from Hew York
doming & Furnisiung goods
At Remarkably Low Prices.
Splendid CMoclilla Overcoats $5.50.
'(lip Winter Dry Goods,
.'.'en-' Tmn MTTrtTin tt a mci TTnn
DUUiO onuxiOi xixu.
TA w' arc lorrod to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
the fHiuout A. S. Collins and wifn's suit) and had debts, our prices will always l
found the very in tho market; We invite onr friends and custouu'13 to
examine onr troods and prices before ptirchas-in:.
3E3C. Hertoring.
And the Mi)t 0 1 . . i t -t - and the Latent 1'attenii" and Designs in
"W A L X.. IP A. $P US 1
aP"Prtieiical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but thu best brands ot thtt
Sherwin-Williams and .1. W. .Masury's Paints used in all ,mr work, and none but
tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masi.rv Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A firwt elites nrticb' in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Paiut Shon corner Thirdaml Washington Sts,. The DalUa. 0rt."nn
This well-known iirowery is now turning out tho best Ueui and Porta
east of the Cascades. Tho latett appliances for the manufacture of good health'
ful Beer have beon introduced, and on.y tho iiret-class article will he priced on
ho market.
Wo aro yoinf to givo away a series of enlarged pictures to our
customers commencing Saturday, Nov. 11th, and continuing
every Saturday until Christmas. Wo want to show you that it
pays to trado at homo, and any one who has had photos, mado by
us at any time Is entitled to a guvsa at each and every picturo
given away. If you have over bought a picturo of us, come and
register your guess at tho Candy in tho jar. If you aro not a cus
tomer, como and seo the kind of work wo are turning out' Tho
First Cravon will bo awarded at 7 ilJO o'clock Saturday evening.
Nov. lltfi, at the Gallery. Come everybody, it will cost you
nothing. The jar is on exhibition in Gnrretsou window.