The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 07, 1893, Image 2

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    Toe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wwkly.lyear 1 60
" 6 month; 0 7ft
" 3 " 0 50
Dlly, 1 year 6 00
" 6 months 3 00
per " o 60
Address all communication to " THE CHUON
(CLE," Tho Dulles, Orcgou.
orricK hours
General Delivery Window S a. m, to 7 p. in.
Money Order " S a. m. to -J p. m.
Sunday iS I) " 9 a. tn. to 10a. in. of mails
trains going East 9 p. ni. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West 9 p. m. and 8:30 p. m.
Stage for Goldendale T:S0 a. m.
" " Prinevlllo 5:S0a. m.
" "Dufurand WarmSprinRs ..5:S0a.m.
" tLeaTlngfor LvleA Hartlaud..5:30a. m.
" " ' ) Antelope 5:S0a. m.
Except Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday.
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
TUESDAY. NOV. 7, 1893
Full state tickets will be elected today
in Isew York, Ohio, Massachusetts and
Iowa. Maynard is the democratic can
didate for governor in Ohio, and it will
be interesting to note the result, as his
election would be a victory for David B.
Hill and the machine method of steering
politics. In Illinois it is Altgeld and
anarchism against Judge Gary, who
sentenced the Haymarket murderers.
Judge Gary's re-election to the supreme
bench would be a triumph for American
ism. The principal issue in Ohio is the
tariff, the home of Wm. McKinley, who
again appeals to the voters of the state
to uphold protection. Massachusetts, it
is believed, will go republican without
doubt. In Iowa it will be a square con
test between the two old parties, as the
prommuonists are not representeu in
either of their platforms. The populists
are expected to poll a larger vote than
two years ago, but not sufficient to cut
any figure, while drawing from the re
publicans and democrats about equally.
A Touching Incident In the l.t Mo
menta of the Fiunoun tleiientl.
Then came tho death wound, and
after neurly a week's unavoidable de
tention Mrs. Jackson reached hor hus
band's deathbed, writes Mrs. .IciYcrson
Davis in an interesting sketch with
portrait of "The Widow of Stonewall
.laekson" in the Ladies' ttomu.lournul.
Spent with the anguish of his wounds j
he lay dying, too near the silence of
the grave to do more than murmur to J
his wife: "Speak louder, I want to '
hear all you say," and feebly to caress I
his baby with a whispered: ".My sweet
one. my treasure," while the innocent
smiled in his dying face.
Then was the heart-broken wife and
mouior piven stre.ipui u minis er W , fc on of Dr. piorce'B l'leas
both these objects of her love. Krotn 1 " if , . , if ;
her firm lips the dving hero learned . Mt Pellets but you can t fool t
. . 1 .'! ... :' tnlrnn A till unt It llfll'M
tnnt tne irates of Heaven were
his entrance. Controlling her bitter
grief she sang for him the sacred songs
on which his fainting spirit soared up
ward to its rest. When all was over,
and she had followed him to his grave,
she again sought her father's roof, and
there hid her bowed head among her
own people, to live only for her ltnby.
. . . - . . ; .ii. .. i
ill sinm iuuremciii. uiu yuuiiff wmuw , , .. i
husbanded her means until her daugh-( a,m oowc,s ,iru p""w"j ........
ter was grown a pretty, graceful young They're the cheapest, for they re ,
Do not let the opportunity pass
without securing some of those
elegant Art Linens and Embroid
ery Silks displayed by . . .
more coou man any oi me hujju,
old-fashioned nills. with their urip-
ing and violence. These tiny 1M- j
lots, the smallest and easiest to uiko,
bring you help that lasts. Consti-
Sation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
iek or Bilious Headaches, ami nil
derangements of tho liver, stomach
112 Socond Strwdt.
woman, anil tlien, to promote Iter
child's happiness, the mother emerged
from the privacy in which she had
lived since her husband's death, and
"visited both the southern and north
ern states. In the course of time her
daughter became engaged to u voung
Virginian, Mr. Christian, of Itichmond, i
and a few months luterwas married to
Shortly after their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Christian removed to California, 1
whither Mrs. .laekson accompanied
them. They returned a short time
later to Charlotte, N. C, where they
took a house and lived together. Sow,
however, the widow's next trial was
imminent. Mrs. Christian was attacked
by a prostrating fever and succumbed,
after bearing her illness with great
guaranteed to givo satisfaction, ot
your money is returned. You pay
only for tlie good you get.
What has the monkey to tell us, any
way, that we should learn his language?
And why would it not be of more prac
tical benefit to commune with the wild
geese, that we may more accurately de
termine their weather prognostications?
queries tho Oregonian. Their migra
tions are, of course, useful to the prophet
but how much more exact might their
long and loud conversations become if
translated into shall we say, pigeon
The tide is now at its Hood in the
matter of erecting a cold storage ware
bouse at this point, and should be taken
ere it recedes. A gentleman is in town
who announces his intention of putting
in $10,000 in a plant of this kind, and
wants our townspeople to take hold of it.
The Ciiuoniclk has before told of its ad
vantages, which are enormous, benefit
ting alike the company and the farmer
or other storer. It enables high prices
to be realized by storing when low prices
rule by merely waiting for the inevitable
rise in the market.
Klectrlc Hitter.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters, sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove
pimples, boilp, salt rheum and other
affections mused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipes fc Kinersly's.
A SQUAHK offer of
$500 iu gold is made
Ur. Sage's t'atarrn
Remedy, for any case
of Catarrh in the' Head,
no matter how nau o:
of how lone standing.
which they cannot cure.
Wort, Tin Repairs ana Roofing
on Third Street, next door west of Young it Kubb
Blacksmith Shop.
Executors' Notice.
Notice Is hereby Riven, that the u:irtcrli;iicd
have been duly appointed, by the Honorable tho
County Court of Wasco county, Orw u, execu
tors o tho estate of John llnxter, dercuH'd nil
titTfons hnviiiK claims njjHtnst tald etato arc
heicby required to present the Mime, duly vert
tied and with proper vouchers, to n or cither,
t Antelope, Wutco county, Oregon, ulthtn six
mouths from thedatoof this notice,
The Dalles, Or., Auk. 3, imki.
Executors of tho estate of John Jinx tcr.der'd.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
The administration, it is understood,
is in possession of information that a
number of European countries repre
sented at Rio are giving encouragement
to Admiral Mello and his followers to in
cite domestic strife in Brazil with a view
to the overthrow of tho republic. How
far the administration will go in its
support of the republic cannot now be
guessed at, but the United States is
'strong enough to say what shall or shall
not be done in Brazil, and it would be
justified in drawing an unmistakably
apparent chalk line, founded on the
declarations of Monroe, beyond which
the powers of Europe should not go.
Tin: Bkst Plastej!. Dampen ;t piece
of flannel with Chamberlain'.- 1'ain
Balm and bind it on over the cent ut
pain. It is better than am planter.
When the lungs are sore Mich an appli
cation on the chest and another on the
back, between the shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothing so good for a lame back or a
pain in the side. A sore throat can
nearly always be cured in one night by
applying a flannel bandage dampened
with Pain Balm. 50 cent buttles for
sale by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists
K. Gnrrctfcou. of The Dalit. Orezon. hav
ins assigned his property for the benefit of all
his creditors, all persons, haviin: claim airaln
him are hereby notified to preheat them to me
uniier onto, at The Dalles, Oregon, within three
months from date.
A. It. TIIOMI'.-ON, A-Munee
August C, l$03.-wGt
For Sale at a
machinery and
In i he County Court of the State of Oregon, for
.Warco Count ,
Iu the Matter of the Kitate of i
U' Hamilton Wilson, Deci'Mccd. t
Notice is hereby civen that the under igue ',
by an order ot the County Court of tn- fct.iluol
Oregon, for Wasco County, made and eutcreo
September 7, 1WJ, wa apicjtntfd exmitorot tin'
bit will and testment iH the ouid WHIiain
llxmllton Wilson, deeeahtd: all pernms Iniviug
claims against aid estate are hvrtb) noilleil to
preMint the tiinu with the proi?r vnueh-Ts
therefor to inu at tho otlieo r.i Ma, nuutliigtfU
iV Wilson, The Dalle-, Oregon, within rx
monihs from tho cute of till.- nothv.
Dated The Dallce, Or., .Sept. 7, 1-JI
I!. S. IIII.N li.VlilON.
Kxecutor of Will of Wm. II. wimii, drr d
Estray Taken Up.
i One black jxiny, braudeil either 5 or S on left
I hip and left jaw. Ow ner can have same bv nroi
iiiK propctty and pn Ing for this notice.
Dlibl. c. Wii.DKIt,
10d.'iivlm 1'ottoUlee, Tin- Dd,e.
Thi undersigned, liuving secured the
lixtures ol what was intended lor a iirsl-elass shoe laetory,
will sell the same at a bargain. More is an engine and
l'oiU(r i)f '10-odd power, and a large iimount of shoe
machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
.Familiar Faces in a Nciu Place
Lute Hiitcial Aijent General Laud Ojfive
J)e leal Estate, oar), IuraQee,
1'arties having Property thoy wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to limit, or
Attract of Title furnislied, will lind it to their advantage to tll on iih.
W i! shall make a specialty of the prosecution of (JlainiK and Contest
Miforo the Unitcp States hand
85 Washington St.
Is the
Of the Yea
the Circuit Court of tli ,,ro
A. 1) lloltou, 1
Frank I). (lillevilu,
Uhoda (lllleniile. W.
K. Hunt and V. II.
Ilutler, Defendautii,
71) ymnk I), (UUtiiile and Uthntta IMl,.i. ...
In tlHMiumcnf Hut Mtato of Onmn
III IlflHffttl 1lr U.ilrt.. .....t i.ii. .
ilitto liiTcof, In-wlt.onor boorc th 8
iluy f Niiviimliitr. ltn,
I I I ...v.. ..II . A
IIIIriUlT IMII tltlltlflll ihIM ......I.. n.
mr iiik renin iitiivoii fiii iiiu .i
vvivh ll loniivillll'lll III II i-i- imui IE
iiitUM Uitil iiuiilu ftiiil f ttfMitril hv von tn H
II Iti fiiu'tmhln ' iniiili rmwf 1 1 tv v
1... k.tfil ....l. I.
manner provided by law and arc mllnc to
kti.,lt .il.i tl... ..!..!.. .1,1' 1 t - I.'.
i,, " v iii.j iiiiiiiiliii nfi'ivi' nil,
1, flUi, (ttitiilr.Hl ff'l.ll ,l.,11... I 1... .
. v,,,. ,.i fiiiiiiiiii, iiio ii iiiiiuur hua
i.i it) iiouarH an a iiarouanie aiioruey i
1.. ..... , ...1.1. . i.
mill iiiHini niMni'iiiM iniiili, mill iyimiiiii4 i i
viui. r id miiiii irninu 11 in imhIi. f,tpu....
cieney in me iinx-inii 01 inuti 10 Mimy nillr
wild iiiuiH. tlint uiHin miuh i)reclosiiri'k!,t"
Lin IIKHI, line, nil iv-v hum u ill I ill ill you
your co'ilcfctldautfi, eaeli uitil all nf joti
theni, unit all oilier iierrous clnlmliiL- or
t In I tn In lliriiotfli nr llliiti.r vim t.r ,
every part thereof bo foreclosed nJ fercicr
111,7 llllll llll I ,111(1, Kill, I lillll IUB1W I'lTUJIFt. 21
..i.u..KKi,.., ii,....... ..,.,i ......... ... v...r i...
1 Illllh If. I 1 1 IL 1 11117 111 11 1 I. Ill Mill lllliril'l. UV I'U
wnii'ii iini'.T was nuiy inniic mm tmm
liainberx on tbol'ilth (ny of K'ptc,iaiKT.ll,J;
of (Jlaims
Jlelilla, tho Spanish garrison besieged
by tbe Moore, site upon a rocky penin
Bula which juts out into tho eea. It ha'
wen a Spanish jtarriBon since 1C33
31ulai Hassan, sultan of Morocco and
leader of tho Moorish armv, has for hi
lieutenant a canny Scotchman, Captain
Alan Maclean. His troops are well
armed with modern rifles, and he has a
fair ehowmt; of artillery. Since his
army already numbers -10,000 hard fii;ht
ers from the hills of tho interior, and is
being rapidly recruited, It is evident
that Spain has no military picnic on her
bands like that now being enjoyed by
the British troops against the blacks of
It Hhould lie in Kvory Home
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Fa., says he will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
icians had done her no good. Kobert
Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King's New Discovery lias done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin
rily'i. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00.
Qimtuiun, I never Mid a medicine that
Civen men uulvenul MtiifMtlon to my cuitoui
era a Krtuse'i HewUciio Cspaulcn, I can tpeak
aUo from experience, they bnvo nearly cured
me ot frequent attacks of xlck headaches, j
euld get you many teatlraoulalH in thin vicln.
ity from tboae wbo have uied them.
V. L. Cottinu,
Ited Cloud, Neb.
Mold by 8aiixJ& Kiaenly, '
Booms to rent'nt Rev. A. Ifom's real-
ooMintti street. o-23daw.
An acrrceablo Lazetl vo end NEHVU TUNIC.
Sold by Druirtristaorsent by mall. Z5c.,60c.,
and 31.00 per package. Samples frco
Iffl UA Too Farorito TOOTH POTTIK
Av HW for tho Teeth and llreatb. 20c,
Var tale by Hnlpett Si Kinemly.
Eailiy, Quickly,
Perminently fiestared.
and all the train of orlla
from early error or later
exct-Met, tlio reult of
uvernura, Kjlciiuvs,
worry.ctc. FulUtreuxth,
UuTelopinent and touo
given to e ery organ aril
txirtlon of tho boly.
hlrnijlp. natural metlioui.
jecn. VillurolinixjuslMe.
WU referoucct.
explanation and profj
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies.
(icritlcmeii! Two flne-iooUInu I'eiim-lvitnlH
liidlcv, excellent repuUtlonv, ijidmlriu'ix', ypleii
did houtcketiers. ukcs ls mid 1W, uortli .i,w:M
encli, inireutHileud, wniit t()K wett)j fill, nail
wiiini like to KrreiiKMid ith iileu, ievcinbIo
Kentleuieii under 40. Object luipjiv uvrtern
homes. Gentlemen, if uu ure niiiirlriiniiiiilly
iiiciliieii, Bend 1 hill in common letter furplio
tos, names and wMrcktos of thete yoiniK liulle.s.
Pennsylvania Adv. Oo,,
i 10 Wwlm Hox:r.V. Ix;k lliiven, l'n.
2,000 or 8,000 fjtock Sheep, for
which cash will be paid, En
quire at this office.
Nov. r,.. .
John Pashek,
lb Merchant Tailor
76 CoUft tt,
Next door to Wmoo Ban Office.
Hiu juit nceivel I no latent tylea In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
pud lias a lance aasortment of KorOtrn and Amer.
lean CiothK. which lie can lluUh To Order for
thoMi that favor Mm.
CiMOiBg tad Rtpilrlng a Specialty.
Notice. Timber Culture.
r. 8. U,uu Omen, Tin:, on.,j
August 111, it)'.i::.
Complaint Imvlne U-en entered ut thliOIIlco
hy Murricttii M. Mursliall iiK'ilntt I'ro.tou Itetil
for failure to comply with law in to iimher
C'ulturu Kntry No. .'1110, dated Jliirch lu is9,
nixjii the NWl of Hectlon IB, Towiiklili North,
Khuuo 11 Kant, W. M., ln VVneco county, Oreiton,
with it view t) tho cancellation of mid entry;
contcHtnut alleging that defendant hux wholly
fulled and ncKlectcd to plow or hreak or culti
vate to crop or ojherwire, or plant with treen,
tree kcuIh or ctlltlUKs, durlliK any of tho time
fclncu makliiK hiu mild entry, any purt of mild
tract, the xaid partiea are herehy numinoiied Ut
apcar at thla OHlt'o on the 21nt day of October.
lb'.U, atlOo'clwk A, M,. to respond mul lurnluli
tcKtlmouy coucernliiK mild alkved hill ure.
U lw6t JOHN W. I.KWIH, UeKlKter.
Executor's Notice to Creditors,
Notice U hereby given that the County Court
of the Htale of Orexon for Vunci (bounty Iihh
duly apiolntcl tho undernlKiied thu executor of
the lat will and tettament of (ieorKo K, Ileem,
deceased. All liemoiu havlliK cIhIiiih agaiuit
the entate of aaia deceaned are hereby reiiuired
hi iirewiu mvm, wan nio proer voiicliem,
within nix moiitha from the dale of thin notice
to mid executor at his place ol renldence, near
Dallea city, In aid county, or at thu oil co of
W, II. Wilton, In aald Uallea Cliy.
.IICHAKI. UOYhK, Kxecuf.r.
Dated thlw lt day oi November, 1 W'l. stw
AttoineN for Vi!
Wasco County,
Executor's Notice.
Iouco la liereliv irlvpii IhMt rhn im.ltrufi.
- . n.. - - -'
naa been annolnteil bv thu Countv Conrr. r tin,
Ktato ol Oreeoii for Wanco County, executor of
uu uauiiu oi i;(
lervont havln
that tho undemiKiiul
uiuioii oy uie uoiiuty court of
tho entatu of Catherine Wilde, deceiiked. and all
tl llll!llM fltflllllllt klllfl KkfHl.i ur
lierehv notiitil mid rennlrul to
aawe, with tho projier voucher, to mo ut the
offlco of Maya, Hiiutlng ton & Wllnon, Tho JJalle,
7, i i . . . I ",v"l. ,... i i.lifllllia IIUII1
the dale ol thU notUe. W. II. TAYIXIH,
,. , , Kxecutor of oald eatate.
The Uallev, Or,, July W, WJ.-'iH
Tlio (Into City of the Inlanil Kinpiro is situated ut the head
of navigation on tho iMiddlo Coluiiibia, and is a thriving, pros
perous city.
It is the supply city for an oxtensivo and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching us far south as Summer, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rich grazing country along tho eastern nlopo of tho Can
cades furnishes pasturo for thousands of sheep, the wool from
which finds market here.
Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped hist yenr.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more
than doubled in tho near future.
Tho products of the beuutiful Klickitat valley lind market
here, and the country south and east lias this year filled the
warehouses, and all available stocage places to overflowing with
their products,
It is tho richest city of its size on the coast and its money is
scattered over nnd is being used to develop moro farming country
than is tributary to any other city iu Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climato delightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on theso
corner stones tho stands.
The California Winehoase,
Ib now opon, and its proprietor will soil his homo- A
produced Wino at prices in tho roach of ovorybody,
Also, beat Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantood
to bo Puro and First-Clans in ovory respect. f
Thompson's Addition. C. BECHT
In the Circuit Court of the Htale of OwA
for thu county u( Wmeo.
W. A. illller.
I;. I'. Kcynoliltt, I
To '. Iteinmttlit, lite iii" immfd !("'
Iu the niiuio of tho Mute of Orcfoo.
hereby required to iipiiear and aiirrjf f:
plaint UKtl iiKiilut you In tlie aliioeaWW"u"
thin tiuiiiniiiiiH uiHin you. If mtiw"1"" 7',
county ; or If eerved within any W
huh aiatv, men wltliln twenty ') ,
lllltfllf IhOKTVlct) of tlllM SIIIIIIIIODlWn
orlf erl iimyoii by piihllcatlwi. W 'J
ure rei uimi 111 n im'iir nun a ' ,i.M
phi : 011 the llmtdiiy of the next Urn,''
r ,1 ..nflerhlx wivka' nublleiitlWl Cl ttl
. ..iih, to-wlt on Monday, thu
rill. .1.... K.' 1M03,
mid If yon fall to o iiimrtcr, the tjfi
apply to t lut court for the lellti l"."'.',7,w
iii'm 'iv,;i nini 111 run i v.-, 7 lj t,.
tlio Mile of tlio lilc'llll)"-.', tlieW" ""n.,fr
wit the M.uth Imlf of tho JSwtcr,
iiii? iiiiTiiii'jiikf iiiiirritr 111 iti kiu"" v.v.ji.t
mil! tint hiitit i.h.nI .itiirtir IA W e''V...v,
'I lit , ,. ,.! NLIkUl
.""".v.viv. : r. 1.. ;".". bwiw.."'"
IlllllKIl IIIIIIIVII lillll, tUUUim"" ,n,l HIU'
IflllllllK IMII' iiuuiirif 1 111 11 a a '.L tinrin
....... 1.'.' . . . iimi.iuv mv:
llllll ,11 IIIIT lllirilll'llML llllllllti,
"iiv, w ,,1,7 iiifi 111,, v.-,v i,t .f WXU""
.tJ.T11w1n.hln one .North, liaiiKO W'1 TJnW
Wllliiiiietto Jlerldian, c.Mitiilitlmr. B"ttBtr,
mill nlvlv ,,.. ,,,,.1 llmiln II Hft0t",.. !.(
OreKoiij necorilliiK to law mid 'ul. hYi.aloliu
iihh court, nun unit tuu liriatvii : Muretl W
Hppllnl In payment of tlio '"'""' it thowii'1
mild mortipiKc. and atill unpaid, l- rat(! ol
of mul Interest thereon lri&
eiKiit per cent im.t h
iw;j, una tlio luriner ituin m TV',.; (tnt l,crt
aloof elKlit J'. .?., rntn
i.mii kiln,.. irii n iko!I. nnd for a'1.aV,.i.,bk
inentH niiiilo mid expelideil herein.
1: V" ." c-' '". -. . ,,..i.,,,.v I HIV '"-'
nielli iiHiiiuni you ior iinj "Y'Yii. u rif 1 10 1
bo icmaliiluK after Iho iipi;lh'iilli 01
... . m-jiii i .-
tiill.ii lut fin iir tI I ill IIDllUldi"1' " . .. di
iihaw, .lurlKo of mild C'outt, """
dated Heptember '-'7th, l'li'l.,,,,., .. ivn.0'.
llAYH, Illl.NiiN TON " "fainttl-
V.v" ..ll.iillt
IllfllVU ! IIUII.-II3' . '".Vf hU illUI'uli.
.... niuvi iii.n I..I-. " . .... 111
ar.vr- 1... II1III1U
niniiii uiiii iiiiii unifi iiriiui uu. ': nr..
w....., ...... ..""---,,,.,.,, llillR'B, "'
mo iieuiiiter nun receiver - -
Friday, November 17, ww
ir,...,.i,....i i....i(,..,ii,ni No. 'Jnl'U I"' II.
HWUiind VH of HKJi ' hoe.
II.. mi, ,11. u Ihn rnllllWIIlir WlIlllnpv"..,.r.,Hrt!l
(uiiilliinniiH riiMldnneo 111)011. '""'
iiaiil lilllil, VIZ.. . ..ii Wll'S "
,.J, II. MaKlll, Krank , I flvw, lm
li arioy vt lUKi an " ""V7.V i fWH. 1WP
i I 'liinea liuikos It , .rhat
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. Willi b 1I1U III"1 "il.,.d.l Kttiuv-
uiibinuna invii hihi .,t iiii
liieH men iiro the most nm"," iiilnrffl
ii vou wmn io reaoii an :;:.. ,m id r.
uoriiiiui Jim huh .i.nv ii'iiavr;.
thiouuh tho eolumiiH i, m." , " . iUtoi'
I t It.iu iiir.rii fllliin llfHINIU I.lff.