al)c Hoiks Chronicle, THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1893. NO. 123. Dalles Daily Chronicle. l)Hlly.HiHy Kxcopted. II v t0,,ll()NIOl.r: PUBLISHING CO itllil WiWlllllRlOM Htrootii, The lumen, uivuu. Trin. nf Hnlcirlitttni .16 00 ... -., ISO itwntn, uj 6 lew) ri.Mi: TAIII.KH. Kullrituil. In eil:t AimitNtii, 1MW. IC.tBT IIOUKIi. w-m p. ii. Dutmrtx li ilW r WKNT IIOtJNh. I.. , imrnlA. Depart U; It A LfrnKviifreljihiii that curry i.cnKerH leave L f"r tltf ct lit h'oo a. m., nmt oiiu (or the u. M. KTAflKfl. iillilk', tin. Huku Oven, leave dully III'" . . .11. ...... II ......,., 'It.. I...,,. I tfjtelUI'v, JlliuHwtit wtnijun ...... I?! . I.... If. ..!.. IV..,. I. ,111.. U'linn TyKH valley, leave dully, except RfcUtmUlu. Waul!., leave twery day of tl I-.-,..., wtlttil.IV ill 7 A. M. Iftafurill Uiiuk t the Umatilla limine. fKOrKH.IIONAI.. H. BIDDKI.l- ATTOIlNltY-AT.IW-OUlCO i Court Street, mo milieu, uriRiiii. TIB A, UCVKFEK ATTflHNICYH - AT liii-Rooma ii and 43, over l'unt IBslUlng, Kutruuee on wtutuiiRton Btreei tuiti.urcxun. 1FVVPTT. ATT(IltNEY-AT-l.AW. 01 UCMla fachaiiuu'w building, up uilr. -The litffttOII. ItUTI. 8.B.IIUNTI.NOTON. II. 8. WIWOM. IIVv IMKTIKCTON A WII.HON ATTOK Iniwu - Ollleeii, French mock over IMUouilUmik, "i - Dulle. ureiion. 11 WIUON-ATTOHNKY-AT-I.AW -Koomil Inntb A Co 'h lunik ImllilliiK, Hecouu xi. lMUillcj.Orwtim. &.EJI1EIXAN (ItlMliXOl'ATIIIUj I'llVBlCIAN U inl untntAv f.illu niiHvi.retl nronilitlv. romlfht rllr iir .uitilrv. (Illlcu Nil. 'M llllli WVtupata Wad. wtl l,ttil.llllAKR- I'lIYMCIAN ANP HUH- ' it. Ofik'o; room, ft and 6 ;iintimnii xi. toHciicui! H. Iv. curlier .'iiurt mid ast ttrwti, mi-mil door Irnm tne coruur. twuitlo 12 A. M 'i to 6 mill 7 to it V. n. fiMUI, Dbmtibt.- (in Riven lor the Mltbo extraction of teeth. Also teeth Umd aluminum plute. Hoonm: HIkii of rtlJcaTnoth,Keei)iiu Htreet. HOCJJKTir.S. htCO LOUdK, NO. 15. A. K. A A. JI . MeetH tmtuullMru Jlonuny oi eiicn minim in i LaU.4V.DVAl, AlKill (JIIAl'TKH NO. i swumunHmlc Hull thotmru veiiiionay fOMIIl.N wooimr.s ok thk would. IK. Hivtl Ci.V,. Ki M.uiiu'l iuki1.ii'iiLill. pencil wcxklufiaUrlilty lliill, t7::w p. m. OtUMllIA mm, .S'O. 6, I. O. 0. K.-Mwl '')' r'fiilaj-ewiliiKiitTiajo'elock.ln K. .. uHitn cwillll IIUU .liurv niavw. uarnlntrlrollifri ure wolcmnu. CWWii, Sfc'y. II, A. 1IU.M.N. (1. IIESWIJII' I.OIHU:, NO. 0., K. of I'.-Hcotk Lirf'i S"' eveiilllK t 7:au oeioeK, n Z, i 1 """Ki turner hi i;ouri nun neeuuu wjQuruiiiR lucmberH nru conlluiiy in- 11' U ll, . M Bii. Kj)f K, nml 8. C.O. KBH.N0' K. OK U-Mt-otn In K. P't fill 1 1 tilitkwnml uiitl ftmrth Fjwch month nt7;ao p. in. Phlftvm . fc3 lxltrit Vji 'ill 1 n 1 It f cn In r h - . . n ' " t?lT iiK-ctliiifs KrlilHV ut h r. m u IWK, C. T, U. 0. I'l.KCK, 80 t- uiiiur, nu, a, a. o. IJ. v. flieev" rir"-;"" 'ii, over ftcuertf, u wnwiiu '"arnwy uveuliiKg ut7:!J. lib.. ... II ANHKKi H'tUS. F llnluiliir M. W SUlllTII I,,,,,,., .... . .. ... 5 , no. a, u, A. u. nuuny in j-.JU V. M,, III IIIU l. OI i: I.-Mwuuvery Ktiuilny iilteriioou In Hltli(ln Ull tin.,.,... Iitmin, .Vr'.,."',.--?ieM' ovory iiiu iv, m r. nnii, It b '"V1HION, No, lfl7-Meot III ltort,".,.,llUlu"t anil third WwUiuh THK UllUKUHKH. IteHU um uuv. Kathor Hiionh in.? m' IjOW ilHM vory HuiuUy at i '' Mans at 10:80 a. m. VenperH at Fmi .. V," " "iiiciiiio iteotor. Burvii'OH t'tt A i i?' w ",,a "i"0 ' x. mtiiilay w A- . KvuntiiK I'rayor on Krlday at Wb...... - - hi S'.f "T OllimoI-Uuv. O. 1). TAY :n (uiifip ti ... " r - ' . L' the r ,"",,,, ""Vioeii every hum LC&y JSL U A. J?. Habbiith rBUii m.Y n,M3r .moriiiiiK Hurvieen. L Styled In th5 tmurTboii rusl mo at Cht,?4.t'PNA!, OHHlmil-niiv. w. ri I Hill fl1 tOr. HfirvllHUliiixirvUMiiil.iuiil 11 m fc.rM' Hiiiulut. uni....i J:...- .:..'-::,.:.. MUirBrV... ,, "t,.1""" "wr liiwnillli -Wctinllully Inv Uxl. HoatH free. I, niim,,... . m& v. V.V: J' WHIHI.K.1. , Mliool Vt $ V """I'lHKat li it Ti,nV '':W o'ofook i u. Kn pnHtor a. in, vortli F:'lVenff'H. i.0n1',f,'. miHitliiK every 11 ' 7,:80 o'clock. A cordial In' ujr uoin pHior and jivoplo PHTlAM T. TW' WiM,,r.V,,r,.v' J W. JHHK1HB. !'lTlted M" 'W t 8 v, M. All are Hn .M'l'HKHAN-Nliith itreot f Sff1 :w p,m a cordui woloo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHAOT A (1KNKKAL HANKING HUHINKHb IJtterH o( Credit iuaued avHilnbli: in lie KaHtorn StatuH. Kiclll Rrnlinium and Tnlnnranl.ln TriiiiHforBHoldoii Now York-Chlcngo, St. iiuiH, nun frunciRco, rortianu Oregon, fiouttlo WitHh.. and vuriotiH points in Or egon and WaHiiiiiKton. C()llt'(!tioflH Illlllln lit ull iwillltn nil lav. orablu tornis. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. Prcsidont Z. F. Moody Vko-Prt'Hidont, Hilton CitHliior, TVI.rA. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Si'lit KxchangcH Sold on NEW YOlvK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO nnd PORTLAND, OR. ColluctioiiH nuidii on fnvoruhlo tcrniH nt ull uccoHaiblo pointB. J. ti. HCKKIICK, I'reniuuui. J. M. 1'ATTKIIHON, Can tiler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A Gunoral Banking BuhIiichb trnneacted DopoBitB received, mthject to Sight Draft or Check. Collection!) made and procfieds promptly remitted on duy of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on isow York, sun rranciuco and 1'ort-lund. D1KBOTOKS. I). J. TllOMI'HON. J.NO. S. SCHENCK. Ed. M. Williajih, Gko. A. Liimie. II. M. lif ALL. W. H. YOUNG, Progress and CooKcryo "The World Moves." There is no better illustra tion of this old saying than the numerous schools now aysdevotcd to practical kitchen processes. These schools have been alert to find a reasonable substitute fo r 1 arcl , t h e ii sc of wh i ch i sso generally-condemned. This want has been fulfy met by COTTOLE the new vegetable Lard. When science strikes the kitchen, it strikes home and everybody gets the benefit. Cottolene is a clean, deli cate and economical substi- tutc for Lard cleaner than the hog, delicate as the fin est vegetable oil, economic cal from its Tow price and small quantity required to be used. Prove it for your self by a trial. At grocers everywhere. REFUSE ALL SUBSflTUTES. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. Biacismiifi & wagon shop Gonerul I'liickHinithing and Work done promptly, and nil work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Liebc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. J las the largest house- moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181 .The Dalles J. f . MD, ist, Of Den Moines, lown, write under date of March 23, lh'J3: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., uuiur, uregon. Gentlemen : , L . t . , .. Imi.iii Inul viniilf. I found all well and anxiouBly awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wustud away to !18 pounds, now well, strong and vigorous, una well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure Ijob done its worK wen. ajohi m iiuiw i. v.... u i n.intft f'.uro Ihir cured lit AllUl u. -w,..- and Kopt away an iiourueiioBH uum o give li to every one, vt iw for till. Wishing you prosperity, wo a-e Yours, Mil, & MitH. J. F. l'oitu. IfyouwiHh to feel treHh and cheerful, nnd ready (or the HprliiB'H work, cleaiiho your Hyntum with thu Ileniliiaiio anil i.iver cure, uj uihik mw" three iIonuh eaah wevk. Sold under n punitive tiuaraiitce, 60 ceuta per bottle by all drUKgUti. (, "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freiani ana P&sssnaer Line Throuirh diulv service iSundnys ex cepted) between The Dulles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at li a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'ASHISNUKU KATKH. Oneway .M Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. KLiiwniMitH fnr Portland received at any time dtty or night. Shipments for It' 11 V 1 11 f 1 flim.H must. 1 delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueueral Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, Gunoral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON C. F. STEPHENS, DEALBK IN DRY GOODS Itooti, Hlii lUta. Kto- Fancfl Ijood, (lotion, Kto,, Kto Kto. Seoond St., The DalleB. rEARTICp SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. nt wliole.ale Candies and Nuts "Ukv '1'IIIIAUtIO, (JKIAKH AND HIVKKT Hill iw Specialties Finest Peanut Roaator In The Dalles ARE NOT YET BEATEN Tiio Silrer Tvlcn Propose to Continue the Battle. VOORHEES WILL BE THEIR LEADER To Introduce a Pice Coinage Bill in December The Silvcritcs arc Determined. Washington, Nov. 0. There are rumors that Voorhees will introduce a free-coinage silver bill at the opening of the regular session. Voorhees declines to talk about the matter, but it is point ed out that he has always been a silver man, and declared during the debate on the repeal bill that he was no less a friend of silver than be bad always been. At any rate, it is thoroughly understood the silver questton is not shelved by the passage of the repeal bill. On the con trary, the silver men say the fight has only begun. When congress assembles they propose to keep it well to the front in connection with every great issue be tween the parties from the tnrifT to the repeal of the federal election laws. Every stage of the tariff discussed will be punctuated by pertinent queries by the silver men tending to prove it was the demonetisation of silver, not the McKinley tariff which caused the finan cial depression. Indeed, it is intended the silver men shall act as a body of obstructionists, as did the Parnellites in parliament, till silver Ehall receive a hearing. CHICAGO'S MA YOU. 2 3 s I cm pn tl 2d Street J. lULUU rt At right bide uuurr v utaurnut. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular und reliable house has Iwon entlroly rofurnlshw , and every room has boon rupuporod nnd reptUijtet and newly ciirjiotod throughout. Ihe house conUiliiB 170 rooms nnd is supplied with every modern convenience. reasonable. A good roHtuurtuit ntttuilM to the house. Frer bus to and from nil trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. Thu Aldermen Are Still Squabbling fur the I'o.ltlim. Chicago, Nov. 6. The democratic minority of the city council met in what they claimed was a special session this morning, for the purpose of electing a mayor pro tern, to succeed the late Mayor Harrison. No republicans at tended, and the democrats instructed the sergeant at arms to bring them in at 5 j). m., to which time an adjournment was taken. Alderman Swift, the re publican, claims to have been elected at Saturday's special meeting, and will present a bond and offer to take the oatli of office at the regular session of the council tonight. The republican aldermen were noti fied of the action of the democrats, and their leaders corralled !i" of them, a majority of the council, locked them be hind triple doors to keep the sergeant- at-arms out, and keep them in till after 5 p. m. Three Girl Xranii. Three female tramns recently arrived in California from Portland, Or. As the story runs, they sallied forth and climbed to the tot) of the first freight train they came to, and, seating themselves on the edge of a Ids car, they allowed their feet to dangle alonsr the side and waited for the locomotive to roll away. It is said that a brakoman who was running over the top of the train was so paralyzed with astonishment when lie saw tne petticoated tourists Unit ho almost fell overboard. Where are vou iroiiik', my pretty maids?" he politely asked, and gallantly lifted his cap. The ir r s told him nlaiuly Unit tney were going to California; that they had no monev to miv their fare, and that they did not propose to be put oil" the train. None of the traiu crew interfered with the women. At various stations the cirls went about and beiued food. At c - - one place, it is reported, a tramp in sulted one of the women, when ino inieo sailed in together and gave him a trounc ing that ho will remember for many and many a day. ltuot ami Jtruiieh, Tho poison in vour blood, however it i - 1. ........... ulxiiuk if may nave come or vimiui:i cii.m iiuw uo taking, is cleared away u juhu. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It s a remedy that rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches tho blood, and through it cleanses and InviuorateH tho whole system. bait rheum, Totter, Eczema, hrysipolus. Bolls, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and tho worst Scrofulous Sores and Swell ings, are perfectly and permanently cured by it. , ... Unlike tho ordinury Spring medicines or sarsaparilhis, the "Discovery " works enuullv well at all seasons. All tho year . ' r i t ..ii n.,una It irt mutraiiteed. luium mm ., V.....W- j. .- tia tin ntlii.i. hi nod medicine is. u n lwiiwitit tY IMirt . VUl 11U vour money back. You pay only lor tho goqil you got. isn t it snior 10 ny " ,r,v . THE MARKETS. Prospect Not Flattering nt Present for trn..l..-i .. r .i Tuesday, Nov. 7. Business in ths city is unusually quiet for tho season of the year. It was hoped better times would follow tho harvest, but the early fall rains coming on a belated ripening season, caught a very large per centage of the grain uncut, and that which had been harvested was poorly stacked and the result was a disaster to the producer by a nearly total loss of the crop. This, with the general depression that pre vailed throughout the season, has con spired to shadow the prosperous season's trade. Prices continue unchanged in all lines of merchandise. Sugar has had a weak ening tendency on the market, owing to the large amount of China sugar on the coast. Coffee, while quotable at the old rates, is very firm, and an advance may bo looked for in the near future. In provisions there is no change to note. The produce market is well supplied with all kinds of farm products and prices are nominal. Poultry is off in quotations. Spring fowls are quoted at $1.50 per dozen and old at $2.1!5 per dozen. Turkeys are in moderate arrival and sell at 8 and 9 cents per lb, undressed. The live stock mar ket remains steady. The grain market is as dull and un satisfactory as formerly. Foreign and eastern advices are still under the con trol oi the bears and there is no change to note. blood-purltlor can bo "just as good If It were, wouldn't it be Bold sol ir.irl'H Clnvur Root, the now blood purifier, glvos freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures consnpuoii. 25o., 50o. nud 1.00. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly, druggists. A PROCESSIONAL ANIMAL. Man's l.ove of Parading; In Company with Ills Fellows. Apropos of a recent procession the Boston Transcript remarked: "Man is a processional animal. Whether he be high or low, rich or poor, it is his delight to array himself in long1 rows and unwonted garmenture and to walk through miles of streets with swelling breast and more or less of martial step." This certainly is a curious thing, says the Rochester Post Express. No other animal, so far as we know, is fond of walking in proces sion with his brothers. To be sure, when embarking in the ark, "the ani mals marched in two by two, the ele phant and the kangaroo" (according to au upoehryphal version), but the chances are that Noah and his sons drove them in. Sheep play "follow the leader," but they have no more system in their order of marching than birds have in their order of Hy ing, and no more resemble it "proces sion" than does an excited Hock of schoolgirls. But ns soon as we get among men the fondness for marching' is universal. In all nations and in all times men have marched in orderly array, have kept time to the beat of music, and with bend erect and glori ous pride have rejoiced in their proces sionals. They cannot get over it. They march and drill when there is no use or purpose in it. Even men who renounce the world to live lives of peace and holiness cannot resist the temptation to march. In orderly ar ray they sing their chants; in bolemn double or single file they inarch from cloister to chapel and back again. It seems to be natural to us, too. The smallest baby coos and claps its hands at a procession or a funeral, which is the same thing and as soon as the child is able to wall; he beats his drum and waves his Hag and marches in an imaginary row. Perhaps some philosopher can ex plain this remarkable, this almost in sane appearing tendency. Possibly it was our predisposition to maintain Hi lartre numbers, obedient to a single head, that rave us our power over non marching animals; it may be one of our instinctive means of self-preserva tion, just as our ability to laugh, to see a thing from a humorous stand point, is a greater assistance to us in overcoming all mental annoyances without becoming absolutely morbid or insane. By the way, one of the scientific definitions of man is "a laugh- in animals;" another might bo "a pro cessional animal." Neither is very dignified or elevated, and yet we are sure that we are higher than the beasts, who neither laugh nor walk in solemn rows. Good Job l'rlnllnif. tr ..mi linv vimr Inli iii'intinir done at .4 ,Wl. J j ,.. .... 0 Tin: Chuonicu: you will have tho ad vantage of having it done wltn tno most modern and approved typo, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs unuer tno uireei. Kupervisiun ui tho most successful, and artistic printers in tho Northwest. NEWS NOTES. Ex-Congreessman Buckner, of Mis souri, baa Buffered a stroke of paralysis. He is not expected to live. Sir Andrew Clarke, GladBtono's phy sician, and one of the most eminent men of IiIb profession, died yesterday. Alderman Smith was elected mayor of Chicago pro tern. A special election will bo held the third Thursday of this month. Charles Martin, the wealthiest young man in Dallas, Tex., shot and killed his mistress, Patty Cole, and then killed himself. At the request of his counsel, tho trial of Patrick Eugene Joseph Prendergust, the assassin of Mayor Harrieon, was postponed to November 27th. The Hon. George Syms, ex-congress man, a prominent attorney, one of Colorado's pioneers and one of Denver's most prominent and wealthy citizens, has suicided. Adjutant-General Williams, of the army, has -retired on account of age. The appointment of his successor lies between General Ruggles, who is next in rank, and General Vincent. A negro named Clark, his wife and daughter were found in a cabin in the country near Oklahoma city with their throats cut and skulls crushed in. Mrs. Clark is dead, the others cannot live. The deed was done by John Milligan, a negro, who lived with them, for robbery. The Chinese who are confined in jail pending deportation for failing to com ply with the Geary registration law are' to be released, and will enjoy the same privilege to register under the McCreary bill as their countrymen who are still at liberty. The attempt to Becure a jury in the case of Dan Coughlin for a second trial for complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronin continues. Over 200 men have been examined, out of whom the state has accepted four, and the defense four, but not one yet has been accepted by by both sides. In reply to inquiries it was stated at the treasury department that the actual resumption of the coinage of silver dol lars has not as yet been ordered, but tho mints are directed to manufacture in gots and blanks so as to be prepared to resume coinage at short notice, in case it should be decided to do so. The charges against J. Hampton Iloge, of Virginia, new consul to Anioy, are more serious tliau intoxication and a failure to pay his bills. It has been represented to tho president and Secre tary Gresham that Mr. Hogo failed to account for money given in trust by clients, and ho .vill bo obliged to explain this grave allegation. NEWS OF THE STATE. Tho Portland Consolidated Street Rail way company lost $30,000 by the burning of somo of their rolling stock Sunday morning. In attempting to board tho steamer Garfield from a skill' George F. Parry, aged 21, of Portland, foil overboard and was drowned before he could be rescued, near Dry Stocking bar Sunday evening. Tho state executive committee of the neonlo's nnrty of Oreuon bus issued a call in which tho date for holding the Btato convention has been fixed on March 14. 189 1. Tho place for holding the convention is not named, but will be hereafter determined by tho com mittee. .My Wire, For over three years was allllcted with dyspepsia of long standing. She used three bottles of Simmons Liver Regu lator: her chills are entirely cured and the dyspopsiu almost vanquished. N. W. Enkkhaht, Hampton, Vn. Shlloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kln ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. I'ukturuife. Moore's ranch, about threo miles south of Tho Dulles, has unexcelled pasturogo and any ono who desires to avail them selves of tho fact can eeeuro reasonable terms upon application. 17tf Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day ut 4 o'clock. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking ABSOLUTEIY PURE I B li If I 1 i ' 1 sv I1 B t art