The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 06, 1893, Image 3

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    QilJ!2Ui husbands.
Advice to Husbands !
Don't blame your wife because Hhe likea dress. Give her enough
to cnablo her to dress well and you will be proud of her. Wonder
ful 1 iow fnuch brighter and happier she'll be in a new dress. Wo
man's province is to look pretty, but she needs fine feathers to set
her off. Perhaps if your wifo doesn't look quite so attractive as
she did when you wore courting her it is because you have been
stinting her about her clothes. Suppose now, for experiment, you
give her a Double Eagle and toll her to come to us and take her
choice of those new SUITINGS that avc have just received. We
know that we can please her and that you will be proud of her when
she appears in her new costume. She may need a new cloak for
herself or one of the children, and that want wo can supply also.
Give this a trial. The result will both please and astonish you.
all goods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Kiltor i Miu i'oitcjJJU-i lit Till) Unites, Orecnu,
ii Mximil'diinx mutter.
liiicul Ail vnrtlnlntt.
ili ' ir lino (or IltHt Itmurtlon, iiml f (,'untit
rwi' ior rm'li Mihtuijiiuiit Innurtlon.
ap-cl.i nilti (or long tlmu untitle.
A. 'ih n. w)U(.i;h micfviil Inter thun :i o'clock
itll.niiiH."ir tin: fotlnwliii; lny.
- f
NOV. 0. 181)!!
The Dttth and Weekly Chronicle may
hi (oitud on Mle at J. C. Nic!:clne.n't More.
Our Dully (l ) - it fiDiii III unit Altout
tin- Olty.
Why ilhl if kIvo to Imiil a Krmim
A to wnkvii tho ntHro limine''
iilir Iiml Innkoil iii'utli tin lull fort ImrKlnr,
And illnfinurwl ii iMior llttlo imniho.
The improvoitioiitH at thu fair grounds
were sold nt oliuriir'H Halts thiH afternoon.
Uueont frosts utitl ntitiH have covered
ni.uiy of our streets with a etirput of
richly-t'iitcd iititumn leaves.
Tin' Regulator carried it largo lot of
(tul'ht Ih'iH morning, including nix
Via'jiis. oiio buggy, nml u largo passon-
IWh your guess on tho candy jar?
Some ol Hid guesses would lill it liulf
liinlml, while others would, not lill it
The new clothing mid shoo Htoro will
open on Wednesday next, though its
fixture, iitc,, will Htlll Wo in tin unlinish
1 statu.
Mr. Munn of thin city, while tit
fiufur Saturday, broke hiH let! in u
friendly scufllt). lie was brought to The
DallcH tinil Dr. IIolliHtor tittonded to the
Mr. L. ltli;o brought in ii nuinber of
Early Rose mid Uurlmnk Seedlings,
raised on hill hi ml without irrigation.
They tint very pretty samples, tliu Rur
lnuiks especially having u clear akin, triitiHpnront.
Dr. .1. A. Goisundorfor is registered tit
tlio UiimtlHu house. It i h understood
he iuiH come to the city for tho purpose
oi practicing uiudicitiu nml surgery, in
coiiipuny with Dr. A. W. Rotkin. Ho
ImilH from Portland.
I'r. Sutherland, who practiced ineili
lno liere n couple of years ago, Iuih re
turned mid has docideti to tiiuko Tho
dalles his (uturo houti-. Ho has Hecured
rooms 2 and 3 in the Chapman block,
whore he will make his hoadquartorH.
Twelve intelligent men of Multnomah
county decided that 0. P. Mason, of tho
Sunday Moroury is guilty of criminal
Htol. The verdict of guilty aa Indicted
was returned 41(1 minutes, just one
minuto more than it took anothor jury
to convict Mr. Wntson.-Orogonian.
The Mignonotto dancing club will
Klve their masquerado Friday night. A
limited number o( spectators will be in
V'tedand the affair promisee to bo tho
vont of tho aoason. The exocutlvo
committee lmvo decldod that none but
maskers will bo allowed to dance, ao
"voryone should La ready with a
Mr, , fjjmrp i,r0Ug,t jn HOVOrm
Varieties of potatoea today, all of
nummoth growth, Deaidoa the atundard
frbUoso, tliore ia a vory Bhapoly,
'fe potato called the i'eoplo's, which
8lit to becomo popular. A curiosity
st'cond growth Early Roso, having
' vo talons, clutching a potato of small
,,,B' It much roaemblesa human hand,
huving a wrist, five fingers and a thumb,
but the fingers more nearly resemble
The four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs
Dallron of Albina died Saturday morn
ing of membruuouH croup. The re
mains are to be brought to The Dalles
on tho midnight train. If ho the funeral
will take pltico tomorrow from Craudall
and llurcett's undertukinc rooms. The
family are former residents of Tho
Thousands of sacks of wheat are stack
ed up at railroad points above here,
without a roof over them, and getting
thoroughly wotjby the recent ruins.
The greater part of it will be lost. A
shortage of cars is the reason they have
not beon Bliipped. When the river is
opened above and warehouses are built,
tho farmers will nave more encourage
ment to work.
Ilt'iitti of it I'loiiiMir Union ltullili-r.
Hon. S. M.Gilmore died this morning
at the residence of his Hon-in-Iav, Hon.
John Kultan of Sherman county. Mr.
Gilmore was one of the most prominent
men in the entire XortliWeHt, and lived
a long and useful public life. Living, be
was universally esteemed for bis intelli
gence, couplcdjwith benevolence and now
that lie is dead his virtues will but stand
out in bolder relief. Deceased is about
70 years old. He came to Oregon in
ISiri.and was a member of the territorial
legislature and one of tho makers of our
constitution. He resided a long
term of years in Yamhill county, rep
resenting thut county continuously
in the councils of tho slate.
I -iter lie moved into Washington, two
miles north of Tho Dalles, and has also
served that Btttte in tho senate hulls.
Ho also helped to frame the Washing
ton constitution. Though lie bus been
in public life all these years, ho has ever
been found tuithful and true, lie has
never betrayed a trust, but hits given to
his work that -.eal ami warm-heartedness
which has made him so widely respected
wherever his name is known.
It has been iihcortainodbyl'rof. Ker
not, of the Melbmirn university, Aus
tralia, that the ut.imlly assumed weight
of 80 to 100 pounds perwjuare foot, pro
duced by it dense crowd of persons,
may be largely exceeded.
As illustration of the inconven
iences of too much learning is furnished
by tt page in an eiioyelopaullu where
appears: ".Sweet Hag, see Acorns;
Sweet gum, see Llquidamber; Sweet
pen, see Lathyrusi Sweet potato, see
A thain' on the Great Northern rail
road was delayed for home time recent
ly while crossing tho long bridge near
j'tlalne, Wash., by ti steer which per
sisted In walking the entire length of
the bridge on the ties in front of the
A IUi.timohk invention is designed
to outwit train robbers. It is a double
safe lock for express cur safes. Should
tliu messenger be attacked he throws
the combination on lock No. tt and the
safe can then be opened ouly at the
terminal station.
It Imim liium said that tho world lmvs
moH( to those who kill generals and
great lords; next most to those who
nniubo Hliigorsiind actors, wnne inose
i..iw nroiieb. touch and write for the
papers come along sqmewhere near the
bottom ol tliu list.
In splitting open a log at Middles
..vw..iiii if v.. workmen discovered u
dark-brown spherical mass, which
proved to bo n toad, it wiib mi
:,....,.ii.. ufi.ii.Ks. hut uiKiii coming in
contact with the air showed signs of
life and soon began to hop.
A Oolilemlalu Cutting Scrape,
A serious cutting offray occurred at
Goldendale about 7 o'clock Sunday even
ing in front of the hotel. Two boys
about 17 years old named Miller and
Pierce engaged in an altercation, when
Pierce drew a savage looking knife and
stabbed his opponent eight times, Miller
liuully fainting from loss of blood. He
was stabbed twice in the back, one
finger nearly severed, the back of hie
hand was cut, and other wounds on bis
arm. The physician was nearly two
hours in making the stitches,. and band
aging. Pierce was arrested and placed
tinder $ 1,000 bonds.
Hon. J. H. Cradlebaugh is in the city
Miss Annie Dehm, of Albina, is visit
ing in the city.
Mrs. A. Urquhart is improving from
her attack of paralysis.
Mr. 12. 15. Lytic and wife have returned
from their onetern visit.
Mr. L. Curtis and family returned
Saturday from the world's fair.
Mr. J. R. Warner returned to his
home at White Salmon this morning.
Phil Kollis has returned from the Will
amette, to uiake this his future home.
Mr. J. II. Baker of Uoyd departed
this morning for Linton, near Portland.
Mr. 15. Coko Hill returned to The
Dalles Saturday from a trip to Water-
License to wed was cranted Mr. A.
Field and Miss Lena M. Dow bv the
county clerk today.
Miss Aimee Newman returned Satur
day from a week's visit imiong friends
mid relatives in .Portland.
Mrs. C. W.Taylor, who has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. .1. G. Wilson the
past week, returned Saturday to her
home in Wallula.
Mr. Thos. Hradley and family of 15
Mile, were passengers on tho Regulator
this morning. They will go to Corvallis
where they will remain during the winter.
Rabbi AbiahamHon of Portland, who
ofliciated at the Kpstyn-Freiman mar
riage last evening, was a passenger on
tho Regulator this morning for his home
in tiie metropolis.
Mr. F. M. Amen of Tygli Ridge leaves
tonight for his old home in Brown
county, Illinois. Ho will be gone about
two months ami will visit Ins parents,
brothers and sisters while absent.
Skibbo Hotel. G H Montgomery,
Rufus ; N 0 Crovling, Goldendalo j Leo
Rondeau, Kinceloy: Henry Styerns.
Ceuterville, Wash.. W H Rosa San
Francisco. Uil.; JelJ Jwx, Nelson,
Wash.; Thomas Burgess, Portland; 15
N Boynton and wifo Kingslev ; Mrs. 15d
Wicks, Mill Creek; J McLall, Pendlo
ton; A Woisky, Rockland: George
Simpson, aud Bud Lohr, Bake Oven.
Gkntlkmun,-! novor bold u inedlelno tliiit
.Klvi'H htti'li universal satisfaction to my uuxtom.
cm its KraUhO h Headache CujiiiuIch, 1 run seak
uIkd Irom experience, as they lmvo nearly cured
liio ot fremifltt attacks of Hick headaches. I
could get you tmiiiy testimonials in this vicin
ity from tliobe who have lued them.
Yours trill,
0, I.. Cottiku,
Hud Cloud, Hob.
Hold by rinlies iM Kllieraly.
wood's xaiospizoDiarj.
The Great EnslUli Remedy.
jTompuy ana pormanenuy
curca all form ot A'mou
Weakneti.KtutuUmi, Sptrm'
otorrhea, ImpoUneu oiwf all
effect! of Abuse or tavim
lloeu proscribed ovor 25
oars In thousands of casost
W, . a. ...... n.i . . rr...
drugfflsl for Wood's pliospuodlaei If Uo offow
some wortuloss medicine In jilawottUU, loavo hU
dlaliouost store, Juoloso prlco In letter, oud
wowllleoud by return mall. Vtloo, ouo package,
81slx,es. One will vlenae.fUi will cure. J'uuipu
Jot In plala sonleil envelope, I! cents postngo.
Address The Wood Olioiulcnl 'o.,
181 Vtoili-nnl(iYeniHl)etreU XUib.
Hold 111 Tho Million by I'liikeU'- HmiKt(i:i,
The marriage of Mr. Dave A. EpHteyti,
of Portland, and Miss Minnie Freimkn,
of this city, was solemnized at tho resi
dence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph
Freiman, in the presence of relatives
and a few intimate friends, Sunday even
ing, Nov. 5th, at 5 o'clock. The Imprcs
lve Jewish ceremony was performed by
Rev. Dr. Abrahamson, brother-in-law of
the groom, assisted by the bride's uncle,
Rev. Dr. Borios, both of Portland.
Lovely cut flowers were very tastefully
arranged in the different rooms, a special
feature being the marriage bell of white
chrysanthemums. The bride was
charming in a handsome green and
brown travelling gown, trimmed with
velvet and fur and carried an cx
qtrlsite hand bouquet of Nephetos roses.
After congratulations and good wishes,
the guests partook of a bounteous repast,
during which numerous telegrams, re
ceived from relatives and friends, were
read and many toasts were drank to tho
health and prosperity of the bride and
groom. The bride, who has from child
hood resided in this city, has won many
friends by her amiable disposition and
modest demeanor, and the groom, who
is well known in Portland, is a fortunate
benedict in having won so estimable a
young lady to be his companion through
life. Tho presents were numerous aud
Tho wedding party consisted of Rev.
Dr. Abrahamson and wife, Rev. Dr.
Bories and wife, Mrs. Gerstel, Miss
Ernestine Gerstel and Mrs. Krohn, all of
Portland, Mr. J. Wolf, of Silverton, Mr.
Joseph Freiman, the Misses Ida and
Esther Freiman, Mr. J. Freiman, Mr. L.
Freiman and Simon Freiman, Mr. and
Mrs. N. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. B. Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. L. Newman, Miss
Newman, Miss Evelyn Newman, Leo
Newman and Mr. A. Tilzer.
Hood River' Company.
Col. Thompeonand Lieutenant Riddell
took the Regulator for Hood River this
morning to make an examination of the
officers recently elected by the Hood
River militia company. These are Cap
tain J. H. Ferguson, First Lieutenant
TJ. S. Grant Evans, and Second Lieut
enant S. Jones. The examination of
these officers is quite searching, requires
considerable knowledge and if the con
testants pass is quite creditable to their
abilities. It is the regular examination
enforced by the U. S. array, and a mark
ing of 75 is required for captain and 60
for lieutenant.
lieal XMate.
Vuetin C. Rice and wife to Horace
Rice, lots 7 and 8 and nwjo nwj, swj
nw)4 eec. 4, township 1 Eouth, range 14
east; $1,100.
Wilson R. WinanB and wife to Edgar
W. Winans lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7 and 8,
block 7, 5, 6, 7 and 8 block 6; 1, 2, 3 and
4, block 8; and 1, 2, 3 and 4 block 9;
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every
day at 4 o'clock.
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
the dru;; business at Elkton, Ky., for
the past twelve years, says: "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy gives better
satisfaction than any other cough medi
cine I have ever sold." There is good
reason for this. No other will cure a
cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a
preventive and cure for croup ; no other
affords so much relief in cases of whoop
ing cough. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
2,000 or 8,000 Stock Sheep, for
which cash will bo paid. En
quire at this ollicc.
Nov. o.-tf
Tie Miller Store,
166 Secoud Street.
Respectfully announces hav
ing taken tho above premises
on lease, mid will, on
Wednesday next,
open with a stock of
Etc., Etc.,
nml hopes to bo favored
with a slum) of t lit pub-)h-
toetioi? po5tpoi?ed.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We will Close Out
Store 'Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just Hrrivefl from Hew York
ciotninp & Msio Ms
At Remarkably J,ow Prices.
vSplenflifl Cbinchilla Overcoats $5.50.
If Winter Dry Goods,
gjgTAs wo are torced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b
found the very lowest in the market. We im-ito our friends and customers to
examine our uoods and prices before purchasing.
XX. JEIerTbirirO--
.And the Most. Complete ami th Latent Patterns and Denitns lit
PAPE IE-"t .
jFPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the beat brands ol the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. MnsuryV Paints used in all ,iur work, and non but
the most skilled workmen employed. AjrentH for Mnpury Liquid Paints, No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all color-. All
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Shou comer Thirdand Washington Sts,, Tie Dalits, OryoE
This weli-known Urowery is now turning out tho bent Ueer and Portei
east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances for tho manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y the tirst-dase article will be p aced on
he market.
Wo are going to glvo tiwuy a series of enlarged pictures to our
customers commencing Saturday, Nov. 11th, aud continuing
every Saturday until Christmas, We want to show you that it
pays to trade at home, and any one who has had photos, made by
us at any timo is entitled to a gue&s at each and every picture
given awuy. Jf you have ever bought a picture of us, count and
register your guess ut the Candy in the jar. If you are not a cus
tomer, come and see the kind of work we are turning out' Tho
First Crayon will be awarded at 7:!t0 o'clock Saturday evening,
Nov. 11th, nt the Gallery. Come everybody, it will cost you
nothing. Thu jnr is on exhibition in Garietsoii window.