The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 06, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Weekly, l yer $160
" 6 mouths 0 75
' 8 0 50
Dally, 1 year 6 00
0 month 3 00
per " 0 50
Address all comniutcatlon to "THE CI! RON
tCLK." The Dalles, Oregon.
omcs hours
General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " S a. ni. to 4 p. m.
Sunday i I). " 9a. in. to 10 a.m.
trains going East 9 p. m, and 11:45 a. m.
" ' West 9 p. a. and 5:S0p. m.
Stage for Goldcndale 7:80a. m.
" l'rlnevlllo ft:S0 a. m.
" "Dutur and Warm Springs 5:S0a.m.
" tLeaTing for I.yle A Hartlaud..5:S0a. m.
" " " Antelope 5:S0a. ni.
Except 8unday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday.
I " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
MONDAY, NOV. G, 1893
Oregon is not a small pumpkin after
all, says the West Side, when she carries
away twenty awards nt the world's fair
to California twelve, and Washington
An empty whisky liask in n Colum
bus home, apparently sound, exploded
while the family wore nt dinner the
other day.
A South Cauomna turkey gobbler
recently scratched up eight potatoes
in a pardon and has been sitting on
them for several weeks.
.1A.MK9 Ci.trxo.v, of Hancock, N. Y.,
whllu in the delirium of drunkenness,
imagined a boa-constrictor was coiled
ilwtiif liic mintr. Tin kIiirIii-iI nt. if with
a knife nud cut his throat from car to
' ear.
DoimTs as to the sanity of a clergy
man in Warren, Pa., are freely ox
pressed. In a recent, sermon he grave
ly informed his parishioners that many
of them were too generous with their
In digging a well in Carroll county,
Mo., recently, a farmer claims to have
found nt a depth of ten feet a stream
of water in which were floating num
bers of white walnuts, together with
leaves from the trees.
A limnKonooM of Snlem, Mass., was
so overcome by the novelty of his po
sition during the marriage ceremony
that he fainted. The bride looked so
mortified that she seemed to be medi
tating n severe Caudle lecture for his
In a dispute with n member of her
Under the free trade party's idea of a
new tariff, the price of sugar will be in
creased 25 or 30 per cent., also their tea
and coffee. This addition to the house
hold expenses, coming at the same
time as a reduction in wages of 10 to 25
per cent., will be very sorely felt.
Prendergast's trial for the murder of
Carter Harrison began today in Chicago.
It is a very sensible proceeding to try
him as soon as possible. If the jury and
sheriffare equally speedy, the effect will
be good, for most cranks have a linger
ing regard for their worthless life.
Thanksgiving day has always been re
gardrd as a national holiday, and the
last Thursday in the month of Novem
ber. With all due resprct to our gover
nor, we think it more fitting to follow
the custom of our fathers and grand
fathers, and recognize theglorious union
rather than a fraction therof.
As we have before remarked, Gov.
Pennoyer could amass a large fortune as
an advertisement writer. Who in ihe
United States would ask "What part of
Washington is Oregon in?" after herr
ing that she has a Thanksgiving day all
her own? Nothing more original or
unique could have been devised, and the
bo.'.rds of trade of all cities of the state,
irrespective of party, should unite and
present the governor with a suitable
token of appreciation.
The passing of the repeal bill means
the transfer of the 3tirplus silver mined
in the United States to other and newer
civilizations that will need it very goon
(Thirty years' silver exports to date are
nearly 400 million dollars in excess o
imports); the coinage of bullion in hand
and the ultimate accumulation of heavier
gold reserve; return of confidence and
consequently at least partial return of
consumption; a paper money redeema
ble in gold to which standard inflation
must face.
.Matchmaking mammas witii eligible
daughters may learn something of inter
est in the success of a woman who wen
from Kansas down into the Osage Indi
an country eeveral yeara ago. Within
the past year, according to the Helena
Independent, she has married off four
grown daughters, all to Osage Indiana
and as soon as a divorce suit, wlvch she
baa pending against her hu3band is de
cided, she will take to her heart a red
blanket d member of that tribe. Kverv
member of the Osage tribe is worth $15,
000 in cash and j. seesses nearly 2,000
acres of land, and these women now be
come members of the tribe and are enti
tled to their full share of the funds und
lands, which makes the family very
It Sienna Work.
Some people are laboring under the
impression that it does not require labor
skill or money to make photogaphs.
realize the fact that my best trade
from people who know how a photo
is made, therefore it pays me to show
the people just how a photo is made
ri i .. i .
win give any auun person a lite size
crayon of themselves or friend free, that
will come and watch the different pro
ceases through in making one photogrupl
of someone from their number. I will
drop my regular work and finish that
one picture as soon as I can. Come
everybody Wednesday afternoon,
promptly at 3 o'clock sharp, and if you
Uy through the different operations a
life size crayon is yours, free,
I). G. Hkjiiiin.
Ak your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
It Mkould lie In Kvery ifousu
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay fit., Sharps
burg, Pa says he will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, thai it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
alter an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and, several phy
sicians had done her no good, Robert
:JUber, of (Oookiport, Fa claims Dr.
JCiag'i flew .Discovery has done him
iwore good, than anything he ever used
Jer lung troabJe. .Nothing like it. Try
it. ?Freitrlal bottles at 'Snipes & Kin
N)y'. Large bottles, 60c, and $1,00,
filled with tho testimony of women
who have boon made well and
Rtrong by Dr. Piorco'B Favorite
It'B a medicino that's made es
pecially to build up women's
strength and to cure women's ail
ments an invigorating, restorative
tonic, soothing cordial, and bracing
nervine ; purely vegetable, non
alcoholic, and perfectly harinli'ss.
For all the functional derange
ments, painful disorders, and chronic
weaknesses that afflict womankind,
the "Favorite Prescriution " is the
Electric Hitter.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
specinl mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
tetv. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refuudedf. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle nt Snipes & Kinersly's.
The Best Pj.astek. Dampen a piece
of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bind it on over the t-eat of
pain. It is better than any p!ntcr.
When tbe lungs are sore such an appli
cation on tiie chest and uiiotli'-r mi the
back, between the shoulder bhiiler, will
often prevent pneumonia. Tin-ru i
nothing so good for a lame nark or ;t
pain in the side. A sore nm
nearly always be cured in one night by
applying a flannel bandage dampened
with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles fur
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
WOOD. AVOOIl, Wllllll
Best graded of oak, flr, nnd slab cord
wood, at lowest market rate at .lo. T.
Peters &. Cu. (Ofliee Second and .leffer
son streets.
and cures. If it doesn't
or cure, vou have vour
family. Miss Emma Lindsay, of Ohio
Falls, Ind., became so excited that she I only guaranteed remedy.
fell to the floor in a swoon. She has It's a legitimate medicine
since been blind and speechless, al
though the quarrel occurrefl several
weeks ago.
Ten years ago, when Mrs. Samuel
Gamble, of Grassy, Ky., was married,
she weighed one hundred nnd sixty
five pounds. For six years she re
mained at about this figure, but in 18S9
she began to gain llesh, and now
woighs six hundred and five pounds.
money back.
It must have been the medicine
for most women, or it couldn't be
sold on any such terms.
Isn't it likely to bo the medicine
for you ?
Sold by druggists everywhere.
Do not let the opportunity pass
without securing some of those
elegant Art Linens and Embroid
ery Silks displayed by . .
112 Second Street.
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs am Hoofins
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubb
Blacksmith Shop.
Executors' Notice.
Nottco Is hereby given, that tin1 miderljiiieil
have been duly appointed, by tho Honorable the
County Court of iifcn county, Orison, eseeu
tor of thu estate of John Baxter, deceived, all
pen-cms having claims against sttt ot.ito are
hereby required to present tho nuiic, duly veri
fied and with proper vouchers, to u- r cither,
t Antelope, vakco county, Oregon, within Ax
months from the date of this notice,
The Dalles, Or., Auk. 3, UU3.
Executors of the estate of John liaxter dee'd.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
O. O C:
'. .. "O
V. K. OarreUon, of The Dalle-, Oregon, hav
ing aligned his property for the bem-llt of all
his creditors, all persons liavlug claim intuitu;
him are hereby uotllled to pre-ent them tunic
under oath, at The Dalles, Oregon, within three
mouths from date.
A. It. THOMr.-OV ..lgniv.
August C, lMKl.-wCt
For Sale at a
Tho undersigned, having yeoured tho machinery and
fixtures of what was intended for a iirstelass shoe factory,
will soil the same at a bargain. JJore is an engine and
boiler of J0-odd horse power, and a large amount of kIk j
machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
J-Iere is also one of the best sites for successfully oper
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
Write for particulars at once, to
l-JW - . V.
51X0 per Uciilc?7T:PJ:zTt
In the C'juuty Court of tho State ,if urcgon, for
Wasco County,
In tlK- Matter of the KsUto of
Wllil.tiu Hamilton Wilson, Deceitml i
Notice 1" hereby given that the uii'lerdgnui.
by an order of the County Court nf t , statoof
Oregon, for Wasco County, made a id i-ntereil
September 7, lS'JJ, wns appointed excf H ir of the
hot will ami tcstxment of til-- vii.l William
Hamilton Wilson, defeated; all .t-uh- inivtug
claims against ald estate are hereb i willed to
preent the mmo with the proi-t' smichcri
therefor to meat the ofliee. ol JIa, Huntington
it WlUon, The Dalle-, Oregoli, nnlim six
month from tliooutoof this notice
D.iteil The Dalles, Or., sept. 7, 1j i
ii. s. Hi!. nN;io.v
Kxeoiltor of Will of Wia. II. !l.i, dee d
Estray Taken Up.
CurPS Cou,7, noarseue?,yoro 'Unoat.
Crait p promptly; rel'ovca VVIioopinCouBii
and AitJmm. K"r Consuuiptlon it h:iniia
rival; hascurecl tliouttna' ;y I'.'tcnl! ollierj,
fiiileil; will cur.s yijv it in tiue. fiold
by Druggists on n ciinnititco. Fur Lnmo lUicU
or Chest, uso BUII.OWX I'l.AS'XUlt. 2.5 eta.
One blHok pony, brundol either 5 S on left
hip and left J.uv. Owner can )me r .nn- by prov
ing proiKirty and paying for thi iiotie. .
Dial, C Wll.l)i:ii,
10-l.!tt lm PostoUlce, The D.illcs, (r
Familiar Faces in a Neiu Place
Lute Special Agent General Land OJlce,
Jtye leal Estate, loap, Irurapee,
LIC. -
Parties having Property tlmy wish to Soil or Trade, IIousok to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
. Ixjfore the Unitep Status Land Olliee. 1
85 Washington St.
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies,
teed to euro you. PrlcoWcts. Injector tim
Par ale by 8nlia & Kiuor!.
Easily, Quleilr,
Permanently Reetored.
and tlltbo trainer avIIi
Irom tarly error or later
ezceiten, Uio roultg ot
overwork, aloknom,
worry.ete. FullMreugib,
doveJopmciit and iono
given to vry organ and
portion of the body.
Hlmpl. natural method,.
Men. VallurehniKwidble.
i)Ul rererencea. Uuik,
explanation and proof
urrALo. n, v.
lmlleM. excellent renutatlous. Industrious, xnlen
did liounexepcra, ukoh IS and '), wottli ?.),uj,00
e eli, rmreiitM dead, want to k weit this fnll, ml like to correipond tth ulee, reset(dlu
gentlemen under -10. Object: happy uetteru
homes. Gentlemen, If ou urc luatriinonlally
Incllnol, neiu! 11 bill In common letter for pho
tos, mimes and adiIreMCH of there youui; ladle.
Pennsylvania Atlv. 0o
lOWwlm Jlox3.V. UjoV. Haven, I'u.
John Pashek,
Tb Merchai
a or
70 CoUKfe ItKttt,
Next door to Wmm Ian Offloe.
Han Juit received tho latent style Jn
Suitings for Gentlemen,
aud liernt largo umwirtuient of Kortigii nud Amer
ican Cloth, which ho can llnUh 'in Urdvr for
tboo that favor iilm.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Notice. Timber Culture.
I. 8. J-.iMIi Qvntsz, Tiik, oi: j
AUKuat J'J, 1S0J. j
('omplulnt IiuvIiik been enteted ut thin Olliee
by Miirrlettii M. Murahull uxdut 1'realon it-til
for fulluro Id comply with law us to 'limber
Culture Kntry No. 3110, dnted Jliirch j, ussy,
iltxjii tho NWl. of Hcetlon 'ij. Townyliln'' N'nrth.
, ItiuiKo II Kant, ViyM., in Wai-co county, OreKOii,
with ii view to tile, enncelhitlon of xald entry:
coiitestiint nlleKliiK that defendiiut Iihh wholly
fulled mid neglected to plow or break or cultf.
vnt toeron or otherwise, or nliint with t
ireu won or eimiiiKs, uoriug any or Did umo
klneo rnuklnif hi auld entry, nnv nart of Mild
tract, tho Bald juirtlei uru hereby xuiiiinoned to
ii)ieur ut this Oillco on the 'Jlnt day of October,
i,. ui ri'Hjnti nun
raid alleged failure.
Ib'JJ, nt 10 o'clock A, M,, to reiond and liirnlxli
llliig raid ullegeil failure.
JOHN W. IKWJH, iteauter.
testimony concern!
Executor's Hotlee to Creditors.
Notice U hereby given that the County Court
of the Htate of Oregon for Vaco County Iirk
duly appointed tho underlglied the executor of
tlie lat will and UuUment of (Joorne V. i)ter,
deceaked. All jierMiim Imvlug clalnm iignltut
tho eetateol wild deceakeil are hereby required
to iirevent them, with the proer voucher,
within lxi(ionthK from tho dare of thin notice,
to mtld executor t hie place of renldeiicc. near
Dalles city, in ald county, or at the oil ce of
W, II. WIImmi, In aaid Uallea City.
HOHAKIi JOYl,K, Ex jut ,r.
Dated thin let day of November, lvj:i, stw
Executor's Notice.
notice 1h hereby given that the UiiderslHiied
Iiuh been apiiolntol Tiy tho County Court of the
Htatoof Oregon.for Waeco County, executor of
the eetiiU) of Cnthetliio VVigle, decenl, nud all
ierfcoiiK tiuvlng chilum ugHlunt mid eetntti lire
hereby notified und riumlml In ,.r...,,t ii,..
eeine, with tho proper vouchee, to meat the
oBlce ol Maye, Huiitnigton & WlJeon. The iMllce,
Ihe anU of tide notice. W. 11, TAYIX)K,
. . Rxecutorof fciildeetiilo.
'tho KaJJee, Or., July :u ims.n
Wasco County,
The Gtite City of tho Inland Empire is situated at tho head
of navigation on tho Middle Coluinhia, und is a thriving, pros
perous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching us far fcouth us Summer
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho -rich grazing country along tho eastern slopo of tho Cas
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from
which finds market hero.
Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries are tho finest on tho Columbia, yielding
this yeur a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more
titan doublet! in tho near future. f
Tho products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market
hero, and tho country south and eastj has this year filled tho
warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with
their products.
It is tho rioheat city of its sizo on tho coast aud its money is
scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Ita climate delightful, Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on those
jornor stone sbo stands.
Is the
Of theYeait
1. Hi.. l.tnlt .vie .xt II... . .
A. J) Jlolton, 1
Kriink l).V"'(lllleiple,
llhodn (llllcniile, W.
K. Hunt anil W. It,
llutler, DofuudnutN.
7b fVrliiJt I). (Iltleinlf. umirnkmln nm.. ....
iiLMircniiHii it iiccwiwirs.-
ll. On, ttiiim, ,,r II, it i...... .if i
nit.-,,, li 1 1 ii oiiuu'i, nil iiiffi ntrmnti .
,11 wii-uiui MIT 11 IIll'll I .lll,IIT- 1,11. uw. .
unit-iivil-,,1, iijmvii, on or oeiore iat
llltli dny ut N'ovmiihiir, lttl,
i ir .. .
iiieru nui luaimiu win apply to u
UIIKU UITO II MIIU III II exiTlltl-l IV Vr.ll tn
..I1...U.I .iln t .1 1 I ' .... .f...:IV
...ri.,.l l,,t,l,-Ull ,,,1(1 ,11, 1I1M ,1111 ,111V 111
1 in iiiiv , imiiiii -mttrii r.tx.p.. I I .... 1. 1 w i,
ihj mini iiniier kuimi loreeioiuru decree la
iii.iiii,--, inn, 1,11.-11 ii, in,, ii, hi Hi ,;'tiiiiiiij VI
iiii..-ii. imi in i, will 1 lllllb 11,1111 Iln f'l-UJ
uvu hiiiu iiie illinium iiiivo aim reeeivi; wie
mxiy iV'D uoiiar hk it reaonaiiiu attoruev'i
iiiiii uiHiiuriemeuiK muni! nun exm'iiiuii in
lull, 1HU 'Hill I Hill. ... .i mcnim, mi aa
cleney in tho iirnrviiia OI nuu in muuiy m Hr
Ilie riKlll, line, iiuerem 11110 eiiiini ui yuu
vimr fi.di,fi ndiitilM. each nud alt of vnn
them, nud nil other M!rou clnlmlnc or
llt lit-. Ihriiiitfh nr lllidirr Vfin nr tiu-n
uverv luirt therein lie loreenncu uul Mrrra
barreil from tho equity of redemption. Tlutth
nhillltlll' be ullowed to bid at M orwtaare
ill., ,,, ut till r., Ii r, hi I Miilll tilrirlt-HtfNl f,frmfu--i il
liNontlou. nud that unoii theateofiildmort
f.ui-il nr,.,,, I .nn tin. in, ri,i,iiir.r In. Ut (ntii fhn
lulxllu. llll lllil.i.l, llll I ...l.t-rt. ...W IWMiF 11,.
nn 10 mo l ouri may leuin ei 1 iuuic iiw ;uu
1-rinik II. 1 . 1 1 ! t ,lt mill HlKHlnlMMtitl-.briirir
i.tlilluli.. , i..u.L'li Iln II, u I'll,- H'ii.iNi, lir,rlr.
iiiiii t i. iiriiiMiiiitt'. in lL-i, in uiu Luc-
ehumbenion thu'JiUh diiv of hvidrMber. 1W
1'ITI U .UI..1I.I
Attoincre for I'MsH
W. A.
i:. I-
The California Wine house,
Ib now open, and its propriotor will sell Uhiu homo
producod Wino at prices in tho roach of overybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantood
to be Pure and First-Class in every respoot.
Thompson's Addition,
In the Clrrult Court of the HUle of Out
for thu enmity of Wnieo.
illller, I
Itcynoliln, I
V '. Ueiiiioliln, the (iite mil (lfn
III the liiimu of thu htate of Oregoft , "
hereby uiiulreil tonpiMir nnd iitimrtr
philitt tiled nmilut you In the nlmye JJ
within teudiiyn from the date of lffl3.u
IIUH MitiiiiMiiix upon you. ii enm .'-".T..
county i or If Mtrvtil within any ottt c;
tlilK ntjile, then within twenty d!lJ
ditto of tluervleo of tills Mtuninon K?'itfl
or If nerved iimiii you by MkUw'M&
are reiiulnd to npH;ar nnd .,liilJ
plal ton thu llrntilay of the next
v . t. alter Mx weekn' publlenllOB tl w eon
ioiin, to-wit. nit .Mommy, i no
...... i. IMS.
I.llll llUy ItllVIIIIIIinil ..
nud If you fall to to answer, the MW
ii.iilt-In Iln, omirl Iln, re ef Iff" ' I
mid eomplalnt, to-wit for thclortw""';, iot
inorliraKOilertillbeil III wild trSrtheS. d
tlioMiii-m tnu premle.s inornn ""t"aU,tKr,
wit tho Kouth hull of tho XaiW
tho iioflheinit iiuarter of thu ?"1J.ii(Mt
anil tlio outhwiit Hintrter ' js,
iiuarier, oi neoiiou nnvawir v., tou
Itanuu tlilrtwn V llainetU!
talnliiK ouu litiuilreil nud Mxty north
ittiil in Waneo county, OrcKou. AJ" oribcuit
half of tho northeaiit iniiirlcr. U", 'iulU.
iiuarter of tho northwest iuiirleri'' uon
bantquiirterof tho northea''t H,1,"i.,K.ll Eut,
ii T...... .ui.i.. ...... K.-...H. itntiifu mui"".:ij
a ,,,, iinini, ,,, ,,,,ti,,, " ." . .nft BUIWI'
uiiameuo jii.tiiiimi , coiii.i'":.- mrouoili
liimetto iierldlaii. colltallilnU. .Pn?.A,,inir,
mid Hixtyaeren, nud Hlluiitcd '!'' mwIIm
llr.r,,,, . ,.,.,, rill, ii. In 1,11V llllll ID". t",pf..ul
thlM court, ami that thu iiriK.-tfiW "utcd by
npplled In payiiient of tlio 'VV0.,,..!!! lli'uW,
anil iiiiiriiraue. nun mill uiiixn'ii : .i... rum ii
Of IAIU.W), llllll Inlorcjit tl'Hrt'"" tv,, in
elKlit per cunt n.-r annum fjon;
IWil, nnd tho furtlmr miin of f.."l0'lu' S
est thereon nt tho nito of elKhf JV.n ittofW"
Hum kiiico MiirchW. 1SWI. "t Ur,f, j dlbuc:
feu of 30u,tio, nud for the ti;t jtliii
iiieiiiH niHiiii nun uxpeiiiu'. "-:, f0r it w
t;io.liiliitlirwlll npply to I'"' there aJ
- v . ....linn riiHi iv - i.
vim win mrtrifir uihu iiimiw i... nn
iihiiih ill HUN niiK in pt;rvi-" r"v,' u i.. ntw
uiuiiii, uy iinivr ""; 1.1 orUiT w
liuU'd Hopteiiiliur 271b, I'U'j. ., ...iiiiOS.,
'' VJlnwll
Notion in linreby Klvcu Li,,Viitlo
tmilrii lltiiil tirrvil III "l'l"" ' ...In IC1IV
",".T" j ...:. tclll OH II uv. nl
mo ueiiiier anil ".v. .
KrldnyT Novombcr 17, WW, viz..
Kilnr B. rwu ..... vli
- - Ms llltT Jlrl.i
Hit nninn. Iln, fnllllWillK WHUU?" ",Vi.!,ill(lll li
.r ....... v ,,il l!lllin
uiiiiiiiiiiiiu reaiuviivw m".-.i ---- i
yiilil luml. VlK.! . ... iVInl
J, ii. MiiKill, Kriink Hflvyf- "' ,
Chyrhy wiSg, nil ijMV.; ffim, iM
I ml II Ur...:,ii In lillVCf ... .f CIW
- IWV" . ..,.rtyklVU ' t .it.
. i . il.lnL' iiiiii lltv- ii iini
IHItllllHUU IIll'll llllliatl . nn III-.
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