) tit lip ... IIHf Chronicle. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER i 1803. NO. 122. -i. upline Tinilo nntfrmioio me umios amj w.uuiiwi.1 ,,,,1,11,1 Dully, Huii'luy HxeypiHl, MV ..iz-ii i. ntf (tl lum vi net ..ml WimhlnuUm ritnwtN. Tim crotr i"'"1 " .. " v ' t.i nu. Iiritlfilll. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIIANHACT A (IKNKKALllANKlNO BOHINKBH litriMK of Hlilinrittliili S&.h wrrlor (3!o copy 10 00 50 . 0 rm : taiu.uh. UullrniulB. .. iioinm. r m licpiiru UMKi r. i '.H lull. Mi, i .1 A M lll'lilirlh it'll A. M ......HMiKtli lit tnni entry iwiHeiiKerH leave e f"f tA at h'L, ' M""1"1 0"u '"r tnt' VI AUICM. ' rniifvlllt' vin. iliike Oven, leave dally '''s'.uiwini". Mlciittull, Canyon City, leave il'l'i'mr hiugiduy, Wauilo, Wupliiltla, Wiirm Js iuwI lyKh Valley, leave iliilly, except b.v nf C a .... pt juiuiMiimir, , miiu, ...-.. w.u.j . mreiii oiiiiiluy lit 7 a. m. 'Bittluriill linen nt - uinainiB iiimw. fl. i,itoiT..H.iioNAi.. II UI11II5M-ATTOHNKV'AT'IjAW OUlCO Court Htriiit, Tim Italic, Oregon. I. 3. HUFUIl. FRANK MKNKfKK. UFUKi Jli;ii'.rr.r. attuiwkib-ai-i ir. Ilnnnm I' unit 111. ovur l'ot jSwllulMliiKi lhitrnnee mi Waihlugtou Btreot ftelMlltH, Oregon. I) . 1. .... ! I I !! iitRMiniAMUKnBi'Ai'UAi'i ;V. div Hi -chiiniio'i. Dunning, up wur, me I, t.JUV" II. a.llUKTINOTON. H.B. WXWOH. .UH, HUNTINGTON' fc WIlJiON Attok- hey ai i.aw -unite, rruuuii muuiimii ftrnt.Nntloiml lliiuL. ' 'i - Dalle. Oregon. II V. I HOS ATTOUNKY-aT-LA W U(M)mil Kfrni'll .V Co.' llllllk btllldlllK. tkCOUd i:ri. Iho IiiiIIch, Oregon. DH. F.-)IIKI.y,AN (HoM.KorATinoj rnriciAn vui uuimikon. Cull uiiMwered promptly. lMornlfhl.rltv nr t-nillltrv. OUlCO So. 'M 1111(1 '.Chiaittblick. wtl I" K U J), l'UAN It I'HVHICIAK AND HUH" U to.Y, (mice, room 6 mill C Chapman tl.ua Kralileni.u, h. h. corner c.nuri nuu i'oura itfw.-U, .! mil ilcnr Irom the coniifr, OCICfllOlir" I to l'J A. M - & K'"1 7 ,l' ' D-"i'ni,t, dkntibt, (liu Kivt'ii lor the . .iiul vxtniutlim oi U'utli. Aim toutii xi ii Joivni Mliiiiitintm pliitc. Koomii: HIrii oi ".(. (uiiloii TiMitli.Stffiiliil Htrtnit. he Ittern (if Orwllt iflHued available In Eustorn StHtee. Sight Exchttngo and Telegraphic TratiHforBBoldon Now York. Chicago, St. IOuIb, San Fnuicifico, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and varlouB points in Or egon and Washington. Collection!) made at all pointR on fav orable terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. Prenitlont Z. F. Moody Vice-President, Ciiaiu.kh Hilton CuHbier, M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. HOUIKTIKM. 'Asl D UllKiK, NO. If., A. I". t A. M.MuetH autiiliil HUM Jioiiuuy m mvii lmiiiiii in. , DAl.I.KH ItDYAl, AUCII (jjlAi-l r.ii llwulu MiiMiulu Hull the thlril Wediittiliiy olMChmuntli at 7 P. M. 01IRHS WOODMKN OF THK WOHI.I).- ULHuml CilliiliMi.Wi.'lwm i iiuhiniyuvuii- III i riitcriiltylliui,iii7:;i i. in. nmottMhnwk I pOl-UllUU lAllKlK, NO. &, I. O. O. K.-Motn uvcry Vtldav uvculiiK lit "lauo'dloek, In K. Ill l1. hull. fiMi., U.M.niiil mill (liitlrt HtrutN. J(urtilitK brother nrc wclcnuio. II. UiMumt, tk'C'y, 11. A. Haw.N. (I. F ?i:iKNJJijllll' I.OlKiK, NO. U.( K. M P. Mcota a- vrerjr Jlilllimy UVUlllllR "l " " ""i iiuiiiiuik, coruuroi lyimri mm mim itrwti. SoJnuriiliiK mumlHirii uro conllBlly In ltd. W. H. OliAH. J. tt.VAUDK, K. of U. mid B. . A 8iiKMlll,Y NO, IW7, K. OK U-Mcoi. In K. fl of P. hull tliuhifonit mill fourth Wwluui Urn of each month tit 7:U0 j). m. rOJIHN'B, CIIIUHTIAN TKMPKHKNOK o clock nt tho rwiilliiK rtMiin, Allure Uivttwl, Hrmim UxIko No, ii I. (). O. T.-ltCRUlar . weekly iiiectlliuii Krlilny lit b I'. M., iiiernity Hull. All am invited. iCiimihman, 0. T, K. (3. 1'J.isck, Hu TKMPI.K ,OI)(K NO. 3, A. O. II. W.-MecW 1 In KrHlurnlty Hull, over KiillorM, an Second ,i i iiurminy UVUIUIIKI til 7 II. IIAKHKN'. I.B ilYKKd.Kiiinncler. M. W. AM. NKBMITH POST, No. !, (1. A. U.-Meetn l".ij ontuniny hi , ,ou r. n,, in inu n.. ui i-. B OK U K.3kHtMuvurvHiiiuluvufttiriiuon ill tiiv v, iii iinii. .BHANH VKRKIN-MectH ovurv wiiIiir 111 the K. of P. Hull. Bumliiy W K. DIVIHION, No. 167-Meut In !""." 1 11,1,1 tu nri aim miru iiie. 'M(wli month, nt 7:30 v. u. . THK CU1IHVHKH. (lllllltMII Rnv Knthi.p llimHH. )i l""'T,1l,udr. Low Mh ovory Bundiiy ut j J' J1 HIrIi Mnu nt 1U;30-A. M. VeierB nt Wli 1AIII.H f,llfft,,,(t w,..ln.. ui....t ii in T viiiinuii iiiiiiiii niiuuii iiiiiii.niu fchrmi iV 'ri M d 7:30 p. m. Hununy KvuiiIiir Priiyer on Krldny ut tjIIWT IIAPTIBT OHUHdll-Ilov. (). D. TAY. LCI t !....... ma . ' . i. Mth ut 'ii '",1,r'. minuiiK nurvioeN every ohu fcSooiM1'0 "9y ut 11 A. M. HaUbiitli llmmullutiil.. " ..it ...... ....i..AU ae l,,K F,,"fty uvontiiK t Piwtor'ii rcsl Km ' "won iorvicos In tho court l!ouno nt Cijli0ATipNAb OHUHOH-Kov. W. (J. . ai.ii i tt"tor- Horvlcen avory Bunday nt J 1 taiooU,lB; BundiiyHoliool niter iiioniliiK iWiroordUlly luvited. BonU Ireo. fteh'? very Sunrtav moriiliiKHt n n. in. ''.POllOOl Ht 12:'20 n'nfnnlr w Ki.wi.rfl, K3ridJ tt!9 r Prayer mootliiK ovory awra.eiKi 7:80 o'oloolc. ' A owllSl lii. tojij'" w oxteiided by both uwtor mid jwojilo ,C"&ANU?"-Hv. J. W. Jjcn KINHi urniiL-"M riujfiiniiv in m rninTi.ti uhmm iPr?A UTHKKAI?-Nlnth 'trcot, Sight Exchanged Sold on NEW YORK, SAT? FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectionH made on at all accessible points. favorable terms , H. BCIIKNCK, l'renldenl. J. M, I'ATTKltSON, Cashier. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. D1RECTOHS. I). P. Thompson. .Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. WiiiMamk, Geo. A. Liehk. II. M. Beam.. W. H. YOUNG, U called tho "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully CONSTIPATION EPIDEMIC OF CRANKS It is a mild laxativo and a tonic to tho digestivo organs. By taking Simmons Liver Eegulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife wii sorely dlstrewed with Constipa tion and couching, followed with Bleeding Piles. After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator the is almost entirely relieved, Raining strength mnd flesh." W. B. LuErmt, Delaware. Ohio. 9-KVERY PACKAGE' Urns oar Z 8tmmp In red on wrapper J. H. ZKIXIN CO., Philadelphia, P. ' Dally Evening Chronicle Is reco(rni7ed . its esseiltliillv the home tinir for the Unlit- City folkn' tirk MC This i not a bad le.iitiitlou. Somen UiVlJl 2,000 of our best nltlmiN watch the columiis of thin n T DTTD dully for the Hj.lclcst local neiVB. It 1M1 UK HiiceeedKin cleaning the field, and hence glows In jiojiularlty and importance. Take It awhile, you who don't; try dome of ItH premium oilers. "Tie Reffulator Line" BiacKsmim & wagon Sfiop Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. General Blueksinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in .-his lino at reasonable iiguros. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles J. I FORD, Evannelist, Of IK'S Mollies, Iowa, wrltea under date ot March 'ii, lt03: H. B. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. QeutUmen : On arriving homo lust week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done its work well. Botli of tho children like It. Your S. B. Cough Cure lias cured and kopt away all hoarseness from mo. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mu. & Mits. J. F. 1-oud. If you wlrti to feci f reah and cheerful, and ready for tho Spring1 work, oleauno your hjatein with thoHeuduoho and Liver (Jure, by taking twooi three done euoh week, Bold under a positive guarantee, 60 coutH per bottle by all draught. C. P. STEPHENS, DliALKK IN DRY GOODS Plothing Hoott, Hhoet, lUti, Kto. Fancy (jood$, fJotion, THROUGH Freignt ana Psssenoer Line Through diulv service (.Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dulles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tlie Dalles at 7 u. in. connecting at Catcade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaveB Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. 'ASSKNOIClt KATES. Ono way Round trip. .if2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or niglit. biupments lor way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Ageut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, tieneritl Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON T"E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0REAM. at wholesale quotation. Candies and Nuts Specialties XOHAVOO, i i tlUlAIlH AN1 I 1 HXVKICT IIHINKH Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2 3 8 -2d Street j.FOLCO At right Hide Mr. Obarr' rentauruu t. Kto, Kto. Kto. Second St,, The Dalles. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has boon eutiroly refurnished, and every room has been roptiporod and repalnta and newly carpeted throughout. Iho house contains 170 rooms and Is supplleo with every modern convenience. Katei reasonable, A good restaurant .attache to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains, C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. There is an Ayowed Assassin Loons in Washington, HE IS A MIXER FROM IDAHO Waits to Kill President Cleveland, Whom He Holds Responsible for the Repeal Law. Washington, Nov. 4. A number ol officers in citizens' dress have been de tailed to guard the while house ami (o protect the life of the president, whir- is supposed to be in (Linger from a m.' deroub crank who is at largo i'i fl 'g city. Lafit Wednesday there arrived ' i Washington a man who keeps a hm c rant in Boif-e City, Idaho. Tho narre of the man the police refuse to d!utu. Yesterday he went to the chief of polii-e and told his story. Ilefcaid that about a week ago a miner, who was out of em ployment, came to his reatuuiant, and in a heated discussion about the silver question and the effects of the repeal bill on the mining interests of the west, declared, with emphasis, that he was going to Washington, and if the repeal bill passed unconditionally he would kill the man whom he knew should bo held responsible. The restaurant-keeper did not know the man, but, as he disap peared from Boise, he concluded it was his duty to come here and notify the authorities. He arrived Wednesday, and that afternoon Etrolled up to the white house promenade. The first per son he saw was the miner with whom he had the altercation. As soon aB the man saw him he took to his heels. The restaurant keeper thought possibly it was a case of mistaken identity, and he said nothing to anybody until the next day, when he again went to the white house and saw the sauie man lurking there. As there was no mistake, lie went to the chief of police and told his story, giving a full description of the man., As a precautionary measure a number of officers have been detailed to guard the white house and detectives are looking for the man who vows him self to be the intended assassin. The police declare they do not believe there is any danger, but say that precaution is being taken to guard against possible contingencies. The matter is being kept very quiet. ai.VYOK Ol' CHICAGO. DUcracui'ul Scene Kniieleil in the Coun cil Clil.i.ilirl . Chicago, Nov. J. Such scenes were never belore enacted in the city council chamber of this city as tiauspired there today. Before the crape-draped speak er's desk stood two aldermen, political opponents, each declaring himself to be chairman of the body. The reading clerk leaped upon the back of one of the contestants and tried to eject him. Auother clerk tore up the resolution, because it was not in line with what his party desired. Over the somber-draped rails of the speaker's stand leaped an other alderman upon the back of the clerk, and his colleagues flocked to his aid. Upon him jumped an alderman of the opposing faction, and clutching at the throat of the man who, by force, was trying to get before the council that which should have legally been received. Police officials lushed into the enclosure fo separate the slrugglingaldermen, and in the light that ensued tlie erapo which hung about tho desk of the dead Mayor was rent, torn down and trampled un der foot. The men who three days ago spent money and labor to honor mayor Harrison disgraced his memory today by a disreputable brawl over the right to sit for 20 minutes in his chair. Tonight the council chain her is guarded by police officers aud no one is allowed to enter. ltoot uiul Itranrli, The. poison in your blood, however it may have come or whatever shape it may be taking, is cleared away by Doctor Pioree's Golden Medical Discovery. It's a remedy that routes every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, and through It cleanses and invigorates tho whole system, Sult rheuiu. Tetter, Kczoma, Erysipelas. Bolls, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and llio worst Scrofulous .Sores and Swell ings, ure perfectly and permanently cu 'cd by it. . ., . Unlike tho ordinary Spring medicines orsarsaparillas, the "Discovery" works cquullv well at all seasons. All the year round and in all cases it to guaranteed, t's no other blood medicine is. if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. You pay only for the ijood you got. A. l ,. Isn't it safer to euy that no other blood-purifier can be "just as good" Jt' it were, wouldn't UJbujoUl so? Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood puritler, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kiuersly, druggists. HAVOC ANI DEATH. A Fh Her Allium! n tthlp Kxiilnde CnrRO of Dynamite. Madrid, Nov. Fioin Boo, it village near Santander, tlie capital of the prov ince of that name, r.oine3 it frightful story of explosion, fire, havoc and death. A steamer with a cargo of dynamite ar rived at Saniandor. The fact of the ex plosive being aboard was unknown to the authorities. Last evening the vessel took fire and the Uro department liuiri"d to the scene to prevent the spread of ti e flames to the other shipping, to t' docks and to adjoining houses. Thego ernor of the province, chief municipal officers and ninny leading citizens were superintending tho work of subduing tl-e flames. Just as the news wassprc l that the vessel contained dynamite, and (hi people fitavt'l panic stricken rrom tho scope, the flumes reached the terrible cargo and with a deafening roar it exploded, scattering deatn, fire and destruction on overy side. The wharves, shipping and neighboring houses were torn to fragments. The whole city was shaken as if by nn earthquake, and windows shattered in every house for miles around. Among the prominent people missing is the governor of the province, who was List seen on deck fighting the flames in the front ranks. Among those reported killed is Marquis Pombo. According to tlie official esti mates, the dead will number over 300. DANGEKS OF THK 1JESEKT. A rrofcpector anil Miner's Narrow Es cape From Dealli. S .- Dego, Cal., Nov. 4. One Miller, a prospector and miner, came near add ing liis bones to the list of unknown skeletons now bleaching on the desert. He left Campo about a week ago for Yuma, and though an experienced miner, became confused before going far on the desert, on account of the oblitera tion of trails by sandstorms. Within a few hours from the time he was lost, deatli stared him in the face in the form of thirst. With great will-power and presence of mind he calmed himself aud decided that the only way to save, his life was to take the back track and try to ieach tho Picachos, on the wr:t ern side of tlie desert. He retraced his steps as rapidly as possible, suffering terribly from thirst, and occasionally in great peiil from the hallucinations of delirium and the false attractions of mirages, which almost drew him from the trail to drink of imaginary springs. Jie finally reached the foothills and found his way to Campo badly used up. Alter recuperating and refitting he will again attempt to reach Yuma. Allrnipt to Kol) a Traill. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 4. As the south bound train on tlie Missouri Pacific was leaving Union Junction, just north of Nebraska City, this morning two negroes crawled to the engine and ordered tho engineer and firemen to ,throw up their hands. Tlie order was obeyed with tlaerity, but in tho hands that came up were clasped revolvers, and the engin eer and fireman opened on the intruders, who fled. One man was recognized by the engineer as a resident of Nebraska City and u general tough thore. A posse was made up on the train and started in pursuit of the robbers. Arming- for Fight, Negotiations for tho purchaso of the swift little steamer Yankee Doodle, claimed to be the fastest in tho world, are pending with MeBrido Bros., the owners, by the Brazilian government. ft is rumored that Flint & Co. are ne gotiating with tiie Metropolitan Steam ship Company for tlie purchase of ono of the two fine steamers Herman Win ter and 11. F, Dimock for the use of Peixoto. Agents Of the Brazilian rebel, Admiral Mello, have been in Birmingham nego tiating for tho purchase of arms and ammunition. Sly Wife, For over three years was alilieted with dyspepsia of long standing. She used three bottles of Simmons Liver Regu lator: her chills are entirely cured and the dyspepsia almost vanquished. N. W. KNi:miAitT, i lam (Hon, Yii. Rooms to rent at Rev deuce on Ninth street. A. Horn's resi-0.2Iiduw. Uee Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Jtosoliitlnu on the Death lllnehart. of Mayor- At a special meeting of tho common council of Dalles City tho following pre amble and resolutions were adopted : WiiEitEAH, It lias pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst Dr. W. E. Rinehart, mayor of Dalles City, and Whereas, The intimate relations long held by tho deceased with the members of this council, render it proper that wo should place on record our ap preciation of his services as mayor and ills merits as a man. Therefore bo it llesotved by tho common council, That while wo bow with humblo submission to tho will of tho Most High, wo do not the less mourn tho death of our mayor. licsolvcd, That in tho death of Dr. W. K. Rinehart, who was always alive and fearless in his work as mayor, prompt to advance the interests of the city, devoted to its welfare and prosperity, one who was wise iii counsel and fearless inaction, an honest and upright man whose virtues endeared him, not on'y to the council but to all his fellow citizens, Jiesolced, That this council tender its heartfelt sympathy to the family and lelatives of our deceased mayor in this, their sad affliction. lle8olved, That these resolutions be entered upon the records of Dalles City nnd that a copy of them be sent to the family of our deceased mayor. G. C. Ehhelman, Paul Kreft, Chas. Lauer, Committee on Resolutions. In Slemorlam. Whereas, This lodge has been called to mourn the loss of our esteemed and highly respected brother, Dr. W. E. Rinehart, it is only fitting that we who remain should bear tribute to the mem ory of our deceased brother for bis many good qualities, therefore, Resolved, That by the death of Dr. W. E. Rinehart, Temple lodge, No. 3, A. O. U. W. has been deprived of a true and faithful brother Workman, whose place among us will long remain unfilled. By his uniform courtesy, kindness and ability he had won the esteem of all with whom he associated. Resolved, That we tender to the family of our deceased brother our earnest ex pression of sincero sympathy in 'their hour of bereavement and trial. Resolved, That the charter of this lodge be draped in mourning and that these resolutions be spread upon the records and a copy bo sent to tlie family of our deceased brother. Yours submitted in C. II. and P. Geo. G. Gidons, J. F. Snedakeu, L. Rohden, Committee. A New Hurley. A valuable now barley is tlie Egyptian variety. It yields more to tho acre, at tho same tinio being richer and making better feed. It is superior for soup and when ground and treated like corn meal, makes bread impossible to distinguish from corn bread. Call atTiiE Chronicle office nnd see sample. A limited quan tity of seed can bo obtained for a dollar a bushel. Good Job rriutliijj. If you have your Job printing done at The Chronicle you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful aud artistic printers in the Northwest. Look Ovur Vmi r County Warrants. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Wm. Michell, Treasurer Wasco County. October 21st, 1S03. tf Notil'et All notes due and becoming due and all accounts owing us must ho settled on or before November 1st, 1893, either in wheat, oats, barloy or cash. Accounts aud notes remaining unpaid after that ditto will have to undergo costs of col lection. Wo mean business and must positively havo money. Itcspcctfiilly, dawlm The Dvli.uk .Mercantile Co. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOUTEIY PURfi