The Dalits Daily Chronicle. Sntvutt at the I'ostofflce nt Tho Dattes, Orctron, as secoiul-clas matter. TI1K DAI.I.KS OKKIION COWBOY DUEL IN VENEZUELA. They Loved Little Imtliui Girl or the Orinoco l'l.ilns. I witnessed a strange duel on one of President Crespo's hip cattle ranches in the interior of Venezuela. Two vnnqueros. or eowboys, were enamored of the same dark-eyed little Indian girl of the great Orinoco plains and they decided to settle by n duel with thelasso which of them should take her to wife. A dozen fellow vanqueros sisscmbled to witness the fray. Tho lovers, says the Florida Times Union, soon appeared mounted on mettlesome mustangs, each with a long, powerful lariat of tough cow hide. They were both experts with the lasso, and their horsemanship was u marvel. They approached to within forty and fifty yards of each other, then began to maneuver for a deciding cast. After .several feints the lariat of the younger of the rivals, a handsome, sun-bronzed fellow from Carabobo. went whizzing through the air so swiftly that the eye could scarcely fol low it. The other sank his spurs deep into his mustang. The animal sprang forward just in time to save his master from the noose, and as he did so the second lasso rose in the air and settled around the shoulders of the man who missed, pinning his arms to his sides as in n vise. lie was jerked headlong out of his saddle. His successful rival drew him along hand over hand, half lifting him from the ground by the tenacious thong, nud put a bullet square between his eyes. He then turned and rode direct ly to the camp where lived the cause of this barbaric scene. She mounted behind him and he came galloping back swinging his sombrero. liticklen' Aruirn Salve. The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to yive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. For sale by Snipes x Kin- ereiy Are ynnr children subject to croup? If so, you should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has inever been known to fail. If given nfreely as soon as the cronpy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of -mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoint! them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in large and frequent do-?e.4, as it contains noth ing injurioii!?. 50 cent bottles for sale by Bl.tkelt'y ii Hoinrhton. druggists. Vuaturngp. "Moore'e raiioli, nbottt three miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can fecurcTeasonable terms upon application. 17tf All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their n:wne3 advertised had better come forward, as the roll will be pub lished on the 1'lnt of this month. T. A. Wabij, Sheriff. S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wiitcflfc ami Jewelry repaired to order on ibort notice, mid satisfaction guaranteed AT THK Hturuof I.e. NirkaUen, ad St. The Dalle 4 Caveats, end Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pt- J cst business conducted for Modcratc Fees, Oor orrtec is oppositc U. S. patcmt Or net J ond wo can secure patent in less tune una Lause J 5 Sena moaci. arswine or puuw,, vriiu uotup-j Stion. We'advise, if patentable or not, free of J Scharcc. Our t9t not duo till patent is secured. A PAMPMirr. "HowtoOL'a!n Patents," with J 5 cott of time in the U.S. a ad foreiju countries J tfscniircc. aooicu, C.A.SNOW&CO 4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Jm.nd OrncK, Tlie Dalles, Or October 17, la. I Notice in herchy lven that the following uauiuJ fct'ttk-r ba filed notice of )iin intention to make Haul proof in mpnort of liU cliiliii, and that mild proof will be iniide before the regUter mid receiver of tho U. H. Lund ofllcu nt llie Dalles, Or., on Monday, Nov. SJ7, lb!, kc: .lUIIIUH M. 1'HtllOU, llomcntcdd iipplloatlon No. 2U12 for BK section I, 'V, 1 J it 12 K W. M. He nunies tho followJliK tvltnciwoH to provo Ilia coiitlnuou letldeuco upon and cultivation of Hald land, viz.: Fen Jlutty. Hugh ChrUiuan, . K. Corwn and JJ. N. Cliuudler, all of Tho Dalles, Or. 10-81 M JOHN W, LKWJH, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Omce, The Dalles, Or., Oct. 21, IbiO. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named tttler has filed notice of bin Intention to make final roof in support of his claim, and tlutt said proof will bo mado before tho Register und Receiver at Tho Dalle, Or,, on December 11, 1810, viz: lioUndu O. Itroofcs, devlwo of John Hughes, dectsakcd. iHoMWtcad Application No. 838. for the B BV.4 ud m wiot bo. a.'Tp, i N., R. la E. He name the following wltuesses to prove his continuoiH resldwce upon and cultivation of saiil luudi via; 0W.Cooi, W. A. KUUr. Frank Cflgh ton and tkth MOfgn, all of Ue IMlUa. Or. t L. K Haowsr take notice. 1 Inliu IV if VUflu 1) I HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND RULES TO FIND A CtlUM FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATfCA. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, HAN!)EN8 r.l.KUTUIO ItllLI with Klectro niHnni'tlnHu'nn'v. nary mil euro Trillium inriHeliio nllof RmAbuTftrouliios. Th(i"ii MilTor from Nitvoiim lel!l!li. I.o.ikpn. llrnlnif. Lost niuiiliniul. N fir vii ii hii i) nn, HlrtHilexMiroiit l'nnr SleiiKiry, nil Couinli'l'nvv ilulnt, and uriioi'nl III hciiltfi. or oxposure, mil tlmlreltclaiitl prm vt euro tu our mnrvulnua lim'iii winch requln3 to ccnv.tuv thomost Inlunor.tKro 'Io: feet you ninr h.ivo unuiily drn c. YuurTtomutnerYoftrcoaiid villi i-, which Im clrclrlclly ami t. i ciuscxt yoiirwo.itnessoi'lr.ckiH fun ii you repmeo into your sycieni i' clement thua drnlnctl, iviiloli arc quired Mr Tleorousstronu'tli, you i.i TcmoTothoraunanillieftUb,'it.rt:' and visor nlil fullort at onto. 1 .' is our plan and treatment, ami t ouiiranteo n euro or rotuml lur n.?.' Onv '200 pngo book "TIIKKK CIiABBESOP JHtW.' 't""''! CJi1,' 1 1 ,?"?Jil,"i'K nil.lUlcuitod and oldmnn, sent scaled, frooTlrir. Sauden'M fclt-ctrlc licit la ii Ypertmrn' as wo liaro restored thouiuudsto robust health and Yhror.aitor all otliertreatmcntsXalli;l.a3c.i. Iw shown by hundreds of cases throuirtiout this nnd other 8Uto.whu would alailly testify, andlvosi tun? of whom woharo strong letters bearing testimony tn their rccoTory after using our Hell. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. Twice a Week . From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. nrucssi ncraiLiTV RliRED. banl'Mnclwxi.Oal.. AURUtll,1892, Dr. A. T. Randan. Dr Sir Before I uel your belt I wa-i troubled with lost tluor. vital woaknew, ami Mn-.M: romplctw loss of power. I would ml up with a Tor7 tlrad (Mllna, bone-. acbiDK, to.istnce utlna jcarllt IhiTdhsdnnewleuo of lit'. I now enjoy liTo LMtierihn 1 tare forten jrars past. Ibavathe -'rao.t ounfldeuce in Tour treatment. You can nub thi uiement. aa barn others writoor call on a..-. U'ruly yojm, li. A. 130WKN. SSand'TurkSl. KHCUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. Forsload, UrPKoa, April la l:U!. 1T. A. T. 8andcn.learSir5 iKOtoneof rourbeln viti aco tor rheumatism, from which 1 suffered son.overal years. 1'or tho pat six months I had not ttca ablo to w rk. Your belt has placed me in almost l?rf ct hoalth In the two weks I nave used it. 1 ran wall: i3mtortahtv, nad feel liko a new man Kene rally. 11. K. llUQUKS, Proprietor International Hotel. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOBS OF VIGOR. Tacoma. ah., October 'it, l!32. Dr. A.T. Sanden.Desr Birr 1 hare tven Uflna your Klectrlo belt for aeneral nervoas deblllt)'. and to-lav feel better than! hara for tire years. I hare gained la vigor dolly, and am stromc in Terypart. Yours gratefully, CHAS. LtTETKA. Portland Oiraon. S clamber 58. tlWi Dr. A.T. Bandtu. llear Slrt Yoarsof oiitoiiw uiit hard work, combined with tho strain comlntt from 1 1 o iar of an enclne. rsth mo u mom cato or iacio bm; i. rom which 1 sulf ered for batcu years. 1 o In 1 thai I could not bend my back. aa all doubled M with It. 1 bonabt on of your blu. It l elii .1 vio in.idnof tw tdsys.and 1 continued tow or it for 9 ur months, bring perfectly cured. That w:is no mw .io.and 1 am aiwel tonlay ns 1 oier was in tayllli. I knowyour belt well ami 1 kn w iolsot iMcplti'.'.n ham been cured hy It- Many othot ueml It.i.n l n' thoy would try it (bey would find it thisamn.u the best remedy in thu woilil. I ura locntfid b. permanently, and nlU b it lad to talk with amono it tm wants to lnnnlroabou I'. H01I1.KT 11 UltltuL, Engineer Hotel Porth,. J. LOST VITALITY.AND BTRSNCTH. . T-.v.rett, V.n.h, .lunu IS, ""V. Dr. A. T. Banue", Dear Kir: Since wrlnR uir h: It I hayo bwn creally bonvtlted. 1 my old ruy fa.t ruturnluc; and altera macth'x t,m of lh lielt I find myself twice ai vigorous ai bolor-.i. memory Is now nearly porfeet, and each day sh.-a.. for the better. I f il much stronger thn i-f i using the belt. Yours truly, UY bCHUJ.T I, THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT Is a complete salranlo battery, mado Into a belt so aa to bo easily worn during wntU or atTcSt.ircd it ulrei soothing, prolonged currents which aro Instantly tclt throughout all wonk parts, orwofr:l. 85,tlUU. it has an Improved Klectrlc Huaponaory, thogreatest boon ever eiren weal: tneti.iinfi we warrant it to euro any of tho abore weaknessea, and tocnlarge shrunken limbs, cr parts, or ruoai' i Itrfuudeil. Thoy are graded Instreneth to meet all stages of weakness In youn j, mlddloiaoiioroiil me. and will euro tho worst cases in two or three months. Address for full Information. SADDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. flew Qolijmbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thorouylily renovated and nuwly furnished throughout, and Is now better than ever prepared to furnish the bent Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Oftice of the fast and commodious opposition Stare to Dufur, Kinjfgloy, Tyh Valley, Wapinitia, Warm priiins and l'rinovillu is in the Hotei and persons 'oiiiK to I'rineville can save HM by jroin on this Stat;e line. All trains stot) here. MNHNS IIK NEW TOWN has bven platted on the old cniiifi ground, t tli'i Forki, mid t Falls of Howl river, with larKC, tightly lotsbroud atreetanml alloys, good roll ' and purewater.ivlth sbaduin vrofutioii, perfwt dniJiiHKC.iicllKlitfiii mountain Climate, tho central attraction us n mountain rummer rcrort for all OrcRon, being tbo nearest town to Mt. Ilwxl. It Ik uiiintrallelvo aa h uiantifHCttirliiK center, bcim; the natural center for 150 rapinre miles of the best cedar und fir timber, t.esii8 millions of horre-ixmcr In ita dashinx streams mill water falls, easily harneseed. Where cheaii motive jxiwer exists, there tho manu factories will center, surrounded by roll and climate that cannot bo excel leo anywhere for fnilt mid agriculture, and with tramportatlou already ussurto you will find thiii the pl.'ce to make k jicrfect home or n tmyiug Juvestmeu .... See me on the ground, or fj address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITIiE PERFECT W. RossWinans. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its jlooci leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the s KiP-Oniaiii- -MR k CM at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIOHELBACH MUCK, . UNION ST. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Propriatorsi. CityStables, Corner of Fourth nd Federal Stn( Tlio Dulles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in Eastern Uregon, and can accommodate patrons with either bingle or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. AUo, c?n furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, tittving added to their stables lurge feeding und wftgou room, Conercial Patroiaie SeJicited. lip are hill limes! WE DON'T WflfiT YOUR WFEI And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into, every home in Wasco County. out Circulation must be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this year and one year beyond for the already low price of $1.50. A JllSt flom, year and a tkml 16 months j YOUR flTTEfiTIOB Is oallud to thu foot that Hagh Glenn, Dmiler in GIiirs,. Llmu. I'limtur ni.m,.,,. and lliiilillni! .MuktIi.I of all khitl", !hiii" ih riiii'i iiini ,,r Picture Mouldings To hb found in tho City. 72 rJUashington Street, Fttom TERWINflh or INTERIOR points THK lira Fai RH1LROHD lh tin- line to tn!f TO ALL POINTS EAST AND makes a GEAT BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR PflEY, amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFEH It In tlii DIliltiK Cut Kuiiti- It rim Throoa v'vMllmlcil Triilnr every ilny In the you to paul and Chicaro (SO CllANdK OK CAU8.I C'omiHireil of UIiiIiik Cum inimirpuMiol. 1'ull man DritwIiiR UoootHleepernuf liittsteiiilpmenv . TOURIST SLEWING CAIIS line Hint ciin bo cnnttrnninl, mill in iviiicn urcoiiiiiiiNlntlonii oru Imtli Fret- mill Kiirnliiiul fur tmlilcrnot First ami KecnnM-ulnM Ticket, Him ELEGANT MY COACHES A cmitlmicmn Hue, cnnnvctliiK with nil liiien nllorillliK itlrcot kiic! uniiiterrnpUii nvrvlcc rnllniitn Hlvuer retvHtion ou U Kfiimi in mtvnncc tlirmiKli "iiy naciit nl the tnml THROUGH ..TICKETS Si..-. KiikIii.iiI "txt l.iiniiM eim In.' pure tmuut nltlco m 1111'C'Miip.uiy Tn Mini Imm ill I. In Abiertct, Iihh t nT Ktlll liitorniiitlDii riiticeriiliiK cui, tlmi 01 trnliiN, riiilte nmt ntliur ik'I'ill" llirillabaf o nppllcntloii to V. C. ALLAWAY, Aki'.ii A. Niiv, Co., ItcKtllntor nlllwr,14 IMl Or,, or A. II. CllAKIIllS, Ai.'t. (ieiicnil l'Hn:i,r Aut., I'lirtlrtiid. )ts. Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments J of twice a week, should, make ; your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicle Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. warehouse pot OUR GREAT OFFER ! FOR 1894. The extra trouble and expense connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. While we would be glad of subscription money in advance, it is not necessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of this speoial rate, which is the best offer ever made on this coast. Twice a Week v v. From NOW Until December 31, 1894, For ONLY $1.50. Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rotes Reasonble. MaIIK uoods XrV. "xrsr. 00. THK lA.tI'KK. Oil WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONAL DICTIONAEZi 41 Grand t SucctsiortflH, "UunkrtdlpV' Ten ycW. 55.1 In rovlliii;.ll?,;t more than SW exiHiiiiloil. honlil ii...l...if-f. It Au uoiiccrnlnif tlioMj" tiiry, HpellliiK. Pj iinnnlat oil. .nd liiennliiir of woriu A Library in ItacU. itoiw g vw llm ifl,.n ili.u fr..,l lnr,riiiitllill COIlCCnilUh eminent iHtrnoiM; faeW coikxtiiIim, ? couiiirioM, ulllen, town, mill natural w tnrcHof thoKloba: partleulari wMKyt noteil lli'tltloiiii.nuriMmiiaml iilawi trnj hitlon of forolKii iuntatluiMi woWi ftl,u iiKivorlkU filii ittif ttf Thin Work is IiivnlunUloU lioimoholil.iinil to tho tfaolier, ncholar, pr- lessioiiai iniiii, nun noinjiiucuim SutdliuAU IjmkicUera. O. A- V. Morrinm Co, l'nlitlnlir,ri. 8lrlimfl'M,Aftu. I ikrVraNfflioNAl, PICTiuNftlU, tHllfluna. CWtivtuX forf reo proipecliw. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF onnn HT'ATtr.Rfi. Tliuy rcail Tim Olironlolu to get tlic W J" mot rollnblo i.ow. And thoy nw that Im lu tho imper. 'llmt U what innkw i Ciironlolo nn Inviiluahlo ailvortl' " m! " ,.: Tho ncwiw that -v kw" Ul? , L llrcaltluH l tho nno () that Iho mlver of today imtronUo when thoy rtwlfo rwioh tho iwiilo. When thoy want your u tholr iiniioiincomontH will ho fouml In ' Um)U nvoroitrcoliimna unit ohwrvo tlio Hon of tho truth of thU Mortlon. Hwinw" 11 trade of u family of two tlio.'""" v Ih worth uikhiK for thrinmh tc,(J columuH, oolally o t our ver . -