The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1893, Image 3

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ecihi oaturday, Nov. 4, i8cn.
SALE. ' '
Ladies' Kid Gloves.
New Goods in Fashionable Shades.
Royal Hook Gloves.
A M ('15
..$1 50..
1 25.
I GO...
$1 25
. 1 00
P. Centemeri.
....1 75
Foster Hook.
PARAGON, large buttons, $1 50.. $1 25
ALBANI, Mosquotairo, 1 05... 1 40
SUEDE, " l 75 I 50
BIARRITZ, 1 00 90
CHAMOIS, 1 25 1 00
... 1 '10 I JOVIN, black or colored. .. 1 00. .
jgeTWill place on sale, for this day only, a new BIARRITZ Glove at 65c.
Tho above are all fresh stock.
The Royal 1 look is a great improvement over the
Foster Hook, and we are exclusive Agents.
One more offer, Mather Gloves, old stock, 60 Cents. Can you do better?
ViT all Goods l
' in plain n
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Knti'ii-il u tho l'liNtiilllru lit Tlic Dulles, Oregon,
UK M't!(ll(t-l!lnH Ililltt'T.
l.uliul Allvi-i l Mill;.
IU trout jr lliiu (or llmt liinrtlim, ninl ft Cimis
ir lliiu fur cut) It Mlleli.'iit limurtlim.
Slu-clitl riitus for lone time nutlet!..
Alt lorn. nntlcuH rivlviil Inter tlniti 3 u'l'loclc
III Hiviir the followliiK ility.
NOV. -I, 1893
The Ihiihi and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on nale at I. V. Nick-etneii'it ntorf.
Our llly :inuii-iii From In mill Admit
tlni tllty.
Tin' wiib oliimlil remember
If lio'il mnkuii lilt,
Tliu tllllcruntv "twl.xt ruiuly
Aml reuily.miiile wit,
John Dou was arrested today for mill
ing liquor to Iiuliiiiiu uihI lodud in tlio
county jail.
Tlio weekly Oregoniun bus reduced its
yearly print to $1 .50. No eauho iH as
signed for tho ritHli uct.
Mr. .1. B. Crossim auctioned oil' it box
ol traps toduy, ltold by Mrs.
lot non payment of board by a nioney-
Sheep Uiih year have been usst-sHcd at
$1,130 pur bend. Last year tlio figure was
Tlio reduction oi usfcHsiiiont is dun
to tliu decreased value tif sheep tbiH year.
Tlio recorder's report showed an uu
ii8iml)y large number of arreHtH. Whole
number 32, of which 20 were drunk and
disorderly, 7 for vagrancy and ft for sleep
ing out. The ciihIi n-HuUtii from all
arrests amounted to $55.
Kdwurd Wood wtiH.Hont to tho poor
house yesterday. Ho iH -15 yearn of age
and lias been working for Win. Sharp,
till rliuumatiHiu incapacitated him from
duty. Ho ciui'io from Pennsylvania and
Iiuh no frienda or rolativeH Itere.
l'aul Kreft is the now mayor ot Dulles
Lity. Tlioro is none in tliu who
has labored moro nrduoiiHly for the
ity'H interoalH than Mr. lvroft. He Iiuh
on more than one occasion noglootod 1 tin
own business to attend to that of the
I.aat year tliu tuxublo property of
Wuhco county niiioiiuted to ,20'J,8i,
allowing u deduction of 802,44(Lfor in
lobtetlnosH. This year tho indebtedness
will not bu deducted, and the taxable
property ought to reuch in the neighbor
hood of $! ,000,000.
'i'ho boiiul of equalization Iiuh ad-
joiirnod, but without concliulliig their
InhorH, ami tho roiiittlndor of tho work
will devolve upon the county commit)
"loners. For this roiiBou the report for
Wasco county will probably bo the laHt
to reach the soerotary of Htnto.
Tho ciiso of Martha Perkins vh. A.
Wilson was tried yesterday In Justice
Davis' court, resulting in ft verdict in
worof the plaintiff for 40 und interest
for four years, togothor with costs. Somo
"7 reckless swearing woh indulged in,
which will be inquired into mid the
Wilty party made to answer therefor.
All notes duo and becoming duo und
H accounts owing us must bo settled on
r before November 1st, 1893, either in
wheat, outs, barloy or cash. Accounts
! notes roiuHining unpaid after that
jiato will have to undorgo coats of col
lection, Wo mean business and must
I'Mitlvcily have money, ,
, Respectfully,
Wlln XlW DaM.KH MuitCANTH.K Co.
Services will bo held ut the Congrega
I tional church tomorrow tit the usual
1 hour.
The Rev. J. Wbisler, although much
indisposed physically during tho past
week, will J). V.) bo in his pulpit to
morrow morning and evening. A full
attendance is much desired aggressive
In the absence of the piiFtor there will
be no preaching at the First Christian
church tomorrow. Sunday school at 10
a. in. Communion service directly after
close of Sunday school, and prayer meet
ing tit ":I!0 in the evening.
Ail vi'rilni'd I, otter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in Hie posloflico at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1891!.
Persons calling or same will give date
on which they were advertised:
S V linker G 1J Huyt
Alva Boydton Amiens Jensen
Thomas 'Collins 'Wm Leslie
IWrHl.tiura Daniel I'JiWm McGee
Abraham 1! J2vs Mrs .1 U Proctor
Wiley Utiton D C llan
W S Grey
Frank Pond
M. T. Noi.a.v, P. M
Mr. II. F. Gibons is in Portland.
lid. Mays went to Portland this morn
ing. Mr. J. K. Warner of White Salmon is
in the eit.v.
Mr. Mart Donnell is over from Gold-
oiidalo toduy.
Mr. N. Harris it in 1,'ortlaud and will
return tonight.
Dr. A. W. Itotkin of East Portland is
in the city and n-uy locate in this section.
Mrs. Chan. Taylor, daughter of Mrs.
li. M. Wilhou, leaves for Pendleton to
night. A marriage license was issued today to
Mr. David A. lipstein and Miss Minnie
Miss Maud Cougdon is down from
Umatilla visiting friends in The Dulles
for a few tluvH.
Messrs. S. Wilkinson and W. E.
Wiley were passengers on tho steamer
this morning for Portland.
Mrs. lid ward Ueck returned this
morning from an extended visit to
liutope. While absent she made quite
a stay in Norway.
United States Marshal Seoley is buck
in Tho Dalles, having been in atten
dance at the bedside of his sister in
Portland, who recently died.
norm, ahuivai.s.
Skibbo Hotel. Miss A. Wilson, 8-Milo
Cruek: J O W Kimsbog, Cliiuoweth
Crook ; D C Wilflon, 8-Mtlle; J 11 Hnna
lmii, Peter Jlitnahan, Kingsley; J V
Brown Grass Valley; Dud Lohr, Uuke
Oven: Grorgu Simpson, liuko Oven; L
K Lindeoy, Salem, Or.; W Atkinson,
Lone Well; U F. Wlckhuui, Lone Well ;
A Woisky, llartland, Wash.. Jus. Mini
han, Celilo; Walter J Haight. IJake
Oven ; 0, h Allison, Trout Luke, Wash.
rut to fug-in
All the peculiar troubles that beset u
woman. The only jitttniiifred remetly
for them Is Dr. Pierce's Favorito Pres
cription, ror women sutlering from any
ehronic"femaleconiplaint" or weakness ;
for women who are run-down and over-
to become in hers, ami for mothers who
are nursing ami exnuusieu; ut me
ciiango iroiu giruioou w wuimuuniuu .
und later, at the critical "change of life"
tl lu u mofllnlnn flint, mifiilv und cor
talnly builds up, stroiigthoiiH, regulates
ana euros.
If it doesn't, if it oven falls to bonetlt
or cure, you liavo your money imc.
What you are sure of, if you use Dr,
. 1 lt......wlaa til Jlttlwlt tl l'tl'.
SagO'H uaiarrn ivetnuny, in wimw
.....i ...wi.iii 1 1 i.i it .'li r inr vim r uiilui i ll.
lUllbllllU II11U1...I.". ,
no matter liow bad your casd may be, or
500 in cash. inu propnuiuio u m
medlcliie pronuso to pay yon mu..v..
If tliey can't cure you.
Tlir tlHual OrlKt. Followed liy a Content
for Mnyorraul Kreft Elected.
The full council assembled in regular
session last evening, the chair being
taken by Aid. Krelt, who presided
throughout the meeting.
After reading of minutes, a petition
was presented for the improvement ot
Second street, by using tho crushed rock
prepared by the crusher. Mr. Hudson
stated it was a very reasonable requeBt
and that as the street was badly in need
of repairs be would favor the petition.
On motion of Mr. Hudson the recorder
was instructed to draw up an ordinance
contemplating said improvement,
A petition waB then read from Mr. F.
H. Howe, stating thnt he contemplated
building and operating a steam Baw mill,
and that as the expense of moving and
putting in place was considerable he
would ask that he be exempt from taxes
for a period of fifteen years. Referred
to the judiciary committee.
A petition was then presented from
the saloon men praying for a reduction
of their license from .$300 to .$200, signed
by nearly every dealer in town. Mr.
Lnuer moved that the prayer be granted,
which was amended by Mr. Hudson,
tliut it be referred to the judiciary com
mittee. Amendment carried and mo
tion lost.
Mary I'onzey asked that the city exe
cute a deed to her for lot 3, block B,
Trevltt's addition. Recorder instructed
to aecertain it facts stated were correct
and if so to execute the deed.
A report of the running of the rock
crusher was next read, showing the
number employed and time for each.
Mr. Kreft, the presiding ollicer, then
said thero were many who had not com
plied with the sewer ordinance.
The reports of city oflleers were next
read, including tho treasurer, street
commissioner and recorder, which were
adopted and placed on file.
Mr. Hudson brought up tho matter of
team licenses, saying there were some
of tho teamsters who paid no attention
to it, roaulting in a motion that the mar
shal bo instructed to strictly enforce tho
collection of all licenses, and to arrest
anyone for non-compliance.
Mr. Butts spoke of the caso of Frank
Heater, before tho recorder, where tho
prosecuting witness, after having de
fendant arrested, refused to appear, re
sulting in his dischargo. The alderman
said there had beeu too many cases of
this kind, and the next time wanted tho
recorder to summon such witness, under
penalty of contempt of court.
Mr. Kreft said that the sewer on Lin
coln ptreot had caved in, and that it was
thoroughly rotten and could not be re
paired. Referred to connnitteo on streets
and public property.
The following bills wero then road and
ordered paid :
Douglas Dufur, recorder.
Dan Malonoy, marshal
1 1 Burget, treasurer
J S Fish, fire warden . .....
W A Maddrou, Bt commissioner
Dalles Lumbering Co, nidse. . .
J Millard, labor.
F M King, labor. .
W Burgees, labor
A Urquhart, labor ...
A Roeso, labor
John Farrls, labor. .
W R Brown, labor. . .
Wm Norman, labor .
E Davis, labor
N F Barber, labar
M M Sayre, labor
Antono Knochley, labor
100 00
100 00
80 00
25 00
12 00
78 00
I) 28
4 00
1 25
42 00
30 00
12 00
25 00
24 00
13 00
10 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Claim continued.
O M Fonts, labor 10 00
Dalles Klectric Co, lighting strs. 230 50
T T Nichols, ground rent 18 00
Dalles City Water Works, water
rent , 32 00
Jacob Wetle, cawing wood 3 00
Douglas Dufur, insurance pre
mium HI 90
Frank Mcncfee, professional ser
vices 200 00
A Anderson & Co, 1,000 warrants 15 00
Dalles Klectric Co, lights for
offices 3 CO
Maicr & Benton, mdse 2100
Maier & Benton, mdse 90
Snipes & Kinersly, mdse 170
Jos T Petew & Co, mdse 5 00
Geo J Brown, sawing wood. ... 75
Dalles Klectric Co, lights lire
dept . . 0 40
Joles Bros, mdse 3 50
Sinnott & Fish, meals for pris
oners 14 22
G C Bills, Bpecial police 7 50
R V Gibons, night watchman. . 75 00
J B Harper, night watchman ... 62 00
Total $1401 10
At this point Mr. Kreft arose in hia
chair and stated that it would be in
order to elect a mayor to fill the vacancy
caused by the deatli of Dr. W. E.
Rinehart. Mr. Hudson nominated Mr.
Geo. Ruch, in a neat speech, stating
that he had talked with a score or more
of leading citizens who agreed that the
selection would be pleasing to them.
The nomination was seconded by Dr.
Eshelman. Mr. Lauer then nominated
Mr. Paul Kreft, seconded by Mr. Joles.
The ballot was spread, resulting in 2 for
Kreft and 2 for Ruch, one voting blank.
No electiqn and a second ballot result
ed in Kreft 3, Ruch 2. Again it was de
clared no election,, as it required a two
thirds majority of the council. The
presiding officer then asked the recorder
if he would be debarred from voting,
while occupying the chair, and was in
formed that there could be no illegality
in the proceeding, and the point being
conceded by Mr. Hudson the ballots
were again spread, resulting in Kreft 4,
Ruch 2. The result of the vote was an
nounced by the recorder, Mr. Hudson
declining in his favor. Mr. Kreft
thanked his colleagues for the honor
shown by them, but declined to make a
speech, naively adding that a man who
voted for himself should not be expected
to do so. As ho had not yet qualified
and was still a councilman, the selection
to fill the place of Mr. Kreft was declared
not in order.
The amended ordinance relating to
fires (No. 129) wherein Eection 9 was
changed to mean all brick flues, was put
upon its final passage and unanimously
Mr. Hudson moved that the fire
warden be instructed to examine all the
flues in the fire limits, and have all re
placed by brick that did not meet the
Mr. Eshelman spoke of farmera com
ing into town, who had no place to keep
their teams, and wanted a public square
set apart for their use, so that they
would be exempt from pound duties.
Mr. Hudson moved that it be referred to
the committee on streets and public
property. In the meantime the marshal
was instructed not to molest them.
Concerning the lot owned by the city
on Third street, Mr. Hudson, as a com
mittee of one from the K. of P., stated
that the lodge was desirous of buying a
suitable lot upon which to erect a fine
building that would be a credit to the
city, and wanted to know the value
placed by the city upon it. Mr. Iishcl
man moved that the matter be referred
to the committee on streets and public
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in
the drug business at Klkton, Ky., for
tho past twelve years, says: "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy gives better
satisfaction than any other cough modi
cino I have ever sold." There is good
reason for this. No other will euro a
cold so quickly; no other is go certain a
preventive and cure for croup ; no other
affords so much relief in sases of whoop
ing cough. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
I Tie Miller Sta, I
106 Mi Street.
Respectfully announces hav
ing taken the above premises
on lease, and will, 011
Tuesday next,
open with a stock of
Etc., Etc.,
ami hopes to bo favored
with n sliani of tho pub
lic patronage.
juQtOT) po5tpor;ed.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
We will Close Out
Regardless of Cos!
Store Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris.
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just firrivea from Hew York
inp I
At Remarkably Low Prices.
Splendifl Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50.
IjijfP Winter Dry Goods,
As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (liko
the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bud debts, our prices will always b
found the vcrv lowest in tho market. Wo invite our friends and customers to
examine riurj.'ood8 mid prices before purchasing
JhUB lf-- "
And the Most Complete and the Latest PultitniH and De-iinis in
rPractical Painters and Paper llangerfc. None but tho best bniiulb of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Palula used in all ,inr work, and none but
tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Mastiry Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first clas article in all colors All
orders promptly attended to.
Paiut Shoo corner Thirdaud Waahiugtou Sts,. The Dalles. Oregon
This well-known Brewery is now turning out thu best Beer and Portei
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the tnunufuetnro of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y the first-class article will be p aced on
be markt.
8 Crayons i Lil6-Size Water Color
Wo aio going to giveaway a series of enlarged pictures to our
customers commencing Saturday, Nov. 11th, and continuing
every Saturday until Christmas. Wo want to show you that it
pays to trado at home, and any one who has had photos, madu by
us at any time is entitled to a guet-s at each and every picture
given away. If you have ever bought a picture of us, como and
register your guess at tho Candy in the jar. If you uro not a cus
tomer, come anil see tlio kind of work we are turning out1 Tho
First Crayon will bo awarded at 7:30 p'clock Saturday evening,
Nov. 11th, at the Gallery. Come everybody, it will cost you Tlio jar is on exhibition in Garretson window.