The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weokly.lyear 1
" rt months 0 75
3 ' 0 50
Drily, 1 year 6 00
" e months. 3 00
i per " 0 50
Address all communication to " THK CHKON
.OI.E," The Dalles, Oregon.
Ueucral Delivery Window Sa. m. to 7 v. m.
Money Onler " 8 a. m. to 4 v-
Bmutay G " 9 a. m. tolOa. m.
trnlns roIur East. 9 p. m. and 11:45 a.m.
" " West and 5:)p. til.
istasro for (ioldendate 7:80a.m.
" 1'rtnovlllo 5:S)a. m.
" "lmfurntidWarmSprlnRs ..5:a0a.m.
" JIavlnK lr l.vle.v Hartlai.d..6:la. in.
" " j Antelope 5:80 a.m.
Kxcept Sunday.
Trl-weekly. Tucsdav Thursday and Saturday.
I Monday Wednesday and Friday.
SATUKDAY, .... NOV. 4, 1893
Ohio has " lack of confidence in the
administration." Men are out of work ;
timea are hard; u severe winter is pre
dicted, mid people "fear the worst."
There is "distrust of the party in power"
and "tearof tariff changes." They"need
protection." The demand for goods is
rapidly decreasing. Some manufacturers
are behind with pay and the hands must
take it as the manufacturers get it. There
is fear of foreign imports; wages are
low; farm produce is cheap, and money
is dear. One report states that there
can be "no revival until congress ceases
making war on our industries," and an
other adds "turn the rascals out," says
the Economist.
In the far west, on the Pacific Coast,
conditions appear to have been leso
changed, but in Oregon "people are
afraid to make improvements." In
Pennsylvania there is naturally very
general business depression ; the people
want a change and the tariff left alone.
Some manufacturers are completing con
tracts made early this year, but they
have none for 1S94, nnd consequently
less labor will be employed later. It is
thought that some experience might le
gained by the free traders if they would
"change places with themanutacturers."
In Rhode Island business that has been
created by the tariff is now closed;
there are bad collections, no money and
low prices. The woolen manufacturers
believe that the "country is $230,000,000
poorer than in 1S92." In South Dakota
there is a report of "general stagnation"
and "cheap help," with the remark
that under protection we prospered."
The Midway freaks are the worse for
wear now, with frost on the ground.
Most of them were sorry they did not
bring their clothes with them.
Kilikinick, or Kinikinick, which the
Indians are in the habit of mixing with
tobacco, 'is rapidly becoming extinct.
Several plants have received this name,
but they have no right to it. The true
herb is the inside bark of a young wil
low, and, when smoked alone, makes a
mild and pleasant smoke.
Emilo Zola continues to advocate
his pet theory that work, constant and
vigorous, is man's chief aim. Tolstoi
however has written a review article
attacking the French realist's position.
He declares that work only makes a man
like an ant, hard and cruel, and that the
greatest of criminals are the busiest of
men. Most people will be inclined to
side with the Russian. The difficulty is
in getting enough people to take the
Zola side of the controversy, and, in
cidentally, to do all the necessary work
in the world.
Tliu Vote Analyzed.
An analysis of the vote by which the
repeal bill passed the house shows
Democrats. .
.Republicans .
Populist . . .
For. Ag'st
lieul Kstute.
Mary Kelly to Joseph D. Kelly and
Vincent J. Kelly, bw4 sec. 8, and nej
Bee. 17, tp I south, range 15 east; $1,500.
Lewis Meeks to Kitty Ann Mecks, o
nel sec 18, w nvr)4 sec 17, tp 2 north,
range 12 east; $10.
State of Oregon to J. O. Hollister, lot
2, see 25, tp I) north, range 10 east, 20.&0
seres; $20.60.
Joshua O. Mann and wife to Francis
M. Warner, awj see 10, tp '.I eolith,
range 14 east, n not sec 10 tp 3 south,
range 14 east; $1'000.
Henry C. Italcer to James Sharp nw
mi ec 0, tp 1 south, range 14 east, 40
creo; 320.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Poliah.
It Hbould Be In Bvery House
J.B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
borg, Fa., aays be will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
Iter an attack ,ef "la grippe," when
varioua other remedies and eeveral phy
aiciana had done her no good. Robert
Barber, of Cookiport, Pa., claims Dr,
JCiag'fl New Discovery lias done him
'wore good than anything he ever used
lor la wtroubie. "Nothing like it. Try
It. Ynaa trUl'tmttliifl at KniiMH Ac Kin.
telyff. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00.
Tin: minister of agriculture for Ger
many has reduced the forest duties, hi
view' of the scarcity of feed stuffs.
Tub increase of Russian grain ex
ports to countries in the Mediter
ranean, particularly to Spain, has been
In New Zealand there has been ex
ceptionally wet weather, unfavorable
for stock, though prices have been fair
ly maintained.
Is the south of Spain, wood, pasture
lands and fields with frrowiug crops
have been devastated by ilres, and
farmhouses destroyed.
Owixo to u sharp frost early in July,
the buckwheat crop of western Russia
was entirely destroyed, and potatoes
were also frost-bitten.
A shipment of oranges from
Queensland arrived in London in splen
did condition, but in one of pine
apples the fruit was too ripe.
The wheat harvest in Italy yielded
very satisfactory returns. Maize,
olives and vines promised good crops,
and fodder crops were benefited by
late ruins.
IH'HiNrt the first half of the present
year, the United Kingdom imported
ti.i.OOO tons of hay, as compared with
i.0,000 tons during the first six months
of last year.
Thk Bust Plasteu. Dampen a piece
of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bind it on over the seat of
pain. It is better than any plaster.
When the lungs are sore such an appli
cation on the chest and another on the
back, between the shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothing so good for a lame back or a
pain in the side. A sore throat can
nearly always be cured in one night by
applying a flannel bandage dampened
with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley it Houghton, druggists.
Electric Hitter.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver,, and kidueys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $ 1 per
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
and "tiscd-up" fooling is the first
warning that your liver isn't doing
its work. Anil, with n torpid liver
and tho impure blood that followH
it, you're an easy prey to all sorts
of ailments.
That, is tho timo to tako Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
As an appetizing, restorative tonic,
to repel disease nnd build up the
needed ilesh and strength, there's
nothing to equal it. It rouses
every organ into healthful notion,
purifies and ojiriches tho blood,
braces up the wholo system, and
restores health nnd vigor.
For every diseaso caused by n
disordered liver or impure blood, it
is tho only juaranteea remedy. If
it doesn't "bonoiit or euro, in every
case, you have your money back.
i Pan ho niinntod nn to c.urti Catarrh
Dr. Sage's Catarrli Remedy. It's
nothing now. For 25 years" it has
been doing that very thing. It
gives prompt and complete relief.
The proprietors offer 500 for un
incurable case of Catarrh.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at .ln. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and .1 1IV-1--son
Executors' Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the unilerslRned
have been duly appointed, by tho Honorable tho
County Court of aseo county, Oregon, execu
tors of tho estate of John Haxter, dccea-eil . all
persons having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same, duly veri
fied and with proper vouchers, to us or either,
t Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, within six
mouths from thodatoof this notice,
The Dalles, Or., Aug. il. M
Executors of thoestatu of John Ilaxtcr.dec'd.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
W. E. (larretson, of The Dalles, Oregon, hav
ing assigned his property for the l-.Miellt of all
his creditors, all jiersoiis having claims ngalmt
him are hereby notified to present them tome
under oath, at The Dalles, Oregon, within three
mouths from date,
A. It. THOMPSON, Audsncv.
August C, lS03.-w6t
Hot clam broth at J. O. .Ma:k'- every .
day at 4 o'clock. j
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store.
A recent discovery by an old
phytlclaa. SiiccestuHy wed
fmonthly by thousands of
LiuiUt. U tho only perfectly
safo and reUsblo racdlciao dis
covered. Dowaro of unprincipled drusIsU who
offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound, take no subitl
tute, or Incloso (1 and C cents :n postago In letter
and wo will send, scaled, by return mall. Full scaled
particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, li
Stomps. .Address l'ond Lily Comtmnv,
No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Jlica.
Sold in The Dalles by Hlakeley & Houston.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
ivasco Louniy,
In the Matter of tho Estate of i Hamilton Wilson, Deceased.
?iiticu is hereby alven that the unaerMgnel,
by an order of the County Court of the Statu 01
Oregon, for Wasco County, made and cntenn
.September 7, lb'.U, was appointed executor nf the
lut will ami testament of the Mild William
Hsmlltoii Wilton, deceased; all persons liuvlng
claims against said estate are hereby no'ilksl to
present the Mime with the nroier vouchers
tuereinr to meat ino oiuce r.i -Mays-, Huntington
A Wilfon. The Dalles, Oregon, within six
mouths from tho cato of this uotire
Dited The Dalles, Or., Sept. 7, IVH
li. 8. IIU.N MNUTO.V,
Executor of Will of Wm. II. Wilton, dec d
Estray Taken Up.
c it viul rioT cuitc. m
One black pony, branded cither 5 or S on led
hip mid left jaw. On tier can have same by prov
ing pmiiurty and paying for this notlc'
10-l.livlm i'ostonlce, The Dalles, Or
An a'ziv..iiblo Laxctlvo and N EUVt! TOWiC.
Sold by DruggiMBor sent by rnall. 25c.,6(to.,
and Sl.ou IK.T package. Bam pita froo
If ft; Wrffc Tbo Favorlto MOTH P077MS
AU IxwforthuTecttiandlJreatb.85o.
For sale by Kittitas fc Kluemly.
:Two Matrimonial Peuusylvania Ladies,
Gentlemen! Twq line-looking remis-lvitula
bulk's, excellent retaliations. Industilons. Mileu-
dld lioutekctpV-rK, ages 1H and 'JO, north (.JJmj.WI
CMch, t-iirciltsdead, want to go west this f.ill.inul
wou d lllto to correspond "illi nice, resictublo
Keiiiiemeu uuoer w. unjtt;i; iuipiy western
, homes, (ientlernen, if jou aro matilmonlally
i.iniiti.i ti i. in I.. .... ..t.,:
.i.v,ii)v, ov.i. T ' ...1. ,1, . i.i' ... i:.ivi ill i ilii
tos,namea and addresses of thee young liulles.
Pennsylvania Adv. 0o.,
10 Uwlm Hox Si.'. IJCk Haven, I'a.
Notice. Timber Culture.
VIGOR f men
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all tbo train of nrlls
from early errors or later
excesses, Uio results or
overwork, slokuoss,
worr.eto. Fuilstreugtli,
developmeat and loan
Klven to every organ and
portion of tbo body.
uteri. Fslluralioposilble.
UJUU) references. Uujl(,
explanation and proofs
nulled (seeled) free,
I P. H. Immb Ofkick, Tin: D.ii.i.kb, On.,
AllL'llSt It). IX' IX
I Coniphilut hitviuir been enteral at tills Olllco
1 ny .Miirrieuit ;i, Jinrniiiu iixunmi rrestou Heed
fur failure to comply with law as to 'limbcr-
I Culture Jin try No. alio, daUil March 'JO, IM'J,
, upon the NW of Hectlou '24, Towntlilpl! North,
KaiiKU II Kast, W. il., In Wafco county, OreKOii,
i with n view to tho cancellation of nld entry;
I'oiiiesiant aneKiiiK tnai iieieiiiiuiil Iihh wholly
nllml mid mitlectisl to plow or bicak or culti
vate to cron or otherwise, or nliuit with trees.
tree setsls or cilttiiiKS, ilurliiK any of the time
unco miuiiiK ins sum entry, any part of said
tract, tho said parties art) hereby summoned to
appear at this Otllco on the '.'1st ilny of October,
lhi3. at JO o'clock A. M., to respond and liirnish
testimony concerning' said alli'Kcd fnllurc.
y-lwst JOIIN W. J.lJwid, lieister.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
70 count att,
Next door to Wmoo Ban OfBoe.
BjFIIa Just received tho latest styles In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
una hssa largo assortment of I'ortlcu and Amer
Icau Cloths, which ho can llnlsh To Order for
inoso mat uyor mm.
ClMDlng ind Repaifing Specialty.
Notice Is hereby liven that tho County Court
of tho Htato of Orexon for Warco County has
duly appointed tho underfilled the executor of
the last will ami testament of (iconic 1'. livers,
deceased. All persons havlliK claims against
tho estate of aaltf decea,el aro hereby reoiilrul
to 'Present thein, with tho iiroier vouchers,
witfilu six months from the date of this notice
to said executor at his place of residence, near
!,!y..VA,r'',,,.MW.9,1,.tr'',f."t ,UIJ eilico of
V , II, Wilton, In said Dalles City,
Dated this 1st day of November, wu. ,itw
Do not let the opportunity pass
without securing some of those
elegant Art Linens and Embroid
ery Silks displayed by . . .
112 Seoond Struct.
Worn, Tin Repairs ant Roofing
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubh
Blacksmith Shop,
For Sale at a Bargain.
The undersigned, having seeured the maehinory and
fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory,
will self the same at a harjia'm. Mere is an engine and
lioiler of 4TX-o(id horse power, and a large amount of shoe
machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, helting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Jlere is also one of the hest sites for successfully opor
atiiia factory of this kind to he found in this country.
Write for particular.-; at nwi-, to
3EE GrXjEsnvrnxr,
n71xo Xetlloia, Or.
Executor's Notice.
Aollcols hereby given that tint iiuderslKned
has txsen apiiolijUMUiy tho County Court o7 tho
Htato of OreKOii for Wasco County, executor of
tbo citato of Catherine WIbIc, ilteasui, miilull
iiersous havliiK claims inliit snlil estaiu arc
hereby IIOllllul and renulnsl In i.n.u.iii n...
same, with the proper vouchers, o me at tho
ofllco of Mays, Huntlnglon ii Wilson, 'VJio Dalles,
WuUlAf'fllllllil ll.i.fAi. ...I.!.!.. . I .. ... .... .
tho date of this notice, W. II. TAYUm,
... . , Eweutor of said estate.
!fho Dalles, Of., iulyttfWXl.'W
Familiar Faces in a New Place,
Late Special Ayent General Laud (hhre.
Bya,x"d d& Barnett,
Jtye leal Instate, Ioap, Ii7$drai7ee,
PurtiuH lmviii I'rojiorty tliy wisli to .Soil or Tnidw, flousuK to Hunt, or
Abstract of Titlu finiiiHlicd, will find it to tlitiir udviintago to call on us.
ro hIiiiII inako it Hpucinlty of tho prosecution of CJlainiH and ContiiHtM
lxiforu tho Uiiitoj) StatfK Land Olllcc.
85 Washington St.
Wasco County,
Tho Clato City of tho Inland Empire) in Hituatud at tho hfad
of navigation on tho iMiddlo Uolunibia, and is a thriving, pros
porous city.
It i tho supply city for an oxtonnivo and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trado reaching as far soutli as Suuiinwr
Lake, a distanco of ovnr two huudrod inilos.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rich grazing country along tho castorn Hlopo of tho Ouh
aides furnishes pasture for thousandH of sheep, tho wool from
which finds market here,
Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in
America, aljout 5,000,000 pounds Ixiing shipped last yeur.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding
this year u revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ho more
than doubled in the near future.
Tho products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and the country south and east has this year filled the
warehouses, and ull uvailable storage places to overflowing with
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on the coast nnd its money is
scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Ita situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable, Its resources unlimited. And on these
nornar tonet she stands.
The Califofnia Winehoase,
Is now opon, and Hh proprietor will floll his homo-
iMrlnnnl Winn r, I -...l,. I il i. f 1 1
ii uii jniuue in mu reuen 01 evoryuouy.
4 Is now i
X produce
Also, be
i to be Pi
best Poanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
Pure and First-QlauB in every reapeot.
Thompson's Addition. C. BECHT
In the
Circuit Court of tlmHtate ofOrwonla,
the County of Wnsi-n. U"OTI'
A. I) Ilolton,
Prank I), (lllleiiilo,
Itluxla (llllesiile. W.
i:. limit anil W. II.
llutlur, Defeiiilants.
Ti AViiiik IK llllrfplr.mtti;i!liotaUUttnlf .a.
ilfxitr-Hiimrif (IrfeiutaiiU; ' w
In the name of the statu of Orexoa, m,i
each of you are lierehy reuulreil toii4.fla,i
iiiinxvi.r II,.. riiiiii.lnl, i, tll.1 i... IrV'
iiliovu entltliil suit on or Imfmo the ill l,i7
the rvuiilar term of the t'ln-nii
of On-Kim for Wasi:ii Ciiuuty, next fallcu
date hereof, to.nlt, on or liefnru tk "
l.'ltli day if Noveiiilier. 1IM,
nun it you fall so In unsuer. ttt i.t
thereor the iilalntlir will atiiily tnttetosn
inr inn reuet itayeil for In his eoiiiiliilnt,VW
fur uileurveof Inreelomireof that i-eruinumv
KHKe llml liniile anil c.xi rutri! iv yrtit to tU
aliiivo naiueil nliilntlll'ou tin-nth ifnv nl Sotra
in-T. i.-."j. ii in in ii o i orninen in iirii'rni lorun
II III (oivushlli - south rimifii 1 1 eiml. V. M .li
.... ."... t.i.... piiv.ii in. il-li'-ll i i4i.-i-it ,
niiiuuer nrovlilitl tiy Iniv ami in-r hiIIhl-tnUi
kllf.ll ttilli, tit.. liliillilllV Iniv.. mill rir..ilci. f li.t am
hi ii. i, iiuiimiii if. iiiiiiurH nun iiiter-fsix
...i.i . vr ....I...- .i. ... .....
piiiii mini mini; .ii i i n; t inn, injiti ill uie niies
siiy iii; milium n n leitMiiiuiiie luinruiiv s m
hit iimiitiiiinK nun m u iin.'.'itmu piiiii uion
anil illaliiirseiiietiis niiiuu sin) u.ietiiii.ii in va
suit, luetuilliiK nrcruliiK eoits niul ex)ienco(
sale, anil that )ilalntUl have a JuilKineiit oitilui
you, tho mill KriuiU I). (Illlesple, liinmjr fa
rienry in me inirwiiii ciuu hi i-hiii- iiiiiju
sahl minis, that iiihiii siieh fiuwiliiouresjloillrf
.ill. IIHH.. inn, ...n.ii. in uu u
viiur eo-uuiciiiiaiiis rnen uiui. un m jmi u
ihi.'iu, nail all other imrimiis ctalnilne or t
claim I iy, throiiKh or unilvr you or ticn,i
eiiner, in nun in sum iiioriKiixi.ii iirrnitestai
uvery imrt thereof Is) lorelol ud tonxtt
iNirnil itom the eiiilty of reileniitla nit tit
ilaliltlll' Ini alloweil to hhl lit siltl fiWouro
sale niul imrehaio salil iniirtunKolrrtnlifj, jt
nisoiiioii, nun nun iium me ninciiiwiucn
KiiKeil iiri'inlsea the imrehiiser Is) ltt lat-i Uio
liiisessloii thereof, stud every list! tbeteo.iti-
mediately, and for audi other ami fonhrr tilltf
us to the Court may seem eiiiluU iM jtut.
This sumiuiius is served ilpim )ou,tt( uW
I'm nk I), (llllfsiilt- nnd llhisla (IUci.,by
llratliin In The billies ClltmHlCLK.i nwilt
imhllshci iH:Uly nt Dalles City, Wsrm cw
Oregon, for six I'onmTiillve uvok(,bT enlttrf
linn. W I.. Ilrinlshiiu', Indite nf Mid Cou,
...I.I..I. .Ii. I. .ml entmitft
.viiivii iinnji iiiii urn, iiiui.v wm.
lilmiiihers on thoViltli day of K-iilemKr.l'J
llt'M'll L AlllNHKKt.
Attninevs for WsltSf
In tin
W. A.
i:. r
Clteiilt Court of the titan1 "i wv-
lor the count)- ot nmi.
Miller. )
Iteyiinlils, 1
To I!, i: llnnmhti, Iheulxnr iiuniof ifmiW
... .i . . .i. . ........ ... ia.mii aolt
ill me name in me rune "i ""'""V-ivn.
hereliy reiiuireil tutiiiirar auti im 1 "rr,.
Jilillllt tiled MKilInt you III thalavi) caj-- ,
Ivllhlli ten days from the date of
linn niiillllliilin himmi jwii. ii rv 1 ,V J wuttV 01
eoiiuty; or II wmiiu any (ton tte
tins siaio, inuii wiuiui meiuj ""''.ri,.
date of theservlet) of this iii','i''n,tK?.. vou
or If served upon you hy liUlillMtlon, W l"'
are reilllnil In npiK'ar mid nimM "liai
plnl .tiiiitliollrstdiiy of th- ' TOiS
ii l. nfler six weeks' inililleatioiiCf
ns, tu-w It on .Monday, the
1 . aunf
IMtli ilny .NoveiiiKar, ""'.
mid If you fall to so winner. Hie iA tn
appiy 10 mo rouri nir nie n-ni i;-'-,,iiuo
Mild ei.iuplalut. tn-wlt for the low 'W',
miirlKaneile.etlhed III said eiiraplfiyj jj. nf ilin i, ti. ml. m therein "....Wt.
the in
anil t
i, ii. nil. m therein l .'T,.riff.
Wit- the south hillf Of Iho soot;"' S nuatUt.
itienstiunrler of the ; Htbeirt
ho siwthutut iiuarter c! vortu,
arter. of Heotlou !M, 't"vT'iJwi.n.c)'i'
ine thlrh-eii Knit, WlllwnetM
iiniiiiiK "lie iiuuiiiiii iiiiii hia'i 'iv.. ooiui
it till III Waseo county, OreK""' AJ!irtbiat
half of Hie northeast iina""' Suiewntt
quarter of the northwest iiiariefi"'"s jtrtHw
eistiUarlorof the norlheat 'l1'".'! tttU
.m, iinviiniuii 01
mid sixty
narieroi the norinean 'i""1:; ltwu t.i.
ivnshlii olio North, H'dffi'
nette Merlillnu, eoulnliilni; P ir.
xtyacrea. nnd itinit- I" J , .,rBctiee ol
reKOUi iieeorillliK to law i ijid. Hi"
tills eourt, and that the i.riK'eeil' '"tliwlltf
iiplilled In payineiit of the 'V".V, .lt U)ui3
said inortKiiKe, nnd still unimlili "T L rw of
of, mid luleri'st Uitjreoii t '"Jjji,
clKht per rent or milium '"'J.f.Taii.l I"1"'
IhWI, mill the further sum of f--1 H'i'"nt I"".
eat thertou at the rateof elKht Jr.. ittorntl'
niim since .MiirohW,lw:i, and "r " i .jlibut
K-e of W.M, mid for the nut 1(1 AJtbit
inentM iiiado mnl expended here ' for u jud
tliephilutlirwlll apply in I ' f. cytlirfW
nieiit mialust you lor miy "lelli it nw . . il0 pro-
........ I .. I .. ..fl,.r Mm nil II l llli"" -
ceeiiN ul sum sain lis mure)'"1'
will lllrtlllir IIIKO iim" .-: .vpuwr
moils In tlilM suit Is served
cation, hv order of tho Ui",r" ,.l bfl"
Hlmw, JuilK" nf said Court, ssm
.. . .1... lllllU"-"
Is luirehy. Klveii w . ; intention
setner mis ineu ii.... --- , . -
.....I .i.j. uui,i iinuii win '.i ... nr..
. (lilt, tunn 1" . ....... iiiiiit:i w.-i lit '1IIU ' 1
tliu tll'HI'Wl fill "";. ,,
Krlilny, Nnvemlwr 17, lhW vu..
Kdgar H. iw. thB M
.l a. k'l M . K' II
JV i V2V T , Hti il, 'ip.
..... ...,i i., witnesses. V V,l 0t
lie llllliea lliu ..nllivnitv-
coiitlnuous realtletlfo nimii. "'
M.llll llll.ll t,l ..... UlUl
J. 1 MiKl l. Krank Dflvt-r, i"
wiRk, nil .nv; Jvih, i
II ill tus
WW. i nl.. w.j niaau" it Ton
III) hgZWSr Mt in-K! W
ib i i. . i .t.ii ini.-v "t, ma
.MV At.., trilHIHTIIMI".'' .Lis II
IVY"" V... i : ill tho reoi'l" '.' liTia
w . l...rr IIIIIII . iWI
thrmiKh (ho cnluiniu i f ",VouUtipn w
It has i inoro Hmu '.''' ltW1' w"
utJier jwiwr, huJ lvorlll w iV '