I)c Dalles Hip Chronicle, il'OL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1803. NO. 121. Dalles Daily Chronicle. ilM'"' imliy.HunOHy Ksi-uiifcd. II Y ... ill f." IMIIII ICIItVC! n.n .11' iHII.'nMUIili 1 wimi'lliuiii WW ni "i"1 WwihlriRtim Htreoti. Tlio lnll, Orci'im. 1 .,rt,t III UllHOI'llllllllt 6 I'lM B TA !.: Ullllllllltlc ii,. i ( t AtiKtmi 'ii A-T llllUIfll. tifoi IV t !' Jliipiirlx l'. V I h'l liolt.s'li. .,, . .ifinif 3 '' DepurtN :r.u a. i uoiwn frcii; i'"tt carry lmtHOiiBurN iwwo . Tir thit ' 'ini a. m.i iiinl olio for the sTAUIIS. i.ftliifvKti-, via, llnko Oven, leave dully 'uiciiiiio JlltchiiU, Cunyuii City, Icuvt jFi.q a ....... m SPuMr Kiiil'Moj, Winnie. Minimum, nimii Hil 1 l'M 111 L't i ll'fktU 11111. ;J'Jl' fjfMMcwIiili , Wimlij. leave every diiynl till! Minwnimn mil iu , a. A-. I... h I lilHM III lllU L JI1I1UI1H 1 1UU "V. VWV'vi - I'KlirKHnlONAl.. II I'lllDKl.lr ATTIMNKY-AT-I.AW OIlll'O j '. : . ... 1 1'iHlr UH..T. I Mil llllllL'N. Ult'U Jll. uw looms k nun . ,, ",U,.J lilllMllUKi J.uini;v " " M".n , 1IKNNHT, AT'U)UNi:Y-AT-l-AW. o. V. ncoiu M.I1MI11K1 s ImllilliiK, "I1 utalrs. " ........ . in. vTixiiTUN tl. n. W1I.MON. i.r.itic mi Al.1i lll.MlilUJl' ,i ....ii... ... . NKYrf.iT.LA w -utlk'fK. Kruiich'fmiKjkovur l NkUcukI iliulk. 'i urn Hit. Oregon. V H MIi()N-.lTTniIMi:VAT'l.AVI iwilllin ltt. the DhIUh, oruvim. Xbuvuitn block I II. ,.Jlll.lJl.t 11 I H w.. " - - - ' . , 'and Sftono.N. Calm nilHWHreii iruiiim). roriiWitjcltv or country otiieu m.jiu . II II tut A M K I-IIYNIOIAN AMI) HUH ... w. ... 'V'. .... I ......... ......... r. .mil I. I iniiiiiimii jt u...i,t, h. k. corner I'otirt nun ..iiiuum if ill .ii .. -" - - .Itlluil. IIMMT (ill BlVL'll fir tllO '"'."iV. . ..." . . A. ..I I -.( AlMl tlMlth . .!... ,i ..imiiiKiiiii iilnti'. liooniK: HHMi i f-An Tootli.S-cconii wwi. coiur.Tir.h. 'AsCO I.t)lHii:, SO. IS, A. K. it A. M.-- Mi-i-tH (Stuiuid tlilrU Mmiilny ul woli miiutli lit i, 7i i u. ........ . i unit mi t ii'Prit Kn r..- XatUUtMuilllll) llllll IIHUIIIIH ih.iiih.-111-ij MCh !.iomun 1'. M. OIlKltS WtMiliMKK OK Till'. WOHl.K.- l!0l l-Hllll Wil l III Kmti.rliltv llllll. Ht7::lU II. 111. r I Wl.U'JUHA J.0JKIK, NO. ft, I.O. U. r. .Mill" evcrv Kriilny uvviiIiik t 7::) o'oHkiIc, iu K. 1' liiill, corner Heciinil mill Court Htrci'tii. jutiiiiiiiir iiriiiiim tint urifiiiiii'. TjII till U.'n II A IIHf M N.lt. ,'Jll 111 lilt' I.lllllll.' Nil 11 K-MI I. J1LU1A MV.VaUHK. K. i if It mill W C. (J. 4 UI I . llllll T fill kiWtitf ill llllll lltllrlll HtllllUM - ."vii t(W( II L f UU II. Ill) VOHKN'H CIIK1HTIAN TKMI'KIIKSCU IV UNIMV ulll .. WMiit urtiriifuili Imoii UxIko No. 601, I. 0. (1. T.-IU'guliir WnCKH' lilivililury Wr iiim lit K I' M . 11' . . m 1 v. . A, JV V.. r ..ftliiv, nu BLK l.miriv mii ii a i tt w Miuitu J-KrHUiriiltyilnll,' ovor Ko'llurN, hii Si-conrt i ii ii rmm y u VUll I IIKN Ht 7 : IIVIBII Vlll.l.nl... M IV. ;NK3M1TII l'OST, No. iM, 0. A. H.-MwU . .? ': K.Mcutnuvory Kmiiliiy nftcriioon In -"vit.oi t: nun. tUIMn ........... .. . . ttiui I.. V. "".: r'.v".. -....UK Ul IMII K. Ill 1'. 1IHI1. Q' l.i K. DIVtUKtK K.i tA7M,iU ill -.v-H.ll IllOlltll. Mt 7.311 V M TIIK OHUltUHKH. "MA J'. Iin llllll II (111 I.'.. ilum II i - AJ IBU1 It... a. " . . . ---i lfc (UilIU Vi Ml !Wi ivinw riftt. T ""I'KUli Union Htrtnit, opiKMito 1IWI. ItllU Pit II U....1I1... .......... u?.i..l....u Km. 1. 1. . - .... ...iu ..... . .w.. "UllllHV Hi 11 1 u u. ..I .. u Uiiiwl.lv . nvi'iiing rruyur tm rrmiiv at (71 "Al-TIHT (milKOH-Ilav. 0. U. TAY- t ii hi fir niii.iti.i.. i.. .. u.. t thu ,1. ,i:.v.v" : ,v"M"" "'j.'t.."?x. '-.11IU111I1UI1V nfftiii. inn.il lit. un.ulnnu U, ""ion iiorvlcwi in thu court homo lit uvnin... . - . uRVl?ita! Bervlcoi avory Sunday it xi ai'aa ni. ' iiiianv niiiiimi auuir iiiiiriiiiiK Mltnv .1 Wlllur in ttni(A o ... iiAi ii it 1 1 ui v v m v lun. rii i - mi imvur muuLiiiv uvnrv J UVlll HHVUr niiu uuojuu HUhi-iTn . ' - ';n"it", H-KBV. J. W.JKNKIN. Ilti-'..M"IU UMV At H p. u. All urn . uwiUw. t A U, .. . I I "ii I ijiiii i .in i i i 'Hnuvi ii a . Iv r".'.uAl! J.UTIIK HAN Ninth .trent. 'i o. iinn -a . t FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIlANHAtST A (IKNKKAI.IIANKINO JiDHINKHM Li.'tUirh of Crwlit inHiied avnilnble in ho Eautorn Stnton. Sljht Kxciiungo and Telograpiiic TniiiHfurHHoldoii Now York, Chicago, St. liouin, San Francieco, Portland Oregon, Suattlu Waflh.. and varionti points in Or (!m and WitRliington. CollcctioriB miulo at all point? on fnv oralilti terintt. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLKS CITY, OR. I'ruflidunt Viw.'-I'rt'Hidiint, CiiHliinr, Z. F. Moody Ciiaki,i:k Hilton M.A. Moodv General Hankinc Business Transacted. Sight KxchangCH .Sold on XHW YOUK, SAN FUANC1SC0, CHICAGO and I'OHTLAND, OR. Collection1! inad on favorable ternie fit all licct-HHililo jioints. J, d. bCKKNCK, l'rt'Dldout. J. SI. l'ATTEllHON, Caiihler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking BusinesH transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. D I KKOTOKS, D. P. Tjiomi'Son. Jno. S. Schknck. F.i). M. Wiu.iamh, Geo. A. Likbk. II. M. Be all. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitn & wagon snop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. . Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lieljc's olfl Staiicl. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds o. work in his lino at reasonable iigurvs. Has the largest homo moving outfit in Eustern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 18 l.The Dalles J. I. MD, EvameM, Of Wen MoIiich, lown, wrltwt under (lute ol Mnrcli lbiw: S. B. Med. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. On arriving homo last week, I found all well und anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, night and one-half years old, who had wastud away to 88 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Curo has cured and kept away all hoarseness from mo. . . . .. ...111. .l!...o oo givo 4t to every one, wm k,ui,""bc for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mh. & Mas. J. F. Foitn. If you wlHh to fool fresh and cheerful, mid rendy for tho SprliiK'u work, clemmo your ytitom with tho Hcaauoho and Uvcr Cure, by tuklng two or three dovoH euoli week. Bold under a positive guarantee 60 cent per bottle by all druggUm. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - arc all intimatelyconncctcd practically inseparable. SS Though the fact is often ignored, it is ncverthelc&sSS true that a good complex- S ion is an impossibility with- : out good digestion, which in turn depends on good ts food. z S There is no more common ss 5 cause of Indigestion than lard, lct the bright house- . keeper use SZ COTTOLENE Thm New Vegetable Shortening ! and sulstitutc for lard, and ; her checks, with those of ! her family, will be far ! more likely lo be " Like a S I rose m the snow." ; Cottolene is'cleon, deli- I catc, healthlul and popu i lar. Try it for yourself. ! Send three ccnti In stamps toN. ! K. Fairbank & Co.,Chicaco,lor ! liundiomc Cottolene Cook flook, I containing hx hundred recipes, ! prepared by nine eminent autnor ! lties on cooking. riade only by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK, BOSTON. LHIIIIIIII1IIII imiiiuimi! m (11 fk Regulator Line 55 Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. & Is 1 1 M IKLT F THROUGH Frelonj ana Passenger Line Through daily Ecrvice 'Sundays ex cepted) lietween The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator loaves The Dalles at 7 u. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at G a. m. con nectiug with steamer Kegulatdtfor The Dalh'c. I'AhHENUEK HATKS. One way Round trip. .$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipmente for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. ni. Live stock shipments solicted. Uiul on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON DRY GOODS 1? Plqthing itmita, Hhoeit, llHt, Kto. Fancy (qood, Jotion, Mto., Kto., Kto. StM)ondSt.,TheDftlles. A RTI C FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OREAM. Candies and Nuts hsssssr Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles J.FOLCO ST2 3 8 2d Street At right side Mm. Obarr' rchtHUruut DYNAMITE IN LONDON Found On Bridge. Westminister TO BLOW UP HOUSE OF COMMONS It Weighed Ten Pounds and Had Fuse Attached Kmg Lobcn gtila is a Caplivc. the London, Nov.,. 3. The Glol.3 this afternoon prints a report to the effect that a bomb was found Wcdneeday upon the buttress of Westminister bridge, close to tho houses of parliament. Tt is under examination at Scotland Yard to determine whether it is loaded. The fact is just brought to light that Wednesday, two watermen discovered a conical iron bomb weighing 10 pounds, with a fuse screwed into tho little end, and a number of large cartridges loaded with bullets, on one of the abutments of Westminister bridge, on the side next tho house of commons. These were taken to Scotland Yard and the matter hushed up. When rumors of the find got out the police at first made light of it when questioned, but now admit these implements of death and destruction were connected with a dynamite plot, though they insist it is one of email importance. It is the gen eral belief, however, it is a very grave matter, and that it was the intention to damage the bridge, if not to blow up the house of commons. The police attach little importance to the matter, not believing it has any dynamite plot connection. It was found on the side of the bridge furthest from the house of commons. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. nml ndinble house has boon entirely refurnished, and every room lias beon repapered and repalntci ...wl iiumtu niirniltiwl llirflllL'llOUt. 11)0 l.ll .IVlllJ v. t. - ' 1 . , iiouso contain-170 rooms and is Bummoo with evory modem convenience. ww ....,C A nnrut riiatiinrflllt llttllCllOC ICIIOUIIuwir. C ---- . to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. King Lobeugula Captured. London, Nov. 3. A dispatch from Johannesburg states'it is rumored there that heavy fighting occurred between the British and Matabeles in the bush along Shangani river, nnd that L-ing Lobengula has been captured. SUICIDK Ol" A WIDOW. Wan to Have llitii Murrlt'il lid urK, In a Few CitAWFor.DsviLi.i:, Jnd,, Nov. 3. Mrs. Mattie Canary, a strikingly handsome young widow, committed Hiicide in Crawfordsville yesterday morning, six hours before the time set for her mar riage with Walter F. Rosebro. Rotebro is a prominent citizen, and only a year ago was editor of the Argus News, lie is now engaged in business in Green castle, lie is a prominent Mason and an oflicer of the Knights Templar. His courtship of Mrs. Canary attracted con siderable attention, because of tho differ ence in their social position. The lady yesterday received a letter from a former lover, asking her to come to him. The letter greatly excited her, and Wednes day night she purchased 'J5 grains of morphine, and swallowed them this morning with fatal results. tiik choni.v airitiniit. The Second Trial of Kx-I)etectl ve Couclillu fur .11 u id tr. CmcAuo, Nov. 3. The second trial of ex-Detective Daniel Coughlin, charged with complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronln, began today in the criminal court in the presence of a large crowd. Coughlin pleaded "not guilty," and the selection of a jury began. Coughlin on the first trial was convicted and sentenc ed to life imprisonment. After serving some time, the supiemo court granted him a new trial. Doubts are expressed as to a conviction this time, many of the witnesses having died in tho meantime or gone beyond tlio Kiiowicugo oi authorities. Most of these called as jurors said they had formed an opinion, and tho panel was soon ex hausted. Judge Tuthill issued a special venire for 150 more, and court adjourned till tomorrow. lirn.U'tf Latest I'ureliaKo. New Yokk, Nov. 3. The Tribune says the latest purchase by tho Brazilian government is reported to be the sub- marine torpedo-bo.it Peacemaker, ilils boat was designed and built in 1SS6 by John P. Holland. Tho Peacemaker is about tho size of an ordinary steam liiimnli. Wlien on tho surface the boat ataiulB only a few inches above the water. Tho object of tho vessel is to slip under Mm oiiomv's tornrdo netting, place an nynlnulvn of Bourn kiud under her and then stsam away, to lire it either by clockwork or by an electric wire from a safe distance. Shl'oh's Vitalizer is what you need for iivBiin.min. t.nrnld liver, yellow skin or kidnov trouble. It is guaranteed to rlv.i vnti satisfaction. Prico 7-Ic Sold by Snipes & Klnersly, druggists. Moxlcan Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. THE MARKETS. A Sllfclit Dirrereiici! Niillcrnlilc In I'nvtir of tlio ttnyiti'. Fj'.idav, Nov. 3. The markets havo been steady for the past few days. Yes terday being collection day, trade has been quiet in consequence. Prices in general lines of merchandise uro un changed. In groceries and provisions, there is ft continued movement for im mediate consumption. The grocery market has not changed, hut in tho pro- ision lino there is a dilTorcneo in tone which is favorable to tho buyer. Flour has declined and is jobbed off" in 5 to 10 barrel lots at s3.00 per barrel, and is re tailed at 80 to 00 cents per sack. The produce reports are of tho usual tenor. Ivirgs aro stead v at 2 l.j cents per lozen and arc ficae. Butter quotations aro unchanged witli a good supply ot fresh roll. Potatoes aro dull on the market at oO and GO cents per 100 lbs. Onions are in moderate supply at 1$ to 1 Ji cents per lb. Cabbages aro freely odered at J.,' cents per lb. iiie produce marKet is tun tocked and is heavy. In fruit, apples and quinces arc about all the kinds offered. First class keep ing apples for winter use are quoted at 50 cents per box, and inferior are dull on the market at -!0 .cents per box. Quinces are in fair supply at 4) to o cents per lb. The poultry market is unchanged in all its different phases. Prices are nom- nal for chickens. Turkeys at 'present ire uncalled for, and may be quoted to ell at 9 to 10 cents per pound undressed. Ducks and geese are out of tho market. The Chinamen are the only buyers of ducks and offer $4 to $4.50 per dozen. Live stock is in fair demand and it may oe sateiy sam mat ueet steers and fat hogs are a tone dearer, especially eo of fat hogs for shipment. The Sound buyers have bid up some what on beef and pork and there is a better demand therefrom. There is a good demand for hogs for fattening pur poses, owing to tho large quantity of amaged wheat among tho farmers. The cereal market, remains quiet. Hopes have been entertained that prices would advance on the passage ot the Silver repeal bill but the fact has not hren realized and prices continue low. In San Francisco wheat lias developed a ery weak streak, and at present is down to a very low figure, and prices aro following the course of eastern markets, which are purely speculative. The report from tlio New York Pro duce Exchange is as follows: "huro- pean appears to be featureless, and to bo buying only from hand to niouthjj in or der to keep stocks well in hand, as there nothing that seems favorable in the present outlook. ' At Liverpool, is reported there is a hardening lendencv for some discriptions, but on tho whole the market is quiet and dull. Tho Portland market, for export indi- ates a fair movement at 85 cents per cental A I, sound wheat of Lastern Oregon, and 00 to 95 cents per cental for valley. The Dalles market remains quiet and quotations are unchanged. The wool market continues lifeless. NEWS NOTES. Tho presidsnt yesteulay signed tho bill extending for six months tho time n which Chinese can register under the Geary law. Tramps in Arizona and New Mexico i tit i f 1 aro all organized, witn a captain aim lieutenant to each one, and the railway company anticipates serious trouble with them ere long. Judge Brown of Chicago has sent to the insane asylum a crank named James Hawkins. He is a colored man,.!;) years old, und declares that he is a "personal friend of G rover Cleveland, God Al mighty and the devil. Tlio senate adjourned without continu ing the nomination of Homblower to the United States supremo bench. 1 his has the effect of rejection. Tho president is therefore compelled to send in his namo igain or nominate a new man, (Iknti.kmen. 1 inn subject to periodical attacks ot Mek lii-mlaeiio ot tho worst posilblo type, and commenced tukiiiK KrauseS lle.iduulio Cup-ukM lust summer, iiieyciiiuu iiimi-i) iunmv. nml sliieo tbiit time 1 am enjoying splendid health and Uuvo Ruined ten pounds In weight Ii and have Ruined ten pounds In weight. Yours very truly, F. M. 1MNIEI.S, Sold by SnliiesJiV Klhersly. Coiw th, lown. MITCHELL NEWS. Tim Uiunl NiMv.y Letter From Croak County. Tho Chroniclo visits us but seldom. The 23d snow fell to to a depth of sev eral inches within five miles of this place. On tho 17th, born to tho wife of Chas. Flock, a daughter. Tho 21st to tho wife of Mr. Fitchgerald a daughter. On the 21st, lo the wife of P. B. Nel son, a son, weight twelve pounds. Mr. Nelson thinks ho will get him a new Huit of clothes, his present suit being too small by several sizes since the coming of his son and heir. A casual observer might think him a little blind, he holds his head so unusually high and steps so very lofty; but his head will resume its usual droop and tho lofty step will soon regain the old measured trend if tho worthy son should havo tho colic a night or two and keep sweet slumbers from hia tired frame. Miss Pearson of Prinevillo made her friends in Mitchell a visit of more than a week. Several ontertainments in her honor were some of tho pleasantries of hor visit. It might be well if the school board of directors would call a meeting and'in vestigate as to the cause of regularities or irregularities of scholars or teacher. Surely it is the direct right and imposed privilege of the directors to control or regulate tho deportment of our schools to the benefit of teachers and scholars; but if all interest is lost to directors, and teachers only hold tho school at its money value, what can we expect of our scholars. Sixty or seventy-five dollars' worth of tutelage and instructions in a month is rather expensive to our children when no benefit is derived by them. When a teacher is given full control of a school and that teacher cares not if the scholars derive the benefit of their day's study, it is high time ho should be re minded of his duty and unless he can give his scholars full value for money ex pended he should seek other quarters where he can sit all day long, look at his scholars and draw his salary as if he had done his duty long and well. Less salnries, a greater interest, and better teachers might prove beneficial to the Mitchell school. E. P. E. Mitchell, Or., Oct. 31st, 1893. NEWS OF THE STATE. Frank Stevens at Portland was sen tenced to twelve years in the peniten tiary for burglary. The jury has convicted Ben P. Watson, one of tho publishers of the Portland Sunday Mercury, of printing malicious libelous articles in his paper, contrary to tho statutes. O. P. Mason is now on trial. Poison has been sprinkled over the sheep ranges in Owyhee county, Idaho, and hundreds of sheep have been killed. The cattle nion are charged with the crime. A reward of $500 has been offer ed for tho culprit. One of tho Chinamen employed in the Humboldt placer mine, in Grant county, was killed by a cave of the bank this week. Ho was standing near tho fire, from which he had been repeatedly warned on account of the danger when tho bank should cave, and when he came down he was struck on tho head by rocks and gravel and killed instantly. Major Thomas W. Handbury, United States engineers, who has been stationed at Portland for nearly six years back, has been assigned to duty at Louisville, Ky. The change is made as a result of an application from Major Handbury, who believes u change of climate will prove beneficial to his health. He will bo succeeded by Major James O. Post, who has been military attache to the United States embassy in London for several years. The .Montgomery Advertiser Says: "Simmons Liver Regulator has secured a reputation solely on account of its extraordinary inorits as a medicine for the liver, stomach and kidneys." Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do mo any good." Price 50 cte. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly. Rooms to rout at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-23daw. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rottt aV X, Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE