o OURP gPEciKj Saturday, Nov. 4, 1893. I Ladies' Kid Gloves. New Goods in Fashionable Shades. Royal Hook Gloves. BEATRICE, . $1 50 $1 I . T I i 1 1 j ' I w -v I ll I M W - - -"II' ' HI,ACK, 1 GO. P. Centemeri. 25 00 1 35 BIiACK, COliOHIOD, $1 75 1 40 Foster Hook. BLACK OR COLORED, $ 90 PARAGON, largo buttons, $1 50... $1 25 A LB AN, Mosquclaire, .105... 140 SUEDE, " l 75 1 50 BIARRITZ, l 00 90 CHAMOIS, l 25 1 00 JOVIN, black or colored.. 1 00 90 Hgif Will place on sale, for this day only, a new BIARRITZ Glove at 65c. riio above aro all fresh stock. ho Royal Hook is a great improvement over the Foster Hook, and we are exclusive Agents. On- more offer, Mather Gloves, old stock, 60 Cents. Canyon do better? all goods Marked i. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronick Xnterulii tl- stolllfo at Tim Pillion, Oregon, -t-01lll-(!lllKK IllllttlT. iciil Ail vtirtlHlni;. I0(c !!, (or Unit lutrcrtliiu, unit 6 Couth lr line ' .n il Hiibioinuitt Insertion. Spwi i or lonij tlmo notices. Alh ii lri'H nvelvod later than :i o'clock lllnpj. .w tullmvliiK (li;y. NOV. :t, 18113 Tht Duxhj and Weekly Vlmmic.lt may Wound on mile (tl ,. ('. Nickehm' utore. NOVEMBER NUGGETS. Oar Dully I'lrun-up From In mill Admit Hid Oily. Tin) turkey, bliil of nrmnlnu, I now in nlnvi" llvltiir: T( nmri tu ." lu-'ll Imvo IiIb wolcli I mil Ills la'iil.'K TlninKxulvliiK. IU'ixnltir city council meeting tonight. Sweets to tho Hwtjut. Read Ilerrin's ail. thi week. It explains it alt. llerriti bus tlio sweetest nd. in town tlriiwuei.. M'( GitrrutHon'B window. Kpwortlt League will nieel ut their tWft tluH evening ut 7 A (nil ut- lemhwols ruqtiuHtud. A iHiim HH'Iul will Iw given by th (")'! Intent society next Wednesday evening nt (lie Methodist church. Tlio public schools were closed thia luoriiinj,', an well uh tins stores, in re spect to tlic muinory of Dr. V. H. Riuo linrt. M. Honvwil) remits that, duo to de lays of timber and goods, tho opening of Ills h torts will Im postponed till Tuesday next. Do yon like candy? Go to Horrin'H Sallcry Saturday ninht, Nov. 11th, ut 7 :110 o'clock. Tho enndy in tho jur will ho totrlliuti'd after tho guessing contest. Tho ease of ', M. Kpluwn vs. Tho ftilles and Hockluud Furry Company, 'lilch Iiiih boon on trial in Goldondule, "hIimI yesterday by tho jury giving tho Pl'iintill u vurdlct of )f(!0lt. Tlio damages Mined woro 1,000, but the jury ""'ought thu foriuor mini would cover to Injuric'H. fiomo iiiiknown tnuruudor broke into Mr. II. Admim' barn hiHt night, turn K a valuublo Htnllion Iooho which wiih J'ttl ItiHhlo. Opening oor il leaving it opon ho Htolo part of a suck of wheat ami Homo chickens. Tho horao Willi; IiIh wuy to tho grain through tho dor, uto ho much of It thut ho founilorod. UikinnIiii; on Ciiiuly. Mr. I), c, Horrln, tho photogrupher, 'iaf, PllUX'll III Mr W H. r.iirr.ttMfin'u J'jow window u jar of ciuuly contnlnluK wliKui)880Hiiourt)Htthonumbor will bo wwanled by a IUo-hIko oruyou, in tho fatH beat utylo. Tho window oon- JJIm u boftutlful picture of Mr. Horrin'fl ""WKlrl.and Mr. Frunk Garrotaon ot vractn fnrfiinr nit..n.. . ti i... i "K ft trimslt gluas and kodak upan it f ram ili(rurfln ,n I. . MIIVWVUI7 v 1 1 iiwhu "JJ'ng through thun. Tho guosaoB nothing, tho privilege being gmntod ,V ,very ' who over had Herrln take "e r I'joturo, and tlila moaue overy " y, of courao. Tho contoat will oloso "lurilay ntut, NoyoinborUth. w I'Mturugu. otooro 8 runoh, about throo miloa aotUh 01 illO Dullno I,.., ii .1 0...1 inn iiiiuxuuiiuii imuiuruKO l! mI y.0,, w,, (,UHlrufl wall thaw . inoiactcuu fiecuro ronsonublo t wm8 upon application. J7tf Kliit Vu To;triMl Out. An Indian woman who k'jepa up with thoKtylu of fiiHhioiiH was a paBsenger on tho Kcgulator thiH morning for White Salmon. She was noticeable for her fine wearing npparel, which might well ex cite the envy of Borne of her white HiKterH. Her dreHH wiih of green Bilk plueh, cut in the lutcHt Htyle,' und us nlie caught it up in one hand with jierfect mimicry of a coquette, she expoHed to view tho em broidered edge of a white pkirt, while her kidtihoeH shown with priptine lustre. She carried a chenille shawl of purple hue, and her head was tidorned with, as the ladies would suy, "aloveof a bonnet." A hack view of this elegant creuturo was pleiiHing, but when looking at her cop-per-huod face and coarse black hair, the impreHsion was irresistable that eIio would look far more natural in a bril liant red and green blanket, her legs en cased in leggincs. with u pappose slung on her back. Tlio Indian is not designed by nature for a tociety swell. An Jinjiiirtiiiit MeuHiirc. A petition, liberallv signed bv the property ownors of Second street, will bo presented to the city council tonight. It is worded as follows: WV, tho undersigned, your petition- era, would respectfully represent and ask at your lunula as follows: "That Second street is in need of repairs and that if wo are allowed tho privilege of placing tho rock crushed on said street, that wo will place the same at our own expenpo, provided that tho city will furnish said rock so prepared free of charge." It will doubtless receive favorable con sideration. Wtmtlii'r Summary. Ort'Kim Htute Wi-uthcr Servli-o. Tiik D.u,u:s, On., October, ISO:?. Ultiviitlim nliovo huii level 110 lent. Mi'iiu U:iiiMJUituu', l)cii;rturo from normal, S.'X l..vli..iti.i t.,itit.i.riitnri. III! llilti 'J.lll. Mlaliiiuin U'liiifiiituri', t!0; ilntu aid. Mi-iiu o( iiiii.vliiinm U'lnvvnitiiri', fi).'J. Mnin of minimum tfiiin.'rntitri', lu.i No. tlmcf. maximum tcinporuturu, iniJ or iiIjomi uniii'. . .... , No, tiiiiiH miulmum tumiiorntutu :J or bo- 1. ... 'I'otuI liii'i'lliUntldli.-l.lOliiclu'x. IH-piirtiiru from uoriiml oxi'i'km, ll.Oo lui'lii'M. Tutiil ilt'litli nf uumi'lk'il hiumliill, iui'lii. rri'vnlllm.'illri'i'ttou of wind, variable. Total mo I'liu'iit of Ind, miles. No. of ('louilk'NS ilnyh. U. No. of iiartlv I'lmiil' il)h,'l. No. of I'loudy UiiiH. tl. , , No. days on wlilcli .UI of rain or mow Ml, -. Dated of thunder Htornis, --. liuti'H of IlKlit fioit, In vIiicok Huh, IStli, lltli, I7tli, lhtli. Hull. '-Mill mid 21t. Dateii of klllliiK or lujurlous front, 'JJil. llatt'H of Mllnr liulii.", DateH of lunar lialos, S. 1 liUOOKS, Volunteer Observer. Tiik Uhht 1'i.ahtkk. Oampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's l'ain Balm and bind it on over tho seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the luuga are aoro eticli tin appli cation on tho chest and another on the back, between the. shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There Is nothing ao good for a lame buck or a pain In tho aide. A aore throat can nearly always be cured in one night by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Pain Balm. 00 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. BeBt grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowost market ratea at Joa. T. I'otorfl & Co. (OIllco Second and Jefl'er Hon streets.) Cluiiil Jul) I'rliitliiic. If yon havo your job printing done ut Tiik Ciiito.NiobK you will have the ad vantage of having It done with tho most modern and approved typo, with which wo keep continually supplied. AH jobs under tho direct supervision of ono of thu most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. mum PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. K. It. Hinton of Antelope is in the city calling on old friends. Mrs. J. It. Taylor of Bellingham Bay is visiting Mrs. G. F. Beers of thia city. MrB. Smith French waa a passenger this morning on the steamer Regulator for Dallas. Mr 1). W. CJaypool of I'rineville ar rived last evening und will remain is the city several days. Mrs. E. C. Warren and daughter, Miss A. Godfrey, both from Dufur, left on the Regulator for Portland, to visit relatives und friends. Mr. J. H. Kinehart of Summerville, father of Dr. Binehart, und Miss Ltilu Kinehart, a sister, were present at the deceased mayor's funeral this morning. Dr. J. Sutherland, a former resident of The Dalles, is in the city. He has just returned from Goldendale, where he was a witness in a case before the court. Mrs. Urquhart, who lives on the bill, was stricken with paralysis Wednesday, or something closely resembling it. The affection was tho result of un uttuck of diphtheria some time ago, but up till tho day named had not assumed a serious phase. NEWS OF THE STATE. Tlio Herald is agitating the question of raibing money for a brass band at Antelope. Georgo Harper of Georgia has been nominated for Indian agent at Umatilla ugency, Oregon. Antelope and Prineville bapeballists are "talking" of playing a matched game for the championship of the bunch grass hills of Eustem Oregon. Testimony brings out the fact that tho officers of the steamer El mare are subject to censure for not checking their speed, which probably was the cause of death of two of the electric cur disaster. Bert Odiill, Will Hutchison and Ralph Smith of Union did not return to their homes Tuesday und no trace of them has yet been found. They aro each about 17 years of age, and have probably run away. According to a disciple of Mrs. Will iams, there will be an uscension somo of these days that will bo u startler. Her followers, located in various parts of the city, says tho Telegram, are daily work ing on their now wluto robes, which aro made something like a Mother Hubbard witliwipgattaclimentsand their slippers are also made of white material. Tho disciple further stated that this ascon had long been anticipated, that they were prepared for it, und that their sect would just as surely go up bodily at tho proper time as the sun would ahine. Mexican Silvor Stove Polish causes no dtiBt. . Booms to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth stroot. 6-23daw TygU Valley Holler Flour Mill. Ib iu complete repair ; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style coarse und fine Graham Hour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCouki.k, Piopr. tll.ll.8ltt WOOB'H iUIOSIUIODIIVJJ. Tlio Grunt KuglUli Itemody. lToniiy nuu jwruuuuuiuy euros oil forms of Ken out WtaiMU,F.mftons, Bperw atorrhca, Jmpottwy onrf alt fffcctavfAbuto or tjcceiscs. Hqcix lireeorwou ovor o rimrslit tliousAudaof ciwcbj ... ,.. r.w.ii.ii,i.f ir.iH. nefarTd After. avv"r.z...r.:i 1 mr-jw. - . V (U tnaiiouip Known i drnggUt for Wood' rho.pliodluei tf ho ottoro , om6WortWoimoUlelnolKjuaooonu, dutionnst store, Inoloso prlco In lottor, ami wowllUoml by rotnrti mall. 1'rice, ouo jmekoci. $lilx,3. Oiki w(Uvtcw'l "m curc' ramjia. lot In plain tioalod ouvo!oe, ii cetits jiostotf. Artdrcsa Tlio Wooi Cliomlonl Oo,, j;;t Wiortivnid nvenur net M Xlols. Bold In Tlio Prtllen by Hlnl;i'ley . lloiialo.'i. FUNE&AL OF THE MAYOR. W. K. ntnulmrt ConnlKneil to Knrtli, Attnnded y Lnrgc Ciiiicoiimo. One of the saddest funerals The Dalles Ihhh ever seen was held thia morning. Dr. Itinchart had not lived many yearB in this community but tho outspoken ex pressions and hidden evidences of sorrow at his death showed tho affection and esteem with which he was regarded by those who knew him and to whom ho had been a eourco of comfort and minis tration. At five o'clock last evening bis body was placed in tho Masonic hall where frionds took their "last leave of htm. The Masons, of whoso order Dr. Rinehart was a cherished member, held their services at half past eight this morning. Kind hands had decorated the Congregational church with flowers and many who wished to show In some way their feeling of loss had sent floral offerings till the casket was covered with a mantle of white. . There were offerings from those who felt that they had re ceived their lives at his hands. At an early hour the church was filled by per sons of all walks in life, gathered for a common purpose to show their respcct( of the dead. The city council and offi cials, the Masons and the Workmen, to which lodge Dr. Rinehart also belonged, occupied the center of the church. As the casket was borne up the aisle, fol lowed by the mourning friends and com rades, tho writer thought he had never seen a more sympathetic audience nor a sight more affecting the emotions. There were those in the church who felt to wards Dr. Rinehart as only those can who have placed their reliance in the skill and sympathy of a tender physi cian. Others who had not perhaps so intimate an interest in him still thought of how a bright, young, ambitious and promising lifo had been cut down ere it had fairly startct. At the age of thirty three years Dr. Rinehart has ceased his work a work in which his whole atten tion was absorbed and one not bounded by selfish interests but devoted to reliev ing pain wherever found. It seems as though, knowing how soon the sands of his life were to run out, he had com pressed a large und useful life into a brief space. The Congregational choir sang two touching selections, followed by an earnest prayer by Rev. Mr. Jenkins. The service was brief and impressive. Rev. Mr. Jenkins spoke of what a shock to the community the death of Dr. Rinehart had proved. He spoke of the man who no longer lived, and Eaid that three things had made up his successful life accuracy, skill and fidelity. These were Dr. Rinehart's to a marked degree. The processiou to the cemetery was probably the largest ever in The Dalles, over fifty cat riages being inline. The firemen in uniform led the way while the Masons conducted the ceremony at the grave. The pall bearers were Chas. Hilton, T. A. Hudson, Geo. Gibone, Dr. Eshelmun, Dr. Snedaker and Geo. C. Blakeley. During the forenoon all the business houses of the town were closed and tho qufet was only broken by the tolling of the fire bell a- the city's mayor was carried to his grave. The mayor is dead u patriotic and enterprising citi zen, a good, kind doctor is dead ! Dr. Rinehart has left his impress on the life of Tho Dalles und now that he is gone tho city mourns. Mr. W. M. Terry, who lias been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy gives btter satisfaction than any other cough medi cine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup ; no other affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Gkntlkmkn.I tun mbject toveriodlenl attacks of tick headache of tlio worst ixii-slblo type, and commenced taklni? KriuiMj's llendacho CaiMilet. hint summer. Theyeuio It In overy iustanee, mid since that tlmo 1 am enjoying Milcr.dld health mid have Rained ten pounds in weight. Yours very truly, K. M. .MNim.s, Coiw th, Joua, Sold by Bnlpete Kihersly. Th Ifc Store, 166 Secoui Street. M. HONYWILL Respectfully nnnounces hav ing taken tho iihovo premises on lease, anil will, on Tuesday next, open with a stock of MS CLITIIN6. Furnishings, Etc., Etc., ami hopes to bo fuvoml with a slmro of tho pub lic p-itrouiye. uetior; pctpoped. The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out toilless of Cost! IGREAT BARGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N-. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. JrAHHL v Just Arrived from New lord SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, . . . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS log & Furnishing Boons At Remarkably Low Prices. Splendid CMncla Overcoats $5.50. CiOfll FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. :5 gaiTAs we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits iliko the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the verv lowest in tho maiket. We invite our friends and customers to examine our foods and prices before purchasing. AUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- A1NTS, OILS AND GLASS A;nl tlm Moat Complete and the Latent Patterns and iJociunc in -7U Ill Xji lilPEFi. SgT"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tl Sherwin-WHIiuuiH anil .). w. .Masury's mints uaeu in an .mr the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maswry chemical combination or soap mixture. A first cMi artir.h orders promptly attended to. Paint Shon comer Thirdand Washington Sts., 10 best brand) ot tlm work, and none but Liquid Paints. No in all coiovH. ah Tlm Dalles. 0reoc THE- CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Tills well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Porter east of thu Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y the tlrst-cluss article will )m p'aced no ho market. 8 Crayons i Mwm nr FREE I Wo are going to give away a series of enlarged picturos to our customers commencing Saturday, Nov. 11th, and continuing every Saturday until Christmas. Wo want to show you that it pays' to trade at home, und uny one who bus had photos, made by lis' at any time Is entitled to a goets at each and every picture given uway. If you have ever bought u picturo of us, como and register your guess at the Candy in tho jar. If you aro not a cus tomer, como und tee tho kind of work we are turning out' The First Cruyou will bo awurded at 7 :!10 o'clock Saturday evening, Nov. 11th, at tht) Gallery. Come everybody, it will cost you NOTiiixti. The jar is on exhibition in Garictson window. THE DALLLES, OR.