The Dalles Diily Ghronide. OFFICIAL PAl'KK OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCKirTlON RATES. T MAIL, POSTAGE ritKrAID, IN AIWAHCK. Weekly, 1 year 1 j " 6 months 0 75 i 8 ' 0 SO Daily, 1 year 6 00 " 6 month SOU per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE C1I KON ICLK." The Dalles, OrcRou. roat-OtTlce. office hours Ucncral Delivery Window 8 a. m. Money Order " Sa. m. Sunday ii 1) " y a. m. CtOSINO OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and " " West 9 p.m. and tttago (or Goldendale " " ITiuevillo " "Ihifiirand Warm Snriues . " Leaving for Lylo A Hartlaud. " " " lAntelope... .. Except Sunday. tTrl-wcekly. Tuesday Thurfday and 1 " Monday Wednesday and to 7 p. m. to v. m. to 10 11. ui. ll:4An.m. 5:St) p. m. ,7:S0a. ni. .5:SOn, ni. ..":; a. m. .5:3) n. ni. .5:S0n. m. Saturday. Friday. FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 189H OVERSTEPPING BOUNDS OF LAW The distressing accident in Portland by which seven people lost their lives, while the eighth is at death's door, shows the danger which is attendant upon a disregard of laws. Portland has city ordinances, which, if they had been observed, would have prevented the Madison street catastrophe. It is pretty well shown at the coroner's inquest that the car was going at the rate of about twelve miles an hour, which is double the speed allowed by the ordinance re lating thereto. Again the car Inez was not provided with sand boxes, so that when the brakes were set, they would .not check its momentum. There is a lesson In this that all may profit by. Many an ordinance exists on our own books that is practically a dead letter, the object of which is either to protect, life, property or health. The state has laws to which no attention is paid. Citizens knowing of their infringement are careless or indifferent and allow them to be openly broken, instead of making a charge for unlawful conduct. But there is more excuse for an individ ual breaking laws than a corporation. The latter has full ability and knowledue of all limitations imposed upon them and should scrupulously abide by them, whereaH a citizen errs sometimes through ignorance, or partial inability to conform to them. The street car company in Portland should have known of the im portance of sand boxes, which are a trifling (expense, and should have not broken the law regulating the limit of speed. They are liable to heavy dam ages, which they deserve to lose for their impecuniostty and reckless disregard of municipal laws, and herein lies a warn ing which all may profit by. They may abuse Alary Ellen LeaEC now, but when she is dead it will be re membered with kindness that she never yet turned her front name into "Marie" or called herself "populiste." When Pres. Cleveland and Sen. Hill fall on each other's necks in the windup tableau of the great conciliation act, care should be taken that the tear recep tacles are large and numerous and that .the principals are unarmed. There is said to be a tribe in Africa which requires public speakers to stand on one leg during their addre-ges, and when they become exhausted their time has expired. There are a number of American statesmen whom it would be well to subject to this rule. A Sacramento man has solved the wheat and other farm product questions. He would have the government carry it at a uniform rate, as mail matter is now carried, Thus the farmer in Oregon could ship to New York for the same price that the farmer in New York paid. It would be a fine tiling for railroads, however, as it would increase their business immensely. A bushel of wheat would be worth just the same price in any part of the United States. The death of Dr. W. E. Rinehart ro moves from our midst one of our most valuable citizens. Ho was an earnest, active worker for the good of the com munity. In the midst of his usefulness lie was cut off from his life work by the grim reaper, and the position ho filled is now made more prominent by the vacancy. Though his sorrowing family are bowed down by their weight of grief, the population of a city also today mourns the worthy mayor's untimely demiee. Look Over Your County Wnrruut. All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1800, will be paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest manes on and after this date. Wm. Miciium., Treasurer Wasco County. October 21ft, 1803. tf It Hbould Ha la Kvary House J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burgi Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, thai it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia utter an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Robert 'Barber, of Cooksport, Fa,, claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him More good thsn anything he ever used tor lung trouble, Nothing like it. Try it. Free triul bottles at Snipes & Kin Mly?s. Large bottles, 50c, and $1.00, LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE. In lSO'J there were l,:u5 vessels of nil kinds built in the United States, with an estimate tonnage of 1110,000,000. StscK the establishment of our life saving' service in 1871, 0,S persons have been succored nt the Rtations. The life-saving service on the llrltish coast was established in 1821, and has been the means of savlnp Iit,04:i lives. Tin: naval warfare of the world wns revolutionized by the bnttle between the Merrimnc and Monitor, March 0, ISO'J. In 1070 the Dutch owned und operated one-half of the world's shipping; now they own about 1 per cent, of the whole. Ovkii 80 per cent, of the shipping of the world is built on the llritish Isles, and nearly one-half of this on the Clyde. Only one-fourth of the American shipping is engaged on the high sens, 77 per cent, being river, lake and coast ing trade. Tm: navigable river mileage of Eu rope, Asia anil America is 144, ;M miles. The United States has the greatest river mileage, 47,!155. The longest artificial water course in the world is the llcngal canal, 900 miles; the next is the Erie, SOU. Each cost nearly S10,000,000. In 1820 the steam tonnage of the world was 'J0,000, tlu sailing tonnage 5,814,000; in 18SS the former was 0,040, 000, the latter 1',010.000. Some of the steamship companies em ploy more men than are enlisted in the second-class navies of Europe. The Cunard line employs 10,000. The United States has S42 life-saving stations, 181 on the Atlantic, 48 on the lakes, 18 on the Pacific and one at the Ohio falls, Louisville, Ky. i 6l (i There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Klectric Itlttem. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Pllectric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Hit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c nnd $1 per bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's. NO QUARTER will do you as much good as the one that buys Dr. Pierce's PIoiiHint Pellets. This is what you get with them : An absolute nnd permanent cure for Constipation, Indigestion, UiliouH Attacks, Sick nnd Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, nnd bowels. Not i just temporary relief, and then a I worse condition afterwurd but holp ' that lasts. I Pleasant holp, too. These sugar 1 coated little Pellets art; the smallest, ; the easiest to take, and the easiest hi the way they net. No griping, no violence, uo disturbance to the sys tem, diet or occupation. They como in scaled vials, which keeps them always fresh and relin- j bic ; a convenient ana perfect vest I pocket remedy. They're this cheap' est pills you can buy. in i There's nothing left of Catarrh when you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. The worst cases yield to its mil'd, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. ClisMiltStliP- ! Miirt Urn at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who arc soiling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MIOIfKLHAOH BRICK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs am Hoofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streot, next door west of Young it Ku 1 Blacksmith Shop. SHOE FACTORY A (.rent I.Ivor Medicine. Dr. Gumi's Improved Liver I'ills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, eoa tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pil! insure perfect digestion, correct th liver and stomach, regulate the Imweli-. purify and enrich the blood and imut the skin clear. They also proiluee u good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system ty their tonic action. They only requirvnnu pill for a doo and never jiripn orsiekun. Sold at 2o cts. a box by lilakelev & Houghton. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Street, Next door to 'Wasco Sun Office. Has jmt received the latest style- i.. Suitings for Gentlemen, ami 1ms a laore assortment o' Kurt leu and Ami" lean Cloths which he can finish To nrder fur tho.-e that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Notice. Timher Culture. For Sale at a Bargain. The undersigned, having secured the machinery and fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory, will sell the same at a bargain. lion is an engine and boiler of 40-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoe machinory, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, helling and find ings almost a complete shoe factory. Mere is also one of the best .sites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to he found in this country. Write for particulars at once, to 0.1: Tlio ZDctllos, Or. I-a 01.00 pc: CurM Cans, IIoin-jii'"',.'scrc Imout, Croup rriT. nj 'nve.i W'hacpis;; Vuugl and Asthiiiu. v r Csi:u:ii!-Mon Jt hn-Jno rival: lanciireiltiio-.i.micl.'iv rcroullctlici'a faliel; wlllci.'iiu Youitra!:vH in time. SoM by Drutfsjirsim r."imrar.tcv. rorI.RacUac'i crcbct,u33 rtiir.QH'it i-j.Arr:::. soct3 1.. S. Land Office, Tiik iv..,i . Align! !'.'. I vi' ( complaint navtiie oecn emeriti at t.n-iiinri' dv .Marneua n. Jiarsuan hk.uiiii rir-nu. nin fur failure to comply with law as tn itniK-r-Culture Kntry No. 3110, ilattil ilarcli .v. in, upon the NW;4' orSectlon 'li, Tiwntil. . S.Ttli, Uauuu II Kast, W. M., ill Wno count'. , iiriv'u with a view to the cancellation of Mi l . m:. eonteUiit alleging that ilefeuiian! .in- v,h.!l fnllti! anil nealectol to plow or breal. t ( i.!t. rate to crop or otherwise, or plant v. it It". tree mIs or cuttliurs. iturlnt; an n'. -Inee niakltiK hlo Mill entrj', tw i il traot, the Mtiil p.irtle.s are hereby miiihi ; l apearat thiH (Jlllee on the 'Jlst day ij. t .Ixt, l.-'.J. at 10 o'clock A. il.. to roponil m.i! I'iriiiifi tnitlmoiiy coiiecriiluir alil alleutil fullup yHv5t JOHN V. I.KVI., i.esji.N r Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, Lute Special Aijent (Seneml Land Ojlivc. J. E. IJARN H NOTICE FOi: jrUULIUATIoN. L". S. Ia.NI OFFICi:, Tlie iMlli--. or ,l (0toh?r 17, l-. i Notice Is hereby Klveu that tin- tllouiK naintil ettler Una liletl mitiee of hi' ii.tcntnai to nialie tilial pnKif in mipiior! of hln cl.oi.i. iiml ttitit miIiI proof will hu nuiiic heforc tin- iwi-ter mill receiver of the L'. ti. IjukI "flico nt 'I he Iwllesj Or., on ilomlay, Nov. 37, Imc;, U lillllox M. l'litlson Homeiteail application No. '."Jl'J for hE1 , nct!.i: i, i p. i it i.' i: w. ji. He iiame.s the following wUiuuh ti pro, In continuous resilience ti)ii ami culthatiTi i nlil laiul, viz. : Ken Hatty. IIiikIi (Jhrlsman, . K. Lor-n. md K. N. Chandler, all of The Dalle. Or lU-ltd JOHN W. I.KWirf, li.-ui-t.-i lillTO vou I V.liii-ihr Th'n r.mlv U u-i.nmn. ?d CO CU yt M, i'ri'.".- V) cts. JtiiJCttr tre. For i.-iltly 5nliM & ICIuersly, VIGOR MEN Easily, Quickly, Pcrmantntljr Rettored. WEAKNE88, NERVOU8NESS, DEBILITY, and all Hie train of atII from early error or later ezceanei, tbu retulla of overwork, si ok nous, worry.etc. Fulltirenslb, Uerelopnient and ton-, given lo every organ and iKirtlon of tlio Ixxly. Immedlauilinprovetnent wn. Fallurofmporilljlo. 2tU) references. Uolr, explanation und pr.xift mailed (waled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Rheumatism; Lumbago, Solttloa. Kionw Complaints. Lam Back, &o DS. SANDEH'I ELE0NI0 IELT UBPKtMOIIV. iMwmiin i Waaa rwalUsff frow leruau. lannuir. oeaylalau, eoauiiif r. L-urrnt l M.MU.WI, and tr bo iy. TUou. nrlou iartutloi Bite Luadmu fill. t...... I Ml II1WHU. .IINMUABV ,ka KtyUot boou trr orfrrrd wralT men. runt otlkaH rfli. H.a4VIHnafibatl4limt:ilUUaat4 VUS4IV euidforlJiuaM l'i!Jjlot.i)aile-J.ialsii,fno VANSItN BMurmu uo.. With llMtro-Mssi Will cura wlthoot mAUiam ovrr-uutlou at brain mtt emloa. a ovrroaa dUHtr. ritMirniUMo. kldiwr, Jlyar aa. uSSuMr I ltl5'ir"'r or tot ujiO iui Leen lliU narraiuu f tr all ulwr rMuedlaa falted, anowa Bite of uttimualala tn tula ndatwry ctlwr auu. Taken Up. One isorrel KCldlnK alxjitt twelve years old, and branded thus p on left shoulder. Tim owner can have the "animal by paying for thin notice D. J. UOOI'Klt. AugllKt 13, IMtl.-vvtf Estray Taken Up. One black ny, branileil either 5 or S on left hip and left Jaw. Owner can have-Miae by prov ing proiierty and pajinn for this miller. hum. ;. vii.di:i:, lO lSivlm IVwtotliee.Tlie l).illo, Or. Jte Ieal Estate, tpap, Iijrapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. 3sr IO- - - Parties luiving l'rojxirty tlmy wish to Soli or 'J.'nuli;, J louses to Uoitt, or Aljstnict of Titles furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. AVe shall make a specialty of the prosecution of (Jlaiius and Contests Ixifore the Unitep Stiites Laud Ollicc. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. TheDklles Wasco County, Oregon, Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies, (ieutlcmeu! Two flnu-looklliK Ceuusylvanla ladles, excellent reputations liidiutrlous, npleu dld lioiikckeeperK, iiruii 18 ami '), win Hi f:!,W.OO chi;i, rmreilla dwul, want to k west tliU fall, and wouid like to correspond ith nice, reieetible Keiitleuieii under w. Object: hapi.y wentern hoinc-s. (icntleinen. if you aro matrlinoiiiatly nicillieu, KCliu ft Dill in couimou leiier tor iuo to, iiameH und Hddremtes of the'V youiiK hnllcH, Pennsylvania Adv. Oo., 10 Uwlm Hox lliJ. ick Haven, 1'a. Assignee's Notice to Creditors. V. K. fiiirretnoii, of The Dalles, OrtKon, hav. iK aHkluiiMi hla proerty for the lienelltof all hUtrKlitom, all encjnn uhvIiik r.-laliim iiKulunt him are hereby notified U iircneut them lo me under oath, ut The Dalles, Oregon, within three moiithii from date. A. It. THOill'BON, AmlKiiee. Aujrutt 0, IfcWJ.-wOt NOTICE. In I ho County Ourt of tlio SUtc of OrcKon, for Waaco County, In the Matter of thoKktatu of William Hamilton Wllaon, Detieiuwl. Notice In hereby Riven that the iindcrnlKnoJ. by an order of the County Court of the Htatuof Or win, for Wukco County, nrndu and entered Beptember 7, im, wa appointed executor of the lnt will nnd tentament of the said Wllllaiu Hamilton Wilton. ilcced! Mil pemotiN IihvIiik (.-lalinNUKHlunt tttafil entato arc hereby iiolllled to iin-aent tlio nmui with the proper vomiliera therefor to mo at tlio ollieo ci iiay. lliiutliivlon ik WIUou, The Dullea, Oroii, wllhlu tlx jnouiliH from the Ditto of Oil notice. Dated The Dalles, Or., rtept. 7, im Uxoeutor of Will of Win. I!. Wlloii,dec'a, The Onto City of the Inland Empire is situated at the hind of navigation on the Middle Coluinhia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. it is the supply city for an oxtensivo and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far houth as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. 'I'ho rich grazing country along tlio eastern slopo of tlio Can cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tlio wool from which finds market hero. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, alxut 5,000,000 pounds Ixiing shipped Just year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ho more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley ' find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money in scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country tlian is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stone she stands. The California Wine house, Ib now open, and its propriotor will soil his home produced Wino at prices in tho reach of everybody. AIbo, boBt PeanutB to bo found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and FirBt-Claua in every respect. Thompson's Addition. C- BECHT, This Is the Season Of the Yea CUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS. In the Clumit t r f "iinrr tt tint m.... he County of War,i. A. D lloltou, 1 riaintiti, v. Frank D. (Illlcnpl.-, IthiMla (IlllcMiile, W. K. Hunt mill W. II. Duller, Defendant, Tii ViMit Jl UMnpU miif ;.7u a, nb(iiV'iiilia7ri drJtmUxnU v In the name of lhn uliiln nf n.n . eaeli of you uru hereby reoulml Utmtui Winner the romplaliit Med iiRaliiil mflathe above entitled null on or bufoiu thotm d,, v the rvKUlar term of the Clreult C'ounrifttM of OrcKon for Wiueo (.'ounty, next foltujX date hereof, to-wlt, on or before the ttltli ilny of Novumlixr, IHD3, nun il vou mil no to niiiv..r. In. in. thereof tin) plalntltt" will apply to the Cn for the relief prayed for In hli.i-ouiplaliit.tMtt for ndi-ca-eof loreeloituteof that i-ertalnntrf- KKU lie"! intuit' llllll e.XCi-UIl-ll IIV you W Ut above named pbilutllt'ou theClh ifav nf Notre. Iter. IP'.IU. UIHlll fill? lmMlllvCNt illlnrt..r it .tu .. It. ........ I, ...... ... '., .,( .. 1. Wnteo eoillltv. (iresrim.aud that Mild nr.-inl be mild under audi loreelonire di-erro in tkt iiiiiiiiier pmvldiil by law and iicfndlnj: to a jiriu'iir.. oi tain uiurt- inai irom tiioproeeedn miii'Ii Eulle tht. Itlnllltllt' liuv.i mitl r....tlv'.. tin. mil oi live hntidti-d (tOi iIdIIiuk nnd luterintci xiiii liiim hiiire Mivemiier ntli, iv.o, at tlio ratcol toper rent, per 11111111111. alto a further mimd sixty doltarn iih a riii.nuahUi attoriivy'K ( for luitltutliik' thli cult to fore lr' xildmon uniiB and eolliMit the mite thereby wunil &1 herein miiiI unui, tottether with plitlntliriicoiti anil illiburneuieutH iiiadi) mid expemltil In till milt, liielildlliR acerulUK rontH and expemoof aale, and that plalutllt haven Jiutumeii t nKalnit vou. the i"iilil I'riink I). OilU-nple, loranv ild- eleney In the priH-eeiU of mile to mtlsfy fiilly ill raid Minin. that upon niieli loiecliMtirewiiunlU Id., ri,.lif lift,, lnl..r.rtt ..nil l.lllltn nf -ntt 1.1 your eii ili-kiiiluiiu, eaeli and nil c( yon iiv) tlifin, ami all other x-rMtia claiming or to claim by, throuKh or under ymt or theza, or either, In und tnald inortKaiied lutcilKsinJ every part thereof la) loreehmil and fortrrr ha r re. 1 Irom theeiiiltv oi ri-ilemptlnn. Tluttbi iilnllitlll be allimed to bid nt Mild liWlosare na and piiri'linie suid mortKai.'Itwalin,t hlaoptlou, ami that upon the ntlc oliiUBCft irautil tireinles the tnirehaer Ihi ttt lata tbe piwu-nlim thereof, and every part Ihtrof.ira meillatel) , and lor mieh other anil further tthl nt to the Court may M-eiu i-iiiltalil ir! Jut. 'I'lih aummoiiN Ik Aerved iini jiai, thf uM Frank D. Ollli-iplo and lthiala (illhipl'ibyb-lli-ation In Tho llnllei) cm niiNicj.i:. a nwi)t publlhliei uwk'ly at Dalle City, Wiiitu couttj, tln-Kon, fur nix coneeutlvii necks, by onlerw linn. W. I.. Ilrinlihiin, Judirt- id mill Court, whleh, older wax duly made nnd cntCTriit iiliaii.'n-ni 011 ttio'Jtltli day of t-enti-ialwr. ISU iii.'Ki'it .t Mi;m:i'KK, m . Attoiui'va far I'lalntit, SUMMONS. W. A. II. 1' 11 the Olreillt Court of the Stale of Orrra, lor tin' eniiutj oi meo, Miller. 1 flntntljr, VH. V Iteynolda, I Drjrmlniit. l'o :, ;, Hnnioltti, the 6oir iimafil tUjniaA l.i .1... r.f .1... U..,).. ill f lrit.llll. YfiflJ ... .IV ..I. II. .J ... .u ....... ,.. " " hereby required to apin-ar ami imawcr tMt ( I1I11IU 1IH1I IIKI11H. OU III III" n." ilthln tenilaya from the date of tli,gLS hlKniimmoiia upon you. If ceniil 1, i-ouiuy; or 11 terveu whiiiii any mnvi v"T',i tllta atale, Iheu within twenty dnji lif .. .... ... .1 ' . 1 u ,..,. .iwiaTIIU, 111 it 01 uioftervieu tn nun nui.uui.i.. Mi?-'rri.i ir If nerved upon you by publication, tW ' f" tn rciiiitntl to npiM-ar and antcr twy'J. ilalot on the day of the next Wf" on alter alx weekn' publlcutlon of tH 11 .... to-wlt on .Monday, the . .... ...... mfl.i. c.ii. ni.y .-.ifv.Tii.uij. . ,., andlfytiu fall to hi aintrter, the lWAVn apply to the court lor the relict l'J" 'uo aid complaint, tt.-wlt for the foWJJK, iii(irt(.'iiKtitlei;ilbeil In wild 'oinrKS to tho aab of tilt, pr.milw tlierelu wJJJler wit. the Miuth hall of tho itoa"'& the liirtheiiMiiuiirtnr of the aoiitawXl nnd the Mmtliwedt tliiirter of ,lM JorlJi. iiiiarter. of h.'tilloii 'U, I owinlilP wn. ItiuiKo thirteen Knit, Willamette JW'Su talniui,'ouo hiimlretl unit sixty ucrea, aled In Wa-eo county, On-iron. A "''rZrtitirt half of the northeat quiirler, luc,,r,.wt)i quarter of the iiiirthweHtiUiirtt-r,nii'1';v8tttjoii eaittquartnrof the uurtheait i,"1,JtEL Kut, :t:j, TowiiNlilp 111111 North, limine hun4t-.l Wlllametto Jlerldlan, eontalliliiK, ' "Stj. null Hlxty ntirea, and nltuatiil l )" ...uftlco o' Orexoni aeeonlliiK in law nnd, Hi JJffiieM this court, and that tho iiroeeid. ''J ',id by applUillu iyiuent of tliu anitmin " h tt0 mild inortKaKe.iind ntlll unpaid. "" L Mte ol of ttMM, nnd lutereat thereon t 'i' ,;JJl elKfilH-reent per utiiium J"'" In'"' Ihu;, Mini tho further hum of fy'J, t Vrn; lautl. ami lr '"' S 'K ..I... I.IVi l.llll.U. nil... Ti thuri-ou at thu rain ol emlif 1 1 II II I HIIICU .lllirUII A! llta Hindi! ami expended herein. Jl - judg- itiHiiitiir win apply t.. ;:;,;;; . .1 ert'i nt iiKalimt you for any d t ilt !'Y'l,V,if the t"" lemaliiliiK iilir the appllealln i f.Hi nf t.-iiion. ..nil fur tliu fiit anil '.',, k.t lunula Hindu and expended licrcln. " .1... ..1..1. ...... ...... .!, ,,. meiii . V , U.I. I. (III. IK ...V .'." teetlHiil mid aale aa Mioroilld, ( m- Vou will further take notlw tli'Ji lW . tuiMiH III tlllM hiitt la f.irved Ul'V,,Vw I-W'-cation, by order of the llonoral U ' Hhaw. JiiilKu of Kiild Court, .!! ""lr dated Heptomtxir'-'Tih. Mj:I. , . ...iijiOS) ilAYH, II UN riNOIO.S A JJ '.IjJiJiilir. 0,7vv Attorntiinfiiri"1" NOTIOK FOU PUUlilCATJON. Notleo la hereby, giveii -f iAL'WiiiVt"Vl-wV luiiiieil nettler Iiiin llletl uotlco f I J li that mild proof will bouitidu "'"iiiW' mid liwelver at Tho Dalle, 1 t'1 ill m a 11, iw, yii ....w.ka. i.iiihiiiii, ". :...... iluvlaw of John liuHlieMl'4';" ', 6fu llonicatcad Aj.illeatlon No. Mini W H of Hwj.llJ.Tp.lNj; ',.; )prove lio iihiiivm lliu followliiB f clUvttoB niu f,......i..i,i..M r.ui.i..i..:u ..'. of Niild laud. r, O. W.Cook, W. A nun Mlller,lrniiilj'''r(! iKllUMl and nil MorKiin, nil of the I'""''. ,,'nllce. , . 11 ihfl ill I Tluiea imikBH It ,r,Jdt ij think, iiml '''?.? f, tl iuZ neri are tlio Vniwt if vou win 1 to reach all (ho reopiw . . tijn boflmod you eau't Uo uotter nay . 0IIV,V