The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entoml t the Piutoffico nt The Dalle. Omrou, s scwmi-clnfs matter. AFFAIRS OF THE HEART. Wtir.K the luvir of n Roman bride was dressed for n wiuldinp, it was always parted with the point of a npear. Tun wedding ring is worn on the left hand because, in symbolism, the right hand is authority, the left obedi ence. Tiik wedding wreath is reminiscent of the age when the bride was always presented with a bouquet of symbolic flowers. lx China all arrangements for a wed ding are made by a go-between, who also does the courting and makes the proposal. In most, churches of England a ring is kept so that embarrassment may be spared in ease of forgetfttlness of the parties concerned. A courr.K of hundred years ago Eng lish and German people, in order to se cure the greatest possible publicity, were married in the church door. Ix Hungary the father of the bride takes off her shoes and hands them to her husband, thus turning over all his authority to the groom. Sejctijicvt is as old as anything else, as is indicated by the discovery in Egyptian tombs dating back to 11. C. 12000 of wedding rings engraved with a heart and two clasped hands. VOUH ATTEJITIOJI Is oalled to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Limo, Plaster. Commit and Building Material of nil kinds. Crrli the l'lut t.liin of Picture Mouldings To be found in the City. 72 CXlashington Street. XX. O- JSTl&lm&xi, From fERlHIHflL or INTERIOR Points -THK- lira Pan i Itucklcu's Artiit'u nnlve. The be3t salve in the world for cutt, bruises, sores, ulcers, ealt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or ii'i pay required It is guaranteed tu uivi- ptTlVi't 'utisfae tion, or money refunded. I'riit Uft cents per Ihix. Fur iaU- by 5u:j-p iv Kin erply Fresh oysters nt, A. Keller's confec tionery store. .Notice to DHInijUHiti Taxpn i it. All delinquent taxpayer." that don'r want their uaiiiiM advertised Int.) better come forward, as the roll will le pub lished on the L'Nt of this mouth. T. A. Wauu. .SlierifT. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL ntirtly Hrv. Abreast iUuTmus dl Grand Edmcatr. DicTioNARYiimmn tickets s i KuKlaad and Europe can be jii tell RHILROSD Is the Hue to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH, It is the Dining Car Houte. It runs Througb N'estlbuled Trains every day In the year to j&. pauI and Chicago NO CHANGK OF CARS.) C'omjiosed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull iiihu Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS lies t that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all Hut uttcrding direct and uninterrupted service. l'tillrnun Sleeper reseivatlonn can be secured lu advance through any agent of the road. Xtitsfxsnr fit ihft "Unabridged." Ten years spent In revising, 100 ed itors employed And more than 300,000 expended. Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an- stvnre nil nitostlnnd concerning the his tory, spelling, pro- sirlJS.- meaniiiir of words. JX. Viii jr Jt- - -" - - - - r.-- tha often ilenreil information concerning eminent ieri:3; facta concerning the countries, cities, town?, anil natural fea tures of tl:o glolxj; jartlculars concerning noted flrtitioiw l emons and places: trans latlcai of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs; etc., etc., etc. SIM . ? , . T T 7 , ,, T.r. li.nlilA ln feiiioual jsan, and self-educator. Sold by All lUntkttllers. G. C. Merriam Co. J'lMUhers, SprlnqjUltl,Mas. rZfVn not buy cheap photo-' irraphio reprints ot ancient CST-JieEil fori reo prospectus. ticket office of the company To and from all points lu America. urcnaseu at any Full information concerning rait-, time oi trains, routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent I). V. a A. Nav. Co., Kegulator othce, Ttit Dallei, Or., or A. D. CHAHLTO.N, A-- I. fieneral PassecKer Ast., Portlaud, -zu. iNTEraunoml . l. vorxn. : : JEWELER : : Vltli!l)t. Hliii Je.-I flvlllot hlitnkl iHl ) t n. .id .), .nil kHtif'iinti aniiil-il .1 IHK Aturr .il I Nlfkf Writ. :!,! t 'I lit- Unlit- I J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and ill Pat- j ent business conducted for modcr ate Fees. ioun Ormc is Orposrrc,U. 8. paTCHTOrjiecj J and we can secure patent in less lime than those Send model, drawins or photo., vritb detcrip- on. We sdriK. if patentable or not. free olS 5 charge. Our fse not due till patent is secured. A Psmkhust. "How to Obtain Patents," wllhj .Seost ot sane in the U.S.aaU foreign countries! 1C.A.SNOW&CO Opp. Patknt Omct, Washington, D. C. OTIOE FOIt PUBLICATION. Imh OrncK, Tlio Dalles, Or.,( Oct. 9, 18. I Kotico is iicrebv ulveu that the followini! named settler Iiuh llletl notice of lils Intention to make linai prooi in diipixirt oi jiih claim, mid that sulil proof will m made Iwforc the KegUter mid receiver utThu Dulles, Or,, on rriuay, .Miveinuer iy, ibvj, viz.; KilKur H. I'rutt, ' iroiiiestend Application Ho. S813, for thu I'M ot HV4 untT W4 of HKii of Hec, U, Tp. J H It. U K. SI. IIouumck the following witnesses to prnvo his continiioiib loldencc! upon, and cultivation of, aaid hunt, . viz. s J. it, Mugll), Frank Driver, Lon Wing ui:d Charley Wing, sill of Wnmlc, Or. UM7 JOUN W. LKWI8, HegUter. Ezeoutors' Notice. ' Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned liuvo bof ii duly Mjipolntwl, by thu Honorable the County Court of Wasco comity, Oregon, cxvcu lorsof thocstutoof Joliu Jtaxter, dcteiiKil; nil -persons huving claims against sulil citato are litreby reiUlreu to present the same, duly veri fied uud with proper vouchers, to us or either, t Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon, tvithlu six uioMtlis from thodatoof this notice, The Dulles, Or., Auk, 3 1HS. ' JAMKB I1AXTKU AND JAMKH WlirnKN. .JCxseaton of tho estate of John iUuter.deod, The Dalles Gigar : Faetory FIBST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. nrrt A T0 oi the Beat Brands OXvJTxxXtO manufactured, and orderj from all parts of tho country filled on the shortest notice, The reputation of THE DALLES CI uAR haa become firmly established, and the demand tor the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. pod Saw We have bought the J. C. Mcins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at tho old rate. Orders left at Maier & Bon ton's will be promptly, at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacob Wetle. 8-2idlm JoiINp.KltlER. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 EEADEB8. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable news. And they read every Hue that Is in the paper. That Is what makes the Chronicle an Invaluable adverthins; medium. The newspaper that v goes to the family fi resides is thu one (Cn) that the advertisers of today patronize when they desire to reach tho people. When they want your trade their announcements will bo found In tho paper. Ix)k over our columns mid observe tho verifica tion of tho truth of this assertion. Kemeinber, a trade of a family of two thousand is worth asking or through these (0) columns, espclally so at our very Clothier and Tailor. . . . . Decidedly tho Finest Lino of Gents' Ktirnisliing Goods, Trunks and I a Uses, cc, etc COK. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. feuu Qolumbia f.otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately boon thoroughly renovated and nowlj furnished throughout, and is now better than over prepared to furnish the best Hotel . accommodations of any hotifo in thu , city, and at tho very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fast and commodiotiH opposition Stage to Dttfttr, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wapiuitia, Warm Springs ami J'rinovillu is in the Hotel and persons going to I'rlnevillo can save $4.00 by going on this Stage lino. All trains stop here. J. O. MACK, I FiplE WlMEp and Lip$ DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CEL. EBRATE O PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STKEET, : : THE DALLES, OK. MINHNS HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and k Kalis of I1o1 river, with larKC.i-lKhtiv lot.,brinc Mrcctiiiml 1 1 1 1 y " KimkI soil ' atut pure water.wlth shade in prifu. ion, erfectdraliiaK'.vlellKhif ill mountain climate, the central attraction at a mountain Mimincr reort for all OrcKiin, bclir,- the nearest town to Mt. Hixxl. It li. uniuiriillelcc as u iiiunufiicttirliiit center, Deing the uaturil renter fur W itiure miles of the lunt cellar anil Or timber, ix)sesMnK million', of hnr-.jMmcr In Its dashliiK stream and water falls, easily hnnie.veil. Where cheap mollvo power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded by oII uud elimate that ciiuuot lie excelled anywhere (or fruit and ititrlciilture, and with traniortatiou already assurea you will rind this the plsco to nuikeii jierfect home or a pnylurltivetmeu See me on the ground, or f" addi'ess me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TIThE PERFECT W. RossWinans, fiBOVE ALL THINGS Twice a Week , FromvNOW Uiitil ' December 31, 1894 For ONLY $1.50. Ttiese are Doll limes And THE CHRONICLE pro poses to enliven them by in troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco DO in WANT YOUR LIFE I County. 01m Just IJoui, Circulation must "be doubled, and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this jar and one year beyond foithfi olvnn?sr 1 r1TT vvirr rf cfcl rr k year and a third 16 months- makes a GtsEflT BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR PflEY, amount of the very best read ing matter, comprising besides the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, and especially for the stock-raiser, the farmer and the orchardist, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this (g)(2) Exeoutor's Notice. Kotico Is herebv irlven that tho undersigned has been appointed liv tho County Court of the Htate of Oreicon for Wasco County, executor ot tho estate of Catherine Wiglu, deceased, and nil ersoiu havinit claims ualiist said estate arc hereby notified and required to present the same, with tho nrouer vouchers, to me at tho ottlce of Mays, Huntington & Wilson, Thu Unites, naseu lAtumy, ureKon, Willi ill six moiiins ironi the date of this notice. W. II, TAYI.OU, .Executor of said estate. The Dalles, Or,, July '.'2, ims& Do not let the opportunity pass without securing some of those elegant Art Linens and Embroid ery Silks displayed by . . . Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronic Part I, will reach you Wedfl day evening, and Part II oa Saturday evening. 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER 5,C0. Second St. I. C. NlCKELSEN, The DallM, Or BURHAM & Robertson Froprlatora, CityStables, Comor of Fourth and Federal 8t., Tlio Dallea, Oregon. These Stablos have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with o'ithor Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. AlftO. (run fllrnfflli Vlrflt: flluftH ammmn(laflnny tt iaamninwu mlil. I. . or driving Unxmv, ImvitiK added to their itables large (aedlng and wagou room. RiMiercial fatronaie Solicited. OUR GHEflT OFFEH I m 1894. The extra trouble and exjs connected with this effort to please, whioh is consider we look to an appreciative public for the approval we W sure it will give us. While we would he glad of subscription money in advance, it is not neoessarily enforced. Subscribe NOW for 1894 , And get the benefit of thisr speoial rate, whioh is the best offer ever made on this ooasc. Twice a Week From NOW Until December 31, 1894 For ONLY $1.50. 1