.., ... 1 OUR t EC,L Saturday, Nov. jl 186I: SRLE, " ' . ' Ladies' Kid Gloves. New Goods in Fashionable Shades. Royal Hook Gloves. BBATK1C1S, . I II V - j BLACK, .i no.. . 1 25.... . 1 00... . $1 25 . 1 00 1 35 P. Centemeri. BLACK, COLORS,- .$1 75 . 1 40 Foster Hook. BLACK OR COLORED, $ 90 PARAGON, large buttons, $1 50... $1 25 ALBANI, Mosquetaire,. ... 1 05.. . . 1 40 SUEDE, " ... 1 75 1 .50 BIARRITZ, 1 00 90 CHAMOIS, 1 25 1 00 .10VIN, black or colored ... 1 00. . . 90 ipgrWill place on sale, for this day only, a new BIARRITZ Glove at 65c. 'V The above are all fresh stock. Tlio Royal Hook is a great improvement over the Foster Hook, and we are exclusive Agents. One more offer, Mather Gloves, old stock, 60 Cents. Can you do better? rA. I ALL GOODS MARKED . V' , IN PLAIN FIGURES. J PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Intern! tin; ruMtuflleti lit Tim ImlluK, Orcumi, hh MK'ouit ''ln mutter. I.ihihI il frl 10 Out 'r line (ur llrst Insertion, iitul f. Cunts rtr Hut 'or eiioli Kiitinuent Insertion. Speclm rti." fur limit time notices. All Iik'iu notices reeelved later than 3 o'clock f 111 appear tlio following day. THlTSI)AY, NOV. 1!, 18015 Tht Dutli and Weekly Chronicle may hlvwion tule at J. C. XirMitc.n'n xtore. Mention our largely-increased circula tion within the -past three months, owing to it desire to please, which with uk is paramount to any other consider ation. MISS THAYER WILL DIE. OCTOBER OLIO. A $try Mux. From Nimvm Hit. .MIsCt'lllllH'OUN Tin: Chiio.vici.k was in error yesterday in stating the fair grounds would bo toM. It will lie niurely the improve merits. At the post mortem examination of Dr. V. K. Klnulmrt it was revealed that lie tiled of enlargement of tho liver and an affection of one of his luttj-e, instead A Vliidii!itiB, as was popularly sup- Hie owe of State of Oregon vs. F. II. Lewis lotcuiliezzleiiient of funds belong 1"K to the Western Union Telegraph company, was before Justice Schutz to day, ami on a motion of the prosecuting attorney to dismiss the case, defendant ns discharged. Thow who have petitions ready to present to congress for an extension of time on the forfeited railway lands or I'roj'iiitf that the present tarjtl' be con tinued, will please forward them to Tm: Cuiioniixi: olllcu at once. They will thus reeuivo immediate attention. Mrs. ilamos Caniaby, while driving in B dog cart Tuesday ovuning, was violently thrown to tlio ground at Mr.;.!. L. Story's corner, by the vehicle raising upon one Hide, while trying to avoid a 'ttlu uirl. Mrs. Carnnby mistained several hruisoH though luckily not per manent injury. Tlio city is wrapt in gloom over the 'Jentli of our late mayor. Ho was popu lar with all classes and It is probable Ids funeral will be very largely attended. AH organizations to which ho belonged '"ve published callH for the attendance iiiemborH, as well as tho city uouneil a"d Dalles Fire Department, and all "ores will romain closed from l o'clock until ll, sotliatull who wish may at tend the obsequies. Mrs. Jos. Edwards, agod about 30 yunrs, died this morning at lior liome in this city, after an illness of about two 'noutliH, She passed poacofullyiaway (Sur rounded by lier father, Mr. A. Davis, her "unhand am three children. ilerreinaiiiH will utart tonight for her homo in Wind Br, Missouri, whero her aged mothor, Mothers and aUtera await homud.com mi T,' fftIn,,y "111 accompany tho re " in and bid u last goodhy to Oregon, wlch Iiuh been to them a lutul of Borrow. Subscribe for Tiik OiiuoNtoi.ii, if you Jm to get the nown. Take, for luHtance, '""dght'D edition. It contained tho "aplilti relluble press rojwrt of tlie S S1 ut 1,()rtllld. with tlio iiauiOH of " killed, and as full particulars us it puwible to learn. In anothor col- n was mentioned tho final passage 'o ropeal bill in the house. No Im- Olirn M V0,,t al"0ft(, tl"8 t0 btl id iW ,l0UrB ,tUr lt IWPPOHH, " ' w homo owh tliero Is but one CI 7 ft. T,, DHlles-T.tu OiiitoNioiiK, '"welthat It U pardonable, also, to Tim Vi.iiiik I.ndy Wlm Wim 1'uslieil Off tlm Car, Internally Injurril. Hjiwtnl to Tiik CnitouicLi:. I'okti.ani), Or., Nov. 12. This morning Miss Alice Thayer complained of severe internal pains and shortly afterwards ex hibited distressing symptoms, which so alarmed her friends that they hastily dispatched for a physician. After a thorough examination he informed tho sorrowing friends and relatives of the girl that he could extend no hopes of her living. The announcement was like a blow, for it was not thought her injuries would amount to much at tho time. This inukes the eighth victim of the fear ful disaster of yesterday morning. MAICKIKl). In tills city, Nov. 1, at tho residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Emery Oliver and Miss Anna Sylvester, by Hev. John Whibler. Tho bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. JS. Sylvester, and was born in The Dalles where she haw ever since lived. She is highly accomplished and is possessed of a most amiable disposi tion. Mr. Oliver has become well known to our citizens within the last year, hav ing boon employed by Paul Mohr as civil engineer, stationed at Tho Dalles. He is a young man of good habits and unblemished character. Tuu Ciiuomcu: extends heartiest congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver took the early morning train for Portland, where they will hereafter reside. Itt-lil IChIiiU'. Henry C. Baker to James Sharp of San Francisco, nw'a se section 0, township 1 s, range 11 east; ifoO. Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the druh' business at Klkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham borluin'a Cough Keniedy gives better satisfaction than any other cough medi cine 1 have over sold." There is good reason for this. No other will euro a cold sotpilckly, no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup ; no other atlbrds so much rellof in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Wakeley & Houghton, druggists. Tiik J3kht Pj.ahtku. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind it on over tho seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When tho Iuuks are sore such an appli cation on the chest and another on tho back, between the shoulder blades, will often preveut pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain iu the side. A sore throat can nearly always bo cured in one night by applying a flannel bandago dauioiiod witli Pain liulm. DO cent bottles for sale by Dlakoley & Houghton, druggists. Moxlcan Silver Stove Polish causes no duHt. . . . (loud Job I'rlutlitK. If you huvo your job printing done at Tiik Ciiuonioi.k you will have the ad vantage of having U done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of tho most successful and artistic printers iu the Northwest. NEWS OF THE STATE. Charles Foster, a printer well known in Portland, was appointed a missionary to China last week by thePaptist assem blage at Haines, Or. It is understood that he will take his departure in a few days. It was expected that the Portland Savings bank would be reopened yester day, but the reopening has been neces sarily postponed fot a short time. The postponement is due to the fact that quite a number of dapositors, either in tentionally or by an oversight, have failed to sign the agreements of exten sion. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Frank Hampton, one of Crooked river's large cattlemen, is in the city today. Mr. .Tas. Lyle, of Lyle, Wash., was in the city last night and returned Home this morning. Miss Ida Matbeney and Mrs. Katie Sutliflfof Heppner are guests of Mrs. 0. L. Barrett, of this city. Mr. James McMillan, a prominent farmer of Wasco, made Tin: CmtoxicLu a very pleasant call today. Mr. Edward Malm, an old '-39er of this section now a resident of lo-Mlle, took the steamer this morning for Port land and Astoria. Mrs. Leah Rondeau and Mrs. Keamv Hondeau of Kinusley and Mrs. M. S. Brookhouse of Dufur were passengers for Portland on tho Regulator this morn ing. John D. Whitten, a very prominent and successful farmer near Ivlngsley, callt.d on Tin: Chuo.vicm: today. He is ono of the most successful hog raisers of tlio country, ami says lie lias made more profit from them than ho could in any other pursuit. UOTKli AltltlVAI.S. Skibbo Edward Malm, Poyd; A W Waker. l-iootr Hollow; A Brenner, M. Dochanski, Portland, Miss M J Brook- house, Dufur; Leo Kondeau, wife and 2 children, Mrs Itcmi Rondeau, Kingsley; A H (joys. Dayvillo; is V Stewart, J O Lewis, Forest Grove; R Norrie, W Norris, Thos Taplin, Goldendalo. Tim Itloiitifonmrv Ad vertluer Says: "Simmons Liver Regulator hus secured a reputation solely on account of Its extraordinary morits as a medicine for tho liver, stomnch and kidneys." A Now Hurley. A valuable new barley is the Egyptian variety. It yields moro to tho acre, at the same time being richer and making bettor feed. Jt is superior for soup and when ground and treated like corn meal, makes bread impossible to distinguish from corn bread. Call at'fiiK Chuonioi.k ollieo and see sample. A limited quan tity of seed can bo obtained for a dollar a bushel. Tyjch Vulloy Kollor Flour Mill. Is ill complete repair; always in store flour equal to tho best. Also old stylo coarse and flie Gra'uun flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCokklk, Propr. til. U.sm ook'sCottonlioo COMPOUND. a recent discovery ly nu old jliytlclan. SucccstfuUi uil .IllUllfill 1V thousaM V indict, n tho only t rfuctly tnfn mill li'llalilo nioillduu d! corored. Doworo of tmiirlnolirted urusBup wiio ............ ..,.h..i,w. In nlncoof tlili. Aelcror Cook' Collou Hoot Compound, tatc nu wMl Me, or Incloso 81 mid 0 cunts la jwtago Iu letter nml wo will send, seiileil, l.y return iimll. I'uH sealed purtloiiluN In jilula omeloie, to ladle only, Jtoiuia. Address lo n 1 M 1 V 0 V ' ' Ka Bl'l .iicrliluoU, J'e'rolt, Won. Bold lu Tlio Dalle Uy Uliiki'l-.) iV Id im-ion. vj.i HonorlBf Mr-IeMNt Mnyntv A, special meeting of the city council was hold last night, at which were present the full council to take what action was deemed best in relation to the death of the mayor, Hon. W. E. Rinehart. About 7 :30 o'clock Councilman Hud son took the chair, stating the object of the meeting. Mr. Eshlenian moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft resolutions upon the death of the mayor. Carried and Councilmen Eshelman, Kreft, and Joles appointed as such committee. Mr. Butts moved that the council at tend the funeral in a body. Carried. Mr. Kreft moved that the council meet tho remains at the depot and escort them to the place designated. Carried. The presiding oflicer then appointed a committee of two to procure a proper conveyance for tho council while attend ing tho funeral, naming Councilman Eshelman and Butts as such committee. Arrlvnl of tlio Keinalni. The remains of Dr. W. E. Rinehart arrived in the city this morning from La Grande, and were escorted to the undertaker's rooms of Crandall & Bur gett, and thence to his late residence by the members of the city council. " The funeral will take place from the Congre gational church at 10 o'clock Friday morning, under the auspices of the A. F. and A. M., and A. O. U. W. Tetnplo Lodge Attention A. ). V. W. No. 3. All members are requested to be pres ent at Fraternity Hall at 9 o'clock a. m. Nov. 3d, 1892, to attend tho funeral of our late brother, W. E. Rinehart. Visit ing brothers are cordially invited. By order of Mastek Workman. Attention Kirn Deportment. All members of the Dalles City Fire Department are requested to meet at the engine house at 9 o'clock, Friday morn ing, to attend the funeral of the late W. E. Rinehart, mavor of Dalles City. J. S. Fish, Chief D. F. D. There will be a special meeting of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. and A. M. tomorrow (Friday,) morning at 8:30 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral services of the late Dr. W. E. Rinehart, which will take place from the Congregational church at 10 o'clock a. m. All members and visiting brethren are requested to attend. Wheelmen's l'rlze Cup. The League of American Wheelmen were presented with a very handsome trophy, which was competed for in their international races last August. Henry S. Saltonstall, a member of the Eliza beth, N. C, Wheelmen is the donor of tho prize. The cup is represented be low. It is of sterling silver, gold lined, and stands 2S inches.high. vs. a'ujXtYh 3 I $ FIRST I'lilZi: AT Tin: intekxatiox.u. . HACKS. Gknti.kmknv lntn mbjeet to iierirxllciil attacks of tick liemlaelie of tho wirot im-!Ij1o tvjie, and commenced tuklnt; K muse's Heuiliiclio Capsules last summer. Tliey euro lt In every instance, and since that time 1 am enjliiir splendid health and have unfiled ten pounds in weight. Yours very truly, r M. .AKlCI.s, Coiw th, Iowa. Sold by KulpesW Kiliersly. The Miller Store, IGG StaM Street. M. HONYWILL Respectfully announces hav ing taken tho uInivo promises on lease, and will, on Saturday next, open with a stock of PIEfS CLOTHIHG. Furnishings, Etc., Etc., and hopes to Im favored with a sham of tlio pub lie ji.it rou'ig'1. luetioi? postponed. The balance of Our Large Stock dost! We will Close Out Reparaiess o OGREAT BARGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. JrSni ; Just Hrrlvea from Hew York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF todies' Jackets, . FROM $3.50 UPWRRDS GlOt ii & Furni Vt Kemarkably Low Prices. Sa ni-a-j riLJ.Liii- n 1 die rn a FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0. As we are lorced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bad debts, our prices will always b found the very lowest in tho market. Wo invito our friends and customers to examine our coods and prices beforo purchasing H. Hertoring. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete- and the Latent l'attoriis hihI DeMirns in ALL 3F ES . VI'ractical l'aintors and Paper Ilangois. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's 1'aintd used in all .mr work, and none but tho most skilled workmen employe'd. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A tirst class articli- in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Sbou comer Thirdand Washington Sts., The Dalles. 0m"0u THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Uruwory is now turning out tho best Hour and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for tho manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on y the (Irst-elass article will be p aced on he marki't, STOP Its You I Want! A Life-Size Crayon Fieo with every dozen Cabinet Photos. The people are tired of being humbugged by traveling Crayon Fakirs. They have stopped pay ing tho Agent's railroad faro and hotel bill with every crayon they order. Sam ples on exhibition. mm THE DALLLES, OR,