The Dalles My Chronicle, OFFICIAL l'Al'KH OF DALLK8 CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SHE HAD PLENTY OF TIME. The 0 7S 0 M 6 00 3 00 0 SO SUBSCRIPTION IIATK8. BY MAIL, POSTAGE PBKPAID, IN ADYAMCK. Weekly. 1 Yir i ? 11 6 mouths , S " Dally, 1 year " G months " per " Address all communication to"TlIE CHKON' ICLK," The Dalle, Oregon. I'oat-Ofnce. ofhck hours Oinerat Dollverv Window . .8 a. m. to 7 J. m. Mousy Order ' Sunday ii ') " . .S a. m. to 4 p. m, . ,9a. m. to 10 a.m. CLOSING OF MAILS trains going East. . . .9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. ' " West . nnd 5:30 p. rn, SUwe for Goldendale 7:S)a. m. ' l'rlnevUlu fttaia. ru. " "liufur and Warm Springs ..5:3) a.m. ' tLeHVtug for Lyte A Hartland. .5:80 a. m. " " ' J Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. tTrt-nreekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1893 Both political parties o( Massachusetts have adopted the "initiative and refer endum" plank. It can be predicted with reasonable certainty thai after the middle of the next century, the numerous old colored "aunties" who helped to take care of George Washington will have practically disappeared. Lord Dunraven's yacht, the Valkyrie, has been hauled out on Hawkins' ways, at City Island and is being dismantled for the winter. It is said that Lord Ounraven is anxious to have another try at the Vigilant in the spring. The current of the Mississippi river averages from 2 k, to 4 miles an hour in velocity, but a steamboatman on the Missouri would be pretty apt to call this still water, as that stream bowls along under ordihary circumstances at the rate of 8 and 10 miles an hour, and on state occasions it develops the speed of an avalanche. Figures never lie, it is said, if so, the busy people who align them must lie, as no estimate heretofore made of the wheat production has really come within hailing distanceof the truth. Longafter the statisticians have declared that the surplus is exhausted exportation from this country goes steadily on and there is usually a considerable amount left over for export in the spring. Oscar D. Wetherell, city comptroller of Chicago, who by the death of Mayor Harrison becomes acting-mayor, is a republican. He is a native of New Hampshire, but moved to Chicago muny years ago and became a prominent lum berman. Something like 12 years ago he was elected to the city council of Chicago and served for at least two terms as chairman of the finance committee. Three years ago he was elected president of the Globe National bank and lust spring, on Harrison's election, Mi. Wetherell was appointed comptroller. He is about 60 years of age. A tremendous rain recently poured down in the neighborhood of Pine Bluff, Ark., and witli it came millions of small frogs. They got into many stores, and the principal streets in the business part of the town were so covered witli them that it was difficult to walk. As the re port is reliable and similar cases have occasionally been reported which are true, a possible explanation is appended. The appearrnce of frogs and olhc email animals during heavy rain etorms may be due to two sources, either lifted from shallow ponds or marshes by a tornado or waterspout, and distributed along the path of ttie storm, or that the excessive rain has driven them from their burrows and hiding places to the surface of the ground. If in the above statement the animals were really frogs, they may have fallen as stated. If they were toads, they were probably driven from their holes bv the rain. (loml-lty ItifttrtH'tliiiiH Vtrt Strung Out n I. It tip Tm .niitr. He was the proud mnl liuuphty jruard at that railway pate nnd they were two ladies who disliked to be separated very much. "Good-by." said the one with the valise and the rod pasteboard box tied with white string1. "Hood-by," replied the one who had uo luggtifTtf. - "lie sure and tell mother good-by for me. won't you?"' "Yes, nml you must be sure to plvu my love to all the folks." "1 will. They will be sorry that you couldn't come with me." "1 know it; but you will explain just how it was. 1 certainly wanted to come." "You won't forget to look the piano so that baby won't put buttons and scraps into the strings?" "Yes." "And shut the windows when it rains." "Of course." "Well, I must hurrv. Good-by." "Good-by." Then they kissed and parted and the traveler with 'some difliculty extricat ed her ticket from the valise. .Justus she got to the guard she gave a little scream. "Oh!" she said, "there is something I wish to say to her; will I have time?" "How long will you need?" he asked, as he looked at her ticket. "Just half a minute." "Oh, then you have plenty of time. It'll be ten hours before your train starts." "Hut the time table says it goes at nine o'clock." "Yes'm, nnd it is now justone minute past nine." Waverlcy Magazine. Electric Hitter. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidueys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blow!. Will drive mnlaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all mnlaria! fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's. riisttirnge. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf A Great l.ivor .MtMllclnr. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver I'll'.- are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indige-tion. eo--tiveness, torpid liver, etc. Tiiese pih- insure pertect digestion, correct tin liver and stomach, regulate the liowtjir. purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appetite and' invigorate ami strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 23 cts. a box by lllakeley &. Houghton. ! 'There is a tide in lu afairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune" Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the TIIE WOMAN WHO WOJiKS, nnd is tired, will find a special help iu Dr. Pierce's Favorito Proscrip tion. Perfectly harmless in any condition of tho female Bystcni. It promotes all tho natural functions, and builds up, strengthens, regulates and cures. For women approaching confinement, nursing mothers, and every weak, run-down, delicate wo man, it is an invigorating, support ing tonic that's peculiarly adapted to their needs. But it's more than that, too. It's tho only guaranteed remedy for all the functional disturbances," painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of womanhood. In "female com plaints " of every kind, periodical pains, bearing-down sensations, in ternal inflammation, and kindred ailments, if it over fails to bene fit or cure, you have your money back. Something else that pays the dealer better, raav bo offered as " just as good." Perhaps it is for Aim, but it can't be, for you. -Fimitore & tats at CRANDALL 4, BURGETS, Who nro soiling thoso Roods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHKLBAOU BMIOK, - - UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Woit Tin Repairs anfl Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. 'Shop on Third Struct, next door west of Young & K use Blacksmith Shop. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. Hits just received the latest .it;- It- In Suitings for Gentlemen, nml 1imi larRo assortment of for. Igi. mid Ainer lean Cloths, which he can Ihilsh To tiidor for tliov; that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Notice. Timber Culture. ROOT oVlOlf ICS f . I. 3. -Land Office, Tub Iiallks Or.., Al!RUt l'i, 1".':! Complaint havlinr been enteral at this oillre hy Mnrrletta JI. Marshall against I'nMnn itetd fur failure to comply with law n tn Under Oiltiiru Kutry No. 3110. dated March Hi. iiBn the X'jj of Section "iS, Towuihlp - North, ltmitfe II Kast, W. M., in Wax-o comity, Own. Willi a view to the cancellation of .ud entrv t-ontfitiitit nlleaiiic that defendant lin whofh fidledaml neglected to nlow or break nr curt. vatetucrop or nthcnvii-c, or plant with tnv-. tree vdi or cutllwrs. dtirlw any of tin- tlnu inoe nniklnK hli mid entry, ntn lmrt nf nit traet, the said partle-4 are hereh) wnmnneil to api-ear at this OHicu on the "Jlit da;, nf UPtub-r. ls'.ti. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to respond nnd furnish testimony concerning mid nllwd failure y-lv3t JOHN W. I.KWK KvKhtvr. NOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. undorsijrnud, having scoured tho machinery and fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory, will poll the same at a hargain. Here is an engine and boiler of '10-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoo machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, bolting and find ings almost a complete shoe factory. Hero is also one of the best sites for successfully opor uthijl a factory of this kind to bo found in this country. Write for particulars at once, to IM2 Tlio Dalles, Or. ..Familiar Faces in a Ntnu Place. C. E. BAYARD, y.(i Special Agent Ueneral Land Office. J. E. BARN ETT IJ. S. Office. The liiiiie, t)r., Octolwr IT, I hi. j Notice Is hereby Riven that the l.dlimliiK mimed settler has died notice of hl intention to make final proof In support of liU claim, mid that tald proof will be made Ijcforc the reenter and receiver of the I.'. Si. hand otllec ut The liallea, (Jr., on Monday, Nov. Ti, ls'.c;, u. lamt'-t M. I'litlxnii, Homestead application No. Jl-' for ei: , HTtioii 1, I p. 1 ti.. It I-.' K V. M. He names the following witnesses t" prove hi continuous residence upon and outti vuti;i m aid InndA'Iz.: Ken Hatty. IliiKh Chrlsinan. W. K. i.orson anil K N f handler, all of Tim Dalles, or. lOL'ltd JOHN W. I.KWls, lteliter Jt?e Ieal Estate, loai), Iuraree, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTAHT TJ: LIO PartiuH liiivin' 'roMsrty tlioy wish to Sell or Tnitlu, Housi.-k to Hunt, or Attract of Titlo funiiHlititl, will iiml it to tlinir advanta"!) to call on tin. Wi! shall iiiak'o a Hpccinlty of tin; jaosutaitioii of ClainiK and CoutwitK Iwforu tin.' Unituj) Htat;H Land Ollict;. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It in guaranteed to give you satisfaction. I'rife 74c Sold by Snipes &. Kinersly, druggists. Notice! All notes duo and Incoming duo and all accounts owing us must he settled on or before November 1st, 1893, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean huainees and must positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm Thk Dalles Mercantile Co. Look Over Your County Warrant. All county warrants registered prior to January 16th, 1890, will be paid if presented at my oflice, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest reaves on and after tbia date. Wit. Miciiell, Treasurer Wasco County. October 2Ut, 1803, tf WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Beat grades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) Jait received a scow load of choice oak wood. Majeb & Bento.v, Hsbm tor Kant. SiX'room house to rent. Centrally Ideated. Apply to ' H. Glenn, Eeoms to rent at Ker, A. Horn's resi- oe Miatb street, e-aaaw. au.rOH A CASE IT VJILLs HOT CUhr.. Annirreeable Laxative and KKRVE TONIC. Sold by Uriarjrists or sent by mall. 25c fXJc., nd 81.00 per packajre. tarn pies free V A tSfi 1130 Favorito ICOTB FOTOK A.W CaVfortheTeethandlJrettth.aoc. For ule by Sniped Si Klnomly. VIGOR of MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all Ilia train nf rvlln Irorn early eriurii or latr ezcvttei. Iko retulm ut overaork, slokiio, worry.etc. FulUtreugtl, clerelopment and tone given to eery organ acd portion of lliu Ixly. fsimplr.naluralmetlioilt. JmnittllatalmproYCinent Hcvn. Failure ImpokilMr. 2iu refereucri. Ii-ilt. explanation anil pn)l mallea (taled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. Taken Up. Ono eorrel eldlliK iibout twelve yir old, nml bniiided tints P on left ulionlder. 'liie owner can luivu tlie"iilnial by jmyliiK for tld notlee I). J. C(lOI'i:it. Ausust 13, lfi.-wtf Estray Taken Up. One llH0k jiony, lininded either 6 or S on left hip nnd left jmv. Owner eim linve mine jy j,rov lug proiicrty mid vuyliiK for thin notice. DKI.Ii ;. WIl.DKit, 10-I3wlni I'oitolliee, The Halloa, Or. Rheumatism, Lumbago. 8ott1oa9 iany complaints, DtOK, o Lime 'I ILEBN M. SAMKI Wrth MlMtm-SSi Lattt hlMliTfiit lawran Will cure wltboat ttriietiw ll WMtwi laroMi 16 IELT MMtlc UVPINIOilV. i . mm uwrareoMaM I oTiruuiuu oi unua Bcrr lorcn i mt i mmm cretlon. mm Mrvooa cUblUtr. itnUayii. fbruautiai7llldur, Urr. M..UUUM' Unwtiack. ' i-ti all -i- raaullU4rfrom loriuau. UJIffliCiP. eoBipUuiU, Miwml 111 kxawi, etc. flttt f.lwtrk: JMt cooUIni w4wfl himmili ortr tit otMrf. Ourrcat I ituuoily ffltVr .wifr or.wa lorMl t,m.m, and will eura ail ot tho alore JIimiih or sio pay. tliou. tuda kvtt bwn cured br ttil marrtlutu (nvmUuii ri.r all otlwr rrumleii faiM, juid. trtve busdivdJ of uatlmoataU In tlilaandavtry other atato. Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. (ietitleinen! Two llne-lookliiu' reinnylviuilii lailies, excellent repuUtlonx, Innnitrlonx, ilen dld lioiinvkevjicrN, ae 1H and &), woitti W,W).W each, imreutH Uend, WHiit to jro west this f .ill, mnl woti'il like to correspond tth nice, reiiePibl Keutlerneii under 40. Object: liiiiiy weatern honieM. Oentleineti, If you are miitilnioninlly incline)), uend 11 bill In common letter for pirn tos, lmiiieM and addrvDses of thou yoiitiK ImlleN. Pennsylvania Adv. Oo,, in l.'iu lin llox Sil. jck Unveil, I'u. Assignee's Notice to Creditors, W. K. OnrreUon, of Th Dalle, OreKon, lntv liig uIkiic1 hU property for the benvlltof all tilxerolluira, all peraoini imvliiK ehilniH iiKuliint film lire hereby notified to iireaent them tome under ojitb, at The IMIlw, Oregon, within three moiithx from date. A. It. TlIOill'SON, AtilKliee. AiiRiutc, im-wtt NOTICE. Our fawrral lairr' BUVTSK HMHIT. Um Stilt. aUllaaavirMilnafUiaP4UlmilUlael(4 SUOrs aVodrorlllUii'U l'auiftlet,uialiriJ.tadlfrco ANOKN ItECTRIO CO., Uo, 17lrmtrt, i'MUTUkliU OXUQ. In Ibc County Court of the HUte of Oregon, for Wttaeo County, In the Matter of the Kttate of William Hamilton Wllaoii, Decvoaed. , Notice W hereby Riven that the uuderalKUol, by au order of tho County Court of the HUtaof OreKon. for Watco County, made and entered rieptember 7, WM, wa appolutetl executor of the laat will and leUmcit of tint aald William Ilmiillton Wilton. deccaiKid; all perwnu having claliiuaKilnt Hild t-atato are hereby no'lllcd to iireaeut the aniu with the proiwr vouchera therefor to meat thoolllcu ol May, lliiiitlngloii ti WlUon. ahu Dalle, Ortwoii, tviihlu ilz inoiitlm from the onto of tbla notice. DaM The Ihillon, Or., Kept. 7, 1JI. Kxeoutor of Will of Wui. 1'., WlUou, dee'd TheDmlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tlio Ont; City of tiio Inland Empiro i'h Hituntod bend of navigation on tho Middlo Coluntliiu, and i it thriving, proK fioroua city. ITS TERRITORY. It ia tho supply city for an uxtwiHivo and rich agricultural and grazing country, its tradu reaching as far houtlt ua Suiiiiner Lak., a distauco of over two liuudrcd inileii. The Largest Wool Market. Tlio rich grazing country along tlio cuhUtii hIojio of tho Can cades funuHhcH pitHturo for thousands of Hhoup, tlio wool from which finds market horo. Tho Dalles is tlio largest original wool shipping point in America, nlxnit 5,000,000 pounds Ixting shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are tho finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lie more than doubled in the near future. The products of the lxjautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and cast has this year filled tlio warehouses, and ull available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast und its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more funning country thun is tributary to any otlter city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate' delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its "resources unlimited. And on these eornor Htones she stands. The California Wine house, 4 Ib no X prodv v Also, 4 to bo now OD011. and it nronrintnr will unll Iuh homn- producedf Wine at prices in the reach of everybody. Deal reanuts to do louna. Uooub guarantepd Pure and First-ClaaB in every respect. Thompson's Addition. C. BECHT. This Is the Season Of the Yea Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS, In the Clreiilt Court of tlx- Htutc nf imi. tin' Com I) llllltlltl. riiiiutitr, VK. ll. OllleMile. I'miik Ithodn (illUniiln, W. K. Hunt nnd W. II. Ililtlur, Dofulidiintn. J To rVont l. (Hllmilennd:ithtuta(;m,j.... ofmiT-riniHni uriemianit t .... .. ... .1 nmmtag ............... r... ,,, 1,1 iti'iiiiu IUSETITjI.. I nivri'LMiiiir nirm or tin. r run it ' ' itiito ncrfoi, to-wlt, on or liuforo tli Kith dwy nf Novniiilmr. 1H9J. 1 1. .... lor tint relief iriieil for In IiIh romiiliilnLUmlv ., ..-., ..I-. 1. .iiu iiifiiunvn. iiiiunui III tn. II III tllll'IINllltl MflMtll t I ...., W l ins iiiii uiiutT aui'ii lormirturi' (iifrtti in iniiunvr iirovlilt'd by lnv nml m-f rillntr to '....1. ..... .i 1 . .. . . Ill tmr ikint. M.r 11111111111 . iilmi n ltirtlwr ktm, itixty ifi'ij iiiinnrH im n nnniiiiimr iiitnrtii'v j nr iiiniiiiiLini; iiur. mill in i uri i in win I ll.... I,, ulliul lltu.ll ttifl ilfklil.PHiil.lKlltH lllttlli Utlll lt tHliliMT In lU. .tin nml ffl..i4 ilnllitllr liiiVi it ll1ilrinii urwAi.j JIMI kM nIII IMIIH tlHIllllv, Mil flUt JQ) Henry 111 iiiuiirtH'vi'UM 01 miiuui wiumy iiiurti ...III k. !... iiiimii iitlt lilriwtlik.itk .11 nun niiiiir. kiint- iuin niiMi itin,i"niiiv iiicnn .!..!. 411.. I..l..r.ult ..tut (llnlt.i i.f 1 vniir f i k.fii'it'iiiiiiiiiK. iii'ii 111 11 mi 111 tm t uithcTf lu itnil to Mild inort.iKvri rrcniwiuil ......... ....- i. ...... .f 1... ...i tn ti j I'm iut;iutii in- 1 1 1 1 ii 11 r-.w uuu jvicirf iHirriil Irniii itu inity ni rttlcinpllo.i. Thntttc kjiIo in ul tmrrti.i'M Hiild iniirtL'nui'derfnliff.jtl hiMMptlon, nml that iiiMin tit Mileoiiiiicort- Kfiu'rd iHi'inlfCrt tin iurcluiv:r Ihi let into tne liivijinit;! iiiiu im rxirii I'tuui iiiiu iuimti tit-ti ni to tlio Court limy n-mn cfjiutiml m jm im hii hi iiioiiH ih served iiimmi ii rriuik I), (illlrtnlf ttmt KIhhIh (tllll .byptf lii Tti.i li.ilt.tM I'limiMWM' n nmtttdrtff JiriHriiM fur in kti avaMtii 1 1 t'i ti..!ilal U finlrtf' Jloit. v. i uriiilaliaw. jHUt-'r 01 Mia .l.f,.l. ...t..r I.. ..iitunvf It t'lwurmirit 1111 inu'illi uiiy ni N'ltioiuin'r.i'W. I'l i V .'It. 'M H! t i. - f.,- Plulnlff SUMMONS. In tho Clrnilt Court of lliu Htntc of On for tliu viiUIlt)' of Wnico, A. .Miller, 1 flulntiff, VH. 1. lioyuoliU, I , t.... .i .... j 1 i'rilM'KIMI. J .. .1 I .1... L. , ... ... .Ir.Mr.lfl. lA'tt .11 Ull' IIIIIII17 III .III. nnnr r..f, "i uruliy ritiiiiml ti tijiKisr mid innMcr Uu iiiiiu nun HKiiuih uii 111 iiiu iiimi.v Itlilu tun diiya from thu dittu of ttyj.11:,,,, lliik niiiiiiiiDiiK uoii yon. it n'rvni u county, or If Kirvfd within ntiy otbttMJ'l?' .1.1.. , 1,1.1 .iji.'nQlW n niiiii., iiiwi 11 1. 11111 1111.1MJ ii... .- to of tin- norvliiu of tllla HIIIIIIIIOIH If ourvtil uhiii you hy iulillnillii, Wr? pl.ilt-l on tlu Hint ilny of tho next iffi1 , tuiiir niA iiii,iii'iiiiiii v. to wlt 011 Mondiiy, tliu ..1.1. .1.... 1.... 1 tiflS. ....II ,ii.j iTi.iifi;,, . mid If you full to o iiimwor, the tW,.t''in iipply to tliu court lor lliu rullul V'tS mo t'inv,' n. r ,--. 1 hi mini - .Jkrtt vr tlio hiil.-of Uii lircinlr-fH thurinSw. tllO hOlltll illllf III tllU MMIW'H,W. lio-lliwo.t iiunrtur of tlio 'll?SfSl I tho NOiitliMt'Ht , iiiirti;r Sortb. nuiirti'r. 01 hciuion loiviumi' .v.: .no. KIIIIKU tlllrtlKMI Kllitt. llllllliolto """.Tj ,t0' tnlillilK 0110 huniliiil nnd ntxty ,c.r,,',f. north iiti;il In Wiih-o otiiity, On-KOii AlJ ".it iiiiu 111 mi' niiriio'iliti ijiniru-11 i ,K( imllO' iiunrtur of the northwetitiiiiiirlrr.tWjrijrtioa wit the I nml I (tit r t". : " .. ir.T. f. ji . .,. v,;,,., th tww Willmnottf .Mfrldlmi, coiHiiluliiir ): nnd Mxty in-riii. nnd Hitiuitiii in lpjieurew tlil (i mxty iii'ri'fi, nml Kitiuiti'ti m " "r.iure ct i-Koii; iii'i'tmllUK U Inw" mid "! JJiduhte l court, mid that tho unH-wdn ! Wl..,4bv iiiillid lu iiiiymunt of tint iiiiiomu ",i.eWrj Hitlil niorl;iiKC, und Htlll Ulil'iilUi '"'":,: rite ot of fJWMJO, nnd Inliinwt thflWHI 1 ''"Ar -tfi t'lulit per cont Mir minutii from hi-W' . lltrt. IhW. 11ml tin. fiirthfr htnn of f-MnOjO. " '.1r,n. cHt tlicrcon ut tliu riiloof flht lr "".ornei' 1111 in Muni Mnnilivo. is'j:i. nml for mi ,i". ...iii. fi.-o of, nnd for the niciitM niiiilo nnd wtiiendcd hcrchi' .Jjn j0dji- im; imiuiu win iimuy m .', .:. tiictf liiciit niiidnm you lor miy lt'1 1 -i" 11 7' . i,0 ,,ro Ihi imniiliiiUK nflor II10 iiidlciitlim 'i Lii'iiii i( mini nriin iin iiiiriu-'MiMi .,,, iliii ffU"' Vou will lurtluir Iiiiiu iioiicu "", i,y i.utli inotiH In thlNhiilt l Mirvcd upon )" lwv. cntloii, hy onlur of thu llouoni ' ",'r nlot ul.,.,.. 'l,.,l,. ... -.,1,1 ir,,nrl. Nil il l1'"1-1 niii.i. , u i.i.hi' 111 "iii dated riuiituinlmr '.'7111, 1VJ:I. . iviijJOSi HA ni III . .... ' . f,.r I'llllllUl1' NOTICi: FOK rUHIilCATlOS. 1 iiiowW' Notlco Ih lu-rcliy Klvuii that A'. tnW nmniil auttlor Iiiih illwl uotlco 1 fu 'lal n, . iniiko filial proof lu Htil'rt 1 ,'t; mW that wild iirolif will U malu 111111 ivcuivur 111 1 ow 'nuv"i .1 Idfi'l ul.i "i""'"" i..,.,k. HolHIUlo U. duvlKcoof John lliiBhcH.diit w tcnrt Aiiiilloatlon No. MS, U 110 nmniw 1 no loiiotvniH - 1 fii vn"" IiIh coutluuotiH roMdunco upon ' ru" of Kiild land, viz; ...utitrulitlit"" Kuth MoiKan, nil of thu I Wi 1 Uh . f . , .t.. jar-,,, i.. .i.wAi.i 1-1 TI I 'I'linca .nakei It 'j'1 ",!it0; F I LL nwmuty u w vu of o I IV. Vimt i..M.41i.ttt . avt H1 ." 1 C". ' 7, l "Td,. iir mull uru inu "'""l ;: . V..1.11I0 111 I " 1 .iiiu If you wl.h to ruaoh nil t 0 r copio 1 (, Imrhood you uau't do iHiltor ia" i , cj. throiiHhitho (jolumim 1 Vi . A 1 1 1 1 t i ol " It Iiuh than (llllLjt ,, yiw othor iaHir.ttin iutvurlK " " '