Je Dauters of Eu Iierited furiosity and many nro the questions that have been asked us nbout the Handkerchiefs which wo displawed Saturday evening. To satisfy their curiosity, wo state that early in the summer we placed a generous order with the New York repre sentative of a Swiss manufacturer, and these are the goods tli nt called forth so much admiration. Dainty, 15 Cents to Sl.OO, ELacQLixisito. all Goods marked I r. 7 I jn Plain figures. iy PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. (titi'wlH tint I'oHtolllrc ut Tlio Pnlleit, Orcgim, ii h Mrniii-i'li.s mutter. I.IM'lll ll VITtlnlllK. lUCuiit !r lino Icir ilrHt ltiimrtloH, mid f Ci'iitu i llni" fur eui'li mili'. iiiuiit luicrtlim. 3h:IhI niti-n lor 1'invi tlmu iioMcuh, All Ickii, iiutli-e nvolvfd lutur tlmu !l o'clock 111 iijipour tin' fultrm'liiK tin)'. WEDNESDAY. - - - NOV. 1.18M The Daily and Wrekli Chronicle viiui ht found an mle at J. C. XicLrhm't More. OCTOBER OLIO. A Aarnry Mim From N.l lilt. .HImI'IIIIIH'IIIII. Mr. CIihh. Frasior iti putting "P l h! residence in Thompson's addition. Owing to the death of J)r. Riuohart the meeting of the whist club will he in definitely postponed . A lady friend tells uk this cold weath er Is deadly to the prospect of the cliTYsuutliemuiiiR. A typographical error yesterday made us ay dollars' worth Instead of ounces n the leading editorial. t.V, A. Seufert brought til n box of IneSaWiay peaches this morning, of ex cellent flavor and without blemish. Tim eivfl ciine of Martha Perkins vs. A. WJmmi was tried in Justice Davis' court yesterday and Continued till Fri day. Tin- city council will meet tonight to elect a mayor from their number and appoint another councilman to till the vuncaney. A party recently arrived from Youngs town, Ohio, u town of :ir,000 inhabitants, eays that at the present time -1,000 people are being fed daily by the people there. The fair grounds near The Dalles are to he sold ut public auction on thetith inst. Tlds H to mttisfy a mortgage and the grounds will he sold Intact with all improvements. bast evening was cold and blustery nl a light film of snow fell ut Vaubib tor's and on the hills, while a few Hakes catno drifting down in the city to remind "8 of winter's near approach. There is n rntwiH.'niil Hint t n nr. 'liiutnce is a dead letter and that is the rwon the cows are foraging in the door yards after night. The council ought to look into this mattor this evening. Mel Dustin, who was arrested for rape nd not a true bill returned by the grand 'ury ut the last term of the court ut Canyon City, and William McCoy have won arrested and placed under $1,000 wnds for carrying tools to the jull to aid Mooro and Rltter to escape, who were "oiitonced to eight years for robbery. A nuW clothing atore will be oponod in "e Miller building, No. 100 Second treot, by Mr. Honywlll, who evidently Wlioves prlntera' ink is the liret requl ' for a successful business, as evi nced by his advertisement In another luntn, before he lias oven received his jJJJJJJj Penod uj. Succosh to Mr. Tu ladies of tho First Christian mirch have made some nice homo. . . co,uforl",e. which they have liacod i, the store of C. F. Stephens, Tli i u WlU 80,1 wt WMomblo prices. e ladles are very desirous of obtain "Uiionoy for charitable purposos and '" 'oped the cltUens will help them "wlr laudable endeavor. On account of the death of lir. W. E. Rinehart, which occurred yesterday at Summerville, the Mignonette Dancing clnb will postpone their masquerade, which was to be given Friday evening, till a week from that date. The execu tive committee will issue invitations for dancing to the first four names which are handed to them. A limited number of spectators will be invited. SOLDIERS' HOME CASE. j Itijiinclliiii Set A Hide mid the Trimti'i'H I Cnn Ahead. A dispatch from Salem to the Orego nian states that the Soldiers' Home is in exactly the same position it was prior to. the injunction suit brought before Judge Bennett last spring that is, the trustees named by the governor can now proceed in the matter of locating the institution. This condition of things was brought today by a decision handed down in the supreme court by Associate Judge F A. Monre. The title of the case was: D. C. Sherman, respondent, vs. A. J. Fellows, James Byron, J. V. Mullan, Charles Nickel and S. S. Train, as trustees of tho Ore gon Soldiers' Home, appellants ; appea' from Linn county. Judgment of lower court reversed, demurrer sustained and cause remanded for such further pro ceedings as are necessary. Then follows the opinion, which is too lengthy to re produce. This ease has been tho precedent to decide for us the location of the Eastern Oregon insane asylum, and there is now nothing to hinder the decision being announced and arrangements begun at once for its erection. SurriM! 1'urty. A surprise party was given Archie Harnett last evening, at which were present : Masters Frank Chase, Eugene Chrisman, George Rueh, Clyde Hiddell, Harry Fredden, Gay Chase, .Rowland Wiley, John McNeil, Misses Lizzie Martha and Rerun Schooling, Fannie Checsman, Nettie Fredden, ituchel Morgan. Edith Fisher, Clara Nickelsen, Hilda Beck, Katie Sargeant, SusioChase. The evening was pleasantly passed with games, lunch and the usual fea tures of a surprise party. ltuul Untitle. October 111.--Mary Markley to Phebe Morse, no's, sec. !W, tp 1 n, range 9 o, 1(10 acres; consideration if 1,000. Frank If. Button and wife to Luella J. Hand, a certain parcel of land in town ship 3 north and 11 east, containing tf-H... acres. Mrs. K. K. Bell and husband to Christian Hand, a certain parcel of land in Hood River ; consideration $2,500. Robt. Rand and Christian Hand to Mrs. R. K. Bell the same; consideration $0,000. Uurrlble DUeovery. The discovery was made this morning about 0 o'clock that there were only a few tickets left for those Free Crayons at Herrln's. Eighty-five cents each while they last. Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood puritlor, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. aKNTMGMKN, I lllll HUHJW'l ICIIKiHIXUCIll HllllCKH of hick IioiiiIuoIiu of tlio wornt iiobhIUIu tyie, unit cimimoiicod tuklni? Knumo'H lleudiiuho kuimuUw luftt Hiunmur. 'J'hoy mini It in every liMtiiiipeJ mut hIiich that time I urn ciiJojIiib niilumlhl t ..... . i ,.. oimiiilu lii iL'i.lirlit iiuiiuii nun iiiivu kiiiiiw i"". "v.B.... Yuum very truly, K. M. .anu:i.h, Coiw tli, lowu. Bold hy HaliiesV Kltiernly. Domino Party. The domino party given by the Chrys nnthemum club Hallowe'en eve was a very sociable event and tho costumes were very unique. The young ladies may be congratulated in their artistic taste in decorating the hall profusely with various flowers especially those which designated the club's name Those present were : Dr Sanders and wife, V II Wilson and wife, Judge Brad shaw and wife, H J Maier and wife, S L Young and wife, Capt Sherman and wife, Dr Hollister and wife, W E Garret son and wife, Mesdames E Schanno, Heppner, Gushing, Stevens, R Gibons, Marden, Blakeley, Misses E Fitzgerald, E Story, Bowman, E Newman, A and E Schmidt, D Fredden, F Lewis, A, L, and B Rowland, A Schanno, G Sampson, C Davis, E Heppner, P Drews, E and B Glenn, II Marden, Stanley, KriEt, Messrs. Dr. Logan, Littlefield, S Camp bell, Frank Garretson, F Faulkner, V McCrum, Tilzer, L Schanno, F and J Wiegle, V Marden, R Rowland, J and G Bonn, Fredden, F Dietzel, C Clark, W Vogt, E Drews. C Fritz, V Schmidt, I Hiemberger, J Fiegenbaum, F Blank. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Emery Oliver is in the city. Mr. Edwin Mays and Frank Cole are in tho city from Antelope. Mrs. Leslie Butler will leave tomor row night for Kansas and will be gone several weeks. Mr. Ad Edgar, an old-time Dallesite, arrived in this city this morning from tho world's fair. Sheriff E. M. Leslie of Sherman county is in town, and is registered at tho Umatilla house. A miirriiiL'H HcmiHit wns erniitnd tnilnv to Mr. Emery Oliver and Miss Annette E. Sylvester of this city. N. K. Tnvifl. rnnrHRPiitinp nil in A: Pr. (Simmons Liver Regulator) is in The Danes touav on misiuess. Mr. E. C. Wiley, tho government rep resentative at tho Cascades, came up last night, returning this morning. Messrs. A. H. Brayuutn and John Summerville, bankers of Portland, ar rived last evening and left this morning for their ranch near Prineville. TVt.iinr I JiivK.'tnL- nl Wni.i K.rft,rro T.i- 1. - I 1 1 uian agency, naviug ueeu cugageu in surveying and making the allotment of lands to tho Indians, is in tho city today. IIOTKIj AHItIVAI.8. Skibbo J C Evans, Boyd; John Murray, Joseph Stevens, Walla Walla; Frank Bachard, Prineville; Ferdinand Matthews, J P Campbell, Portland. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. WOOM, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (OUlco Second and Jeffer son streets.) Just received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maiku & Benton. Tygli VHllvy Koller Flour Mill. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old stylo coarse and fine Gra'iam flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCouki.k, Propr. tu.ll.3m Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Captain Sweeney, U. S. iu San Dlotfo. Cal.. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have f over found that would do mo any good." Price 50 cts. Sold, by Snipes & Kinersly. j Shlloh's VltttlUor is what you need for I dysiwpBia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble, It ib guaranteed to . give you satisfaction. Price 7-le Sold V t,?.t j. in l.. .1 i. ... uy nuipos re jvinermy, uniicie, Dr. W. K. Illnchrt' Heath. The sad now reached this cltv last evening of tho death at Summerville, of )t. w. L. Rinchart, mayor of Tho uaiies. I ho disease which robbed him of his 1 fo was appendicitis, from whicli ho has been suffering but a short time. His death will be a blow to tho commun Ry In which ho lived, and his place in the city government, In medicine and in society cannot easily be filled. Ho dis charged Ids duties to the municipality with a single-heartedness fortunate for its Interests and highly commendable to himself. His mission, cut short by the decree of fate, was to place The Dalles at the highest point of sanitary perfection and to this he gave an energy and thoughtfulncss which can never be effaced. In society ho was an ornament and leader, and tho several societies to which he belonged will keenly feel his loss. As a physician and surgeon, ho was not excelled in Tho Dalles, and had ho lived his allotted three score and ten, would havf had a state reputation, for he was a s iccessful practitioner and an indefatigable student His demise must have been very sudden, but owing to tho meagre tele graphic tcrvice, Summerville being located fifteen miles from the railroad, nothing further can be learned at this writing. Only the day before his death he wrote a letter to a friend here stating he had Buffered terribly, but felt better hat morning, well enough indeed to write, and that his physician said he would recover. Dr. W. E' Rinebart was born in Ben ton- county, Oregon, in 1860, and was educated in Salem in both the literary and medical departments. He then at tended eastern schools, graduating from the Jefferson Medical college, Philadel phia and BJbllevue Medical college, New York, . and arrived homo to practice be fore he vjas 20 years old. Practicing medicine in Union county seven years and Portland three years, he came to The DallesJ where he has now been for four years.; During his residence in Portland ho was professor of anatomy and clinical Burgery in the Willamette Medical college and chief surgeon of Portland hospitals. He has been the president, wf the Oregon State Medical association t all of which honors for so young a man shows the high esteem in which he was held by the medical fra ternity. He also pursued business suc cessfully in Union county in the milling and land interests. On March 15th, 18S2, Dr. Rinchart was married to Miss Belle Cooper, at the First Congregational church of The Dalles. Since that time four children have been born to them, all boys. Less than a year ago the deceased completed his fine residence on the bluff, where he has lived up to the time of his illness. He leaves his family well provided for, having carried a large insurance on his life. A telegram received this afternoon tates that his body will be brought to this city on Friday, and he will be in terred in Sunset cemetery. l'rctty X-ir Gonu. Mrs. Lizzie Loryea McCalla is, accord ing to1 report, at about the end of her career. Being a confirmed user of liquor and morphine, she is now a helpless wreck. It is teportcd that some one has money belouging to her, but that she cannot get it and is therefore compelled to live in abject poverty In a room in tho Glisan block. She took the cure at one time, but it did not cure. A doctor or some other person visits her every afternoon and gives her a hypodermic injection of morphine, without which she would become a raving maniac. Tho daughter of a rich father, the wife of a prominent physician in her time, surrounded by tho luxuries of splendid homes, she now finds herself before tho portals of the poor house, with tint pot ter's field awaiting her. If lifo is worth saving here is a chance for the philan thropic to exert themselves. Dispatch. Slll'l'll l.ont. Lost on tho ramje between tho head of Mill creek and Tygh Valley, 100 head of ewes and lambs, branded S. H., ear mark crop in right, swallow fork in left in ewes and same mark reversed in eather lambs. Suitable roward will bo given for information that will lead to the recovery of tho same. Solomon Houhku, Tygh Valley, Or. Tim .Monttfiiiucrv Ail vnrtlwer Says: "Simmons Liver Regulator has secured a reputation solely on account of its extraordinary merits as a medicine for the liver, stomach and kidneys." Shlloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. WOOD'H X'lIOSPJZODINJ Tiie Great EaglliU Remedy, Promptly and permanently euro all forms of Ntrvou Wtaknct,F.uluiont, Sverm' otorrhea, Impoitncy and all tfftcttvAlu$e or KxceiHt. llocn iircBcrlbod over S3 .ycarnta thousands of ctwuxii la tho oiiyitHuMe ami Juiv est meJlcine Jbiowii. Ask ilrugelat tor Wood' Plioipliodlnui if ho offers bomo wortlileesmodleluoiu jilaooof tui, loavo IiU illsUouest vture, Inclose prlco iu U'ttor, and wo will ecu J iy return mall. I'rlce, ono jiackago, eielx,$5. Onexitllileaac,tlzvUlintn: I'uiuyli. lu in jilalu ti'nlcil vuvetoiw, !5 cents jiostngi', Alilrt30 (Tlio Wood Chuiiilonl Co., Jilt Woodward uvunuc, Detroit Xlou. Hold Ii) TlicDttUos by Ulnl.cloy iV Uoucton. The balance of Our Large Stock We will Close Out Jiterc and Attr, leuarmess of Cost! 5IGREAT BARGAINS. Store Fixtures for Sale. N. Harris. P. S. Special prices to dealers. Just flrnveil from Hew York SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Jackets, FROIYI $3.50 UPWARDS inn & Fuioisoi t Remarkably Low Prices. Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF fp Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. As we are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like the famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) and bud debts, our prices will always' be- found the verv lowest in tho market. We invito onr friends and customers to examine our coodB and prices before purchasing. The Miller Store Bulletins;. 166 Second Street. IW M. HONYWILL respoctfully announces having taken tho above premises on Lease, and will, In a few days, open with a stock of men's Olotlxixxgr, Boots, Shoes, Ejfco., and hopes to be favored with ahare of tho public patronage. ro "i en i . . THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of ood health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will bo priced on ho market. STOP It's You I Want! A Life-Sire Crayon Free with every dozen Cabinet 1'hotos. The people aro tired of being liuinbiicd by traveling Crayon Fakirs. They have stopped pay ing tho Agent's railroad fare and hotel bill with every crayon they order. Sam ples on exhibition. THK DALI.LES, OR, ft