The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 01, 1893, Image 2

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I. A
.W.7.T i
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Waokl v. 1 Tir 1 K
6 months....
Dill?, 1 year
" 6 mouths.
" per "
0 75
0 SO
6 00
S 00
0 so
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
orncK hours
Gjuerat Delivery Window 8 a. m
Money order
ti'i mlrtj- j I;
to 7 p. m.
8 a. ni. to 4 j. m.
?a. ni. to 10 . w,
trains going East. ...9 p. m. and 11:45a. m.
" " West .. .9 p.m. and 8:Sp. m.
Stase for Qoldendalc. .. . . 7:!a. m.
' " Prlncvlllo. .5:S0a. m.
" 'DuturaiidWarmSprlnfrs ..6:S0a. m.
i. , 1 t ..) I. II .. ..1 .. .1 KiQHa n.
" " " (Antelope . .. .5:30 a. m. j their pocket
rTri-weokly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday,
1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Sin Hknuv Uk.xskmkh, the inventor,
now In hisolphtioth yenr, is writlnp
sketch of his life.
Thk Ilurpers are said to hnve on
hit ml more than fifty thousand dollars'
worth of accepted manuscripts.
Cowi'Kii loved pets, and had at one
time live rabbits, three iiares, two
puinca pips, a mappic. a jay, a star
linp. two canary birds, two dops, a
I "retired cat" and a squirrel.
! Du. Oi.tviu: WKNnr.Lt. Hoi.mks says he
to not feel half m old now as he did
at twenty-seven. Probably 1 is much
younger, despite his years, than the
average young man of seventeen.
Ihsk.n V deepest regret is that he
does not speak English, and cannot, ! CHULDRBN
therefore, reach the hearts of the pco- w,0 arc pUnv, pale, weak, or scrof
ple. Nearly all the other dramatic ' l0U8 ought" to take Dr. Tierce's
writers seem to be trying to reach I nt.i., f.,:l T;...... ti..,
"There is a titje in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa
leads on to fortune"
unquestionably had
to the
5TJ The poet
Who are soiling these goods out at greatly-red uoed rates.
NOV. 1, 1893
Gov. Pennoyer is reported to have
said that he will stump the state in the
nest state campaign for the populists
and hopes that they will control the
nest legislature.
Nouway men cannot vote
they have been vaccinated.
At'STi'Ai.t a's summer is said to be so
hot that matches accidentally dropped
on the ground often become ignited.
Is Turkish Asia Minor such is the
condition of the roads that the freight
of a ton of grain one hundred miles
would be over forty-live dollars.
Tin: Eskimo bulletin is the only
The home of ex-President Garfield, a
farm in Mentor, Ohio, is to be cut up
into lots and made the nucleus of a town
to be called Oar held. i.he project is a
worthy one, provided the location calls
for something of the kind, and will per-;
petuate the name of Garfield. It is
about twenty miles from the center of
the city of Cleveland, and wealthy citi
zens of that place are said to be inter
ested in the project.
I builds up both flesh and strength.
; For tins, aud for purifying "the '
blood, there's nothing in "nil modi- i
; cine that can equal the " Discovery."
j In recovering from " Grippe," or '
in convalescence from pneumonia,
j fevers, or other wasting disease;), it
Bpeudily and Burcly invigorates and
; builds up the whole system. As an
I appetizing, restorative tonic, it sots ,
at work all the processes of diges- ;
tion and nutrition, rouses everv or-
can into natural action, and brings i
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m Roofing
journal published in the arctie circle.
It is printed at Cape Prince of Wales, back health and strength.
Jbor all diseases caused bv a torpid
i liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia,
I Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and
, Scalp diseases even Consumption
j(or Lung -scrofula) in its earlier
1 stages the " Discovery " is the
I only guaranteed remedy. If it
! doesn't benefit or cure, in everv
'case, you have your money back.
AlnsUa. and is issued onlv onee a vear.
Tin: inhabitants of Thibet are the
dirtiest people on earth. Not only do
they never wash, but when onee full
growth has been attained they never
take off their clothes. When the gar
ments they wear become old others
are put over them.
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Youne & Kuae
ri..i iiL
omuKsmiin onop.
The Connecticut women suffrage as
sociation introduced to the last legisla
ture the bill which resulted in granting
to women school suffrage. A large num
ber of women took advantage of the
new law by voting at the recent town
elections, thus giving promise that with
systematic action in the future, the ma
jority of the women in the state could be
led to exercise this right.
Four years out of nve, says the Scien
tific American, the ice packs in so hea
vily between Foint Barrow and the
mouth of the Mackensie that it is im
possible for vessels to penetrate it, but
more frequently there is an open sea off
into the northeast from Point Barrow.
This direction, however, is regarded as
a death taap by the whalers, and is re
ligiously avoided. It is such a trap as
De Long deliberately went into after
being cautioned in the strongest terms
by whaling masters not to be enticed
into it. There have been seasons dur
ing the past twenty years when this
northeastern ice entirely disappeared,
and about ten years ago one whaling
master, who was determined to find
whaled, if any were to be found, took
the risk and went in this direction some
two or three hundred miles, as he esti
mated. Even then he did not reach
any barrier. The water was free from
ice, and from whales, too; hence he re
turned rather than risk going farther
and stand the chance of the ice closin
in on mm lrom bemud, iiut he re
ported finding considerable driftwood
and seeing land birds. This led him
believe that land yet unknown and nn
explored was not very far away.
All Free.
,, Those who have used Dr. King's New j
Discovery know its value, and those who j
have not, have now the opportunity to I
try it free. Call on the advertised drug-
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send f
your name and address to H. E
& Co., Chicago, and get a samp
Dr. King's New Life Pills free
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Sold bv Snipes ifc Kinersly.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
, as well ' "
For Sale at
76 Count StPoet,
Next door to Wasco 8un Office.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
Hiis Just received the Iatot stv!e In
Suitings for Gentlemen,
mm hsn Mrpe assortment of frnrimi mid Amor
lean Cloths, which he can nnlsh To Otili-r
thoe thnt (nvor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
terms upon application.
17tf I-
A (ireat l.lver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos
tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills
insure perfect digestion, correct tlu
liver and stomach, regulate the IkjuvK
purify and enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good appetite and' invigorate iiinl
strengthen the entire system by their
tonic action. They only require one pill
for a dose and never gripe or sicken.
Sold at 'Jo cts. a box by Blakeley &
Notice. Timber Culture.
V. S. Land Office, Thk Dallk. Ok.,)
Atit'IHt l'J, UVt )
Complaint having been entered ut this oillce
by Marriettn M. Marahttll rtKniiiit 1'rtMnn Hew!
f'r failure tn comply with law us to limber
Culture Kntrr No. .1110. dateil Murrh -jj. i9.
uiHiu the NW'4 of Section -JS, Town-hip j North,
It.mi:e II Kmt, W. 31. , in Wuco eomitv. Oretron,
with a view to the cancellation of .ill euttv.
contestant allegim; that defendant huswhi.Ilv
fnllnl and neglected to plow or break or culti
vate tu erop or otherwise, or plant with tree,
trer .-eeils or euttintM. dttrlui; inn of tli tlun-
ilnce maklnc lil ald entry, any iwirt i f nil
tract, xne .-uu parlies are nereuy at this otllce on the "JHt d
lfjcs. at ID o cIocK A. 31.. to re-pond
Jho undersigned, having secured the machinery and
fixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory,
will pell the same at a bargain. Jlore is an engine and
boiler of -10-odd horse power, and
power, and a large amount ot shoo
maehuiery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
J-Jerejs alsojone of the best sites for successfully oper
si tii ijr fac toi-y of this kind to be found in this country
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Salloa,
..Familiar Faces in a Arcw Place.
Late Sjiecittl Aijenl Grneral Land Ojju e
Hark Twain's Latent Itomunce of an
Eiulniau .lluldeu.
A magazine is usually satisfied with
one strong feature for the month. The
Cosmopolitan, however, presents for
November no less than five very unusual
ones. William Dean Howells gives the
first of the letters of the traveller, who
has been visiting this country from Al
, truria. "We have read Mr. Howells' im
' pressions of the Altrurian : but in this
first letter we have the Altrurian's itn
pressions of New York, with some com
ments upon our government and society,
calculated to awaken the most conserva
tive minde. The fcecond feature of The
Cosmopolitan is the portion of the maga
sine given up to color work, no less than
ten superb color illustrations being pre
sented for the first time in magazine
history, accompanyingan article bv Mrs.
Roger A. Pryoron "Changes in Women's
Costumes." The third feature is
"American Notes," by Walter Uesant,
who was recently in America and is do
ing the United States for The Cosmo
politan a la Dickens. The fourth feature
is an article by General Badeau on "The
Forms of Invitation Used by the English
Nobility." The article is illustrated by
the facsimile cards to the Queen'B draw
ing-room, to dinner at the Princess of
Wales, and to many leading houses of
.England. Finally, we have a new and
very curious story by Mark Twain,
called "The Esquimau Maiden's Ro
mance." It is in his happiest vein and
is illustrated by Dan Beard. The Nov
ember number presents the work of
many artists, among whom are : C. S.
Keinhart, Otto Guillonnet, J. II. Harper,
G. Hudson, Franz von Lenbaub, George
Wharton Edwards, F. Bchuyler Matt
hews, Dan Beard, W. L. Bontag, jr., F.
G. Attwood, C. Hirtchberg, J. Habert
Dys, August Franzes, Louis J, Read, J.
N. Hutehias and Hamilton Gibson.
,Afyoung lady's gold bracelet, was
iesHid a few day's ago in this city. The
owner can have it by calling at this
ofiee and prove um ti , t,
ibla aotiee.
testimony concerning ahl alleired mllurr
y-lv3t JOHN V. LKWI.. iiejjHter.
C O.
Cnmi CotilK. rto:iriont-M.K(irH Tlinmi.
CmutMimmptl 'jr.. ovifl Wlionpln;C'oiif;Ii
atuJ Aitiiiu.-i. r r Coiidtiinr.tlcn it has no
rival; hits cured tliomnn'is v lctcnll otlicrs
fulled: will CTJ'ti: you if taken in time. Sold
by iJrtijfjrUts on n.-iianinteo. Fnr Ijuce Hack
or Cheat, use a lit J.o 11 'ti I'l.Ab'JKlu Si cts.
L'. S. lu.Vli Omct, Tile I)hIK-. (Jr.,
i October IT. l-jci. (
, Notice l hereby ulven that tlw (IhmiiiK
, named settler him llled notice of hli intention
l t imike liiinl iroof in tipiirt of Ms claim, und
that sulil proof will be imide U'fore the reKlter
anil receiver of the I. K. IjiimI ij!h-.. at Tlie
Dallw, Or., on Monday, Nov. T., m, t
.Il,lili M, I'ntUon.
Homcitead npiilication No. SOW for nE' , iretion
. 1, i p. I b., U 13 K W. M.
lie names the followinc vitiie-o t" prove hik
contlimmjs residence iimjii and cnltiatlon of
said land, viz. :
hen Hatty, Huli (JliriHinan, W. K. ( ornon mul
E. N. Cliandler, nil of The lUUss. (
lO-l'ltd JOHN W. l.KWlft. Ut-KUter
iIO. - -
Parties liaving Property they winli to Sell or Trad;, HouseH to lient,
Abstract of Title furnishud, will find it to their advantage to call on uk.
We kIiuII niiikt
a sj)eciulty
l)foro the
of the jnoseeution
Unite) States Land
of ClaiuiK
and ContoKts
85 Washington St.
Taken Up.
ui5 rixe
Aa!C you t'titii."rn? Thlnrpnmlv ic i.unmn.
teed to care vou. lr!c; Men. laiectorfrp.i
For ale by Hritpe & Klnerdly.
Eullr, Quickly,
Pormanently Rettortd.
and all the train of rvllt
f mm early erruro or later
ezcetMrt, Uie mult of
overwork, tick no an,
worry.etc FulUtreuml,,
UcYelopiiient ami tuuo
given to every organ and
irtlon of tno iy.
Irnmed la to I m proret ae lit
jeen. Kolliirt, lnipolt,le.
2OJ reference, liuolc,
explauatlon and proof i
milled liealeU) free.
One torrel (reldins about twelTe yenrn oi l, anil
branded thus P on lelt uhotilder. Tin- owner
fff ' C4n hawv tnc ""Imnl by ixiyiiig for tlil-i notice
u. i.uui -r.u.
.VlljtUlt 13, lb'ja.-wtf
Estray Taken Up.
' Soi
ie by
The Dalles
Wasco County,
i 5 Is the
Of the Yean
In the
1) llolton, I
Franl- l. (illlenple.
Itlmda (llllcHiile, V.
K. limit and W. II.
lintler, Dcfunduntx.
Ti Prank IK Wttfplr ami IHImta (Wlatl tin.
It) tilt! 1III1IH' III
each of
Mil tlm Nlatn of, at
are hereby leoiilrcl toTCSf
lllfl, (.!! nil . T7-
the complaint
lit on or bcloie tins ttrtinel
of the Circuit Cnimrftfcwu!
above entitled hu
me u-Kuinr lerni in mo circuit t'ounfn.i.Z
11 llri'irnli fitr VV.ih,... ,...... .... 'ew
dale licrcot, to-wlt, on or before :l
lath liny of November, IBM.
anil if von fall n in .mat..,, i-
inereoi me tiiamtlir r to tteriiS
or the relief nrim il fur In hi. .i..i, v....
lor mlecreeof lortrlomire of that cerU ihvtA.
kiikc ori niinic ami c.viciitnl by you to tit
iibovi) named plilntlll'iiii the llth day of Kwta-
n-r, ifw, iiixin Hie liortliMCHt imarter of utaa
I III tlOVIIxlllll 1! kllllth rum... II .....( U' U u
Wiiaeo riiiintv. Oreeon. anil tlmi knlil' ..m'L
lie old under mieli forecloinre decree In &
tiinnner provlihil by law and n'c rillnc to fit
liriu'tlct! of MlHl (Hurt, that frnm (In.
Mich nale the plalntlH' inive and nrcive the ia
in nve iiuiKiii-ii i.4n noiinrx ,i tin nuer'-'Kin
Finn mini ninv-u .-.iiveiiioer inn. ipmi. he (lit mind
in iHir i-uiiL. i,ir iiiiiiiini iiiMi, ii iiirTiit.1 kil.t,.
.ll-ll. ffijll . I. t.u .. 1.1
tor iih tit ntlnc thin huU to for liv! ralil um
K'W ami eoueiti me note llierel
herein until uihiii, toeether with l
anil llhiircim-nt imitle tmd expended In tii
nil, ineiiiiuiiK accruing cokih nun expvuif
ale, mid tltHt ilalntttl liave n Judgment hrhIeiI
uii.iiiii Ktini rrniiK ii. i.iiii'upie, mr iniy dti
leney In the urmxiiln of ale to nitlilv fullv l'I
mini niiuin .iiiil uihiii nueii iiiiit'iinre miipniitf
mini itf iiiruiiKii ur liiiuiT uu or uicu,(S
Ither, In and to Mild iimrtpiKt-d premie id
very Part thereof la1 lorcchxcd und forem
barred from thueiinlty of rcilemptlnu Ttittif
plullitlll Ih iiIIowmI to bid iitMilil forfeit ur
rale and ptirfhitio "it Id iii(irtKnifi-ilirrmliCT, at
hlHoptlon, ituil that upon fiu wile nf Mid mort-
inrrtl pretnlneit the mirchncr Iw let Intii tit
Iromevdon therinf. und every part therwf.lm.
tnnllately. mill for mich other and further relief
Ktoliiti iiiurt may mnn eoultnble an.l hut.
ion niiiiinioiiK ik ereii uihiii you, ice uiu
I-rank U. tjllleMple and Uhoda (illleifl'.lif pib
llcatlou In The lialleH CllitoKlCLK. n nniMi
i i til 1 kIii- i VMi-fcly at l)alle City, Uiikh) totiHT.
tlretton, for nix coniccutIvu ueekn, by crdrtot
Ilou. U. I.. llratNhatv, Indue of ald Cor.rt,
lili'lt outer wan duly made mill entcrtil it
hiurlK);i on thei'iltb day of H'pteitibflr. 131
or v v ii t mi.m.fkk.
Attcit in v fur I'luiaai
i One black irony, branded cither 5 or R on left
i nip ami iciijuw. uivucrcau nnvoMiiiie by prov
lutf proiirty and payiin; for thin not iv
m:i.u c. wii.iiim,
10-I.1wlm Fontorlieo, The Iwliei. or.
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies
Two liiie-looltlnt; t'eiiuxylvanla
i (ieutlemcn!
i Indies, excellent rcinitatimni. IniliistrliiMs. bhIi-m
j did houtekeeprii,iiKe!i IS and worth t;j.tjo.tiiJ
each, Parent dead, want toiro west this fall. ami
wounfllku to correntxiiid lUi nice, rcectahle
j Keniierneu uutier w. uojeci: nappy western
i oilmen, (icmiciiien, ii you uro maiiiiriou ally
! li.nll...ul , lull.. . I....... i. . '
i iiiuiiiicii, m,-iiii 4i uiu in uuiiiiiii'ii icvier tor puo
toy, iiitmeK arid addreMOi nf thute young ladlex.
Pennsylvania Adr, Co.,
Huxiiil. Haven, I'd.
10 wwlm
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
Kidney Complaints,
wnn BiMtrtHRMuiatlo I
LatMt pMtiunhM Ii
W, K. (iarrvUoil. Of Tlio Itallei. Oretron. hue
lllir uulirned bin nroncrte for the l.-m-ilt f ..n
hlncreilitom, all tnoiia havlnif clalina itKalimt
nlm are hereby nutillcd to jinwent them tome
tinder oatb, ut Tli Ualltw, 6rj:on, within three
minima iroiit uaie.
A. 11. THOiU'HON, AtMfifiw,
AuRut o, lm-wct
Will cure witLoat "" all --r- mtiumr fmn
ortiAUouot bnia mtt toni irim or Uiltt.
ttffiSXZ 'f,'W or7to i. "inj
Will cure ail of tfcu, aIumm J ' ------ a. ti. j. .
'-ff f ten mind b Ihit mrrAaan iavtaUon
Qt liaUtuua U k hi I taia aijiwjr oUmt ad u.
Kb. 17trKHUco(, riUTl4Jl'& OK.
In the County Curt of the riUte of OreKon, for
Wuco County,
. In the Matter of the KitaU of f
William Iiamlltou WIUoil, Dc'iucil.
. Notice In hereby Klven that the iiiulenlKiiol,
by uu order of the County Court of the Htoto of
OreKon. for Waco County, uudo and filtered
heptember 7, Ih'M, wu ttpmlntel executor of the
1ut will ami tcaptmciil of lltu wild U'llllain
iiamlltou WIUoii, (lecemied; nil pertou havliiK
claims aHlitat Mid entato aro hereby noiiiled to
preaciit tlio uiiie with tha proir voniihum
luerefor to jiient thoofllcu ol luy, If nut lti ton
ii Wilioii. 'iho Dalle, Onw wllhlu alx
nionih" from the outo of thl notice.
iMteil The Dullei, Or., Heiit. 7, 1M1.
Kecutor of Will of Win, U. Wilton, rtws'd
'J'ho Onus City of tlio liilnnd Kmpiru m situntud ut tlio keud
of imvipition on tin) Niddlu Columbia, nnd m n tliriving, pre
jiurouH uity.
It is the Hiipiily city for nn cxtmwivu und rich agricultural
and grazing country, it tradu reaching as far south us Sumimir
Lake, a distauuo of ovor two hundred uiilus.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tho rich grazing country along tlio custom hIojh) of tho Cu
cades furnishcK pasturo for thousantlH of slump, tho wool from
which finds market here.
Tlio Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds boing shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries aro tho linest on tho Columbia, yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will Ihj more
thun doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and tho country south and ciiHt lias this year filled tho
warehouses, nnd all available storage places to overflowing with
their products.
It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast und its money is
scattered ovor and is being used to develop more farming country
than is tributary to any other city in Eimtorn Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these
:ornor stones she stands.
The California Winchouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will noil his home
producocl Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to be Pure and FirstrClaQS in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
every respect
u the Circuit Court of the Ktate of Or
for the county of Wasco
W. A. Miller, 1
I'Uihttlff, i
vh. l
V.. I'. lteynoldH. ' i
Itcjtmhint. )
To . JletmitUh, the nfcoir iiuiun! ilflnm
111 the name of tho htatc of Oregon, Mjjf
rebv riinlrt(I tn and itnnuer IMvB"
litlut llled niialllt you In the above ciitiWBj
Itltlti tin thiv from tlm date of the''
thin tiuuunoun main you, if Mined
county, or If M-rved within any iitliHfs"'"
thl Ktate, then within twenty daw"81"
dateof thukervlco of thlit wiiiiiiihiii SW3 V!
or If nerved upon you by publleatliiii, ttjyr,
are requiretl to apliear itliu nmiwrf ""Til,
philei on the llmtday of the mutt wrm'"?
io titter U wi'K publication oi
n.i, tn-wlt on .Monday, Uiu .
lit. v... ... ..I..,.-. 1X03.
and if you fall to ko nuxwer, tli rWu.llL
apply to the court lor tho tellef p)W 1
mid complaint, to-wlt for the IfllvC 'uteS
morliraKidecrlbwI in nald coinpUInt, ryj
the Mil, of the iiteml-ca therein dl
wit the niiitlt half of the mmthwrtt uW
tliu northeast iiiarter of the i'Utliw"lS
mul the "oiilnweat .inarter of tlie
iiuarter. of hectlon iM. TowihIiIp ""JfriX
Kiinitethlrticn Kimt. Willamette .MctliM11.';
talnliiK oim hundred and nlxty ncrw, ' JL'jj,
nted in Wimco county, OreKon. AlfOi Wjz,t
half of the uortlieiKt quarter, "'S.KSitli
iiuarter of tho northwcHt unnrtfr,
enHt itiarleriif the northeimt iiiia'twTEttt.
I. TowiiHhln otto North. Italiue
Willametlt! .Mer I an. couta u 111, ".n.
...... i. ...... ... i.. iiHiBp-'!
nun niw nil IB, unit Mlllllll'll III :";,rfIIM 01
Oretjtui; aeconlliiK' to InW and IMlJSSih
1 h'. "iiiiiiK i" l" inn, - ; .jieiK
thin court, mid that the prot etdi' o "? "j M
itpplltil In payment of tlio iii'iit"",TOiui
wild inorlKaKc.iiud ntlll unpaid, t w ',. of
of 1?)M), and luteriint thereon t ."iS aU,
elKht er cent jier nullum from fK'Tintcr
1W.J, and the lurthur hum of I'.', mW f ,n.
eat thereon at the into of client lr ?Maraej
mini much March i, Ihuci. and for HUbiirtc
fwi of fSUMKi, and for tliu cott" "" j that
menlH iniido and expended ImrolIJ- judif
tlioplalutlirwlll npply to the court f"imiJ
iiiuut nKMlnnl you for any dcllclmicj V,mv:u
lai iciiiiiIiiIiik after the application O'11"-'
ccIk of kiiltl nlu iin itfore.Mild. . ,i,B um
...,',..w'li!,','r.,.l.,0.r. !!'.,"lS:..,btMi!?w!-
nn, hi, in biiin nuit i i,Trtii "r"...,' ... i, mm
union, by otder of tho Hon""1 ' c,:iBr Ulnt
Hlmw, JiiiIko of nald Court, mI(I ""m "
dated Keptomber '.Till, liWI. ... ..mio.S',
M...I-... iu i i i Unit the M',,t.!.n
,w,ii.v ,J, iiviuui .,... , , . lili.Ull 1
named nettler lum llled ntdlce nf I f ' Y1.' 4
imiko ftiuil proof In mippurt '',,'', .,u
that nald nroof will bo miido before tn aVi
and llecolvor ut Tlio Diillen, Or., ' "v
ll.lWW.VUl .....
.1....1 . iiniii.H.dt.eaeu.
HomcKtoad Anulloiitloii No. "i l,Ti." "
und m HWH of Htto.iW.Tp. 1 ', p, provt
ue iiameti tno ioiiowiuk , i i.iiltlvmiw
Ilia contliiuniiH ruHldcnco llon
oi miiii iiiiki, vwi , i. (irelelili)!' 1
u. w.t;ooK, w. A. Minor, run."
rluthMorKaiii .nil nf tli" yHlle- ,,,...,
i,. i,. iiiiowwi'iea" j. iiojinw''
I I Times ifM,," Sil, "tlSI
LL ueceMry to "iivo of uU'
what tho inW l'MK', ilr
UiiKlucMM iiiuii think, ' ""., u tli?
iuk men uro tno imwjt ""'":1Vi,! i h thl ni
ii you wnn to roaoii mi "'"": ". talk l" "T;
.orhmal yon oan't u Uo tor ' ' ".aoKtcl
U.V. I,,' tho clrciilM"! ' -
uiiwr iwiwr, sua udvertUins u Miy"