Dalles tantclc 4 . . rt VOL. vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1893. NO. 118. . . A.t A .4 fti Dalles Dauy unronicit ruhiihii"! i)ny. Sunday Excepted. BY CIIHONIOLK PUBLISHING CO pro" jtMiomt ud Washington Street. The Dalles, Oregon. Xrrm Hubtorltitlou ...16 00 ... 80 ... 6 TIMK TAII1.KS. Itallroad. lncil'cct Aufrnst C, ISM. KAST HOUNp. A m,m 10M r. it. Departs 11 :00 p. u WKHT IIOUMI). to. I. .' 3.33 x. Depart 8:44 4. M - . f,..inii fhnf rnrrv Tijumnnimrft leirfi Hi for tlie wotl h'UO a. m., atid one tor the 01 ti a u HTAOKH. H frtuuvltle. vis. Hake Oven, learc dally 'fc'AiJtoloiK!, MltoheU, Canyon City, leave Aclml'ur, KliiRnley, Wamlc, W'aplultla, Warm immm antl TVL'll VAUUV. 1UJ1TB DUIV. Utl'IH r0ol(U-iidHle Wash., leave every day of the mi except Miuuay i . . . .. Often lor all line at the Umatilla limit. H PltOFKMSIONAL. ii iimritrlT Ai-rnitK-r Y.iT.I.i w Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. iLDUfoa. ruHirn. - rr mi vi a. ir ; v ar bt h a ttmkb k 1 t bib uw-Kooms 42 ahd 43. over Tout OBce Bulldlnx, KnUauoe on Washington Btreet . rUF.NNKTT.ATTOKNKY-AT-l.AW. Of A. ttreiiihehanuo'abulldlnjr.up stair. The Mtkt, OrtKiiu. r, r.uY. . t.uvxTixtnoy. h. . wiuo. MAVb. HUNTINOTON & WILBW-ATTOa-my. at-i.aw -Offices, French block over nrrt Mtlotial nan,, i naiie. ifcuuu. 11, WllJiON ATroBHKT-AT-J-AW-Room , fieiich & Co.' bank building, Second Mteet,I(u-bulle. Oregon. w Dk. EaHtUMAN (HomtorATiuc) Physician ind smuiroN Cull answered promptly, jhvnriiMif . it urmiintrr. OOloe Ko. SCud .6(upmin block. wtf D. 0. 1). DOANK-PHYMCUK AWn fVn tos. Ofll(; room 6 and 6 Chapman slutf. Keblileneo: H. K. corner Court mid loura atreuu, secmd door Irom the corner. Wotnours 9 to W A. M., "J to 6 and 7 to 1'. M. D-IDDAl.L-DeNnsT.-- Gas given lor the . (udulcr extraction of teeth. Also teeth tus;ioired aluminum plute. Rooms: blgn ol tt iioldeu Tooth, SecouU Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A 0KKERALBANK1NU BUHINKKH Letter" of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers soldon New York, Chicago, St. Louis, san francisco, Portland Oregon, oeauio vvasu.. anu various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fnv orable terms. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Vice-President, Casbior, Z. F. Moody Chaklks Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. J. H. BCHCKCX, President. J. M. I'ATTEIISON, - Cannier. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. - OREQON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to .sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly i... i t , , remitted on uaj oi coueciion. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Isew York, ban rrancieco and i'ort-land. HOCIKTIK5. T ASCO LOUQK, NO. If., A. r. .V A. a.-ee M tttut aiid third Monday of each uiottth at 7 r.M. WOtt, HOYAli AHC11 CUAl'TKU NO. . VJ trtVu Mnaoulc Hull the third eduulny ol cb tMnth ut 7 I'. M. MODEUS 'wuoilMKN OK THE WOULD. .Mt. Hood Dimui No. to). MeeUTueiiduyevcii lUKofeach week In Fraternity Hall, ut7:3U p. m. COL0.M1IU LODGE, NO. 6, 1. 0. O. K.-MeoU every 'ridy evenliig at 7:30 o'clock, In K. of P. tiall, corner Hecond and Court trecU. Sojourning brother are welcome. H. C'Iouoh, Keu'y. 11. A. VlLU.N. Ci. IKlKNltSHIl' LODOK, NO. 8 K. of P-MeeU V every Monday evening at 7:K o'clock, In Jchtnno ii building, corner of Court and Becoud itnt'ta. Holourulug member are cordially lu 'Ittd. YY. B. CHAM. D.W Vau8b, K. of It. and C. C. AbSEMULY NO. 4i!7, K. OK U-Meet lu K. . oil', hull tueecond nud fourth Wedneit V. of euch month at 7:30 p. m. WOMKN'H CHR1HTIAN TKMl'EKKNCK UNION will in.x.l i.vorv Krirtiiv aftvrilOOU it o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are invltod. Sarmoii Lodge No. 601, I. O. O. T.-Kegular . weekly meeting Friday at b P. M., a IT r:."llJ ' Aiiaroinviioa. KMP1.K LODOE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meet 1 In !.'... ...... tr.ll .. 1-... I i L-'.i. ... , Thurnday evening at 7:ai. 11 II1KSVK. iMra, Financier. M. W. A8. NEHM1TH POST, No. 82, O. A. K.-MeeU very baturday at 7:80 r. u., in tuu h.. oi r, BOV I,. E. MeeUovery Sunday afternoon lu , . thu K. of P. Hall. R X h WVI8ION, No. 107-MeeU In a7.V.K' I'"" the rt and third Wedne T of each mouth, at 7:80 p. U. EBANO VEREIN Moot every Bundav evening (u the K. of P, Hall. DIRKCTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciikncx. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhe. 11. M. Beam,. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsituiu & wagon Slop General Blnckeinithing and Work done promptly, and h11 work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lietie'. old Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outlit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles S' THE CHI7KUHKN. ? ;ETER8 CHDRCH -Rov. Eathor Uaow. ".'"T. a tor. Low Man every bunauy ai nigh Mat at 10:80 a.m. Veperat V'. rAlIIX I'llllllKtl Ulr.y.l nniklln !.utu'. V. Ell D.HutcliUe Rector. Bervlce "WjoiBi.15 A, m, Eveulug Prayer on Friday at Ji,I8T 1IAITJBT OHUROII-Rev. 0. D. TAY ith Mtf Morning ervlce every Bab hhnnititho adeiojr at 11 a. m. Babbath PriwJ '""nodUtehr after morning orvlce. Cm "'K Friday oveuiug at Paator'a real hf' Uul011 crvioca lu the court houo at C cSJf?rlPNAL CHUROH-Rev. W. 0. aTii .nJ!,' i tor. BerviocveveryBuudayatll mi 1m! Uuuday Bohool after morning Htranger cordially luvlted, Bout free. , HURUH-Rov. J, WHIM.KB, rator. ( byrvleu every Bundav momluirat 11 a. in. f Doiiooi at 12:30 o'clook P m. Knworth hurrt5:..r :s9 meetlug every tlon yi.ovcn.,niBi 7:80 o'elook. A cordial lu' lotf,lon extended by both paitor and jwople nreh iSh VWn congre(atloui RNQEU0AL LUT1IK KAN Ninth atreet, ioh,1?i I?'tur' rvloe at 11 :80 a. w. in ou B( iM P' A (Hf(lll wl"m J. F. FORD, Evaielist, Of De Molnen, Iowa, writes under date of March 23, 1W3: S. B. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetinge for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mb. & Mas. J. F. Ford. If you with to (eel freh and cheerful, and ready for tho Bprlng' work, cleanse your ytvm with the Headache and IJvor Cure, by taking two or three dose each week, Bold under a positive guarantee. 60 oeut per bottle by all druggist. C. P. STEPHENS, DKALKH IN DRY GOODS Clothing ItooU, Hlioen, Data, JCto. Fancy ljoo(I$, Jotion Kt... Klo., Kto. Soond St., The Dalle. fcOlTT MOV) what a comfort it is to have ready at hand a remedy that never fails to relievo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; aifd almo3t immediately cure3 head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauseate, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to tho taste, and perfectly harmless when given to tho smallest child. S. L. R. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues ana perfec tions of a reliable remedy of tho kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "It nfTbrds mo pleasure to nrtJ my te3tv. mony to those yon receive annually In referenco to your valuable medicine. 1 consider Simmons Liver Regulator the best family modlcliio on tho market. I liavo prescribed it with excellent result." W P I'auk, il. D., Tracy City. Teua. Dully Evenlnc Chronicle Is rccoimlzed I rlL essentially the home paper for the Dalles Citi-folks' UnXXLT This is not a bnd icjiututlon. Somei HV1L2,000 of our best altlzcns watch the columns of this n fl O L7D dully for the splelct local news. It 1 t L.l succeeds In gleaning the field, mid hence grows In popularity and importance. Tnke it awhile, you who don't: try some of its premium offers. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Frelgni ana Passenger Line ThrouL'h dailv service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dallec. 1'AbHKNOKU KATES, t One way $2,00 Round trip 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must lie delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOB OBEAM. Candies and Nuts at wholesale quotations. life' Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dallea TO CKJA 2 Street j.FOLCO At right side Mrs. Obarr's restaurant. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. '11.1- .1.1 I.... uml rnllnhle liousu has been entirely refurnished, and every -,.v. k.u. Kimiiniiil and renaintet and newly carpeted throughout, lhe house oontalus 17(t rooms aud Is supplied with every modern convenience. Ratet reasonable. A good restaurant attachef to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. FELL TO THEIR DEATH Workmen Precipitated Into the Water and Drowned at Portland, A DRAW BRIDGE WAS OPEN A Heavy Fog Prevailed, Which Is Only, Partly Accountable for the Accident. Portland, Or., Nov. 1. Special to Thk Ciutoxici.E. Ono of tho most heartrending tragedies which ever oc curred in this city took place at 6:30 this morning when tho electric car Inez plunged off the .Madison street bridge, loaded with passengers. There were few stirring at the time, and in the heavy fog which prevailed it was fully half an hour belore any intelligent effort could bo organized at rescue. This was, however, futile, for the occupants of the electric motor car were in a veritable death trap, and all who went down were drowned. At this writing the fatal blunder is unaccounted for. It is known that tho draw was opened for the passage of the steamer El wood, but whether the brakes refused to work or some other cause cannot yet be ascer- .tained. Four bodies have thus far been recovered. These are : Ciiarles Breckmas, Alex. Campbell, J. P. Anderson, Geo. Stadlek. It is not known just how many there were in the car, but it is believed about twenty. It is thought the most of them escaped by jumping just before the car made tho fatal plunge. All of the dead were residents of Milwaukee, who were coming into the city to their work. An immense crowd lias gathered in the vi cinity, and relatives of the missing ones are crowding around the sceno of the disaster. There is great confusion and no systematic effort can yet bo made to ascertain how many were plunged to their death. None of those who jumped were seriously injured, but several alighted just on the brink of tho draw. The occupants of the car were all mar ried men, and it is thought that Ander son has a familv of five children. Later The cause of the accident is now more nearly ascertained. It ap pears that the brakes were set, but as it was the first car to go over the track, the rails were covered with frost, and owing to the momentum tho car slid along for a distance of 150 feet. The heavy fog prevented the open draw being seen any quicker. Tho con ductor and motor man have been ar rested, and a rigid investigation will bo made. A report is that James Steolo, the president of tho company, was also arrested, and that ho fainted when tho officer made known his errand. Tho latter report, however, lacks confirmation. ItLBW OUT HIS ItltAINS. Truglo Bulelde of " eultliy flllno- Owuer. Buooklvn, Oct. HI. The Hotel St. George was tho scene of a tragic and sensational suicide lust night, when Samuel C. Cook, 40 years old, a wealthy mlneowner, placed a pistol over his right ear and blow out his brains. For over a year past lie had had a lawsuit dragging in the courts, and yesterday the case was decided agaiiiBt him. Thk Best Plastku. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is letter than any plaster. When the lungs aro sore such an appli cation on tho chest and another on the back, betweon the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. 'I hero Is nothinK so cood for a lame bacK or a pain in tho sldo, A sore throat can learlv alwavs bo cured In ono night by applying a flannel bandage dampened 1th Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles lor sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Good Job 1'rlntlug. If you have your job printing done at Thk CmtoN'ici.K you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved typo, with which wo keen continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of tho most successful and artistic printers In the Northwest. IIMKItltATKI) TUB MOOH!. Their Fighting rower Greater Than the Spaniard Kxpecteil. Madrid, Oct. 31. The Spanish re verse at Melilla was duo to the mistake of General Margolia in underrating the hostility and fighting powers of the Arabs. At a cabinet council Sunday, whicli was summoned by the queen re gent herself, her majesty said she con sidered that tho time had arrived to up peal to the patriotism of all Spaniards for sacrifices to defend tho Spanish honor at Melilla. She asked that all informa tion in regard to affairs there be pub lished and none concealed. In the meantimo the Wadraz infantry regiment was formed in the courtyard of San Francisco barracks ready to start for Melilla, and at the close of the council the regent and her children, accompan ied by a number of noblemen and gen erals, drove to the barracks and reviewed the regiment. News received tonight, which was brought to Malaga by steamer owing to tho fact that the cable was in terrupted, says the Moors returned today with the determination of constructing trenches GOO yards from Fort Camxellos, notwithstanding a heavy fire by the troops. Official figures show the Span ish losses in the recent engagement to have been 12 killed and 50 injured. Growing Uneasiness In "Europe. Berlin, Oct. 31. There is no disguis ing the fact that considerable uneasiness exists in Europe at the present situation of the powers, and this uneasiness is in creasing as the nature of the Franco- Russian alliance becomes known. The Hamburger Nachrichten, in an article which the best-informed people assert was at least instigated by Bismarck, accounts for the Russian reply to France's advances on the ground that Russia will be driven into the arms of France by the growing suspicions of Germany's intimacv with England. It says the dreibund not only threatens Russia, but as soon as Russia became suspicious it would be exercised in de fense of England's anti-Russian inter ests, Russia's resentment was imme diately aroused. The Nachrichten also makes the assertion that a secret treaty exists between Russia and Italy, by which the former agrees to mediate in Italy's favor in Paris under certain contingencies. A Grnve-ItoMier Caught. Chicago, Oct. 31. Shortly after mid night last night two men brought a heavy trunk to the Rock Island railroad station and had it checked to Anamosa, la. An hour later the baggageman, suspecting all was not right, sent for the police and had it opened. They were horrified at finding it contained the body of a man, wrapped in oil cloth. There were no marks of violence on it. Attached to one of tho leet was a tag such as is used at the morgue at tho county hospital. It is supposed tho body was intended for dissection. This afternoon a man presented a check for tho trunk at tho station and was ar rested on a charge of gravo robbery. He gavo tho name of Dr. W. T. Eckley, Fort Madison, la. At first he said he got the body to work on himself, but afterward said he was working for Pro fessor Tanquary of Chicago, post-gradu ate of the medical college. Wrecked Steamer New York. Sax Francisco, Oct. 31. A tug re turned from tho wreck early this morn ing and reported that tho workmen were engaged in patching up lhe hole in tho hull of tho New York with canvas and cement preparatory to pumping her out. They were doing the woik with tho aid of limn lights. It is expected the vessel will bo in a condition to be pulled on" tho rocks this aftornoon at about -I o'clock during high water. Aro your children subject to croup? If so, you should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to vfail. If given freely as soon as tho croupy cough ap pears it will provent the attack. It is tho solo reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger in giving this Remedy in largo and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious, 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakoley & Houghton, druggists. I'ASHKII THK UOV UK. Washington, D. C Special to Thk Chroniclk. The repeal bill haH just passed the honso by a vote of 100 to 00. POINTS OF SCIENCE. Ants arc provided with a poison bag-, which discharges a fluid having- m strong sulphurous smell, sufficient to drive away most insect enemies. Campiiok is the result of evaporating1 an essential oil found in two different trees, the cinnamomum camphora, whicli grows in China and Japan, and tho diptcrocurpus camphora of Suma tra and Borneo. A letter from Prof. Garner, dated from his steel cage, which ho haa named Fort Gorilla, has been received in England from Fernandez Varz, Af rica. The professor claims to have made great progress in his study of the monkey language. WHERE WE LEAD. Uncle Sam furnishes forty-one per cent, of the world's silver. In Europe there nre 518,400 insane; in the United States, 108,000. Threes hundred and sixty mountains in the United States are over ten thou sand feet high. All the glaciers in the Alps would not equal one of the largest in our ter ritory of Alaska. Uncle Sam makes more paper than any other country in the world. The largest paper mill is at Westbrook, Me. In Great Britain the annual sick rate for each inhabitant is ten days to the year; in the United States eight days. Killed lu a Traluwreck. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 31. A collision occurred on the Norfolk & Western road here this morning resulting in the death of J. Andrews, engineer, and Ed Bland, laborer, and the serious injury of five others. Put to FUeht All the peculiar troubles that beset a woman. Hie only guaranteed remedy for them is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres cription. For women suffering from any chronic "femalecomplaint" or weakness; lor women wno are run-down and over worked ; for women who aro expectingi to become in hers, and for mothers who are nursing and exhausted; at the change from gi rlliood to womanhood; and later, at the critical "change of life" it is a medicino that safelv and cer tainly builds up. strengthens, regulates and cures. If it doesn't, if it even falls to benefit or cure, you have your money back. What von aro sure of, if you uso Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is either a per fectand permanent.cure for your Catarrh, no matter how bad vour case may be, or $500 in cash. The proprietors of the medicine promise to pay you the money, if thev can't cure yon. Notice! All notes due and becoming due and all accounts owing us must be settled on or before November 1st, 1S93, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm The Dalles Mercantile Co. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Stove Polish. Silver Look Over Your County Warrant. All countv warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1890, will bo paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on aud after this date. Wm. Michell, Treasurer Wasco County. October '-'1st, 1803. tf Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: "Cham berlain's Cough Romedy giveB tatter satisfaction than any other cough medi cino I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no other is so certain a preventive and cure for croup ; no other affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ONE MORE WEEK. Tho Time Extended of the Torlland Kxpokltlou. Tho Dulles, I'ortluud & Astoria Nav. Co. will sell round trip tickets to I'ort luud, luelildliiK udiiilsalou to the Kx- IMisltioii, ut Sil.OO. Tleket limited to Nov. 10th. W. C Alluwuy, A iient. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE i