Tat Dalles Daily Chronicle OFFICIAL PAVER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATK8. SY HAIL, rOtTAOK FESTAID, IK ADYAXCX. Wakly,lyer. I 1 80 " 6 months 0 "5 8 0 60 Dally, 1 year . 6 CO 6 months. 3 00 per " 0 SO Address all communication to " THE CHKON- ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. roatoOBce. OFTICK ROOKS General Delivery Window 8 a. m Money Order Sunday G 1) to 7 v. m. ..9 a.m. to 10 a.m. I CXOSINO Or KAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m. " ' West 9 p. ru. and fi:S) p. m. Stage tor Goldendale 7:30 a. in. " " 1'rlncYlllo 6:S0 a. m. " "Irufuraud XX arm Springs ..6:30 a. m. " fLeavlng (or Lvle Iiartl&nd. .5:30 a. m. " " " J Antelope 5:S0a.m. Except Sunday. fTrt-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY. OCT. 31,1893 OITTKAGBS BY UNION MEN. A nanirprnu Acid Tut on the lllnw 1'ipea or Non-Union tlUaa-ITorkera. W r.. OO TLnrn W llfcbiil?M, 11 Vtfc. has long been bad blood between the union and non-union glass-blowers at "WellsburK, and when the glass works broke away from the union two weeks ago this feud was intensified. Among the non-union men recently employed there wns Hugh Gordon of Phil.-delpbia. IRREG UZARITY ! Yesterday morning the mouth-pieces of js that what troubles vou ? Thim all the blow-pipes at the Hivorsidc it8 casilv nnd promptly remedied . works were scouretl and wnshed, for tear i)V Dr. "Pierce's Plcnsnnt Pellets. that some of the union men might have Ttay regulate the system perfectly, attempted to carry out the threats they Take one for a gentle laxative or have made about using poison. After i corrective ; three for a cathartic, the dinner hour tho men did not repent I If you suffer from Constipation, i the precautionary measures they had ' Indigestion, BiliouB Attacks, Sick taken in the morning. Hugh Gordon : or Bilious Headaches, or any de was the first man to put his blow-pipe j rangement of the liver, stomach to his mouth. He threw it down and 1 or bowels, try these little Pellets, ran to a water tub, his mouth seeming They bring a permanent cure. In- full nf lirmiil firn. The WrttCT i "e.iu ui uuu ""S "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the y;Cli-OiitS!ilnl ! Frtiirt k Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who arc selling those goods out at greatly-red uoed rates. MICHKLRACII lUtICK, - UNION ST. HOPE RESTORED. The object for which congress was specially convened, the second time since the dark clouds of civil war hung over us, was accomplished yesterday when the repeal bill passed the senate of shocking and the system with violcnco, like the , ordinary pills, they act m a perfectly easy and natural way. They're" the smallest, the easiest to take and the cheapest, for they're l guaranteed to give satisfaction, or J mir mntini' ?c roflirtln1 "Vmi linv ! -i... u... I.1. UA' ' J O to seemed to make the burning worse, and the first swallow carried the burning fluid into the throat and stomach. Doc tor after doctor was called. None of them gave any relief until one resorted to heroic measures, and by the use of a D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs apa Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. unconditionally. The country hasagain and a the espojed membranou9 BUr. JN every case Qf Catarrh hT" Lrst seen hopeless, you can , , lower lip is turneu insiiiu out over . j i ta c -- factories stopped, and great transcouti- tfae n0Uth( ,ntef tonsile depend upon Dr. Sage S Ca-, nentol lines of railroad gone into the und ini f the throat and ,,.lssage t0 ; tarrh Remedy for a cure. ! hands of receivers. The cause has been ! stomach are nenrly caten away.! It's proprietors are SO sure J .... r. ....-..... Gordon w,n probably die. I'lie uoctors j ot It that they 11 pav SOO m an over coinage and the threat best . rn llHtIir.nin uAt nitlor: r stated in Mr. Cleveland's message just ' . """" " s " . ,., " " " i" Iur uu ""urauic case. before that document was signed: "It was my purpose to summon con gress in special session early.in the com ing September that we "might enter promptly upon the work of the tariff re form, which the true interests of the country clearly demanded, which so large a" majority of the people, as shown by their suffrages, desire and expect." At the time this sentence was written there was peace on every band, but after it had been published broadcast, troubles Commenced and have continued tnick and fast to the present hour. But now that the Wilson bill is passed and congress likely to adjourn without tam pering with the tariff, confidence will be at once restored. It has been restored, lor the news of the passing ot the re peal bill has been as if a great weight were suddenly lifted, and everj American is this morninc buovant with shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubb Blacksmith Shop. acids were used in the blowpijMj, as the effects are so much more severe than anything they have ever known and the ' usual antidotes are of no use. Two other non-union workmen were nlso badlv burned, but neitiier of them are in a dangerous condition. Charles an ex-union employe at Riverside arrested last night, but there evidence on which to hold him. Sold by all druggists. John Pashek, 'ile Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Stnaet, Nest door to Wasco Bus Office. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bareain. for hope, and sure of the future. Hopeiul ; because he knows the silver dollar will ' not be depreciated. The forced purchase j of four and a half million dollars worth I monthly will be stopped. There must j sometime come a stop to this tremendous ; burden, and it is better to stop it now, j when silver is already in greater excess j to gold than anv other country in the i j I consider Chamberlain's Cough , Kemedy a specific for croup. It is very ,' pleasant to take, which is one of the j most important requisites where a cough j j remedy is intended for use among chil- . dren. 1 have known of cases of croup i where I know the life of a little one was i i saved by the use of Chamberlain's 1 ! Cough Uemedv."' J. J. LaGranee. drue-1 u,e gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles for ; Notice. Timber CnltTire sale by lilakeley & Houghton. IIhs Just received the latest my lei In Suitings for Gentlemen, mm hh u lurse assortment of Kor lcn im) Amer ican Cloths, which he can llnlsh To OuUt ii thOM! that favor lilm. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. l'ufiturase. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturaae and any one who desires to avail Minn selves of the fact can secure reitruiiiil'li terms upon application. i'tf A Great I.lvr Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver I'ills ar? wnrlil tlmn tn nnntinn it fnr oinaU ! S"re CUrf 10r SICk headache, blllull- t, complaints, dvspepsia, indlge-tiuii. io mnin- . , tiveness, torpid liver, etc. Thesu pll.e Free silver coinage democrats and' insure perfect digestion, correct the populists profess that ruin will follow in liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, the wake of the passage of the Wilson ' P""fv and enrich the blood and make a.,,, , , ,j i i the skin clear. Thev aUo produce a bill, and denounce it as a gold bug good appetIte and- j-jte ttnd measure, which is to continue the bard strengthen the entire system by their times and prolong the panic. In the , tonic action. They only require one pill name of common sense, who wants 1 (?r, ,a an(1 :tiT gripe or sicken. 4., i , x. , , , ... I told at 2o cts. a bos bv 15 akulev & the hard times continued, be he gold bus j Hou-bton. " or pauper? It is only in good times that j investment is profitable. Hundreds of . banking institutions have failed all over the country and there lias been business calamities of all descriptions and yet tnese politicians claim that we have not yet had enough of it. Tiiese very ' conditions are responsible for tying up the money of the country, and keeping it out of circulation. With confidence again restored, this idle money, which is earning nothing, would again be loaned and invested, and this the bank ers are just as anxious todo as those who want the monev. I". S. Land Office, Tiik IULi.es. oi:.,( A1IUS( I'J. Complaint hnvine been entered ut this- Office by Mnrrietlu M. Marshall against 1'reMmi Heed fur fllure to comply with law n tn Timber lultiiru Kntry No. 3110, dated Jlnrch Ju. !-, ut.ou the .N' '4 of Section 'J, Towiiililji i North, ilHiige 11 East, W. M., In Wusct) county, Ortv'on, with a view to the caiiccllatlon of id entry; contestnnt iillegliif,' that defendant has vhl'ly f'.litrt and iieKlected to plow or bient or culti vate to crop or otherwise, or plant with trees. I tree eeds or cutting, during any of the time ' uiee maicinc iii-s mm entry, any jmri ni kuii trm-t, the a!d parties are hereby Kuuiniotitd to npt.nr at thic Otlice on the "Jlst day of October, lMrt. ut 10 o'clock A. M.. to reMmil and nirnlsh tfntiniotiy conccriiiuc aid ulliKt'd failure. t-lw.it JOHN W. LEWIS. litKHter. The undersign od, hanng; Fcem-ed the jnachinorjiiKl fixtures of what was intonded for a firrit-elass shoe faetory, will sell the same at a bargain. Jlero is an engine and boiler of 40-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoe machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find ings almost a complete shoo factory. Here is also one of the best sites for successfully oper atuig a faetory of this kind to bo found in this country. Write for particulars at. once, to H-rj TMxo Dalles, ..Familiar Faces in a New Place. C E. BAYARD, Late Sjierial Agent General Land Ojhce. J. E. BARNETT NOTICE FOU PUDLICATIO.V. sural C. S. L.VND Office. The 1allen. Or.,i octoljer 17, iswi. Notice is hereby civen that the fullowiuf; nauuil tettler has filed notice of hix intention to mate Mini! proof in support of hli claim, ami that said proof will be niaile before the register nnd receiver of the V. H. Uuid olfcee nt The Dalles, Or., on Monday, Nov. IT, Itixi, viz Junto .11. 1'atlMiin, Home-itead npiilicfitlon No. 21)12 for hEJ-4 ectlon 1, ip. -I S., H V2 E W. M. He names the following witneea to prove hl contiuuouH reshlencv upon and cultivation of aid land, viz.- I-en Hattv. Hush Chrlinion, W. K. Cormn and I.. N. Chandler, all of The Dalles Or 10-Jltd JOHN W, UZWlh, IteKlHter. Taken Up. The repeal bill will be reported back . to the iiouse again. Cloture being u i .feature of that body it will not Iks up- j preciably delayed and the president will doubtless take more pleasure in signing ,it than any document ever before pre sented to him. ' The democrats are badly split up, , with little hopeiof harmony until the next national convention. The Asso ciated Press will then travel v inform us of an affection among the delegates that J is intense, nnd with a whoop and hurrah I another high sounding platform will lie voted that will later savor of a stale egg accidentally broken. An aerwable Laxative and K BKVE TONIC. Sold by DrusKistsornent by mall fflc..., ind 81.00 per package. Samples free Vftk llffft Tho Favorite SMTE PffTTan H.V 15. W for the Teeth and Urcath.Sic For lale bv Snipe A Kluemly. VIBOR of MEN Eullr, Qufdklr, Prmnentl; Rettored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, One sorrel BeldinR about twelve years old, and branded thus p on left nhouldcr. The owner can have the animal by paying for thin notice U. J. COOl'EI!, Aujruot 13, IfrW.-wtf Jtye Ieal Estate, loap, Iurapee, & COLLECTION ACENCY. 2STOTA xj: LIO. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Hunt, Altract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. or "We hIiuII iwil:- a specialty of- tho lwforo the Unitep prosecution States Laud of OluiiriK Oilice. and ContoKts 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. TheDmlles Estray Taken Up. Tho profits of the great fair are fully up to expectations. The concession- sires will clear about H, 000,000. The great fair is truly winding up in glory The paid attendance has been about 21,000,000. The Ferris wheel and old Cairo street have paid big profits. The only thing to cast a pall over the expo ition is the tragedy of the violent death of the mayor of Chicago, which occurred just at its close. Freeh oysters at A. tionery store. Keller's confec- All Vro. Ttyose who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who bave not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call oa the advertised drug gift and get a trial bottle, free, fiend jwar name and address to II. . Uucklen , Co,, Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. Kiag's flew Life FiU free, as well f a eopy at Guide to Health and House .bold Iaatructor, free. All of which is fOMBteed to do you good and cost you jaiMag. Bold bv 8nipeH.& KinersJ);, I lltfX ni W i rZr la One black pony, branded cltlier 5 or S n left nip unu ieiv jaw. uwner can ihikpwiiiu oj (iut iiiB proi.Tiy nun payinx ior mm noiiee. DK1.I, C. WIl.DKl:, 10-Mwlin I'oitotllce, The Dalles, Or. and all the train of tII Xrom early errors or later exceuet, u,o retults of oerworic, Ictno, worry.etc. Fullitrengtl, dftrelopnient anil tuna Iflren to every organ and portion of Ibo body. Klmplcnatnmlrnftbli. ImnitdlatflmoroTemnl en. Failure irapoolble. i)U rcferrncFf. liA:, explanation and prwfi BUUleil (MMled ) X rc. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies (cutlumcu' Two llue-looklhK i'cmi-vlvanla ladies, excellent repiitatlonn, iniluntrlniM, Mpleu did liounektcpers, utxea IS and 'J), worth :I,UJ0.UI ech, pareuta dead, want to uo west till full, and wouidllko Uj correspond itli nice, xejipectable Kuntleinen under -10. Object; Imppy uentcrii lioiiita, (jciitlcriien, If you are matrlnionlally t iiiciiiiui, ncna 4i mil in common tuner ior pno via, nmues ano Hiiurewex ni nine jimiiik lamex, I Pennsylvania Adv, 0o 10 I3vlxn Uox Ka. J.ock Haven, l'. TIfMumatlsmf LumlMCof tetotloty Klanay Complaints, Lama Back, afcc i i Assignee's Notice to Creditors. w. aS IS. imWtwi EL&BW KLT Y.. r,Mrrf.(Ky),i. of Till, XIiiIIhi. flrfnn nv I lug udilenid hU property for the benefit of nil 1 IiUernlltoni.ull oenion havillic claim airaiuit him lire hereby notified to jirecut them tome I under oath, ut The IMlIex, oreuoii, within three inonwis i rum (lute. A. It. TlIOill'rlON, AuIkiiw. Augntt fi, IWTL-wfit NOTICE. WHh Blftra Majnwtf. Will tun llaat aMdldaa all WiiiiiM aanlUac f ma otttAMiAUouot bnUa MTalorafat m torludi. !? kwn eura4b lata arriloaa (urcnlion s UaUmoaUta la lal aud atran ataar (Uta. uur riM imari atawiaio atWKMasv. tin fur lflu!'d frBiXlet, matiwl .naiad, (rco ANDCN ILEOTKIO CO., Ho. 17 Xlrf. titrcM, JOJf.IXaJKM OJE. In I he (;ounty Court ol tbe HUte of OrtKon, for niKouniNiji , In the MatU-r of the Kttato of I WlllUm llamllbm WiUon, Oeecaed. Notice la hereby lveu that tho iiiidrilKiie1, by an order of the County Court of the HiaUs of OreKcn, for Wasco County, xoade aim entered Hpteinber7, IkM, wt appointed extcuuir of the lt will and teatatneiu of the aald William ilHinlliou VMUon, decd; Mil pernonn havliiK clulinn uKliut uld enlato are hereby uoilited to prtneut tho umo with the proir voucher thereor to moat tlioofllco ol May, HiiiiMukioii & 1Uoii. The Ilullea, Orwmi, wlihlii U inonlh" from thetateof tbia notice. iMted The Dalle, Or., Kept 7. m. ii. h: nils' riKOTnv. Kiecutor ol Will nf Win.H. Witaon, dec'i UlWIOt Wasco County, Oregon, The Gnte City of the Inland Empire is situated at the keud of xiuvigution on tlio Middle Columbia, mid ia u thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for mi exteimivo mul rich agricultural and gnizing country, it tnulo reaching as far south iib Suiiuner Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the enHtorn Hlopo of tho Cas cades furin'Hhes jwsturu for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, nbout 5,000,000 pounds leing shipped lust year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in tho near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storago places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on tho count and its money is scattered ovor and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastorn Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these torner stones she stands. The California Winehouse, Ib now open, and its proprietor will Bell his home produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody, AIbo, beet Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure aud First-Claos in every respect. Thoffifwe's Addition. . BECHT, This Is the Season Of the Yea CUhen Judicious ( x Advertising Pays. SUMMONS, In the Mrrult imrt nf tlm ttt..i.. ..i n A. II ltolton. I'lallitlir, vn. Frank It. CIHciple, Ithoda (illli'Kiilr. W. K. Hunt nnd W, II. miller, ni'loiMliiuts, j Til f-Vnulr l fllllrtolf n,l nut. III tint lialllO Of till, ulnlu nf (1... i,nh fif vitM ur. ti.,-,il.,. 1..... . mmwor llui romiiliilnt llliil iiciiliuiJ iilMivir riitltlttl milt on or iH-foii. HmtC , iiiiil' iirivui, lo-n ii. on or otuoro mn ,in( If ',.. mi uiunTi nrrii'iiwiirc in innt (Trlamt nu t KW imtl lllrtllc Miid exti'iitiil iiIhhu itumt'd iilulutliroti tlinth 11 111 tmt'tlfttllll ttllltfll rtllnrn t I W V ll'nkl,,. ,., t. ....... 7. m- hiiiii iimiur niiuii iiirt;i;tcnixri' lIlTriv JD ninnnrr lirovlik-d by law niiil wt rrillna tn timi'tlrcol mul Court, tlmt Ironi tin' iiritf-cxU ol live liutldml lt,'4U) ilnllnoi mill tul.Tt Mild hiiiii nini'u Novumiwr f.th, ut tlm rate in )or rvut. ixir Htiimm ni n lurtlicr Mm fi.Alv ifMi; iiitiiiiin hi. n iviimiiiiii,;i lu.orill'V I II11M Itllll III II r.M'l.lHl, Hfl II (or limtltutltii; mid rolkTt uiiKr linn routci .ut' mwii; .uirivin H.i:urt"U nurinii niuti uinui, loKvini:! wmi luiuuiiu ft ai.ltl ,Iim, .iliallltlll lll.i.'..,! llllll'ttt.,, ..).. vim. nut Minn r riinic if. tiniPHiuo. ior i- tlm rli.li. till.. t.t(.iv..k.f mill rtln m nl .'m, .,1 vltliL-r. In unit to mid uiortKiurtd KralwmJ . yvtj imiv ,iii;i.,ii in; nil viiiiwvii him ktcih iMirnii irom tho couity oi rwii'iniition. ra:tu iilHlutlll In' ulliiwnl to lild nt unlil lncbait nut! mi in iiuri'iiHKO miiii nioriKiiK'it psun,it hl.ioiitlon.nnu that mum the MluotlBsri- IIIITItl IITI-Illll.,-1. Llll' 1111 riTllllN.Tr IM lei, lam I2E 1MIBM.1.TU1IU 1111.171111. nun vvury pur. innrcuiu tiioillii till v mill Iur limit I if lir unit filrtH. M1,! n ui nit' i.oiiri iiiuy vvuiu viiinmiiic lmi iiim Mini inoii h if. mtvl'ii iiiKin tou.uic ua hpniiL- II I. III. im. I., null IfliiMlu l.lll.Mp.1, ftrri-N tlfnitli.. I.i TK.i 1i..1Ii.b f'lliiriuii t v m iu.iMrf lillltllklit, t liiLll' lit llilll. f'lfl nHi IMU'.17. J. I. ..i.. .i I... ... ,.--.l 'IVKOII. IOI "I I i llin. vll u I l.xii, IO Mii41 r 1 1 ill . I. iiriiiiftiiriu . iiiiili in haiu us. ..l.l.il. ,.,,l..r ,L',.U ,l..ll. ,.i...l.. M,iH MlttM ctiiiii'lM'rii on thoWth dnv ol eviitriiilior. ! lll'I'l-ll i Ml M IKE. Attoiui'vi for l'lalnili SUMMONS. 0r W. A. K. 1. In tlif Circuit Court of tlic Htntc nl Ior tho county of Xuco, .Ml I lor. i'laiiUlf, VH. i- IlcyuoliU, I iirjentMM.j Tn .'. . UriiuuUU, the almxt mtmrd tl'jt!. ' I.. .1 .1... . v ill .ill' uiiiuii in iou nwiii' in viiihuui hen.-by rtiiulrwl to iipjiciir nnd iiimwcr waj; jilniiit lllcu nciilnt you In thunlioM' ciiB within ton (lnyn Irom thu dido of this numiiiiinN uHiu you. If wrvitl county, or II wirvi-d within any ntliw thin Htntc, then within twenty ilnji I " (Into of the wrvlce of thin ituiiiiiiinn fff'z: or If nerved ii.kiii you by inibllciitloiii UJ nrc ri niitreil to npi-cur mill iiimww Iilitl-1 on the llrnt liny of the next com . uflumU tteclid jiiiblleiitluii of tW"3 i.iwi..., to-wlt on .Mondny, thu lath day 'iivenilir, lHMi mid If you dill to no nnmvur, the tFLf, oiuily to thu court for the rullef pnjw tnld !omiIiiliit, to wit for the i'ffJSbt iiiorlK'iKuitenerilMI In wild coitipwWjSV thu Mib of Ibu ,ireliiirN therein wii,- ;nu mmin nun oi inu noiiu"--m, the nortlieimt iiuirtur of thu "''JLS(tt mill flui Miiiiffhit.iMt iiiinrt.ir nf tin I.Tji. iillnrtur, of Heollon 'M, Towiihl ' IlmiKu thlrti-en IwiHt, XVIllmnwlte K'Iita tnliiliiK onii hundred iiml sixty af,SJjrt! ntiil in XX'iuco county, OreKon. Aif0,7tit hiilf of tin) uirthciit (iimrter, ti "Kfaitt- iiliirlur ol the nortliwcHl iluiirter.nuK'vji coHt quiirter iij the nortlieimt Miwrtft-SLTVai. :si, Towimlili. onu North, Itiunf ,tl,',Sr3 it iiimiicuc .Mi.Tlilliili, coiuiiimoti, "-.Vronalli mid idxty iicrex. unit idtuuUtl l " "fSjre d oreKOUi iiecorillui; to Imw iiiiu . '"; : 'a Tuiw thin court, mid tlmt tho jinx ttilii m 'r.'dbr iimiUcd In (inyiiiuiit of tliu iuii'l"1!roieltt3 mild liinrlirnne, mid ntiil unpiildi to-i "Jlti 0I i i ""i.. -in. clKlit i;r cunt jur minimi from T", iBw IhW. mid thu furtlicr Mini of I.MtfUW. f cut tliwrcon nt thu rutoof ulKlit ir ""..imtji' hiiiii mik-u Muroli :v, im, mid ir "J "i ,MrK- feu of WM, mill for the coidn n jtbit i.i i., mil . nieiun iiiiinu iiiiu oxiKiiniw h-..--" r.r a luni thoiiliilntin wlll iiiiply to the '?;.iair iiient nuiiliiHt you lor liny dcllc '.'".V,,! 'the pt Ihj leiiuiliiliiK nftur tho ii.plUiiil' x,ar cviiIh of mild milu iih iiforu.iulili ,. ,,, ,t.e iutt You will further tnko notlei) tli ";, . inoimln tlilHMilt U Mirvwl u)hiii 'ii " i..,ti,.n ..,ti. r ti.n iliniiiriihl hIihiv. 'jmlirii o( null! Court, hnld (luted rluptuiiibur'.tli, MU3. inler Kl W,7iv iituiiilwr '7lh. iiiw. ,., . u'llJtON, 1AYH, HUNTINdTO.S A XX Attorne)"'" - NOTICE FOli PUJHJC'ATIOK. UNO Orricr.. '"jl'ljiltf 1. k-...l I I.., ..111,,! Illllt till' ... r.. "Y.f.i.r, .ho of hi m.w uiiiku llmil proof in iiiHirt of ' "kUI tlmt i.ld proSif will bo made l.''"'" ' ,)Ic?inW mm iietKiver hi 11, 1SWI, Vlltl Tlic Jinllc. Ur, llruukai .'"Rf.v. .... ueriMw ii Jim" fine"-'" ......cii Hr-Il Hoiutaitoad Alipllcadon N. u!f Vj K . uud 4 HXXVnf Hue. il.'.Tp. 1 f;. j.1' " vxci lie imincAlio MlluwliiK It ,' tvi.tloi Ilia coutltiunua roalduiioe Uui "u lu" . Miller, Fuiikt;rclit.to tit Mild Imid, vlr.i U. tV.I.OOK. IV. A. .Illliur, U...I. . , ' ..I, ... .1... L.tllitU nuioaiorKiilii ail oi hi t lee. I It. JIIIUWK I'leafS,'" , Xu-Tk itlHl"81' JOII." 1 ii the slot' 111 LL iieiUaiiry to ,v?rr Jf.V.e el I IU wbnt U.o moid .iiiebW- InTi menaw the lrlr, tu U you wlih to waoli i tho roo pie ,y',0 tli l.r..nuli ilia uolutlllia Of till) .V.V.7 ,l! IKUM liaiair. Hliu awvf"a