The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1893, Image 3

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H 1 j - i n J n
Jtye Dauters of Eu
Iptyerited furiosity
and many are tho questions that havo been asked us
about the
which wo displaced Saturday evening. To satisfy
their curiosity, wo state that early in the summer we
placed a generous order with the New York repre
sentative of a Swiss manufacturer, nnd these arc the
goods that called forth so much admiration.
lu Cents to $1.00.
all goods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
H i
A xii
I . (1 u
it I'om-' " nt The Dalle, Ortcon,
eki i' detent lantttrr
I - Ml AilvrrtUluc
f ir flrt liiKurtlon, tind (, (Xmts
ibst-Ui':it ltuirrtlon.
.ns tlinu notlcv.
it - nwlvwl later than 3 o'clock
.UiwltiK ilny. s j
MO.NMY, OCT. 30. 18915
Tm l' It and Weekly Chronicle may
U fan ' mle at I. Xickehcn't ttore.
A fiorj' Slftm l'rnm MUrolUurouw
N.r lilt.
T . ! the truth," nny youriK Mini Kutb,
I' timt ww lintiy hIkut
II 1-1 u'iiic HH'ny I'lu'whore to Ktiiv,
i J ! t think we'd huvu iiiIbmsI her."
-now feil at Antelope a week ago Sat-
nrdu' .
Ihvk nro very plentiful along the
river uud lakes.
Hie Hfgulutor took out 700 head of
bliut'i, t morning.
S Harris' auction tale will be con
tinued ,ivu-r on, of which due notice
Tilt- teer ordinance is being enforced
in a new way, judging from the numer
ouf verttmied outbuildings below the
hi utr.
Tm. CViiosin.i: has held the forma
later than usual this evening waiting for
tin- n'lmte in Washington to vote the
rt'jK'Hi bill, but up to 4:15 Pacific Count
time no vote had been taken. The sen
ate chamber is, however, crowded with
luemk-re, waiting to vote.
5:0-3 The repeal bill parsed without
At the balloon ascension Saturday,
the aeronaut dropped a lot of handbills
Mien ho had ascended beveral hundred
itet. For this t-urvicu tho balloonist
tiiarged I'.oO. Thoy were found to bo
We & .MuyB' bills announcing their
- uoiuewi, auu ih u nno witn uiu
hm ontemristi in advertisini.'. which
aa ingenious na it is varied.
Oar bIiow window wan recruited fint
urday by some mammoth potatoes
Krovrn by Mr. Phil Wagner nnd some
onions by Mr. L. A. Sears, of 8-Mile.
Tim niurphys are splendid Hpeuiinens of
"'fir class, none of them weighing loss
'tan two pounds, while tho onions, of
io Jlod Weatherstleld and Yellow Dan
nth varieties, would "make tho angels
To new subscribers and those who pay
nP arrearages and renew wo give them
N'ti paper twice a week uutil January
l8t, lfaoi, i)0 not miss this opportunit y,
68 It is the best you are likely to ever
have. Oar offer Is better than that of
ny other paper ou the coast. Just
ilnk-twice a week for all of '04, and
balance of this year, included, for
""y ti.oo-elgnteen issue free.
A number of gentlemen of Goldendale
uu mat county have organised what is
known as the Klickitat Fish and
ume 1'rntAnflvu lnnni.tif,,, I'lin nil
Jctof the association, as stated in tho
Br,t article of the constitution is "the
Protection of the game and fish of our
a"ey. the propagation of game, esjeci-
'V UIU JJennv nhniiuiitit. ami iih
r!iig united effort for opening our
r ways for the migration of fish."
urday night to witness the result of tho
llfcMng contest. Tho Mandolin club
"'Mf the fleeting hour pleusant by a
series of sweetest selections. The judges
found the jar to contain S,972 beans and
the pumpkin 575 seeds. Two tied on
the seeds, Mr. Otto Kocbler of Bnke
Oven and Wm. Jlealy of Grants.
These have been notified of their "elec
cion" and w ill settle it between them
who will carry the handsome gentle
man's watch. Mrs. W. II. Wilson won
tho ladies watch, guessing S,095.
Mr. .lellYm Tnkrn tit th Asjlum.
Mr. W. J. JeiTers was taken to the in
sane asylum at .Salem .Saturday night,
in charge of Deputy Sheriff I'hirmun.
The unfortunate gentleman was one of
our oldest and most respected citizens,
and the current of misfortunes, extend
ing over n period of several years, which
would have driven h man of less stern
mould to destruction, has failed to shake
him from a course of righteous living.
"Melancholy has claimed him for her
own," but no vices have gained a foot
hold with this sturdy son of old Scotia.
The recent shooting at his son-in-law
was not n responsible deed and the trial
pending against him will of course bo
dismissed. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers have
been living with a little daughter on a
homestead near this city, entered within
the last year. They will Etill reside on
tho homestead and do the best they can
without the help and counsel of the
husband and father, for whom they had
a deep and lasting affection. Insanity
is the greatest curse endured by a
mortal, and it is sincerely to be hoped
Mr. Jeffers will bo restored to reason
and his family ere long.
Itrul Ktutt.
Elizabeth and Win. Chambers to Al
bert Weigelt, lots G, II and I, block "L
Ft. Dalles Military Reserve to Dalles
City; $500.
Clara L. Jeffers and W. J. Jeffers, lot
K, block US, Fort Dalles Military He
servo to Dalles City; 1.
OulilU: CtirtllW-utua "t Awitril.
Tho premium list is compiled for
awards at tho tecond district fair and all
thooo holding certificates can havo them
cashed at tho beerctary's oliice.
J. O. Mack, Secy.
Gk.vti.kmkn. -I ii tu mibjift to iri.iltcnl iittacks
of tick htmiiiuho of the worbt t)ib o tnie, ami
coimiiciiml tukliiK Kriuike's lltudueho t upmicn
l8t ummer. They euro It la .every inxtiiuce.
nnd hltieo that time I mu enjoying niilemlld
heulth und have calneil ten iwuudb In weight.
Yourn very truly.
K. M. ijimk!.h,
Conv th, lou.
Bold by Kulpe A Klherly.
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber-
Iain's Couirh Itemedy is better than any
other. We will tell you. When this
remedo has been taken as soon as a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in tho system, it will
counteract the effect of the cold and
greatly lessen its severity, and it's tho
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs, open
ing the secretions, liquifying the mu
cous und causing its expulsion from the
air cells of the lungs, und restoring the
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in tho market
trtssesses these remarkable properties.
No other will euro n cold so quickly.
For sale by JMakeley & Houghton.
ItoHril of KUulUutluu.
The county board of equalization will
meet ut tho court house on October 23d,
1803, for the purpose of equalizing tho
county assessment roll for this yeur'sas
Eessment. Tho board will continue in
session one week. Joui. Koo.vrz,
County Assessor.
Crooked Grain.
Sheriff W. A. Booth of Crook county
passed through The Dalles this morning,
en route to Salern with Chas. Crain, sen
tenced to the penitentiary for two years
for larceny. Tho prisoner is only 24
years old, and has a wife but 15 and a
baby. She has gone back to her father's
house to live. Stealing amounts to a
passion with Crain, and it is a question
with some whether he is not a klepto
maniac. On one occasion he stole the
bolster of a wagon loaded with lumber,
the team having been taken off for the
night. He unloaded tho lumber, and
took the bolster home and was fitting it
to his own wagon when caught. He has
stolen articles for several years in the
neighborhood and the people, tiring of
his peculations, had him arrested on one
of the charges. The judge gave him a
kindly talk, full of wise counsel, before
sentencing him, and it is hoped he will
be cured of his folly when he is once
again a free man.
Mr. B. S. Huntington went to the
Cascades today.
Messrs. M. Jameson nnd H. French
returned last night from Portland.
Hon. F. P. Mays left for Portland
Sunday morning. " Ho will return this
week. "
Mrs. G. C. Blnkeley returned last
night, after spending" a few days in
Mr. A. W. Patterson, of the Ilennner
Gazette, came up on last night's train
and left this morning for Heppner.
Dr. J. Sutherland came in from
Spokane this morning, nnd in company
with Mr. II. S. Wilson, left today for
Goldendale to attend tho Splawn case.
Mrs. J. G. Wilson, accompanied by
her daughter Mrs. C. W. Taylor of
Wallula, returned from Portland Satur
day evening. Mrs. Taylor will remain
in the Dalles for a week's visit.
Hons. II. S. Wilson and K. 11. Dufur
are in Goldendale attending court. The
case of Splawn vs. Tho Dalles & Kock
land Ferry Co., in which $3,000 damages
are claimed, will occupy tho attention of
tho court this week.
Hev. G. II. McGuffey, pastor of tho
First Christian church of Tho Dalles,
took the train last night for his homo in
tho Blue Grass region of Kentucky. Ho
was accompanied to tho train by many
of his earnest friends and well-wishers.
Mr. McGuffey goes homo for his family
and will return in about two weeks. On
his return ho will take possession of tho
Leslie Butler house, which ho has
leased for tho coining year.
1 consider Chamberlain's Cough
itemedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is one of tho
most important requisites where a cough
remedy is intended for use among chil
dren. I havo known of cases of croup
where I know tho life of a little one was
saved by tho use of Chamberlain's
Cough itemedy." J. J. I.aGrange, drug
gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley & Houghton. ,
m.. n.-.t Mnallali Remedy.
J'rouH'tiy ouo perroincnwj
cores All form of A'mouj
Weaknu,r.mltlont, 8ptrw
otorrhea, Imiottncy and all
tfftef vAtwie or Excttut,
IX'tn iiroacrlbcd over 1S5
v..nriln tuoiuandfof casciii
aaaPB1!. tho ontu Reliable and Jlun-
iStfortaMAJKr. . uJlolM kMKn. Atlc
druttrUt for Wool'. IUoMliodtae If ho offer..
moworthleiiuodicliiolujlnooof tuU, loavo hU
duhouwt store, lucloio prlco la letter, oud i
wo will wnd by return mall. J'rUo, ono package,
ll,5. OMwUtvltaM.iUwMoure. .'umpu
lot lu plalu sealwi envolopc, U eeu U poitaco.
Addrvw The Wood Chemical Jo j
XUl Wcmdward avenue, Detroit Jil'-h.
Hold iu The .Julia by Jilukelcy A llouijt j,
Ask vour denler for Mexican nilveri
Htove Polish.
Malheur's total taxnblo property
amounts to (1,102,350; Columbia's $1,
703,481, nnd Benton's $3,422,803.
Rev. It. K. Dil worth of Astoria has
been compelled to sever his relations
with tho First Presbyterian church.
Dr. J. J. Kelly has quit Antolopo for
his former home near Portland, and
leaves tho Wasco county town without a
Mrs. T. M. Cross, a sister of tho lato
Lieutenant Schwatka, the renowned
Arctic explorer, died at her residence in
Portland Saturday night of Bright's
Tho Salvation Army of Astoria will
resist the city ordinanco which forbids
them from holding open-air meetings,
and will sparo no expense in fighting
the matter out in tho courts.
Prinevillo will have a ball gamo Nov.
10th. A purse of $75 will bo hung for n
two-in-three contest between tho Prine
villes and Antelopes. A purso of $25
will be offered for a foot race free for all
except professionals.
P. G. Carmiclo had rather a tough ex
perience in Webfoot recently. Ho went
to Scio for tho purpose of selling some
bonds of the Prinevillo Irrigation com
pany, nnd not meeting with success
there he took the train for Eugene, in
vesting about all tho money ho had in
railroad fare. At Eugene he found the
bond market paralyzed, and concluded
that he had better get back to Crook
county at once, so he footed it from Eu
gene to Scio, where he had left his team,
and lost no time in getting back across
the mountain. Ochoco Review.
A I! In County.
Th9 size of Wasco county, Oregon,
when she was young may be judged
from tho fact that in one of the old
record books of the county there is a
record of a marriage solemnized in ISoO
at Green River, Wyoming. At that day
Wasco county extended from the Col
umbia river to California and from the
crest of tho Cascades to the crest of the
Rocky mountains. Colonel Sinnott of
the Umatilla tells of a deputy sheriff of
tho old county who once arrested a man
in what is now Wyoming and the win
ter happening to set in about the time
of the arrest the prisoner had to be
brought back by way of New York and
Capo Horn. If the writer does not
forget the Colonel's version, when the
sheriff returned with his prisoner the
court and witnesses were all dead and
tho prisoner had to bo turned loose.
Goldendale Sentinel.
Tut to Flight
All the peculiar troubles that beset a
woman. The only guaranteed remedy
for them is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres
cription. For women suffering from any
chronic"femalecomplaint" or weakness;
for women wlio aro run-clown ana over
worked ; for women who are expecting
to become m hers, and for mothers who
are nursing and exhausted; at the
change from girlhood to womanhood;
and later, at the critical "change of life"
it is a medicine that safely and cer
tainly builds up, strengthens, regulates
and cures.
If it doesn't, if it even fails to benefit
or cure, you have your money back.
What you aro sure of, if you use Dr.
Sago's Catarrli Remedy, is either a per
fect and permanentciire for your Catarrli,
no matter how bad your case may be, or
$500 in cash. The proprietors of the
medicine promise to pay yon the money,
if they can't cure you.
Thn Time I'xti-tHli-il of tlio I'oiiIiiimI
Tho IlnlluM, l'ortlitml A: Ahtorlu Nnv.
Co. will Bell round trip tlnkctn to l'ort
land. Including udiiilxHlon to tlio K
poRltlou, lit WH.nn. TIckntH limited to
Nov. 15th. W. C. Alliiuuy,
flood .loll I'rlntliiR.
If you have your job printing done at
Tin: Cmto.vici.i: you will havo tho ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved typo, with which
wo keep continually supplied. All jobs
under tho direct supervision of ono of
tho most successful ami artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
TyjCh Vnlluy llollnr I'lour Mill.
Is in complete repair; always in store
flour equal to tho best. Also old stylo
coarse nnd lino Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCoitici.i:, Propr.
me DoiumDia Packing Co.,
Pofk and Beef
Pine ard and Sausages,
Curersof BRAND
inns mill Hnn
u U11U UUUU11I
Dried Beef, Etc.
Mabonic Building, Tho Dulles. Or,
toetiop po$tpoi?ed.
The balance of
Our Large Stock
e will Close Out
Reqaraiess of Cost!
Store Fixtures for Sale.
N. Harris.
P. S. Special prices to dealers.
Just Arrived from new York
Iiio & FumisninG
At Kemarkably Low Prices.
ilia Overcoats $5.50.
fi; ' Winter Dry Goods,
As we aro lorced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid lawsuits (like
tho famous A. S. Collins and wife's suit) nnd bad debts, our prices will always be
found the verv lowest in the market. We invito our friends nnd customers to
examine our eoodf and prices before purchasing.
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.
And tho Most Complete and tho Latest Patterns and Deniii in
Practical Painters and I'uiw HaiinurH. None but tlio best brands of in
KliorwIn-WlllianiH and J. W. Masurv's Paints used iu all ,mr work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Adonis for MnHury Liquid Puintrt, No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A llrst cIiirh article iu all rolorri, All
orders promptly attended to.
Faint Shot) oorner Thirtlancl Washington Sts., The DatloR, Ortfoi.
This well-known Brewery is now turniin; out tho best Boor and 1'oitei
east of tho Cascades. Tho latest appliances for tho mauiimetiiro of good health,
ful Beer have been introduced, and on y the tim-class article will lf p uced on
bo market.