The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1893, Image 2

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    Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ifrnorant Rawlan.
The common people of Russia as a
: . rule speak only their own tonpue. A
larpe portion of them cannot read the
bewilderinp characters Roman, Greek
') and composite which form their al
t phabet, and to help their ipnorance
the shop walls are covered over with
M r,6fflSnthsl' ots rudely painted pictures of articles for
" S " 0 JO sale within. The butcher', shop has
Dily,lyT. SS'n nipttitv. .if moats of nil sorts am
6 mouths. .
- per " c JO i
AddPw all communication to ' THE CHRON
ICLE." The Dalles, Orcpon.
orncx HorR.
General teltvcrT Window . .S a. oi. to T p. a.
Money Order " a. a. to 4 p. in.
Sunday G n " .9 a. n. to 10 a. m.
trains going East- . . 9 p. m. and 11 :5 a. rx.
a picture
shapes; the tailor s walls are covered
with painting of coats and trousers.
The pills of the apothecary and the
vepetables of the preen procer are ad
vertised by pictures upon the doors
and windows of their stores.
An Eatlmate of Oratory-
The candidate for conpress had been
makinp a speech in one of the towns
of his district where he was nol well
9 TK tiX. and 5:3) P. m. YvnrirY,nI1- n ti A Wi ihr nrnntntr
o. l i i - . f ...... , , UUM - -
CIOKV 1UI VVUIUUI1UIUC . a. .,1. . , , - , , , . . . .
" . prineville 5-.S.1 a. m. , while waitinp for a tram he strayed
"DnluraudWarzn Springs .5:a)a.xn. into a butcher shop, and without sav-
41 Leaving for Lvle A Hartland 5:30a.m. . v .
n 'Ti Abtelope 5:30 a. m. . iaS ho he was bepan to pump the
Eicept Sundsr. butcher to find out how he stood. "Did
lM-rMSd Rffirylet sPh this afternoon?"
. . he inquired after some peneral talk.
nor in ico"! "Yes," replied the butcher, "I was
mi. m. iwj i ..;Vhat did vou think of it?"
; ; ; 1 "Pshaw," said the honest butcher, "I've
.4 XATIOXAL CALAMITY. J made a better speech than that a hun-
I dred times tryinp to sell fifteen cents'
News of the mnrder of Carter Harri- ; worth of soup bone." The candidate
son, Chicago's most prominent citizen, j concealed his identity. Detroit Free
spread over the country like wildfire. ! Press.
He was killed by a crank for the most
petty of personal reasons. Prenderpast !
conld have attained fame in no other
way than by assassinating someone who
was famous, and he will henceforth be j
enrolled alongside of Gniteau and Booth, 1
both of whom, however, were much the
superior intellectually to this adult i
paper carrier. Carter Harrison was a '
model mayor in all respects except care- j
iul regard for his personal safety. Rely
ing too much npon his well known rep
utation for carrying out needed reforms
lie was assassinated not by a fanatic, but
by a crank of a still lower order of in
telligence. No public man is safe from
these assaults, and thouch it is pitiful to
acknowledge that in this land of the free
and home of the brave, lives of public
servants are perpetually in danger of the
dagger or bullet, it is none the less trne,
and precautions should be taken similar
to the czar of Eussia, nay President i
Cleveland himself. Jt would even be diffi
cult for a crazy man to kill our president.
Aurora to Order.
Artificial miniature auroras of the
borealis variety have been produced
by both De la IMve. the French savant,
and Lenstrom. the Swedish astron
omer. In Prof. Lenstrom's experi
ments, which were made in Finland,
the peak of a hiph mountain was sur
rounded with a coil of wire, pointed at
intervals with tin nibs. The wire was
then charged with electricity, where
upon a brilliant aurora appeared above
the mountain, in which spectroscopic
analysis revealed the greenish yellow
rays so characteristic in nature's dis
play of "northern lights."
of woman's troub
les is with Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Safely and cer
tainly, every deli
cate weakness, de
rangement and
disease peculiar to
the sex is perma
nent! r cured.
Out of all the
medicines for wo
men, the " Favor
ite Prescriptbn "
is the only one
that's guaranteed
to do what is
claimed for it.
In all " female
complaints n and irregularities, peri
odical pains, displacements, internal
inflammation or ulceration, bearing
down sensations and kindred ail
ments, if it ever fails to benefit or
cure, you have your monev back.
Anything " just as good," or as
sure "to bring help, could be, and
would be, sola in just that way.
This guaranteed medicine is an
invigorating, restorative tonic, es
pecially adapted to woman's needs
and perfectly harmless in any con
dition of her system.
So sure to cure every case
of Catarrh, is Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy that its pro
prietors make you this oner :
" If you can't be cured, per
manently, we 11 pay you $500
in cash."
I "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa
leads on to fortune"
The poot unquestionably Had reference to the
bsp-Obi Sale il p
ore & camels
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates
Pipe wort, Tin Repairs anfl goofing
?hop on Third Street, next door west of Young &. Kuss
Blacksmith Shop.
It is announced that the Chinese will
register promptly under the McCreary
bill. This is lucky, says an exchange.
It would puzzle the administration to
know what to do with them if they
Mayor Harrison was a man beloved
by the common people, and merely a
word from him a few weeks ago was
sufficient to dispense mobs of excitable
people. It is greatly deplored that the
crank's bullet is more unerring than
that of an ordinarv would-be murderer.
Investigation may prove that the
hasty discharge of Admiral Stanton if
unmerited. There is considerable
eympathy aroused in his behalf, and it
is highly probable that Argentina, "Uru
guay, Chili and Paraguay will recognize
the provisional government set up by
Admiral ilello at Desterro.
Kncklen'x Arnica ralre
The best salve in the world for
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per los. For sale by Snipe? k Kin
ersly I'nxturage.
Moorp's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled jwsiurnse
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
term: ujod application. 17tf
A Grrnl I. Ivor Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pill? are
a sure cure for sick headache, biliou
eomplaints. dyspepsia, indlge'-ti-in. co
nveners, torpid liver, etc. The. t,i!.
insure perfect digestion, correi-f t!i
liver and stomach, regulate the U.wei-.
purifv and enrich the blood Hrwi u.ake
the skin clear. They al- product h
good appetite and invigMMiie an-;
strengthen the entire system !y thrir
tonic action. They only require on pi'.!
for a do?e and never gripe orMeken.
o'd at 25 cts. a box by Blukeley &
John Pashek
t Tail
For Sale at
76 Court Street,
Next door to Wasco Sun C'JiCt
E0ltii just received the lutwt
Suitiiigs for Gentle:. vt r:
una hs- n lursre nsyortment of Fur ic
ienu Cloths which he can th.iI. :
tho-o that furor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
Notice. Timber Culture.
In reading the account of the enter-1
tainment of the visiting Russians in
France one cannot but be moved by dis-
gust. At a grand ball in Paris ladies,
moved by patriotic ardor, came in order '
to let the Eussian officers dance with
and embrace them. The Russian
while being driven througn Pans, had Curs Con
to kiss infante by the score. In Toulon,
, Stewart ig3 5a $ n ft f, ryvp.
i. Land Office, The l
AUt -:
Complaint havlne been enteral k
h.v Jlarrk'tta M. Marshall nptliiM
( t failure to couiiJj- with law ,t
iltiiri- Entrr No. 'MO, dnttxl 5!u
iiiiu tne X'(i ol Section 2s. Town-:
It- "2f it Kast, V. M., iu Wa.-eo c..
witli a view to the cancellation
ri !t.tiiiit olk-ciTic that defenaa:
uiivd aiul DlfCtfl to plow or - .
t -prov or otherwiMi, or jilui.'
trw rvis or cuttlues. (lurilip i ;
wirv matins: his uid tutrj-. nu- :
tritt t. tbe .aid tmrtics are hereo' -.
Hi'nr at :hli Othee on the ilt (i
J-!;. at ID o'clnct A. M.. to n-jni!!: i
toiimunT coiicernlitir ald ellnfn! .
lw3: JOHN W. IJW
.:: '.r- i
The undersigned, having secured the machinery and
fixtures of what was intended for a iirst-class shoe factory,
will sell The same at a bargain. Jlere is an engine and
boiler of 0-odd horse power, and a large amount of shoe
machinery, lasts, fine shafting, pulleys, belting and find
ings almost a complete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfully opor
a ting a factory of this kind to be found in this country.
AY rite for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dalloi
..Familiar Faces in a Ncto Place.
- ' '.:t'
Late SjKcial Agent General Land Office.
: 1 1 nil
V. H.
Orncn. T!. :-i .
oot-T : .
Notice it hereby civcu that tl. ,
named ettle lian IJlei notkf - :
t" muko iinal jirfKif iu sujiixirt of i . -that
Miid jirool will Us imiae llr t.n
hnd rtmivcr of tiie V. S. Lund '!(.
lu.'le. Or., on Monday, Nor. IT. lv . i,
.lanii'i .11. )'atlcu
H'i'nOTtctid ajijiliction No. (or -t
1. i J.. 4 II 12 K . M.
Ui- name the Jollowinc wltiie
contiuuouD residence ujkju und r.':.'
aid land. viz..
l"eu Hatty. Hucli ''hriimaii, W K i
E N Chandliir, all of The
li'itd JOHN w. lew ;.
'' lng-v-ntion
ui T'tie
irhprp npnnlp tini vrsinll v cmcll rf cnrl?,. i rivai
. j fa1;
ine Kissing ami embracing orueal was
much more trying than in PariE.
Judging from the followinz, taken
from a neighboring exchange, the writer j
has an eye to bueiness ; "All persons J
knowing themselves indebted to this
office are requested to call and settle; all i
those indebted at this office and not (
knowing it are requested to call and j
find out; all those knowing themselves',
indebted and not wishing to call are re- i
quested to etay in one place long enough j
for us to catch them ; all those not in- j
debted are requested to call and become ;
indebted." ;
noaret -'., Scr Ziituat,
i:' ev-s '.Vfc-ejiinsCoti;;!.
- ticn it bK no
has cured thousands tr w: ocll otlier
: T.'illcrc vt't: if tdEcn at:tr Bold
or Chest, tie ilijoiiijLASTKU. Sets.
tia-m you i tt rt. i Tr."ir-r:erty is n.arar
teed to cure you. I'noe a cti. J t ttn .r frw.
For Hle liy Snli 4r Klnrrkly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, dec
Taken TJt).
One (oriel KildhiR atxiut tuelre )o old, und
branded tbu P on left hoalder Thr owner
can have the"anlmal by win: for this notice
Ii. J cuoi'Ki:. 13, lsW.-wtf
Estray Taken Up.
Jtye leal Estate, loap, Iurapee,
i o .
Parties having Property they wish to Hell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Alfitract of Title furnished, will lind it to their advantage to call on uh.
7n shall make
a Kjiecialty
lwfore the
of the
Suites Land
of Claims
and Contest
85 Washington St.
Wasco County,
The announcement that the demo-'
cratlc ways and means committee is go-1
ing to put wool on the free list doesn't
have that tonic effect promised from '
the etump last year. "There Is not '
much epirit in the market," reports the
democratic BoEton Herald. "The fact ,
that wool ib extremely low doeg not
eeem to have much bearing on the
minds of manufacturers." Why that
ie strange. Didn't the Herald and other
democratic authorities, including Grover
Cleveland, fiuy that all that was needed
to make the factories bom was cheap
raw products? The Herald says in it
market reports that wool values are
already bo low that they can't go lower;
that being the case, the democratic
theory ought to be bearing better fruit.
one black wuTj branded either C "r S 'rtt '
hip und left Jaw. Owner n have am ty (wr
ing tiniMrtr ana paring i(r nut none.
ll Wwlm fofdollice. The Unlive, . (Jr.
All free.
Those who hare used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, liave now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Bend
your name and address toH . , Iiucklen
k. Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
aa a copy of Guide to Health and House
bold Instructor, free. All of which ie
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
aotfiing. Bold by Enipes & Kinersly,
With Electro- atrnetlc SUEFEN80RV
J.ctcit J'almU! lint Improvement. !
Win care without medicine all w liu reuitLifr frtro
OK-r-uuatlou of brain nnto tomni eicKorli:di
errtion. tut orrfoas debility, tktplemuaa, Unsrunr
TtirnirMum, kMuey, IItct osa liador cornplAinu,
Umr Ucr It. inmtaeo, i!UW, all Itmxi- eorauuiDi
snral 111 health, etc. Ihit flerine Uttx cvnuu
ItMinfil btpMnnu orer ell other". Current u
lwlar.tJy Xelt rj wearer or we fortelt l,xi.M. atid
wlUcurekllof the abo-re dlMa or lici per. TUra.
"Is oae tern cured by tliu r3rej InTentn
after all otlier remwiiea fallol. aad we true UauUvii
of limujil to thu ana eiery c;tr tute.
Our rerfej Imfm XUCTKIC H4mQKT. V
pivuleit U.a aer orfrml weak men. mm ttaal)
htltt. UealikMtf lWMfenflkGUIuml)lCOI
DUAirS Kadforula,UIaislilet.iuaileO.ealc4ilc
Co. l?SVInlU, ntH.TL.A3iU OKU.
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Laiies.
'lentleroeir Two llne-loofcinK reniiii.-lvaiiia
itidiea, cieellent renutationti, InUuntrloux, nt.leii
(lid lioutekeelrx, agea Is cud 'JU, worth 3,UX).00
ecit, tmientK dean, want topo wt tlilk tall, and
vou a Hie to eorresjp'mil itti nice. ieiieoiablf
L'eMlemeii under -iu. Object: li"J'W wextern
lioinen. Oentleincn, if you ore mnirimonlullr
inclliiwl, tend 11 bill in common letter (or plio
tots, uuMitfc ana oi inete youut; imiax
10 l iw-lm
Pennsylvania Adv. Co.,
' lloxXM. Ix;lc Heen, la.
Assignee's Notice to Creditors.
V E. GarreUon, oi The Dulle, Oregon, liav
ing aiuilgiied til iroierty for the U.-nellt of all
hicreditoni, all ih.twiiik havlliK claimh nculimt
tiirn are tiereby notllled to jirexenl them tome
under oath, at The liallex, OrcKtiii, within thtte
months from date.
A. R. TJ10fl'riON, At.lgne.
Aummt C, IHW.-wCt
Eawllr, Qoleklj,
PftrMMStl; Rtftart.
wnrort. WpKT,
wonr.Mc rvitiKbttb'
derelosBwat m2 lone
glren ioprwjrorstDBbd
VprUja at the Urflr.
Moid. saiarul I neU-odi.
mo. FUnitoiiOMlU.
2M rtsfrscei. Huk,
explanation and pruufj
auOletl (MaiedJ Iru
In I lie County Court of the Htate of Orrgon, for
Waeo Couuly,
In the JUtterof tlteiUtateof (
William iiainiltoli Wilton, UeoatMti )
' Notice in hereby r I ren tbut the underiilKtiel,
J by an order of the County Court of the riute of
1 tJivuou. for Wtuco County, made and entered
I Hej.teinlor 7, lhW, wa unpointed executor of the
hut will and tmtauietit of the aaid William
lUralltou WlUou. tleeflel; nil i-moim having
claim aulnt nald mntUj me hutiby nolnel to
prevent ti.e rauie with the )irti;r v..tichcr
' therefor tomcat thcoMctf cl May Hnnlli.gioii
i UllKin, Hie Dallett, Oreuou ttlmtii olx
I mouth from the cnt of thl uotl'v
I Hated The Dalle, Or., Hept, ",, tu
i n. h! ; HONri.voTON.
I txeoutor of Will of Wm. I!. W'JImjii, deu'd.
The Gate City of the inland Empire is nitunted at the kwul
of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros
perous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching as far aouth us Summer
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.
The Largest Wool Market.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas
cades furnishes jmsture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from
which finds market here.
The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5,000,000 pounds Iwing shipped lust year.
The balmon fisheries are thu finest on tho Columbia, yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more
than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and tho country south and oast has this year filled the
warehouses, and ull available storage places to overflowing witk
their products.
It is the richest city of its size on thu coast and its money is
scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country
than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. It climate delightful. Its pos
sibilities incalculable. Jts resources unlimited. And on these
iorner stones she stands. .
The California Win chouse,
Ib now open, and its proprietor will sell hi home- 4
produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. A.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to be Pure and First-Claws in every reBpect. f
Thompson's Addition. Q. BECHT,
Is the
Of the Yea
Advertising I
the Count)' of Whk-o.
A. I) llolton,
Frank I. ',
Ith'Mla OilU-Milc. W.
K. Hunt nntl W. II.
Itutler, befendantx. 1
TO Frank I). (UUerptc anitlUhoHa GaVnV..L
atwrr-nomrrf ilejnriantt
In the name of the tate ttf Oreco .,i
each ot vou arc herehy requirnl u,kti5
aner the fomnlalnt nll npiilmfJitr1
aiKive t'liiititti mil tin or liefoie thefci i, i
the rceular term of the Circuit CouMbtKa
nf Oretrtm for Wtmrti lmtity, next ItfertaS
date hereof, ttvuit, on tir lietire tlm
13th ilay of Nnvrinlirr, 1KU,
ami if vou fall ti to annHer. Ik im
tJiertxil tliu iilalntltr will to tin U-
fur tin. rt.lli.r f,..l.. Li. .t. i.i-. . -T
lor ath-rreeof lowlomrti of that cvrulasn
KnRp timl miiile ami extruttil by tm
lihjIW flnlnit ,.lMliitrif...i ft... ..f V
Iwr. If.i), uikiii the iKirthwtt ntnirier nf wrtj
It ill tOM'Ilnllltl 1' Kllltll THtlfn 1 1 .....t vt' v h
.uuiiiiiiiii. .... i.iiu tiifib iwiiu iirtoiiaq
manner urovitled hv law ami wv rrllnr mv.
I1.IUII IM (if knlll IV. It., tt... f... .1... I..
uiei. mui: lunmuu itn.ranu reeeiveilie t!
nf live hundred (Vnn tlnllnr xntl Inter--ts
fe I T I V iiiiii fiiiiiniB n K n rrau i u in iiinniiir j
lor lUHiiinuiiK iiu uu hi inri-iw "Kitiraofl itiei uikin. ttiuetiier mi ii itiNiimn shuti
anu tiiMiurffmem maw mm fxjiium m c
mil, ltiflutllui; arrrutm; rot anil extent if
Mril.. itfwl ttiat tiliiltitltT Imri R tirlL'tnrnt .fuln
you, tiie naitl Frank D. ilikrile, lor any itt It. t I... tkV.l...M1h f if Mltllt ti tnttp !
nii4 tU(tli. tun. itinrti i.iil.i t... L.iituit miic mH3
wu' ricti. illic, interent ntiu i-muu in im 12a
V.ittr .M..rl..f..illiltit. .ml.Tt tltin flit I., rmi
luem, anil an ouier h'iwjii rminiui; or u
t.tultt. lit tltri.ltt.1. tlt tttlftl.r fftd 1. tAn a.
overy iart tlientif lx loreeloxsl uid tame
barrtil from the Ulty f redcmiitinn. Tldtif
olalntll! Ik- bUouii! to bill at naltl Isnchtat
-ale anil iitirrhniit' Miid mortcnpcilfTain'!
blitttitliiii. unci thfit tituiii the irnlf a!i!aMrt.
Kiicttl tirftuie the iiurehntcr be Irt bis tx
jKtn.tilon thereof anil every jmrt ttewtB
mediately, and for xurh other and funis Kit!
ti to the Ctmrt may nvm eijultabl aJ pS.
Till .imi iriotn. Ik wrvttl uni yoctlM ail
Frank I). iilllenle and .ht!a LiIIctdI .tTF
llcation In The Wallet C ilitOMt ir., a enr,
IitihUiiht' 1 weekly at Ualltn til Hum,
urecon, for kIx ewiMrutivo eik, by orleif
Hon. V. 1. liratlnliatv, jtidk't' of mii I'C"
which fuller duly made and tntcw!
chair hurt on thiOitti dm of tH'iitcmln'i.l.
Ill" I I It i XIKSl FEE.
At.otnrtM for I'lalBttt
w. A.
U. 1'.
In the Ulffiilt tuirt tif site ritatt of O.Ut-1
for thu XlUlt of Want
Miller. 1
ttatitUff, '
vn. V ,
I'.eynoldn, ' i
To 1'.. I'. JirjuuUll, tfr ainioimmrd d'JaM
hi the niituu of the Kttite of OrnfOBi W
hereby reulrel toaij'iir ami iinerBf
lalnt llled aKiUnt you in tho ataive fj
ulthlti ten dayn from tho date of ttajz
thin Miliiimitm mam you, If m:red
f:ounty;orlf fcerveti within any nthttgW"
thl Mate, thou within twenty ilay "
ditto o( the ervlee of lhl huniiiiutis ST8);
or if itened U(Km you by publleatloc v?
itro retUirel to n).-nr and annwef YSi
jilulft on the lirt day of the next If"."
eon , alter nix weekx' ubliratlun of OH-
in. u, ttr-wlt on Monday the
I'm. V I ... IK0J,
mil if you full to no iinnHtT
atii'ly to the court lor the relief p?'!!?
laltl comiilalitt. to wit lor the fu!W'-fJ5Sr
mortKi'Ke dewribl in Miid r '"PftSt'
the fab' tif the iireini ra therein &ZL..Hg.
wit: the wiuth half of thu nouts "J Ims,
the iio-thetiKt ttiarter of the owAfcart
and the outhwtt quarter d J JTseit,
itlitrler, of beetlou I'ovrinto l.
ftanue thlrVj-rii Kant. WillamfW ito
talutuK one htiudml and flxty 'f'ATjjrt)
atttl In Vai!oiHunty, OreKtui tx-fl"1
half of the uortheni.t iinirter, 'J.LinJ
uuarter of the iiortliHtvtnuitrteriawM
J.,-1 ,l,l,,rl tl,, ...... ..tltrtrf Ot"tJ
;u, iotviiHini
and rtxtr.aer
OreKon : nccordlin;
flifu frittrt tttiM timl
antillfd lit tiavment of tliu iimuuui 7-lk,lBB
aid mortgage, and titill unj-ald. t-,"'!,, rf
of ..Ui, and Interest thereou ,1!fluti,
elk'ht t eent i!r annum lr "in Tml ioW'
WM. und thu further Mini of U Kw
ent thereon at the rattSof debt J'.' i.iirtfJ'
num liioe March JO. lhW, and fur '".Vborf
fee of .muu, and for the cut ia Tua tbat
uieiit made nnd extended m w'; , f .pn
the l.hilntlir will apply to th Kjair
ment UKitlnat you for any dt-llciciicy
bo lemaltilnB alter the a.);llt;tln W
cceflit of wild Mile an aforesaid , jt. Jusi-
You will further Uiku notice ".".Crt.obtf
mou In thin atilt i MTVt'd IK,",,- L v
catlou, by order of the llonoraWw
idiaw. JudKe of hald Court, "" m"
dated fH-.teinUT -f7t t, iw. uW)!
hlli one .North. Uance Wests'.
u .Meridian, etiiitan m '"0 gsSZ,
.aeriti, and riluated iu ' ,t,J!t
IK to law ana SldnkW
Hut the I'MI''SW
Attorm'J" 'uf
that tW
111 ik iiiw' iiect'
Or. 1 f
Notice In hereby
namit kcltler utm
make final nrouf
thiif kulri firtmf will
and Kfxulver ol Thu Dalle
ll.lbya, vu: ...m,
....tJTZ. Ilnirbeji. uclvt. . -rt
..... ... .. v.. fui. foriw"'
liomcatcaa A
mi coiiiiuuuu 1
of Mild land, viz
(). W.OtKik.W.A.MItler. rank
Beth MorKau, ull ol tno " (ltCf.
.. . I. all It "!
fill Tluii! i''"k-,,,..:iie. T
Pi I I LL "weary to "'2r ol
I I J what Iho tiil l'r 'Vt,,! wu''r
Jm mln think. d
ImS. mull arc tho mot i;r"l thlJ
If you wl.b lorcfcb nil ' b i to W
you wiu uu oy'-; : - ,, v cuvri
tiimiivh he column of tno ".V.r.iilno'
Jthaa uioro than Joub o c . V.)ti$-