The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 28, 1893, Image 3

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    baturday, Oct 28, 1803.
Custer's Last Rally,
SbutJ -
Our Last Sale
sbofore wjJ
Award ttie Watches
This Day, 10 per cent. Discount on Shoes.
Improve the opportunity. Try a pair of our Shoes
at these low prices, and perhaps
Judges will award the prizes in the evening, and
the Mandolin Club will help entertain you. NO
goods sold AFTER 7 P. M.
all goods marked
fi ; in Plain figures. lV
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
KntertNl k the i'ontofflra lit The Uallck, Orrpou,
hh MiDiid'Clnim mutter.
Loral Al vertMiii;.
10 ( cuii r line for flrct ltimrllntt, and S Out
wr Uni' ' ir mcti HUbt;iii:itt Insertion.
SfMrcia mti tor lone tlmo liotkT.
All l(-ni iio:lccn ri-colvt'd Inter tbuu 3 o'clock
111 apin!fir till! Inllowluc dny.
OCT. 26. 189.1
Tit Daily and Weekly Chronicle mny
bt found on mile at J. C. Xirhhin't utore.
A SiiM-y Mr" From
Nn'H Itlta.
If nt tlrkt you don't nuccrctl,
Try, try nsnln.
Tor iivrM.-vemiict' ovcicomt
All thliiCK of mortitl kirn;
And If you do not net tlic slrl
You unnt, or think you do.
You're mile lii tiuttliiK you will Rot.
The Rlrl Dint' wiiutlnK 5'"-
The Portland exposition has len ex
tended another week.
GiWentlulo hits made up a puree for
FranViVtller und his balloon next week.
The V.f!uiutor took 750 head of cheep
to Troutd&e this morning, belonging to
.Mus.-rn. liolton and Kelstiy of Antelope.
The Regulator will make n trip to Cas
cades nnd return tomorrow. Will leave
The I).illtu nt 8 it. in. Round trip 50
' What re von marking the price of
that at 50 cents for ; It only cot cents?"
"I don't care what it coot ; 1 am Helling
off regardless of cost."
Rev. 0. I). Taylor, manager of the
Columbia River Fruit Co.. savs that any
one out of work or otherwise wanting to
potatoes, piek fruit or grub land, for
mares lor payment, can Hcouro tho o
portunity on application to him.
Kememher tho guessing content at
We and Mays tonitrht. A nleasant
otertaininent has been nrenured for
'"oae In attendance while the count iH
king made. Tiie judges will he Messrs.
w L. liradshaw, J. 15. Crossen, W. II.
Wilton, 0. 1). Doane, II. S. Wilson, and
Smith French.
A very pleasant timu was had by a
number of the friends of Mr. Krneat
Jcneen luat evening at his new homo
near the Methodist church. It was a
birthday party, and with games, inueic,
8nd good things to eat, the tune flew
rapidly by, until near 12 o'clock, when
'ty dispersed.
The entiuiated expense of running the
ck crusher ouo month in 338. Allow
tho remaining part of the 400 for
Possibilities, the mm is not extravagant
for the great auiouut of good it is doing.
' council are debating tho proposition
of improving Second street, and Court
rotu Second to Ninth nnd down Ninth
n all places needed. If they do It will
J pleasure to country people to come
town from all directions, resulting in
' wgely increased amount of business.
Prof. Frank Mlllor made another as
joilon this afternoon at 3 o'clock. He
:'U "ot rlo quite so high as on Sunday,
,na lou In u westerly
8uowninnold cellar near William
Jl'fiJ'ell's house, sustaining slight
"". There were perhaps 2,500
Jl e who wltuessed the ascent, great
trv ,mv,,,K cou in tho coun
Many of these will remain over
Jjwrrow, and it is txpected many
we will arrive. Mr. Miller announces
a ntiancial failure, but pe hos
for better luck tomorrow, when, if ho is
liberally patronized, his wife will accom
pany him in his aerial flight.
Blank petitions may still be obtained
at this oflice, praying that the present
tariff" on manufactured wools be con
tinued. Fred Ilillert, a boy about 12 years of
age, living on the hill, fell and broke
his bund while at play yesterday. Dr.
Hollister was called and adjusted the
Rain, rain, rain ! We will soon have
to appeal to congress to give us an np-
j propriation to put n roof over the state
. of Wash. Skamania County Pioneer.
Uncle Sam would then have a very large
Wash house.
A Dalles woman was notified by her
bank that she had overdrawn her ac
count by one hundred dollars. She sat
down, wrote a check for one hundred j
dollarf on tlin same bank, and promptly
forwarded it to make up the deficiency.
It takes a women to master a great crisis.
No man would ever have thought of so
happy and simple an expedient.
A fight between sheepherders in
which shooting irons were freely UBed,
occurred Tuesday eveningon Tygh Ridge.
Two herders of Ed. Griflin's and one of
Wm. O'Dell had difficulty over their
bands of sheep. After being separated,
the sheep were driven together again
several times. This angered the herders
and they commenced shooting. Griflin's
uipii had revolvers, while the O'Dell
man had a Winchester. Nono of the
parties were hit, although several shots
were exchanged.
Mr. Kay Davis returned to Portland
tliis morning.
Mr. F. C. Driver went to White
Salmon this morning.
Miss Grace Lauer left tills morning for
a few davs' visit in Portland.
Mr. J. T. Lucas and family of Center
ville went to Portland this morning.
Mr. W. H. Douglass of Huiltdo is visit
ing Hev. 0. D. Taylor and family.
.Mrs. W. J. Strong of Portland is in the
city, visiting Mrs. 15. S. Huntington.
Mr. 15. F. Laughlin was a pastenger to
Portland this morning by Regulator.
Mr. S. A. Lister, clerk of the Warm
Springs Indian Agency, was in tho city
today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. lirooks, who .have
been attending the Portland exposition,
are expected to return on the Regulator
Mr. F. M. Amen, of Oregon City,
arrived last evening on tho Regulator,
visiting frlendH and relatives in The
Dalles. Mr. Amen is a former resident
of Tygh Ridge.
During my term of service in tho
army I contracted chronic diarrlura,"
says A. K. I5eneing, of Halaoy, Oregon.
"Since.theu I have used a great amount
of medicine, but when I found any that
would give uie relief they would injure
my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrluea Remedy was
brought to my notice. I used it and
will say it is the only remedy that gave
we permanent relief and no bad results
follow." For sale by Ulakeley & Hough
ton. Hoard of Kiullitlou.
Tho nounty board of equalization will
meet at the court house on October 23d,
1893, for the purpose of equalizing the
county assessment roll for this year's as
sessmeut, The hoard will continue in
session one week, Joui, Koontz,
County Assessor.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
ProKremlnc Finely with I. X. Day In
the Van Stevenson Flourishing;.
The Cascade Locks is a livelv place to
put 300 or 400 people inside its borders,
in addition to its former population, and
one thinks it an embryo city. Every
thing is in full blast, even the giant
drill and its explosion. The town, city
should have been Eaid, has added fifteen
or twenty new structures during the past
season, and is finishing up its improve
ments with a "Torntoni's Mid-winter
Fair Cafe." Dr. Candiana says San
Francisco or Portland ain't in it, and he
is free to Eay that it will be the only
genuine cafe this side of Paris, and all
he will lack to give it a purely Parisian
eciat will be the absence of the boulevard
and the Chicago Piaisance, which has
already been arranged for. I intended
to mention that this place lias a frontage
on the principal portion of the wide and
commodious avenue through which
pass street cars at intervals of several
minutes during the day and night.
The great governmental undertaking
of constructing a ship canal is being
pushed to completion, 75 to 100 laborers
are at work in its confines, some are ex
cavating, some are concreting and others
are at stone work, cutting and laying.
The neighborhood seems to be alive with
laborers and to the most incredulous a
visit will dispel all doubts of a want of
earnestness and determination on the
part of the contractors to push the stu
pendous work to an early completion.
Since pumping out the canal, they have
cleaned up its bed and have already laid
about 400 feet of wall on the north side,
and it is pleasing to say that they are
finishing the work as they progress. All
of the excavation is used at once without
its iKiing handled over sovoral times to
fill up and bank in behind the finished
walls. Mr. I. N. Day can be seen in the
midst of the laborers, dressed in a rough
brown suit and slouched hat, superin
tending the work in all its details. One
cannot bo impressed with the thought
that he means business, and that the
appropriation must give him a good
margin after the whole thing was done.
Stevenson, tho young aspirant to fame,
and the capital of Skamania county,
presents lour square fronts to view,
which aro only partly completed. Tho
city oilers lino inducements on paper or
plat, and no doubt in tho years to come
will be quite a littlo village. Should It bo
struck with a railroad may bo more. It
is understood a Dalles man has begun
business there. To give It a start, the
proprietors did not build a shoo factory
on a pile of rocks, but they liave put In a
live newspaper, the publishers have al
tho county printing and get all the land
notices from the Vancouver land oflice,
and are really pushing things for keeps,
as the boys say. Scarlet lever, in a
malignant form, is prevalent at tho locks
and fears aro entertained that It will
prove an epidemic among the children
and youths. K. Kukiikx.
I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Itemedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is one of tho
most important requisites where a cough
remedy is Intended for use among chil
dren. I have known of cases of croup
where I know tho life of u little one was
saved by tlfo use of Chamberlain's
Couuh liemedy." J. J. LaGrange, drug-
gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles for
salo by Ulakeley Jiouguion.
Ilouto for Kent.
Six-room houco to rent. Centrally
ocated. Apply to
11. Glk.nn.
Mr. F. n. Itown Arrive to Ilemaln
Pnrmanently In tho City.
Mr. Fred II. Rowo arrived on tho
Regulator last night, and a load of his
household effect also came up on tho
same boat. Himself and family are at
present stopping at tho Columbia houno,
but they intend to soon go to "house
keeping" and will live in tho Coflln
A reporter of Tub CimoxicxK met Mr.
Rowe this morning, who claims a former
acquaintance with the gentleman In
Southern Oregon, where ho has had ox
tensive milling interests and fine resi
dence property at Grants Pass.
While the plans aro not virtually com
pleted looking to tho location of his mill
at this point, it is certain thai ho will
locate with his family at Tho Dalles, and
as ho says, build as fine a house as thero
is in the city.
The primary reason for making his
home here is on account of his wife's
health, which requires a dryer climate,
and that of The Dalles has been recom
mended to him by physicians.
It is also certain that he will put in a
planing mill and box factory at The
Dalles. There are arrangements yet to
be made before it can be stated positively
that he will put in a saw mill here. In
the first place he has not yet procured
his thirty-nine years lease, owing to the
Union Pacific going into the hands of a
receiver at the time it did. Next a trial
must be made of towing logs up the
river from Wind River. It has been
suggested that owing to tho strong cur
rent in sdrae places the task will not be
an easy one. Mr. Rowe himself does not
believe it will make any difference, yet
he wants to be sure before setting up his
plant. He expects that at least 100,000
feet of logs can be towed up at a load by
the Regulator, and perhaps 200,000 feet,
and says that the boats of the same size
on the lower river have towed as high as
550,000 feet. Other matters to be looked
after is a bonus to reimburse Jhim for
the expense of moving, immunity from
taxes for ten years, etc. His Roseburg
plant is now all boxed, awaiting ship
ment. He regards The Dalles as a good
location for his business, and can here
dispose of the slabs and sawdust at good
prices, which will go far toward meeting
his operating expenses.
Rev. C. F. Clapp will preach both
morning and evening at the Congrega
tional church tomorrow. Other services
at the usual hour.
The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Tay
lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school
follows this service. There will be no
evening service. If tho weather is cold
or inclement the service will be held in
the prayer room, as the furnace is not
Methodist Episcopal church, corner of
Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J
Whisler, pastor. Sermon by Rev. H. K.
Hines at 11 and 7 :30 ; Sunday school
after morning service; Junior League at
5 p. m. ; Epworth League at (5:30 p. in. ;
class meeting Sunday at 10 a. in. and
Tuesday at 7 :30 p. m. ; prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. in. Seats free. A
cordial welcome to all.
I'rincefi of thu Orlont, Attention.
Tho muezzin will sound from tho
mosquo of Pythias at 7:30 p. m. next
Sunday, and all sojourners, before pro
paring for tho pilgrimage to Mecca, are
requested to bo present. The tents of
tho tribe of Koreish have been removed
to Tho Dalles anil will remain. Ynk
bic.k wa Yabnutu.
Osi.a.misii Pasiia,
Potentate of Princes.
l'lm Tlmo Kxtemleil of tlio I'di'MuhiI
Tin) DuIIuh, rortlnnil .V Afctorlu Nnv
Co. will sell round trip tloketM to Port
land, Inc'luillni; ailiiiioaloii to tho Kx-
lioNltlon, lit 111.00. TleketH llinltml to
Nov. W. C. Allium)',
Tygh Valley Kollor Flour .Mill.
Is in complete repair; always in store
flour equal to tho best. Also old stylo
coarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed,
etc. AV. M. McCouiais, Propr.
Tiie Columbia PMing Co.,
Pork and Beef
Pine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
An Observer Hpriik or It In Tnnin of
Highest I'rnlso.
Tho exposition Is fine. Liberal! is
superb. The President informs mo thuy
will continue it all next week. Tho ex
position is worth seeing, you bet. "Cus
ter's Last Rally" is a painting of great
merit, and is worth one's while to travel
100 miles to Bee it. It took two years to
paint it, and is worth $15,000 just think
of the sum, fifteen thousand dollars for a
painted bit of canvass 18x1 1 feet. On
tho whole, the art gallery is a credit to
Oregon outside of tho "Custer Rally."
Some has said tho fair is not as good as
formerly I must differ with them.
Tho critics are those who have been to
Chicago. The Portland fair or exposition
is superior to all former ones. It is
really stupondeous and not only Port
land but all Oregon ought to feel proud
'of it.
Dried Beef, Etc.
and your" cough may end in some
thing serious. It's pretty sure to,
if your blood is poor. That is just
the time and condition that invites
Consumption. The seeds are sown
and it has fastened its hold upon
you, before you know that it is
It won't do to trifle and delay,
when the remedy is at hand. Ev
ery disorder that can be reached
through the blood yields to Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
For Severe Coughs, Bronchial,
Throat and Lung Diseases, Asthma,
Scrofula in every form, and even
tho "scrofulous affection of the lungs
that's called Consumption, in all its
earlier stages, it is a positive and
complete cure.
It is tho only blood - cleanser,
strength -restorer, and flesh - builder
so effective- that it can be guaran
teed. If it .doesn't benefit or cure,
in every case, you have your money
back. All medicine dealers have it.
For every case of Catarrh which
they cannot cure, the proprietors of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree
to pay 500 in cash. You're cured
by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and
healing properties, or you're paid.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polili.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Owing to n Conspiracy against
mo in this place, I have de
cided to cioso out my entire
stock, consisting of
Boots and Shoes,
furpistyii Qoods,
Zlto., 23 to.
Store Fixtures,
Any business man wishing go
go into business nan communi
cate with the undersigned.
Should I not get a buyer on
or before OCTOBER 25TH. I
will offer the entire stock
At Public Auction!
N. Harris.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1893.
P. S. Communications by mail so
licited. N. II.
N. 15. Big drives will bo made in
job lots to stores. N. H.
Just Arrived from Hew MR!
. . . FR0IYI $3.50 UPWARDS
doming ana Furnisniny 90H
At Remarkably Low Prices.
SjleniU CHocMlla Overcoats at $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
HTAh wo are I nrced to SF.LL FOR CASH in order t" avoid lawmits and
hail debts we invito our friends mid mistoinorn to examine our goods anil
priet'H bi'fore purcliiisiiu.'.
. . And the Most Complete and the Latest PitlteriiH and Di-finnf- in
Prtii'iii'itl Painters and Pinter llanirers. None hut the host brands ol ttir
Shurwiii-WiiliniiiM ami .1. W. Masury h rail its iiH'il Hi all .iiir work, and none but
the most nkilled workmen employed. Agents for Masiiry Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture, A llrst cIhhh article in all colors. All
nrdern promptly attended to,
Paint 8 lion corner Third aud Wuahiuglou Ste,, Tlitt Dalles. Qrto'ou
This well-known Urowery is now turning out tho best Ueer and Portei
east of tho Cascades, Tho latest appliances for thu manufacture of good health
ful Beer huve been Introduced, and on.y the llrtt-class article will bo p acod on
Masonic Iiuilding, The Dalles, Or. he market.