rue Dalles Daily Chronicle. PEOPLE OF BRAINS. OFFICIAL PAI'KR OF DALLES CITY. XKD WASCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BT MAIL, rOSTAOS rRXrAID. IX ADVASCS. Waeklv. 1 Year ..... 1 SO 0 75' 0 50 6 CO 3 CO 0 SO 6 months ' 3 " Dally, 1 year " 6 months, per " Address all communication to " THE CHRO.V ICLE." The Dalles. Oretrcm. I'mt-Olflcr. orncB Horn General Dull very Window .S,m, Mocer Ortlcr tinuday vt I) to 7 p. m. s a. m. to p. m. . 9 a.m. to 10a.m. Raltii "Walpo Emebsox was a great whistler. The English accuse William Wal dorf Astor of hcinp influenced by his interests in tlic United State in his attack in the Tall Mall Gazette on Canada. Robert Rukss' RTanddanghtcr, widow of David Wintrate (who wes pensioned fifty pounds a year for his literary merit), has been piven a grout of one hundred pounds from the royal bounty fund. William C. Toon, who recently pave fifty thousand dollars to the ltoston public library to support a newspaper readinp-room. is seventy years old. and a graduate of Dartmouth in the class of 1S44. Join.' C. Ropes, of Boston, the maga zine writer, is the owner of what is nrnli.ohlv th, r-rentust collection of " "Du!ur and Warm ?prins . .5:30 a. tn. , ,i r,1!...i in " tITlnKforLrleAHaitiand..5:so.m.1 apleonlc Pictures anil relics in " i.vntelope ,. .5:30 a.m. America. He is considered an authority tfrikl"?dTuedav Thursday and Saturday. J on the subject. I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. ( Perhaps some of our readers would SATURDAY, - - - - OCT. 2S. 1893 like to know in what respect Chamber TTTTTaTTTTmT , Iain's Cough Remedy ie better than any I other. We will tell you. ben this , remedo has been taken as soon as a cold The latest advices from Brazil show s contracted, and before it has that the civil war is simply a struggle j become settled in the system, it will hotvoon two rival .Miters for nnvcr. and : counteract the t fleet of the cold and there is nrobablv no onestion as to the . greatly lessen its severity, and it's the CUMING Or XAIL3 trains going East. .9 p. m. and 11:46 a. m. West and 5:S0p,ni. Stare for Goldendale . . .T:S0a. m. j " PxlnerUIu ..5:30 a. m. SIGHTS OF A CITY. "1 have seen, at one time and an-1 other, all sorts of things hanging on washlines," said a citizen, "but to-day, for the first time, I saw among tho shirts and stockings an American flag." Is the shopping districts one some times sees a newsboy, with his bundle of papers under his urm, gravely hold ing open the door of a carriage for my lady. Sometimes she gives him some thing, sometimes not; he takes the chances on that. As a general thing the newsboy, when on duty, devotes himself strictly to hustling, but there crossed Madison square, New York, the other evening, a newsboy who, between cries of his papers, swelled at a sizable bouquet of red flowers with evident pleasure. The year 1772 was a fearful one in New York. One hundred and fifty-five cases of sunstroke occurred on July 4, of which seventy-two proved fatal. The principal thoroughfares were like fields of battle. Men fell by the score, and ambulances were in constant requisition; GEMS OF TRUTH. HAVE YOU TRIED MUGS AM FAILEB to rixn a cum you RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, DR. RANDEK'ft Kl.KCTKIO BELT wit Kivrtr martinlr rinrp. aary will cure wtiboat mrdtilne II nf tboBlK)TftriiuUlB. Thinn wild Miliar from Nrryaua flrliltltr. i.aeera, urama, rnanaond, NtrToiaaFati NlrrBleaaitrae, ritr mommy, uu I KrJmS: nn aamfl fl rawi kpi fMkWW BBflHBHflBlBVABVPB'' nnnrr. lit! FetHnlt Ylmn. alaJnta. and arptanrml 111 with. in inacu or aDti.o. cicc.ioa.wi.rrt ornrpoiure.will And rolloratid pniiiiM euro In our ruarvelo'ja limn! I. winch require but a trial to cum tier mo raoai impiiciti. iniKnnraurciirex. Onr 3 par nilddlr-aaed ar at wo hri rcatnrad t fecta you mar hare un uly itnilmv' yiiureTatoniufiiiirTufiireeatid vltmt'j which la f Ircirlcliy-Riirt thui earned your wimkneMiir lack tit for. If you replace, luto your rtvm (tie olemrnU thu drnlnod, which am re. quired for rlKorounatrciieth, you will rtjmova the cau.n and health. atrcrnit b and Tltfor will follow at mice ThU I our ii Un and treatment, and t fuaranteo a euro nr rotund money hnulil So rad lir crttrT vnuitii. KleeiriC tint IB n" Majairinioiil rr kwk "TBIII CI.ASHMO? Mtjf,' J mi thnnMtutat. .,,,.,., i,Mi,h ami mimnr mH Mr all ntlmr traatmoiita fallod. a enn Imi hown by hundred of caMathrooabout thlaandottier 8tataa,wbo would itladly teatlfy. audZltua many oi wnom we bare atrosg lattan boarlna; teatlmony to their rscovsry after ulug our licit. WK HAVE CURKO THKtK-WK CAN CURE YOU! LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. .Dr. A CEKERAL DEBIIJTV CURED. . T. Haadaa. Vr Hlr r-Ha'oral uasd your ball THE STTUATIOX J.V BRAZIL. a 1 . "1 1 I T a restoration of the empire involved in it. ' onl.v my "mi win oo tins. i ac The empire is dead beonl resurrection in Prfect harmony with nature and in Brazil as in Mexico. Should Admiral j aids nature in relieving the lungs, open- finotnrKr. .1.. Mllr. mierfd in nrnrthrnvr- n? the secretions, liquifying the U1U- ing President Peixoto, it is not likely cons ani1 causing its expulsion from the ration of war against somebody Sosik people talk most about what they know least. Some of the sweetest grapes prow near the ground. Ir you haven't got much, le thank ful and you will double it. Yor cannot tell how sharp n dog's teeth are by the way he barks. Somf. people work themselves almost to death in trying to find rest. AViiKsrvKn a lion roars it is a decla- HiaVniM anil idtuual a cotavUta loaa of powar. I would M Up with a ury tlnid IMllna, tMin aching, ato.iBtnca tulna loir bl 1 u-iTO had a now laaaa arllf . laowanlor tf batiarth ta lhan fortaa MuasajaL lbmlbi uiniiMt conSdaam In .roar ttaatmaabTon can inb- 11. tl tbi UMaini.alH namotKaia wrltoar enll on c.. Truly joun. u. A. HUWKM, SandXtTaraHl. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. TtlaailVOrwn. April IS IHC. IMar Wn I cot ona vt your lialu irr. A. T. Handaa. imkt tun I aot ona vt m twu wwki uo far rh.umatlcm. from which 1 .ufl mrmi tor wrral yaare. for ttw paat alx moniha I had not otin aiii'ito wars. iGUTMii naap:acdiiwlnalinost trl 'cthxojth In ttw taoawks Iharaiuadit. lean walk comiorihl. nd faal Ilka a new man canarsllr. M. K. ilL'aitta, PruBTaMiw Intamatloaal llouL NERVOUS DEBJLnV LOSS OP VtCOR. itnu vaan iKiooar .i, i.aK. that the admiral would invite an v prince-' ,r tells 01 ",e JU?i' anu "e ling of the house of Braganza to enjov ! stcm to a strong and healtliy condi- the prize he had so arduouslv won. As ; 'her rernedrv " the ""J" . 2, . , , , ,i possesses these remarkable properties, for Peixoto, he has proclaimed himself a . K;0 other wiU cure tt cod so quickly. dictator, and Brazil would have no room I For sale bv Blakeley & Houirhton. t j i I I '- iur u uicuiiur uuuau euiuerur ub uue mm the same time. Therefore if anv princes in France, Portugal or Gotha have been building hopes of the Brazilian crown on the present outbreak, they may be realized. The origin of the Bays an exchange, appears to be the dis- Fresh oysters tionery store. at A. .Keller's confec- A wom.ln" sometimes says more in a look than a man can do in a book. People who can talk about them selves to the satisfaction of others are very scarce All Fret). Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and tho-- who have not, have now the opjiortunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drnp gist and get a trial bottle, free. .Send Br. A.T ftandan.Iair Birr I hambaan ualns roar Electric bait forinaral bottohb liability, and toil, faal iMUar than I haro for Ba yaare. 1 bawi aalnad In rigor dallx, and am lroa In aTarrpart. YouMcxatafnJlr. OllAB. LTJETKA. THE Pnrtlanf! Opaann. H.ntamhor tt.K9S. Dr. A.T.Band'n. Iaar Slrr Vnrot nilxxur-nnd hard wot k. cnmhtnd witli iba atralneomlns f mm tha lar of an anelna. aat a ma a aavare caaa of lame liar., from which! auBered for bxtiiu raar. 1 a. o iMkl that 1 oould not band tor back. Masull doublxl uu with it. I bouaht ona of yoar hall a. It I ll d mo ln Ida of tw.idara, and 1 oontlnorxl tow.rltfnrf ur month., balna iiarfartly eurod. That w. two mri 40.and I am a. wall tivtlay aa I e,r waa In my Ufa. I anowjuur bait wall, and I know lota of iMrlanhn hin Daan eniad br It. Manv nthara nawl It-.nd if ther would try tt tliej would find tt the same aa 1 did tba boat remedy In tha world. I am located br-rn aarmanentlr,and will baglad to talk with aa. oun who waautn Innolreahnu I. LOST VtTAUIY AND STRENGTH. . . , . KaratOa.h, June W, ISC. T. A. T. bandan. Ilaar Mlrt Mur waarina ,nur blt 1 havt been areatlr tienentad. 1 feal tar old an. ervr fa-t ratarnirut: and aftnra rnoutii'a ti.ont tha lialt I ttnd myaalt twice a. vigoroue aa baforn. Mr memory la now nearly perfect, and each day aliowa for the batter. I f -al much atmncer tha hainrn Mine the belt. Your truly, HE-Mil' bClIULXZ. This Is the Season Of theYetp Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS, DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT U a rompatOwlTanlc battarr. aa Into a belt ao aa to bo eaally worn durlrut work or atrwrt, and It ate a.MJtbtiur, pndoOaTtd enrreata whicb are tnatantlr felt Utrouchnut all wnak part, or we fur.'ct: SS,09B. Itbaaaa laaarwvral Electric MaaaaaorTt theiBreataat boon OTorglTen weak man.aiia ' warraut it ti cure any of the above waakneatea, and toenlarva ahrunkon llmbi. or part, or Mnnrv lirmimrfl. inrr are Kmama in Krenctn in meet all iae. or weaxneaa in yiniue. minuie-oeouuroi: an. and will cure the wurat cajea is two or three niuuUia. Addrvaa for full tuf ormaU.m. MNDEN ELECTRIC CO. 472 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON. A Great Llrer MetUclne. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are I n snrc rnr. fnr sick tieiiuncne. Dllious , tmr,,i i complaints, dvspepsia, indigestion, cos- your name and address to II. E. IUicklen xirazuiuu iruuuie, . . Ti,00 .--,- ni.s i utcuc::, ,uipiu uincu.. 111 o. o., vincagu, ami get a suuipie iwi 01 insure neriect umesiiun. correct ine annrnrol li Praaiilonl T'olT-ntr, nf n lull ( lln. n.,l .lutntnln 1 1 11 lw,n.ulc passed bv'the congress 'rendering it I purify and enrich 'the blood and make as a copy of Guide to Health and Hou. illesral for anv citizen who has filled the tne fK,n L? P l iiiiKi u ill trz u 1 Let 11. 11 vi iu.ii:u;iiic aim strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for a dose and never criiie or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. a box by Blakeley & Houuhton. office of vice president of the republic to hold the presidency. The bill was no doubt aimed at some creature of Peix oto. The latter had himself been vice president before he took the presidential I chair upon the forced retirement of , Fonseca, and Admiral de Mello and j Peixoto were active associates in com- j pelling Fonseca to retire. In order to I get rid of the president the admiral has ' been bombarding Bio Janeiro, and has j done some damage to buildings, besides ; killing a few noncombatants. So far as ' heard from the fighters on both sides have escaped serious casualties, owing largely to the bad aim of the cunners. Dr. King's New Life Pills free, us well th and House hold Instructor, free. All of which if- guaranteed to do yon good and co?t you nothing. Sold bv Snipes A Kinersly. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Jus: received a scow ioadof choice oak wood. Maief. & Benton. WOOD, WOOD, WOOO Best tirades of oak. fir. and slab curd wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. J Peters & Co. (Office Second and .Tetter. I son tret-.) iCiii-OilSalBl I n r rt mm & Mis Miriam S7 liifi awl curries ( yV; We did'nt raise quite so many potatoes , this year as last, but there are enough 1 to go around. Total yield is abont 1-JS,-.' 000,000 buBhels. At 05 cents a bushel estimated average price they are worth ' about $59,000,000. It is thought the president will soon ; , transmit a message and correspondence i on the Hawaiian matter. It is not J known which of the three solutions of the trouble in Hawaii he will lecotn- j mend the restoration of the old order of I things by placing the queen upon the throne ; annexation or a protectorate, j 6?1 " r If c, .i - N7 3 WQ.yCW A CASE IT Vli.1- NOT cuac. c An acTevanle Laxative and .VEKVE TO A id. Sold by Drugptats or sent bv call 2Sc. iOc , md $ per package. Samples free Iffi DA The Favorite TCCTE 1U H."fortheTw:tiandIlreatt.2ic. For aale by Hnlpea A- Klnr-ly. ,-tsi m I John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. at CRANDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHKLBACH P.HICK, - - UNION ST. ELL (tjUti- jutt received tiie latest sf. les in Suitings for Gentlemen, ma li-c n Intve iu"ortrnciil of Fir- ijn, and Amer jfuti ("InthB. which he can liiiiih T ordur fur tui-e that favor hlni. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. D. BUNN Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m Booting MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Rheumatisms Lumbago. Sciatica; Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, otc. Notice. Tiniber Culttire. '6ho j on lmru cMreet, next aoor west oi i ounu kupf Hlackpinith Shop A new psychological problem has been j raised at Chicago, that of hypnotism as an aid in convicting criminals. The! supreme , court at Chicago has affirmed I SANDM'S ELECTBIC BELT thedeath sentenceof At. George Painter, Wrth Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY, the wife-murderer, and Painter wishes' rm&?Jjlll5tm Governor Altgelu to have him hypno tized in the hope that his innocence will be established and pardon obtained. "A man in hypnotic state must tell the truth," he said, "and he must act just aa be did on the dav or nicht questioned atlOUt. rOW lOUer mVSelf tO be llVp- hl. UnIUtu4 1!taair.4lhGlilUilTEr.IlaCOt notized. I am not afraid of truth. This sanden ELECTRIC CO., was tried not long ago in San Francisco, . -1'2 ?lrt tret, J'OKTua.;m oke. r- i ' " " auu in i uuti; u uuuuuieniuii recuiuiiieiiu ) ed that hypnotism be made a part of the machinery of justice. Look at Judge Daly, of New York. Did not he before i one of the congresses at the art palace here urge that a hypnotic college be es tablished so that hypnotic experts might be trained to help officers of tho law?" Six points out of many where Dr. I Pierce's Pleasant Pellete are better than i other pills: 1. They're the smallest and easiest to . take little sugar-coated grannies that every child takes readilv. .2 They're perfectly easy in their ac tion no griping, no disturbance. Their efforts last. There's no reac tion afterward. They regulate or cleanse the system according to size of dose. 4. They're the cheapeHt, for they're trnaranteed to irive satisfaction, or vnnr money ie returned. 1 Yon nay only for the cood von tret. 6. Pat up in glass are always fresh. 0. They cure Constipation. Indiges tion, Bilious Attacks, Bilious Headaches and all derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels. ovrroxatiou of brain ncrra fore, a i e3Ts or irj! l-- ertlioii, as nrr5a debility, .Wplwmcaa, Lanirrjr, rbnuurni, fcdTt liter and Liui'.r complaints, Uiaeticx. Inmiug-o, icuti'a. all ftcuJ comprint fix" I 111 l,ilth. etc. Tw3 lrtrtc Ifei: ewnuici n.aarrfil lapmnKiu orer all other", rtsrrern u Initantlj-feltb- wtarar or wo fcrl.i; $:,O0u.Ub. rd wil' cure all oi tl.o anore dtuea or no for. Thcri. nd. hare Un cifd br tat marreioot InTentum alter all ottr rrmxilea Ullert. and e inie husdiuu bttntimumaUin Itninilotrr other rtate. war rrfil ImfrvrH uutbic Blsrrs'OBT tra VIGOR of MEN Eulli, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all Ibe train of erllj Iromearljr errunibr later exceaaeii. u, rulis of cirmOfk, ilckn-. worrr.eic. Full.treDgtfc, drrelopment a&d ioa Blen o etery organ aod lxrtion jf tto Uxlr. flinple. natural mthodj. ImraedUtlmproenieat . ialluri, imlljle. an reference. I'.tik. ezplaoatlou aod vkajU aBaUcd(jakd)fre. ERIE MEDICAL CO. UFfALO, M. Y. I', s. I.A.ND Ornci:, The ir..,) Ausroit jy, lvo i C'omjilnint liuvkni: U.-en einorwl at thi oiniv I hv Mnrriulta SI. SlarshiiU niiiiisr lrt-to:i iiix-ti I l - (nilure to cnmiilr with lav; in, ti limlwr ' ulture Kntry No. 3110, dUtl Jlutrh ai. i, i nijiin tljf M of Si-etiiin "Js, louuitjit. z -'ir:ri. Ka:se II Kiuit, W. St.. In AVnPo cfiuut). ornrnn, with a view to thu crtiicellation .if omd Mitry r .nt.-itant il l-si npf that defendant iirn- ludi; fulittl nml ntftlectm t plow or hr.'iit .r finti- !'t tu crri or ntbvrwiea nr jilnt.t with t", tr-c txAt- or eutllnz. durlm; mi) nf tli' timi since uinkinsr Ills mid entry, nr iirt f .nld tract, the ?id jxtrtles are htrrub? uniniiml to nppvar nl thin Otli on tile 11 di of -bb!t, i-'Ai. at lt o'clock A. St.. to renjiotid himI umiih t.-stimouy conecrniiiK id alleired failure lwit JOHN IXWi-), KegHtur. SHOE WANTED I'unhlni; Canva)icr of kwwI iul- lrei!. Llbeml dlnry and esiiiio iid ef;tlv. I'ermimerit ixultlon CO-, SufMrryroeu, l'ortlund, Or. awlw Estray Taken Up. FACTORY For Sale at a arirain. ,i.a iv.i, ,,r ie. -"".-HI A. I) llolton, riniiititr, VB. ' Frnnk 1. Cllliitiili. Kliodn, t K Hunt ami V. H llutlcr, Defendant abi'it namttt ttrJenaaiiU v t arli of you an- lirrchy ri-tiiilrtdtioiiS niikner uir cotiiiuaint tllwl uKiilutt-hS hIkivc entitled ult on or liefoie the tbU uaf iivivni, uu or oeiore uir; lath day of Nixninbrr, 1MM, .mil li vnn (Mil w, ,., ,,H.. . M for the relief rrau-d for In hin roiiinidnt-tn. fltr ft flfnr. nf lnr,v.lnu,ir tt , I, ....,. I. Kline urai inline rtnu eieeuietl lr vn ' . 1 " a,,,, .m ,' vr. 'infill. I .11 f. '(,i,i,,t li law nun n.'u ijiiiiil; in . .1 ... . I ,1 j....... ...... , .... .iiini nuie im- mHiufciu nave aim rteeive me of live hundred duUnm mid lnter-tl iu it:r eviiv. i i uunuui. in". i a iuiiuut ius Kixtr IV') ilollnr tut ivinxitiftiiie uiiomrri l....ll.,l,t ,1.1. Hfllf ffk IIIIMlM. HM r,.ir.. i.,.il M,ll.t fl.n Utile tllP-I'llV WM,mI. Herein kiiiii iiimiii. iiiKeiuet i .u iuiiiiin imd du.lmri'omenl ninde md eximnded in vou. me aniu mill i' iiiiiciuciutidt elenrr In the nroetttl" of alc to mi!Ij Inllr Nniu auiiia. tnnv iiihju nuini i.JitxiueuicHieiii vnnr eo.di(ciiditiit.. eneh mid all nf von litem, uii.i an i.kiivt .,m,i. liaiiuuijc cv even' nitrt thereof lie loreclmed uJ lamr ........ .1... ...... i... ni .....,.....i ti... i. Ufllll ,1,'tll ,l."f V.ll,, , Ml , , ll.'Ml. 1IHW IiliilulllI lie ul low nl in )1U lit mm tVMn mile und juirehiiHe kiiiiI mortKunripeim.!! bin option, nml tiiut tijwnt the naleofa&tsJt-,"'ni.Fii .iivii'i m.ii v,,i ,'ii imiih". lllviliiti,,ij , mill lot mil li .J.iivi uii.i in.Mn. in to the (..'oiirt tuny eem vnulUbW -l. I M I . fl .44 lli'utlnn lii The IiiiIIimi Cuv.nsv i.e. a Tunrxx ii.iii w I ifiiltri 11T .ia L ,1'l.l.ifi ..til..', ri.t. Miiltr .ml cnifM l.tiKltilN'rii oil the Jl.ili dav of 'lili'tl hot.l'St lil l.i l! i VlKViriX SUMMONS. 4 laving secured the machinery and : lionr. hrauuwi ciiner fj or s on leu hip nnd left jaw. Owner can huve Mime b) irm UK iiroiierty and jmyins Utt thU notice lu l.iwlm 1', The Duliev Or. Two Matrimonial Pennsylyania Laflies. Two fine-looklne rtmm.-lvimltt iiduxtrloti. nhleii- dld buuMikcvtMsn, asea IS uad 'JO, worth fJ.W.lti 'entlemen! l.idioi, excellent reputotlotm, induxtrioti. och, iiaicnln dead, want to gt neMl thl ftll,uiid ti'd like to eorienoond iin nice, tcM.-uuble KCfitleroen under" -It. Object huij.y extern homen. Gentlemen, If you arc iiiHtrinioiiliilly uiciineil, nenu 11 util in cororaoii leiier inr jmo ton,iiume und uddrtaM of thene yomifr litdlex. FeuDBjlvania Adv. Go., 10 lSwlm Ifc SO. Lock Haven, I'a. The undersigned, fixtures of what was intended for a lirst-class slioe faetorv. will sell the same at a bargain. Jlere is an engine and boiler of 40-oticT horse power, and a larj:e amount of shoe maeliinery, last?, line shafting, pulleys, belting and find ingsalmost a complete shoe factory. Here is also one of the best sites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country. Writefor particulars at once, to 9-VJ Tlxo Dallo0, Assignee's Hotiee to Creditors. Cood Job rriatlaa;. If yoo have your job printing done at Tuu CuaoNicla yon will have the ad vaataje of having it done with the iooat aaotlani and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jol ' BtHter ihe direct nperviaion of one of the noat waaeaafol and artistic printers im tbe' Korthwatt. TflMHra la Ut Tktag- Certals, Call it malaria or what you may and it patMrally eoinet without calling, where IU baaltb doea eziat Birauiom Liver will mtere it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. W. E. (inrrulnon, of The Dalle, Oregon, hnv Jug u&idKtitd bit jiroperty or the benefit of (ill blaCieditort.Mll jieraonii tiavinc (:Uim aaltit hi in tire hereby notified to tireaent them to roc under outb, ut Tbe Dalle, Oregon, within thteu month, from date. A. K. THOMfoO.V, Amlgnee. AugUat C, lK03.rCt L'. H. Ijlxv OrriCE, Tbe Dalle, Or.,, , . October 17. HtW. ( .Notice U bereby Klvco tnot the fullowlni; named nettler ban filed notice of hit Intention Ui make final proof In nuw-ort of hi claim, and ' that .aid proof will be made before thu tit;itt;r and receiver of the V. rJ. Uind office at Tbe' Utile. Or., oil Moiiduv. Sov. T,. lnJ. viz Jam M. fatlaon. 1 Hoinetil ntitilicatirm No. 12 for BKU itctlon ,n ,n County Court of the BUte of Oregon, for l. III, i b K i K W. M. MaaCOWJHUiy, NOTICE. lleiiiimeM tbe followinc witneaaea to nrove hi. In n. (.,,a. ,.i tk. vii t.t wutiiiiiuuua reaiutnice uvuu .auu cuiuvnuoil OI William Hnmlllon W'llam. lJM!alwl. I Fen llattv Hnifh nhrlaman W If ftmmi.iiH . nereDjrfnvfffl tot ne uuaerallfnej. E. K. Chaud'ler fll of Th?i2fl Or " ,,r1er ' ue County Court of tbe Utile of 1021td aid land, viz.; JoifV iv iIkvL-YJ' i!MH,ii.r Own. lor Waaco County, made and entered ,JUII. . IE,, Betiteinlair 1. IMil. vu .nrliitl t,iunuti.T nf thv September 7, ibM, wat appoinUl executor nf the lat will and teawment of the Mid WJIHiuu llainlltou IMlvin, deceaaed; nil ron having It. IrlC. at reaViitlaiiv the hmne iriV fV.V th clwm "Kalliat laid wlate are hereby uo'ltltd to JUtlOll. KomeriVJfVl r 'JJO of our lat . "Wr! ". " " Bl ' 'J' "" "Ki"" 1 Familiar Faces in a New Place. j. e. barn err In the Cfreuit Court of the talc of feffc for tho roQiitv oi vMtv V. A .Miller. 1 JlalntlJT. K. 1'. IteynoldB, prjat'lant To .'. UrjiHOldt, (he abort named dt ... i t ..... r n.. SB'S heruby riMiiilm! to upinair und n""3,j. ltlatlit filed iicnlnt you in the hIhivc e-J Hlthlli ton Uayn from tho date ! BJSS tlilii nuniinoiia uK)ii you. If ',25 county; or If sen ed within any ultofPP-j; thin atnte, then within twenty iIP tf . diite of the nervlee of thin wnniiii)lKlCj or If nerved Um you by public'.!!. w nre reriulrMl to iiniMiir und im ,oi.ii ; pliilnt on the llrt day of the nt I.HIU" utter lx week puhllcatloii rt V-" m to-wlt oil Mondiii i the . ml linn imy jovMiioer, m and If you full to no iiiiMwer tMJrjjffi iii.piy id me court lor ine rcii trjoe mid noinphilnt. to-vvlt for the raw; "jgju: uiortKiiKe (U'M'illK-tl In tuild cortjji k the nib- of thu preiniite. tliertH5il(8, ult the Nonth Inilf .it thu ieittU'. in. the no-theimt nuurier of the iise und the Miutbwent quarter SorO. ; iiinirter. of rxfstiou iw, 'lownt ItiiiiL'u thirteen Kimt. Ulllniiiette -rZja- iiiiiiiiik one iiuuureii iinu nixu ;;ifta.! men in i unco i:ouniy, ureK" ' Imlf nf tin. in, rlli. ...kI iiiuirtrr. 1". .TV.. qunrter of the nortliwct iiuartefitfjl, jao eKlillitrtero the northcrnd l,,J2jIsta, :n. TowiibIiIh one North. Jluu.w,i M.t.l.llnii efilllllllllllK uiidnlxty nm-a.umt "Ituuted w.yfZ&t Ofi-Kou, iiceorillni; to law "' thin court, und Hint the prooitd. 'iit 11.11.. ,(,.. lilt f.....i-,l 111 JHijlllVil, ... 'V. .irll it ' i Mild iiiortKiiKe, und Ntlll tinimld.t"' L of liM.W, und intercut thefton Jf-jbefS elltlit lKrr wut Iir uniiuiu 'J0'JT,bu Ihisi, und the further nnm of f-Mwj1., vatK E. BAYARD. Late Special Agent General Land Office. ,,ur ,h. ........ .. ti... .,.)., of i.liht ie 11 .... ..IK. ..w.l ... ,..u . "'r' ' f .1U. ' mini Nineti Mnrcll W. JMrt. und or &w, fee of MUXI, nnd for tiif c; f'10 Apd ti iiienin iniKio nun exiiciKii'u llienia inline unit ciwii'i V.rt lOtel . the plalntllt will npply to t M ".,BeiPJ nient iiKiilimt jou for imy ''Sii n o' ,MF I leinuliiliiK lifter the ii;jllu" JI73 leal Estate, Ioap, Ip5(jrapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. IT PUBLIC. Parties having Property they wi'kIi to Sell or Trade, JIouhoh to Kent, or Alaitract of Title furnixhed, will find it to tliuir iidvitntuge to call on u, We shall make a Bpecialty of the prosecution of Claiiim und Content U'foro tlie UniU;p Stated Land Oflictt, 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. The California Winehouse, Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home produced Wine at price in the reach of everybody. rem SaVi? SrW?.",. K,."n.,u PflPFR BH-nib. from tbt,,teof thl. notice. . , iuui . in ,i .u. ic.i.. a.1. ueed in Kleanlnjr tbe field, und hence grow in popularity and imfiortance. Take it nwhlle, you who don't; try tome of it. premium oflur.. liateii The Dalle., Or.. Kept. 7, leiKl. M. H. HUNTINGTON. Kxtutor of Will of win. if. rt iUon, d'd. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. ThompsoD Addition, C- BECHT. niilH of mild itiilo h uiotvunUl A..... ...Ill f..-.l.a. ti.Vn tinilUr ' VavrlQU " "" " a II II m; I a........ la. ...It Iu L.lfl'lM J ... I HfataT cutioii, by oidtrr of the Ilimow f dated Hei.teinUirWIb. I'W....... ,. wlWOV ilAVri, 1IIJN TINirO.." i.uiutti .-. A fill r 111: 1 P NOTJOK FOIt J'UWJCATlOJf. I'V.'. I arm !?. "5 K w. iollrui la hurebv lllvell in" . V ImIlHU liumwi aetlier una uivu i,i i in.iko Hiu.1 proof III i "I'ly' ,'.' t ' WW l'f...w,i O o tterlM of Jul'" !' ' trXj,' UOincaMMin Alpneiiin" ;,' -r ' h, 13 1- li name tho ltd owiiik :,d cui hla ..tilliiiiAiiu ratal lfl 11 1ITU III"' turn vT'i v i u vrvae - Hetli Moiican, ull of the i' '.r.iotltc. ,, ttr u jibo YoWn w. tAz n l . . .. ull I Time inne tp l- .wJUaanrv to UU'""., of urnHL iiiu . " . , i , m: lnuaa man are mo m"r :-'. i. in u"r. . ' ... t. ... .......i, mi rue iv"i" - ihid II TUU WIIU WIVMw... a ,l.,.ll intai-. throua-b ibeaoluwni .?..7.,iUU " It baa more map "; -. -r , it lHlj