S5i 4 r L)C U 11 1 1 CO iP Chronicle VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1893. NO. 115. Dalles Daily Chronicle Publish! pallr, Sunday Excepted. sE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO r second and Washington Btroot. The Hallos, urcKun. Turin iif Hnbcrlitlou ., ' WW InoEtb.byc.rrier...., i TIME TADtES. Kallrnad. In cHfCt AlifTtlMt C, 18'JX EAST nOUNIl. Lo i. Attn ' lt 11:00 r, WIRT hound. No.l.Arlt:'9i-M- Depart 3! 44 a, rrelffbt'i that carry imsst-BRcrx leave J. watt at S-(X) a. M.,aud one for the HTAOKH. IM rWievllU.', vtn. Hake Oveu, leave dally i taiateloi, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave liftlur, Klngsler, Wnmlc, Wnplultla, Warm Jwtnd TyKh valley, leave dally, except Eif.lt C X. M nCwIdcudale, Wash., leave every day o! the Lxtrvtit tiuuduv at i A. at. nSmtur all lines at the Umatilla House. KIKIl'KSBIONAL. If H. KIDIItl.Lr ATTOBKIT-AT-U4W UOlCe In, Cuurt street, 1 lie uaiics, un-Ron. litoorcK. rxAKK aiKirKK. irruK. a Jit-.t.r r.r. atohjih jlt law Boom. i ana a, ovui ui t Balldlnr, Entrance on wasuington street tbtllcUrt'Riiu. 1 i i. BENNETT, AT J UIUSEY-AT-LJ4M . UI i, See in SebRuno's building, up atolra. The , orrcon. If.f, MlTt H.S.HUKTINOTOH. H. B. wILaOH. lliYK. HI NTINGTON t WILSON ATTOl LI juts-at-Law Ottlcea, French' Mock over I Nsuousl liana. ' 1 uallea. urcgon. H. WIIiO.N' ATTOBKIT-AT-LXW KOOml French & Co.' hank building, becona , The lulles, Oregon. K.EsHELXAN (HOMJIOrAIIIIC 1'HYSICIAH ana hUioKON. can auswerea pnim iur. l ut nltht,cltr or country. Office ho.Od and Ctuoman block. wU , n. 0. It. DOANK rHYHCIAK AWD tVK- mo, otttoa; rooms a ana e unnpman Uki. Kesfdcuce: H. K. ct-nier court ana oarth itrcvts, sec Hid door from the corner. l hours 9 to 12 A. M. i! to b and 7 to b 1. il. slI'VALL UkMTliiT. Gas given tor the l Hluleaa extraction ot teem, Also leem bum Cowed ulumluum plate. I'.oom.: Bleu of kt oolden Tooth, txt'ond Street. HOCIKTIKS. rAfeCO I.OUGE, NO. 15, A. F. d: A. U. Meeta firt and tmra Mouaay ot encn nomn ai VM.U:6 HOYAL AUCH CHAPTER NO. f..- MkU In MumiiUc Hail mu tiuru ounvhuuy ftach mouth ut7 1'. M. ktOWKK WOODMEN OK THE WOKLI). ML ULHind CnmiiNo. 69,MectTuidayeveit kj:olttheiiij Fraternity Hall, nt7::to p.m. 01.UMB1A U)!jOE, NO. 6, I. 0. 0. F.-MeeU BVerv Y'liAtr ..r..l,- ,,t 7' ii'i-lnr-lt. Ill K. P f)Hll. C(irnY L.rmn nfift f!ntirt KtrfrtM. tojouruliiK brothm . Clodou, Bcc'y H. A. BILLA.N. G. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL RANKING BDSINK8H Letter of Credit issued available in he Eastern Slates. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St, Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, rvaaa.j ana vanous points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at nil nnlnta fin fair. or&ble terma. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moony General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections wade on faToreble terms at all accessible points. J. B. SCHKSCk. J. M. l'ATTkr.SO.V. President. Caahier. First National Bank. VHE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted ueposits received, BUbject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remiiveu on aaj oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on jsew York, ban Francisco and Portland. A Health? DIRKCTOKS, D. P. Thomi'sos. , Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Villiams, Geo. A. Liebk, H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmilit & wagon sin General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, ana all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tiiird Street opuLiebe's old Stand. fKIE.VDdHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of f.-Mecta crery Monday cveiiltiK nt 7:30 o'clock, In Cauno n lullditu'. mrni.rxf I'.mtrt nntl Kil'lltlll tiveU. BolournliiiF rltrd. U' u f'u.w lU.W.VAtii'r.K. of K.audB. ' CO. I B8EM11LY NO, 4827, K. OF U-Meet In K. IV of 1'. hall the tecoud and fourth Wudiien- i ui eacn moiiin at 7:80 p. m. If MM?". CHKI8TIAN TEMFEKENCE m clock at the readlug room. All are Invited. r ?Vk,: lucotiiigi KrJdiy at b r. Mmnv linn in ui 1-C.Umiiai, C. T. K. C. Flkck, Be House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do anytnd all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles WALE.W)D0E Nt- 8. A. O. U. W.-MecU aTt. ,ull over Kellera, n Becoud E8MITH F08T, No. 82, O. A: R.-MoeU caiuruay ai T.w r. ., Ill tUU K. OI t, J. ,LIt.1:T.slc!U,eve'7Huuday afternoon In i WK.of F. Hall. JK8ANQ wntng In the K. of V. Hall. Sunday 5, "J f WVISION, No. 167-Meetaln into. i ' wv "'' ana toiro n uunea- 'tch month, at 7:3u r. m. THIS CHDKCUEH, ST. lTKkH rifiTtjrit i. . i u - U uif?lw' Low Maaa every Sunday at ir.a. 1Iigh Mlu t 10:S0a.m. Veaperaat TfAUL?. CHURCH -Unlou Btreet, oppoalto ev. kii u. KulcllBe Roctor. Bervlcea Eiib."i' ' 11 7:80 Y. m. Sunday A. m. EvenlnK Frayer on Friday at m ii aiowing norviccB every nau- Willi? "."jotny t 11 A. at. Hahbath lftr 52.J MU3t njormiiR aorvicea. fx, fin,. 8 '"""7 vreuing atraauir a real KC 1011 orvico' Jn the court home at C0cSamOTI?NAL OIIOKOU-K4JT. W. C. Mid l i i. - toS ""Iom every Sunday at 11 Hm.!uii.r- x. Sunday School after morning "TaiiKera cordially InviUxl. SeaUfrae. VSEHSS OTS" ?ornlU4fat 11 a. m. at av," cwc f m. pwortu rr,.'.w-r, Pryc' mooting every la I.J Ln!i! 7: o'clock. A cordial In u w extended h imh ... i. "I K JVVtV Ittlon IS 5?!o iaili i3"'V? u,w uongregauouai fcAL& jaAN-NlnU atreot, tT. a( P-u A cordial wclooas J. I FORD, Evamelt, Of Dch Mollicii, Iowa, write under date of March 23, 1S93: S. B. Med. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Qentlemen : On arriving home lost week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounde, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings (or all. Wishing you prosperity, we ore Yours, Mb. & Huts. J. F. Foitn. If you wih to feel fresh and cheerful, and read; for the Spring' work, cleani.0 your yteui with the Headache and liver Cure, by taklug two oi throe doioa each week. Sold under a poaltivo guarantee. 60 ceut ier bottle by all drugglvla. has made its appearance? It is not only a health food, but a healthy food a health food that makes other food healthy. Its name is COTTOLENE It takes the place of hogSs Lard which is a notoriously unhealthy food. A purely vegetable product delicate, digestible, and economical one trial gives Cqttolene a permanent home in every kitchen, whence it increases the health and enjoyment of every member of the family. Try it for yourself. At all grocers. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. New YORK, lOSTON. "The Recalator Line" The Dalles, Portland and. Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigni ana Pessenper Line Through daily service Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 n. in. connecting ut Cascade Locks with steanier Dalles City. Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") ut 6 a. ni. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IMNHEM1KK KATKH. One way. . . . Round trip. .12.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock 'shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueuerwl Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (lenttral Mauager. THE DALLES, C. F. STEPHENS, DEALKR IN DRY -GOODS pLOTHING Hoot, Hhoe. Hat, Ktc. Fancy (jooift fJotion, Kt., Ktc., Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. T rl E ARTIC OREGON CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE 0EEAM. at wlioleaale quotatlou. Candies and Nuts S;-' Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles -2 8 8 2d Street J.FOLCO At rlKht aide Mrs. Obarr'. KfctHUrmit. FIRST VOTES TAKEN . Was on PetTer's Amendment for Free Coinage, IT WAS DEFEATED DY 39 TO 28 Voorhccs' Bill was Subititutcd for the Wilson Bill-Other News Notes. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliuble house has iKjen entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repaint and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kat reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trainS C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. Washington, D. C, Oct. 27. Consid eration of the repeal bill was resumed and Stewart resumed his argument against it. At 1 :30 p. m. he yielded to his colleague, Jones. At 3:30 Jones asked that he might conclude tomorrow. Voorhees said he did not wish to deny any one the right to speak, and hoped the senator, from Nevada would conclude tomorrow, but as no one was prepared to go on just at that time, he would ask for a vote on the pending amendment in order that some of these might be gotten out of the way in the meantime. Pefler asked that he might occupy the floor for a short time in explanation of his amendment and was recognized. Voting on amendments to the silver bill began at 4 p. m. PelTer's amend ment to restore the law of 1S37 for free coinage alike of gold and silver lost by 28 ayes, 39 noes. 4:30 P. M. Voorhees' bill was sub stituted for the Wilson bill, ayes, 58. noes 0. This is a pro forma vote, and not a test. Only radical silver men voted against it. The vote on Voorhees' substitute for the Wilson bill was with the unanimous coneent that the Voorhees bill should be subject to amendment. Under these circumstances neither is debate cut off nor is the right to offer amendments curtailed. 4 35: P M. Perkins of California of fered an amendment which provides for the coinage of he American product, charging 20 per cent seigniorage, allow ing no gold coins of less than $10 and treasury certificates of les9 than $5. He is now speaking on the amendment. The house was adjourned till Monday. Voorhees I Hopeful. Washington, Oct. 27. Voorhees is hopeful of a speedy conclusion of the de bate in the senate. He said this morn ing bethought there might be a vote to- duv on some amendments. The senate has settled down with as much patience as possible to listen to the speeches yet to bo finished. Morgan may have a few remarks to make, and Dubois will, when an opportune time presents itself, speak 15 or 20 minutes. Allen, the pop ulist who broke the record for long speeches, is said to have another in con templation before the end comes, but he denied this today, saying hemightthink it necessary to speak a very short time and might not; if he did, his remarks would be short and extemporaneous. After voting on the amendments begins, it is understood that Morgan will speak briefly, and it is said will touch upon the subject of cloture in opposition to the establishment of such a rule. The ndications show a desire on the part of the managers of the bill to prod the thing along, and if the speeches are drawn out the session may be extended in the evenings a couple of hours so one or more ot the numerous amendments that have leen or will be oflered may bo got out of the way. A Vote Will beTakrn Noon. Washington, D. C., Special to The CmtONicLK. The prospects are favora ble for an early voto on the repeal bill, as there is nothing to retard it except the concluding remarks of teveral speak ers, including Jones, Dubois, Stewart, and '.others. Tlio repeal men are rest ing, and some are out of town. Those anxious to have their vote recorded should bo hero by Monday or Tuesday, as the vote will bu taken not later than that. Kruute'i lleailueliii Cuiiaule. A rcmedv iihl with iinviiry Iiik bticrcnn as a euro for UeudnuliCH of til' kinds. Tlio ivbiiltw liuvo been m mil vtTMUl KiHHi mat it u mi longer un cxiHirlincnt, It lias been lucd for lloidiicliu resulting from l)lMiiatinn, la 1'urlixl leal Hick HcikIhcIiv, III Headaches ciilihed by kcvcru labor (mental or jihyclral), or by exposure In the Mill, and In all caxus u ith tlio most i?rtl fyliiK results. Wuhuve, after 11 Jmroiiifli luves ligation, hail no hcMtuncy lu lakliiK tliu agency lor this cllectlvo leinedy, and coiikcieiitlously recommend It to our natron. ltesicctfiilly, Bold by Snipes & KlhcrMy. Auiiuunueiiieiit, Having bought out A. J. Moses' leaeo in tho livery business, formerly owned by 1110, I am now prepared to furnish livery on short notice and feed stock by day, week or mouth. Thanking my old customers for past favors I would like to see them again at tho old stand, Kust Second street, C. L. Richmond. NEWS NOTES. The Rattle creek disaster numbered twenty-evcn victims killed. Miss Daisy Garland, daughter of ex United States Attorney-Goneral Gar land, committed suicide at her home in Washington, Friday morning. She was 34 years old and is thought to have been insane. The bill to aid the states of California Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota to support schools of mining. allowing each 25 per cent, of the pro ceeds of the sale of mineral lands with in the state, but not to exceed $12,000 per year, was passed in the senate yes terday. Wallace, a lion which escaped yester day from his cage into a stable in New York City is still at large. He slept quietly during the night, but resamed his roaring and prowling auout bright and early in the morning. Police are stationed outside the stable to protect passers'by in case the lion gets out, but they are getting tired of the job, and de clare that they will kill the beast if he is not caged pretty soon. IN FOREIGN LANDS. Fifield church, near Abington, Eng., built in the 13th century, is burned. Dr. Schweninger says Bismarck is not making the satisfactory progress toward complete recovery which has been her alded abroad. The. remains of the great composer Gounod were buried yesterday with full civic and military honors. Those pres ent at the funeral were celebrities in arts and sciences from all parts of France. The damage caused bv the eruption of the volcano of Calbuco is incalculable. Many of the residents have been obliged to leave their homes because of the great volume of ashes and volcanic cin ders which have fallen. Hundreds of acres of growing crops have been ruined by the fall of lava. I'ralfte From France. Paws, Oct. 27. Le Temps comment ing upon President Cleveland's attitude upon the silver question, says by resist ing to the uttermost, Cleveland will ren der great service to the business world, and at the same time will help modify the constitutional equilibrum of tho United States by transforming tho members of his cabinet into quasi par liamentary leaders. This is the most serious innovation involved in the finan cial crisis. Ituclclcii'H Arnica Halve. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin- ersly. Notice! All notes due and becoming due and all accounts owing us must bo settled on or before November 1st, 1893, either in wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts and notes remaining unpaid after that date will have to undergo costs of col lection. We mean business and must positively have money. Respectfully, dawlm The Dam.es Mkhcantilk Co. Notice of Dissolution, Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing under tho linn namo of Williams & Teague is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All claims against the firm will bo paid bv J. II. Tenmio and all monies or ac counts due the firm must bo paid to J. H. league, me business will nureatter bo conducted by J. H. Teague, signed : it. 11. ilmamh, J. 11. Teague. Look Over Vour County Warrants. All county warrunts registered nrior to January lOtli, 1890, will bo paid if presented at my ofllco, corner of Third and Washington streets, Interest leases on and after this date, W.m. Miciiui.b, Treasurer Wasco County. October 2Ut, 1893. tf Karl'a Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures ennstiputiou. 25c., f)0c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, NEWS OF THE STATE. Kim Fung, a Chineso woman,' died from opium poisoning in Portland, Thursday. R. S. Applegate, an old pioneer who had been lost in the mountains for three days, was found dead about eight miles from Drain, in the mountains. He waa returning homo when he met his death. Threo days after he left Elton his horse returned to the place he started from, and parties went at once in search of him. They found h im dead. The cause is not as yet known. He was a son of Jesse Applegate, one of the first settlers in the Umpqua valley. John O'Neill, a Walla Walla boy, aged 28 years, committed suicide Satur day morning by taking morphine. For a number of years he haB been a habit ual drunkard. Friday night ho went into a saloon, took a bottle of morphine from his pocket and drank a large quan tity. Earlj' next morning he went into another saloon, took several drinks and fell on the floor. Medical assistance was summoned and everything done to save O'Neill but it was fruitless and he died at noon Saturday. It is supposed despondency while intoxicated caused the deed. Heppner Record. Aboriginal Amcrlcnnn. Man lived on this continent earlier than or at least as early as he lived on the European continent, but it is not believed that the Indians are de scended from such early people. The lat'est theory seems to be that the so called American Indians are descended from Chinese, who in some way reached the western coast thousands of years ago. The parallelisms be tween the customs of the Chinese and the ancient Peruvians are often very- striking; the systems of government of the two peoples were similar; the em peror and the inca both claimed de scent from heaven; both countries had irrigated canals, and in both countries taxes were paid in kind and stored in public warehouses; both countries maintained public roads, disposed of .their dead with the same ceremonies and built houses in much the same style. Humboldt found in the Mexican calendar strong resemblances to the ancient calendar used inTarlary, India and Thibet. The skull of tho Ameri can, except in its greater length, greatty resembles that of the Chinese. HISTORICAL DATES. The first linen made in England was manufactured by Flemish refugees under the protection of Henry III., in 1253. The first coins were struck in brass about list II. C, and in gold and silver by Phcidon, tyrant of Argos, about 803 U. C. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2oc. Children love it. Sold by Suipcs & Kinersly. l'nsturnce. Moore's ranch, about threo miles south of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage and any one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. 17tf ooi'sCottonRoo it COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully ued monthlu bu thousands of Ladies, la tho only perfectly Bate, and rcllablo medlclua dls- corercd. Bowaro of unprincipled drugslsts who offer Inferior medicines In place of tUU Ask for Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, fnl-a no uMJ tute, or Inclose 41 nnd 0 cents In postage In letter and we will send, scaled, by return mall. Kullscalod particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, SI dtanipn. Address Pond Mly Company, No. 11 rubor Illoci, nctrolt, JIlcu. Sold In The Dulles by lllakelcy A: lloughtou. l'or Kent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi enco on Ninth street. ti-23daw. to Ufco Mexican Sllvor Stove Polish Auction Sulo Tonight. Homomber the auction sale at N. iarrls' store commences at 7 o'clock to- iirht. Ladies esnec nllv invited. As the stock must go, bargains may be ex peeled. Sale will continue from day t day until all 1H sold. J, 11. UitosHEN, Auctioneer. Hoard of KquulWatlou. Tim I'nnntv liniird of emmlizatlon will meet at tho court housu on October 23d, 1893, for the purpose of cquali.ing tho ouiity assessment run tur tins yuur a ssessment. Tho board will continue in session one week. Joui, Koo.ntz, County Assessor, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report. toft Baking Powder ABSQUJmX PURE -W1