The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weeklr. 1 rear H!0
6 months.
0 75
0 JO
6 CO
3 CO
0 50
Dally, 1 year
" C months. ...
M per "
Address all communication to " THE CHROX
(CLE." The Dalles. Oregon.
General leIlTerr Window
Mouer Order " .
6andsr iJ II " .
trains going East .9 p, m. and 11:44 a. m.
" " West .9 p. m. and 5:30 p.m.
Stage tor uoldendale
" " Prlnevlllt:
" "Dufur and Warm Springs .5:S0a.m.
" fLeaflng for Lvle A Hartland 5-.S0 a. m.
" " tAntclope .5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
fTri-weeklv. Tuesdar Thursday and Saturday,
t " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Olex has orennixed n literary nnd tie- A
batinp society. ;
A Grande Konde farmer drivc3 n tan
dem team of a liorse and n yoke of oxen.
A few days a?o some parties from Ar
lington were down on the river below
town fishing. While there they ob
served an Indian woman spread a
blanket on the ground near by. Her
actions attracted their attention some-
. ; what. In a short time they were very
mnch surprised to find that a child had
been born. The mother proceeded to
s a. m. to 7 p. m. j wrap it up in a blanket ana. went on ner
BH'm'toioa' ml ; wav as unconcerned as though it was an
everv-dav occurrence. Record.
The improvement of highways is one
of the important questions of the day,
and should receive more attention than
has ever been bestowed upon it.
The politics of the South American
countries change nearly as often as the
moon. It is a wonder the population
generally has not met the fate of the
Kilkenny cats, since no administration
is satisfactory to the people.
Ferhaps some of our readers would
7:30a. m. I Hl-a tn Irnnn- it trlmt roon.X't f!hnni hlr
.5:30 a. m. I . . . . . . .
Iain's uough Kemedy is better man any (
other. We will tell you. When this
remedo has been taken as soon as a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in the system, ft will
counteract the effect of the cold and .
greatly lessen its severity, and it's the
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs, open
ing the secretions, liquifying the mu
cous and causing its expulsion from the
air cells of the lungs, and restoring the 1
system to a strong and healthy condi
tion. Xo other remedy in the market
possesses these remarkable properties.
o other will cure a cold so quickly.
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. 1
Vrocoas That Turnod Out to lie n
lrctlcnl Tcniwrnnc' Lon.
There was a now face among the
fakirs on the water front the other
morning, the face of a man who made
diamonds, rubies and other brilliants
out of old glass bottles. The color of
the bottles seemed to be the factor
that determined the nature of the
stone. The implements wore u small
hammer, n, little polishlnir wheel tuid
a couple of boxes that contained a
powder, says the San Francisco Ex
nmincr. The fakir had a radiant portable
stand somewhat lnrger than the con
trivance that a scissors grinder carries,
and at that he did a thriving' business.
Water front glassware was sacrificed
for diamonds, the accompanying sacri
fice of silver vnryiug with the sire of
the finished product. Glass nuggets as
bijr as the Kohinoor, and quite as bril
liant as the sun. were placet! within
the reach of the
cents, and a modest
I3-' I
i . mm m a tf i . . -
"J here is a tide tn the affairs of nun which, taken at i
leads on to fortune"
ine poet unquestionaDiy naa reference to the
big enough for a water front engage
ment ring, could be bought for twenty
Through the crowd nn old man
pushed his way. "Here's a lottle!" he
exclaimed, "llreak that up into rubies
for me."
"No rubies in that," replied
fakir. "It's a diamond bottle." 1
"Diamonds, then!" shouted the old
roan. "llreak it anyhow! I've carried
that same bottle for twenty years
back, an' many's the diamond an' ruby
it's cost me. Ilrenlc it up an keep the
diamonds for your trouble!"
Apple raising would be found very
profitable here if properly attended to.
There is not a more staple variety of
fruit in existence, nor one that can be
better marketed. And again there is
not a place where better apples can be
raised than are raised in Oregon.
In this country 250 women are prac
ticing medicine, 275 preaching the gos
pel, more than six thousand managing
postoffices, and over three million earn
ing independent incomes. SincelS30
the patent office has granted over 2,500
patents to women, and in Xew York
city 2,700 women support their husbands.
The Dalles. Portland A- Astoria Sar.
Co. will sell round trip tickets to Port
land. Including admission to the Ex
position, at S3. OO. Tickets limited to
Nor. 13th. W. C. AlUwaj,
A cent.
Fresh oysters
tionery store.
at A. Keller's confec-
For Rent.
Rooms to rent at Rev.
dence on Xinth street.
Horn's resi-6-23daw
The railroads in the east are slaughter
ing people by the hundreds, and will
undoubtedly continue to do so until the
rush to and from Chicago is over. The
cause is from the fact that at the last
moment the railroads have made low
rates, and the thousands who could not
before avail themselves of the opportu
nity are crowding the capacity of the
public carriers. Insufficient force, worn
oat cars and careleseness are the princi
pal factors which are impelling so many ,
pleasure seekers to their death.
A Great Liver Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are !
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious j
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos-;
tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills ;
insure perfect digestion, correct the
liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
puniy nnd enrich the
the skin clear. They
! A.v old picture dealer declares that
really pood etchings, prints, engrav
, inps and other works of art bring more
than their value even at public iiuo
i tion. He believes that judicious in-
vestment in pictures is as safe as buy
ing diamonds.
Hoard of Equalization.
; The county board of equalization will
' meet at the court house on October 23d,
1S93, for the purpose of equalizinc the
county assessment roll for this year's as
sessment, lne board will continue in
session one week. Joel Koo.vtz,
Countv Assessor.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pullets.
They're a compound of refined
nnd concentrated botanical extracts.
These tiny, sugar-coated Pellets
the smallest and tho easiest to take
absolutely and permanently cure
multitude at fifty ' Constipation, Indigestion, Sick and
;st-sized diamond. RHinus Hnndaches. Dizziness. Bil
ious Attacks, and all derangements
of tho liver, stomach, and bowels.
They cure permanently, because
they act naturally. They don't
shock aud weaken the system, like
' the huge, old-fashioned pills. And
the they're more effoctive. One little
r Pellet for a corrective or laxative
' three for a cathartic
- They're the cheapest pills you can
buy, for they're guaranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the good
I you get.
MlM Cam
"xv-ou rttn
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs anil
For a perfect and permanent cure
of Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500
reward for an incurable case.
Good .Inh l'rlntluc.
If you have your job printing done at
The Cmto.vici.E you will have the ad
vantage of having it done witti the most
modern and approved tvpe, with which
blood and make rrmtinnnllr Biinnliwl. All inii
ni:u iJiuuui,c tt
c " ' 1.,- .is
good appetite and invigorate and iu.. ui v.
strengthen the entire system by their e most euccessiui uuu uruaui- ir:iuer
tonic action. They only require one pill 1 in the Northwest.
for a dose and never gripe orEicken. i
Sold at 25 cts. a box bv Blakelev ik
Houghton. ;
, Just received a scow load of choice oak t
wood. Maier & Benton
How many can tell the origin of the
habit of closing the eyeE in prayer?)
Far back in the past the sun was the
universal object of worship. As it rose
above the horizon the devotee thanked
it for its return to bless the world. As
it set in the west he implored its early
return. His face was always toward
the sun in prayer, and his eyes were
closed to prevent blindness. The habit
has passed down from father to son for
thousands of years. Though the object
of worship has been changed, the custom
John Pashek,
'The Merchant Tailor,
76 Court StPcct,
Next door to Wasco Ban Office.
-II.ts Jim received thu latest stylo in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
ana h a lnrye usortment of For Izu mil! Amer
ican CInth. whioli he can tinhh To Order for
those tbut favor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
CU0 per VSSVtdy
Cur3 ConcliA, nonncu .,torc ahioar.
Cru;itros;pi.r: re t."i3 TVhoppfnCousli
and AntJinm. F r Conauuj.tloii it has a-)
rivul: nascured lUos.untis v.- sre all other-,
failed; tt1!1 ajr.r. voc if xahen la time. Cold
bv Drujrzista'nn FcirLnme Rack
Mr. Cleveland is the strongest person- or ine3t,u3c sc:s.
ality in the United States. Setting his ! H ! LQ N'SC A7AR R K
lace uguiueb uiivuuug ciee ii.uii unqual
ified repeal he has maintained a bold
front throughout the whole fight and
will be gratified in his desires. He was I
known to be stubborn before, but in the !
matter of the repeal bill his bull dog 1
pertinacity in the face of discouragement,
sticking to bis tert through thick '
and through thin, has no parellel in the
history of the white house. Republicans
admire him now more than ever, and
are coming to believe that it was fortunate
he was elected inBtead of Benjamin F.
ml i auil-. n ? ThU remedr I tunrrir!.
teed tocurcjeu. Price M)cti. JrUectortrv-i
far Dale by 8nlji! .V Kluerxlr.
L'. S. Lxsb Office. Th Iu!1i. t)r.,
Octlitj-.T 17 j
Notice If hereby (riven thut thf lullowiiisr
nnmed :ttlcr bus filed notice of lur intention
t mute finul jinwf in tiiijrt of tn cImiiii, unit
thnt -Hid proof will be mnile twfore tliv rtci'trt
nnd receiver of the V. H. Uind uthct' Ht Tin.'
Pull-.-, Or., on Monday, Nov. IT. l-ss. vie
Juuira ,11. ratUon.
Hoin.-ittnd uppllcntlon No. 2912 fur r.) . ctIon
1. tp. 4 e.. KUJU W.JI.
Hentimen the following wltnfnjit t" prove hi
continuous residence tijxm nml rultivutiun of
sunl luud, viz.:
I en Hatty. Hugh Chriammi, V K. .orou und
K. N. Cbaudler, hII of The Dulles, '
lo21td . JOHN W. LKW1-, IlesMer.
No other president has been so closely
guarded from dangerous cranks as is Mr. ,
Cleveland now. The precautions taken ,
ior his protection are unprecedented. '
There seems to be an epidemic of lunacy 1
at present, and demented persons gen
erally make the white house their
Jlecea. An average of two of them each '.
day have called to see tho chief macie-
trate during the last month. Moat of
them are harmless, but a few are dis
posed to be violent. Ordinarily it is
very difficult for a crank to approach the
president. Just now it is practically im
possible. Each visitor at the white
house must undergo a rigid scrutiny be
fore being admitted. Then there stands
at the president's door a Cerberus in the I
person of a trusted employe named !
Loefiler. His orders being that only
members of the cabinet shall be ad
mitted, there is no chance to get by him.
But the portal is further protected by an
attendant placed there within the last
lew days for the express purpose of look
ing out for cranks. He carries a gun
which he would not hesitate to use if
there was occasion. But the treatment
of lunatics of all sorts at the white
bouse the tuaviUr in modo is prefered
to the Jorliter in re, and Mr. Thurber
smooths their ruffled feelings and gets
rid of them in nearly every instance
without the slightest disturbance.
la One Tills Certain,
Call it malaria or what you may audit
gMwally comes without calling, where
111 health does exist Simmons Liver
Lagslaidr will restore it. j
EmII). Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of rvtH
I rem early rimn or latrr
exceue. tte result or
won-T.etc Fullitrenfrib,
derelopment ami Uine
Blven to citr7 organ acd
portion of the liflr.
k-ko. Failure uavj.Ui.
Zfti) reference. liok,
explanation aod pn(j
mailed (tealed) free
Taken Up.
One orrel Reldins iibout twelve yenrn old. und
branded thus P on left ahoulder. The owner
can have ttieunimal by puyint; for thin notice
Auiruat 13, l-OO.-wtf
Is the
Of the Year
Shoo on Third Street, next door west of Ynnnn v.
T11 'j-L PI "
For Sale at a Bargain.
Tlie undersigned, having secured the machinery
fixtures oi what was intended Jor a hrsl-elass shoe
will sell the same at a bargain. Here is an engine
.... .... In ... I . . . . ........ ... . . I I ...... k . . I A 1 I "
injr. almost a comlete shoe factory.
Here is also one of the best sites for successfully
ating a factory of this kind to be found in this coun1
Write for particulars at once, to
Tlio Dalles,
I.. I'. Ucynolcl,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, etc
In the Circuit Court of the 8tile oi Oregon,
for the county of Wiincn.
W. A. Miller. "1
I'lainUff, I
Dtjtutianl. )
Tu 7'. J:jhoIU, the above-named dffeiulant,
In the name of the fiwte of Or;on, You re
liwliy rtriulred toiipar uml unawer tliu Cmn
Iiinlnt tllcil iiKuint you in the tibovc nutt
within ten day from the date of the wrviceol
thm hummona tiwin von. if nerved within thin
county or If tcrved within any other county ol I hlaotitlon, mid that titxm the tale of xald wort-
thlx atuu.; then within twenty day from the 1 siffi-d preinlncx the imrcliiixer Ixj let Inlo the
date of the service of tbl mimniotm tiimn you, i ini.Hlon thereof, und every part tliereof, Ini
or If nerved iijKjii you by publication, then you I mediately, nnd for hiicIi other nnd further relief
ore required to appear und mnmer uld Corn an to the Court inuy cuin equltalile nnd Jmt.
plaint on the flrnt ihiy of the next term ofimhlTliN hiiminoini U nerved ntxiu you, tho aull
court, alter ii wek publication of this Hum-' Frank I). lllletilc and I'.hodu (illltupl.-, by pnb
roiinn, to-wlt: on Monday, the t llcatiim In The Italic Chiwhici.k, a newxpaper
13th day November, 1HU3, piihlinhe i weekly ut Itallea City, vnco county,
i- ' : v- i enumuera on inc.uiii our in nenieuincr. irwi.
MIU I'Ompinilll, Mill ior HIIKttl! t. VivvvvOv
AttOtpCTO lor liallltlir.
the tUrcult Court .'f the State of On-ou for
tne county ot vtnuuo.
A. It llulhui, 4
VS. 1
Frank I. Glllcapli!
llhiid.i tilllcsiile. W. i
K. Hunt and W II.
Ilutlur, iK'feudanU. j
To Vnit ). atllr.iiic and'.HUiKta Glllejpte,,, the
alxjte-named dtJeittitxnU :
In the name of the Ktate of Oregon, you and
iaicIi of you arc hereby reoulred to ap).iir and
an&vver the complaint tlleil ii;aluMt you In the
shove entitled nuit on or befoiu the Unit Hay oi
the regular tenu of the Circuit Court of the Mute
of Ornrun for Wa-cn County, next following the
date hereof, ti-wit, on or before the
tatli iluy of Nitvnulier, lKll.'I,
aud If you full mi to unytver. for wiuit
thereof the piaintlll' will upply to the Court
for the teliuf pruyeil for In hi complaint, to-ivlt
for a decree- of lurecionure of that curtain mort
gage deed made and e.ect,ted by you to the
above named plalutiirou the )ith day of Novem
ber, Xi'M. Uhu the northwest ijliurli r of kection
li in township 1 Muth rangtt 1 1 emit, W M.,lu
U'iim'o county. Oregon, and that mud preininen
lj wild under mien foret.iixlire de:ree in the
milliner provided by law und n'c rding to the
practice of a!il Court, that from the proceed of
Mich tialc the piaintlll' have nnd receive the num
of live hundred .t'oi dollars and Intercut on
nalil num Mucc Novemtier Olli, 1'.). at the rate of
10 per cent. ;r annum, alio a further Mini of
Ixty h'tl dollark ait a reasonable attorney fee
for iiixlituting thin Milt tn fore 'hwe alil mort
gage and collect the note thereby nccurcd imU
herein sued upon, Uiguther with plalntlir coiIm
and di.ihiircincutK made nnd exx:uded In thlit
Milt, including accruing coxta and ex:ii'eof
.i!e, aud that plniiitllt have a Judgment against
you, the said Frank 1). (iillexple, for any defi
ciency 111 the proceed of nale to natlnfy fully nil
mild Mini, that upon Mich forcclimire aalu all of
the right, title, intercut and claim of you and
your co-defendants, inch und all of yon und
them, nnd nil other perxona claiming or to
claim by, through or under you or them, or
either, lu nnd to raid mortgaged premise aud
every part thereof be foreclined and forever
barred from the equity ol redemption. That the
piaintlll be allowed to bid ataald foteclixiute
ale und purclumc mid mortgaged premlien, at
Win run without mnlieiM all m,
orrriiTalifiii of brain nrrft ton
cralon. A unroot dUIKy. lp!
rwiUcjr from
rtuautom. klducy, Utt and budiler conpUinu!
Wtart. InmtMto. maiiit. all Umilf corapuinu
nunal ill iMallli. 4e. TbM Iwtnelfcit oduUu
mortgage deicrlbed in Mid complaint, and for
trie ml.- ol the iiremikea tucrein aacrilel, to
wit the wiutli half of the wiuthwoit quarter,
the nottheokt quarter of the nouthMeat quarter,
and the nouthweat quarter of the outlicat
quarter, of riection Townxhlp one North,
Itaugv thirteen Kaxt, Willamette Meridian, con
taining one liundred and ixty ncrex, and kIiu
aud In Wuico county, Oreg'iu. Alwi, the north
hull of the Dortbiut quarter, the northcaat
quarter of the northwest quarter, und the out)i
exxt quarter of the northeant quarto of nectlou
St, Towuahlp one North, itniiRO thlrte4:ti Kant.
Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred
and nixty acr, and altuated in UW-o county,
Oregon, aceoriling to law and tho practice of
thU court, and that the prucctdn of naid nalebo
nptilled in payment of the amount necurid by
aid mortgage, and ntlll unpaid, to-wlt the num
of liA).(t), und intcrettt thereon at tho rate of
eight r cent er milium from heptcmber 'id,
lvjcs. and the further Mini of I'.'.W.W, and Inter
eat thereon at the rate Of eight icr cent ;ran
num Miiec March 'Jl.lhX, and for an attorney'
feu of f.'Mi.Uu, nnd for the conlx nnd dlhure
menu inude and cxiartidttd herein. And that
the plaintiff1 will apply to the court for it Judg
ment ugnlrut you for any deficiency there limy
he leiiloiiilng nfter the upplicullou of the pto-cei-di
of mid sale ut aforeoald.
Vou wilt further tiku notice Ibat I lie nuiri
r.n -l. i . . i.t . . ' ""lu till Milt in m-tvmI upin urn b" publl
One black lmr. hninriuri olthr at ir C nn l..(i I u., i. , - .. .,. . .. , '
hipnnd leltjaw Owner can have ame by prov haw. Judge of tald Court, did oider being
ing properly and paying- for thin .notice, dated BcptBiiilwr'nh, l-OT.
,,. u ."L'''liZi ':in;' ' MAVri, H0NTINOTON it WIIJiON,
Mtotl lairiiiaiiy orr all oilan. (.ttmat u
ImuoUrfeUVy wcanr or. forfeit $t,M.e, and
win cuipuioi uu) anora anaaca or bo tatr, Tnuu.
-aoa hara Ua Utim mmrrtitMm iaintion
arur all otW nnwdiaa falltd. aud no (1t kuultvlt
btlumuuulax I hit ami arary other tut.
Oar rmrkl Inarms BUCTIUC IUM-UHOCT. tt
rrrnien buoa tirr offtrtd wtak nn. Mall
Waari, Band for IlUu'tl Fasalikt, nallad .ataka, tne
Estray Taken Hp.
Atlornej for liaiiitiri.
Executor's Notice.
notice a hereby given that the undumlgned
ha been appointed bv the County Court of the
Htuto of Oregon for Wruco County, executor of
the eatutc of Catherine Wigle, deceomd, and all
loniorii having claim agiilimt aald eatate are
hereby notllied and re)iilred to present the
miint, with the proia.-r voucherx, to me at the of Maya, Huntington it Wllaon, The Dollex,
Waeo County, Oregon, within ilx mniitliH from
the date of tlii. notice. W. II. TA VUtH,
Executor of auld dilute,
Tho Dallca, Or., July a.', IHtC.-W
Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies.
(ieiitlcuieut Two flno looklng J'eniiMivanla
ladlea, excellent reputatlona, IliuuMrioim, apleu
dld huuiekeiierf , age IK und 'A), worth l:i,iMt.(X)
each, parent dead, want to go went thin foil, and
wouiif like to i-orreMiond lth nice, waiA.-cUihlc
Keutlemeu under 40. Objwt; hapf weaUirn
home. (JcDtleinen. If you mo matrimonially
Inclined, end II bill In common letter lorpho
iun, iiiiiiivii anil nuurewea ui mew young iaaiC4,
THE CHEOMCLE was established for the ex-
ivAf tn ut a-4 initnlti mi ir aiitiim ' I ' I a I In I IjS
ji uan uiii mini' ui ii ui nn v iitiii t . rxz i i ii i i i ut; jiLHmr
anu tlio surrounding country, and the satisfying
eflect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher-
mi ti i - i i i i n Tn n orrfi nnvr r t i rL' i ntrnuT ur n ?
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the Itf
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Dailv Chuoniclk is j)ublished every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per
annum. The AVekklv fiiKOXiCLii oh Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., add
Tlio DalloH, Orof
Familiar Faces in a jVcw Place.
Late Special Aijtnl General Land Ojjice.
10 13wlm
PeunijrlTania Adv. Go,,
'Ilox :a. Uk!1c lluven, l'a.
PttrticH haviiiK Proporty twy wish to Soli or Tnwlc, Houses to
ALutntut of Titlo furnialiutl, will find it to their udvantugo to call on
Wo shull make a Hjwcialty of tho prosocutiott of Claims n
boforo tuo U in top btatOH Lmm Ullico.
aaaMaaMaa, ywf VafVI B aaar mmmm m
Ib now open, and its proprietor will sell his 1,0IIJ"
produced Wine at prices in the reach of evoryhou) .
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guarantceu
to be Pure and Firat-Ulass in every respoci.
Tbompson'f Addition.