The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1893, Image 1

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    vol. vi.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
blUI'ot Patty, Sunday Kxccpted
( jacourt uil Waahington Stntou, Tha
Dalle, urogou.
Term of Subscription
&, by carrier 80
-hcopi ' -
In effVct Atiguat fi, ibitf.
. irnrai 10:U K. Depart 11:00 r. M
L , irrlre3::w a . Depart 8:44 a. m.
mtax freight Unit earry icnjer leave
, to: Ui wt nt :0u a. m., and one for the
fsnerttle, vU. Hake Oven, leuve dally
tiafclope, Mitchell, Canyon City, Icbtc
rfmiar, Kingidey, Wamic, Waplnltla, Warm
sp ibiI Tygh valley, leavo daily, except
In ltd A. M.
ErOoUeiidiilu. Won., leave every day of the
LtaRit Sunday ( 7 a. m.
Ilor Kit linen al U1C u UilulM uuunv.
i mimvl 1 imntmr.iT.Uv-OHllui
Ht Court Street, rue inuiea, uregon.
Lrmo 4. uvwirvw irrniRiTi . at
' iiw Koomi u aua , over i
Snllrttnir. Ktitriuce on Waihincton Btreet
i Ace Hi hclmnuo' building, up t&lrt. The
, Oregon.
kr.Hiri. .t.iiuTinoTow. i.fcwiuoj.
I xtTt-AT-LA w urncex, rrcucn djoc ovur
M National Usui. ' ii Dalle, uregon.
. yrmfh I'n 'u runic iimiamir. necuiiu
, Tat iMllai. Oregon.
Lit. ESHELUXS (HomtorATiuc; I'nvwciAN
t and Hoanann rail anawered nromntly.
or nlrhL rtli- nr fwintitrv- O HI (HI NO. 26 BtlU
tuapoanblock. wU
kK. 0. D, DOANK rMYmciAW amu hub
1 iiiav nm,.. rfinmi & and 6 Chanm&u
let Kmldeiice: 8. E. comer flourt and
cm ftmiu, hoc mu uoor mini mv biihw.
rilDDAU. Dismtrr. Qua given for the
i palakm extraction oi worn, aiko iwuj
J.w. .iinminnm ntHti' Rooms: Bleu of
llolden Tooth, Second Btreet.
iTABCO lflUGK, NO. 15, A. K. 4 A. M. Mita
nmaofl tulrd aionuny 01 encu louuui ai ,
' , " -wesm l
It Hj
R HE all
k Hitlks Clit0tttck I
NO. U. Ill
lands. mnmn
KA I II H..M1IK IIKKI.IIV onlvono.ftn old man. fired a return S K
Ltittor of Credit leaned available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
TramfeMBoidon New York, Chicago, St.
Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Doauie w Baa., ana vanoun points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
oranie terms.
Hational Bank,
President - -Vice-President,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moony
Charles Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Banking Bnsiness Transacted
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made nn farnrphlp tprmn
at all accessible points.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
IJepooits received, subject to bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day ol collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
evc York, ban Francisco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck.
En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Ltebe.
II. M. Beall.
acKsmilti & wagon snop
General Blacksmitiiing and Work done
promptly, and all work
LALUW fcotix A.HOII CHAl'TKK NO. f..-
McviniuuHonlo Hall the tblru wvunenuay
Ka momnm Y. M.
k mi. iiixju vamv!io.DV,Mceui iuenuayevcu
lot vaub week in fraternity Hull, at7: 1'. in.
IOLUMllIA WUan, NO. 0, 1. O. 0. K.-MoeU
every Friday evening, ut 7 :a0 o'clock, in K.
j. mm, corner second nnd uourt atrecia.
PUrilllie brotliorn Krn mlnimp.
ICwuuk, oeo'y. U. A. BILUI.N. 0.
jimiuBj evening at 7:au o oioca, in
..v n uuiiuiiig, corner oi wouri miu nucuuu
oujuuriung mcmoerR ure coruiany m-
It 1 1 1 1 . u
K. o(H. aiidB; a
HKM11LY NO. 48.7. K. OK I MoeU in K.
Loil', hall thekecmid and fourth Wednw
"Meach month at7:! p. m.
yI0 mil jnoet every Friday afternoon
oci at the reading room. Allare Invited.
on Lodire Nn. Mil. T n n t Hiwul.r
jwtiy meeting Friday at 8 r. U.,
iaviv nan a ii i i .a
"fciUMAW, C. T. u. C. Ftxcx, Be
T wuut u. a, a. u. v, v. fliecw
A,'efiilty Hall, over Keller, u Becoud
"s inunday cvenlnga at 7 :8U.
I. u. . II. 11AOOL11 ,
LiyiM. Financier. M. W.
A2;ii5?MITn J8T, No. 82, O. A. R.-Moeta
D. iS Jt !'rMw)l every Sunday afternoon lu
wK.of V, Hall.
JSS VERKIN MwU every Buudav
-""mh n me ii, ox r. iinu.
D. if h ' .u'VIBION, No. 107-MeeWln
Ki'l'- Halltheflrat and third Weduea-
- ;aur. a.
R ii,1?"1?'' Maaa every Hunday at
High Maaa at 10:80 a.m. Veauera at
ElUth"'?, 0H"KU -Union Btreet, oppoalte
5s m,i '!uv.' Hutelille Rector. Bervlcea
la-A-C f ll.A- i"1 7:80 r. m. mntday
" A, M, Kvenluv Pravor on Vrldav at
P'TllAlTIBT C!HIIUfili. n n Tiv.
lat'tL"10 Mofotnt aorvlooi every Bab
,rtne2i ,1SiSiy ",ter won" aorvicea.
K. linin.B " uveniug airaaior a real
DT Unlon wrrloo in the court bouie at
Ii mii S10 "enrlDea every Bunday at 11
m, M.'.'Ji' Bunday school after mom lug
-avracoraiaiir invited. HeaUlroo.
KrilM.r J. Whiblkb, paator.
ThSSi ML"1"!'; moruiugal 11 a. in.
B?ii'i "iaoo'ofook r m. JJpwortb
SSa?.JLS?' i i"'yr meeting every
l Va,li7XV1BJ, 0'00 Aoord al In
U extended by both paator and iwople
tiHSilURCU-RaV. J. W, JlMKIMt,
a -v..'"HJ"'g iu toe uoncracatlonal
"0JU0AL LUTHERAN Ninth trat.
ItSJSiVS'H01' rvw at 11 :80 a. hi.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opp. Liege's old Stand.
Moving! ,
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line nt
reasonable figures. Has the
largest honso moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
J. F. FORD, Evaielist,
Of Ilea Molne, lowo, write under date ol
March 23, 1W3:
S. B. Meu. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Qentlemen :
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little jgirl, eight and one-half years old,
who bad wasted away to 38 pounds, ie
now well, strong aud vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mit. & Mrs. J, F. Fojto.
If you wbtbtofoel fresh nnd cheerful, and ready
lor the Spring's work, olcatibe yuur ayatcm with
the Headuche mid Liver Cure, by taking two or
three done each week.
Hold under u poaltlvo guurautee.
60 ccuta per bottle by all drugglatt.
Hoota, Mhoea, Hat, Kto.
Fancy Ijood, lotion
to., tc., Kte,
Soond St., The Dallei.
If you wake up in tho
morning with a bitter or
bad tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Headache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, tako Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
tho bilious stomach,
sweetens the breath and
cleanses the furred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest well,
producing Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Restlessness,
or Sleeplessness a good
dose of Regulator will
give relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy
that it can be taken by
the youngest infant or
the most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what the condition of tho
systemjnay be. It can
do no harm if it does no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fails in doing good.
TfJTT Dully Eveninc Chronicle is recoirnized
1 fl C, us eaueiitially the home pajier for the
i'Biica iuy loiKg ijni it mis is, not a ona
reputation. Somen Jl VI r2,0CO of our best
Ditlzen watch the columns of this nnnrn
dnilyfnrtheplclt local new. It rM r tit
Rurcecda In gleaning the field, and hence grows
in popnlarity nnd importance. Take it awhile,
you wno aon i; try Rome oi its premium oners.
"Tie Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frelgni anfl Psssenoer Line
Throuuh dailv service (Sundavs ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock") at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Dal lee.
One way
Kound trip...
.. 12.00
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
0 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
General Manager.
Candies and Nuts
at wlioleaale
0? -Specialties
Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles
Was Successfully LaanchGd Yesterday
But He Was Represented By Brigadier
r 1 fy r, r . . .
ucnerai lumysoamc tnrisi-
Sax Francisco, Oct. 20. The big
battle-ship Oregon was successfully
launched at tho Union iron works shortlv
before noon today, in the presence of
fully 50,000 people. A private stand
had been erected right under the bow of
the battle-ship, and here stood the in
vited guests and those who were to par
ticipate in the ceremony of launching,
Irving M. Scott, president of the Union
iron works, was present, giving direc
tions to the last minute. General
Ruger, commanding the department of
the Pacific, and staff; Captain Howison,
commandant of Mare Island navy-yard ;
Governor Markham; Mayor Ellert;
General Compson, of Portland, repre
senting Govenor Pennoyer, of Oregon ;
and other distinguished personages were
present, and in addition there were the
two young ladies who were to take a
most important part in the ceremony
They were Miss Daisy Ainswortb, rep
resenting the state of Oregon, and Miss
Eugenia Shelby, representing the city of
Portland. Miss Ruth Dolph, daughter
of Senator Dolph, of Oregon, had been
designated by Secretary Herbert, to
represent the navy, but was unable to
be present. On the arrival of the final
moment, 11 :58 a. in., the cord connect
ing the dog shores, instead of being
severed by the historical hatchet, was
cut by a guillotine set free by the press
ing of an electric button by Miss Shelby.
The guillotine in its fall severed a cord
that held two 25-ound weights in posi
tion. These weights struck ,the dog
shores, and, knocking them out, set the
vessel in motion. At the same moment
Miss Ainsworth pressed another button,
allowing a bottle of California campagne
to crash on the bow and spill its con
tents over it. Thus was the big ship
christened on her departure from the
ways, down which she glided easily out
into tho. bay, a mighty cheer arising
from the admiring crowd, bands playing
national' nira and everv whistle round
about sending forth screeches of enthu
Q 3 8
2d Street
At right aide
Mm. Obarr'a
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
lias been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been rojwpered and repalntw
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience, Rate
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to the house, Frer bus to and from all
trRinB C. W. KNOWI.E8, Prop.
The Moat Powerful Ship i" tho United
Mtatea Navy.
The Oregon is what is technically
known as a sea-going coast-line battle
ship, and is the most powerful ship in
the United States navy. Her dimen
sions are as follows: Length over all,
348 feet; load water line, 300 feet;
breadth, 69 feet 3 inches ; draught, L'4
feet; displacement, 10.29S tons; maxi
mum speed of 10 2-10 knots, and will
:arry a crew of 400 men. Her cost, ex
clusive of armament is $4,000,000. Her
armament consists of 4 13-inch, 8 8-inch
and 4 6-inch breech-loading rifles, also a
secondary battery of 20 (i-pounder and
6 1 -pounder rapid-fire guns, 2 Gatlings,
and also 6 torpedo tubes, 13-inch nnd 8-
lnch guns mounted in the turrets. The
Oregon's armor is very heavy. There is
a' belt of steel from three feet above tho
load water line to 4,'.j feet below it, ex
tending 106 feet amidships, protecting
the engines aud boilers. Above this
belt is another five inches thicK extend
ing to the main deck. From tho ends of
the 18-inch belt to the extremities of tho
ship is a protective deck three inches
thick and another armored deck 2 in
ches thick. Turrets for 13-inch guns
are in two parts under a redoubt 17 in
ches thick, and above this is an inclined
armor of tho same thickness. Tho 8-
Inch turrets are similarly built with an
inclined armor varying from to 0
inches In thickness. Thero is also a
complete system of coal protection, cel
lular subdivision aud gun shields.
How the HrllUh C'olonUU Treateil the
London, Oct. 20. An interview with
a colonist named Davis, in reference to
tho Matabelo raid at Fort Victoria, and
alleged atrocities committed by tho
Hrltish, was recently published In the
Poctoria Press. " Woovortookjthe Impl,"
he said, ''seven miles from Victoria.
They were going at a jog trot. Many
wore unmounted. Dr. Jameson im
mediately ordered us to lire, Our men
were mad, and shot down tho Matabeles
like rats, shooting Indiscriminately at
tho dead, the dying and tho wounded.
Twenty-five of tho Matabeles were killed.
Kach body contained enough bullets to
kill a doren. Tho Matabeles k never
turned when wc opened fire on them ;
only one, an old man, fired a return
shot, and he was immediately brained
with a gunstock which was smashed by
the blow. It was sickening work, yet
on returning to Fort Victoria we were
cheered as though we had won a second
Waterloo." '
Fight lletween Schoolboy.
Woostkr, O., Oct 26. Students of
Wooster university and the pupils of the
high school had a pitched battle on the
college campus last night over a base
ball decision. A dozen or more were
wounded. Five were so badly hurt aa to
require the services of phystcians to bow
up their wounds. John Morgan, a
senior, who tried to stop the fighting,
lias a gash in the throat made with a
knife in the hands of one of the high
school boys, so it is charged.
Three Hurled In the Wreck.
Hamburg, Mich., Oct. 26.Last night a
freight train on the Toledo, Ann Arbor
& North Michigan road ran into a sink
hole near here. The engine was ditched
and two cars of oil and three cars of coal
piled on top of it, taking fire and still
burning. Engineer Beaulieu, Fireman
Albers and head brakeman Milligan
were buried in the wreck, doubtless
burned to a crisp.
Rev. Haddaway, chaplain of the house,
died yesterday of Bright's disease.
The secretary of the treasury places
the cost of deporting the Chinese res'
dents of this country at $10,000,000.
It is quite probable the 'Chinese ex
elusion bill will not be reported to the
senate before tho beginning of the reg
ular session in December.
Senator Sherman says he has no in
tention to offer an amendment to the re
peal bill for the issue of $200,000(000 of
bonds to strengthen the gold reserve at
this session. At the regular session,
however, he will introduce a bill for that
There will be no delay of action on the
silver bill in the house when that meas
ure reaches that body from tho senate
because of a want of a quorum. General
Tracey, chairman of the steering com
mittee of the repealers in the house, has
been looking to the matter. He made a
count last night which showed the pres
ence of 201 members of the house in the
See the Worlu' Fair for Fifteen Cent
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, we will
mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of the world's Columbian exposition,
the regular price is fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one, we make the
price nominal. You will find it a work
o' art and a thing to be prized. It con
tains full page views of tho great build
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed In highest style of art. If not
satisfied with it, after you get it, wo will
refund tho stamps and let you keep the
book. Address
II. E. Bucki.en ik Co..
Chicago, 111,
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says; "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is tho first medicine I have
ever found that would do mo any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Klnersly.
Notice of Dlaaolutluu.
Not i co is hereby given that tho co
partnership heretofore existing under
the firm name of Williams & Teague is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All claims against the firm will bo paid
bv J. II. Teairuo and all monies or ac
counts due the firm must be paid to J.
ii. Tenmie. llio business will liereatter
bo conducted by J. II. Teague.
Signeil: u. 11. Wh.i.iamb,
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of Tho Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail tlioin-
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
liuokleu'a Arnica rtulve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover
sores, tetter, chappod hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale ty onipes tun-
ersly .
News of serious importance has just
been received -from Peru. It lias been
stated that the Indians nt Huaucayo are
rising in revolt against the government.
They are in favor of ex-President Caires,
whoso citizenship was recently taken
from him by the Peruvian congress.
Congress has disapproved the proposed
treaty with Ecuador, defining the bound
ary limits of tho two countries.
Thero is every indication that the
Brazilian government intends something
warlike Brazilian Admiral Maurity is
hovering about London on mysterious
business, and tho great Winchester gun
works are running night nnd day, and a
big order will be shipped next week.
Either the rebels or the government also
have a $200,000 order with the Hotchkiss
Gun Company to bo shipped next week
Figuring in France.
In both France and Germany one
fourth H) reduced to a decimal is
written 0.25; in England it is written
0'25 (always with the period at the top
of the lino), and in the United States
in this way, 0:25. Franco and Germany
always use the comma (,), Eng'land and
the United States the period (.), the
only difference being1 the manner in
which it is placed upon the line. Sir
Isaac Newton is piven the credit of
originating the present English method
of using the decimal point, his reason
being that by placing1 it at the top of
the line it could be distinguished at a
glance from the "full stop" punctua
tion mark. All English mathema
ticians use the mark in the way pro
posed by Newton and the period as a
sign of multiplication.
The Fenal Code of China.
Taking the word in its literal sense
the most civilized country in the world
is China, and it is here that we find the
most severe penal code. It is most
minutely divided, and there are penal
ties for almost everything, even for
getting- out of temper in public, an of
fense for which the penalty is five days'
imprisonment. The punishments of
the Chinese code are as numerous and
varied as they aro barbarous.
Kioust 'n Ucnaiache Cnpaule.
A remedy used with unvarying success as a
euro for Headaches of ill' kinds. The results
have been ho univcreum cood that it is no
longer nn experiment. It has been used for
Huuinchc resulting from Dissipation, iu Period
ical Sick Headache, in Headaches caused by
severe Inbor (mental or physical), or by exposure
to the sun, nnd in all cases with the most grati
fying results. We have, after a borough inves
tigation, hud no hesitancy In taking the agency
lor tins eiiectlvo remedy, and couscloiuiousiy
recommend it toour patrons.
Sold by Snipes it Klucrsly.
At the ranch of Mr. Coley, in Klick
itat county, on Saturday last, the 13-
year-old boy of Mr. Sealy was accident
ally shot and killed by Mr. Coley'S" boy.
Tho boys were fooling with a Winches
ter, nnd in some way it went oil' and
shot the Sealy boy iu tho neck, breaking
his neck and severing the jugular vein.
The boy says he didn't know it was
loaded. Arlington Record.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's Now
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now tho opportunity to
try it free. Call on tho advertised drug
gist and get a trial botllo, free. Send
your name and address to II. E. Bucklen
k Co., Chicago, and got a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guido to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Sold bv Suipos & Kinersly.
Look Over Your County Wurrunta.
All county warrants recisfered prior
to January 10th, 1890, will be paid if
presented at my oil ice, corner of Third
and Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and after this date.
Wsr. Micnmx,
Treasurer Wasco County.
October 2Ut, 1803, tf
Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
yspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
idiioy trouble. It is luiarautoed to
give you satisfaction. Prb-o 74c Sold
uy bnlpes Kinersly, druggists.
IIoui for Kent.
Six-room house to rent,
ocated. Apply to
H. Gl.HNN.
woon, wonii
Best lrnules of oak, fir. and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
PetorH & Co, (Olllco Second and Jeffer
son streets,)
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.