vv The Dalles Daily Chronicle. CHURCH AND CLERGY. OFFICIAL t'Al'KR OF IUM.KS CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. New churches built in America last ! year numbered nearly 10,000. , Tin; lYosbyterinns have sixty-eight j missionaries nnil thirty-eight churches I in .lapan. ! Rev. V 1 CiiAMiir.ni.Atx has been t LEASES AND REPAIRS. Peculiar Kulc I.ilrt llowu'fur the Tenant nf the Antors. Sonic of the rules by which the ton ants of the Astors are bound are curi ous. For instance, says the Now York Sun. although they will make nlmoft SCBSCKIITIOK RATES. V will . -N,n fr.RMlt). IS ATIV.LKCK. ' ... I ... .. I f... - . a . . ......).... Weekly, 1 your. . . S 1 50 ; appoint oil supenmenueni oi ine v,nns- j nny repairs taut a luiiuiu. ugKv.- Ti tian Endeavor movement m iniun. Ix the Tinted States and British America there are V.tO.U-7 Sunday schools. These are attended by over 10.000.000 pupils. At the last meeting of thelVovincial 0 months. . . 0 .5 ' " 8 " 0 ro . D-Uly, I year 6 CO I " 6 mouths. ... S CD per " . . o SO Address all coinmunlcatlou to "THE CHIJON ICLE." The Dalles, Orejron. fore the lease is signed, even tlieuign the repairs may cost more than the rental, they will not spend u cut on the property during the existence of the lease. A lady who rented a house in Forty-fifth street from the Astor-. 8 a. m. to 7 l. m. .S a. m. to 4 p. m. .9 a. ni. to 10 a. m. l'lHt-Oftlcr. omen mocr Gaucrat Delivery Window Money Order " . Sandfly i I) " rxostso or kail? , trains going East . .9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m. ' " " West. 3p.nl. and S:30p.n. . Stage lor Goldendale . 7:30 a. m. I " " I'rlnovillo. 5:30 a. tu. " '"Dufuraud Warm Springs ..5:aia.m. t " t-oTlug (or Lvle .t Ha-tlaud. .5:30 a. m. I jAnteiope ..i;)H.m. Except Sundav. fTtl-weekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, - - - - OCT. 26, 1893 What our farmers want to learn just now about putting their wheat where it will do the most good is that hog and hominy is better than wheat at 40. or 50 cents. In a word, wheat pnt in to hogs will give a better return than into the elevators of the McNears and the other wheat kings. svnod of Canada lit. Rev. .lohn Travers 1 was told that she could have any re- Lewis. I.L. D., lord bishop of Ontario, was elected metropolitan. The last censns returns present in teresting statistics showing that there are in New England UH0.000 more Roman Catholics than IVotestnnts. Thk Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints claims a membership of :t0,iHH) people. Most of its churches are in the United States. Thp. l-resbyterian AVomnn's Foreign Missionary society of New York has twenty-live women missionaries in Brazil". Chili and Colombia stationed in half a dozen different places and doing effective work in all. Van Alen has been confirmed. difficult to break a contract in this country. Mr. Van Alen bought the post at Rome, and paid for it with his $50,000 of gold coin. That he isa ninny, nn-American, incapable and altogether itersnersed. an wormy oi me piace una noming to uo with the case in these democratic times, avers the Spokane Review. i The Dalies A Oarden Spot. A traveler journeying down Cape Cod way the other day was surprised to find around Sandwich more beauti ful trees of great girth and more gar den ilowers than he had ever seen in any other village in New England. And in the western part of the town he found an artificial pond bordered It is 1 with concrete, which contained several varieties of water lines of rare sorts lilies from Australia. Zanzibar and the Cape of Good Hope, with papyrus, wild rice, hyacinths, arrowhead and yellow lilies from widely separated regions in- COJirOKT, JsAFETV, n.KASCKE. It appears that another accident on the Grand Trunk was narrowly averted which would have been something sim ilar to the first had not a train remained at a station longer than its time. One such tragedy is qnite enough at once, and the train hands who were guilty of such carelessness should be dealt with in a summary manner. The session of the senate during the "test of endurance" last week was the longest on record (thirty-eight and one half hours) in which no motion was made to adjourn other than the one on which the session closed. This is proba bly the last "test of physical endurance" the United States senate will ever in dulge in. It is a pastime or younger men. Muscular development is not a necessary quality of statesmanship and as a means of settling great questions of fiscal policy it is a lamentable failure. Portland Afttorln Xav Co. will sell round trip tickets to Tort land, Including admission to thp Ex position, at S3. OO. Ticket limited to Nov. l.th. VT. C. Allsrtnj, Agent. Shiloh's cure, the Great Couuh and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2oc. Children love it. sold by Snipes tfc Kinersly. pairs or alterations she wished, but no chandeliers. She had the house deco rated from top to bottom, and many exjH-nsive repairs made, and there was not a remonstrance, but she had t supply all the chandeliers, at a cost of sixteen hundred dollars, herself. Of course, they remain her property, and she can take them away when she moves. A curious incident Is related by an other tenant in Forty-fourth street. She leased a house at a rental of two thousand dollars for one year. When she came to renew the lease for an other year she was informed that the rent would be only eighteen hundred dollars. She was told by somebody who pretended to know that the reduc tion was due to a deterioration in the value of the property, and that the Astors did not want more than a cer tain interest on it. That, however, was not true, as was learned upon in quiry at the office of the Astor estates. The clerks there said that the reduc tion was due simply to the fact that during the first year they had charged a percentage for repairs and changes. As none was required the secoud year the percentage was taken off. Never theless, it remains the fact that the re duction was voluntary, and to the ten- ant unexpected. I Krauar ' Headache Capsules. remedy used with unvarying surct-.- "There is a tide in the aff airs of wen which, taken at leads on to fortune" its C The poet unquestionabiynad reference to the !3 If a a .a. a .m. Hill m m Mr k TWO KINDS OF WOMEN need Dr. Piorco'n Favorite PrcHorin tioti tlioso who want to he made strong, and tlioso who want to be made well. It builds up, invigor ates, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering womanhood ; for women who have reached the critical " change of life " ; for women expecting to be come mothers ; for mothers who are nursing and exhausted ; for every woman who is ruu-down, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of women, ' Favorite Prescription " iB the only remedy so unfailing that it can be fuar anteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, the money will be returned. There's nothing likely to lie "just as good." at CRANDALL & BURGET'S Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced . MICHELIIACH URICK, UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, TK Repairs aofl Pill MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. oiiod on xmru street, next uoor west oi louiif pj ciacKsmitn snop. Fresh oysters tionerv store. at A. Keller's confec- For I'.hiii. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth Ftreet. 6-23daw The repeal bill will pass. By this is not meant the demonetization of silver, as some irresponsible newspapers claim, bnt is a preventive of the demonetization of gold. To go on with the monthly magnificent purchases of silver, every dollar of which was worth 100 cents only "because it was redeemable in gold, would soon bring the country to the verge of rain. Silver was fast becoming to be a burden and it is fitting that the coinage of it in such immense quantities be dis-1 continued for a time. A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills nre a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion. co$ tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the Imwels. purifv and enrich the blood and n.ufc.- I the skin clear. They alio produtv a goou appetite anu invigorutf .tn! strengthen the entire system ! their tonic action. They only require uue pi! for a dose and never grip- oricken. Sold at 'Jo cts. a bos by Hlukelev a Houghton. . A remedy used with unvaryiiif; stirce a a ' film. t,r ir.Mw1ai.t.w t ..1 L'l.wl. Th .nlfi I have lwt;n m universal! kimhI that It Is n I , longer ait exierinicnt. ft has iweu til (nr i I Headache, reiultitur from DrMliHtlmi, In I'erlod- i . !.... 1 .. tt i 1 severe labor (metiuil or physical), nr bv exi"tite to the sun, and ia ull cases with the frnwt emtl fyine results. We have, niter a iioroiiKti Invv tljrattou, had no hesitancy in taklns: the nzeury i lor this ellectlve remedy, and conclentli'iily recommend it to our ruitrotw. Kes)tect(ul!y, Sold by Snipes i Kihersly. Good Job l'rintliic. 1 If you have your job printing done at j The Cmto.vici.F. you will have the ad j vantage of having it done with the mo-t modern and approved type, with which ! we keep continually supplied. All job- ' under the direct supervision of one of I the most successful and artistic printers , in the Northwest. ' John Pashek, le if i nercnan t i ailot 76 Count Street, Nest door to Wasco Bun Office. Juat received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maiee A Benton. This object lesson and the farcial es-1 bibition of 'the senate in its great act of ' tying its own hands behind it and then ' trying to untie them with its teetii is j aurely going to lead to the adoption of some rnles which admit of business being done. Tiiere will probably not be any power vested anywhere to hastily cut off proper debate, for there is no question that discussions do at times change majorities in the body, but there ought to be something done to fix a time-limit at some stage of the preced-nre. 4i rvTe ?r-v:?m 29" Has Jmt received the lateit style" In Suitings for Gentlemen, and h"a lurjce atortmcttt of Fortiint mid Amer ican Cloths, which he can tluMh Ti outer for those that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at Bargain. mi l i i i ? .. .i , i i . il w 141IUUIJm1IU, 1)1,, UVUiUU i. 1 1 U II I 11111 HI :,..,..,. . ..!..,( "..,,.,,i, i r.i.. ..i ..i j , will self the same at a bargain. boiler m t iiwi.ir inniui . anu it, iu-i utj auiuuiiL in mi. of 40-odd machinery, lasts, line shafting, pulleys, lwlting and find ingf. ahnoHt a complete shoe factory. Here is also one of the bestsites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to be found in this country. write tor particulars at once, to 9-12 9 Or. SUMMONS. 11 DALLES Cfflfll THL DALLES. Oil. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. The airship, when it has come to stay, will have no balloon attachment, it is conceded. For half a century the in vention of the sewing machine was de layed because men could not get away from the idea that a needle's eye had to be in its head instead of being able to be placed also at its point. Perhaps the notion that a balloon must necessarily be attached to an airship has kept back aerial navigation 100 years. The best opinion now is that the machine must be constructed so as to sustain itself in the air and then lie propelled by some motive power, perhaps electricity. One writer suggests the trolley system, with the airship catching electricity from a wire hanging below it nnd running long the stretched wire. All rree. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug ' gist and get a trial bottle, free,, Send your name and address to II. , Jlucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's Mew Life Pius free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House bold IoMtractor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Bnipea & Kinersly. J'MtBrs. Moore's ranch, about three miles south of Tew 'DallM, luu unexcelled pasturage ud ay one who desires to avail them selves of the fact can secure reasonable terms upon application. Utf There la Om This Certain, Call it malaria or what you may and it generally comes without calling, where ill health does exist Simmons Liver Legal tor will restore it. An azreeable Laxative nntlNEUVE IONIC. Sold by DrusBists or eent by mall Kc. fOc , ud Sl.CO rwr package. Samples fre tft iUfa The Favorite room PCTOZ3 MLf JawforthoTw't&andBrefUti.Sic. For ale by Hnlia A- Klurly. VI60R F MEN Eilll,, Quickly, Peririanenll; Restored. WEAKNE8S, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of ti!j f roni curly errura or latr excite, the rtiulu of overwork, clckiiom, worrr.etc Fulliireugtb, development and loan trtven toeery organ ucd portion of the body. Blmplr.naturalmetnod;). Immtd late Improvement -en. I'allure Imijotilble. 2.WJ references. IiSc, explanation and pn.)fi mailed itcaled) free ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO, N. Y. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidnay Complaints, Lame Back, Ac V. S. lulNb OrriOK, The DulliM. Or. Ketolwr 17, 1-yt;. Notice N hcrvbr irtvon that ttif full'iuiiiE n.imul nHtlcr lins tlKtl notice of hln liik'iiltoi) If iiinke tlinil jiroof lu aupiiort of ni cliiim, and tijnt ;ild proof will bo rnuile Iwfotv thi rn;i.tT mid rtoolvur of the I', fc". Uuul ollli'c nt Tile Dalles, Or., on Monday, Nov. v.;. U Iuiiivm M. I'utlmin Honi'-flteiid npiiIleHtlon No. ?Jl'." for SK',4 nct'tion 1. 1 1. 1 Si.. 11 lli i: W. it. He mime the followliis wltnese to prove h cnmlnmiu.t realdentu iix)u mid eulttviitloa o mild Iiiml. viz.: Ken Iliittv. HtiKli Chriiniua, W. K. Corson and K. N. ;hiimll:r, ull of The Dalle. O- in-iltd JOHN W. I.KW1!. CvKitter. Taken TJp. Oneorrel KOldlng nlout twelve yenrs old, nnd branded thin" P on left shoulder. The owner can have thelmlmni by pitying or thl nutlco l. J (KliT.i:. Auguxt 13, lMW.-wtf SUMMONS, In tho Cirruit Court of the fltnte of Onwin, for thu county of Wiuco. W. A Miller. 1 Plaintiff, I v. V K. 1'. KeynohU, 1 Htfviitant. ) To ;. '. HeimaUU, the. ahnxt-namtd tlfjtwlant, lu the mime of tho Hmto of Oregon, Von ire f.r,. ,t Tinlr4t fn iidfrfir lino nllhUer I llf, I , tin . i.vi.rv i plul'nt tiled aKulut you In tlie above eutltU-d ult I bnrrtil from the equity of rcd'einiitinn ' within ten dnyH from tho duto of the rvleuof , pliiliitlll iirnous upon you, n nervtii wiinin iiiin county: orif tvrvvii within any other county ol tin suite, then within twenty ihtyti from the date of thenervice of thlft xummomt Uxui you. In tho Circuit Court of the Ktiite of Orefrun for , the County of Wimco. A. I) llolton, 1 1'lalntltr, : vs. Frank I), (illlesplu urn nn uiutspie. u. K. Hunt mid W. II. llutler, Defeuihiutn. J To J'ruMt l. lUUjtilewt(l',i:lunta IUUeij.lt, of the almve-iuxmal lUJeiimvitx: In tho mime ol the ntate of OrcKOtl, you mid tch ol you are hereby reiiiilrcd toujija'ar unit HMHWcr the complaint tiled UKulllSt you ill the iiljove i.utlllii! milt on or bofoio tin lint day of ttie rvKiilnr term of the Clniitt Court of the ntiile f (nr.in for ux:o Count) , next tiillmvlnc the itnie hereof, lo-wlt, on or before the With iliiy of Novmulirr, IHIItt, nnd if you full no to answer, for want ther-ol the plalulllt" will apply U the Court for the relief pran'tl for In hit complaint, to-ntt for a dteref of lorecliwturc of that certain mort Kituc ilii mnilu ami e.xecr.t(i) hi you to the nb ie named plain till' on theiith ifay of Novem l;r, l-VJ, iiixm the nortliHint uartcrof tcction II In Inu iiBtilp J ninth raiiKo 11 east, V. .M., In Wa.-cu county, Oretrrui, and that Mild premlni.'M be told under Midi foreeloiure decree lu thu milliner provided by law mid ncc rdliii to the priicthv of kalil Court, that from theprix-eedji of -im.'Ii Mile the plaiutlll' have anil receive (lie mim of live htimirttl 'fUjOl dollarx and lnter.-.st uri ald Mini hIiicu November lith, 1 at the rate of 1 I".t cent. i.t auniiiii. nbo a further iiiliu of rlxty Hi'it) dollarx hm a reaiouah'.i; attoruey'n fee for luitlliltlut tliN unit to furelo-o mid inort Katie mid collect the note thereby oeciired and herein Midi ujuni, toKether wl.h plnliitlirti cdsIk and (IbliuMcniciith made mid cxpeinKil lu thin milt, liicliiillnvr iiccruliiK cuiu and cxuucof mile, and that plulutlll liiiveu judiiiieiit aKalimt you, the Mild J-'rimk I), (illlcxpli;, for any dell clency in the irocetil of mile to .itlify fully all aid Mimti . that upon mieh foreeloiure mile all nf the rlKht, title, Interest mid claim of you and your co-defemlaiitu, each and all of you and them, and all other 'termum clalmlne or to claim by, through or under you or them, or either, in mid tumid mortKiiKiil preuiUex ami every part thereof bo foreelmed and forever That th be allowed to bid at mild foreclosure nil re hinoptloii, mid that upon t.'iucalcof mild inort KiiKtd premUcM tho purchaiier Iaj let Into the MMitniuon tnereor. nnil every part lliereof, Im- 3. SAIKrS ELUMIfi IELT With BlMMurMrtlo ailPKNtOI(V. Win euro without medldM all Wntim mullintr from ortMAxtl(,u of brain swrro (oreni ttetmm or Indu. crelloQ. ttOTous dfbUlty. iImpImmi, lanpior, tbtunuxum. kWucy, liter .UuUUt ccmiAxinu. Unlwtc. Iambup, teliUm. all fmj cocaouinu trnwral 11 NealtliT lc. Ttab fieelrlo Iitl: conUlai WMOTfd hHmitili OTr ail otter, current u tanUT fflt by wearer or .w (orfelt ,,, and will euro all of tho above dlmiee or no par. tbou. wu bare been cured by tola marrtiotu inveatkfi I'T Mrr, lUiH. and we jrtva fcuulred e( tvitiinoalaki In Ula aadararjr otaer able. Oar kwatmea II Will: HMttUOVf. Uui trrylMt Una rrr 0ttm4 majTiitn. mi wltk ill uaar. Scad for Iilufd tumtU. nalM.ataied, lre Estray Taken Up. One black imnr. branded Mthur K or C mi tuft hip and left jaw Owner can have hiiio by prov ing property and puyinK for till nntlco. . . . JiKbl. t:. i-.dki;, 10-13rTlm foatuiucc. Tho Iallen, Or. chambera on the V'ith day of Hepteiuber, IWi. DCKIJK i MK.NKKKK, AttOIIIUVH (or I'lllllltlfr, Executor's Notice. or If nerved upon you by publication, then you mediately, and fur xiirIi other ami further relief are reoiilred to niiuear and ilimwer alil Com ai to the Court nuiv iim eniiltnliln mid inf plaint on the tlmt day of the next term of Mid ThN KiunmoiiK is nerved iimiii you, thu mid court, after alx weelex' publication of thlx hum- 1 Frank U, ulllciplc and llhixln (Jllle-ipl , by pule moni, to-wlf on Holiday, the llcnilon lu The Dullex Ciiiidmici.k, n new"ix,-r lath amy Nuvmlier, 1HII3, publl-he i weekly at Dallex City, Waco enmity, and If you fall to . un.Wcr. tho plalntltr will ' T'v'V Slt'MM ?'ftl;A.,,,'e,.,;'.,u." '.." ffiffil'lJ" i "t!!h Vo',der walulV SUmtaffi t mortK"Ke dencilbed ill aald complaint, and for the Mile of tho premlxoi therein deMirlUil, to wn the iiouth naif of the notithwcxt ipuirter, the imrtheait iilarter of thu aouthnet ipiarWr, and the eoutnweat uuarter of the toulheant ouarter, of Hectlon Towiihip one North, flange thirteen Kurt, Willamette .Meridian, con Uinliii; one hundred and alxty acres, and nitii ntnl lu VaM.'o county, OrtrK'Ui. Alo, I tie north half of the northetut iiuarter, the nurtticiuit ; ipiarler of the northweit iiuwter, and thu mth-'eentiiuaru.-riif the iiorthcaiet quarter of .Section . Towiuhlp one North, HaiiKU thirteen Kant, I Willamette Meridian, containing one huiidreil and nlxty acre, and iltuated in Wa-o county, lOreKon; aecordliiK to law and the pructlcu of I thl court, and Unit thu tirucevds of aald aulu Ijc applied in payment of the amount scared by . Mid murtKKe, and ntlll unfxild, to-wit the nm I nf tirn.W. and iuterent thereon at the ratu of eight percent ir annum irom Kcpteinber -.il, mc, mid the further mill of ti.m.W, and inter, eat thereon at the rateoi eight x;r cent r an num Miice Jlarch -J), lKUI, and for an attorney-.' fee of t-W.W, and (or the cmU mid dl.iliiirxe meuta muda and exiuded herein, And that the tilMlntltr will aiiiilv to tho court for a hide. ment iiKiilutt you lor any deficiency there may THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex- press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all other publications in Wasco, Slier man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re- $ gions north of Tho Dalles, hence- it is tho beff ' medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. 1 The Daily Chuonicmc is publishod every eve- '' ning in the week Sundays eveepted at $G.OO annum. The Wkkki.v Cuuoniolk on Fridays of each week at SI. 50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., add85 1 THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHINGCO. Tlx Detlloaw, Oregon. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Speeiul Aycut Uenerul Land Ojflcc. J, IS. BAR nett Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. Gentlemen! Two flno looklnir "euiuilvaula IhiIUw, excellent reputatloim, liidiiMrlniiH, pli.n did hoilkekeeueni. iiuex 1H mill 'JO. worth i:l.mim I bo lemiilijlnn alter tho upplicutloii o( tho pn exelb l'reiit deaii, want to k" west thU full, and 1 cetd ni ald wilo an aforeiuld. 1 wouul like to eorreaiiotul with nice, reniiectuhlu I Von will further take notice that the hum Kcutlemeli under 40. Object, hiipy witi;rn . ifuoiivoifiii, ii ion aie iiiairiinouiaiir .xitUeiH hereby Riven that the iinderalKiied ha.i been uppoliited by the County Court ol the Unite of Orcion (or W iuco County, executor of the tutaU; of Catherine Wlifle, deccaitd, and all iierkorui ImvInK clalma iiKainxt aald ex tale are hereby uotllled and required to present thu nam, with thu prouer vouohem, to me at the otllce of Jlayn, HuiitruKton & Wllnon, The llalleN, 1,'.. ........... r. .. ...i.,. I.. ..iu ..... ' ,,o-;ij .ouiifcy, wieKuij, wiiijiii nij. 11101111m i the date ol thlx notice. V. . TAVUJIl Kxccutor of mild otta The Dullea, Or,, July IIIOIIII ill til l Ulllt ill OrVCll I1IHIII Villi llV Ollllll cation, by order of the Honorable W u llru'l Khawr, Judge o( ald Court, ild order U'Iiik datl KcpHnbemih, lKb ilAVd, HUNTINUTON & WKJsO.N, Attonic)i (or I'latniltl. iiiclliiiil, Miud II bill In common letter (or phu- .1! inline,, nun iniiifeMvn in ineav youilK lllllieii, Pennajrlvania Adv. Oo,, 10 I3tvlm ilox ail. IHik Haven, I'a. Tl?e Real Estate, Loap, Ii75urai?ee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTARY PUBIilC"' Parties liaving Projxirty thoy wi'hIi to Ml or Trade, Houwb to Bo 1 AlHtruct of Title furnwhetl. will find it to their advantuau to i 011 . n.ldl iir I,, . ...... (ill LlUI if u hiiuii iiiuKt) a HjMciaii.y oi enn prosecuciou oi vmiM"1 Uiforu the UniUip StatoH Land OiTicc. r c --rr i i i .1 T A T T "CO OR n, and its proprietor will sell Mb homo Vine at prices in tho reach of ovoryUoay lti now 0D6I i r nn prouueeu vvmo v uriceu in vno jouuu inr1 JYIBU, UUBl JTBUUULB VJ UU iUllliU. UUUUd to be Pure and First-OlaaB in every respect. Thompson's Addition, c