The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 25, 1893, Image 3

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    3 1 5- J y fM
! ' i ! ! JIN
fi' i ' ' "i . WE HAVE Rtfr
m - our - i ; 5 fin
Ef : i ; HE
Ipilij, , j
i :l l . Pease & mays. 11
l4 i i i
Ptp r ZZZzJ 11 I
h I I j .3. r
f 2 -vlx- A A iftr rflr lr ftr W AtV A AAAA.VA A A JlP ,jfl ft
1 E jYrkvkT, YXfcri aj
f fujf tjj ZLlXlsgSastal'ia TSiassLJLi . iZSIsJdS. t ajj5?,TiJt'ra. uajuwgguuj gjjpria
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
jCnterm) h tlit! I'oHtottlcu ut Tliu ImlleH, Oregon,
iik M-cnnd-cluim mutter.
l.oeal AilvtirtUliiE.
I0l'iit per Ilnu tor llrnt Initiation, anil fi Cotitf
ir line (or t'ucli HiiliFif(iiimt limcrtlun.
Stwcliil rates for lonR time notieeH.
All l(K'a'. iiotlccK received Inter than a n'clock
1U appear the following ituy.
OCT. LT, J89a
Tlif bath and Weekly Chronicle man
be found on Kale at I. V. Nlr.l:elfen,ii utore.
A Savory Mr" From
Nimvh l!lt,
This (nut will often Htrlko till' liiluil
And (or relleollon ciilU:
It In tliu mull im top, we lltul,
Falls furthest when hu fall)'.
CniHlitiil rock ie buttle fillod in on our
aiain KruotB to nood ndvuiitiiKu.
Tim l'riiievtllo NewH" wuntH to tnulo
snlwcriiition for u hahy ny.
Tlittanow on tho Hunuuit of tliu C;in-
cadttinountuinB i8 Hiiid to Ik- ulamt ten
Tho ttltool children nhntrnct rhtilk
from the school rooniH und inako funreH
and tliu fliileaof buildini;H look liidtumH.
'J'lio storca wuro all elo-wl HiIh after
noon in respect to the memory of tlieir
deceaHt'd fellow tnvduHinan, Mr. Geo. I
Androw 1'earnon renounced hit
alleiancu to Sweden today and hence
forth helutiKfl to thu land of the Hcreani
iti enKle.
There ia a funeral report on the directs
touay that the repeal bill pusned. TIiih
is incorrect. Wliile the tdlver funatoiH
havoHurronderod, Hoveral da.VH will yet
w required before a vote h made.
U in renorted tint tlircHlmrn In Klior.
tan county have all quit ruunitiK, while
tft) ifl vet a L'r('iit. dinl nf miiMit. ithiii
ftndilll' ill 11... (L.l.lo ' l,u
fronted owing to the raitiH and eon
"niied damp weather.
MIsh May Miller will not bo here tin
"I Sunday, limtead of Katurday, hh
etateil yeHterday. Mr. Frank Miller
HI, however, make an iiHcenHion and
io following day both himeulf and lady
"HI u-o up, probably In separate bal
'ooiia, iih the company have a larger one
""in the one uned hmt Saturday.
A Imlioon cohIh about fi00, and from
18 t trlpn iu all that Ih nufo to bo
",a,lu with one. Mr. Miller coiiho-
luontly lost moiioy Saturday, an his
collectioiiH were Hhort of ifL'fi, and
Whim riH,, .,:.i.,..,..i
n uouru ana car tare, It will plainly
-- -iii uiat rue JJ,illoH don't like in
Uutcl vuIhuh.
MiKiionotto JJauciiiK Club will
a dance TlmrHday evening at Frator
""' hall. MomborH Hhould bo prompt,
tljo iuuhIc will uoiumence at :U0
clock. Tho change of evenitiK ih nnulu
occoiiiniodato a number of members
m leave for Portland Friday morning.
''OVOlnhdr tl !.-.. .1 TI..I
niW uivo uiiur mil-
) oween, u masquemde party will bo
von, wblci, ,,romlneH to bo u pleaennt
iuI 1 Tllu i!OIllm, clmrga-wiHli It
thi n l,,Ut no 0,10 wllkbo allowed on
ihr! n f ""lufi8 1,1 ,unstl0. 80 everybody
oiild begin orlglnntlng their costumes.
Jraiiku,, l)eyU) w,0 forgou ft c,uck or
. 0 .ludgo Mooro of the su promo
1 Wllou (lHHUutucl und nearly
vo. and passed it on to Mr. Andyr-
son of the Fan saloon, plead guilty and
got the lightest sentence of the law, two
rears at the pen. He made a nice little
speech to the court, waiving time and
asking immediate sentence. He is an
old newspaper man on the coast, is well
educated, understands several languages,
is a fine talkci7eocutionist, stump ora
tor, writer and penman. Salem Journal.
AtrtclitN Their Worth.
The I'rineville News compliments two
of our legal citizens very nicely. In
ferring to Attorney Dufnritsays: He
did his whole Bwom duty in conducting
cases for the state. It is, perhaps, need
less to say more. But it is a satisfaction
sometimes ,to know that any man and
especially an attorney, will perform
every dutiful obligation that he makes.
Attorneys, you know, are often accused
of trying to whip justice; hence the
alKtve remark.
Crook county has never had a better
circuit judge thun Mr. Brndshnw. His
painstaking to save the taxpayer un
necessary expenses is, of itself, a suffi
cient guarantee of his worthiness and
ability. We believe that we repeat the
general sentiment of all good people in
Crook county when we sav that Judge
Brndshnw is a man calculated to do his
whole duty in any official capacity. Cer
tainly no duty could bo more tiying, or
arduous, than that of circuit judge in
rural districts.
An IJninltluiiUiil Falsehood.
With regard to numerous state
ments set afloat by Mr. Brancroft about
the crayon exhibited by mo at the fair,
which he claimed (among other things)
was a bromide and made by Stringer of
Portland, J have this statement from
Mr. Stringer to oiler:
Poitri-ANi), Or., Oct. -!!, 1802.
1). I'. llerrln.Thu Dulles:
1)i:ak Siu Your of the Hist at hand.
In reply will state that I never made a
'22x!!7 crayon, air brush or point crayon
for you, or any other kind of a pieturo of
that size at any time. Yours truly,
A. K. SriUNonn.
Any one desiring further assurance
can see the original letter and tho
crayon at tho gallery. Tho other state
ments made by Mr. Bancroft are equally
as false as this one.
1). C. HKliltl.V.
tHMKOKT, HAl'irrV, 1'J.KASimH.
Tlui DulliH, J'oi'tluiirt iV AHtorlu Nil v.
Co. will h.HI rouiiil trip tleUetx to Toit
IiiikI, IiidIiiiIIiik iiiIiiiUhIoii to tlm Kx
liohlllon, ill tflJ.OO. 'J'lllfcOtM litllltllll to
Nov. 15lli. W. V, AlliiHiiy,
Having bought out A. J. .Mose' lease
In the livory business, formerly owned
by mo, I tint now prepared to furnish
livory on short notice anil feed stock by
day, week or month.
Thanking my old customers for past
favors I would like to see thorn again at
the old stand, Fast Second street.
0. L. Kll'llMOND.
Them l One Thing Certain,
Call It malaria or what you may and it
generally comes without calling, where
ill health does exist Simmons Liver
Logulator will restore it.
Itouril of KtiiiulUiitluii.
The county board of equalization will
moot at tho court house on Outober
1893, (or tho purpose of equalizing tho
county assessment roll for thiH year's as
sossment. The board will continue in
session ouo week. Joi:t Koo.vrz,
County Assessor,
Kiirth to Karlh.
Rev. Mr. Adams, of the United Breth
ren church of Dufur, conducted the
funeral services of Mr. Geo. F. Beers to
day at the Congregational church. The
speaker spoke feelingly of the life and
character of deceased, saying among
other things that be died without an
enemy in the world, and that it was
eminently fitting that tears mingle with
the flowers strewn upon his casket. Few
men living can honestly claim that they
have no enemies. It requires a life of
such forbearance, such virtue, such
charity and such Christianity that there
iB scarcely a person who can meet the
requirements. But such a man was
Geo. F. Beers. The funeral was one Of
the largest in the history ot The Dalles.
. f
Judge Schutz is in Portland today.
Mrs. C. H. Haynes returned to her
home at Hood Iiiver this morning.
Mr. K. G. Davenport of the Times-
Mountaineer, returned this morning
irom a trip to Colfax, Wash.
Mr. J. A. ThomitB of Oswego, a son-in
law of Mr. Beers, arrived last night and
was present at the funeral.
Mrs. D. M. French and little daughter
Constance left this morning for Portland
for a few days' visit among friends.
Mr. .1. P. Stanlev, of Petaluma, Calif.,
is visiting his niece, Mrs. J. H. Phirman
of this city, while on his way home from
;i trip to the worlu'H fair.
Mr. Linus Hubbard leaves in tho
morning for Buffalo, his old homo, to
spend the winter. This gentleman has
niiulo many friends during ins residence
in The Dalles, and we are sorry to part
with him. But as an old ballad has it,
it is the fate of the best ol friends. We
wish him success and happiness while at
his former home, from wnicn fie nas
never become thoroughly weaned.
They Mude KichtJ -Two Attempt I" the
I'lritt Six Month of lMiU.
The Uuilroad Gazette hus collected
htatistics of train wreeldnr and train
robbing, for tin; first six months of
lH'Xi. which yield some surprising re
sults. One is accustomed to think of
train wreckers and train robbers as
investing sparsely settled western
states, but the statistics show, on the
contrary, that such crimes arc most
prevalent in well settled states. The
Gazette's figures show sixty-one at
tempts to wreck trains, and twenty
ouo attempts to rob them. Massachu
setts and Illinois head tho list in tho
number of attempts- to wivck trains
anil Ohio follows.
Jn these three advanced states were
made tnoro than one-half of all the at
tempts to wn-ck trains and tho t.tuto
of Now York follows. Tho only i-xpla-nation
ollVred for this preponderance
of train wrecking in well nettled and,
(renenilly speaking, well govenvil
states is'that the mileage of railroad.i
is greater in those states than in
others, and that tramps, who tiro re
sponsible lor most attempts to wreck
trains, flourish in thickly settled
The geographical distribution of at
tempts' at train robbing b still more
curious. Iowa heads tho list; Indian
territory and Oklahoma taken together
have the same number: 'J'exas follows
and then come Kansas and Nebraska.
Hlxty-soven per cent-of all the train
robberies or attempted train robberies
occurred in these four states und two
Auction Male Tonight.
Koniciuber tho auction sale at N. I
Jlnrrls' store commences at 7 o'clock to
night. Ladtos especially invited. As i
tho Btock must go, bargains may bo ex ,
ixie.tnd. Kuln will coutiuuu from day to ,
ilny until all Is sold, . ;
J, 11, UltOSSi;.N, ! ..Uiuuceie
A 'Rheumatic sufferer
DpcIiIoh - Tlmt thn "llcintjeljr.'id H omo
' - ""tIibh tW IHneftRi!.'
A well known citizen of The Dalles,
now a fisherman by occupation, has
been troubled a great deal lately by
rheumatism. This morning tho rheu
matic twinges wero unusually acute, and
ho concluded to adopt an old remedy
which has been buzzing in his head for
about a week, viz : that a bee sting is a
specific for rheumatism. Imagine a
certain lady's surprise, then, when this
morning, ho appeared before her, and
dramatically throwing oft" his coat, eaid
ho was going to cure himself.
"How?" inquired the lady.
"Just wait, and you'll see," ho an
swered. And with that air of calm
superiority which every man can't help
showing when ho thinks ho is in posses
sion of some fact not shared by the
gentler sex, ho stalked over to tho bee
hive, and thrust out a hand. Soon a bee
alighted on it, and ho pressed it with
thp other hand. In went the sting, but
he never flinched.
"Didn't that hurt you?" (solicitously).
"No," he somewhat untruthfully re
plied. Another settled on his cheek,
and again he drove it home. Another
on his arm, another and another.
"Stop!" pleaded the lady in alarm,
beginning to think he had suddenly gone
"Well, I guess that will do," said the
sufferer and then he detailed the plan
for his action.
"And do you feel better now?" she
"Well, I can't tell yet. The rheu
matism Ecems to have disappeared, but
I can't tell for sure until these everlast
ing stings quit paining me."
Itounced tho Heathen.
Daring the past few months the Pa
cific coast generally has got into a fash
ion of bouncing the Chinamen, and not
to be a whit behind her neighbors The
Dalles has entered the ranks as an anti
Chinese sympathizing town. A China
man was installed this morning at the
rock crusher to saw wood. He had
sawed just one stick when a "delega
tion" whited'uf.on him and told him to
flee. He didn't stop to argue the mat
ter and fled, without any special regard
to the order of his going. When the
truth is known it will very' probably ap
pear that no white man was available.
However, the crusher force claim there
are many out of work who would be
glad of the job.
The Indians have not yet spent all of
the money they got for picking huckle
berries. DIED.
Oct. 24th, at Oak Grove, in this county,
ol consumption, O. D. Smith, aged 19
President Ci.nvRf.ANi) never wears
gloves, whether the weather be cold or
Vice President Stevenson follows
tho example of tho president and pays
his hotel and railroad bills wherever
ho goes. f
N. C. CitKEDtf, tho founder of Creedo,
Col., has taken up his residence in Los
Angeles, Oil., and bought a residence
thero for forty thousand dollars. Hav--lng'hmasscd
n fortune ho will devoto
tho rest of his life to taking euro of his
It Is rumored In New York that Miss
Helen Gould, eldest daughter of tho
late finnncier, is planning the erection
of a hospital for women. Miss Gould
is probably the richest heiress in Amer
ica, her fortune being estimated at
from ten to fifteen million dollars.
Geohoe VANiEitmir'fl purchase of
tho Paul Cameron estate near Ashe
villc, N. C, for seventy-live thousand
dollars, it is thought, will make him
the largest land owner In the state.
This property Is In tho immcdiato
vicinity of his great chateau and hunt
ing preserves.
Since the beginning of the century
France has fallen from the second to
the fourth place in point of population
among European countries.
The Greek style of building, modi
fied to modern needs, has been most
successfully used in Paris, where many
palaces are seen of this construction.
Law In England provides that no
person under eighteen years shall be
employed about a shop for more than
seventy-four hours, including meal
times, in any one week.
Accordino to the method which is
now adopted for reckoning leap years
in England December, January and
February will bo the summer months
about 720,000 years hence.
Dueling in Russia has become so
common that the government has just
decreed a severe code of punishment.
Killing an antagonist will tost six
years In prison; severe vounding, three
years; duel without injury, six months;
provoking a duel, six weeks to three
Ijpeeial !
I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is one of the
most important requisites where a cough
rempdy is intended for use among chil
dren. 1 have known of cases of croup
where I know the l'lff of a little one was
save.l by tho use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, drug
gist, Avoca, Neb. oO cent bottles for
sale bv Blakelev & Houghton.
Owing to a Conspiracy against
mo in this place, I have de
cided to close out my entiro
stock, consisting of
Boots and Shoes,
ZJ to., Ito.
Store Fixtures,
Any business man wishing go
go into business can communi
cate with the undersigned.
Should I not get a buyer on
or before OCTOBER 25TH, I
will offer the entire stock
At Public Auction!
N. Harris.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 18fl3.
ISoiird of Equalization.
The county board of equalization will
meet at the'eourt house on October 23d,
1S03. for the purpose of equalizing tho
county apse anient roll for this year's
asse-s'nient. The board will continue in
session one week. Joel Koontz,
Conntv Assessor.
P. S.-
-Communications by
mail so
N. H.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
N. B. Big drives will bo made in
job lots to stores. N. H.
A Man Who Has Two Votes.
A little public house, in which the
landlord and his customers have a cu
rious experience, stands on the boun
dary line dividing the townships of
Darwen and Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire.
The boundary line runs directly
through tho center of tho hostelry, and
as there are public rooms on either side
of tho passage two licenses are neces
sary. Tho publican is compelled to
close tho Darwen side of the house at
ten o'clock every night, according to
the condition of his license, but tho Os
waldtwistle license allows him to keep
his door open nutil eleven o'clock. In
order not to lay himself open to a pros
ecution by Darwen. therefore, the land
lord, when the clock chimes ten, com
pels his customers to remove from the
Darwen to the Oswaldtwistle side of
tho house, and closes tho doors of tho
early-closing portion. It is stated by
the landlord that ho qualifies himself
for voting in both townships by fixing
his bed directly over tho boundary
r'fll i
1 V
Just flrrivet! from Hew YosK !
A recent discovery hy nn oM ,
Dliytildan. fiucccmfuUu used
monthly hy thousands of '
IjitUes. Is tbo only iiorrcc'ly
enfnnml rellabll) llirilldUJ '.! I
covered. Bewaro of unprincipled druKIU who I
offer Inferior medicines In placo or turn, ask ior
Cook'n Cotton Hoot Compound, taho vo substi
tute, or IucIosb $1 and 0 cents .a postage In letter
and vro will send, waled, hy return mail. I'ullsealod
particulars ii plain envelope, to ladiea only,
Otamps. Address 1'mi d f. 1 1 y Co in p n n y,
Ko. :) l'iobi r iilock. Dotrolt, JItcU.
Sold In Tho Dalles by Blulicloy & llonyliton.
BtlllfH fir
iog and Furnisning
At Remarkably lxw Prices.
at $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
di&u we are lorcod to SI5LL FPU GASH in order to avoid lawsuits ami
liiul debt", we invite our friends nml customers to examine our troods and
prices lielViro punth:iiii'.'.
Tfi6 Goiumtiia FacRinoGo..
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Gurersof BRAND
111 Ml.
Dried Beef, Etc.
And 'I..' Mi 1 GiiiMili'ii ami t ln Latest Patterns nml in
W jL 3L.o X-c 3F J$L. HP US 3FL -
(t,iy'Viu-irii I'niuieih imi I'aper Hangers. Nhiio hut the best brands oi u,v
Shot wiii'Wiliiuiiix ami .1. V. M.isiiry's I'alnts need in all .nir work, and none but
tlie iiio.t killed workmen employed Agents or Masiiiv Liquid Paints, No
chemical combination or i-oap niixtiiie. A liil class arlfclo in all colors AH
orders piomptly attended to.
Pai ut Slion cornsr Tliinlaml Washington fits,, Tliu Dallas, Owou
Uiinic Building,
This well-known Brewery la now tiirnint' out the best Boer and Porto
east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances for tho manufacture of good health,
ful ISeor have been Introduced, and on y the first-class article will ho p need on
Tho Dalles. Or. ho imirKt't.