The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KU OK 1AI,1.KS (UTY. AND WA!CO COUNTY. SUllSOlUrTlON KATKS. BY MAIL, TOSTAOK rMSPAlD, IN ADVAMCX. W-wklv, 1 ycnr f 1 SO " 6 months 0 T5 a ') SO Dally, 1 year 00 " 6 months ... . ."00 jKjr " o SO AftJrcs all commnnlcrttton to"THK CHRON ICLE." Tlio Dalles, Oregon. l'lHt-Ofnoe. orncn hocks General Delivery Window 8 u. m. to 7 i. m. Mansv Order " 8 a. m. to 4 ) Sunday U ') " 0 h. m. to 10a. m. CLOSINO OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. mid 11:45 n.m. " " Wesr 9i. ax. and 5:30 p.m. rtgv tor Goldendale T:S0a. m. ' " 1'rinevillo 5:S0a. in. " "Duturiuul Warm Springs ..5:30 n. m. " f Leaving for LvleA Hartlaud..6:S0 a. m. " " JAntelopc 6:S0n. m. Except Sunday. tTrl-nreekly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday. 1 " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25, 1893 LORD DUXRA VEX, MISSING LINKS. A man in Wisconsin is the possessor of n curiosity in the shape of ti horned hop. It is estimated thut lust year 1,'JS.V 000,000 liiumnas wore consumed lu the United States alone. Tm: United States has a lower per centage of blind people than any other country in the world. Jsoisthamiton (Enpland) people con sider it an omen of misfortune if three Imttorilies are seen together. Fkmalk spiders are much larger and more ferocious than the males, and generally devour their husbands. Tuk LacrymoeChristi is a Portuguese wine made from the juice which ilrst Hows without pressure from the grapes. Theue is a haunted tree at North Searsport, Me., which shelters a spot where a murder had been committed. Moss has formed the initials "W. 31." on the bark. Is Westphalia and Saxony the un fortunate mortals who happen to be beaten witli a broomstick firmly be lieve themselves doomed to die of con sumption. , CONCERNING COINS. A LONG PROCESSION Somk of the early copper coins o( Connecticut bear curious legends. One is. "Value me as you please;" another, "I am good copper;" another, under the image of an ax, "I cut my way through." .1... ? 4 , It 1. coins bore a rude device illustrating or dtseasoB Btnrt from n tcrml Hvor the parable of the Good Samaritan and and impure blood. Dr. l'lorcofl were called Good Samaritan shillings. Golden Medical Discovery cures ev- There arc only two or three known to ory one of them. It prevents lliom, be in existence. too. Take it, us you ought, when Ai.T. coins minted at unariotte, t., vou fw tJio ttrst fivmptoms (Hut near, in luuuumi iu uii ouiur tho letter C; those letter O; those at Carson Citv, C. C; ll"m a , , those at San Francisco, S. , In hnilduifj up needed flesh find Tm: ilrst Maryland coins were minted Btrongth, and to purify and enrich in 1G(V and were put in circulation by the blood, nothing cun eqmil the an act of council ordering every house- "Discovery." It invigorates tho holder to bring in sixty irauuds of to- liver aud kidneys, promotes all the I baceo and receive -ten shillings of the bodily functions, and brings back new imiiiu m uAuiuwige lor it. health unci vigor, 'or JJyHpopHia, The earliest coinage intended for Ijiver Complaint," BilioUHiiess, and America was of copper and made in all ScrofuiOUB( Skin and Scalp Din- I the "Ilogge Penny," from the figure of x J10 only remedy that's a porker on the obverse. Onlv two guaranteed to benefit or euro, or i pieces arc known to be in existence. the money is renmuou. "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at itsfi .vifiiti v iv v J 'i ftrnvi Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the i ui. mmriutu.', ai. v., vou tuoi tjio mm Hvmpioius uini o all other marks. osg of nl).)olitb dullness, de- N'oricS' ri ? yIf Our yachting visitors have met at a grand banquet in New York City, pre vious to their departure for home, and victors and vanquished have been toasted and feted, leaving everyone con nected with the international races in a supposably amicable frame oi mind. In greatly lessen its severity, and it's the j Wis connection it may be interesting to oniy remeoy iiuu win uo ims. i ucis GARNERED GRAIN. Perlmps some of our readers would like b know in what rospctt Chamber- J Iain's Cough Kemedy is better than any Gm; rein u wU1 run other. We will tell you. hen this itself to death. remedo has been taken as soon as a cold norE-B best pictures are made for has been contracted, and before it has contented people, become settled in the system, it will J Eveiiy land that flows with milk and counteract the effect of the cold and honey lias giants in it. note something of the personality of Lord Dunraven, who will shortly sail across the broad Atlantic for his Irish home. We are intebted to the October McClure's lor facts related. He is 52 years old. His father wrote a book on Irish architecture, which is generally recognized as the standard work on the Bubject. His mother was a daughter of Sergeant Goold, the eminent Dublin lawyer. Lord Dunraven was prominent in journalistic circles some years ago and was particularly well received by such American papers as the New York Times and World. For twelve years or more he crossed the Atlantic annually and travelled in the states, Canada, Nova Scotia and New Foundland. He was the first private individual to inves tigate the Yellowstone region and wrote a capital book on the exposition called "The Gj-eat Divide," which met with a good reception, both in America and England. He bunted and shot with Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack long before they ever went east of the Mississippi, and his name was well known among the Indians, who allowed him to travel about their territory without interrup tion. Lord Duuraven's yachting may be aaid to date from his college days. Then be purchased a small sloop from a Cardiff pilot called the "Cripple," and very funny are some of the adventures which those on board met with from time to time. From this time till 1SS7 he took but little interest in yachting, but was again interested in it when lie built the "Ires." The yacht was a failure, but lie persevered. The next yacht he built was the first Valkyrie. Lord Dunraven took her to the Med'tt terranean, where, after winning every iace she sailed in, she was sold to the Archduke Carl Stephan. He then built the L'Esperance, and then the present Valkyrie. While she is a great im provement on anything ever built in Englaud she was easily outsailed by the Vigilant. Lord Dunraven is very energetic and a tireless worker. He iias held a high place in the house of lords and his cas tles and uuinor houses and old estates are very fine. He is given the name of the model landlord, being very kind and generous to his tenants, by whom he is sincerelv loved. The crisis is near at hand in the sen ate. Compromise is given up and we are assured that efforts will now be con centrated to force u vote as soon as pos sible. This means the passage of the repeal bill, and if so the country is to be congratulated. With the load of silver lifted from Uncle Sam's back he can gradually straighten up and assume all the prerogatives of manhood again. Theue can be no such thing as the right use of a wrong thing. It is eusier not to speak at nil than it is to keep from saying too much. Theue is a touch of flavor in the garden truck that is only known to the man who swings the hoe. Kraune'a Headaclm ChiuI-. A remedy used with unvarying sucee. ai a cure lor Headaches of nl' kinds. The reHUlt" have been m unlversullx pood that It li no longer mi experiment. It )ms been ii-ed for lltadnehu re.Miltili from l)ls8titlon, In l'urloit lent slek Headache, iu Hcudiiuhet ctmud tn severe labor (mental or physical), or by expoMire to the sun. and in all cn.e with the most cnttl- fyinir results. We have, after u hormiKh Invev' titration, nan no neaitancy in taking trie asetiry in nerfect hurnionv with nature and aids nature in relieving the lungs, open ing the secretions, liquifying the mu cous and causing its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, and restoring,-tlw system to a stroHg and healthy condi tion. No other remedy iu the market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold so quickly. For sale by Blakeley ifc Houghton. Set- the Worlu'n Fair for Fifteen Cent" Upon receipt of your address and lii- . in wKUtii'iii unit uu iiwumitj in iiitwiUK uivr iivnri teen cents ill postage stamps, w will ior this ellectivc remedy, and conscientiously mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio raummt,ul loour ' Xsitfully, of the world's Columbian exposition,! Sold by Snipes & Kitieraiy. the regular price is fifty cents, but as we j r.....,i rrintiuc want you to have one, we make the If vou have your job printin done at price nominal. You will find it a work , TlIE Chuoxicle vou will have the ad- o- art and a thing to be prized. It con-1 vantnge of having" it done with the most tains full page views of the great build- j modcrn an,i approved tvpe, with which ings, with descriptions of same, and i! we keep continually supplied.' All jobs executed in highest style of art. If not mniSr thu direct BUIMJrvision of one of satisfied with it, after you get it, we will the II108l SUCCe98ful and artistic printers refund the stamps and let you keep the j j tjie Xorthwest. book. Address i H. E. Buckles & Co.. 1 Chicago, 111, WOOD, 1VOOII, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at .lie. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and .Ii.-iIW-son streets.-! A kinging noise in tho cars, head ache, deafness, eyes weak; obstruction of nosd, d i ti -charged fall ing into throat irm(ljU toniB of Ca tarrh, niorou a medicino that will cure you, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing. That's Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. John Pashek, le Werchan t 101 Mexican Silver Stove Polish causer, un dust. 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. Ask your dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican .Silver i A Great l.lver Medlciim. Has Jmt received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are ; '" '"" arso assortment of Fonlgn mid Amer a sure cure for sick headache, bilious 0 gatVvnr m'rn C"" complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, co;- tiveness, torpid liver, etc. these pihs : insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make j the skin clear. They also produce a I good appetite and invigorate and j strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill ) for a dose and never "gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. a box by Blakelev & Houghton. " ' I thoc that favor him. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. TIIL DALLES. OR. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I. S. Land OrriCK, The Hallos, ()r.,i October 17, l-'.tt i Notico is hereby civen that the follow iiiK named elticr linn died notice of Ms iutentiKii This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SUMMONS, to make limit proof in .suimort of Ills claim, ami i urn aiu jirooi win do mane rieioru uic rcKisie Just received a smw lnndnf plioii-f. nut-! and receiver of the U. H. IjiikI oIIUt at Th wood. Maieu & Benton. 131 SIFS J3" Dalle. Or., on ilomliiy, ov. 'J7, lM, u IlilllHM 31. I'lltlMIII Homesteinl npiilicrttion No. -"JlU for S: teellun l, i .. i k., it ij i: w. m. He iiarnen the following vltnetes to jirove Iik contiimoiis residence iijion mill c'iiltiiitio:i of stiid land, viz.: Ken Hatty. Huiih t.'hrlsiiiiin, W. K. Corxoti mid K. N Chandler, all of The Hallos. Or lullii JOHN W. lAWlH, IleBlnter In the Circuit Court of the Htatc of OrcKon for (he County of Wasco. A. D llolton. 1 riaiiiiiu, vs. Frank- I), liltlespie, I'.hiKlu (, V. K. Hunt mill W. II. llutler, Delcnilantc To Frank IK (UlUnple antl',l!hta Ulllvptc, of the ubnrc-namtil tlrfat(lant.i : In tliennnioof the Ktatc of OreKon. yon ami ertuh of you are hereby reiinlrnl lo ajijunr and iinsuer tlie eomiilaiiit lllnl you Iu the above entitled xult on or Ijefoie the Ilrst day of One of the strangest of strange ideas held by the populism is that tlie exist ence of hu(;e capitalists is detrimental to their interests. The belief is the legitimate outcome of envy. There is none of them who would not be willing to exchange places with the moneyed man and all are naturally striving to acquire the most they can. Capital is the only factor that will supply em ployment, aud the more that is invested the more hands will it employ. Capital develops resources, makes machinery turn, employs all who are out of work, and is as necessary to any common wealth as are the workmen themselves IZrit,? KB f.;l i -vr,l riatin.Jr;Kys!5-; I lriirvy MM SOcio., acd ClXOpcr; Cures Conchi. nouwencs.i1ort) Tlmmt. Croup promptly: re' ".veo Whunplne Conli and Atttiimu. I" r Coiiiiiuir Hon It line no rival! hasourcilthouiir.nilsr; lcrcnllotlicts fulled; vill cunc you if taUcn In time, fcold by Drutrsista on n cuamntec. For fjime Iiact or Cheat, uao au ilou'.s i'i..xi:u. 2.ct3. HJL H'SCATAPv 5? Vi Tla7c you i.uwirh ? Thlx remedy Is Kimran teed to euro vou. 1'rloo fjcu. Inlector trwi For ante by Knlpnii A- Klursly. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame BacUs &c. Taken Up. (Hie norrol nehlins iiIjoiU twclvc;yearn old, and branded thim P on left shoulder. The owner am have tholliiiriial by piiylne for this iiotiee H. J. COOI'KIt. Ausuit 13, SUMMONS. tin' niriiliir term of tlie Circuit Court of the Matt1 of Oregon for Vnco l.iiilit. next following the dale hereof, to-wlt, on or liefoiu tho Kith liny nf Ni ellllier, itlllll, aud If you fail o to or, fur want ther.-of tho plaiutlll' will apply to tho Court for the relief pritved forlu his roinplniiit. to-ivlt for a decree of loreelosiire of that curliiln inort Ko deeil made and execntid by jmi to the nb ive niimtd plaintlU'ou the lith day of Novem-Ix.-r, UV), upon the norlhwent (piarterof feellon It in toHiislilp 'J him t It niliK"- II eat, V. H 111 Viico county, (itvKon, mid that Mild premlnes be .sold under mich foreclosure ileereo lu the manner provided 1j law iiud nee idlliK to the practice of xald Court, that from the procccilH of iich cale the plaliitill' have anil receive the mini of live f-J'h (Inllnri hiiiI Interest on I miIi! .sum rlnro November nth, I MO, at the rate of In k.t cent, fir iinuuiii, also a further hum of nl.xty fluij dollarn an a rcaoniiblo attonioy'M fe , for liMllmiliiK this unit to (ure l,)i-o niIiI inort 1 .....I cilliwt, lit.. 1 tllti, f li.tri.lii, ,,.,,1 1 nor,- ,' iiib,,,, r...,(i. .inn herein cued uimn, toKctlier with plaiutiirh cosIh iiiiiI illsburementi iiuido and expended lu UiIh mii it. Iiicliiillui; iiceriilnc costs and exponx) uf x.ile, and that plaiutlll iiavoii Jiiilcment "KMlllst you, tho Mild Frank H, (illUtiple, for any dell ciency lu tho proeeishi of nalu to Hutlufy fully nil mild sinus; that iiixm .such foreclonuro alo nil of the rlk'ht, title, luteri-Mt and olillm of you iiud your co-ilefeiiilautii, each mid all of you anil them, and nil other .-roiiH elalmliii,' or to claim by, throiiKh or under you or tliein, or either, in anil to raid mortKiiKcd prcmHcH ami every part thereof be foreclosed ami forever That tho All h'rtw. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on thu advertised drug gist and got a trial bottle, free. Bend your name and address to 11. E. Bucklen k Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, Ho aat fur Kant. Bixoroonr houte to rent. coated, Apply to Centrally II, Glenn, 0.1. SANDEN'S ELEGMIC BELT With Eleetro-Masnetlo UFEN80RY. Will euro without medicine ll wmIhn rnultl.-iir from of brain Ufrroforeni ejcMjior Imlm., m oernxu d'tllltr. luplMuwu, Uniruor. rlirtinutiui). klilnor, hirer sad Uddr eoraplunti HwriMni gmuwii KIMKU, Mil icuwjff cumuuiiniA vriieml 111 hcaltli, etc, Thu fleetno lklt cvnuloi 11 lavmwiu orer sit ouiar 'MMffll Im.i.i.m..Ii mm. all A,k.n l.,m.m , . will cure ulluf the nlore diMteta or bo r. ftiou. '-i'U Imie been cured by I hi mrrlj (iiTentloti Iter all ubor rrmnliea failed, aud we irllo buuUttiU or U-rtlmoiilaLi In ttiUt aud erery other able. Our IWrfil JaiKefitf aXSCrUC MWrUHOKT. U Entteat booa ever offered weali men, raK wtUalj Uaars aWtul (urliTuVd fasaB&let, raaU.aMkul, tKn , IANNN LBOTRMB OO., ITS aflra eHre-t, JHTVJf J OJCE. Estray Taken Up. One black lonv. branded either Knrfi m loll hip mid left jaw. Owner can have amoTiy prov lug property mid pnyiiiK for Uii. uotlee. jjr.1.1. 1;. ii.ui.ii, 10-i3v )m f oHtouicu, The Haiku, or. Ill the Circuit Court of tho 8lato of Oregon, for thu county of Wiueo, W. A. illller, 1 I'latnltff, v. V h. I'. Ileynoldn, I D'Jtudant. J , To I'. J'. llrunoM, the above named ilefeiiilant, In the name of tho Htnte of Oregon, Vou , re herebv reiiuired to atinenr anil iiuxfter the (,'om- nlaliit tiled inraiut vou In tho alxive entitled milt I Ixirnsl from theemillv of rtsletniitlnn within ten ilnvH from tho date of tho Mirvlee of 1 tilaiiitlll' hu iillnwt-il tn Mil ntuniil r,irpiiwiirii thm lunmoua upon you. If nerved within tills j .ale and purchase raid iiiortK'dKcil prciiil,-, nt i i-iiutj . or if torved within any other county of hlsoptlon, mid that upon the .ale of mild inort thl mate, lh;ii within twenty dayn from Hie I Kairul premUcs the purchaser lw lot into the dati- ,,f tlie servico of tills niimiiioiix upon you; i pos.wsion thereof, unit every part thereof, Im-orlfh-rvef upon you by publication, then you i nitillatiily, mid for niloli other mid further relief are reqiilrid to npiH-nr mid niixwi-r ald C'om i us lo tho Court may teinn eii'iilhihlu mill Just, plaint on tho Ilrst day of the next term of mill i This miiiiIiiiuiih Is t,erved iiimiii you, tho mild court, after Hi week' publication of thin hum-; I'raiik H. Cllle.spleiuid Ithixla (illleil , by pub mons, to-wit: oil Monday, tho llcilliai In Tlio )alle CIlltoHloi.K, n iiuwnpnx:r fi.i. v'..vuniii..r. ihii.'i. laihllshe i wei-lcly at Hallen Cltv. Wimco (.Mil it v. and If you fall to , iiuxwcr, tho plaiutlll' will ! ib,'Vv "V'nrmlomiv 'ml "WVtV?'? X-VJ,0, mrecTi'Ji.'y.,'", ' " 'otiler S" y' ft a ml e Ured -aid (omplalut, to-wlt: for l e 1 r ; '.. " ehair-bcr on tlioth day of heptomber. Intnl. .11 iiih,' iiM.,;il!!VII III nuiii , ,.m.,i,iiiii, .ni'i mi tnoMlt of tho ptenilKrji therein described, lu wit the Kntith hull of tho outliW(.iit quarter, theiio;the,uliiinrter of tho Miulliuest quarter, mid l he iiiarter of tho otitlieast iiiiiirter, of riectlon W, lownnhlp mm .North, r.anic tllirteeu Iwist, Willaiiiette Merlilinii, con tiiinliiuoiiu huiidrtil and !xiy uric, ami aim aud lu Wawi county, Oretf'iii. A No, tho north half of tho nnrtheatt qiioricr, the northeast quarter of tho porthwcut quarter, mid tlie south east quarter of the northeast quarter of hcntlon si, Towimhlp one North, Haiiiro thirteen I'.ani. Willamette Meridian, cotitiiluliu; one liuiidreil Hint sixty acren, and ulluatul lu VVuteo county, . Oickoii, Hccordiin; to law mid tho practice of tills court, and that thu proretds of mild milabo iiditillu payment of the amount .vcured by aid inort;ui;e, mid atlll uupnld, to-wlt. tliOHUin - of I.'l.u), anil Inlcreat thereon at thu rate of eight jierceut h.t miliuui from September Wit, ami thu further turn of .M0().(XJ, and Inter. 1 est tlierton at the rule of eight tier cent pur nil niim since March V0. IkVi. mid for mi attorneys' feu ol rMuv, mid for tho costs and (llsliiimo menu iiiudu mill cxiivnder herein. And that i tho philiitlir will apply -to tho court foritjudg. ' tnent amilnst you for any dellclency there may Ihj iciiialiilng alter thu nppllcallon of thu ito- oetsls of wild nalu as iifureiald. loll will lllrtliur lake uotlco Hint tlio num. moos In this suit is tcrvrri utmn you, Ii t,titll cation, by ruder of the Honorable W U llnid sliaw, Jmlgu of said Court, m 111 iJiler being duttll rseptemlxjr'.Tih, lftj. JlAVri, IIHNTINdTON & WllHON, ,7iv Attorilu) fi I'htinlllt. Hi'UMi .v mi;ni;ki:i;. AttomovH for 1'l.ilutlir. Executor's Notice. .sotleo In hereby given that thu iinilemlgned bus been appointed liy thu County Court of thu Htato of Oregon for Wasco County, executor of the citato ol Catherine Wlglu, tlcccoted, mid nil iH.-rsoiib having claims ana Inst mild estate are hereby untllliu mid required to present thu dame, with thu proier vouchers, to ineatttio ollice or Mayx, Huntington A Wilson, Thu Dulles, W'aco County, Oregon, within nix months from the (lute of thin notice. W. II. TAYUlIt, Kxtcutor of aaid estate, Thu Dalles, Or., July Vi, Ib'J.-VH Two Matrimouial Pcuusylvauia Ladies. (ieiillemeiil Two Hue-looking I'eniisj-lviinlu Indies, excellent reputations, Industrious, splen did hoimultcciMirii, iigeit 1H ami W, worth l;l,uuo,00 L'MCh, Parents dead, wuiit to go went thin full, mid wninil llko to coiresiHind with nice, tesK-ctablo ClisirtiSiileii "Fiiniiiii & m L'MCh, Parents dead, wuiit to go went thin full, mid wi.ii nt iiiai to coiresiHind with nice, a-siivctahlu goulluiriuii under 40. Object; haphy weslern hornet, (ientlemen. If you tiro matrimonially l..ill,,.ul ( l.lll 1.. .............. l .. f mulling, owuu f i urn n wifiiiiiiiiu tutiur lorpuO' tos, liitlnex mid addresses of theo young ladles, Feunsylvauia Adv, 0o 10 lilwliu llox :til lick llnveii, I'n. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rat MIOIIELBAOH IJRIOK, - . UNION ST. ; D. BUNNELL, Pipe wort, Till Repairs and Ml MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kun isiacicsmitn onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. fill 1 . ' .1 1 1 ll t ii a l.u i t:.-i iji it i iiLii t ii i i i 1:1 liiiTii ii f i ii s r i si ii ii i 1 1 1 1 1 irv mnli I iWii'tr IneL uhoft Iiwr ? i 1 1 1 gf u Kilfimr nttrl VtA 17, j ' n i -1! i n ingf uhnOaSt n complete sho( factory. r r . t i . . f i 11 riore is also ono ot uw- nesi sitos lor suecorismiiy oper- jit.i tut ii fjicinrv nf tliis kind to 1m found in this (ionntrv Writoioi particulars at once, to 9-12 Tlao Xtlles, Or. Ti DALLES IH THE CHKOJCLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the le.'( medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonjcli-: is published every eve ning in the week Sundays eveopted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkkkly Cuuoxiclr on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising -rates, subscriptions, etc., acidic THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHINGCO, iflxc Dallos, Oroson. c. e. bayard! Late Hpecial Ayenl General Land Ojjice Familiar Faces in a Nexv Place. j. is, jrJAKNE'1"1, Bayard dt& E&et-rxxott, Jl?e leal Estate, loap, Iura COLLECTION AGENCY. NOTARY PUBLIC. -' p.,-:,.- i.,..,:.,.. u n i.. cj,.ii .... ii i,. ifnitunK to Ht'i't' r j ii m iiiviiii j Kijiuriijr iiiDjr winii to rami ui j.iihw, jw Alwtruct of Titlo furniHliod, will Iiud it to thoir iidvuntugo to will m u V Hlmll iimko u Hpcoiiilty of thu jiroaooutiou of Oliuius im iHifoni tlio Uiutoj) WtiiteH iand Ullico. 85 Washineton St. THE DALLES, OB The California Winehouse, Ib now open, and its proprietor will sell his horn -produced Wine at prices in tho reach of ovoryuouy; Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guarantooa to be Pure and First-Ulaas in every respect Thompson's Addition. c