f V r Q"VL THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1893. NO. 112. lit Dalles Daily Chronicle. published Daily, Btinday Kxcopted. ur l OHBONIOLB PUBLISHING CO riecoii'l and Washington Bt roots, IJS1ICS, urvKuu. The Term of Hnbtorlptloii in no rionth, by carrier w ile copy TIMK TAIiLKH. UullroaiU. In cflcet August C, I8'J3. (ANT HOUND. WKBT IIOUNI). . . ... . ..m . u tinniirtj 'A'ii a. w Ik"'1""0'"' ttoIooii frelghta thnt curry passcngera leave l0r the west at s:0U a. M.,aud out- (or the 8TAOKH. Mmiiavfllv, vU. Hake Ovuu, leave dally llWatcIni", Mitchell, Catiyou City, leave F'Statur. KliiBulov. Warnlc, Waplnltla, Warm .rim ml Tygh Valloy, leave dally, except lU;,t a. h. . , , .....!..., WanVi navn itifiiftf Huv nr tint eiCtiluuuay ' .,. OflCCIOr till UUUH III UIU UUlBMllM muuiwj. I'ltOKEHMONAI. la. II. KIDDKIJ ATTOBHBY-AT'IiAW OBlCC Court Htreet, The liallea, urrgou. ii.oaruR. nuHiamirti. AlirllU. A MKNKKKK ATTOBNKYK - AT ID LAWKooms and 4.1, over 1'ost lictBiilUllni!, l'.utrauco on Washington Btreot reltlle, urvKon. II s. HfciNfir.n, Ai iuiuiiii'Ai'uiiii A, lieu m achatmo's building, ui stairs. Of The iNki, Oregon. htr.MAY.. H, S.HUHTimnON. H.S. WILSON. IIIAVc, HUNTINGTON St WILHON ATTOR 1.11 Mta-AT-lAW OBlces, French's block nvor IhmNiUoiul Hank. i llallcs. Oregon. U. VfllAUN ATTOItMY-AT-LAW Koorns rrtocb 6t Co. 'a bauk bulldliiR, Hecoud W litrttt, Vie IHlle. Oregon. rK. i'allKUIAN (IIoMJtorATiiic; I'll yhiciak wis anu suxflKON. i.ans uiiawciw iiiwi,,),,,) , irorulghLclty or country, uiuco ro, '.uuipmiti block. M and wtf IHK. 0. J). DOANK NIYfllCMN AND HUB- iU oto.v. Offlee; room 6 and 6 Chapman Csijci Kesidciico: H. JJ. comer court aim Boarth itrecta, eiimd door Irom thu corner. tcehours u to 13 A. M., '-' to 6 nun 7 to 1 r. m. illiDAlil. DsHTlvr. Oiu given for thu , palitlena extraction of teuth. Also teeth kMi Unwed aluminum plate. Hooms; oibh oi a tiolden Tooth, Second titreot. FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. TRANSACT A (JKNEKAL JIANK1NH HOBINKHH bo Letters of Credit iBBUod available in Eastern Htatea. Sight Exchange and. Telegraphic ArwiimurBBoiuoii new i or, tffucago, til, LotliH. Ha.ti 'Frnnnlarn. P.rl lunl fimonn Seattle WobIi., and variotiB points in Or- eKU" nnu v aHningion. Collections made at all (Kjlntf on fav orame tonne. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. President -Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody CiiaiiIjKH Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. i H. SCHKHCK, freiddeut. , JI. 1'ATTKUhOK, CaNhier, First National Bank. CHE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking BuaineBS transacted Deposits received, Bubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on clay ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIKIiOTOKS. 1). P. TlIOMl'HON. JNO. S. SCJIENCK. II. M. WlI.MAMH, GkO. A. LlEHE. H. M. Bkau,. HOUIKXIKh. TASC0 U)lKiK?NO. 15, A. K. & A. M.-Meotn attWml Uuril jiouiiny oi eitcu inoiiui hi , kM.U aoYAl, AUCII CHAl'TKIl NO. C ' MtUlnUi...nlr Hull the third Vedno.dv l(acli monlluu 1'. M. W01iKKN"vfooi)MlcN OK THK WOUl.ll.- tuV. v.. T. ii.Mi1.it. iiii II. nsofeiicli wwk in Fraternity Hull, lit ,7:30 p. in. 10I.U.MI1IA I.OD0E, NO.S, 1.0. O. K.-Meet 3 overt Krhliir pvi.i.i.it u, i".t it'filfipl. In K. If 1'. hull, corner frriiml mid Court atreeU. Ojounillli: lirotherit r., wolnmne. B. ULOuait, Hec'y. 11, a. 111U.h,N. (). KIKNDHIIII' I,OI)OK.NO. .. K. of 1. Meet every Jioiidiiy uveiilnK nt 7:30 o'clock, In HaiiiiOHbtilldltnr, corner of Court and Hecond ""juuriuiiK membera ure coriiiauy in- U. W a liuiu I MV.Vaunk. K. of H. and B. ' C. C. IAlWI;,.t.".I'y N. K. OK U-Meeta In K. . Oil' flMlI I Ul kmioliil ami f..nlt VVaMlltitU. w-ch mouth at 7:80 1. in. IIVOHKN'H 'IIKIHTIAM TKMIMltKK(!K III UNION uflll ......... CM... li,....i aiA-.tiCi: ..v..:.-" "'fr. ."" !""" ni uiu reaiiing room. Aliare uiviieu. . Wo"00' MiK0 No- Mli L - T.-Iltnular r-tyiiy iiieetiuRa i-rhlay at o r. M., a' ra" ". All are Invited. I-HIIIIIHIIAN. C. T. It. O. KI.ECK. fiu W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmin & wagon shop Gentnal UlackBinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp, Licte's old Stand, House Moving! WAKE OP. If you wake up in tho morning with a bitter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects the bilious stomach, sweetens tho breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, S'OtlucingSourStomacli, eartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a good dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can bo taken by tho youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it doe3 no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good ' Dally Evenlne Chronicle Is rccoenlzed 1 JI L, i'h essentially the home paper for the DalleK City folks' I J f I r This is not u had reputation, suraei u v r.iM nr rmr h,.st olfizciiK iviitch the columns of this n n nT?D dally for the spiciest local iicwb. It r M r UK succeeds in RleanliiR the field, mid hence riows In popularity mid importance. Take it awhile, you who uoin; iry some oi us premium oners, "The Regulator Line" The 'Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH f7Wl'I.K U)l)OK NO. 14 in hrnli.Fiil,.. i-i,.-.. .. i uveiiuiiia ui v;ao. Mykbs, Financier. llH-J fKSMlTll I'OHT, No. 82, 0. A. K.-JIeeta IV GVftrv Uut....l M.n. .1 n. ... ii Mil. """uul ni i ,ou r. m.i hi uiu v. ui i , 3, A. O. V. W. Meets 11. 1IANHKN, M. W III. ih 'tT.Mwta every Hunday afternoon In IU .CSV VKKKIN Mcota every Sunday o n. ui A t linn BLTEftR DlVIHlrtN. No. 167 Moots In If. .11 1 . . .1 a.. l a tit...! ...... I,., i "nn uiu nr aim vmru nwiiwi' Z'cli month, at 7:80 r, m. THK UHUKUUKH. IT'.??'TKHH OHURall -ttov. Father IlllONl if in i u,w Klm vury Huuilay at u iaw hi iUiiiUA.il. veapera hi 'ttnSr,', "av.KllD.Huteltfle Hector. Bervlcea ljyoi. A. m. Kvenliur I'rnyoron Friday at uIUp,7,btS,,uii0II-Rov. O. I). TAV aitor. Morning aorvlooi every Hah uv'.wio acailomy Bt 11 a. m. Habbath rinV;t,i,lw,1llt91 morning nervlco. Jrme , ,j Krlifay eveulna at Paator'i real- M, u," orvlo In tho court house at 3eSS?f?ATipNAL OUOROH-Rov. W.' 0. fcl!uu( M. Huildav Bahool af litr tnornliiir Ji''KericorilUlly luvltea. MaUIreo. &r wMV " I--v. J. WmsiiKH, iUir. Inrf.J.'YlCeaeVOrvHllllrtxf tnn.nlnuu. 11 u uriuia,.. t a 1-rnvur miwiiiiir iv iiaioua r m. r.pwortn l'rayor meottiig every I n'fllfwilr. A nurrllnl In. paator and people iHRlBTlAuTi : ' ' S" aoh iAS."tF ,n rV onwgitionai .'iSAJ' M'TUKRAN-Nlnth atrMt, f ou "'w ptK a oomim wtiooma Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles S.B. J. I FORD, Impm Of Dea Molncs, Iown, writes under date ol March '.'3, 1893: Mud. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen :. On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, ie now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. 8. B. Cough Cure haB done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kopt away all hoarseness from me, So Kivo it to every one, with greetlnge for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mil. & Mils. J. F. Foitu. If you wish to (eel frcah and cheerful, mid ready for tho Spring's work, cleanse your system with tho Hoadacho and Liver Cure, by taking two ot three doaea each week. Sold under a positl'vo guarantee. 60 oonU per bottle by all druggists. C. P. STEPHENS, DBAI.BR IN DRY GOODS j Clothing i lloota, nnoea, naia, ms.iv, (rancij Qoad0, lotion Ste,, Kto Kto, Soond St The D11m. Freipni ana Pessenoer Line service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dulles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. in. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. l'AtSlNlKll It A IKS. One way Round trip. .:f2.00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before G p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALL AWAY, General A cent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON T"E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. at wholeaalo ijuotattous. Candies and Nuts '.Specialties TOItACVO OIllAltH A NWKKT llltl Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles .-2 3 8 2d Street J.FOLCO At right side Mrs. ObiuT't lustatiraut. THE BATTLE IS ENDED Sifter Men Will Drop the Fight Eepeal, WILL ALLOW A VOTE TO BE TAKEN Voting Will Begin on the Amendments on Thursday-'Dcbate Under Fivc Minutc Rule. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room lias been repanered and repalntet and newly carpeted throughout. The house contain-170 rooms and Is supplied with every modern convenience, Rat reasonable. A good restaurant attachec to the house. Frer bus to and from all trH,n, C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. Washington, Oct. 24. At 12:30 Sena tor Harris, acting for the eilver demo crats, informed the silver republicans thai the democrats had concluded, after taking all the circumstances into consid eration, that their beet course was to drop the fight against repeal and allow it to come to a vote. If this decision is not reconsidered, and it does not seem at all probable it will be, the end of the present fight will soon bo reached and the result will be in accordance with the president's wishes and those of the re peal forces of the senate. The tilver re publicans will not undertake to prolong the fight beyond the time necessary to complete their speeches and will after that permit voting to begin on the amendments to the bill. It is generally believed this will take place before the end of the week. ine repuDiican euver senators eay their eouree will depend entirely on the democratic silver senators. They have said from the beginning that whenever the democrats should refuse to aid them in obstructive measures they would allow the voting to begin. There was a con ference during the forenoon of some of the repeal leaders of the house, the pre cise nature of which could not be ascer tained. The report that the silver democrats in the senate had decided against further effort to prolong the fight over the repeal bill is correct beyond question. The policy was decided upon in a conference of Bilver democrats, who have refrained from filibustering, but who felt inclined yeeterday to enter upon a campaign of that character in opposition to the bill. Cockrell, Vest, Harris and Walthall were among those present. It is under stood they discussed the question at some length, and decided that, inasmuch as the silver men could hope for very little in the way of compromise, if they should succeed in defeating the bill it was better to submit without further heated discussion and allow the question to go to the country. Jt ia believed now t may be possible to begin voting upon amendments to the bill Thursday, as it teems probable the speech making will be concluded by tomorrow evening. There are a great many amendments and it is M)8sible there will be more or less debate under the live-minute rule. It is generally agreed, however, a voto on the bill itself can be reached by the close of the week. liotti Claim the Hixlv. Battle Ckekk, Mich., Oct. '24. Dr. Sweetlaud, of Kdwardsburg, Mich., identified one of the bodies from the Grand Trunk wreck as that of his sister, Mrs. Eveline Aldrich, and the body was shipped to that place last night. Now J. D. Wood, of Cato, N. Y telegraphs that the body was that of his wife. Both identified the bodv by the clothing, and both are equally positive. The remains will be brought back here. It is thought legal proceedings to get possession of it may be necessary. A lilazu at nervals. Geuvais, Oct. 24. This morning about 8 o'clock a lire broke out in Coleman & Goulet's store which for a time threat ened to destroy the business portion of the town, but after an hour's hard work the danger was over and the flames were under control. The lire company with hand emrine did some splendid work, and the members fought the flames liko veterans, The losses and insurance were as fol lows: Coleman & Goulet, general mer chandise j loss .f 15,000, insured for 7,500. William J. Clarke, Star print- ing offloe ; loss $S00, insured for $400. T. B. Walkor, bootmaker, and Mickol & Ziegler, butchers; loss $300, no insur ance. During my term of service in tho army 1 contracted ciironic uarrnaa, says A. E. Bonelug, of Halaey, Oregon. "Sinco.then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-a Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is tho only remedy that gave mo permanent relief and no bad results follow." Por sttlo by Blakeley & Hough ton. Vur Kent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. u-23dw AX INHUMAN FATHKlt. To Conceal II la Crime he Trie to Mur der Ilia Child. Watbutown, N. Y., Oct..23. Tho re port of one of the most horrible crimes ever committed in this section ha? been received here from St. Lawrence county Tho, crime was perpetrated Wednesday night, October 18th, at Alburg, a small station on the Northern Adirondack railroad. Seebedec Duryea, a French man from Alburg, Vt., has been living for some time with a Miss Thompson. They are the parents of a little girl 3. years of age. Wednesday night the girl was assaulted in a horrible manner by her father, after which she was taken from the house and her skull crushed in with a stone. He then took her into the house, where she remained unconscious for two hours. After she regained con sciousness the bruto attacked her with a sharp instrument and cut u large gash in her right cheek, which he sewed up. The girl's mother did not dare to report the matter, as Duryea swore he would kill her. At last the mother mustered up courage Friday and told a pari of the story to the justice of the peace, who issued a warrant, and Duryea was taken to Dickinson Center, six miles distant, and locked up. Doctors made an exam ination of the child and found out the enormity of the crime. The doctor states that blood poisoning will set in and that recovery is impossible. Many citizens talk of lynching, and it is doubt ful if the fiend lives until the examina tion is completed. NEWS NOTES. The executive commitree of the mid winter exposition has about decided to call the collection of buildings at Golden Gate Park "Sunset City." The act of the last Michigan legislature permitting women to vote at municipal elections was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court recently. A passenger train on the Indiana, Il linois & Southern railroad was ditched yesterday morning near Effingham, 111. Thirteen passengers were seriously in ured. In a lit of jealousy Tuesday Frank Hilbert fatally shot his fiancee, Paulina Holman, in Chicago, and then com mitted suicide in a saloon restaurant in which both were employed. Arrangements are completed for a six-rounu ooxing contest between 'Young Mitchell," tho middle-weight champion of the Pacific coast, and Jem Ryan, the Australian middle-weight. News of the surrender of the silver men in tne senate was received ui wan street. It found tho market with a strong upward tendency, which became rush, resulting In a decided advance. News comes from Rio Janeiro that Frederico Guilhermede Lorena lias been proclaimed provisional president of Brazil by Admiral Mello, in command of the insurgent licet. Lorena is the captain of one of the rebel warships, and the government, of which he is now declared president, was established some davs ago, as was cabled at the time, at Desterro, which is tho capital cilv of the state of Santa Catharina. A nurriaue license was granted today to Mr. Frank Blaker and Miss Eva Hen dricksen, both of The Dalles. Six points out of many where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are better than other pills: 1. They're tne smallest and easiest to take little sugar-coated granules that every child takes readily. i Tney're perfectly easy in tneir ac tionno griping, no disturbance. Their efforts last. There's no reac tion afterward. They regulate or cleanse tho system according to si.e of dose. 4. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned, You pay only for tho good you get. o. rut up in giasB are always iresn. 0. Thev euro Constipation. Indiges tion, Bilious Attacks, Bilious Headaches and all derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels. 1,00k Over Vour County Warrants, All county warrants registered prior to January 10th, 1890, will bo paid if presented at my office, corner of Ihird and Washington streets. Interest eases on and after this date. Wm. Miciikll, Treasurer Wasco County. October 21st, 1803. tf NEWS OF THE STATE. Tho Virtue mine of Baker City will bo prospected to a depth of '700 feet during tho winter. W. B. StephenB, a pioneer and resi dent of Marion county, died suddenly at his farm five miles north of Salem Mon day, presumably from heart disease. Tho barn of J. C. Hoffman, two miles east of Albany, was burned Saturday night, consuming four horses, two cows and a lot of machinery and grain. The loss was $3,000, partially insured. Circuit court for Union county is now in session at Union. There is a small docket but there are a number of cases, among them the La Grande anti-Chinese rioters' case, in which there are 49 per sons to be tried. Mrs. Meo Kim, a recently arrived Chinese woman in Portland, was robbed by nine Chinese burglars early in the week. They tore some valuable gold bracelets from her arms, but her loud screams drove the marauders out of the room without making a further search for valuables. The case of Rev. C. L. Corwin is not yet concluded before the Congregational association for immoral conduct. The Telegram speaks of Mr. Corwin as a very intelligent and highly educated gentle man, an eloquent, forcible and effective speaker, and to the time of his present trouble was very popular with his con gregation. He came to Salem from Denver about two years ago, since which time he has had charge of the church at that place. In earlier life he was an attorney-at-law, and, it is said, an in fidel, being converted by Moody about five years ago. He at once entered the ministry, in which his career had been one of marked success to about the time of his suspension last sprint;. He has been married but divorced, his former wife being at present a resident of Port land and a member of the First Congre gational church. A V a nt Hack Tay. Mo.n'ett, Mo., Oct. 24. A meeting of tlie employes of the .4t. Louis & San Francisco road was held last night. Six hundred were present. A resoulution was adopted demanding that two months' pay duo them be paid not later than November loth. Committees were appointed to present tho resolutions to the management, and arrange for a full representative meeting of all the era- system at Monett next ploycs of Mondav. the Fresh oysters tionery store. at A, Keller's confec- HOW THE BUFFALOES DIED. Tho Tcrriulo Destructive Methods of In dian Hunters. A story teller of half a contury ago gave an account of a terrible method which tho Indians used in destroying; the buffalo, 11ml one which must have been the means of snuffing out an in calculable number of lives. The red hunters, ho said, were wont to lie concealed in the vicinity of some high precipice, and when a herd of bisons came roaming thither in search of food they would send 0110 or two braves out among them, concealed in the effigy of a buffalo and covered with its head, hide and horns. Tho false buffalo being stationed between the herd nnd the precipice, the Indians would surround tho herd, as nearly uh possible, and then rush from their concealment shouting like demons. The animals being alarmed, and see ing no way open but in tho direction of tho false buffalo, would run toward it, and the false buffalo moving quick ly to the edge of the ellff went over, but by some preconceived arrange ment took refuge in tt cave, cleft or shelf. Thu leaders of the herd would pause on tho brink, seeing death . fore tuem; nut tlioso uenintl could not see the abyss, and would press madly forward, so that those In front were forced to leap to tho rooky ground hundreds of feot below, while those behind were goaded forward by tho hunters until they became mad with fear, and followed in to tho same end. The Indians then selected as much meat as they wished and left tho rest to tho wolves. Iliiekleu'a Ariucu Halve. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo. For sale by Snipes & Kin-ersly Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S, Gov't Report. Rotol Baking Powder ABSOtinmiY PURB ft, m