The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 24, 1893, Image 3

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    1 affltetfiPSJaf
- OUR -
- hi;
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
itmereil tliu I'oittotllou nt Tliu OrrKon,
iin kitoikI-uIhjih niuyi.T.
Iiiiitul All virtlliiK.
lu I'tni n:r lino fur llrst limurtlou, mid 5 CcntH
KT lliu; uir eiich NUbKUcjuunt hisurtlim,
Spi-clul rate lor lung time notlcex.
All Iwn. niitli'Uit rvculvitl liitur tlmii 3 o'clock
ill u:nr t!iu dillowliiK l5.
OCT. 24, 181)3
Tht U'lilt and Weekly Chronicle vmy
be found on mle ut I. C. NiaMm'n'H More.
A .Savory Mhk From MlituiilluiitiniiH
'SIVH ItltM.
I'rom liure to Him I'ruiiclxco
TIiito nooii will rise ii nmr
For counties tlirontH htoiitoriiiu
Will bulimy "riluit tliu Door."
Town 'I'ojiIcm fN. V.).
Tho "Mcrry-Go-Uound" folded its
tent and will luavo tho city tomorrow
luorniiiK, it 'ih hoped to Htuy.
Ituv. C. L. Corwin of Portland ih hav
ing a trial bufuru tliu Congregational
association today on the charge of im-
Mrs. Charlotte' Dickinson, relict of the
late lUiv.O. Dickinson. died at her homo
in halum u tho 10th, at tin- advanced
age of "0 years. MrH, Dickinson and
husband were among tho early pioneers,
coining to tliatcity in March, 18.V.I. Itcv.
0. Dickinson was tho founder of the
Congregational cliurch on his arrival at
that littlo city. Only ono daughter, M rs.
MooroH, HinvivoH thum.
Mr. Frank Millur, tho aeronaut, who
BU HUCCL'HHftllly llllldo tllO blllloOM IIHCCII-
mon .Sunday, will go up again Saturday
afternoon, if tho condition of tho air 'ih
favorable, and in all liklihood it will bo.
If not as soon as practicable thereafter.
If he is Hiilliuioutly patronized hiH wife
will accompany bun on 1i!h heavenward
journey mul u doublo parachute jump
'ill he made. Ho will also go uji again
lliu following day (Sunday).
uchhi'H, Loo Alexander and James
l,ry, the former a Iiol' buver of Port
land, and tho latter a hog ralHer of Wnp
initia, called at Tin: Oiikosioi.i: oflleo to-
")'. Mr. Alexander Hld ho did not
wish tho wheat ruiHuru nny harm, but ho
"oped wheat would fall to 'JO cents u
bnahul. Then the farmers would food it
to hogs and realize moro from it than if
it sold no contH a buHhol. Thoro Ih a
Rood deal of truth in the Htntomont.
I'ho wheat should bo crushed nud Houred
in vato nud fed to the hogs, wlion prices
fule as they do now, and fanners would
double tho profits they are making now.
1'lin Uuiiuii, rortUiiU & AHturlu Niv.
J-" will aell round trip tloKot to l'ort
'"'"I. InuluilliiK NilinUalon to tli Ki
l')Ulon, m na.UO. TlokuU lliiiltoil to
'"v '"Hi. w, v. Allutvity,
l'ab nndevory momborof "G"com
imny will report Ht the Wiiiuto hull
Wi!diio8(ly BvenliiK, Ootobor 25th,
l o'clock. Spoolttl BufllnosB.
order of Lkvi Oiikihman,
Itoanl of KiiuitlUntlon.
mS V"uty b0Rrd of oqUHllziition will
lifw , t,,. C0Hrt 1,01,80 on October 2Ud,
cnli.A tll Pwposo of otiuulltiing the
wu nty nsHeiamoiit roll (or thla your'a
2SS,nont' Tho boftrl will continue in
alon ono weok. Joki. Koonto,
County AnBOBBor.
I!iitli of Mr. Gnu. Ir. ItnerM.
Mr. Gcorire F. lktera died at his resi
dence ut :$:.10 o'clock thia morning.
DccisaHed wus born Oct. 11th, 1824, in
Isew .icraey, anil wnon very young
moved to PonnHylvanm. In this state
he lived until he wua 15 yeurH old when
he moved to Henry county, Illinois.
On April 10th 18-10, he was united in
marriage to Miss Mary E. Roberts, re
pidiug in the same place until 1S78. He
held several olliccs of trust in Henry
county for a long term of ycara, being at
one time county treasurer. He was also
a very energetic, earnest member of the
United brethren church and prominent
in Sunday school work. He came to
The Dulles in 1878 with his family,
where ho has remained ever since. Of a
gonial disposition, kind-hearted, and
public-spirited, ho quickly counted
each acquaintance a friend, and for the
length of time he has resided in The
Dalles none is better known or more
ividoly respected.
He leaves besides bis widow, three
daughters and a son Mrs. Isaac Joles
and Mrs. M. Doyle, of this place, and
Mrs, .1. A. Thomas of Oswego. David,
his son, resides in La Vergne, Minn.,
and was here two yours ago on a visit to
his parents.
The funeral will take place at II o'clock
tomorrow from the Congregational
hurch. The business houses of tho
citv will remain closed from 2 till 5
)'clock in resjiect to his memory.
C'oiiiilliii'iitury to Air. (iortlou.
An eminent engineer and author of
Held books on civil engineering, is tho
author of tho following:
Sui'i'i.u.MKNTAitv Sinco supplying the
second edition of this littlo work in 1887
1 have been honored with formulas, de
ductions, etc., from prominent engineers
of both continents, many of which are
very useful. Tho following table, com
piled by F. Stanley Gordon, a transitnian
of tho famous 1. and It. G. corps, is so
practical and in such perfect accord
with known material laws of motion
as to bo eminently useful to every field
engineer. H. T.
Then follows the Gordon table for ele
vations of rails and compensation for
curvatures from 10 to 21 degrees.
Mr. Gordon is, by virtue of his thor
ough training as a civil engineer, to
gether with a splendid business record,
well equipped for a Held of great useful
ness in thia great undeveloped west.
Having bought out A. J. Moses lease
in tho livery buainess, formerly owned
by mo, I am now prepared to furnish
livory on abort notico and feed stock by
day, woek or mouth.
Thanking my old customers for past
favors I would like to see them again at
tho old stand, East Second street.
O. L. Hioiimosd.
Look Ovtir Your County Wurritum.
All county warrants registered prior
to January ioui, law, win oo puiu u
presented at my ollice, comer of Third
and Washington atroota. interest
ceuaoB on ami alter tula Hate.
Wm. Mioiikm.,
Treiimiror Wuseo County.
Ootobor 2ht, 18113. tf
lloiml of Kiuullatlou.
Tho county board of equalization .will
moot nt the court house on October 23d,
1803, for tho purpose of equalizing the
county HflBOBBiuont roll for thla year's us
NosBtnont. Tho board will continue in
aoealon ono woek, .lorn. Koontz,
County Assessor.
Mr. C. .1. Bright of Wasco, is in tho
city today.
Peter DeHufT is in Portland on rail
road business.
Mr. E. M. Leslie. KhfrifT nf Shfirmnn
Co., is in tho citv.
Judce Bradshaw nnd wiffi lfr. fnr
Portland thia morning.
Mr. F. O. McCnnlev nf T.n firnmln in a
visitor of the city today.
Mrs. IlninCR of Hnnd Hlvnr !a in thn
city today, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Mich-ell.
Mr. H. Corsou is reported to be very
low with a naralvtic Btroke. and his
death a question of only a few hours.
Mrs. D. Malarkv of Portland was in
the city yesterday and left this morn
I ntr for a visit with her narents at Bake
Mrs. E. M. Wilson departed for Port
land this morning to attend the Congre
gational Association which is in session
in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, whn linv
been the iniKtB nf CVil. .1. 1? ntwl Mm
Crossen for tlio past week, departed this
morning lor ictoria, u. v. on tlie tatr.
Mrs. Stella Stowell. of Goldendnle.
returned last night from the east, accom
panied by Mrs. Pearlie S. Parcher, of
Adrian, Mich., and are guests of Mrs.
C. F. Stephens, of this city.
Mrs. Edwards, wife of .1. Edwards and
daughter of Mr. M. A. Davis, who came
hero from Missouri last March, is dair-
gerously ill with typhoid-pneumonia,
which originated over a month since
from a severe cold. Mr. Davis had tho
misfortune to lose an eyo last spring by
the breaking of a nail while working at
his trade of carpenter. Truly the lot of
this estimable family in Oregon has been
most unlortumue.
llOTIM, .U'.ltlVAI.S.
SkibbeH O Piukiirt, Celilo : Gotfried
Kiiltenbaek, Deschutes; Jos Burrills,
Kingsloy; Fred McLeod, Spokane: P
Londau, St Paul; Mr and Mrs Hnrvy,
O Larson, Centervillo; John Simsoi),
Wasco; David Hays, Grants; Mrs B K
Miller, Kenuewick; T M Warner, Nan-
seno; r l aratoooski, rortlanu; W T
Diel, Seattle; Floyd W King, Towsed,
At Wamic Oct. 15th. to the wife of F.
S. Gordon, a sou. Mother and child
doing well.
ltt'iil Kdtute.
State of Oregon to Elsie Liberati, lot 2,
f section 20, township U north, range 10
east Willamette meridian, consisting of
110 00-100 acres, consideration $39.90.
A nurrittge license was granted today
to Mr. Frank Blaker and Miss Eva Hen
dricksen, both of Tho Dalles.
Six points out of many where- Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are better than
other pills:
1. They're tho smallest and easiest to
take littlo sugar-coated granules that
everv child takes readily. 4
,2 They're perfectly easy in their ac
tionno griping, no disturbance.
Their etlbrts last. Thcro'a ;io reac
tion afterward. They regulate or cleanse
tho system according to size of doso.
4. They're the cheapest, for they're
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your
monev is returned.
You pav only for tho good you get.
5. Put up in glass are always fresh.
0. Thev euro Constipation, ludigea-
tion, Billo'uH Attacks, Bilious Headaches
and all derangements of the liver, stom
ach and bowels.
Karl'a Clover Root, tho new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and euros constipation.
20c, COo. and $1.00. Sold by Snipos &
Kiuoraly, druggists.
Thoro 1 ' Tlilntr :rl "
Call it miliaria or what you may audit
generally comes without calling, where
111 lioalth does exist Simmons Liver
Legulator will restore it.
KRK Alvnnrliifr Slinrply-.M vo Htocl
Short- l'ork Looking Up.
Tlt.hdav, Oct. 2!.-Tho last few days
have witnessed no now features or
change in the commercial lino since our
Inet report. Business is assuming moro
of a cash tyetcrn than formerly, nnd as a
consequenco the volume is lessened
thereby. What transactions arc done is
of an assuring nature.
In produce there is no new changes to
note, except eggs, which continue to be
scarce nnd dearer; 27 cents and 28 cents
per dozen was paid today. The inquiry
is in excess of supply and a further ad
vance 18 looked for.
Tho poultry market is more active,
with largo receipts. Quotations remain
Live stock for export is said to be
short of supply in comparison with
former seasons. Quotations are steady
for beef cattle and mutton sheep. Hogs
are moving fairly well for shipment. A
large shipper gave it out a day or so ago
that fat hogs would be an object in the
near future, and an advance of to 1
cent per pound gross would bo realized
before the season was half out. One lot
of hogs was sold yesterday at 5)5; for
the Portland market.
Tho wheat market is steady. All quo
tations aro held on former figures, with
out any change in tone. Chicago and
Liverpool advices yesterday indicated a
slight decline, and the markets only
moderately active.
in oan rrancisco tne maruet shows a
declining tendency and May deliveries
are off on $1.23 to $1.24 per cental,
$1.24 being for 100 tons of choice mill
The wool market continues lifeless.
George Washington' Ilntcliet Come to
Light In Hie Indies.
We saw today in the center window of
Pease & Mays what to us, is a very in
tereating article and around which one
of the most impressive stories ot our
childhood clusters. We refer to the
hatchet with which George Washington,
whea a boy, cut down bis father's cherry
tree and which hatchet Pease & Mays
now have on exhibition. "When Mr.
Pease learned that Mr. D. M. French
had this in his possession, be went at
once to him and asked the privilege of
exhibiting it in the store window and,
after some persuasion, prevailed. We
learn from Mr. French that his great-
great-grandfather, Enoch French, and
George Washington were boyhood
friends, served together in the French
and Indian war, and Enoch French was
a colonel in the Continental army during
the war of the Revolution. During one
of their early campaigns they exchanged
confidences and George Washington gave
to Enoch French this hatchet. He in
return presented to Washington the pipe
witli which he made his first attempt.
Tradition in Mr. French's family says
that the same pleasant recollections do
not cluster around the pipe as around
the hatchet, for the father of this an
cestor severely punished him for his mis
deed and it was a verv sore point with
him for some time afterwards. This
hatchet should have been sent to the
world's fair, but Mr. French, with char
acteristic modesty, declined, and besides
tho genuineness of tho article might be
questioned. Here where he is well
known, we are thoroughly convinced, no
one willuoubt tnese statements. e
advise all, old and young, to see this in
teresting relic of the Father of His
lloiixe for Kent.
Six-room house to rent. Centrally
ocated. Apply to
ti 11. IjI.lIN.V.
A recent discovery by nu old
phjElclau. iiicivi.yly turd
monthlii bu tliotisani'.j cj
Ladies. Is tho only liorrcetly
nnfonud rclir.blo jnedli'luo dis
covered. Eowaro of unprincipled drufslsts no
o2er Inferior medicines iu of this. Asfc for
Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, take no svbsU
tute, or iacloso $1 nud 0 cents lu poatago iu letter
andwowiUeoiid, bealod, by return mall. I'ullfealoJ
particulars in plain envelope, to ladlea onl, a
Btauipa. Address l'ond Mly Company,
Ko. u ! liUer lilocs. i-'Ctrou. j;icu.
Sold ill Tlio Dulles by lilnkelcy A: Houghton.
Tie Coluiia Packing Co.,
Ponk and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
ins awl Fin.
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, Tho Dalles, Or.
Somo Anrlnl. Vlewx.
Some of the phenomena observed at
great elevations are very interesting.
There are wonderful echoes among the
clouds, and tometitnuH beautiful mirages
arc seen. Voyngois in tho balloon car
have Eomct imes an opportunity to wit
ness thunder storms from above nnd
find themselves surrounded by orange
colored llames of sheet lightening.
Thistle seeds are found floating at a
height of n mile or more liko so many
vegetal parachutes. Owing to tho dim
inished preasure, tho human body seems
to expand, and an old and wrinkled
man becomes full and plump as a
youth two or three miles up in tho air.
Noises from the earth, such as band
playing and even voices, aro clearly
audible. At '.iy2 miles up the atmos
phere is one-hnlf as dense as on tho
earth; at 7 miles it is only one-quarter
as dense, and at 17)4 miles it baa only
one-thirty-second of the density. Ac
cordingly the aeronaut finds it desirable
to stay within about three miles from
tho surface of tho globe. Tho view in
ascending from the sea shore is most im
pressive. As one rises, ships cotno up
from behind the horizon. It looks like
magic. With cloud fields between the
observer and the ships the latter have
the appearance of sailing over and above
the clouds. Likewise a meandering
river is seen twisting in convolutions
over and above the clouds in tlio dis
tance. Extract from Rene Bacbe, in
Specimen Caxe.
S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and be was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburfc, 111.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata-
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold bv Snipes & Kinersly.
3peeial !
Owing to a Conspiracy against
mo in tit Ih place, J have de
cided to doso out my j entiro
flock, consisting of
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled pasturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable i
Boots and Shoes,
pun?isI?iQ Qoods,
UltCy 33tc.
Store Fixtures;
Any business man wishing go
go into business can coinmuni-
cate with the undersigned.
Should I not get a buyer on
or before OCTOBER 25TII, I
will offer the entiro stock
At Public Auction!
N. Harris.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1893.
terms upon application.
17tf !
Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers.
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised had better
come forward, as the roll will be pub
lished on the 21st of this month.
T. A. Wakd, Sheriff.
P. S. Communications by mail so
ltcited. N. II .
Ubn Mexican Silver Stove Polish
N. B. Big drives will be made in
job lots to stores. N. H.
Just unw from HoiYBfi!
TT -4
. . . FROffl $3.50 UPWARDS
Clotfpg and Fumisfiii goods
At Remarkably Low Prices,
Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats at $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
JWTV3 wo Jorced to SELL FPU CASH in order to avoid h suits and
bad duhtH, wo invito our friends and eustouuTH to examine our giods and
prices before purchas-ing.
m. Hertoring,
And the M3t Complete and the Latest Patterns and Denimi:. iu
iJtrVnwik-nl Painters and Paper Hangers. None hut the best brands nf
Shurwin-Williams and .1. V. Alasury's Paints used iu all .mr work, and none bin
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A Hint class article In all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Shou comer Thirdund Washing to u Sts., The Dalles, Oraoc
This well-known Brewery Is now turning out the best Beer and Portei
east of the Cascades. Tho lateU appliances for the manufacture of gooil health
ful Boor have been introduced, nnd on.y the flrst-clnss article will be p'accdo
he market.