The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 24, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly, 1 ycir $ 1 SO
" 15 month; 0 Tfi
" 3 ON)
Willy, 1 year G 00
" 6 months 3 00
" per " ofo
Address all communication to "THE C1IUON
ICLK," The Dalles, OrcRon.
office iiour.9
General Delivery Window S a. m. to T v- n
Money Order
Bimday i I)
.8 n. in. to t i. m.
..9 a. m. to 10 n. in.
lion- Up Collected It.
"If you think you've pot such n tlcntl
sure thiug on tlmt cliiiin npnlnst mc,
why don't you sue mo for it?" uslceil
the ninn with the double chin.
"I could sue you and collect it easily
enough, mid you know it," replied the
man with tnu imsny eyebrows, "ami
would have done it long
the reason that it would
your other creditors down on you like
a thousand of orick. I don't want to
break you."
"I I'll pay it this afternoon, every
cent," said the other, rubbing his jaw
thoughtfully. "Hut that won't go with
the next man that tries to work it on
mc, by George!" Chicago Tribune.
'I'm: smallest tree in
grows on the summit of
Oreut llritain
lieu I.omnud,
dwarf willow,
it attains the
trains going Kast 9 p. m. and 11 :45 a. m.
" " West Up. m. and 6:80 p. m.
Stajte for Goldeudale 7:S0a. m.
" " Prinevillo fi:soa. m.
" '"Dufur and Warm Sprinjrs ..5:S0a. m.
" fl-eavltiK for I.ylc A Hartland..S:S0a. m.
" " " JAntelope 5:S0a. m.
Kxccpt Sunday.
Trl-weekly. Tucsdav Thursday and Saturday,
t " Jlonday Wednesday and Friday.
TUESDAY, OCT. 24, 1893
Liberati even cannot resist buying
Borne of Wasco county's famous fruit
land. If he properly improves the 40
acres he has recently purchased near
Hood River, he will not have to play for
a living live years hence.
In his recent lecture before the stu
dents of Union college Mr. Dana selected
three works which he classed as indis
pensible to a thorough writer. They
were the bible, Ami the writings of
Shakespeare and Milton. These, he
said, should be studied by every ambi
tious youug man. An omnivorous
reader, he added, could read even the
trashiest stuff and derive gome benefit
ironi everything.
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know in what respect Chamber
lain's Cough Kemedy is better than any
other. We will tell yon. When this
remedo has been taken as soon as a cold
has been contracted, and before it has
become settled in the systoni, it will
counteract the ell'cct of tho cold and
greatly lessen its severity, and it's tho
only remedy that will do this. It acts
in perfect harmony with nature and
aids nature in relieving the lungs, open
ing tin? secretions, liquifying the mu
cous and causing its expulsion from the
air cells of the lungs, and restoring the
system to a stroHg and healthy condi
tion. No other remedy in the market
possesses these remarkable properties.
No other will cure a cold so quickly.
For sale by Ulakeloy & Houghton.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Scotland. It 1 the
which U mature when
height of two inches.
What is generally believed to be tho
- , ..i....... i.imi. r Hiin ... x ..... . I. .. i l c 1...
Hrri)f UUt for ! uml 1' i.ui.m.i .-
have brought far,n ,lt ''""vers, Mass. The tree
was piaiucu in ui.iu. uver a nusnui hi
fruit was harvested from the tree last
Tur. sap of the cow tree, as its name
implies, resembles milk both in look
and taste, and is very wholesome and
nourishing. The tree grows in Vene
zuela and frequently attains a height
of one hundred to one hundred and
twnnty-uvo feet.
'I'm: oldest living tree in the world is
Niid to be tho soma cypress of Lorn
banly. It wuh a tree forty years before
the birth of Christ. Hut Alphonso Cttvr
savs of the baobab: "It is asserted
I'verytliliiK Una It !''
Chemists turn scrap iron into ink,
old bones into Inciter matches, the
shavings of the blacksmith shop into
Prussian blue, fusel oil into oil of ap
ples and pears, the draining of cow
houses into fashionable perfumery,
beggars' rags into now pilot coats,
cesspool 111th into ammonia and tar
waste into aniline dyes and saccharine.
In Paris they llrst utilize rats to clear
the llcsh from the bones of carcasses,
then kill the rats, use up their fur for
trimmings, their skin for gloves, their
thigh bones for toothpicks and their
tendous and bones for gelatine wrappers.
Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota is
one of the most outspoken critics of the
compromise. He is quoted assaying:
"Unconditional repeal is a thousand
times more to be preferred, even from a
silver man's standpoint. The present
hard times are not going to grow better
right away, whatever legislation is
passed, and this compromise will put
the whole onus of the situation upon
the silver men. The purchase of silver
will continue within a month of the
elections next year, and because the
hard times have continued people will
eay if the bill had been repealed it would
have been well. And the silver men
will be handicapped in their efforts to
prove that the Sherman law wos not re
sponsible for the distress through the
country. On the other hand, if the bill
had been repealed outright, in a year
from now there would he a revolution
in favor of the restoration of silver as
monev. I shall not vote for it."
All notes due and becoming due and
all accounts owing us must be settled on
or before November 1st, 1S93, cither in
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm Tin: Dalles Mercantile Co.
isn't what, you wiint,
if your and
bowels nro irregular.
TIiiii'k nboitt all you
get, though, with tho
ordinary jiill. It may
relieve you for the mo
ment, hut you're usually
in h worse (state after
ward than before.
This is iiiHt where Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant. PollutH
do most good. They net
in an easy and natural
way, very different, from
the huce, old-fashioned
jiiiis. Aiiey'ro not only
pluntmiitcr, but there's
no reaction afterward,
and their help lasts.
One littlo BUgar-eoated
Pellot for a gentlo lux
ativo or corrective
three for a cathartic.
Constipation, Indiges
tion, Bilious Attacks,
Dizziness, Sick and Uil
ious Headaches, arc
promptly relieved and
They'ro the Hmallest,
the easiest to take and
the chewiest pill you can
buy, for they're ruaranteed to givj.
saiisiaciiou, or your money is re
turned. You nav only for tho nood vou
x ts a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at UsflA
leads on to fortune.
Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live
doses, only "3c. Children love it. Sold
ly Snipes & Kinersly.
I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is one of the
most important requisites where a cough
remedy is intended for use among chil
dren. I have known of eases of croup
Now Try Till.
It will co3t you nothing ami will sure
ly do you good, if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is Kimr
an teed to give relief, or monev will be
paid back. Sufferers from la grippe
found it just the thing and under itfl
use had a speedy and thorough recov
eay. Iry a sample bottle at our ex
pense, and learn (or yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store Large
size oOc and $1.
floiiil Job Printing.
If you have your job printing done at
Tm: CiiitoNici.E you will have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the most successful and artistic printers
in the Northwest.
John Pashek,
where I know the life of a little one wn- If 1 I ! '
saved hv the use of Chamberlain' j f 11 AW 110111 I 0 1 AT
Cough Remedy.'1 J. J. LaGranye, druir- lYXUl UilCLIl L 1 (11 U
gist, Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles for J AiiVl VllUill t 11U1VI
! It won't do to experiment with
j Catarrh. There's the constant dan
j ger of driving it to tho lungs. You
i can have a perfect and permanent
cure with Dr. Sago'B Kemedy.
sale bv Blakelev & Houghton.
A new method ot treatment, a new
drug or a new dogma in medicine, is like
a doctrine or a dogma or a deduction
theology, says Earnest Hart in the Oc
tooer ijorum. it is or may be a means
of physical salvation, as the other is
mav be a means of spiritual salvation
The man who keeps such as a protitabl
eecret, whether physician or minister, is
a traitor to his profession and to human
ity, und is false to his mission. There
are many ways of paltering with thi
principle, and therefore the rule need
to be laid down comprehensively and
with exactness as well as enforced with
severity. He who prescribes a secret
remedy covers and condones an act
treachery and an infraction of duty
He is nn accomplice in the guilt and he
cannot go scot free. Ho who derives an
open or a concealed profit from sucl
secret remedies is an accomplice in the
offense. Ho who by written or verba
statement supports, maintains or ex
tends such products, he who becomes a
partner in a company or a firm which
deals in them, is obviously false to his
mission, untrue to hie sacred obligations
as u physician, a shame to himself and
a dishonor to his profession. Is is 11 tt
ing that the codo should provide for sucl
cases ana mat it siiouut not remain a
dead letter.
The Oregon State Horticultural Soci
ety meets today in Corvallis in annual
Frank Stevens is the namu presuma
ably an assumed one, of a badly wounded
young burglar shot by Mr. Uurrell
while trying to rob the latter's house in
The Oregon Bar Association havo
closed their annual session at Portland.
Chief Justice Win. P. Lord of tho mi
preme court was chosen pn-sident.
Among the vice presidents is Alfred S
Bennett of Tiie Dalles.
Allison Rogers was crushed to deatl
I. I ! 11 .
uy oeing inrown in iront oi a wagon
wheel, after loosening the single tree
which caught in the wheel. He was re
turning to his home in IMlsboro from
Portland and was descending the Bacon
Krwuae'a HeatUctie C'apauloa.
A remedy lined with unvarying success ax n
euro iur iieuum-iun oi ar kiiiuu. I no remit
bYe been o universal!) good tlmt It Ik no
.loawr an experiment. It baa been ucd for
jiraascnu retumuir irnm lmiitiiiiun. in iv-n.-i.
toll Sick IleadaeliO. In Headache rmmvl l.u
aevere labor (nieutal or phynlcal), or by vxpoture
loiaeauii, auu in an cjt; wim me moatKrutl
fylnff rttilU. , We have, after n Jinrotiirti In v..
thrafloi), bad no healtaiicy in taking tliu aKeiiny
for iliU effective remedy, and coiiiclcntioutly
Hold byHlpoH & Klhernly.
For Kent.
Booms to rent t Rev, A, Horn's resi-
V ( j ' x j n 1 '
ea.juain svreei, o-zsaaw.
Ask vour dealer
Stove Polish.
for .Mexican 'ilv-r
76 Court Street,
Noxt door to Wasco Sun Office.
A Great Liver Meillcliiu.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos
tiveness, torpi'd liver, etc. These pills
insure perfect digestion, correct the
liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
purify and enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They aUo produce a
good appetite and" invigorate and
strengthen the entire svstem bv their I
tonic action. They only require one pill
for a dose and never "gripe or sicken.
Sold at 'Jo cts. a box by Blakelev t'c
Just received a scow load of choice oak
wood. M.n:i: & Buxton.
lHns Just received the lnteit xtylci In
Suiting? for Gentlemen,
and hxsn large assortment of Korli;ii mid Amer
ican Clntlis. which he ciu llnlsh In order fur
those tlmt invor him.
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
me& sTa -trass,
V. H. Ia.M Opkick, The Dulles, Or.,(
October 17, IMC) 1
Notice Is hereby uiven that the foUiminc
I m settler lm.f tiled notice of his Intonlinn
to nii.lio ilnal proof in support of his claim, mid
that taid proof wilt be made before the reiter
ami receiver of the l fjind oHice at The
Dalles, Or., on Jlonday, Nov. T, ls;, U
llllllUM 31. I'tltiHOII,
Homestead aiiplieatlon No. '."JI'J for SKL wllon
1. ''p. 1 H., It 1-' i: W. .M.
He names the following; witnesses to prnvn hl
coiitintiotia resiflence upon and cultivatlo:i of
.'iid in nil . viz.:
Ken Hatty. HhkIi Chrismna. W. K. Cowm and
i;. N. Chandler, nil of The Duties. Or.
louitd JOHN W. I.KW1H, lleKldter.
Taken Up.
Is the
Of the Year
Who are soiling theao Roods out at Breatly-rorJuced raUi
Pipe Wort, Tiq Repairs m
hhon on Third fttrnot. nvl rinnr wnal nf Vm, i.
liiacKBmiin crnop.
For Sale at
Tho unci orsigncd, having socurod the nmchinry a
nxLuro.s oi wnai was lntondea lor a first-class shoo tat
ajw. vaav l'ltl' J t UUItalUlli J A J 1 J At? tii JltlliT if 1 1
IAI !!! et j i i rt ft litlidM .rvtiiau n nl i In ai vx mini C
nH almost n coinletc shoo factory.
r .1 I,. ...... .,1 Jl... I...,. - 1 J' . I . . I 1 - -
1 1 vi v in uinw wuu w Munn mii;n km mil i;i;nni 1111 v iiiim
atinti a factory ol tins kind to ho found in this country.
Write lor particulars at once, to
I), li
Tlio Dallos,
twie., cat XJt C-jg Ml i
Cures C.'ouclis. 71oar.ibiii-hv.SurR Tlnnt.
Croup promptly: rel ove3 WfioopliijfC'oiisli
and .utii.uu. r r Coincimi tlon It hits no
rival; hiLicnredtlioujiindiw icrcnll othcrt.
failed; will cum: you if taken in time. Hold
by l)ruyi;lU on o an.'iriintec. For I.nmc DacU
or Chest. usoami.QH'rt i-l,AHTilll. 'cts.
One torrel kcMIiik about twelve old, mid
I hrmidiil thus P on left nhoulder. The owner
cm i mivo me mnmiii uy jiuyins lor mis nonce
-uut J.T, lS'J.l.-v. tf
I). J. COOI'lIIt.
tli?ZJ ,. wm" SJJXn,?l!iiy,lttmnn' !,1"l,,t fllttl "K'lint you in entitlid tult
teed to cure you. I'r.coMcti. luiecton.VM within ten dny from tho dnto of tho oervlnjof
For aln by Nnlia & Klnnrnly.
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back, &c.
La I eat I'tMalirliMt Iarairatati f
Will cure without iwkUcIjm aJ KmUh rtiulticir from
ovrr-taiAtlou of bniii nnra tototti vzcuMaorliidu.
crttloo, m Drrroua dbllltr. tUtpumaoM. Unnuor
rllMlnialiun. lclt...v II... n,lK35il H.JSf,?f .V
UmetMlc. lumbwo, Kiatkw, lTml coni.llnt'
lliUlitlrftTiy '
Ml OTfcr Mil Alun. tfhirrnt I
tit WUM, n. trrfir AC AiWk iwi - . . .
will cur mji of ii. Ui. a. .7,:'."-. 4
Undi Iwv0 Uwh tills ronrrtlout iii'rcDUuii
I'"' ""i' rmwlle failed, and we giro hiuuitvi)
"vuwrt tu mm vrvrr uuw pule.
tmrM Imtnnm JUMCtWK iWrMiOKT.
it boon rrjr oaTtrad weak pin, tuuit wu
nr. Uo
Ufc all
ad.aualad. Iran
AAaaaaaiaa ari bavbim ma
KM" uoua rr oeltrad weak taan,
w iuh mtun lor inuru raaWJCt,
In the C'lrriilt Court of tho Htiile of Oregon,
for tho county of Wimeo.
W, A. Miller, 1
i:. 1. iteynoldH, (
Dtjeudant. J
To .'. JtejimUU, the abovc-numul tleftwlant,
In the iKiino of tho Ktuto of OrcKon, You - re
nereoy ruiuired toiipur mm mmwer the i.oim
thin fiuiiinouH upon you. If aervid within tills
coiunyiorii iserveii witinri any oilier county of
tlifis unite, tlien within twenty diiyH from the
iiiiooi tneK-rvico oi hum kuiiuiioiis iuon vou
or ii B.;rviii iimiii you uy iiioiieniioii, men you
lire required to npiieiir mid iiiiHiver mill Com
plnliiton tho llretdny of tho next U.tiii ofwilil
court, lifter alx wecka' iiuhliciitlon of IIiIk Knm.
( iiioiiH, io-wit: on Jioiniay, me
, l:ith iluy Noveiiibor, IHII.'l,
mid If you full to hi miftwcr, the pluliitlll' will
"Piny io me court lor uio reuei pniyeu lor In
mid eomnlulut. to-wlt: for the foreeliuoiroor n... in mUiI coiiiplaiut, mid for
uiubjiicoi mo premieeH iiiereui uexerlljeil, to.
wit- the Kouth liolf of the Kouthwciit quiirter,
thenortheaktiiuttrter of the outMvct quiirter,
mid tho kouthwent iiimrter of the fcoutheiint
ii mirier, o: Heouon . iowiuiiip one .North,
, i.niiKu uiirircu I'.nvi, ii iuiiuit:ii(j lerKiuiii, coil
i tuliilue one hundred und nlxty ucrcx. mid him
iin-u in iifceo county, urcK.iu. aio, uio north
hull of tho northeunt ijunrter, the uortheiiHt
iiuurier oi mo noriiiwext qonriur, iiiiu tnenouth'
uiaiqinirieroi trie uorineiixt quarter oi ticctlou
:.!:,.,..T"VV',",,'I "i"' North, JlmiKO thirteen iiat,
WlllMiiietto Meridliin, coiiIjiIiiIiik one hundred
mid aixty uereif. mid altiittlul in Wiioco county,
Oregon; uceordiriK to law und tho pructlce of
till court, mid thut tho iirotetdH of wild wile lie
upplled in payment of the amount curcd hy
mild morlKiiKe, mid Mtlll uniwld, to-wlt tho mm
of ttM.U), mid inlercxt thereon nt the ruto of
cmhtierceiit r nullum from Hcpteinlier JtAl,
ib'M, mid the further iim of f.VlOo.00, mid Inter
est thereon lit thu ratoof elglit tier cent tier mi
lium miico iiiirchw, 1893, mid for mi iitlonioyn'
fee of f ;h.W, mid for tho cot mid dlnliurio-
Estray Taken ITp.
One bkclc iKiny, brunded either 6 or 8 on left
pli and left Jw. Owner can havo nmoTiy nrov
intf property und jiayliiK i'r this uollee,
10-UiTlm Pontulrlcc, The ihille, Or.
tho pluliitlll' will apply to tho court for it Jiiilir
iiient MKjilimt you for any liellclenoy there limy
ho lemiilii n after Ihu uppllcullou of iliepio'
cuI of auld aiilo un nforowild. 1
Vou will further take notice that tho Hum.
mom In thin mi t u u,rwii niu.i, i.u . '.. !.;
witlou, hy order of tho Ilonoiihlo W. u'lirud
Ju?ui Court, mid order bcluir
dated HeptemberWlh,
'i7,v AttornejH for I'hniillH'.
In the Circuit cmirtof the Htato of OreKOi
the Count) of Wueu.
A. I) Iloltou, l
vs. '
I. t. (. ..11...... I
rniiiik u. Itllicpiu r
iiiMMia iiiiicnpie, it .
K. Hunt mill V. II.
llutler, llefeiiduuts.
To Frank l. liltlrriile ami 'llho'la (HllapU, J tlie
III thenamcof the utale of Oreuou, you mill
eueli of you nreliereliv reoillrcd In iii.iKiir and
iilimvr Uio complaint lllcil iiKaliiKt you in tho
aUivo entitled ult on or bi.fme tho lirxt day of
........... i ... .... . . . ii-Kunu iuiiii ui iiiu i iif'iui i ouri oi uio mm
oi lor iim:oi:huiii). next foiiowliiK th
mire neieoi, oi-wit, on or ix.'iore tun
l.'ltli iluy of NuvfiiiliiT, I Hl:i.
mm ii you nil) o to mikwer. tor wan
thereof the philntlll' will upily to the Court
lor ine reuei prayiu lorlu liln cumnlaliit. to-u it
for u decree of loteclimuie of lhnteertalii mort
kiko uetu miiiiu ami exccntid bv you to tin
lib ve iiiiiiud iilaiiitlll'on tho (1th ilav or N
bur, WM, upon the nortlmcit quarter ol icctlou
II ill towiinhlp niulli niiiK'i II uiiM, . i!., in
Ytutco county, Oregon, mid that miIiI prumlMH
iiv sold under mieli foreelosiiro dcoico in the
inaiiiier proviucii oy niw nun uee iillm; to the
prucucf oi mho i.ouri: huh ironi llic procuedH of
Midi sale the plalutll!' have and rect ivo the sum
of live hundred ?'i)i dollar mid interest on
huh iuu since ..ovciiui'ir litli, is'.m, nt the rate oi
ioper cent, per milium, alro u further sum ol
sixty ifii)) (lollarN as u riuxoiiublo attorny' fee
mr nmiiiimiL' uiii. suit to tore ! sa d mort
KiiKo mid collect the note thereby secured mid
Herein . men upon, tOKellier with plaintllrs contn
mid dlsbiiriemeulM inmlu sud cxciitlcl in this
ami, iiiuiiniiiiK iiccriiniK coum anil expemoo
sale, mid that lulutlll have n Judgment ukuIus
you. tho said r'riink 1). (illl. i,l... f.,r ...n- .i..m
eleiiey in the proceulK of sale to satisfy fully nil
r.iiun, lu.ih nuuil llflveillSlirO WHO 111! o
mc riKiit, line, interest unit Claim of you mi
jour co-uiiiviidantB, each mid all of ymi mid
wieiii, nun nn otner er. ins elalmliiL' or Ii
ii 111 ' l"r""K'1 "r under you or them, or
-...,.1,111 ...... iwriini iM.iiiK.iKi premircnmiu
uvery part thereof lie loreulowl mid forever
wirrcii ironi tho equity of redemiitlon. Thut tho
imiiiiiiiii oo miowcii io uio at said foreclosure
sale mid purnhaso said mortcd premle, nt
hisoptlou.mid that upon the sale of Bald mort
KUKvd premises the purchaser In let Into the
iMFfljusiiijM nn rioi. mm every part thereof, im
mediately, mid for such other mid further relief
ii., !" ",u '-oiiu iiiny leem equiuililo mid lust.
IlllM hllflll.l.lI.M lu Uf.rl-.l . i...ti ...... .1... . . 1.1
rank I). (illlesplomid ithodii (illlespl-, by iilb
llcatlou lu '1 he llalles CIIIionh;i.k, u liuWlip(,'r
iMioiisnei wecKiy at liailes city, wnsco county,
OrcKOii. for six eoiisecullvu weeks, by order of
Hon. tt. I.. liiiidshiiw, Judeo of said Court,
which order was duly iiiudo Mini entered at
coaiiioerHou tuo-.'iiiii nay oi ttcpiomuer, Ih'JD.
Attouicys for rialntllf.
Executor's Notioe.
Htato of Oregon for Wiisco County, executor of
Mitlcols hereby ulvuti that tho undersigned
tho estato ol Catherine Wlule, deceased, mid all
lersoim liavliie claims usainst said int.ilii nr..
lereby iiotifleii und required to present thu
mine. Willi mo nroner vouchors, in inn ..I ii...
olllcc of iluys, JliiiitliiKtoii A Wilson, 'i'ho Dulles,
" v" i I'lVKim, niiiiiu aix iliooios irom
the date of this iiotke. W. II. TA Vl.Olt,
., ,, , , Kxifiitor of said estate.
The Dflllen, Or,, July is, IW.-'.'H
Two Matrimouial Pennsylvania Ladies,
,, '.'r' uceiit reiiiitulloiiH, industrious, spleu
(ientleraenl Two lliiu-lookliiK I'erins-ivaiilu
dies, uxcellunt roiuitulliiiiN. I ml t r I... . J
did housekeepers, ukuh 18 mid 'jt), worth f'
i, parents dead, want touo west this f.ill.nii
in! llko to corresimnd hIi nice, resiieetnble
llemen under V). Object; happy western
!. i ' "v"5'i i'w.v," me luuirimo I uiiy
iiellii(y.seiidl bill in common letter for pho
tos, mimes mid addresses of tliu.u youii( ludles.'
rennByiyania AUv, Oo
10 l.'iwlm Jlox y.".' J,ock Hnveii, I'n.
IH ll - K IV ' . I .u...l.i;.l,.l JV.. flwi riv.
. j.. ..j VJJJWHJ. IJU IHH HDLHUIinilUll mi UIU UA ,
press purpose of faithfully reprosonting Tlio Dalles
and lho surrounding country, and tho satisfying
ollcct of its mission is everywhere apparent. If
now leads ail other publications in Wasco, Slier- ;
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow arof
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other ft
gions north of The Dulles, honco it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily OiikonkMiK is published every eve
ning in tho week Sunday1- uxoopted at $0.00 W
annum. Tho Wkkiclv UhkonmciiK on Friday?"''
each week at $l.r0 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Ttio IDctllojoi, Orofon.
, Familiar Faces in a Nexo Place.
lMte hpeciul Agent (Jeneral ,uwf Office.
J. 13. J3AR
a aa. a m. L . uin r-iirfv..
arties Imving Proporty tlmy wiHli to Soil or Truclu, Jrousoa to 1
Alwtmut of Titlo furiUHhod. will find it to thoir udvivntut,') to call on
W(l Hllllll lllllkl) a Hliocliilf.u nf f.lm tirnuomifinn nf (jlnilllH null u"
lxiforo thu Unitop SUvtoa Land Oflico,
86 Washinjjtoix St. THE DALLES, OR
AW m ' at LT mum M
Is now opon, and its proprietor will soil his Ij01"
producod Wino at prices in the roach of ovoryuouy
Also, best Peanuts to bo found, Goods guarautooc
to bo Pure and First-Class m every rospoct
Thompson's Addition,