The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 23, 1893, Image 3

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in India
it is
said, stand months on the
without moving,
There May be
Shoe Stocks in America
that at
or else
the present are
moving slowly.
standing still,
Ours must
perhaps by
move, and
this time
lively, too.
you are aware
How It Feel nml Ijnnlis Ji.000 Feet Up
In tlin Atr. '
We Sell Shoes.
Ours possess the three necessary requisites :
Correct Styles.
Reasonable Prices.
all goods marked
in plain Figures.
Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Iiteml h the I'Dtttofflco at Tliu DuIIch, OreKon,
HK nt-CIIIHl'UlllMI iiiMttcr.
I.nuiil All VdrtlnliiK.
1(1 Cent t'or lino (or Unit ltiMirtlon, ami 6 CuntN
str line fur racli imWipK'iit lliHortlun.
Special rntci for lnnt; tlmu notiucN.
All Ufa", undoes received Inter than 3 o'clock
(111 inneiir t!i fiillnu'lntr ilnv.
- OCT. 23. 1803
The Daily and MWklu Chronicle may
0( foumlomalc at J. ( . jyicMlif.n's more.
A hAtiiry
Mixtx r'niiii
NtllVH lilt.
Tlio mcliuiclmly tiny Imvu come,
They're here without a ilmilit;
Not void cuoiitfli (or lire, ami yut
Too cold to do without.
The first killing front of thti season was
una mornniL'.
There were .7!! of uti inch of ralnfiill
Tlo balloon ascension Saturday drew
11191111.-1 uit.
Mr. U. McKeU of Mosier iH construct-
llii' n :tl!ll !.. C! f..
.. i '",wuU uHini iHiunu in 0Muu nil
Mr. II. IIurbriiiKof thin city.
John McNeil ot MuHlur Iihh drhul about
twenty tons of primus on tho now drier
at their Mosier farm tliiH season.
The engine fur the crusher was steamed
up this morning and thin afternoon tho
machine was busy grinding t rook at
its now location.
Tho recorder's court records tliu arreHt
l throe inebriates uml unu vag, subject
wwies, which IiIh honor awarded thuin
way in accordance with doairoa for a
District Attorney. Wilson
Niiiiitiwi riiii t . .t ... i ..a
hi until wt lilllHIIb lAJIIIl' l
p - v."iin(. w ntvm in; on tui
" i''. H. Uufur upnourml in tliu stiitu
9 in hiH stead.
ho youth of Mosier huvo organised a
"i'lierillL'" c lib. whlidi iiu.nlx wnnklv
t tho school house. At tho lust con
t Mina Emum Vogt, ft Dalles girl,
Mrncil off tho honors.
Balloons aro of n inntnriul emiuulallv
wado for tlio purpose. It Ih a cotton
tetiiro, hut wovon raoro closely than
other kind of doth. It in Htronger
tain canvaa, while almost us thin UB'
A wreck nf uiiinii ..n..n.unn. .muiiiui
tho vnnlu (.!.... ,.!., nu n.
ftflWltoh. and
ir iiu .1 . . .
VW TO I UU&lIli: Uftl UIIU 111 U IT
""ned out, boiK busily emnloyod (or h'ii
"OUr or lnnn.
A11 alitor of a nnnnr in wnnlnrn Kan.
Boaled proposBls for 50 conts
of n cofreo B twonty-Avo pound ick
"our and a atraw bat. Ho nyu that
wants a little job printing.
'len ho
1l .
u 18 rilinnriwl (l.n
' Iko to boo the portngo railway
f'" during the next summer. A
er saya that Hormunn and Blanch
Wl'ftlrinan of the river and harbor
PP"pritlonof thtMino.
'Ith' H' Wel,b8r vorod this oflice
wo monstrous apples Saturday
T"non, 0no a rod oheok pippin from
Ion,r mrrt of Mr- Robort MNiel. Ib
gJ! 008 'nf lo and wm one of a.dosen
togoWn young tree of four years'
The ntlior a on.mi
from Mr. Elliot's orchard, is a perfect
match for tho red cheek. Theae orch
arda are located near Moaicr, a section
which is peculiarly adapted to fruit cul
ture. A party of aoveral gentlemen en route
to Goldendale Saturday night got lost in
the heavy rain storm on thut evening
and rounded up by tho old block house,
about seven miles oil' the road. Thoy
retraced their way, and did not arrive in
Goldendale until about 7 o'clock in the
Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles ar
rived by Monday's stuge, and has been
looking after his land interests in this
county. From the way tho ju'lgo can
talk furm one might suppose that he
was u worshiper of Ceroa instead of a
leading disciple of BlackBtone. Ochoco
The Williams boys, who have been
conllned in the city jail since Thursday
night, will be put on board the train to
nignt ana allowed to resume tneir jour
ney to'I'ortlanu. An unfavorable reply
was received from tho Boys and Girls
:Vid Society, and the authorities here
have concluded to let the metropolis
deal with thorn, if necessary.
Thia section was visited with a very
heavy ruin atorm last Saturday night.
The temperature was quite low and in
the mountains it fell as snow, which
whitened them down aa low as tho hills
near tho Wicks ranch on Mill creek.
North of thia city the top of tho Klickitat
hills were winterish with the "congealed
element" as a covering.
Companies G and J, of tho First regi
ment, won the "Guardaman" trophies
at tho contest Saturday at the ex
position. Heporta have been received of tho loss
of a largo number of sheep by Jas. C.
Daly, in the mountains. 1 lis herder was
reported also aa being found dead.
A disastrous lire at Gold lieach oc
curred laat Wednesday, and in which
R. D. Hume's salmon cannery, hatchery,
merchandise store and several other
buildings were consumed.
Tho editor of the Cholmlem Valley
Times diaagrced with a neighbor about a
sunflower and whipped tho fellow. Be
ing short of funds, tho newspapor man
will edit liis paper from tho county jail
for twenty days.
lu tho case of tho state vs. John Am
brose, tho jury returned a verdict for ac
quittal on the second ballot. This case
has croatod a groat deal of interest in
Heppner, aa Ambrose lias a host of
friends thoro.
Having bought out A, J. Moses' lease
in the livery businoBs, formerly owned
by me, I am now prepared to furnish
livery on short notice and feed stock by
day, week or month.
Thanking my old customers for past
favprs I would like to see them again at
tliu old stand, East Second street.
C. L.
Look Over Your County Wurrttuu.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jauuary 10th, 1800, will be paid If
presented at my olllco, cornor of Third
and Washington streets. Interest
neasos on and after this date.
Wji. Mioiikm-,
Treasurer Wasco County.
Octobor Ulat, 1803. tf
Uiiu for Kont.
Six-room house to rent. Centrally
oca ted. Apply to
tf H. Glknn.
granted today
I Miss Grace
Mr. Emery Oliver was in the city
Dr. Rinehart was reported yesterday
Wallace and Will Husbands of Mosier
came up today.
Mr. RubboII Sewell of Portland spent
yesterday in the city.
Mrs. B. F. Lauehlin left for a short
sojourn in Portland this morning.
Mrs. B. W. Crooks returned to her
home at Glenwood, WaBh., this morning.
A marriage license was
to Mr. John C. Brogan an
Mr. C. L.Phillips, purser of the steamer
Regulator, is confined to his home by
Illness. f
Mr. A. A. Fuller of Portland, agent of
tne isow i ork kite insurance company,
has been stopping in The Dalles for
several days past.
Mrs. Geo. Bellinger, Miss Adeline Sel-
Hni;er, Harry, Ceno and Uenard bellin
ger and John McNeil came up in a skiff
irom jwosier tins aiteruoon.
Mr. Wm. Sheffield and Mre. Anna
Atherton, who have been visiting their
mother, Mrs. Sheffield, in this city for
tho past week, left for Portland this
Mrs. W. C. Curtis and Mrp. C. B.
dishing were passengers on tho steamer
Regulator this morning for Portland to
attend the Congregational Association
in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Huntington de
parted for Portland thia morning. They
go to represent tho Congregational
church of this city at tho state associa
tion which meets on tomorrow evening
in the metropolis.
The condition of Mr. George F. Beers
is considered serious. No improvement
ia noted since the fateful Thursday ho
waa stricken so suddenly and while in
the full vigor of health.
Thi'.V Don't Itclli'itt lu lludt'g.
The nutives of Botoeudes, one of the
hottest regions of the earth, believe
that Heaven will be a land of cool
streams una shady groves entirely
cleared of all underbrush and cacti.
All desert dwellers, it is said, die ex
pecting to awake in a wooded land sup
plied bountifully with cold water. Na
tives of the frozen huve Paradise
pictured as a land of warm sunshine
with glowing llres overhung with pots
of boiling whale's blubber and enseful
couches of fur scattered hero and there.
The Carolina islanders, who are pas
sionately fond of liquor, but who are
in mortal dread of breaking their necks
by falling from one of tho millions of
cliffs with which their islnnds abound,
believe that Paradise will be ft land as
level as a floor, where ono can get
drunk and not be in constant dread of
cracking his cervical vertebrae.
Tlinrit Ih Oiik TIiIub Ctirtuln,
Call it malaria or what you may and it
generally comes without calling, where
ill health does exist Simmons Liver
Logulator will restoro it.
KriiURf' Ilnailui'lio Cniiauloi.
A remedy used with unvarying kucoukh an a
euro for llundnchcs of al' klii(J. Tlio roBulU
Imvu lieoa bo uiiIvitmiIIs Kood that It U no
loimur aa experiment. It lias boon Ufcod for
lUadncho reMiltinB from lillpntton, la 1'orlod
leal Hick llcmliiclie, la UcadiichcH caunod by
Bovorc labor (immtal or physical), or by exposure
to thu bun, and In all cases with the most Kratl
fyliiK results. We have, after a Jiorough luvcs
tlRiitloii, had no hesitancy la taktn the aconey
for this directive remedy, and conscientiously
recommend It tooar patrons,
Hold by Knlpes ,t Kiliorsly. (
Hunt. rndea of oak. fir. and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters A Co. (Oflice Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Fresh oysters at A. Keller's confec
tionery store".
Just rocoived a scow load of cholco oak
wood. M.uim it Bkntox.
Moxican Silver Stove Polish causes no
A large crowd witnessed tho balloon
ascension made by Mr. Frank Miller,
the noted aeronaut, yesterday. Tho
day was almost calm, a slight wind bear
ing it off to the westward only a short
Mr. Miller called at The Chronicle
omco this morning and related some in
teresting focta concerning tho ascension.
' He said lie roso 5,000 feet, and at the
time of jumping with his parachute
was immediately over the Columbia
river. When he had reached the high
est point he could eaelly see the north
side of the Klickitat hills. These are
are about 2,300 feet in height. When
on a level with their tops lie encount
ered a current of very cold air, which
the balloon revealed in going through it
by veering and jumping unsteadily.
Above this the air was quite warm and
at the point of casting loose a perfect
calm. When he came to earth again,
he alighted In the top of a tall poplar on
Liberty street, between Second and
Third, and from there adopted the sim
ian style ofgrcaching the ground. Con
siderable difficulty was experienced in
recovering the parachute, as it got tan
gled with the electric wires. The bal
loon came down between the Umatilla
house and the river.
"The only danger in parachute jump
ing," said Prof. Miiler, "is when the rat
lines get tangled, and I have frequently
climbed up into them to untangle them
before cutting loose from the balloon.
The parachute is sure to open unless the
rat lineB are tangled in such a manner
as to prevent it. There have been only
two cases where a parachute failed to
open; one in St. Paul, Minn., and one
in Beardstown, '111. The St. Paul bal
loonist had made only two ascensions
before, and was ignorant of the trouble.
When he came down he was driven ten
feet into the earth, and the lines were
found to be tied around the parachute,
preventing its being opened. "The acci
dent at Beardstown, Fourth of July a
year ago, was due to the same cause.
I never cast myself loose from the bal
loon without being Eure that everything
is in perfect working order."
"Have your ever alighted in worse
places than yesterday?"
"I have come down on a church
Bteeple, where ladders were raised to
rescue me, and on steep roofs, under
going various experiences. I have
fallen in every lake and ocean in the
United States, and was once in the
water two hours."
"Where was this?"
"In Lake Superior. I had risen from
Dulutb, and when I came down was two
miles from Bhore. Of course I knew I j
should fall in the lake and had a life
"What Bort of a
straight down?"
"Well, for instance, take The Dalles.
Yestetday as 1 went up the blocks all
closed in upon each other. Soon there
were no streets observable, and when I
jumped, the town looked like a little
daubof conglomerated color, a mere spot
tho surface of the earth."
Mr. Miller spoke of the sensation
when first dropping, the coining up
with a jerk when the parachute was
fully extended, and other interesting
facts. He proposes to go up Saturday
again, if a purse can be raised sufficient
to meet his expenses while staying in
town. As ho puts it, he is putting in
time waiting for the mid-winter fair to
open in San Francisco.
Mr. Miller is accomptined in Tho
Dalles by his wife, who goes as Miss
May Miller, and his business manager,
Mr. Lowis Barnett, a very agreeable
The Great Knglltli Remedy.
Promptly and permanently
cures ell forms of ti'ervous
Wcaknets.nnUstons, Sperm?
otorrhea, Imjtotency and all
effects of Abuse or Excesses.
nei'ii preeerlbca over S3
.ycarsm tnousonasor cases;
Is thoouty J?!taliljan(iiiri
est medicine known. Ask
druggist for Wood's I'liospliodluej if ho offers
some worthless iiiedlolno in ptaco of this, leavo UU
dlslionest etorc, iucloso price in letter, and
wo will scud by return mall. J'rlce, ono package,
$l8lx,S5. One trill please, stx will cure. lMuiph
lot lu plalu sealed euvclopo, cents postage.
Address Tho Wood Clioiulcnl Co.,
liil Woodward uvenue, Detroit, illon.
Sold in Tho Dalles by Ulakeley & Houghton.
For tlio Itellof of rurchnncr of Timber
nml Stnnn I.nniU.
Captain John W. Lewrs has received
from Henrcienlativo Ellia aconvof a
bill reported by him, which has pa?sedl
the house : I
An act for the puichase of timber and I
stono lands under the act of June 3d,
Bo it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of tho United States
of America in congress assembled, that
hereafter all necessary affidavits and
proofs required by law of any purchaser
of lands under tho provisions of an act
entitled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," ap
proved Juno 3d, 1878, and the act
amendatory thereof, approved August
4th, 1802, in order to perfect his title to
said lands, may be made before any
officer qualified to take proof in home
stead cases.
Passed the house of representatives
October 10th, 1803.
Attest: James Kerk, Clerk.
Specimen Cases.
8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound and well. John Speaker, Cata
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinerslv.
Moore's ranch, about three miles south
of The Dalles, has unexcelled paBturage
and any one who desires to avail them
selves of the fact can secure reasonable
terms upon application. 17tf
All notes dus and becoming due and
all accounts owing us must be settled on
or Defore .November 1st, low, either in
wheat, oats, barley or cash. Accounts
and notes remaining unpaid after that
date will have to undergo costs of col
lection. We mean business and must
positively have money.
dawlm Tjie Mercantile Co.
Owing to a Conspiracy against
mo in this place, I have de
cided to close out my entire
stock, consisting of
Boots and Shoes,
pur9isl?ij?$ (Joods,
xito., aato.
Store Fixtures,
Any business man wishing go
go into business can communi
cate with the undersigned.
Should I not get a buyer on
or before OCTOBER 2oTH, 1
will offer the entire stock
At Public Auction!
N. Harris.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1803.
Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers.
All delinquent taxpayers that don't
want their names advertised had better
come forward, as tne roll will be pub
lished on the 21st of this month.
T. A. Ward, Sheriff.
P. S. Communications by
view is it 5,000 feet
Before and After.
Toe Columbia
Packing Co
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, Tho Dalles. Or.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
N. B. Big drives will bu
job lots to stores.
mail so
N. H.
made in
N. H.
Jusl flrrived from Hev York i
At Remarkably Low Prices.
Splendid Chinchilla Overcoats at $5.50.
Winter Dry Goods,
EC?rAs we are forced to SELL FOB CASH in order to avoid lawsuit and
bad debts, wo invito onr friends mid customers to examine our yoods and
prices before purchasing.
And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Dttcicni. in
Practical Painters and Panur Hanuurs. N'uim l,nr il. i,r,.,,,ia ,.i
M. urilil i in t. . i . . .. wt-
om)rwuiM iiiiHins ami .1. . ;uasurys mints used in all .ur work, and none but
tho most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first cluss article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Paint Shoo corner Thirdaud Washington Sts., The Dalles. Oreot
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer und Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health,
ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will bop1acedo
be market.