The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'APKtt OF DAI.I.K8 CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. suBsciurrioN katks. BY MAll, FOSTAOK PRKl'AID, IN ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 ye&r U " 6 months 0 i 3 , 0 W lullv. 1 vcar " W " 6 months " per " Address all communication to " THK (CLE." The Dalles, OrcRon. 00 .. 050 uintoN- , to T v. m. .s ii. ni. to -I ii. tn. ..9n. ni. tolOn. lit. Pont-onicp. office nouns General Delivery Window 8 a. m Money Order Sunday U n " CLOSING OF MAILS trains going East 9 p. tn. and lt:4A a. m. " " West 9j. ex. and 5:&p. m. "Stage lor Goldendale 7:30a.m. " " Prlnevlllo 5:80 a. in. "nnfiirmiil WnrniSnrlucs ..5:! " J Leaving for LyloA IIartlaud..5:S0a. m. jAnieiopc o;jub. m. Except 8unday. , k , iTrl-wcokly. Tuesdav Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday W'cdnekday and Friday. FOR THE HOME NURSE. Only urlpht, happy, healthy subjects should be tllseusseiUn the henrlnp of n sick or ullitifr person. Listuessino vomiting may be reliovetl by npplylnp to the stomach a liot shingle or .woolen pail brought from the oven. Tin: quickest way to treat a burn or scnhl is to cover it with carron oil nml Hour nml banilture with linen. In ease of prostration from either accident nil- j minister a mild stimulant. Wins a delicate person is fatigued 1 A PUZZLE IN PRONUNCIATION. Sot Iteforn n Teacher' Jnntltnte In Ver mont itiid Left Unsolved. The following rather curious piece of composition was recently placed upon the blackboard tit a teacher.'!1 in stitute in Vermont and a prize of n Webster's dictionary offered to any person who could read Itiuul pronounce every word correctly. The book was not carried oft", as twelve was the lowest number of mistakes in pronun ciation made: "A sacrilegious son of llolial who lias MONDAY, OCT. 23, 1893 DEMOCRATIC INCAPACITY. Another week opens drearily at Wash ington today with no nearer prospects of a solution of the silver bill than when the session began. The democratic ma jority seems to be hopelessly divided while the country continues to suffer. The question presses for solution, but they stolidly talk of continuing the dis cussion far into the regular session which begins in December. Millions of words have been recorded in the Congressional Record, there is nothing that has not been said twice, and what can be gained by further discussion is not comprehen sible. It is the old story of democratic inability to handle the reins of govern ment. With a clear majority in both houses of congress and a democratic president they are as thoroughly in capacitated from transacting the ordin ary business of the administration as if they were so many children. Dissen sions arise over any contemplated policy, which leave them in factions, each striv ing for the mastery, and all powerless to accomplish anythiug. The Chicago platform was apparently drafted to meet an emergency, full of flambuoyant prom ises and cheap oratory, but not designed as a settled policy to be pursued in case of ratification at the polls. President Cleveland could do nothing else than sever connection with such a heterogen ous body of men, and they can not look to him for that leadership and guidance which he is capable of furnishing. They will.have to get out of the hole they are in through their own efforts, or failing, suffer a second thirty years relegation to the rear, for no proposition is surer than that history will repeat itself. and has no appetite sponging tho body with bathing whisky, diluted alcohol or milk will nourish the system nnd produce rest or refreshing sleep. A nuo in the ear may be drowned out with a little warm water. Apply with a sponge or syringe, and after each in jection incline the head with jerk so as to dislodge the contents of the cavity. Perhaps some of our readers would like to know in what respect Chamber Iain's Cough Kcmedy is better than any other. We will tell you. When this remedo Iiub been taken as soon as a cold has been contracted, and before it has become settled in tho system, it will counteract the effect of the cold and greatly lessen its severity, nnd It's tho only remedy that will do this. It acts in perfect harmony with nature and aids nature in relieving the lungs, open ing the secretions, liquifying tho mu cous and causing Us expulsion from the air cells of tho lungs, and restoring the system to a stroHg and healthy condi tion. No other remedy in the market possesses these remarkable properties. No other will cure n cold so quickly. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. ' suffered from bronchitis, having ex hausted his finances, in order to make ! good tho deficit resolved to ally hiin 1 self to a comely, lenient and docile young lady of the Malay or Caucasian race. He accordingly purchased a calliope and coral necklace of a chameleon hue, and, securing a suite of rooms at a principal hotel, he en gaged tho head waiter as his coadjutor. He then dispatched a letter of the most unexceptional caligr.iphy extant, inviting the young lady to a matinee. She revolted at the Idea; refused to consider herself sacriilcable to his de sires, and sent a polite note of refusal, Something to Xemeuheii, if you're n weak or ailing woman : that tliuro's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can bo guaranteed. It's Dr. Pierco's Fn vorito Prescription. In building lip ovurworketl, fuoblo, delicate, wo men, or in any " female complaint " or weakness, if it over fails to beno- Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify nnd enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce n good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only" require one pill for a dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cts. a box by Ulakeley & Houghton. i lit or cure, you hnvo your 'money on receiving which he procured n car- . ".' "s"B bine nnd bowie knife, said that he tive tonic, a soothing and strength would not now forge fetters hymeneal uig norvme, nnd a safo and certain remedy tor woman's ins aim an- John Pashek, m Men ant Tai or, 76 Court StPaot, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. From the many very uncompliiuent ary things said about VanAlen, he would probably have betaken himself to some foreign country, even if he had not been confirmed by the senate. The postofnee department has decided that a letter is not the property of the person to whom it is addressed, and con eequently its delivery may be counter manded by tho sender, if he can prove that lie sent it. Harvey Scott in the Evening Tele grain whacks Harvey Scott of tho Ore gonian on the financial question, and the next morning Harvey Scott of the Orejionian roasts Harvey Scott of tho Evening Telegram in a most unmerciful manner. The spectacle is that of a man attempting to kick himself. Bake Democrat. Marshal McMahon, one of France's gratest benfactors, commands but little respect, while lying in his bier. The French people are just now engaged in honoring the visit of the Russians nnd evidently believe that a living dog is better than a dead lion. In Paris, it is reported, there is not the slightest sign of mourning in tho city for the great soldier and ex-president. The great world's fair is drawing to a close, and, contrary to expectations, it is likely to prove a paying investment Oregon will undoubtedly derive a great deal of benefit from it, far more than her niggardly appropriation deserves. There is a chance to redeem ourselves at the California mid-winter exposition, if our neighbor on tiie south will not bar us out for fear of making a farce of it. .!- f Tho following is from the Milling Work! of Buffalo, N. Y. : Oregon and Washington must now and henceforth be included in all general calculations on the milling bnsiness of the United States. This season's wheat crop in those two states is at least 30,000,000 bushels. Tho mere size of their crop is enough to liave an influence on prices of wheat, and the indications point to a .rapid growth in their area sown of wheat Furthermore, account must be taken of tbe (act that tho millers of those atutes are developing their business quite as rapidly as the farmers are developing tho wheat-growing tbiuln. Washington, and Oregon flour ie finding its way every -where; aad the Pacific northwest is in the milling field to stay. Oepjlaja iweeney, U. S. A., San JWego. QOal,, iay: "Sbiloh's Catarrh Kemedy "la' the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Pries 10 eU. Sold by Snipes Klnernly. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver rollen. Has just received the latest styles In Suitings for Gentlemen, and liHsn large assortment of Fortlsn nnd Amer ican Cloths, which he can nnisli To Uiiu-r for those that favor him. Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty. Rheumatism; Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, ac with the queen, went to an isolated spot, severed his jugulnr vein and di -charged the contents of the carbine into his abdomen. The debris were re moved by the coroner." The mistakes in pronunciation were made on the following words; Sacri legious, Belial, bronchitis, uxhnusted, finances, deficit, comely, lenient, do cile, Malay, calliope, chameleon, suite, coadjutor, caligraphy, matinee, sacri ficable, carbine, hymeneal, isolated, jugular and debris. Now Xry Till. It will cost you nothing and will sure- Jy do you good, if you have a eolith, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs nnd colds is guar nnteed to give relief, or monev will lie paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just tiie thing and under Us use had a speedy and thorough recov eay. Iry a sample bottle at our ex pense, nnd learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes fc Kinersly's drug store, kirge size oOc nnd $1. Good .Job Printing. If you have your job printing done at Thk Chkonicmj you will have the ml vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printer in the Northwest. ly incuts. It rcgtilatoB and promotes nil tho proper functions, improves digestion, enriches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. In all the chronic weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is yuaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. Nothing elso can bo as cheap. With this, you pay only for tho 0Oa you get, Thet e is a tide in the affairs ojjncn which, taken at ii leads on to fortune." The poot unquestionably had reference to the c ii-llm Sale 1 1 More & Cri at CRANDALL & BURGET'S MIOIIELBAOH BRICK, - . UNION ST. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs ami Roofiw MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUKE. aap. TOP A CASC IT W I LL HOT CU E. C This Is the Season Of the Year LUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. SANDEH'S ELECWBIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY, illicit I'atcnlnl llct Improrcaif nt I Will cum without mulleins all IWiUtu rettiltlni? from otrr-taxatioiiof brain nervo forces l ticwsnor lndif. crctlun. (is nervous debility. f-lQeplctfnt9, lafHior, rhiuinntcsm, tWji-jy, Jivcr and bladder complaints, lame lirclt. lumbago, eclat I ri, all remain coratilaist zeiieral ill health, etc. Tills e Ice trio Belt contlllu Hon.lirrol luiiroiruenU over tJI ethers. Current It InrtMitly feltby wearer or xis forfeit t5,O0O.O0, ami v ill cure ail of tliu atiore diseases or no par Thou. u.nds have bceri cure.1 by this marreloua invention artrr all other mnmliea faded, and we itlve bundreJj of testimonials in this and every ether state. Our funerfal ltrorM ELECTRIC SlhrMHOIlY. thn greatest boon srer oilrrcd weak men, sllix with all rllt. Unhh anil 1 Mrt.rrth Cl'lKlSTKKlMu CO to tKJilais tend for lliuaM pamphlet, mallud. sealed, frea SANDEN ELECTRIO CO., Ho. 11 lr Htruet, VOU'J.'I.AX.U OllE. An nt-retMblo Laxative nml NKftVi: TONIC ?o)il by Drmra'stHor sent lir niall 25c. Wc . lud St.00 ji;rpm.kafr?. Samples frco Eyvrv, TS-Tifii Thu Favorito tc:-b r:-:s3 BLV fortticTe-'tUaaUlJreatti.ESc. Tor ialei 1,; 8iilie & Killer. ly. SUMMONS. 1 VIGOR of MEN T1IL DALLES, Oil. XOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. t s. la.ND Officii, The Dulles, Or,. I , , October 17, MM. 1 hotlco Is hereby kIvcii that the JoIIowIiik numul K-ttler hits lllul liotleo of his intention to mulcu llnul proof In tumxjrtoi libs clnitn, and thuteulil proof will be liimlo beforu tho register mid receiver of the V. 8. IjiikI ollico at The Dalles, Or., on iloiulay, Nov. 'J7, lfcaa, viz: .Iniiieii .11. I'utlaiili. Homestead ji fl'llou tlon No 1. To. 1 S,.H 12 K W. M. Hi) names the followins wltnefciieH to prove his euiiiiiiuous residence tijpon unci cultivation of num juinj, viz. : l-en 1 atty. IIURh Chrismati, W. K. Corson and i.. .s. iiunuier, un oi ino mines', or. 10-21 W JOHN V. I.V.Win, IteKlster. Eltllr, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ami all tho train or r m fro in early errors or later excusses. tho remits of overwork, sickness, ivorrv.ete. FullttreiiKtu, development and ton jrlven to every organ and gortlon of the l-xlj. Irnplr. natural methods. Imniedlatolmtroveinent Fe'n. Fallurnlrnixisklhle. a,(Hl referencis. li.k, explanation and priols mailed (sealed) Ircu ERIE MEDICAL CC. DUFFALO. ti. Y. SUMMONS. L-JH for HK'A n-cllon Taken Up. One sorrel KeldltiB about twelve yearn old, and branded thus P on left shoulder. The owner can have tho animal by paying for this notice Assignee's Hotloe to Creditors. V. E. GarrctKOii. of The Dalles, nrwnn i...... Inir ussisnud his urooertv for tin. iwnoiit r ..n Ills creditors, all persons liuviuv claims uifalust ty notllled U present tliem u uio t The Dalles, Oreicon, within three him areliereb; under oath, a months from date. A. It. THOMI'SON, Assiifiiee. August C,18'J3..w6t NOTICE. In the County Court of tho HUte of Orcxon, for iistujwmsiji III the Matter of tha KaUta of 1 William Hamilton Wilson, Deceased.) Notice Is hereby riven1 tkat the tinlnralirnil bv an order of the (iauatvi (iaatt at tha Htatan OreKon. for Waseo County, wade and eutertsi Beptetnber 7, 1893, was Appointed executor of the iiut win Him itspimeni oi mo aaia wiiiiuni WllsAH ...... I . ..II . . . . . . I twtti4m ,ijih;ui uiwwm, mi persons nitviiiK claims against aald estate are hereby noli tied to present me witno Willi tiie proper vouchers iiercfor to mo at tho orjlco r,l MayJ Iliiiitliiton t Wilson. The Dulles. Ctrenrnn. wlihln ilv mouths from tho onto of this notice. vaieu ino uanei, or., Kept. 7, wm. II. 8. IIUM'INOTOK. Liecutor of Will of Wm, II. JUo!., deij'd, 4 re In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, W. A. Miller. Plaintiff, vs. i;. 1', iteynolils, I 7'o K ', Jtqmoldn, the above-named defendant, In tho name of the Htato of Oregon. Yimi lierebv reoulmi to ttiinear iilid uuswer tho com plaint filed iiK'iillit you in the above entitled suit Hitiiui leiiunys ironi mo naio oi uio service of this summons udoii you. if served within this county; or If served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the iiatuoi me service oi huh summons uioii von, or If served upon you by publication, then you are required to appear and answer Mild Com plaint on the first day of the next term of said conn, alter six weeks puuiiciuon oi tins Hum monu, to-wt: on Monday, the llltli liny November, lMII.'l, and If you fall to so answer, tho plaintiff win apply to the court for tho relief prayed for in tald complaint, to-wlt: for tho foreclosure of the mortifaso described ill said complaint, and for liiunaieoi mo premises luereiu described, to wlt; tho south half of the southwest ouarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest ouarter and the souttiwcst quarter of the southeast quarter, of Bectlon 1, Township one North, ituiixo thirteen Kast, Willamette Metldlan, coi ! mwiiiiK unu iiuuiipui mitt aixty acres, aim situ ated In Wasco county, OreKun. Also, the norlli iiau of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter oi iuu norinivcsi quarter, aim mo south, east quarter of the northeast quarter of Hoetlon :.y..T"wn,lll, o"0 Nwtli, IUiiko thirteen Kast, Willamette Meridian, containing one liuudrui and sixty acres, and situated in Wasco county, Oregon! according U law and the practice of this court, and that tho nnmwlB of uuM uui.. . applied in payment of the amount secured by safd mortgage, nd still unpaid, to-wlt. tho sum of tiJ0,W, and interest thereon at tho rate of eight per rent per annum from Beiitember 'iiA. JWU, and tho further sum of L.iOO.(io. nml (..,7! est thereon at tho rate of eight ier cent per an- ruiniaiiieuiarcii w, irm, anu lor an attorneys' feu of M)W, and for tho costs and ilishurse iiicittH made and exticHdea herein. And that tho Plaint ffw amilv to the court for , i,,7t.. ment aaalnst you for any dellclfeuoy there iimv M) leiliuirilllir nfli-r lh atmllrmliini .f ,1... cotdi of said sulo as aforesaid. Wi will further take notice Hint tho Bum- iiiou in mis suit is served upon you In imbil cation, by order of tho Honorable V. L ilrad mw.iJmw1 sal'l Court, a. Id onler being dated September '7ih, " MAVH, HUNTINtiTON Ai W1IXON, i7tv Attemefor I'lauitlfr. tho Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for the County of Masco. . I) liolton, I'laltltlir, I-'rank I). (illlcMdo, ItlK'da (illUsple. W. K. Hunt ami W. II. liutler, Defendants. 7'o Frank 1). tllllcipte ut'Jlhmta (tllleiitc,oJ Hit nix) ix-nameu uejcHitanu : In the name of the state of OrcKmi. you and ctch of you are hereby reotilrtd 10 uniKvir nnd answer Ihu complaint II led uifalust you in the nlxivoentltliil sulton or liefoic the llrst day of me regular term oi too Lirciuit ouri oi tiioniati' of oiegoti for W a sro County, next following the unto neaoi, to-wlt, on or Del ore inn tilth ihiy of November, IKD.'l, and If you (all so to nnswer. for want thereof the plaliitlir will apply to tho Court tor lite rciiei prayed lor in nis complaint, to-w it forudtcrecof toroclosiiro of that certnlii mort KiiKo dcttl iiiado and execntisl by you to tho l) ,vc named plalntlll on thoGtli day of Novem lier, lsOJ, upon the northwest quarter of section ill in township south rango II east, W. M,, in I Wasco county, Oregon, and that said picmlscs I le sold under such foreclosure decree In the ! milliner provided by law and lice nllliK to the : pnictict! ot sum court; that irom liioprocitiiHoi I such sale the plaint!)!' have and receive tho sum of live hundred (.M dollars and Interest on I said sum since November Oth, Ib'JO, at the rnto of 10ih.t cent. xir iitiiiiim, also it further sum of 1 sixty ffrti) dollars an a reasouilhlo nttoruey'a fee i lorliistltiitltiK tills suit to foreclose mi d mort gage and collect tho note thereby secured ami herein sutd iiou, together wllh plnln tltrn costs and disbursement made snd exi)endeil in tills suit, including accruing coits and oxiciitoof sale, and that laititll!'liHV(ia Judgnieiit against you, tho said Krank D. (Illltsple, for any dell ciency In the proceeds of sale lo satisfy fully all said sums, Unit ii)on such foreclosure salo all of tiie rigut, tine, interest nun ciaiiii (it you and your co-defendants, each and all nf you and mum, and an other persons claiming or to claim by, through or under you or them, or euner, hi aim to wain mortgaged premises and every part thereof bo foreclosed nml forever barred from tho equity of redemption. That tho pliilutllPbo allowed to bid at raid foreelosuro saie ami purchase said mortgaged premlics, at hlsoptlou, and that upon tho sale of said moft gaged premises the purchaser bo let Into the IHissesslon thereof, and every part thereof, Im mediately, and for such other and further relief a to the Court may seem equitable and Just. 1 .HI summons Is served iitxiii you. tho said I-rank D. Illllesulo niwl Itliodu nilli-w,.! .. he i.nli. llcatfoii in The Dalles Ciihoniclk. a nowspaer publlshoi weekly at Dalles City. Wasco oouutv Oregon, for tlx roiiKecutlvo weeks, by order of Hon. W. I,. Hradshaw, Jutlgo of said Court, which order was duly inado and entered at cnaiiibers on thowtli day of Heptembor. IW.'l. DUHlJlt 4: MKNKKKK, Attouiers for I'laiiitllt'. Exeoutor's Notioe. Aotico Is hereby given 'ills t tho undersigned' ippOIIIUSI u resron for VI the estate of Catherine Wlgle, deceased, and all lias been nniioliiteil liv thu Colin tv Court of tho Htato of Oregon for Wasco County, executor of ersoiis having claims against said .estate arc hereby notified uud required to present the to Ino at tho ottleo of Mays, If untlugton it Wilson, Tho Dalles, i.anvuuuillll)-, UrtlKUII, Willllll SIX IIIUIUIIS irOUI the date of this notice. W. II. TAYDOlt, Kxocutor of said estate. Tho Dalles, Or,, July iS, lbU3.-!M Two Matrimonial Pennsylvania Ladies. (ientlemen I .Two flne-Jookliij did housekeepers, ugea 18 uud rlnir Pi.tniHuiuu..!.. lilies, excellent reputations, Industrious, splen- i w, worth WHO ouch, imients dead, want to go west this full, aiid woii'u use to correstwnu itn nice, resneeuhin gentlemen under 11011104. uentiemei OhleCt! llUlmv iwilnni lamen. If von urn ni.ilrii,,,.,,i..ii.. Inclined, send f l bill In common letter for Dilu tes, names ami addresses of these young ladles. rennayivanift Adv. Uo loiawim Hoxoa. imk Haven, lu. (JliiW W t llai va w i 4.Viav v rr a it vjui. tJI Ills III' rv hs -DiacKsmitn onop. SHOE FACTORY For Sale at a Bargain. j-iiu uuuui nijiuiu, iiui.iij nuiiiuuu unu niuiiiin;iy un( fixtures of what was intonded for a first-class shoo factory, will soli tho same at a bargain. Horo is an online and ,.,:i r .ti ..,1,1 i., ., i...... i TfX!i lUUUl UJ MU-UUll IlllIHU IUWUI , UI1U 11 lUI tlU UIIlUtlllK Ul BHOu niachiuorv. lasts, lino shafting, millovs. bolting and find- ings almost a complete shoe lactory. r , 1 f . . ( ( 11" iJoro is also ono oi tno nosi shob lor successiuiiy oper ating a factory of this kind to be lound in this country. Write lor articulars at once, to o-it Tho Dalloia, 9 Or. 'u mm i THE CimONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying oil'eet of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all other publications in WasQfV, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat aud other re gions north of Tho Dalles, honco it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire The Daily CimonioijH is published every ove ning in tho weok Sunday" uxcopted at $0.00 per annum. The AVkkklv OhuonkjiiK on Fridays each weok at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addtt& THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlxe DctlloiB, .Familiar Faces in a New Place. O. EJ. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Ojjke. J. E5, BAR NET? Jtye leal Estate, ipap, Ii?5urai?e& COLLECTION AGENCY. NOTA.BL yPU XiXa I O - - - Parties having Propnrfcy thoy winh to Boll or, Trade, Houhos to Benfc " Abstract of Titlo furniahotl, will Hud it to -their udvantugo to cull on u . Wo Hllilll Ulttkll n Hlinoinlfv nf t.lin nrnanniifinn nf lUUilllH ttd Oollt" Ixiforo tho Unitop States Land Office. 86 Washington St. THE jbilLtfiS. oB The Califotffcia Winehousc Is now opon, and its (proprietor will sell his 10I1J" produced Wino at pricos in tho roaoh of ovoryUoaV' Also, boflt Peanuts to be found. iGoods guarontooo to be Pure and Firat-OlaoB in every respoot. Thompson's Addition. . '"I c. BBC" r