d OUR O 5PECIKL SRLE, 9 op C II SpeciL Saturday, Oct. 21, 1893. OUR SEASONABLE OFFER, c n RUBBER OVER SHOES FREE ! ! With Every Pair of Boots or Shoes purchased from, us on this day we will give, Absolutely FREE, a pair of Rubbers suitable for same. Jmt Received Latest Things in Gloves, Laces, Veilings. THE GOLD WATCHES will be given the lucky ones Saturday eve, Oct. 28th. ,Aj ALL GOODS MARKED 71, n Plain Figures. " PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. fnttrol ii tin; l'DHtnlllrc nt Tlio Dalles, Oregon, Iiiinitl All VKrtUltig. 10 Cents or Hue for llrst timcrllon, mill ft Oont cer line for iiu:h Niib.-itiuut Insertion. 6twlit rutitu tir Ifmtr H,m ftnflPi.W All lotii. notlct'H received I it tor tliim 3 o'clock IU appear tlui following ilny. SATURDAY, OCT. -1 . 1803 Ti Daily and Weekly Chronicle may bt found oit tale at I. (J. Nickelnen'a atore. OCTOBER OLIO. A Savory Mi I'riini .Mlncollnnnoua XlHV HltK. The toiuliurs and the. golden roil are blooming o'er tlio liiml; 0'Kfrpliy mnl pumpkin iiu now wander liiinil In li it i til ; FiMoiiIoiin mnl orthography are In tlio atmos phere, Which tells uk Unit tlio time to change our un I tlcrelothcs Ih near. Wheat it) arriving from Klitslcitut in conslilurulilo iiuntlticH today. HmokelesH Hhot, Hindis) and ummtini- ttwulnll UindH at Maier & llenton. Vuvj to thu wind tlit) liulloon ascen sion tim postponed until tomorrow afternoon. Tim SpoVanu passenger train wan do laved north ot l'nndloton and failed to connect with thu Union I'auillt: through train, and ran through a special today. Kerr it Buckley crossed this river to lay with 7,0(10 head of whoop, which tiro being driven from noar ML. AdaniH to their winter range in Sherman county. A largo nuniher of now nnmoH havo been added to our subscription liHt in the hint month. This is what wo liku. You cannot subscribe too rapidly to Hiiit us. gentlemen. Who is tho nuxtV ' The little 5 vour-old son of Mr. A. A. I, Bouncy hroko his li'if Tliuradnv ovoninir bv illlniit.... f.. , . v r"i''"K iiiiiu u wagon, in. rnwuu M'i'yuli But thu injured ineinhor untl at last account ho was getting along na 'en as could, -ho expected. A largo number of people uro In from " country today, a great share of thoin prauaiily to witness tho bulloon uscen ''on. The hulf square in tho rour of m. MIcIioU'h undertaking establish- went was filled with wagons at tho noon 'l0ir, and a similar appearance was noted in tho East End. An accident hupponed to Mr. Point er wheat wagon of tlio Klickitat "'is morning, Ho was nourlng tho railroad, intondiug to cross, when u t'ail) CUIIIU III rm i frlulitAtilnirrlin ImrHnn. uey turned Hhort, throwing one of the noruos down( and breaking tho coupling POfC, Tlin ilfllnt wnu a an Mimum nil t iw rihv vvi ww ut regained his feet before the horse 0i, d caught thoin. Grandpa's birthday cornea attain to Borrow. JanieB Ferris will then bo 84 JWb old. Ho made a pleasant call t w CimoMouc offloe this morning. Ho Jta possession of all bis faculties and is as sprv as minv n. nun twontv 'n iih jun0r, 0n his last birthday . no plowed nil day, but this year his fcOirthdny falls on a Sundav. and then it " JUat an lu.ill - n-i ,U0lurlg him right smart this year." In tho now town of Terry, in tho ; erokeo Strip-, which was started on ! jywwber 10th, last, there are 1C0 ' vbu)n8' l'ty Krocory stores, and other jn iunaws m proportion, tiunu "W are now being erected at tho rate lw per day, Ono thousand build- inga are now in course of construction in thiH "wild and woolly" town. Twenty-one men have been shot within the jiaflt month, and it is the tougheBt town in the world now. 1'euno & Muya made an exhibit of relics in their window, till ahoes. A legend on one pair of small afestatca that they were worn by Col. Sinnott forty years ago. Of more ancient origin ia the pair worn by Christopher Columbus when he croaaed the Atlantic the firat time. Another pair shows the appearance after tho ball, and another, full of worn nails and gapping at tho edges, shows what we will wear when free trade ia in augurated, and many more too numer ouh to mention. : It r nii ii t li it in u in CI ii li . Tho Chrysanthemum club gave a aocial hop at their hall hiat evening, which was highly appreciated by thoso in attendance. An enjoyable time wus had. The club's flower, thu chrysan themum, gaily decorated all persona. It undoubtedly MirpaHHud all previous liopa held by the club.' Those present were : Dr. Snndors and wife, Mr. Brigga and wife, C. AV. DioUel and wife, L. D. Ainaworth and wife, AV. II. AVilson and wife, Capt. Khornum and wife, II. J. Mnier and wife, Dr. Snedakcr and wife, L. lloppner and wife, AV. E. Ciarrotaon and wife, McNdamcs Dlakeley, dishing, llradshaw, Sampson, iNliaaea Grace Mar dun, Ettiu Story, Edytho and Alma Schmidt, Cad Dooth, f Thompson, Ev. Nowinan, ISessio l.ung, Allio, Jovia and DusHii! Kowlund, Dodio Eredden, Clara Davis, Eva lloppner, Laura Morris, Lizzie and Georgio Sampson, Alma Schanno, Edna and llurlha Glenn, Hnery, Drew, Mattie and May dishing, li. Sterling, Dowman, Erazier, Dieizel, Lay, I'oturfl, ICriHt, MesRrs. S. Campbell, Dr. Loguu, Montgomery, V, Garretaon, W. Gentry, V, AVeiglo, .1. AVeigle, Vic. Murden, L. Schanno, ,T. and G. Bonn, W. Eredden, E. DIotzol, C. Clark, W. Vogt, H. Drews, li. llowlund, C. Fritz, V. Schmidt, E. Sterling. lCmil KHtiito. AVayland 15. Terry and Lottie .1. Perry of Hood liiver to AV. II. I'errj and Helon M. Terry, ;?.i ncrus in sec tion 84, township 3 aoutli of range 10 east j $1 and other valuable considera tions. Aiiiiuunuuiiunit. Having bought out A. J. Moses' leaBo in tho livory business, forinorly owned by mo, I oi now prepared to furnish livory on short notice and feed stock by day, week or mouth. Thanking my old customers for past favors I would like to see them again at tlio old stand, East Second street , O. L. Richmond. Hpecliuau CMf. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with nouralgla and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap petite full away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electrlo Bitters curod him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, HI., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used threo bottlos of Electrlo Bltturti And soven boxes of Uueklon'H Arnica Salvo, and his log is sound and woll. John Speaker, Cata waba, O., had flvo huge fevor sores on his log, doctors said he was incurable, Ono bottlo Electrlo Ulttois mid ono box IJuekleu's Arnica Salvo curod him en tirely, Sold by Sulies & Kinorsly. In flood Quarter. The rock crusher has been removed to the Union street cut, where the council has wisely proposed to utilize It in grinding up the rock which has been taken out at that point. AVith an eye ainglo to economy they noted that it would cost more to remove this rock in wagonB and stow it in a useless place than to move the crusher and let it do the work of disintegration. There is an opportunity now afforded to widen out this street to its full limits, which will make it a thing of beauty and a joy for ever, while at the same time furnishing material for needed repairs on the streetB. In this respect Providence seems to have been kind in placing this mine of rock where it is so convenient. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Geo. Filloon is in the city today. Sheriff Ward, wife and daughter left yesterday for the Portland exposition. A. C. Young, Geo. Ireland and- Rich ard Tower are in the city from Moaier today. Mr. Andrew Hansen and Mr. H. Hasel left on tho Regulator this morning for Grays Harbor. -Mr. C. F. Patterson of tho AV. U. Tel. Co. is in the city and is registered at the Umatilla House. Mr. V. J. Roberts of Colfax gave us a hasty call this morning. He is en route to Portland on business. Mrs. J. Johnson, Miss Alma NelBon and Misa Bertha AA'eberg wero passengers on tho boat thiH morning for Portland. Mrs. AV. P.-Hawkins of Rochester, N. Y. and Mrs. E. A. Shelly of Portland came up last evening and returned on tho stuamer Regulator this morning to Portland. Col. Jas. Eulton of Sherman county is in tho city. AVo tiro pleased to see the colonel bearing the color of health. His step is as elastic as over, even though ho has passed his three score and ten. Mr. AV. J. Dyer of Ellonsburg, AArash., arrived in tho city last evening, bring ing with him some fine blooded road sters, which ho took by tho D. P. & A. N. Co.'h steamer to Portland this morn ing. From there ho will tako them to Gervais, Marion county. A party of gentlemen and some ladies consisting of Messrs. AVm. M. Kapus, F. D. Kouttner, Geo. A. Sheppard, H. E. Pulman, E. II. Sterling, and E. AV. Sheffield and wife and G.T. Downey and wife of Portland wore in tho city last evening and the guests of tho Umatilla House. Tlio following gentlemen left for Gol dendalo today to attend a session of tho A. E. and A. M., which meets tonight in Goldendalo: John Murden, Chas. Dietzel, sr., Geo. A. Liobe, T. A. rnn Norden, li. Closter, H. Horn, J. Har per, Geo. liunvon, Frauk Clark. AV. E. Garretson, J. A. Crosson and 1. 1. Bur got. Tho above-named will also assist in tlio mattor of conferring degrees upon a number of now members who will be installed tonight. DIKll. At Dufur October 14th, 1893, Mangle May, only daughter of M.J. and Ella Anderson, of pneumonia, age 2 years, 0 months and 11 days. "1 havo used Simmons Liver Regulator for constipation of my bowels caused by temiwrary derangement of tho liver, for tho last throe or four years, and .always with doubled bonuK. "HIRAM WARNER, Late Chief Justice of Ga. UmiTl loli I'rliitlng. If you have your job printing done at Thk CiuioNicu: you will havo tho ad vantage of having it done with tho most modern and approved typo, with which wo keop continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of one of tho most successful Uud artistic printers n tho Northwest. ' Use Mexican Sliver Stove Polish N. F. D. ASSOCIATION. A Vflfy TnMriictlvft SnMlmi nt 1'ortlnnil --I'rof. CJInrk I'rcftniit. Mr. C. J. Crnndall returned from Port land last night, where himself and Mr. AVm. Michell have been in attendance at the annual -meeting of tho Northwest Funeral Directors association. Tho meeting was one of the most instructive sessions in its 'history. This organiza tion has been in the habit of employing instructors nt their yearly-meetings who are foremost in tho art of embalming, paying" therefor large amounts. The coat Is no object compared to the educa tion they seek. On this occasion they were fortunate in securing tho services of Prof. J. II. Clark, of Springfield, 0., who is tho acknowledged ltadcr of tho art of embalming in the world. Prof. Clark is to the embalming world what Edison is to tho electrical. He is a thorough anatomist and chemist, and his researches extend through a long period of years. This concentrated knowledge of years he gave to thoso who were assembled at the Portland meeting, thus diffusing his knowledge and mak ing it of widespread benefit. In the light of recent knowledge a body may now bo embalmed and kept indefinitely, resembling a lifelike appearance and impervious to the action of the air. The Egyptian style of embalming is much inferior to that of tho present day. The flesh is absent and the shrunken skin and darkened color make them appear thoroughly unnatural. The doctor has a subject at his home, which after eleven years, looks as lifelike as on the day of decease. The system is to inject a fluid preparation into the arteries, which 'penetrateB to the smallest capillaries, which act as a preservative. There are many embalming fluids, all of them be ing protected by patent. A GREAT SAVING. The Survey Tor the New County Itoad to m-Mlle Completed. The survey for a new county road from The Dalles to 15-Mile has just been completed by Messrs. Ed. and Frank Sharp and L. L. McCartney. Tho new grade dispenses with all the steep pulls which have been features of the road from time immemorial and shortens the distance about three miles. Starting from the city limits the new road bears to the left of the present road to "-Mile creek, passing meanwhile across a gravel bed that will be of great benefit in grading on both sides. The road cuts off the hill now traveled on this side of S-Milc, and climbs the hill on the other side at an even elight grade leading to 5-Mile, where the Sherar grade is reached. At Godfrey's place beyond 5-Mile the road crosses the gulch and leads up the hill ut a grade of about ten inches to the rod, to the top of 8-Mile, and thenceto Doak's place. A little farther it crosses to the south side of the road and follows up the gulch for a half mile, meeting the present road, the new route being much shorter to the top of the hill. "Long" AVard's place is left a quarter of a mile distunt by the new route, which goes on to the Boyd school house, then cutting off tho northeast corner of Sothern'a field, and continuing to Boyd postofliee. It then follows the Canyon City road three-quarters of a mile, when it bears off below the road to the crossing on 15 Mile, which is about two miles from Dutur. The new road is a great saving both in distance and steep pitches and it is a wonder it has not been made long ago. It is earnestly hoped, for the good of our country people, that tho road will not bo subjected to further delay, but made and pushed through to completion as soon as possible. Perhaps some of our readers would like to know in what respect Chamber lain's Cougli Remedy is better than any other. AVo will tell you. AVhen this remedo has been taken as soon as a cold has been contracted, and beforo it has become settled in tho system, it will counteract tho ctl'ect of tho cold and greatly lessen its severity, and it's tho ouly remedy that will do this. It acts in perfect harmony with nature and aids nature in relieving the lungs, open ing tho secretions, liquifying tho mu cous and causing its expulsion from tho air cells of the lungs, and restoring the system to a strong and healthy condi tion. No other remedy in tho market possessea-thDHo remarkable properties. No other will cure a cold eo quickly. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Shlloh's euro, the Great Cough and Croun Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin- .ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-livo doBes, only 25c. Children love it. fcom by Snipes & Kinorsly. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. 1. Peters & Co. (Otllce Second and Jeffer son streets.) THE CHURCHES. ook'sCottonlioo COMPOUND. A recent discovery ly on old jitiyeiolan. Succcnf:Vif ustil Monthly lv titoumnat of rjiiit. u (lio only ncrfoctly enfrtnml f-pHnhlfl lllOlllolUO lllS- nr uniiriiicli)liil drusiristfl who offer Inferior niedlclucs In laco of thU. Ask for Coolt'a CoHon lloo Compound, foiu no ubi or luelojo 81 and c uun,s m J08taK 'n ,oUor and wo will semi, eoulcd, by return mail. Full soalod pnrtloulaw In !!"' envelope, to ladles only, ntttuiw. Addrewi J'o li d fj 1 1 V t)o mp o u V. No. a J'tshcr Block, Detroit, illuh. Sold lu Tlio Dalles by UluUdoy iv Hmmliton. There will be services in the Congre gational church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Ruv. C. F. Clappof Vortland ofiiciating. Programme of services at Christian church Sunday school at 10 a. in. Ser mon at 1 1 o'clock ; subject"Tho Prodigal's Own Brother," or "The Good Boy who Stayed at Home." Preaching at 7:30 o'clock p. m.; subject "A Three-sided View of Christianity." Half-hour song service, beginning at 7 o'clock sharp. A hearty welcome is"Vxtcnded to all. The Baptist church, Rev. 0. I). Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school follows this service. There will be no evening service. Subject "Justification by Faith." If the weather ia cold or in clement the service will be held in the prayer room, as the furnace is not com pleted. Methodist Episcopal church, corner of AVashington and Fiftli streets, Rev. J AVhisler, pastor. Sermon by Rev. H. K. Hfnes at 11 and 7 :30 ; Sunday school after morning service ; Junior League at 5 p. m. ; Epworth Leagne at 0:30 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.; prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Seats free. In stead of the usual opening service :n the evening the first twenty minutes will be devoted to a song service. All those having the song book entitled "Finest of tho AVheat" will please bring them. A cordial welcome to all. "Gkstlkmen: Please send Krnusc's Headnche Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Seny, Huvanua, X. Dak. Two boxes to l.tllio Wilcox, llrookland, N. Dak, I have always been a Brent sufferer from headache and your capsules are the only thing that relieves me. ' l ours very iruiy, Flora Seav, Havanna, N. Duk. Sold by Snipes & Klhersly. peeial ! Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for, Saturday, Oct. 14th, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : McKamey, Henry Johnson, John Stevenson, AV F Keeler, Joseph Stevenson, L C Huges, C Wall, T A Holbrook, Geo H AA'nrd & Sons, AV L Hplliman, Lizzie AVilkinson, Robert Fisher. Fred AVatson, AVm Bost, John McElvev, J AV Blaine, Eva G McCulloch, Hattio North, 0 O Muscott, Geo Matthews, AAT E May, Frank B Lone, Charlie M. T. Noi.as, P. M. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polieh. Fresh ovsters at A. Keller's confec tionery store. Just received a scow load of choice oak wood. Maier & Benton. Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no dust. Owing to a Conspiracy against me In. this place, I havo de cided to close out my entire stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, Clothing Boots and Shoes, purpistyirCioods, 30to., 23to. Also, Store Fixtures, Furniture, rf Shelving. Any business man wishing go go into business can communi cate with the undersigned. Should I not get a buyer on or before OCTOBER 25TH, I will offer the entire, stock v At Public Auction! N. Harris. The Dalles, Or., Oct. 13, 1803. P. S. Communications by mail so ltcited. N. H. N. B. Big drives will be made in job lots to stores. N. H. Just Hrrlveff from Hew M ? SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' Jackets, . FROM $3.50 UPWARDS Gluing anfl Furnismno urn At Remarkably Low Prices. Splenflii Cbinchilla Overcoats at $5.50. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Winter Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ET0, fTAs we -are forced to SELL FOR CASH in order to avoid liuvhuitj and bad dobts, wo invito our friends and customers to examine our goods and prices beforo purchasing. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Aud the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Deficus in Practical Painters and Paper Hanirers. None but thu best brands of th Sherwin-Williams and J, V. Masury's Paints used in all .Mir work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for M usury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors, All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdand Washington Ste,, The Dalles. Oregon THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. . This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter oast of tho Cascades, Tho latest appliances for tho manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y the first-class article will be p'aced oa be market.